AICC / Publications / p401

P401004: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x bi#? [...] [...] _kesz2-kesz2_ [...] [... x]-ma 7(disz)-szu2 _szid#_ [...] [...] _dingir#_-szu2 _ki_-szu2 ze-ni-[i ...] [... _ka a]-ab-ba (na4)babbar-dili_ [...] [...] x _(d)nuska_ ina _kusz_ [...] [...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ritual assemblages ... and you recite 7 times ... his angry personal god ... ... ... sea shells of pappardilû-stone ... Nusku in a leather bag ... ... .

P401036: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_dub_ x-_kam_ * 30 ina _igi-la_-szu _nig-pa_]-_da#_ * _u4 an_ (d)_en#_-[_lil_]

[ki-i pi-i (gisz)le-u5]-um# _gaba-ri ka-dingir-ra_(ki)#

[_dub_(pi) (asz)(d)_ag_-zu-qu-up]-_gi#-na a_ (asz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_ba_(szA) (lu2)_a#_-[_ba_]

[x x x x x x x x] x x# [x x] x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Tablet x of the series "If the moon, on its appearance, a nigpada-shrine" refers to the day when the sun is eclipsed.

According to the original writing board of Babylon,

Tablet of Nabû-zuqup-ukin/Marduk-shumu-iqisha, the scribe.



x tablet of Sîn ina tamartishu, the mukallimtu-commentary on the series Enuma Anu Enlil.

According to a writting board, a Babylonian original.

Tablet of Nabû-zuqup-kenu, son of Marduk-shuma-iqish, the scribe,


P401076: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] _kusz#_ [...] _kusz#_ [...] _kusz_ [...] x ina _kusz_ [...] _kusz#_ [...] _kusz#?_ [...] _kusz#?_

AI Translation

... skin ... skin

P401090: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] _x-mesz_ [...] [... ta-sza2]-hal _i3_ sza2# [...] [...] _(u2#)in-nu-usz (gesz)sza3-geszimmar_ ina _u4_ [...] [... _(lu2)masz]-masz# szu_-su [...] x _en2_ szip-tu2 [...] [...] _igi#-min#_ [...]

AI Translation

... ... you wash ... ... you libate oil of ... ... you ... a date palm on the day ... the incantation priest ... ... the incantation priest ... the eyes .

P401094: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x x [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] _ugu#_-szu2-un# [...] (lu2#)hi-in#?-[x x] [...] szal#-la-su#?-un# [...]-szu2# ka-bit-tu#? [x x] [...] ul e-[x x] [...] u2-kin da3#-ri#-[x] [...] x x x [x x]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... against them ... the Hin... ... their booty ... his substantial ... ... did not ... ... he established forever .

P401106: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x [x] [...] asz2#-kun# [...] x _u2_ x [...]-is#-su-ma [...]-szu2# asz2-kun-szu2 [...] rit#-te-e-szu2 [...]-szu2# _ku3#-sig17#_ [...]-t,ur#-ma ad-din-szu2 [...] x x x

AI Translation

... ... I set up ... ... ... and ... ... I set up for him ... his hands ... his gold ... and I gave him ... .

P401146: royal-monumental tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x [...] [...]-e# te#-me-qi2 sza2 _an#_ [...] [...]-u2 _lugal_ (kur)mu-s,ur# [...] [...]-pesz _muru2_ mit-hu#-[...] [...]-ri# (d#)er3#-ra qar-[...] [...]-masz#-szir# [...]

AI Translation

... ... the wisdom of heaven ... king of Egypt ... ... the middle ... battle ... ... Erra, ... ... .

P401189: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


sah#-[le2-e ...] _(gesz)al-la#-an#_ [...] _tesz2-bi_ ta-sak3# [...] _en du10_-szu2 [...] _DISZ na gaba_-su u _masz-sila3#-[min_-szu2 ...] _pa (gesz)sze-na2-a pa (u2)gesztin ka5#-[a_ ...] ina _a gazi(sar) zi3-kum_ x [...] _gaba_-su u _masz-sila3#-min#_-[szu2 ...]

AI Translation

You pound ... a ... a ... a ... a ... ... you recite the incantation '... his good fortune'.

P401197: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x x [...] [...] sza# ni-i-ba# [...] [...] ap#-pul aq-qur ina (d#)[...] _[...]-mesz# gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni# [...] u2#-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu [...]-ri#-ia isz-me-ma# [...] _iri lugal#_-ti-[x] [...] x x x x x x

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. By the god ... ... oxen, sheep and goats ... I brought out and counted them as booty. ... heard my ... and ... the city of kingship .

