AICC / Publications / x190

X190152: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a#-bat _lugal_ a-na (m)asz-szur(*)—_man_—_pab_ szul#-mu ia-a#-szi szul#-mu a-na _kur_—asz-szur-_ki sza#_-[ka] lu# _dug-ga_-ka

sza# tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri# [sza] (m)me-ta-a _kur_-mus#-ka-a-a ina _ugu_-hi-ia it-tal#-ka ma-a 14 _erim_-_mesz kur_-qu-u-a-a sza# (m)u-ri#-ik a-na _lu_(v)-szap-ru-te a-na _kur-uri_ u-sze-bi-lu-u-ni ma-a ina _ugu_-hi-ia na-s,a ta-ri-is, a—dan-nisz an-nu-rig asz-szur (d)szA-masz _en_ (d)_ag dingir_-_mesz_-ia e-tap-szu la# ina _sza_ qa-ra-bi# [la ina _sza_(?) me]-me-ni _kur_-mus-ka-a-a pi-i-szu it-ta-an-na-na-szi

a-na sa-al-mi-ni it-tu-ar sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a ba-lat _lugal_ be-li-ia _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri-ia ina _ugu kur_-mus-ka-a-a la a-szap-par u-ma-a an-nu-rig a-sap-rak-ka _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri-ka _ta_(v) pa-an _kur_-mus-ka-a-a lu la ib#-bat-taq dib-bi _dug-ga_-_mesz_ szup-ra-Asz-szu ka-a-a-ma-nu mi-i-nu sza t,e-en-szu-ni szi-mi(*)# a-du bé-et a-ri-qa-an-ni

sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a ki-i sza szu-u _arad_-_mesz_ sza _lugal#_ be-li-ia u-sze-bi-il-an-ni ma-a ana-ku _arad_-_mesz_-ni-szu lu-sze-bi-la-[Asz]-szu-u sze-bi-la-Asz-szu ba-si lib-bu-szu is-si-ni# ip-pa#-szar lu 01 me _lu_(v)-_erim#_-_mesz_-szu u# lu 10 ki-i# an-ni(*) szup-ra#-szu ma-a _erim_-_mesz kur_-qu-u-a-a sza tu-sze#-bil-an-ni ma-a# ina _ugu_(*) _lugal#_ [be]-li-ia# as-sap-par ma-a _lugal_ be-li ih-tu-du a—dan-nisz ma-a# u-sa-hi-ir# [x x x x] ina _ugu_-hi-ia is-sap-ra ma-a _kur_-mus-ka#-[a-a am—mar]

sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri sza (m)ur#-_bala_-a _ta_(v) _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri _kur_-mus-ka-a-a a-na _di_-me ina _ugu_-hi-ia it-tal-ka lil-li-ka [asz]-szur (d)_utu en#_ u (d)_pa_ liq-bi-u _lugal_-_mesz_-ni ha-an-nu-ti gab-bi-szu-nu ina _sza_ ziq-ni-szu-nu _kusz-da-e-sir_-ka lu-szak-ki-lu

sza# [tasz]-pur#-an-ni ma-a (m)ki-la-ar 04 na#-gi-a#-ni [e-tar-szA]-an#-ni ma-a lid-di-nu-ni ki-ma 04 na-gi-a-ni [an-nu-te a]-na# (m)ki-la-ar ta-at#-ti-din la a-na mi-ih-ri#-ka-a i-tu-ar# at-ta-ma ina _ugu_ mi-i-ni _lu_(v)-pa-ha-tu-u-tu# tu-up#-pa-Asz ki-i an-ni-i qi-ba-Asz-szu ma-a ina ti-ma#-li szal-szi—_ud_-me# _ta_(v) _igi# kur_-mus-ka-a-a pal-ha-a-ka ma-a u-ma-a _kur#_-mus-ka-a-a is-si-ni is-si-lim

AI Translation

The king's word to Esarhaddon: I am well; Assyria is well; you can be glad.

As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Metâ of the land Musku has come to me, saying: 14 Queans whom Urik sent to Urartu as emissaries have been seized and taken to me." It is very good that Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, my gods, have now done so, but not one from among the Arabs or among the Egyptians has given us his word.

As to what you wrote to me: "I shall not send my messenger to the Muscats, but I am now sending you, so that your messenger should not be slandered in the Muscats." Write him a good word, and he will always know what his report is. As long as he lives, he will not die.

As to what you wrote: "When he sent me the servants of the king, my lord, let them send him here, send him here, and send him here, and let him send 100 of his men and 10 of his men with us, and send them to the king, my lord, saying: "The king, my lord, has very much seized ... and sent ... to me, saying: 'The Musukeans, as many as he has sent, are here.'"

As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Urbailaya has come to me to inquire about me, and he should come." May Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû command that all these kings be sated with your sashes in their midst.

As to what you wrote: "Kilar has entered four districts and should give them to you" — you gave these four districts to Kilar, but he returned and left. You have now written to him as follows: "Why did you recruit a scout?" Say to him as follows: "In the morning, you will be frightened in the presence of the Museans; now the Museans have come together and sat down with us."


The king's word to Ashur-sharru-ushur: I am well, Assyria is well: you can be glad.

As what you wrote to me: "A messenger of Midas the Phrygian has come to me, bringing me 14 men of Que whom Urik had sent to Urartu as an embassy" – this is extremely good! My gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû have now taken action, and without a battle or anything, the Phrygian has given us his word and become our ally!

As to what you wrote: "I shall not send my messenger to the Phrygian without the permission of the king, my lord" – I am now writing to tell you that your messenger should not be cut off from the Phrygian's presence. Write to him in friendly terms and constantly listen to the news about him, until I have more time.

As to what you wrote: "Should I send his subjects to him just as he sent me the subjects of the king my lord?" – send them to him that he will be favourably disposed towards us. Whether 100 of his men or 10, write to him like this: "I wrote to the king my lord about the men of Que whom you sent to me, and he was extremely pleased; and in return ... he wrote to me as follows: 'Do not hold back even a single one of the Phrygians at your court, but send them to Midas immediately!' Thus at the king my lord's behest I am now sending you these men."

