AICC / Publications / p398

P398127: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x-an _egir#_ [...] [...] _gal-gal egir_ [...] [...] _tur-tur egir_-szu2 [...] [...] sal-ha _dingir munus_ [...] [...] x sza-ah-tu _dingir munus_ [...] [...] x _zag_-szu2 _gal szesz-mesz#_ [...] [...] x _gub3_-szu2 _gal_ hi la me [...] [...] _zag#_ u _gub3_-szu2 _gal-mesz szesz-mesz#_ [...] [...] _gub3_-szu2 _tur-mesz_ ta?-[x ...] [...] x x-in ta?-[x ...] [...] x [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... behind ... ... the great one behind ... the small one behind him ... salhu-disease of the god, woman ... ... shatu-disease of the god, woman ... ... his right is great, brothers ... ... his left is great, unfavorable ... ... his right and left are great, brothers ... ... his left is small ...

P398154: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1


[...] ni#? ti [...] te-qi2 [...] te-qi2 [...] te gi [...] x _i3 sud2 ki-min_ [...] _ki-min_ [...] ana#? _igi-mesz_-szu2 _mar_ [...] x ku#? [...] x [x x x] x [...] x _ge6_ (na4)mu-s,a _(na4)zalag2 (na4)gug_ (na4#)[x x] [...] x na _(na4)musz-gir2 numun_ (gesz)bi-ni _numun (gesz)ma-nu_ [... _x]-mesz# szesz disz_-nisz _gaz_ ta-sza-pah ina _i3-udu ellag2 gu4 ge6_ [...] _x-mesz_-szu2 ka-a-a-man-na-ma _mar_-ma ina-esz [...] za# _pad# 3_(disz)-szu2 ki-a-am _tesz2-bi_ sza2 _(d)en-lil2_ u _(d)nin-lil2_

[...] ana-ku i-qab-bi-ma _ti_-ut, [...] x _gub_-zu _ti_-qe2 ina _izi_ tu-kab-ba-ab [...] _lal3 i3-nun sud2 igi-min_-szu2 te-eq-qi2-ma ina-esz [...] x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... you ... you ... you ... you ... you ... you ... you ... ... you ... ... you ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... musharu-stone, zalagu-stone, carnelian, ... ... ... musharu-stone, ... ... ... ... ... ... you ... ... ... you ... ... with sheep-flour, oxen, ... you ... and ...

... I say and you take ... ... stand there, you burn ... in fire. ... you strew honey and butter. You recite his eyes and you ...

Column 2


x x [...] _DISZ na_ mu x [...] lu _nita_ lu _munus_ x x [x] x x [...] li-in-na-di ina _ge6 gin7 (d)utu_ e-[re-bi ...] _igi_ ap-ti zi3-dub-dub-bu szub-szub#_ [...] _nu_ i-pet-tu-szu [...] u3 mu-szu sza-a-ti _(gesz)na2_ s,a-al-lu x [...] _DISZ na_ mu-kil _sag hul_-tim _dab_-su masz-qi2-ta nar-ma-ak x [...] _DISZ ki-min kum2_ ina _su_-szu2 la-zi-iz-ma u ma-gal i-le-hi-ib x [...] u _ir tuku_ a-szar _munu6_ u _kasz3_ a-me-lu-ti _(gesz)erin_ (szim)x [...]

ina _nindu usz2_-er ir-ta-na-has,-ma _i3-gesz (gesz)kiszi16_ x x [...] _en2 ur-sag (d)asal-lu2-hi igi-bi he2-pad3#_ [...] _ur-sag (d)sza3-zu igi-bi he2#-pad3#_ [...] _ur-sag (d)en-ki igi-bi# [he2-pad3_ ...] _ur-sag (d)nin-urta igi#-[bi he2-pad3_ ...] _ad-da-gu10 dumu sag dingir#?_ [...] _dumu-gu10 nam-tar_ [...] ra# x x di x [...]

AI Translation

He is killed in a nindu-demon, he constantly screams, and he eats oil from a kishtu-tree ... ... Incantation: May the hero Asalluhi's face be firm. ... May the hero Shazu's face be firm. ... May the hero Enki's face be firm. ... May the hero Ninurta's face be firm. ... My father, the first-born son of a god ... My son, the fate ... .

P398166: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1


[x ina] _mul4#_ tusz#-[bat ina _a2-gu2-zi-ga]_ [ina?] _igi# man_ ina _ugu# [esir had2-ra2 gub_-ma] usz-ta-kal-ma _ku3#-[sig17_ ...] _DISZ na ki-min_ it-ta-na-[ad-lah it-te-nen-bit,] _igi-min_-szu2 ir-ru-ru u _uzu#-[mesz_-szu2 ...] szi-in-na-szu ka#-[li-szi-na ...] _ninda gu7 kasz nag#_ [...] ana _lu2 bi zi-ku5#-[ru-da_ ...] szum-ma _kin#_-[szu2 ...] la-ma _[te_-szu2-ma ...] (u2#)ur2-ne2#-[e ...]

AI Translation

... sits in the star of the aguziga-vessel in front of the king on the esir-vessel and keeps going and the gold ... ... ... a man ditto will become frightened and his eyes will become frightened, and his flesh ... his allies ... bread, beer, ... for that man a zikuruda-prayer ... If his letter ..., he will approach him and ... urnê-plant .

Column 2


[...] ni#? [... i-szam-ma-am?]-szu _[lu2 bi_ ina _igi? (d)szul-pa]-e3#-a_ [ina _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ rik-su] ra#?-kis-su [ina _u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam inim]-bi# al-til_ _[szu zi-ku5-ru-da] ba-usz2_ [...] _te#?_ [x] [...] x [x x]

AI Translation

... ... he will ... him. That man in front of Shulpa'e'a on the 21st day, 22nd day, a riksu-offering of raksu-offering on the 27th day and 28th day, the term of this contract is ... he will die ...

P398168: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x [... ina] _sza3 ra*_-su _e11#*_-szu2-ma [...] x _eme_-szu2 _dab_-bat _nag_-szu2 [...] me an-na-a _du3-du3_ [...] x _sud sag-ki-min_-szu2 _gaba_-su [...] x _(szim)gur2-gur2 (szim)kur-kur_ [...] _szub_-di _szeg6_-szal [...] x-szu2 tu-sa-lah2 bu-uh2-ra [... _i3_ hal]-s,a _sud_ ana na-hi-ri-szu2 _gar_-an [...] x _gin7_ sza2 u2-masz-sza2-ru-ma [...] x ina _lal3_ u _kasz szeg6_-szal [...] x _gu7-mesz_-ma [...] _szeg6#?_-szal _tesz2-bi sud2 1(disz) sila3 kasz sag_ [...] x _lal3 i3-nun-na_

[...] x-ma _ti_ [...] _bahar2_ [...] _(szim#)hab#?_

AI Translation

... ... ... he emerges from his belly and ... his tongue he afflicts, he drinks ... this ... he will perform ... ... his temples ... he will shave his head ... he will shave his head ... he will shave his ... he will eat ... he will put ... oil, he will shave his ... he will put ... ... that he has forgotten and ... he will eat ... in beer and beer shave his head ... shave his head ... 1 sila of beer ... he will shave ... he will shave ... butter and honey

... ... and ... ... ... a reed-plant ... a reed-plant

P398181: technical-procedure tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_urudu_]-_hi#-a_ x#-[...] _na4#_ u _urudu_-_hi-a_ x#-[...] [mu]-ter#-ri _ta igi_ ma-[am-ma ...] [szum-ma _na4_] pa#-an (gisz)_gesztin_ ba-Asz-li# [it-tasz-kin] [ta-ba-szi]-il a-na _ugu#_ [a-gur-ri] [ta-na]-az#-za-lam-ma ter-si-ta# [szum-szu]

[x _ma-na_] ter#-si-tu 10 _ma-na_ bu-s,u# [har-s,u la] ta#-a-a-ru 2/3# _ma-na_ [nam-ru-tum] [sza _a-ab-ba_] sa-an#-di qa-li-tum [...] [...]-x# [...]

AI Translation

You set down copper ..., copper and copper ... You set down the mixture from the presence of someone .... If you set down the mixture before a jar of filtered wine, you set it down on the baked brick. You then burn a good smokeless fire.

x minas of tersitu, 10 minas of harsu, a non-taharu-silver, 2/3 minas of namrutu-silver from the sea, a sandu-silver ... ... .

Oppenheim, A. Leo

... "slow copper" ... you will see someone at the opening stirring with a rake. You apply heat and once the mixture takes on the appearance of mulled wine, you transfer it onto the top of a fire brick. Its name is tersitu.

You grind separately x minas of tersitu, 10 minas of bushu-glass, salicornia harshu, which is not measured, and 2/3 minas of carnelian-colored sea shells, which have been "roasted" ...

P398184: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


_DISZ na# [igi-min_-szu2] a#-pa#-a# [...] _(szim)szesz u2 babbar u5# [argab(muszen)_ ...] _u2_ a-szi-i _(u2)kur-ra_ [...] ina _igi (d)utu_ ina _(gesz)erin2_ ta!-sza2-[qal? ...] _kimin_ ta-bi-la te-t,ep-pi-ma! ina#-[esz ...] _DISZ na igi-min_-szu2 la ina-t,a-la _na#_ [...]