P401228: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x [...] [...]-tu2#? szat-ti-szam-ma u2#-[...] [...]-di#-szar-me (kur)hi-lak#-[...] [...] _ad#-mesz_-ia la [...] [...] ab#-sza2-an-[...] [...]-ti# nu#-[...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the land Hilakku ... my ancestors did not ...

P401237: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] _dab_ x [...] [...] _i3-gesz du10-ga_ tal-tap-pat x [...] [...] (u2#)tar-musz _(szim)szesz_ [...] [...] _(u2#)hab_ sza _ur-gi7_ (d)gu-[la# ...] [... (u2)al]-la#-an#-ka-nisz _numun (u2)sikil#_ [...] [...] x lu ina _kasz sag_ [...] [...] _sum(sar)_ [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... you strew good oil ... tarmush-plant, shum-shum-plant ... ... a plant of lion-headed wolves ... a plant of a sedge of sikillu-plant ... ... in beer ...

P401238: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1


[...] x [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

Column 2


_en2#_ [...] _edin ki#_ [...] u2 su nu x [...] _ka-inim-ma_ [...] _du3-du3-bi (u2)ab2-duh_ ta#-[pa-as, ...] _en2#_ 7(disz)-szu2 ana _ugu szid_ [...] _[_disz_] na#_ a-szu-u2 _dab_-su (szim)hab illu#_ [...] _ka#_-szu2 u3 na-hi-ri-szu2 tu-qat-tar# _[egir]_-szu2 _i3-gesz_ hal-s,a ina _(gi#)[sag-kud_ ...] [x x x] _(u2)kur-kur numun#_ [...] [x x x] x x [...]

AI Translation

Incantation: ... the steppe, place ... ... ... ... ... its ritual: you wipe clean the abuduh-plant .

P401250: royal-monumental tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


ki#?-bi#-is# _giri3#-min#_ [...] _ansze-edin-na masz-da3-mesz#_ [...] it-tag-gi-szu-ma x [...] ina#? _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri-[ia ...] x na-ge-e [...] [(disz)(d)sin]_-szesz#-mesz-su man kur#_ [asz-szur ...] [x x?] x x szu-a-tu [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... footstools ... donkeys, gazelles ... he sinned against him and ... among the kings who came before me ... district ... Sennacherib, king of Assyria ... ... that .

P401257: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x-mesz [...] [... ina] _kasz sud2_ x [...] [...] _numun gada (szim)(d)masz (u2#)[nig2-gidru-sipa_ ...] [... (u2)]s,a#-da-na _(u2)kur-ra ara3_-en# _sim#_ [...] [... ina _a] gazi#(sar) sila11_-asz _i3-gesz szesz2_-su _lal2#_ [...] [...] (u2)tar-musz _(u2)gir2_-a-na (u2)sza2-ga-bi-gal#-[zu ...] [... _u2 sig]-mesz#_ sza2 _kur_-i (u2)s,i-bu-ru (u2)al-lum-za _(u2)hab#_ [...] [...] _gi# du10-ga_ ba-lu pa-tan _nag-[mesz_ ...] [...] x x x ti# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... in beer ... ... ... ... shadanu-plant, kurru-plant, ... ... in a mixture of mustard, sesame, his brother's oil, ... ... tarmush-plant, giranu-plant, sha-gabigalzu-plant ... ... wool from the mountains, shiburu-plant, allumza-plant, ... ... good reed, with a mouth-watering libation vessel ...

P401302: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...]-qi2-ti# [...] [...] _gun#_ man-da-[...] [...] (iri)s,i-du-un-na#-[...] [...]-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam#-[...] [...]-ta#-szu2-nu ka-bit-[...] [...]-na# ni-ri-ia _dingir#_ [...] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... talents ... Sidon ... ... Manayu Kam-... their substantial ... ... my city, the god ... .

P401312: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[x]-rab#-ba-a# [...] [x]-sze#-pisz-ma (gesz)er#-[...] [x]-s,i# da-re-e# [...] [x] _gun#_ 2(u) _ma-na#_ [...] [x x]-su# u2-szal#-bisz# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 minas ... ... he ... .

P401325: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x [...] [x] ina# (iri)e2#-[...] bal-t,u-us-su# [...] _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-[...] u2#-ra#-a a-na# [...] sza [x x]-um-man [...] an-szar2 ina ger-ri-[...] it#?-x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... in the city E... he was able to live ... hands and feet ... he brought to ... of ... ... Ashur in the campaign .

P401350: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x# [...]

[...] ha an

[... da3-li2]-li2-ki# lud-lul

[...] _un#_-_mesz dagal_-_mesz_


[...] disz

[... _gar_(?)](an)


[...] x#

[...] x#

AI Translation

. . . I may sing your praises.