As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Urpala'a came to me for an audience with the Phrygian messenger" – let him come, and let Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû command that all these kings should wipe your sandals with their beards!

As to what you wrote: "Kilar has requested from me four districts, saying: 'Let them give them to me"' – should you give these four districts to Kilar, would he not become your equal, and what would you yourself be ruling over as governor then? Tell him as follows: "Earlier, you were afraid of the Phrygian, but now the Phrygian has made peace with us, so what are you afraid of? Now eat your bread and drink your water under the protection of the king, my lord, and be happy. Do not worry about the Phrygian."



sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a (m)ur-_bala_-a ina _ugu_ sza# _uru_-a-tu-na-a-a# _uru_-is-tu-an-da-a-a il-lik-u-ni _uru_(*)#-_mesz_-ni sza É—(m)pa-ru-ta i-pu-gu-szu(*)-ni# [x]+x x#+[x x x] _ta_(v)# [_ugu_] _lugal_ be-li-ia [x x x x]+x an#-nu-rig _kur_-mus#-[ka-a-a] is#-si-ni is-si-lim ik(?)#-ti-ii-di x _man_-_mesz_-ni sza _kur_-ta-ba-li gab-bu# [mi]-i-nu ah—hur ep-pu-szu at-ta _ta_(v) na-ka _kur_-mus#-[ka-a]-a _ta_(v) ma-ka# tu-ma-za-a'-szu-nu ba-si at-ta e-bi-ih#-ka ina _sza_-bi-szu-nu ta-rak-kas an-nu-rig asz-szur (d)szA-masz _en_ u (d)_pa_

ina _ugu_ (m)ba(?)#-[la-su(?)] sza# [tasz-pur-an-ni] dib-bi-szu gab-bu a-se#-me _ud_-mu sza e-gir-tu an-ni-tu# [ta-am]-mar-u-ni# _dumu_-szu ku-mu-szu# ina _ugu erim_-_mesz_-szu pi-qid _un_-_mesz_-szu# lu kan-nu-szu lu kam-mu-su szum-ma lib-bu-szu _kur_-u lu-szA-bal-ki-ta lu-sze-szib-szu-nu u-la-a ha-na-ka-ma lu kam-mu-su a-na szA-a-szu _lu_(v)-03-_u5_-ka 01-en a-na kal-li-e li-in-tu-ha-Asz-szu lil-li-ka dib-bi _dug-ga_-_mesz_ is-si-szu la-ad-bu-ub lib-bu la-Asz-kun-szu ba-si a-szap-pa-ra _un_-_mesz_-szu sza# ha-na-ka u-sa-har-u-ni il-lak ina É-szu

e-rab (m)_dumu-usz_-ia# szu-tu a-du _un_-_mesz_-szu _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-ka a-du _ugu_-hi-ia lu-bi-la-szu-nu lu _dumu_-_mesz_—_ka-dingir-ki_ lu-u _dumu_—_bar-sipa-ki_ lu-u _kisz-ki_-a-a lu _en-lil-ki_-a-a lu _uru-unug-ki_-a-a lu _kur-bad-dingir-ki_-a-a lu

AI Translation

As to what you wrote: "Urbalaya has gone to the cities Atuna and Etuanda, and the cities which Bit-Paruta has built ......" — now the Musukeans have gathered with us and gathered ... all the kings of Tabal. What have you done? You have seized them from the land of the Musukeans from where you are. You have seized them and imposed your punishment upon them. Now then Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû have imposed upon them a levy.

Concerning Balasu about whom you wrote, I have heard all his words. The day you see this letter, his son is his brother. The oath of his people should be binding on him. If his heart desires, he should leave the land and settle them there. Or, if your 'third man' is a haruspex, let him go and speak with him, and let him be able to speak pleasant words with him. I will write to him, and the people whom your 'third man' has sent to him, will go to his house.

Let your messenger bring him, together with his people, to me, whether the citizens of Babylon, Borsippa, Kish, Nippur, Uruk, Der, or


As to what you wrote: "Urpala'a may slip away from the king, my lord, on account of the fact that Atunnaeans and Istuandaeans came and took the cities of Bit-Paruta away from him ..."- now that the Phrygian has made peace with us and ..., what can all the kings of Tabal do henceworth? You will press them from this side and the Phrygian from that side so that in no time you will 'snap your belt' on them. Thanks to my gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, this land has now been trodden under your feet! Move about as you please, do whatever you have to do, cut the long and lengthen the short until I come and give you ... work!

As to Balasu concerning whom you wrote, I have heard his words in full. The day you see this letter, appoint his son in his place over his men. His people should be assembled and present, and if he wants, he may take them over the mountains and settle them there, or they may also live here. As for him, let one of your 'third men' pick him up posthaste and let him come here. I will speak kindly with him and encourage him, and in due course I will send word and have his people being kept here returned, and he too can go and re-enter his house.

As for Aplayu, let your messenger bring him and his people to me, whether they are citizens of Babylon, Borsippa, Kish, Nippur, Uruk, Der, or ...

X190153: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-bat _lugal_ a-na _lu_(v)-szak(*)#-[ni]

07 me _tug_-ma-qar-rat sza _sze-in-nu 07_ me e-bi-is-su sza _gi-ambar_-_mesz#_ sza 01-et e-bi-is-si _ansze-nita_ la e-mu-qa-szu-u-ni# la i-mat-ta-hu-u-ni

AI Translation

The king's word to the prefect:

700 bags of straw, 700 bags of reeds, each bag of one donkey, they have not trained properly.


The king's word to the governor of Calah:

700 bales of straw and 700 bundles of reeds, each bundle more than a donkey can carry, must be at hand in Dur-Sharruken by the 1st of Kislev IX. Should even one day pass by, you will die.