  • 1/2(disz) _gin2 u2 babbar igi 4(disz)-gal2-la#_ [...]
  • u _i3-nun-na# igi#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    If he sees a man's eyes: ... a saffron-plant, white-plant, a pigeon's ..., a plant of the kurru-plant ... before Shamash in cedar ... you strew ditto and you recite the incantation "You do not see a man's eyes" .

  • 1/2 shekel of white plant, 1/4 shekel of .
  • and butter ... .

    P398192: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x al# [...] x ir bi ki _du8-a tu6 en2_ [...] _KU-_ku_ sze-sa-a hi-hi_ [...] x _la2_-su-ma _ti_ [...] x _hi-hi_ [... _la2]_-su#-ma _ti_ [...] _(u2#!)lal suhusz (gesz)nam-tar nita2_ [...] ta#-kar-ma

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... you pound ... ... ... ... and ... ... ... ... you remove the base of the male namtar tree and you recite the incantation 'The king, my lord'.

    Column 2


    [...] x x [...] [...] _i3#-udu_ [...] [...] _nag#_ x [...] [...] ra _i3-gesz bara2#-[ga]_ x [...] _[_disz_ na] x-mesz_-szu2 nu-usz-sza2 : _usz2_ ma-la-a x x [...] [x] (u2)qul-qul-la-(nu) ana _sza3 szub_ ina _kasz sag#_ [...] _pa#? (u2)lal kasz du10-ga_ tu-szab-ba-szu2-ma _duh-sze#-[gesz-i3_ ...] _gin7_ um-me-di u2-masz-sza2-ra ina _szu-si_-ka _gal_-ti tu x [...] _DISZ u3-bu-bu-ul ti-la tusz_ ina _ki-ta_-szu2# [...] pu-szik-ka _gar_-an ina _u4 2(disz)-kam im-gu2 nig-nigin2#!-[na_ ...]

    _(gesz)sze-nu (u2)sikil numun_ (u2)qut-ri sah-le2-e [...] _pa (gesz)kiszi16-hab pa (gesz)nam-tar_ ina _kasz-bir8#_ [...]

  • 3(disz) _u4_-mi ina _im-szu-rin-na_ te-sek-ker [...]
  • (u2)ka-zal-la2 _sud2_ ina _i3-gesz du10-ga_ x [...] _(szim)li_ (szim)[x ...] is si x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... sheep ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you pour into it ...

    ... a ... of juniper, a seed of a ...-plant, ... a kishshihab-plant, a seed of namtar-plant, in beer .

  • You recite 3 times in the 'strength' .
  • You mix kazallû-plant with good oil ... ... juniper, ...

    P398214: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x sza2 ina _igi mul-mesz_ [...] [...] x _gu4_ sza2 _egir mul-mul_ [...] [...] ni qaq-qa-di _gu2_-ia5 u _gesztu_ s,i [...] [... x]-ur3(sar) a ku3 su3 nig2-na (szim)li gar_-an [...] [...] x (dug)pi-hu _la-ha-an dida_ x [...] [...] _sza3_-bi _sag-kul-la gu7_-an-ni _sag-du_ mu# [...] [... _(u2)]igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz numun (gesz)esi_ la du#? [...] [...] x _pesz10-(d)id2#_ x x x [...] [...] _nu#-luh#-[ha_ ...]

    AI Translation

    ... which is in front of the stars ... ox which is behind the Bristle ... ... my neck and ears ... ... ... pure water, a censer of juniper ... ... a libation vessel of lahanu-juniper ... ... its inside ... ... ... ... echinth, echinth, seed of ebony, ... ... ... nuhhu-plant .

    P398228: royal-ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc

    Obverse Column i


    qur(?)#-[szu(?) x x x x x x x x x x x]

    i-[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    _ud 18#_-[_kam lugal_ ina É—_dingir_ ur-rad ina né-reb _lugal_ x x x] _lu_-[_usz-ku_ ina _igi_-at _lugal_ x x x x ina _ka_ an-ze-e] A-_mesz_ [sza mul-li-li a-na _szu-2 lugal_ i-szak-ku-nu]

    _dingir_-_mesz_ [ina _gu lugal_ i-kar-ru-ru x x x _lugal_ er-rab] ina _igi_ (d)#[asz-szur usz-ka-na _ninda_-_mesz_ a-na _igi_ (d)asz-szur _gar_-an] sza—te#-[li-si ina _ugu_ sze-eh-ti u-sze-taq] 02-szu _szem#_-[en-di id-dan pa-gu-lu u-gam-mar]

    e-li _gisz#_-[_banszur_ i-rak-kas _ninda_-_mesz_ it-qur-a-ti] hi-in-hi#-[ni bu-de-e za-am-ru gab-bu] ina _ugu gisz-banszur#_ [_gar_-an tap-ha-a-ni kir-ra-a-ni] ha-as,-ba-a#-[ti u-ma-al-lu-u] _tug_-sa-su-up-pu ina# [_ugu masz-qa lugal_ i-kar-ru-ru]

    _lugal a_-_mesz szu-2_ a-na [(d)asz-szur u-qar-rab _mun_ i-kar-ra-Ar] ki-a-am(!) _dug4#_-[_ga_ (d)asz-szur u (d)_nin-lil_] (d)_im_ (d)#[_masz-masz ti-la_ muh-ra] ina _ugu gisz-banszur_-_mesz#_ [szA _zag_ u _kab mun_ i-kar-ra-Ar szA—te-li-si]

    ina _ugu gisz_-[_banszur_ u-sze-taq _szu-2_ pat,-rat _dug4-ga_] ina _murub4#_ [É u-sze-taq _murub4_ É pa-t,ir _dug4-ga_] ina kaq#-[qar sze-ha-a-ti u-sze-taq _murub4_ É s,a-bit _dug4-ga_] [ina _ugu_ sze-eh-ti u-sze-taq (d)_gisz-bar_ li-lil _dug4-ga_] _szem#_-[en-di _sum_-an (d)asz-szur mu-hur (d)asz-szur sze-me _dug4-ga_]

    ki#-[is-pu i-kas-sap _udu-siskur_-_mesz_ i-na-sah]

    _lugal_ [ma-za-su i-s,ab-bat 02 _amar_-_mesz_ szA _gud_ u-sze-rab-u-ni] _lugal_ qar#-[an _amar_(?) _gud_(?) _uzu-sa_-_mesz udu_-_mesz_] szar-pu ina [_ugu_ sze-ha-a-ti i-szak-kan] _dingir_-_mesz_-ni [up-pa-Asz x x x x x x]

    23 _szem_-en#-[di x x x x x x x x x x]

    16 _szem_-en#-[di x x x x x x x x x x] ina 03 _an_ [x x x x x x x x x x x]

    08 _szem_-en#-[di ina sze-eh-ti 14(?)-ti _sum_-an]

    08 _szem_-en#-[di ina sze-eh-ti 15(?)-ti _sum_]-an#

    08 _szem_-en-[di ina sze]-eh-ti 16(?)#-ti _sum_-an

    08# _szem_-en-di# [ina] sze#-eh-ti 17-ti _sum_-an

    [I]-_gisz lal gibil_(!) [e]-li(!)# _gesztin_ me-zu# _gesztin#_ ba-Asz-lu u-[kal]-lam ina# sze-ha-a-ti i-szaq-qi [tap-ha-a-ni kir-ra]-a-ni i-kam-mir#

    [x x x x x x x x] (d)#_nin-lil_ x [x]

    AI Translation

    his wife ......

    On the 18th day the king goes down to the House of God. At the entrance of the king ... a weavers are before the king. They place the water of the Pleiades in the king's hand.

    The gods stand in the king's neck. The king enters and prostrates himself before Ashur. He places bread before Ashur. He places a shuru-vessel on the censer, gives incense twice, pours out a libation bowl, and performs a libation.

    He places bread, ..., ..., ..., ..., all kinds of fruit and vegetables on the table, fills the groats with ..., and places a shawl on the king's shoulder.

    The king gives hands to Ashur and sprinkles salt. He says as follows: "Ashur and Mullissu, Adad and Mashmash, accept life!" He sprinkles salt on the tables on the right and left.

    He swings the hand on the table, speaks a favorable word in the middle of the house, speaks a favorable word in the middle of the house, speaks a favorable word in the area of the censers, speaks a favorable word on the censer, and sings: "May Fire lull the censer!" He accepts Ashur, accepts Ashur, speaks a favorable word,

    He performs a sheep offering and performs sheep offerings.

    The king takes the throne and brings two ox-calf-calf-calfs. The king places a calf-calf, an ox-calf, a thigh-bone, and sheep on the censers. The gods .

    23 ...-plants ......;

    You ...... 16 ...-plants .

    He gives 8 drops of juniper per 'litre' of barley.

    He gives 8 drops of juniper in 15 ...-corn.

    He gives 8 drops of juniper per 16 litres of barley.

    He gives 8 doses of juniper per 17 litres.

    He pours pure oil over the mezu-wine and pure wine. He pours into the censers the kirranu-flour and the tapha-flour.

    ...... Mullissu .