. . . the wide people,

... he will die.

. . . you set up.


. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . I will sing your praises.

. . . the far-flung people.

It is . . .

. . . . . .

. . . you set up.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

P401353: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


x x x [...] _DISZ na_ x [...] _dub 3(disz)-kam2#_ [...] _e2-gal [(disz)an-szar2-du3-a_ ...] sza (d#)[muati_ ...] e-hu#-[uz-zu ...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... 3rd tablet of ... of the palace of Ashurbanipal ... of Nabu ... they sat down .

P401367: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1


_DISZ kimin dida#_ [...] _gi du10-ga_ bi# [...] ina _izi_ tu-sza#?-[ha-an ...] _DISZ kimin 1(disz) sila3#_ [...] _gi# du10#-ga#_ [...]

AI Translation

You burn a good reed ... a good reed ... you ignite it in the fire .

Column 2


[...] ma [...] u2#-kin

AI Translation

... ... he established.

P401368: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _dingir_(?)]-ut#-ki [...]

[...]-ki s,er-[ti ...]

[...] _gaszan# gal_(tum) [...]

[... _szu_]-_il2_-_la2#_ [...]

AI Translation

. . . your divinity .

. . . your . . .,

. . . great lady .

... a shu'illakku-prayer .


. . . your divinity . . .

. . . your exalted . . ..

. . . great lady . . .

. . . lifted-hand prayer . . .

P401370: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


_[numun?] (u2#)nu#-luh#-[ha?_ ...] _numun (u2)ab2#-[duh_ ...] _numun_ (u2)u5-[ra-nu ...] _DISZ na_ ki-is _[sza3?_ ...] ul-tu x [...] _DISZ na_ ki-is _[sza3?_ ...] _numun_ u2 x [...] ul-tu [...] x [...]

AI Translation

Seed of nuhha-plant ... seed of abuduhhu-plant ... seed of uranu-plant .

P401429: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... pa]-da#-ni li-szir#

[... _dingir_] sza2# _masz2-ge6_-_mesz_

[...] ar2#-ni-ia5

[... lu-ta]-lil2# ana-ku

[... lud-lul da3-li2-li2]-ka#

AI Translation

. . . may my . . . be reconciled with me.

. . . the god of dreams

. . . my sins

. . . may I be at peace.

. . . let me sing your praises.


. . . may my way be straight.

. . . god of dreams.

. . . my sins at night.

. . . , let me be purified . . ..

. . . Let me proclaim your praises . . .!

P401539: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] e-tel _eri#_-[_du10_]

[... (disz)_an_-_szar2_]-_du3#_-_a lugal#_ [...]

[...] u3# (d)nin#-[lil2 ...]

[... (d)]tasz#-me-tum _gesztu_-2(disz)# [_dagal_-tum ...]

AI Translation

. . . the lord of Eridu,

... Ashurbanipal, king .

. . . and Ninlil .

. . . Tashmetu, broad intelligence .


. . . pre-eminent one of Eridu

. . . Ashurbanipal, king . . .

. . . and Ninlil . . .

. . . Tashmetu . . . wide understanding

P401691: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x x [...] [...] x _gazi(sar) lag_ [...] [...] _sig7#_ ta-sa-laq x [...] [... _(szim)]gur2-gur2 (szim)li gazi(sar#)_ [...] [... ba]-ah-ru _(gesz)erin_ (gesz)x [...] [...] x _i3 du10-ga_ u [...] [...] x x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... you strew ... yellow-green ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... cedar, ... ... good oil and ... ... .

P401712: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[... _ka2_]-_dingir-ra_(ki)#

[... te]-ne2#-sze-e-ti

[... _dingir_]-_me#_ (d)i2-gi3-gi3

[...] qur-di-ka

[... tu]-szar-szi

[...] ap-lu

[... tu]-pat-ta

[...] nu-u2#-[ru]

AI Translation

. . . of Babylon

. . . the people

. . . of the gods, the Igigi,

. . . your heroic acts.

. . . you make . . . prosper.

. . . aplû-demon

... you open .

. . . light


. . . of Babylon,

The peoples . . ..

The gods, the Igigi . .

. . . your heroic acts.

You make . . . acquire . . .

. . . an heir . . .

You open . . .

. . . light.

P401721: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] lud-lul#

[... (d)]_nin#_-_urta_-_kam_(*)

[... a-szi]-bat _an#_[(e) ...]

[...] _x#_ [...]

AI Translation

. . . let me sing .

... Ninurta

. . . who dwells in the heavens .


. . . I may resound . . .

It is . . . of Ninurta.

. . . who dwells in the heavens . . ..