X190157: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_]-ka# (m)(d)[30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_] [lu szul-mu a-na _lugal_] be-li-ia# [szul-mu a-na _kur_]—asz-szur-_ki_ [szul-mu a-na] É#-_kur_-_mesz_-te [szul-mu a-na _uru_-bi-rat] sza# _lugal_ gab-bu [_sza_-bu sza _lugal en_-ia a—dan]-nisz lu-u _dug-ga_

[x x x x x x] sza(?)# _lu_-i-tu-u-a-a [x x x x x] sza# _ta_(v) _sza_-bi _uru_-isz-ta-hup(*) [x x x x x]+x#-u-ni u(*)-ma-a _ta_(v) _sza_-bi [_uru_-x x x]+x#-id-rat-ta ina _ugu_-hi-ia na-s,u-nisz-szu [ina _ugu kur_]-_uri#_-a-a a-sa-al-szu ma-a _kur-uri_-a-a [_lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_-szu a-na] _kur-pab_-ir bé-et il-lik#-u-ni [ma-a x x] _ta_(v) pa-an _lugal en_-ia pal-hu a—dan-nisz [ma-a a]-ki(*)# _mi_-_mesz_ i#-ru-u-bu(*)# i-qul-lu [ma-a ina(?)] _uru#_-bi-rat sza _lugal en_-ia me-me-e-ni [la x x x]+x# ma-a szul-mu a—dan-ni-isz

[t,e-e]-mu# sza _kur-uri_-a-a [x x x] u#-s,e-e sza _lu_-x# [x x] [x x] _lu_(v)#-_mah_ sza _kur_-man-na-a-a x#+[x x x] [x x x] _gud_-_hi#-a_-_mesz_-ni _udu_-_hi-a_-_mesz_ [x x]

[x x x x]+x#-an-ni _lu_(v)-Ar-ma-a-a# [x x x]

[x x x x x] ma#-a ina _sza_-bi x#+[x x x x] [x x x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Sin-ahhe-riba. Good health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.

...... of the Itu'eans ...... who ... from the city of Ishtahup ...... I have now brought him from the city of ...idratta to me. I asked him about the Urartian, saying: "The Urartian and his magnates went to the land of Ahir where they were ..., and he was very afraid of the king, my lord; they are ... like women, and they are in the city of the king, my lord. The king, my lord, is very happy indeed.

News of the Urartian: ... of the ..., ... of the emissary of the Mannean king, ......, oxen and sheep .

... the Arabs .

... "there .


To the king, my lord: your servant Sin-ahhe-riba. Good health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the forts of the king are well; the king, my lord, can be glad indeed.

...... of the Itu'ean ...... who ...... from the city of Ishtahup has now been brought to me from ...idratta. I inquired him about the Urartians and he told me: "The Urartian and his magnates were defeated on their expedition against the Cimmerians, and they are very much afraid of the king, my lord. They tremble and keep silent like women, and nobody ... the forts of the king, my lord. The situation is very good.

As to the news of the Urartians, ... the departure of ...... the emissary of the Mannean king ...... oxen and sheep ......"

...... the Arameans ...

..., saying: "... there



[x x x x x x _kur_]-ia#-u-da-a-a

[x x x x x]+x x# 04 sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_mu_

[x x _gisz_]-_ur#_-_mesz_ dan-nu-te

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_en-nam kur_-ra-s,ap-pa

[x x x x _lu_(v)]-_en#-nam uru_-til—bar-si-ba

[x x x x]-_mesz# 02_-u-te

[x x x x x ina] _sza_-bi _uru_-a-di-a

AI Translation

...... the Judaeans

...... 4 of the chief cook

... strong beams

...... the governor of Rashappa

...... the governor of Til-Barsip

...... two

...... in Adia


...... Judaean

...... 4 of the chief cook

...... heavy logs

...... the governor of Rashappa

...... the governor of Til-Barsip

......s, deputies

...... within the city of Adia .......

X190159: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia# [_arad_]-ka# (m)(d)#_szu_—rém-[a-ni] [lu _di_-mu] a#-na _lugal en_-[ia]

[i-sin]-nu# e-pi-[isz] (d)x#+[x ina] szul#-me it-tu-s,i-a# e-ta-rab (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal#_ lik(*)-ru-bu

ina _ugu_ (d)_alad_-(d)_lama#_ sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur-an-ni u-ta#-si-ik ina _ugu ka_-_mesz_-te sza _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_ ak-ta-ra-ar i-bat-tu-qu (d)_alad_-(d)_lama_ bat-qu-te ina _igi_ É la-ap-du-ni ni-szak-kan _kalag_-_mesz_-tu i-bat-tu-qu ina _igi ka#_ qa-ba-si(!)-te ni-szak-kan#

ina _ugu na4_(?)-_am_(*)#-_mesz_ sza a-na _lugal en_-ia aq-bu-u-ni u-pa-hu(?)-szu-nu a-na (d)_alad_-(d)_lama_ u-ta-ru#-szu-nu ina _igi ka_(*) _murub4_-ti ni-szak-kan#

i—su-ri _lugal_ be-li i-qab-bi# ma-a dul#-lu dan-nu(?)# [x x x x] dul-lu pa-ha la [x x x x] ki-i-tu 01 _kusz_ ru#-[t,u(?) x x] (d)_alad_-(d)_lama_ [x x x x x] x x la(?)# ni x#+[x x x x x] [x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-remanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

The festival was performed and the god ... came out in good health. He entered. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king.

Concerning the bull colossi about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, I have made them disappear and placed them in the gates of the magnates. We shall place the bull colossi in front of the house where they are to be hung. We shall place the large bull colossi in front of the gate of the quay.

As to the elephants about which I spoke to the king, my lord, we have gathered them, deposited them for the bull colossi, and set them in front of the middle gate.

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "It is a very heavy work ..., it is not a ... work." The 'hand' is one cubit long. The bull colossi .


To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-remanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

The festival has been celebrated; the god ... came out and returned in peace. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king!