    The queen supplies the food for the wedding night of Mullissu.


    On the 18th day the king goes down to the House of God. He ...s at the Royal Entrance. A chanter ...s before the king. At the Anzû Gate water for the purification cone is placed in the king's hands and the gods are hung around the king's neck.

    The king enters and prostrates himself before Ashur. He places loaves of bread before Ashur. He swings the purification device over the censer, gives incense twice, and pours out a libation bowl.

    He ascends the dais and sets the table. He places bread, plates with spicy grains, budê-confection and all sorts of fruit on the table. They fill up the cauldrons, the pithoi and the pots, and put a napkin on the king's shoulder.

    The king offers hand-water to Ashur, strews salt, and says as follows: "Ashur and Mullissu, Adad and Mashmash, accept life!" He strews salt on the tables to the right and left.

    He swings the purification device over the table and says: "The hand is released." He swings it at the centre of the house and says: "The centre of the house is released." He swings it at the area of the censers and says: "The house is seized." He swings it over the censer and says: "May Fire purify!" He gives incense, saying: "Ashur accept, Ashur listen!"

    He performs a funerary offering and performs sheep offerings.

    The king occupies the stand. Two ox-calves are brought in. The king places a horn of an ox-calf, muscles of sheep and combustibles on the censers. He treats the gods.

    He gives 23 doses of incense .......

    He gives 16 doses of incense ...... into three .......

    He gives 8 doses of incense into the 14th censer.

    He gives 8 doses of incense into the 15th censer.

    He gives 8 doses of incense into the 16th censer.

    He gives 8 doses of incense into the 17th censer.

    He burns oil and honey. He ascends the dais, displays mezu-wine and boiled wine, and pours them into the censers. He heaps up the cauldrons and the pithoi.

    ...... Mullissu ...

    Obverse Column ii


    _lugal#_ ina _kab#_ (d)[x x x x x x x x x]

    _lu-3-u5_ sza _gisz_-[_gigir_ x x x x x x x x]

    ri#-iq-du _gar_-an x [x x x x x x x x]

    _ta# uru ur_(!) [x x x x x x x x x x x]

    ina _igi_ (d)_lal_ [x x x x x x x x x x]

    _lugal_ ina [É-_gal_ i-sze-er]

    qur#-szu sza (d)[_nin-lil mi_—É-_gal_ u-szA-dan]

    _ud# 19_-_kam lugal#_ [ina É—_dingir_ ur-rad]

    _udu#-siskur_-_mesz_ [ina _igi_ (d)asz-szur (d)_nin-lil_ i-na-sah]

    _lu#-usz-ku_-[_mesz_ x x x x x x x x x] [ina] _sza_(!) kar(!)#-[x x x x x x x x x x]

    _szu-gur_(!)# [x x x x x x x x x]

    ina _igi_ (d)asz-szur(!) x# [x x x x x x x]

    _szu-gur kug-gi#_ [x x x x x x]

    _lu-kur-gar#_-[_ra_-_mesz_ x x x x x]

    ina _igi_ (d)x# [x x x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    the king in the ... of .

    the 'third man' of the chariot .

    You set up a ritual libation bowl .

    from the city .

    before Tashmetu .

    The king goes straight to the palace.

    The queen provides the wedding night of Mullissu.

    On the 19th day the king goes down to the House of God.

    He performs sheep offerings before Ashur and Mullissu.

    The chanters ...... in the .

    a ring ......

    before Ashur .

    a gold ring .

    the governors .

    before ......


    The king ... to the left of ......

    The 'third man' of the chariot ......

    begins the dance ......

    from the city the roof ......

    before Tashmetu ......

    The king goes straight to the palace.

    The queen supplies the food for the wedding night of Mullissu.

    On the 19th day the king goes down to the House of God.

    He performs the sheep offerings before Ashur and Mullissu.

    He seats the chanters ......

    a ring ......

    before Ashur ......

    a golden ring ......

    the kurgarrûs ......

    before the god ......

    Reverse Column iii


    qur-szu [sza (d)_nin-lil dumu_—_man_ u-szA-dan]

    _ud 20_-_kam#_ [_lugal_ ina É—_dingir_ ur-rad]

    _udu-siskur#_-[_mesz_ ina _igi_ (d)asz-szur (d)_nin-lil_ i-na-sah]

    AI Translation

    The crown prince will give the wedding night of Mullissu.

    On the 20th day the king goes down to the House of God.

    He performs sheep offerings before Ashur and Mullissu.


    The crown prince supplies the food for the wedding night of Mullissu.

    On the 20th day the king goes down to the House of God.

    He performs the sheep offerings before Ashur and Mullissu.

    Reverse Column iv


    [x x x x] _bal#_-qi _lugal_ du#-[ma-qi(?) x x] ma-qi(!)#-tu _bal_-qi _lugal_ ina _ugu gisz_-u-x# [x x]

    [x x] x# _lugal_ i-qar-rib x# [x x x x]

    [x x] x#-ki i-qar-[rib x x x x x] [x x x] x#-sze-e ma-a# [x x x x x x x x] [x x x] x# [x x x x x x x]

    qur-szu [sza (d)_nin-lil dumu_—_man_ u-szA-dan]

    _ud 21_-_kam_(*) _lugal#_ [ina É—_dingir_ la ur-rad]

    ina _ka_ s,i#-[it—(d)_utu_ x x x x x x x x x]

    sze-e-li x [x x x x x x x x x x x]

    _gud-nita_ sza É—(d)[da-gan x x x x x x x x]

    _lugal_ em-mar il-lak(!)# [x x x x x x x x x x]

    qur-szu sza (d)_nin-lil_ [_lu-igi-dub gal_ u]-szA#-dan

    _gud-nita_ sza in(!)-nam(!)-mar(!)#-u-ni _ud 22_-_kam_(*) ina É—(d)asz-szur ina _igi_ (d)asz-szur in-né-pa#-Asz

    _ud 22_-_kam_(*) _lugal_ ina É—_dingir#_ [ur-rad]

    AI Translation

    ... will take the king's booty; ... will take the king's booty; ... on the ... .

    ... the king will greet .

    ... he will offer .

    The crown prince will give the wedding night of Mullissu.

    The king should not go to the House of God on the 21st day.

    at the gate of the Rising Sun .

    a reed basket .

    a bull of the temple of Dagan .

    The king will see .

    The chief treasurer will provide the wedding night of Mullissu.

    The ox which is seen, will be performed in the house of Ashur on the 22nd day before Ashur.

    On the 22nd day the king goes down to the House of God.


    libates .... The king ...s the jewellery and pours a libation. The king ...s on the ....

    The king offers ......

    ... offers ......

    The crown prince supplies the food for the wedding night of Mullissu.

    On the 21st day the king does not go down to the House of God.

    At the Eastern Gate ......

    The priest ... ......

    A bull of the house of Dagan appears ....

    The king inspects it, and goes .......

    The grand treasurer provides the food for the wedding night of Mullissu.

    The bull which appears is sacrificed before Ashur in the House of Ashur on the 22nd day.

    On the 22nd day the king goes down to the House of God.

    P398254: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] [...] gisz? [...] x sze? [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 2

  • [2(disz) _gin2?_ ...]
  • 2(disz) _[gin2_ ...]
  • _[2(disz) _gin2?_ ...]

  • 2(disz) _[gin2_ ...]
  • [...] [...] [...] za#? [...] x ma# za#? [...] _kur_ [... _ab2]-duh_

  • 2(disz)# _[gin2?_ ...] ba
  • 2(disz) _gin2#_ [...] ud#?
  • 2(disz) _gin2#_ [... tam?]-tim
  • 2(disz) gin2# [... tam?]-tim#
  • [2(disz)] _gin2#_ [... tam?]-tim
  • [2(disz)] _gin2#?_ ni#? za#? x x x
  • [2(disz)] _gin2#?_ ir x x tam-tim#?
  • [2(disz)] _gin2# ba-ba-za#-(d#)id2#_
  • [2(disz)] _gin2# im-kal-la_
  • [2(disz)] _gin2# im#–kal-gug#_
  • [2(disz) _gin2]_ (na4)mu#-s,u
  • [2(disz) _gin2] (na4)kur_-nu _dab-ba_
  • [2(disz) _gin2] (na4)zalag2_
  • [2(disz) _gin2] (na4#)an-zah_
  • [2(disz) _gin2] (na4)an-zah-ge6_
  • [x x] _du3 na4_

  • [2(disz) _gin2] (na4)bun2_ a-bat-ti
  • [2(disz) _gin2] (na4#)pesz4-ansze_
  • [x x] _u2#-nig2-bur3-bur3 (na4)pesz4 a-ab-ba sa5_ [x x _na4] u2#-nig2-su3-su3_ [x x] _im#-sahar#-babbar-kur-ra_ [x x _im]-sahar#-ge6-kur-ra_ [x x] _im#-sahar-na4-kur-ra_ [x x] x _ga2-nu11(muszen)_ [x x] x gal#? ri [x x] _mun#?_ x x [x x] _mun#_ a-ma-nim# [sza2-nisz x] _gin2#-am3 mun-mesz_ [x x x] _u2#-hi-a_ an-nu-te _u2 gal_-u [ina (gesz)naga3] a-bar2 gaz_ [x x] _(na4#)na-za3-hi-li ara3_-en [x x x] ana _(dug)bur-zi sar_ te-sip [ina _ge6_ a]-na# _igi (mul)uz3 gar_-an

    [x _(dug)a]-da#-gur5 gub_-an _[en2_ (d)]gu-la _gaszan gal_-tu4 3(disz)-szu2 _szid_-nu _[en2_ (d)]gu#-la _gaszan gal_-tu4 a-szi-bat _an_-e _ku3-mesz_ [x x] x _dingir-mah_ [mu]-bal#-lit,-at _ad6_ [...] pi-ki asz2-ku-nu [...] x lib-lut, [...] x _tu6 en2_ [...] _sag#?_

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels ...
  • 2 shekels ...
  • 2 shekels ...