. . .

P401722: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x _gaz_ [...] _nag_-ma i-par5-ru [...] mu#? _gu7_ [...] _sar# sud_-szu2-ma _ti_ [... _(gesz)ma]-nu# 1(disz) 1/2(disz) kisal (szim)gir2_ [...] 1(disz) _kisal szim-szal_ [...] _kisal# illu (szim)buluh_ [...] _(na4)kur-gi-rin2-na_ [...] _disz_-nisz tusz-te-mid [...] x [x x] x x x

AI Translation

... ... you strew ... and it will become yellow ... ... you strew ... ... manû-wood, 1 1/2 kisal of juniper ... 1 kisal of juniper ... kisal of alum, buruhhu-juniper ... you bind together kurgirinnu-stone ... ... .

P401732: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] za#? na#? [...] [...] _suhusz#?_ (gesz)szu-szi#? [...] [... _(szim)]li# (szim)gur2-gur2#_ [...] [...] x s,a-bit _zi_ [...] [... _(gesz)]szur-min3_ (u2)ka-zal#-[lu ...] [...] ma#? _sza3-mesz_-szu2 _mu2-mesz_-[hu? ...] [...] x-ma szit-tu ir-hi-szu# [...] [...] x _uz3_ sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _bil2_ [...] [...] x la an _du3_-usz# [...] [...] x-ma i-szu2-usz-ma _gur ra#?_ [...] [...] x x x u2#? a# szi#? [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... base of a tree ... juniper, ... ... ... ... ... cypress, kazallu-plant ... ... whose hearts ... ... and whose lungs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and he will return ...

P401745: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x [...] [...] _kusz#_ ina _sa ab2-ri-ri#-[ga du3-du3_ ...] [...] mu#-s,u _ne_ (u2)u5-[ra-nu? ...] [...] isz#-qip-pi _nita2_ u _munus_ ku# [...] [...] x _zi_-szu2 (d#)[x ...] [...] u2#-li-in _(munus)asz2-gar3#_ [...] [...] x ma [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... in the middle of the abriga-plant he will make ... ... ... ... uranu-plant ... he will strew ... male and female ... ... his life ... ... he will bring ... ... a female kid ... ... .

P401749: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1'


[...] x [...] x [...] x

AI Translation

Column 2'


[x x?] x x [...] [x] szu#-u2 [...] ka-szad (kur)ra#-[...] pu-luh-tu# an-szar2 [...] (iri)ma-dak#-[...] in-na#-[...] (id2#)[...]

AI Translation

... ... ... he ... conqueror of the land Ra... fear of Ashur ... the city Madak ... he ... the river .

P401757: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] 1(u) 5(disz)# sza# [x x] [x] 1(u) 5(disz)# sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) u2#-[...] [...]-as#-hal-ta-a _lugal#_ (kur#)ma#-'a#-[x] [...] _me3#_ isz-ku-na _bad5-bad5_-szu2 [...]-ti# _ug3-mesz_-szu2 [...] u2-s,ab-bit ina _szu-min_ [...] id#-di-ma [...]-sze#-bi-la#

AI Translation

... 15 of ... 15 of Arbela ... ...-ashaltâ, king of Ma'a... ... battle he brought about. ... his people ... he captured. With the hands of ... he gave and ... sent to him.

P401758: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x [...] [...]-li#-an-na [...] [...] _bara2#_ da#-[...] [...]-bit# an-szar2 (d)sin (d#)[...] [...] (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u#-[...] [...] _erin2#-mesz (gesz)pan_ (gesz)a-ri#-[...] [...] ki#-s,ir# _man#-[...]_

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... the dais ... ... the gods Ashur, Sîn, ... the city Arbela, Ninurta, U... ... troops, bows, aru-wood ... the base of a king .

P401760: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...]-si# [...]-ne2#-e [...]-bu#-su [...]-szir#-ma [...]-reb# (iri)ni-i' [...] (kur#)mu#-s,ur#

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Egypt

P401954: tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_en2#_ (d)3(u) na-nar3#-[ru ...]

ga#-szir ina _dingir#_-[_mesz_ ...]

_lugal ub_-_mesz_ [...]

_sag-kal an_[(e) ...]

_sag-kal an_[(e) ...]

sza2 nap-har# [gi-im-ri ...]

AI Translation

Incantation: O Sin, light of .

Who is perfect among the gods .

The king of the four quarters .

The foremost of the heavens .

The foremost of the heavens .

Who . . . the whole .


Incantation: O Sin, light of . . .

Strong one among the gods . . .

King of the world . . .

Foremost one of the heavens . . .

Foremost one of the heavens . . .

. . . the entirety of . . .