As to the bull colossi about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, I have worked out their positions on the pedestals of the gates of the magnates and they are hewing them. We shall place the hewn colossi before the ... residence; they will trim the big ones and we shall place them before the middlemost gate.

As to the stone bulls of which I spoke to the king, my lord, they will modify them and turn them into bull colossi, and we shall place them before the middlemost gate.

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "It is hard work ...." The work ... ...; honestly, one cubit ... bull colossi ......



li#-i-t,u sza x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Let them be restored. That .


Let them draw and send me the plan of the ... of which I spoke to the king, my lord, and I will plant the saplings according to it.



45 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ sza _kur_(*)# at-ta-har _lu_(v)-_mah_-_mesz kur_-mu-s,ur#-a-a _kur_-ha-za-ta-a-a _kur_-ia-u-du-a-a _kur_-ma-'a-ba-a-a _kur_-ba-an—am-ma-na-a-a _ud 12_-_kam_ ina _uru_-kal-hi e-tar-bu-u-ni ma#-da-na-te#-szu-nu ina _szu-2_-szu-nu 25 _ansze-kur-ra#_-_mesz_ sza _kur_-ha-za-ta#-a-a ina _szu-2_-szu _kur_-u#-du-mu#-a-a _kur-a_sz#-du-da-a-a _kur_-an-qar-ru#-na-a-a [x x x]+x#

[x x x x] _lu_(v)-_mah#_ [_kur_]-qu#-a-a [x x x] x x# u-s,a-a [a-na] _uru#_-zab-ban il-la-ka [x x] sza# _lu_(v)-tar-ta-ni _ki_-szu

AI Translation

I received 45 horses from the land. The emissaries of Egypt, Gaza, Judah, Moab, and Ban-Amman entered Calah on the 12th and gave their tribute to them. The 25 horses of Gaza are in his hands. The Udumu, Ashdod, and Anqarrunu .

The emissary of Que ...... has come to Zabban. The ... of the commander-in-chief is with him.


I have received 45 horses of the palace. The emissaries from Egypt, Gaza, Judah, Moab and Ammon entered Calah on the 12th with their tribute. The 25 horses of the king of Gaza are with him. The Edomite, Ashdodite and Ekronite .......

The emissary from Que ...... is departing and going to the city of Zabban; the ... of the commander-in-chief is with him.

X190161: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)mah-de-e lu-u _di_-mu a-na _man en_-ia

kal-li-u sza ni-da#-nu-ni _lu_(v)-qur-bu#-ti sza il-lak-an-ni# ma-a a-bat _man_ szi-i-ti ma-a a-di _uru_-szA-bi-ri-szu lil-lik _ansze_(?)# sza ina (_igi_)-ia

ug-da#-me-ra# _lugal_ be-li u-da a-di _uru_-szA-bi-ri-szu u-ru-u la u-kal#-[la] sza il-lak#-u-ni# la i-sa-hur-u-ni

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Mahdê. Good health to the king, my lord!

The bodyguard who came to me said: "This is the king's word: Let him go as far as Shabireshu! The donkey which is in my presence is in the city of Shabireshu."

The king, my lord, knows that I do not know the road to Shabirishu, but that they are not coming.


To the king, my lord: your servant Mahdê. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the mule express that we provide and the royal bodyguard who comes citing a royal order that he should go as far as Shabireshu – he has used up the ... in my possession!

The king, my lord, knows that I do not maintain a team to go as far as Shabireshu; the ones that go do not return. My teams are used up; the king, my lord, should know this.



sza# _uru_-kal-ha u-rat#-_mesz_ nu-sze-taq _gisz-gigir#_ u-ra-a-a _lu_(v)-mu-[kil—_kusz_]-_pa_-_mesz#_-[ia] (m)(d)_pa_-u-a [_lu_(v)]-qur#-bu-ti a-di _uru_-szA#-bi-ri-szu i-tal-[ku] sza# _uru_-szA-bi-ri-szu

u-se#-[ti]-qu# _lugal_ be-li lisz#-['a]-al# lisz-pu-ra ma-a# al-ka# ina _gir-2_-_me_-ia al-la-ka la-a _gisz-gigir_ la u-ra-a-a

AI Translation

We seized the chariot of the Uraeans. My chariot driver and my bodyguard, Nabû'a, the bodyguard, went as far as Shabirishu. He went as far as Shabirishu.

Let the king, my lord, ask and write me: "Come, I will go by my feet, but I will not hire a chariot."


We let the teams from Calah go by; my chariot, my team and my driver went with Nabû'a the bodyguard as far as Shabireshu, and those of Shabireshu let them go by.

Let the king, my lord, investigate; let him send word that I come, and I shall come on foot! I have no chariot, no team, no driver!

X190170: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na [_lugal en_-ia] _arad_-ka# [(m)_en_—_bad_]

_lugal_ be-li [t,e-mu is-sa-kan] ma-a _lu_(v)-_en-nam#_-[_mesz_ gab-bu] _ninda#_-_mesz_ ki#-su-tu _ta_(v) (m)(d)#[_utu_]—_pab_—_asz#_ i-si-ku-nu li-in-tu-hu ma-a (m)10—_ki#_-ia (m)_en_—_gisz_ a-na# (m)_ad_—_gisz_ lu-szA-ki-lu#

la-a i#-ma-gur la-a i-szA-mi a-ta-a# in-nu-te ma-a _uru_-_mesz_-ni ina mad-bar sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam_-_me_ gab-bi#-szu-nu _uru_-_mesz_ ina _sza_ a-hi-szi pa(?)-nu-gu

_lugal_ be-li lisz-pu-ra _uru_-_me_-szu-nu sza mad-bar lisz-t,u-ru# _ta_(v) É _ansze#_-a-s,a-pu _lugal_ be-li _ta_(v) _kur_-ha-ma-te is-(su)-hu-u-ni

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

The king, my lord, gave the order: "All the governors should eat bread and a kisutu-offering with Shamash-ahu-iddina; Adad-isse'a and Bel-leshir should be shaved to Abi-leshir."