  • 2 shekels ...
  • ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the land .

  • 2 shekels ...
  • 2 shekels ... .
  • 2 shekels ... the sea?,
  • 2 shekels ... the sea?,
  • 2 shekels ... the sea?;
  • 2 shekels ...
  • 2 shekels? ... the sea?,
  • 2 shekels: Babaza-Id;
  • 2 shekels of imkalla-silver;
  • 2 shekels of imkalgug-sulphur;
  • 2 shekels mushu-stone,
  • 2 shekels of kurnu-stone, seized;
  • 2 shekels of zalagu-stone,
  • 2 shekels of anzahhu-stone,
  • 2 shekels of anzahhu-stone,
  • ... of stone

  • 2 shekels of abattu-stone,
  • 2 shekels of emmer stone,
  • ... nigburbur-plant, a kind of sea shell, red ... stone for nigsusu-plant ... agate, ... agate, ... agate, ... agate, ... agate ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... these plants ... a great plant with a pot of water. ... zahilu-stone you crush. You put it in a burzi-vessel. You set it in front of the uz.

    You set up a ... of adagurru-vessel. You recite the incantation "Lady Gula, great lady." You recite the incantation "Lady Gula, great lady, who dwells in the pure heavens." ... the goddess Ilummah, who restores life, ... the wording of your mouth ... may ... live ... ... .

    Column 3


    (na4)x [...] (u2)tar#-[musz8 ...] (u2)el#-[kul-la ...] (u2)ak#-tam# _(u2#)kur#-kur# (gesz#)haszhur#_ (u2)la-pat ar#-[man-ni] (na4)ga-be-e# [x] _ka#? a-ab#?-[ba]_ _(u2)nu-luh-ha (u2)dur2-nu-luh#-[ha]_ _(u2)har-har_ (u2)ur-nu-u _(u2#)[kur-zi]_ (u2)szib-bur-ra-tu4 _(u2)hur#?-[sag]_ _(u2)kur-ra (u2)sumun-[dar]_ _henbur2 (gesz)dih3# [henbur2] (gesz)kiszi16#_ _henbur2 gi# [szul-hi]_ (gesz)bi-[ni] _numun_ (gesz)[bi]-ni _(u2)in6-[usz2]_ _numun (u2#)in6#-usz2 (szim)li#_ _numun (szim)li mun ku3#-[pad]_

    _mun_ a-ma-nim _zu2-lum#-[ma]_ _numun (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 (szim)[man-du]_ (u2)kur-ka-nu-u2 _gazi#[(sar)]_

  • 3(u) 7(disz) _u2 usz11-bur2-ru-[da]_
  • (u2)tar-musz8 _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)[igi-nisz]_ _(u2)sikil gesz bur2 (szim)gur2-[gur2]_ _(szim)li (gesz)erin gi du10-ga#_ (gesz)bi-ni _(u2)in6-usz2_ (u2)el-kul-la# _u2 dim3-me naga(ga)-si_ _mun pesz10-(d)id2_

  • 1(u) 6(disz) _u2-hi-a usz11-bur2-ru-da_
  • (u2)tar-musz8 _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ _ka a-ab-ba (szim)gur2-gur2 (szim)li_ (na4)ga-be-e _(na4)pa_ (na4)ni-bu _(na4)pesz4-ansze (u2)kur-kur (na4)u2-nig2-bur3-bur3_ _(na4)u2-nig2-su3-su3_ pa-pa-sa3-_(d)id2_ _numun#_ x [x] _ku#_ kara-asz2 tam-tim mi-sis# tam#-tim# _(u2)nu-luh-ha_ (u2)ti-ia2-tu2 (u2)ur-nu-u _(u2)har-har_ (u2#)szib-bur-ra-tu4 (u2)ha-hi-in _[(gesz)]gesztin# ka5-a (u2)kur-ra#_ [x x] x _[lag] gan2 szika nunuz_ [...] [(gesz)bi?]-ni _numun_ (gesz)[bi-ni] (u2#)[x] x ra _gu2-gal gu2#-tur#_

    _(gesz)hab_ la#? [x _nu]-ur2#-ma-a (u2)nu-[luh-ha]_

  • 3(u) 6(disz) _u2#_ [...] _ra#_ _gar-gar-mesz mah-mesz_
  • (u2)zi#? [x x pu]-qut#?-tu2 _numun_ (u2)pu-qut-tu2 _(na4)u2-[nig2-bur3-bur3] numun# (u2)a-zal-la_ _(szim)szesz_ [x] _(szim)buluh (na4)pesz4-ansze_ _szika nunuz ga2-nu11# ka a-ab-ba_

  • 9(disz) u2 mu-s,i# lat-ku
  • (u2)tar-musz8 _(u2)igi_-lim# _(u2)igi-nisz_ _(na4)pa_ (na4)ni-bu (na4#)ga-be-e _(na4)pesz4-ansze ka a-ab-[ba_ x] x _nig2_ x [x] _(na4)u2-nig2-bur3-bur3_ (na4#)[x ...] kara-asz2 [tam-tim? ...]

    AI Translation

    ...-stone, ...-stone, ...-stone, elkulla-plant, ..., aktam-plant, kurkur-plant, hashhur-plant, lapat, armannu-plant, gabe-stone, ..., ..., nuluhha-plant, durihha-plant, harhar-plant, urnû-plant, kurzi-plant, shibburratu-plant, hursag-plant, kurra-plant, kurra-plant, henbur-plant, henbur-plant, kiszi-plant, henbur-plant, reed, shumhu-plant, biru-plant, seed of biru-plant, seed of biru-plant, seed of biru-plant, seed of juniper, seed of juniper, a golden tin,

    salt of the sea, dates, seed of hallub-plant, mandu-juniper, kurkanû-plant, garlic,

  • 37 plants, sacrificial sulphur;
  • tarmush plant, igilim-plant, iginish-plant, sikillu-plant, a reed-bed of gurgur-aromatic substance, juniper, a good reed-plant, birû-plant, elkulla-plant, a plant that is scented with ghee, salt from the river

  • 16 ...-plants,
  • tarmushu-plant, igilim-plant, iginishu-plant, the mouth of the sea, gurgur-plant, lupin, agate, agate, nibu-stone, emea, kurkur-plant, unigburbur-stone, unigsusu-stone, papasa-id, seed ..., the sea, the distance of the sea, nuluhha-plant, tiyatu-plant, urnû-plant, harhar-plant, shibbur-plant, huhinu-plant, grapevines, kurra-plant, ...

    a ... of pomegranates, nuluhhu-plant,

  • 36 plants ... ... many .
  • 9 plants, ...;
  • tarmushu-plant, igilim-plant, iginishu-plant, pa-stone, nibu-stone, gabe-stone, ewe-stone, ... ... ... unigburbur-stone, ... ... of the sea .

    Column 1


    u2# [...]

  • 2(u)# 6(disz)# _[u2-hi-a_ x x] _dur2#-gig#_
  • _(u2)igi_-[x x x] x _(gesz)hab_ _na4_ ga-be-e# _gu2#-nig2-ar3-ra_ _(u2)nu-luh-ha_ t,e#-ri-tu4

  • 6(disz) _u2 nig2-la2# sila du_
  • _numun (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 (u2)eme ur-gi7_ (u2)tar-musz8 kam-ka-du _(u2)har-har_ (u2!)kur-ka-na ((u2))

  • 6(disz) _(u2)_ masz-qit _dur2-gig_
  • (u2#)tar#-musz8# _(u2#)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ [x x x] _(u2)hab_ [x x x] _ukusz2-gi-la_ [x x x] _bun2_ a-bat-ti#? [x x x] _dur2#-nu#-[luh-ha]_ [...] [(gesz)nu]-ur2#-ma-a (u2#)nu#-s,a-bu# _(u2#)(d)masz ka a-ab-ba#_ _[gi]_ t,up#-pi tam-tim mi-sis tam-tim mu#-s,a _(na4)an-zah (na4)an-zah-ge6_ _[(na4)]zalag2 (szim)szesz_ [x] (gesz)nu-ur2-ma-a _gazi(sar)_ _nunuz# ga2-nu11(muszen) numun (u2)in6-usz2_ (na4#)pesz4-ansze (na4)pesz4 a-ab-ba sa5_ [x] _u2# ellag2-mesz_ _[(u2)]har#-har_ (u2)ur2-nu-u2 [x x] _(u2)kur-kur_