Why are these towns in the desert, all the governors, and the towns are in one place?

The king, my lord, should write to me that they write their towns of madbar. The king, my lord, has taken me from the house of the assapa horses.


To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

The king, my lord, gave orders: "All governors may raise food and fodder from Shamash-ahu-iddina with you, and Adad-issiya and Bel-leshir are to support Abi-leshir!"

They have not agreed to this though, but are disobedient, saying: "Why should our villages in the desert belong to all the governors? The villages are ... within each other!"

The king, my lord, should sent word that they are to write down their desert villages. Ever since the king my lord has levied pack animals from Hamath, I have been on my own, and he = Abi-leshir and they = Adad-issiya and Bel-leshir have been on their own. Tomorrow the king my lord will surely kill me, saying: "You are but a bunch of do-nothings!"



an-ni-u _ninda#_-_mesz_ ki-su#-tu sza 01 _iti 01#_ me 05(*) _ansze_ ki-su#-tu 01 me 23 _ansze ninda_-_mesz# pab 02_ me 28# _ansze_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_asz 75 ansze_ ki#-su-tu 15 _ansze# ninda_-_mesz pab 90 ansze_ (m)_ad_—_gisz 06_ me sza 02 lim _lu_(v)-za-ku-e sza _kur_-ku-mu-ha-a-a _pab 09_ me 18# _ansze_ sza 01 _iti_

É an-ni-u _lugal_ be-li u-da ina _sza_-bi mar-di-a-te 03 mar-di-tu an-ni-nu ni-ma-ta#-ha szu-nu szu-na-a-a i-ma-tu-hu u-ma-a _lugal_ be-li lu u-da#

AI Translation

This is bread of the rations for 1 month: 105 homers of rations, 123 homers of bread, total 228 homers, Shamash-ahu-iddina, 75 homers of rations, 15 homers of bread, total 90 homers, Abi-leshir, 600 homers of 2,000 zakueans of the Kummuhu, in all 918 homers for 1 month.

The king, my lord, knows that we are in the midst of the rites. We have three rites here. They are rejoicing. Now the king, my lord, knows that we are in the midst of the rites.


The following is my bread and fodder per calendar month: 105 homers of fodder, 123 homers of bread, total 228 homers, Shamash-ahu-iddina; 75 homers of fodder, 15 homers of bread, total 90 homers, Abi-leshir; 600 homers of bread of 2,000 full-time lit. 'free' soldiers of the king of Commagene. In all 918 homers a month, this household.

The king my lord knows the situation of the road stations: we take care of three stretches while they take care of two stretches each. Now, the king my lord should know that they are rebelling against this arrangement, while we ....

X190171: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)_en_—_bad_

(m)_dingir_—mu-sze-zib _lu_(v)-_ninda_ sza (m)_en_—_igi_-an-ni# _lugal_ ina _uru#_-ha-ta-ri-ka u-se#-[szib]-szu# : a-ki _lugal_ [e-ti]-qu-ni (m)(d)kU-[_ka_]—_apin_-esz sza kal(?)#-[zi]-szu sza kal#-[zi] _un#_-_mesz_-szu# szu-u-tu [u]-sa-ah#-[li]-qu(?)# lisz-u-lu [o(?)] _lu#_ : lu-sa-hir#-u-ni

a-ki mu-ta(?)#-nu a-na-ka(?)-ni# : (m)_dingir#_—bi-i'-di _lu_(v)-_gal_(*)—ki#-s,ir :- szu-u(?)# [sza] _szu-2_-ia

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

Ilu-mushezib, the baker of Bel-emuranni, the king, has settled him in Hatarika. When the king passed by, Kubabu-eresh, his kalzi and his people, have seized him and seized him. Let the man bring him down and ... him.

I am Il-bi'di, cohort commander, ditto, who is in my charge.


To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

The king installed Ilu-mushezib, a baker of Bel-emuranni, in Hatarikka. When the king passed by, Kubaba-eresh a member of his community and the members of the community of his relatives made him run away. They should make inquiries and return the man to me.

When there was an epidemic here, Ilu-bi'di a cohort commander under my jurisdiction killed a horse. I made up for the horse in his stead and he promised: "I'll give you money." Now this Ilu-bi'di has died; his wife, has married ..., a young boy, and that person has been serving under me as a cook.



a-ki _lugal_ :(?)# e-ti-qu-ni sza kal-zi# : i-tal-ku-ni _lu_ : u#-sa-ah-li-qu (m)_lal_(*)-nu(?)# : _mu_-szu a-na# [(m)]ki(?)#-mu-ma-a-a U(?) a#-na sza kal-zi _lugal_ be-li : lisz-'a-la szum-mu la _lu_(v)-_arad_ szu-tu-ni

AI Translation

When the king came, the kalzi-officials came and slew the man. Tashmetu ... to Kimumaya and to the kalzi-officials. The king, my lord, should ask if he is not a servant.


When the king had passed by, the members of the community came and made the man escape. His name is Tuqunu; let the king, my lord, ask Kimumai and the members of the community whether he is a servant of mine.



(m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu_(v)-_a-ba_(*)# ina _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_kam_-esz : _lugal_ be-li

AI Translation

Nabû-shezib, scribe, is at the disposal of Ashur-eresh, ditto. The king, my lord, should know this.


Nabû-shezib, my scribe, is in the presence of Ashur-eresh; let the king, my lord, send him over.

X190173: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)10—ha-ti lu# _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia#

_kug#-ud_ sza _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu(!)-_mesz_(!)-te sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-te sza# ina _ugu un_-_mesz kur#_ u-sa-di-na 02 _gu#-un 18 ma-na kug-ud_ ina ma-né-e sza# [_uru_-gar]-ga#-mis 1/2 _gin# kug-gi 03_(?)# [_tug_]-szad(?)-din#-_mesz 03 tug-gada_-_mesz_ i-se#-nisz ina [_szu-2_] _lu_(v)-_dumu#_—_kin_-ia# [ina _ugu_] _lugal# en_-ia u-se#-bi-[la]

sza _lugal_ be#-li i-di-nu#-[ni x] 02 lim 03(?) me# 50 _erim#_-_me_ i-ta-na# u-ma#-a (m)da-na-a 01 lim 09 me 50 i-ta-na 04# me _erim_-_mesz_ un-ta-t,i# sza _gaz_(*)#-_mesz_ x# a-na x#+[x x] sza-al-mu ut-ru# [x x x] x di# u i-[x x x x] lu(?) x#-a la x#+[x x x x x] x# ri x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

The silver of the prefects and village managers which I gave to the people of the land: I have sent two talents and 18 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish, 1/2 shekel of gold, three shaddinu-garments, and three tunics in the hands of my messenger to the king, my lord.

As to what the king, my lord, gave me, there are 2,350 men left. Now Danaya has 1,950 left, and 400 men have been released, who killed ..., and are .


To the king, my lord: your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

The silver dues of the prefects and village managers collected from the local population: two talents and 18 minas of silver according to the standard of Carchemish. In addition I have sent to the king, my lord, half a shekel of gold, three togas and three tunics with my messenger.

What the king my lord gave ... to ..., he gave me 2,350 men; now Danâ has given me only 1,950 men, reducing it by 400 men. Those who were killed ...; ... are in good health, the extra ......



szum#-ma _ta_(v) _kur_(?)#-[x x szum-ma(?)] _ta_(v)# _uru_-ar#-[gi-te(?)] a(?)-di(?)# _uru_-s,u(?)#-[pi-te(?)]

AI Translation

whether from the land ..., or from the city Argite as far as Shupat,


Should I bring men from ... or Argite to Shupat and let ... in their presence. I harvest the sown fields of the city Hi..., and in addition to them I harvest an extra 1,000 hectares of the sown fields of the city of Laba'u. Now, let the king my lord give me Assyrian and Itu'ean people so that I can equip them in the desert; there is no Assyrian city-overseer nor any Assyrian gateguards in Shupat.



sza# _lugal_ be-li iq-bu-u-ni ma-a _ta_(v) _ugu#_ ti-la-a-ni : lu-ri-du-u-ni ina _szab_-szu li#-ir-s,i-pu(!) i-tu-ur-du#-u-ni 10 _uru_-_mesz_ É—_bad_ ina mad-bar ha-nu-te lu-ri-du-u-né-e mi-i-nu sza _lugal_ : i-qa-bu-u-ni

ka-a-a-ma-nu gi-ru-tu

AI Translation

As to what the king, my lord, said: "Let them go out and bring me out from the town and bring me out from it" — they have returned and let them go out and bring me out. Let them go out and bring me out to the desert 10 towns and villages, and what is it that the king, my lord, commands?

constantly a girutu-demon.


As to what the king my lord ordered: "The people living on the mounds should come down and build the fort," they have come down; should these ten fortified towns in the desert come down as well? What does the king my lord say?

It is constantly hostile here in the desert but I am not negligent about my guard.

X190174: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal# en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)10—ha-ti lu# _di_-mu a-na _lugal en#_-ia

_dumu#_ (m)a#-mi-ri ina _sza_-bi 03# me _ansze_-a-na-qa-te u-za-ta-ki# ma-a ina _ugu lu_(v)#-hu-ub-te sza _ta_(v)# _uru_-di#-masz-qa a-na# _kur_—asz-szur u-sze-ta-qu#-u-ni [ma]-a# [ina] _ugu#_-hi a-ma-qu-ut#

[a-se-me ina] _ugu_ (m)_en_—iq#-[bi] [a]-sap#-ra i-tal-ka# i-sa#-a-hi-szi ina _gaba#_ [_lu_(v)]-hu#-ub-te ni-ta-lak [e-ta]-mar#-na-a-szi [ina] szub-tu# ina ku-ta-li-ni

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

The son of Ammiri has released him for 300 donkeys. He says: "They have seized the captives who have been brought to Assyria from Damascus and are bringing them to me."

I heard about it and wrote to Bel-iqbi. He came and took us to the side of the captives. We saw us and took us to the quay.


To the king, my lord: your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

Ammili'ti the son of Amiri readied himself with 300 she-camels, intending to attack the booty being transferred from Damascus to Assyria.

I heard of this and sent word to Bel-iqbi; he came and we went together to meet the booty. He saw us, ambushed us from behind, and we had a fight. 1,500 booty sheep from the city of Huzaza, 1,500 sheep ...... city of ......, ...100 men ...... men ......



[a]-ni#-nu ni#-su-hu#-[ur] [i]—da-tu(?)-szu# ni-ir-ti-di-pi [x x]+x-bi# _kur_-il-la-ba(?)#-a-ni x#+[x x]+x# ni-iq-t,i-ri-bi# la ni-ik-szu-du(*)-szu(?)# ma-ri-s,i la-a a-na _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ la#-a a-na _gisz-gigir_-_mesz#_ [o]

AI Translation

We have returned and ...ed him. We have ...ed the ... of Illabani ..., but we have not reached him. There is no way to bring horses, no chariots, no ... of the king, our lord.


We returned and went in pursuit after him, getting as far as Il...ani ..., but could not catch up with him; the terrain was too difficult, it was not fit either for horses or for chariots ......