    [x x] x sah-le2-e [x x] x _(u2)eme ur-gi7_ [x x] x _im-sahar-na4-kur-ra_ [(u2)]szu#?-un-hu [x _u2] ellag2-mesz_ [(u2)hal-tap-pa]-nu# (u2)ha-sza2-nu [x x x] (u2)kur-ka-nam [x] x szap-ha [x _u2] mur#-min-mesz_ sza _en-te-na_ [(u2)hal-tap]-pa#-na# (u2)kur-ka-nu-u (u2)ha-sza2-nu _(gesz)gur2-gur2_ _numun_ (u2)ak-tam _(u2)har-har (u2)hab_ _u2 babbar_ (u2)bu-ut,-na-nu#

  • 9(disz) _u2 mur-min-mesz_ sza szu#? [x]
  • (u2)tar-musz8 _(u2)igi_-lim# _[(u2)igi-nisz]_ _suhusz_ (u2)hal-tap-pa-ni _suhusz_ (u2)al#-[lu-zi] _(u2)hab (gesz)haszhur gesz-gi_ (u2)ak-tam _(gesz)gesztin ka5-a_

  • 9(disz) _u2 sza3-ge6?_
  • _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ (u2)tar-musz8# (u2)al-lu-zi (u2)hal-tap-pa#-[nu]

  • 5(disz) _u2 sza3-[ge6?]_
  • (u2)tar-musz8 _(u2)igi#_-[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... plant

  • 26 ... ..., ditto.
  • ...-plant, ...-plant, agate, a ...-plant, a gunigarra-plant, a nuluhhu-plant, a teriktu-plant,

  • 6 plants, nigla-offerings of the street,
  • seed of halub-plant, eme-plant, lion's tongue, tahar-mush8-plant, ka-du-plant, harhar-plant, kurkana-plant,

  • 6 plants, mashqitu-plant, durigu-illness;
  • tarmush tree, emea, emea, emea, ..., alum, ..., a ukushu-plant ..., a ..., a ..., a ..., a ..., a nusaba-plant, a nusaba-plant, Ninurta, the mouth of the sea, a tablet of the sea, the distance of the sea, anzahhu-stone, anzahge stone, zalag-stone, ayyaru-plant, ..., a nusha-plant, a pigeon, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant, a sacrificial plant

    ... cress, ... eme, dog ..., imshar-nakku-stone, szu-unhu-plant, ... of the intestines, haltapanu-plant, hushanu-plant, ..., kurkanum-plant, ..., shapha-plant, ... of the murmu-plant of the entena, haltapanu-plant, kurkanu-plant, hushanu-plant, a gurgur-plant, seed, aktam-plant, harhar-plant, white-plant, butnanu-plant,

  • 9 plants of the murminu-plants of ...;
  • tarmush8-plant, igilim-plant, iginishu-plant, the base of haltapanu-plant, the base of aluzi-plant, hab-plant, dates, akkam-plant, agate, agate, agate.

  • 9 plants of the night?,
  • igilim-plant, iginish-plant, tarmush-plant, alluti-plant, haltapanu-plant,

  • 5 plants of the night?,
  • tarmush-plant, ...-plant .

    Column 2


    [...] _igi#_ [...] bi#-ni _numun_ (gesz#)bi-ni [x x x] _numun (szim)li (u2)a-zal-la2_ [x] _(u2#)a-zal-la2 (u2)in6-usz2_ [x] _u2# sza3 du10-ga_ [x x] x _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ [x x x _(u2)]har-har gazi(sar)_ [...] _gu2#-gal_ qa-la-te [... _li]-dur#_ [x x] sza2# 7(disz) x [...] _[(u2)nu]-luh#-ha_ (u2)kur-ka#-nu#-[u] _[(u2)]har#-har (u2)hur-sag#_ [x] _u2 a2-min-mesz giskim-mesz_ (u2)tar-musz8 _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_

  • 3(disz) _(u2)_ masz-qit _a2 zi-ga_
  • (u2)tar-musz8 _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ (u2)kar-rasz _(szim)li_

  • [5(disz)] _u2#_ ah-ha-zi
  • _suhusz#? (gesz)hab (szim)li_ _[(u2)]nu#-luh-ha (szim)szesz_ _[im]-sahar#-na4-kur-ra 6(disz) u2-mesz_ [a]-mur#-ri-qa-a-ni _[(szim)]szesz#_ (na4)ga-be2-e [x x x] _ka a-ab-ba gu2-tur_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... seed of a biru-tree ... seed of juniper, azallû-plant ... seed of azallû-plant, inush-plant ... plant of the good heart ... ... harhar-plant, garlic ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... kurkanû-plant, harhar-plant, hursag-plant ... ditto aromatics, tarmush-plant, igilim-plant, iginish-plant

  • 3 plants, mashqitu-plant, the side of the ziggurat;
  • tarmush8-plant, igilim-plant, iginishu-plant, karrashu-plant, juniper

  • 5 plants of ahhazu-plant,
  • base of a tree?, a plant, a plant, a nuhha-plant, a plant, a stone, a stone-shrine, 6 plants, amurriqani-plant, a plant, a stone, a ..., a gate of the sea, a ...,

    P398257: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    [...] ina _de3 sar_-szu2 [...] x s,e-en-ni-it-tu2 s,i-rip-tu2 [... bu-'a-a]-ru bu-u'-sza2-nu [... _an]_-e# ur-du-nim-ma [...] bu#-ud ta#-ri-te [... ka-nu-szi]-na# sza _(na4)nir2_ [... _a]-ab#-ba_ ta-ma-ti _dagal_-tim [... ina _sza3]_-bi# li-bi-la-nim-ma lit-tal-ka-ni# [...] sza2#-na-du sza2-asz2-sza2-t,u [...] bu-u'-sza!-nu tal2#-a-szu2 [...] li-bu-re-e [... a-na] ah#-ra-a-ti [...] s,e#-en-ni-it-tu2 [...] bu#-'a-a-ru

    AI Translation

    ... in the battle his inscription ... scepter, scribal art ... a scepter, a scepter ... a scepter, a scepter ... the heavens, he made rise and ... a scepter, ... their ka-nushina of nir-stone ... the wide sea ... inside it may he bring and may he go ... a scepter, a scepter, a scepter, a scepter, ... to the ahra ... scepter, ... a scepter,



    [...] _de3# szurun# [gu4 nigin]_ [...] (d)utu nu igi-du8_ [... _(gesz)]geszimmar-tur_ (u2)ak-tam ana _sza3 szub_ [...] _szu#-min_ ina _sza3 ra_-su-ma _ti_ [... i]-sza-ma#-ma _na bi_ sza2-asz2#-sza2-t,a _gig_ ana _ti_-szu2 _kasz3 gu4_ [...] _de3# szurun gu4 nigin (gesz)na2_-szu2 ta-szar2-rap _za3-hi-li_ qa-la-ti [...] tara#-bak ina _kusz-edin sur_-ri _la2_-su-ma _ti_ [...] ina _i3-gesz hi-hi szesz2-me_

    AI Translation

    ... you pound a pig's head, you ... the horn of the ox, you do not see the sun. ... you throw a date palm and aktam-plant into the midst of it. ... you pound a hand in it and he will recover. ... he will be ill and that man will recover. ... he will eat ... beer of a pig. You pound a pig's head, you ... you pound a pig's neck. You ... ... you ... him in a leather bag and he will recover. ... you ... in a hulhu-plant.

    P398276: literary tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [...] [...] sza2 _kil_ [...] [...] _dingir#-mesz#_ [...] [...] _(d#)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ e-ni-[ni? ...] [... isz]-ku#-nu-szu-nu naq-be#? [...] [...] da#?-x-ra-nu ki-lal-la-an [...] [...]-x-an-na szum-ru-s,a-ku#? [...] [... it]-ti#-szu2 bul-lu-t,u sza2-kin it#-[...] [... u2-bal]-li#-t,an-ni sze-ret-su# [...] [... am]-ma-szid ab-bu-ut-ta [...] [...] la#-bisz e ri x [...] [...] x me szib-bu [...] [...] x x qa-da-da-[nisz ...] [...] ina e2-sag-il2 szi-gu# [al-szi] [...] x x-ia szi-gu# [...]

    [...]-kad3#?-ru!# ina pi-szer3#-[ti ...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... the gods ... the goddesses ... ... they placed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... with him ... he restored me, his supplications ... ... I sat down ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in Esagil ...

    ... ... in the mouth ... ... .

    P398288: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x] _ma#-na#_ x [...]

  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ (im)x [...]
  • 1/2(disz) _sila3 (u2)kur-kur 1/2(disz)# sila3#_ [...]
  • _ki i3-udu duh-lal3_ u qi2-[lip2? ...]

  • 1/3(disz) ma-na#-ta-am3 la2_-su#? [...]
  • 1(u) 5(disz) _u4-me igi_ x _la2_-su# [...]
  • _i3 gi du10-ga esz#-mesz_-su# [...] i-lab-bi-ku _en_ x [...] szum4-ma _du10 nu# igi#-[du8_ ...]

  • 3(disz) _ma-na#_ [...]
  • AI Translation

    x minas ... ...