X190189: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na] _lugal# en_-ia [_arad_-ka] (m)(d)_im_—_ki_-ia [lu] _di#_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

sza# _lugal en_ t,e-e-mu isz-ku-na-ni-ni ma-a e-mu-qi sza _kur_—za-mu-u-a

a-szur szup#-ra x# 10 _gisz-gigir_-_mesz 20_(!) _gisz_-ut-tar#-a-te 10 sza _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz 10_ sza _ansze_-ku-di-ni _pab 20 ansze_-u-ra-te

97 _ansze-bad_-_hal_-lu 11 _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz 12 lu_(v)-03-_u5_-_mesz 30# lu_(v)-A-_sig5 53 lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz ansze#_-u-ra-te _pab 01_ me 06 _erim_-_mesz#_ [30] _gisz-gigir_-_mesz_

01 me 61 _lu_(v)-szA—pet-hal-[a]-te# 01 me 30 _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz 52 lu_(v)-zu-un-zu-ra-hi _pab 03_ me 43

_lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz 08 lu_(v)#-szA—É—02-e 12 _lu_(v)-_ka-k_ÉSZ 20 _lu_(v)-_kasz-lul 12 lu_(v)-kar-ka#-di-ni 07 _lu_(v)-_ninda_-_mesz 10 lu_(v)-_mu pab 69 un_-_mesz_ É

08 _lu_(v)-um-ma-ni 23 _lu_(v)-_usz_—_ansze_-_mesz 01 lu_(v)-mu-tir—t,e-me 80 _lu_(v)-kal-ba-te#

_pab 06_ me 30 _kur_-asz-szur-a-a

03 me 60 _lu_(v)-gur-ru# 04 me 40 _kur_-i-tu#

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Adad-isse'a. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The troops of Mazamua

Ashur wrote to me: ... 10 chariots, 20 mule-drawn wagons, 10 of horses, 10 mules: in all 20 teams.

97 cavalry mounts, 11 chariot drivers, 12 'third men,' 30 chariot fighters, 53 charioteers and teams: in all 106 men and 30 chariots.

61 cavalrymen, 130 charioteers, 52 scouts: in all 343.

8 chariot drivers, 12 tailors, 20 cupbearers, 12 confectioners, 7 bakers, 10 cooks: in all 69 people living in the house.

8 scholars, 23 donkey drivers, 1 intelligence officer, 80 kalbateans,

a total of 630 Assyrians —

360 Gurreans, 440 Ituans,


To the king, my lord: your servant Adad-issiya. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the order that the king, my lord, gave me: "Review the troops of Mazamua and write me!" – here are the facts:

x 10 chariots, 20 large-wheeled chariots, 10 of them horse-drawn, 10 mule-drawn; in all 20 teams.

97 riding horses; 11 chariot drivers; 12 'third men'; 30 chariot fighters; 53 grooms of the teams, in all 106 men and 30 chariots.

161 cavalrymen, 130 grooms, 52 ...; in all 343 grooms.

8 lackeys, 12 tailors, 20 cupbearers, 12 confectioners, 7 bakers, 10 cooks: in all 69 domestics.

8 scholars, 23 donkey drivers, 1 information officer, 80 dispatch-riders.

In all 630 Assyrians.

360 Gurreans, 440 Itu'eans.



_pab_-ma 01 lim 04 me 30 _erim_-_mesz_—_man_

AI Translation

Total: 1,430 king's men.


All together, 1,430 king's men, including the previous ones which have been here, plus the ones whom the royal bodyguard brought.



[i]—su#-ri _lugal# en_ i-qa-bi ma-a# re-eh#-te e-mu-qi# a-le#-e _lu_(v)-_gal_—É-ia na-mar#-ku re-eh-te e-mu-qi u-ba-la(*)#

AI Translation

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Let me see my major-domo!" I will bring the rest of the troops.


Perhaps the king, my lord, now says: "Where are the rest of the troops?" My major-domo is delayed but will later bring the rest of the troops.

X190190: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_gin#_-in lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia a—dan-nisz a—dan-nisz

sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur-an-ni ma-a _ud 01_-_kam_ sza _iti-barag_ a-na _uru_-kal-ha er-ba hu-la-a-ni ni-pat-ti i-szak-kan ku-pu-u u-ma-la ku-pu-u i-di-in a—dan-nisz

[x x x _ud_] 03#-_kam_ sza _iti-ziz_

[x x x x x]-qu-ul

[x x]+x 20 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz#_ pa-ni-u-te u-se-bi#-[la]

ina sza-lu-szi-ni ki an-ni#-[ma] ku-pu-u i-di-in _id_-_mesz_ i-dan-na _lu-erim_-_mesz ansze#-kur-ra_-_mesz_ sza# i-si-ia ina ku-pe-e mi#-e-tu szum-ma _ud 06#_-_kam_

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "We will go to Calah on the 1st of Nisan I and set up a hulanum of hulanums," he has already given the hulanums and given them very much.

... 3rd day of Shebat XI


I have sent 20 previous horses .

The rivers are strong. The men and horses who are with me are in the ... ... If on the 6th day the king, my lord, orders, I will bring them to the king, my lord.


To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Be at Calah on the 1st of Nisan I" – we are clearing the roads, but it is snowing and snow is filling them up. There is very much snow.

... the 3rd of Shebat XI

... ...

... he sent the first 20 horses.

The year before last, when there was as much snow, rivers were frozen and the men and horses who were with me died in the snow. I shall be in the king my lord's presence on the 6th or 7th of Nisan.



sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur-an-ni ma-a _lu-erim_-_mesz ansze_-(_kur_)-_mesz_ i-si-ka lil-li-ku-ni# hu-ub#-tu a-da-ka#-[ni]

_dumu_ x#+[x x x x x x]

la il(*)#-[x x x x]+x di#

ina pa-ni-szu-nu ma-a# [x x] la#-a

_du_-ku-ni _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ ni-laq-qi nu-bal kal-li-u sza (m)asz-szur—_kalag_-an-ni sza-as,#-bu-tu sza _uru-a_r-zu-hi-na-a-a lu-ti-ki

AI Translation

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let the men and horses come with you and give me the captives" —

son of ......

does not ......

"... not

We will bring the horses and bring them. Let me bring the rations of Ashur-da''inanni, the scout of Arzuhina, to you.


As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The men and horses should come with you" – hitherto the captives

the son of NN ...

will not go ...

to them, and "they will not come ...

We shall buy the horses and bring them. The mule express of Ashur-da''inanni should alert the equipment of the Arzuhinaeans.