  • 1/3 mina of ...-stone .
  • 1/2 qû of kurkur-plant, 1/2 qû of .
  • with fat, ... and qiliptu-confection .

  • 1/3 mina is its deficit .
  • 15 days he will see ... his deficit .
  • You recite his esheshu-plaises, ... he will be sated with ... If he is happy, he will not be sated .

  • 3 minas ...
  • P398309: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [x x x x] [...] _ih-ti-in na-[na-ah]_ [...] _ih-ti-in na-na-ah_ _[ka inim]-ma# _disz_ na_ a-szu-u _dab_-it# [...] _(u2#)igi_-lim _(u2)kur-kur_ [...] x _numun (u2)ab2-duh_ [...] x sze szu2 _sar_ [...] _hu#-da me-ta-an-ni hu-da_ [...] x uk ka [muk?] [...] x x x [x x] [...] x [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... he sinned, he was stricken ... he stricken ... he sinned, he was stricken ... ... ... emea, kurkur-plant ... ... seed of abuhu-plant ...

    P398337: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _(gesz#)pan?_ [...] [...] (u2)pu-qut-tu _sud2_ ina# x [...] [...] (u2)tar-musz ina x [...] [...] ina _ka_-szu2 _zi3 munu4_ i-sa-ib ina _ugu_ gul-gul#-[li-szu2 ...] [...] x _gig ka_-ia tab-li 7(disz)-szu2 _du11-ga_ [...] [... _ka-musz]-i3-gu7-e_ hal-lu-la-a-a _suhusz u2_ x [...] [...] _(gesz#)dih3 sig7_-su _sud2_ ina [...] [...] zi _sig7_-su _sud2#_ [...] [...] x x szum4-ma [...]

    AI Translation

    ... bow ... ... pomegranate, ... in ... ... tarmush-plant in ... ... at his mouth, he sprinkles flour and malt, and on his gulgullu-strength ... ... he speaks 7 times ... ... ... kamush-igu7-plant, the halulu-plant, the base of ... ... ... a good scepter, a good scepter, in ...

    P398345: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x [...] ud [... _dur2?]-mi#-na_ [... ina _i3]-nun# hi-hi_ [...] _ti_-ut, [...] _dab_-su [...] s,al#?-li [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... in butter ... ... seized him ...

    Column 2


    [x x] masz x [...] [x x] x an x [...] [x x] ma#? nu ina#? [...] _mud2# (gesz)erin#_ [...] [szum4]-ma _sag-ki-dab-ba#?_ [...] _nu du8_ ina _igi_ s,i-in#-[di u3 _en2 nu kud_-as] _kur-gi(muszen)_ bu-'-[ra? ...] mu-sze-szit-ta-szu2 [...] sza2 pi-szur-ri-szu2 x [...] ana _sza3 mud2 (gesz)erin#_ [...] u _nam-lu2-u18#-[lu_ ...] _sag-ki_-szu2 _gu2_-su [...] _tag-tag_-ma [...] _en2 szu-si hul-gal2#_ [...] _du11_ sza2 _hul-gin7_ [...] da-an [...]

    AI Translation

    P398367: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] x di in szu2 si x [...] [...] x ba ri ana _igi_-szu2 ha [...] [... ana] _igi#_-szu2 ha x [...] [...] _naga (u2)in-nu-usz gi szul#-[hi_ ...] [...] x _(u2)giri3 uga(muszen)_ u2 x [...] [...] x ina _sza3 1/3(disz)! sila3 ti_-qi2 _had2-ra2 gaz sim#_ [...] [...] _sahar_ du-u'3-i lu ina _kasz lu2-kurun2-na#_ [...] [...] _a_ zi-iq-qi2 ana _me u4_-me _nag-mesz#_ [...] [...] x di _gaba-ri nu tuku-mesz_ [...] [...] x _ugu igi_-szu2 _gig_ [...] [...] mesz szu2 masz x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... before him ... ... before him ... ... ... ... ... a reed reed ... ... ... ... ... in 1/3 sila3 you mix it; you burn a good smokeless fire. ... ... ... ... ... in beer of a brewer ... ... you drink a libation-vessel for the days ...

    P398386: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [... ; ...] ; x [...] [... ; ...] ; _(sig2)aka3#_ ina# [...] [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3#-gesz szesz2#_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] x ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] x ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_

    [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] x ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...] x ; _sig3_-s,u2 ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ... ;] _sig3#_-s,u2# ina _i3-gesz szesz2_ [... ; ...; _sig3_-s,u2 ina?] _i3#-gesz# szesz2#_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... a twig in ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in oil, a twig in ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in oil, a twig in ... ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in ... ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in a twig in ... ... ... a twig in oil, a twig in a

    P398391: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [...] x [...]

    (d)isz-ha-ra# _ama_ re-mi#-[ni-tum ...]

    ana-ku _nenni a nenni_ sza2 _dingir_(szu2) [...]

    ina _hul an-ge6_ (d)3(u) sza2 [...]

    _hul a2-mesz giskim_-[...]

    sza2 ina _e2-gal_-_mu_ u _kur#_-[_mu_ ...]

    a-na szu-a-ti _nigin_(ki) al#-[si-ki ...]

    asz-szum gi-mil dum-qi2 e#-[...]

    as-ruq-ki si-riq _ge6#_ [...]

    za-ka-a da-asz2-pa ku-ru-un#-[na ...]

    u2-ma-hir-ki mu-[uh-ru ...]

    _zi_(ti) ub-lak-ki [...]

    (d)isz-ha-ra ina szap#-[li-ki ...]

    be-let _kur-kur_ ina szap#-[li-ki ...]

    dup-pi-ri mim-ma _nu#_ [...]

    mim-ma lem-nu sza2# [...]

    _szu-dingir#_-[_ra_ ...]

    x [...]

    AI Translation

    O Ishhara, merciful mother, .

    I, so-and-so, son of so-and-so, whose personal god .

    On account of the evil of a lunar eclipse which .

    The evil of the seas, .

    which in my palace and my land .

    To that I call out to you .

    Because . . . the good .

    I strew your scepter, . . . the night .

    You are the one who provides the luxuriant, the sated one .

    I have appointed you, the one who greets .

    I bring your life .

    Ishhara, on your right side .

    O lady of the lands, in your presence .

    . . . whatever evil that .

    Hand of the god .

    King, Leonard W.

    . . . . . . . . .

    O Ishhara, merciful mother . . .

    I, so-and-so, son of so-and-so, whose personal god . . .

    On account of the evil of a lunar eclipse, which . . .

    The evil of signs and portents . . .

    In my palace and my land . . .

    On account of that, I turn to you, I call to you, . . .

    Because a requittal of favor . . .

    I sprinkle for you a nocturnal offering . . .

    Pure, sweet beer . . .

    I offer to you a muhru-offering . . .

    I present myself to you . . .

    O Ishhara, at your feet . . .

    Lady of the lands, at your feet . . .

    Cast out anything that is not . . .

    Whatever evil that . . .

    The "hand-of-a-god"-illness . . .

    . . . . . .



    [...] _mi_ x# [...]

    [...] _tar_ x# [...]

    [...] _tu2_(?) _lu_(?)# [...]

    [...] x# [...]

    AI Translation

    King, Leonard W.

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    P398398: royal-ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x] x-nu _lugal_ x x x# [x x x x x x x x x x]

    [x x] x (d)_be_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    [x x] x x x# [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    [x x x x] (d)_be_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x x x] ka [x x x x x x x]

    [x x x x x (d)_gaszan_]—du#-na-ni i-[x x x x x x x]

    [x x x x x x ina] _ugu_(?)#-hi _gar_-an x [x x x x x]

    [x x x x x] i-rak#-kas 02 _udu-nita_-_mesz_ [x x x x x]

    [x x x x x] u#-szA-ap#-ru-su (d)sa-ra-na-a-ti [x x x] [ina _igi dingir_]-_mesz_ i-za-zu hi-it-pa#-a-ni u-ha-at-tu-pu# [ina _igi_] _dingir_-_mesz_ (d)sa-ra-na-a#-[ti] i-kar-ru-ru [_lu_]-_nar#_ qar-du ((:)) ir-ub u-szA-Asz-mir kab-tu# bu-un-nu-u i-za-mur

    (d)#sa-ar-ra-na-(a)-te pa-ni-szu-nu ina _ugu lu-kur_ i-szak-ku-nu u-hab-bu-bu i-raq-qu-du _lu-kur-gar-ra_-_mesz_ mi-lu-li-(i) qab-lu-u i-za-mu-ru _lu-ur-sal_-_mesz_ (a)-ia-ru-ru-tu u-sah-hu-ru mi-il-hu i-ma-al-lu-hu

    _lugal gisz-ban_ ina _igi_ (d)_utu_ u-mal-la ina _ugu_ kaq-qa-ri _gar_-an _ta_(*) _ugu_ kaq-qa-ri i-ma-tah-u-ni u-mal-lu-u _gisz_-szil-ta-hu _ta_(*) _ugu gisz-gigir_ szA (d)_masz-masz_ i-na-Asz-szu-u-ni# [_sig_]-_mesz eme_-szu i-lab-bu-ni _lu-a_—_sig5_ sza _dingir_-_mesz_ ina _szu-2 lugal gar_-an _lugal# gisz_-pi-lag-gu# ina _masz-qa_-szu _il# gisz#_-szil-ta-hu i-mah-har 03-szu u-szA-as,-bar# i-na-sziq a-na _lu-a_—_sig5_ i-da-an ina _szu-2 lu_-szA—É—_kab_ szA (d)_masz-masz gar_-an ina _ugu gisz-ban_ u-szar-kab

    _lu_-szA—É—_kab_ szA (d)_im lu_-szA—_igi_—É-_gal lu-02_-u _ta_(*) (d)_gaszan_—du-na-ni i-rak-ku-bu _gisz_-szil-ta-ha-szu-nu u-szar-ku-bu la u-sze-s,u-u-ni _gisz-banszur_-_mesz_ hi-it-pa-a-ni u-pa-su-ku

    _gisz-gigir_-_mesz_ i-s,ab-bat i-sah-hur _lu_-szA—É—_kab_ szA (d)_masz-masz_ szA (d)asz-szur a-lik i-qab-bi _gisz_-szil-ta-hu ina _sza_-bi _lu-kur_ u-sze-s,u-ni# 03-szu i-lab-bu-ni 03-szu _gisz_-szil-ta-hu i-mat#-[tu-hu]

    _lu_-szA—_pi-2 pi-2_ u _ka_-szu i-pat-ti# _dingir_-_mesz_ i-na-szA-ru-ni

    _lugal_ du-ma-qi ul-la# a-ri-a-te u-sze-el-lu-u-ni

    _lugal_ i-qar#-rib _lu-kur_-szu _kur_-ad ki-ma _lugal lu-kur_-szu ik-ta-szad du-ma-qi i-na-Asz-szi _gisz-balag_ ina nag-la-bi-szu e-lal ina _igi dingir_-_mesz_ il-lak _udu-siskur_-_mesz_ e-pu-szu kaq#-qu-ru i-na-sziq e-rab—_uru_ a-na ma-dak-te up-pa-Asz [a]-na# qir-si er-rab nap-tu-nu _gar_-an _lugal#_ i-had-du

    _szu-2_ (m)asz-szur—za-qip _dumu_ (m)(d)_mes_—szal-lim—_szesz_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    ... the king .

    ... Enlil .


    ... Enlil .


    ...... Beltu-dunani .

    ...... you place upon it .

    ...... he will sacrifice 2 sheep .

    The goddess Saranatu ... stands before the gods and strews a libation bowl. The singer intones, "Great Hero, Hero!" and sings, "Awesome Woman, Belet-ili."

    The Sarraneans are their faces against the enemy. They rage, they scream, the kurgarrûs scream, the ayarurutu-demons scream, the ilhu-demons scream,

    The king places a bow before Shamash and places it on the ground. He places a bow from the ground and places a bow from the chariot of Nergal. He puts wool on his tongue and places a good sage of the gods in the king's hands. The king places a scepter in his hand and places a scepter on his neck. He throws the scepter three times and throws it into the king's hands. He gives it to the good sage. He places it in the hands of the chariot of Nergal.

    The 'Residences' of Adad, the palace superintendent, and the deputy are seated with Sharrat Dunanu. They make their baskets and do not bring them, they tear out the tables and ... them.

    The charioteers take the chariots and go. The 'Ship of the Door' of Nergal and Ashur goes and brings the reeds into the enemy's country three times, and three times the reeds are piled up.

    The chariot driver opens his mouth and prays to the gods.

    The king is a good man. He brings out the sceptres.

    The king enters, defeats his enemy, and takes away his booty. When the king conquers his enemy, he swings the harp and goes to the presence of the gods. He performs sheep offerings, eats the ground, enters the city, goes to the camp, and places the king in a grove.

    Hand of Ashur-zaqip, son of Marduk-shallim-ahhe.


    ... the king ......

    ... Enlil ......

    ... ... ......

    ... Enlil ......


    ... Belat-dunani ......

    ...... he places upon it ......

    He ties ......, ...s two rams ...

    They separate ..., bring forth the sarranus, and remain standing before the gods. They perform hitpu-offerings and place the sarranus before the gods. The singer intones, "The hero got angry, enraged was the beautiful prince."

    The sarranus turn their faces towards the enemy. They hum and dance. The kurgarrûs sing, "Battle is my game," the assinnus exchange laments and ...

    The king strings the bow before Shamash and puts it on the ground. They lift it from the ground and string it. They take an arrow from the chariot of Mashmash and wrap its point with wool. The knight of the gods places it in the king's hand. The king hangs var. lifts a lyre on his shoulder, receives the arrow, spins it around thrice and kisses it. He gives it to the knight, who puts it into the hands of the 'left-house-man' of Mashmash. He nocks it on the bow.

    The 'left-house-man' of Adad, the overseer of the palace, and the deputy ride with Belat-dunani. They nock their arrows but do not shoot. The tables and the hitpu-offerings are cleared off.

    Seizing the chariots and turning around, the 'left-house-man' of Mashmash says: "Arrow of Ashur, go!" They shoot the arrow into the enemy, circumambulate it thrice, and pick up the arrow thrice.

    The ear-man opens its ears and mouth. They clear off the gods.

    The king removes the jewellery. Shields are raised. The king approaches and defeats his enemy.

    Having defeated his enemy, he puts on the jewellery and hangs the lyre on his shoulder. He goes before the gods. Sheep offerings are performed. He kisses the ground, does triumphal entry into the camp, enters the qirsu-enclosure and begins the dinner. The king rejoices.

    Hand of Ashur-zaqip, son of Marduk-shallim-ahhe.



    _gesztin kasz bal#_-[qi x x x x x x x x x]

    ina _zag# ur-mah_ x [x x x x x x x x x]

    ina pa-nat _ur-mah_ u-gam-mar [x x x x x x]

    03-szu i-szA-'a-ri a-na x [x x x x x x x x]

    _libir-ra-bi-gim ab-sar#_-[ma _ba-an-e_]

    AI Translation

    You libate wine and beer .

    on the right of the lion .

    He sets up a lion in front of the lion .

    three times he will ask .

    Written according to the original and collated.


    He pours wine and beer ......

    to the right of the lion .......

    He pours out a libation bowl before the lion ......

    thrice ... to .......

    Written according to the original and collated.

    P398399: royal-ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc

    Reverse Column i


    (d)#[x x x x x] (d)[x x x x x] (d)x [x x x x] a-szib# [x x x x] _kur_-e-bi#-[ih x x x] (d)[x x x x x]

    (d)15 sza# [x x x x] (d)_gaszan uru_-pa-ra-an#-[zi] (d)07-_bi_ (d)na-ru#-du (d)_u-gur_ szA _uru_-tar-bi-s,i _an_-e _ki-tim_

    _dingir_-_mesz_ sza _uru_-ni-nu-a

    asz-szur—asz-szur asz-szur—(d)_be_ (d)_masz#_ (d)_pa-tug_ (d)_masz_-[_masz_] _gisz-tukul_—asz-szur (d)_di#_-[_kud_-_mesz_] (d)_be_ asz-szur—(d)[_im_] [(d)_masz_]—_alam#_-[_mesz_]

    AI Translation

    ......, ......, ......, who dwells in ..., Ebih, ......,

    Ishtar of ..., the Lady of Paranzi, the Seven Gods, the Narudi, Nergal of Tarbishu, heaven and earth,

    the gods of Nineveh.

    Ashur-Ashur, Ashur-Enlil, Ninurta, Nusku, Ninurta, the Weapon of Ashur, the Judges, Enlil, Ashur-Adad, Ninurta-images,


    the god ......, the god ......, the god ...... who dwells ..., Mt. Ebeh, ..., ......,

    Ishtar of ..., the Lady of Paranzi, the Seven Gods and the Narudi, Nergal of Tarbishu, the heaven and earth:

    The gods of Nineveh.

    Ashur-Ashur, Ashur-Enlil, Ninurta, Nusku, Nergal, the Weapon, Ashur-Judges, Enlil, Ashur-Adad, Ninurta-images,

    Reverse Column ii


    (d)x x (d(!))_gisz-tukul#_-_mesz am_-_mesz_ (d)lah-mu-_mesz_—_alam_ a(!)-ba-nu _barag_—_nam_-_mesz_ (d)#_nin_—_uri-ki_ (d)#_sun_-szit-tu (d)#mu-szab-szi-tu (d)#sa-ab-lu (d)#_di-kud_-_mesz_ (d)#a-la-ni-a

    [_dingir_]-_mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _an_-e [(d)]a#-nun-na-ki _gal_-_mesz_ [mu]-ki#-nu ma-ha(!)-zi

    [_kur_]-_mesz# id_-_mesz_ [_uru_] du#-ri sze-lu-ru _sig4_ [É-_gal_ hi-ib-szu É]-_uri-na_-ku [x x x x] x#-e

    AI Translation

    ..., the Guns, the wild bulls, the lahmu-demons, the abanu-demons, the sceptre, the Lady of Akkad, the Sunshittu, the Mushabshitu, the Sablu, the Judges, the Allanu-demons:

    The gods dwelling in heaven and the great Anunnaki, the ones who establish cult centers,

    The mountains, the rivers, the city, the city wall, the brickwork, the palace, the ..., the temple of Urinku, .


    the divine ..., the Weapons, the Wild Bulls, the Lahmus-image, the Fathers, the Dais of Destinies, the Lady of Akkad, Sunsittu, Mushabshitu, Sablu, the Judges, Alania,

    the gods dwelling in heaven and the great Anunnaki gods who established the holy places,

    the mountains, the rivers, the city, the city wall, the mortar, brick, palace, ..., Eurinnaku

    P398409: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...] _he2#-nun_ u _he2-gal2#_-lim#? [...] [...] szu#-nu lu-u tuk-la-ti-ma# [...] [...] _lugal#-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 (d)sin# [...] [...]-nu#-ma szi-pir _szu-min_-ia ma-la ba#-[...] [...]-hu#-us-su lu-ud-disz ni-kit#?-[...] [...] szat,#-ru _mu ad_-ia _ad#_ [...] [...] ni#-ip-hi u3# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... abundance and abundance ... may they be trusted and ... kings, my descendants, whom Sin ... and whose handiwork as many as there are ... may I renew ... ... the inscribed name of my father ...