X190191: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_ansze#_-[_kur_]-_ra_(?)-_mesz#_ [x x]+x#-ni il-lak#-u-ni

ina _ugu_ t,e-e-mu sza (m)dal-ta-a _ta_(v) É la u-s,a-a U me-me-ni ina pa-ni-szu la e-rab a-se-me ma-a re-eh-te ma-da-te u-pa#-har _gu-un#_-su

i-da-na# _lu_(v)-mat(*)-a-a sza pa-t,u-ru# sza ina _igi#_-ia 30 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ a-ta-s,a re-eh-te _un_-_mesz_ ina _igi_-ia

ma-da-te sza _kur_-zak-ru-tu 40 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ [a]-ta#-har iq-t,i-bi-u ma-a re-eh-te

[ma-da-te ni]-da-an _lugal en_ a-na _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_ [lisz-pur le-ti]-qu# ina _ugu uru_-ku-lu-man _kur-nim_(?)-_ma_(?)-_ki_(?)# [x x x x] _u#_ szu-nu da-al-hu a-na _kur_-szu-nu [x x x x]-e la ket-tu ina _ugu lugal en#_-a [i-sap-ru]-ni# ma-a kit-ri ina _sza_-bi e-[x x] [x x x x u]-ma#-a man-nu szu-nu kit-ri [x x (x)] [x x _kur_-x x]-a-a-e _kur_-el-li-pi x#+[x] [x x x x _lu_(v)-_erim_]-_mesz_-szu-nu 03 04 lim ni(?)#-[x x]

[x x x x x x] _ta_(v)(?)# _ugu_ e-tab-ku [x x x]

[x x x x x x e]-ta-rab(?)# [x x x]

AI Translation

The horses ... come .

Concerning the news of Daltâ, he has not come out of the house, and nobody has entered his presence. I have heard that he will give back the rest of the tribute.

The Medes who were seized and who were in my presence brought 30 horses, and the rest of the people were in my presence.

I received tribute from Zakrutu: 40 horses. He said: "The rest of the king my lord should go and collect them."

Let the king, my lord, send word to the magnates that they should be kept in watch over Kuluman and Elam. And they are ..., and they are their land. They wrote to the king, my lord, that a rescue ... there ... Now, who are they? Rescue ... the ...eans and Ellipi ..., their 3,400 men .

...... has set out from .

...... entered .


They will bring the horses and come.

As to the news of Daltâ, he is not leaving his house and nobody is entering into his presence. I have heard that he is collecting the rest of the tribute and delivering his tax.

I have taken the released Medes who are in my presence and 30 horses. The remaining people are with me.

I have received the tribute of the land of Zakrutu, 40 horses. They promised to give the rest of the tribute.

The king, my lord, should send word to the magnates that they may proceed against Kuluman. Elam ..., and they are perplexed; ... to their country. They wrote untruly to the king, my lord that ... reinforcements there .... Now who would those reinforcements be? Would the ...eans and Ellipi ......? Their 3,000 or 4,000 men ...

... they have removed there ...

... has entered ...



[x x x x x x x x x] il(?)-lu(?)#-[ku]

[x x x x x x x x] da(?)#-mu sza x#+[x (x)]

[x x x x x x x] _sig4#_-_mesz_ ni-x#+[x x] [x x x x x x x ni]-ir#-ti-s,i-pi x x# [x]

[x x x x x x]+x# ma-a lal-li-ik# ([x x]) [x x x x] ik#-ta-la-szu ma-a i-si-ia#

[x x x x x] tal-lak _lugal en_ lisz-pu-ra# [a-na (m)x x]-ni lisz-ul-lu ma-a 03-su x#+[x] [x x]-szu#-nu ket-ti szi-i a-na mi-i-ni# [x x] pil#-ku-szu u-na-a-da [_dingir_(?)] sza _lugal# en_-a szum-mu# [szi]-i# pil-ku sza# É-_gal_ pil-ku sza me-me-ni i-ba-Asz-szu-u-ni _u 50_ ti-ik-pi e-mid ep-sze-ti an-ni-ti a-na ma-la sza (m)(d)_u-gur_—_kar_-ir szi-i

ina _ugu_ É (m)#hu-na-nu i-du-bu-bu a-du É i-ba(?)-szu-nu u-ma-a ina _ugu uru_-kar—(m)_man_—_gin_ i-da-bu-bu _ud_-mu la e-te-qe sza s,a-a-su hi-in-sa-te

la i-ga-ra-ni-ni _lu_(v)-_sag#_-_mesz_ sza _man_ sza an-na-ka dul-lu e-pu-szu-u-ni _u lu_(v)-_erim_(?)-_mesz_(?) sza# i-si-szu-nu _du_-_mesz_-ni [x x x x x x x x] x x-u#-ni

AI Translation

...... they go

...... the blood of .

...... we ... bricks ...... we fashioned .

...... "I shall go ..., he seized ..., and he went with me

Let the king, my lord, write to NN: "They are three times ..., they are true ...; why did they give him his work assignment? The god of the king, my lord, knows that there is a work assignment of the palace, a work assignment of anybody. I have put fifty bricks in place. This work assignment is for all Nergal-etir.

They speak about the house of Hunanu, until there is another house. Now they speak about Kar-Sharruken. The day has not passed, and the slander is a slander.

The eunuchs of the king who are here are doing the work, and the men who are with them .


...... are going

...... the blood of ...

...... We have ...ed bricks and constructed .......

NN said: "Let me go to ...;" but NN held him back, saying, "You will go ... with me."

The king, my lord, should send word that they ask NN whether he has three times ...ed them. It is true; why does he brag about his ... work assignment? By the god of the king, my lord, it is not a work assignment of the Palace or anybody. He has been assigned but 50 courses of brick. This accomplishment is altogether that of Nergal-etir.

They argued about the house of Hunanu as long as it existed. Now they are arguing about Kar-Sharrukin. Not a day passes without their quarreling about the spoils.

The eunuchs of the king who are working here and the men who came with them ...