    P398415: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _DISZ_ ina x [...] _DISZ_ ina x [x x] _ka#_ [...] _DISZ_ ina [... x]-szu2 x [...] _DISZ_ er?-szi? _gig_ x [...] _DISZ_ ina ka-ra-asz _gesztu-min_-szu2 [...] _e3?_ [...] _DISZ_ ina ka-ra-asz _gesztu-min_-szu2 _sig2 babbar_-tum _e3_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _gesztu-min_-szu2 _sig2_ x x x _usz2_ [...]

  • _1(disz) usz 1(u) 3(disz)-am3 mu szid_ [...]
  • _DISZ_ pa-nu-szu2 _gid2-da-mesz_ [...] _dub 7(disz)-kam _disz__ alam-dim2#-[mu-u2] _kur#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    If a patient ... in ... ... ... If a patient ... in his ... ... ... ... If he is ill with a snare, his ears ... go out ... If he is ill with a snare, his eyes ... white wool go out ... If he is ill with a snare, his hair ... ... death .

  • 13 years ...
  • Before him long ... tablet 7 of Alamdimmû of the land .

    P398438: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [...] a#-bu-bu#

    [...] re#-me2-nu-[u]

    [... i]-dal#-pu-nin-ni

    [...] isz-szak-nu-ni

    [... id]-da-s,a-an-ni

    [...] usz-te-s,i-ma#

    [... uq]-t,a#-di-da-an-[ni]

    [...] re-me-nu-[u]

    [... an]-ni ra-ma-ni-szu2# man-nu i-lam#-[mad]

    [... a-a]-u2# [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . the flood

    . . . merciful .

    . . . they are slackening me

    ... they placed

    ... he has sinned against me.

    ... he sat down and

    . . . he gave me .

    . . . merciful .

    . . . his own personal god, who can rival him?

    . . . who . . .


    . . . a flood

    . . . merciful . . .

    . . . have stirred me

    . . . are set against me

    . . . has slighted me

    . . . has expelled

    . . . has bowed me low

    . . . merciful . . .

    . . ., who can ascertain their own sin?

    . . . what person . . .

    P398442: technical-procedure tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    szum-ma bu-s,a a#-[na _du_-ka] 15 _ma-na_ (_an_)-_zah_ [...] lu _nita_ lu# [_munus_ ...] szA _a-ab_-[_ba_ ...] x# [...]

    AI Translation

    If you want to make a pig, you pound it with a ... of 15 minas of anzahhu-sulphur. ... either a man or a woman ... of the sea .

    Oppenheim, A. Leo

    If you want to make bushu-glass, you ... 15 minas of anzahhu that is either "male" or "female", and sea shells ...

    P398443: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-ti#? [...] [...] _lugal#_-ti a-di na#-[...] [...] a#-di na-ge-szu2# [...] [...]-la#-mu (iri)ma-dak#-tu# [...] a#-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu-ud [...] _lugal#_-u-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud [...] _lugal#_-u#-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud [...]-un#-tu-na-asz2 [...] ak#-szu#-[x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... kingship? as far as Na... as far as his district ... ...-lammu, the city Madaktu ... as far as his district I conquered ... his kingship I conquered ... his kingship I conquered ...-untunash ... I conquered

    P398451: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-u [...] [... (d)en-lil2]-la2 _dingir-mesz_ [...] [... _(d)utu_]-szu2 kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ [...] [... _numun lugal_-ti da-ru]-u _nunuz_ bal-til(ki) [...] [... musz]-te-szir [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... of the Enlil of the gods ... ... of the sun, the totality of the people ... ... the eternal seed of kingship, offspring of Baltil Ashur, ... who guides .

    P398458: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [...] _ki_ x# [...]

    [...] _ti_ x# [...]

    [...] _ri_ x# [...]

    [...] _luh_-_mesz_ [...]

    [...] _siskur nig2-ba_ [...]

    [...] x# _ku3_(tum) _igi_-ki u2#-[...]

    [(dug)]_gu2-zi# gesztin_ eb-be-ti ana ka#-[a-szi aq-qi2]

    as#-ruq-ki se-req _szim#_-[_hi-a ku3_-_mesz_]

    qut#-ri-ni e-ri-sza [t,a-a-ba]

    a#-ku-li t,a-a-ba szi-ti-i [da-asz2-pa]

    lu# ni-ih _sza3_-ki ka-bat-ta-ki [lip-pa-asz2-ra]

    [ana-ku] _nenni a# nenni_ sza2 _nig2-gig#_ [...]

    [...] x _nim_(?) x# [...]

    [...] x# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... with ... .

    ... offering, offering .

    . . . pure . . . before you .

    I offer you a libation bowl of pure wine to drink.

    I have strewn for you pure aromatics,

    The extispicy is pleasing.

    I am a slanderer, a slanderer.

    May your heart and your mind be at ease.

    I, so-and-so, son of so-and-so, who is a sick person .

    ... high? ... .


    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . are washed? . . .

    . . . an offering, a gift . . .

    . . . pure . . . before you I? . . .

    I libate a bowl of pure wine to yuo,

    I present to you an offering of pure aromatic substances.

    Incense, a pleasing fragrance,

    Eat the pleasing foods; drink the sweet drinks

    May your heart be at ease, your liver be pacified.

    I, so-and-so, daughter? of so-and-so, whose distress/taboo . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    P398469: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] a-na e-pesz szip-ri szu2-a-[tu2 ...] [...] _gissu#_-szu2-nu da-ru-u ma-[...] [... _mu]-mesz_ lem-ne2-e-ti u4-mu [...] [... ka]-s,ir ner-ti la [...] [...] i-na i-szi-ti [...] [...] x-ta-szu2-nu-ma is,-ru-pu u2-[...] [...]-el _dingir-mesz_ a-na e-[...] [... a-na e]-pesz _lugal_-u2-ti-ia [...] [... (disz)]an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na ta-kil-szu2 [...] [... _dingir_]-ti-szu2-nu s,ir-[ti ...]

    AI Translation

    ... to do that work ... their eternal protection ... their evil days ... a curse that cannot be ... in a favorable case ... ... their ... and they smashed ... ... the gods to ... to exercise my kingship ... Esarhaddon, his trusted ... their exalted divinity .

    P398504: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _szeg6#_ ina _i3-gesz_ u _kasz_ [...] [...] _(u2#)hab_ ina _i3-gesz_ u _kasz nag_ [...] [...] _illu# (szim)buluh (gesz)szur-min3_ szim [...] [...] ina# _(uruda)szen-tur szeg6_ [...] [... a]-ga-pi tu-szap-ra-szu2-ma [...] [...] _(szim#)ba-lu-ha (szim)sze-li babbar#_ [...] [... _(u2)]har-har 1(u) u2-hi-a szesz tesz2-bi gaz_ [...] x tu-kas,3-s,a _u2-hi-a szesz_ [...] x 5(disz) _u4_-me _gar_ [...] _ti_

    AI Translation

    ... rain in oil and beer ... you soak ... alum in oil and beer ... ... a reed-plant in a reed-plant ... a reed-plant in a reed-plant ... you send him ... baluhu-aromatic substance, white juniper ... ... harhar-plant, 10 plants per a day, the brother will die ... ... you ... plants per a day, the brother ... 5 days ... .

    P398532: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _DISZ# na#_ ru-ta ina _a il2_-szi _uzu-mesz_-szu 2(disz) ut-tap-pa-hu# [...] [x] _bu2#-bu2#-ul_ ina _u4-bu2-bu2-ul_ ina _su_-szu2 _e11_ x [...] [x x x] _(u2)sikil gi zu2-lum_ (u2)el-kul#-[la ...] [x x x] x [x x] x x sa# _e11_-ma [...] [...] _sze#_ ina szur-szum-me _kasz_ x [...] [...] x _la2 en lal2_ usz [...] [...] ni# i#? [...]

    AI Translation

    You pound ... a man's ... in water. You pound his flesh twice. ...

    P398537: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] as,#-ma [...] [...] _ansze-kur-ra babbar_ ina#? [...] [...] _kur-gi(muszen)_ ina _ugu_ x [...] [...] x _bal-gi(muszen) sumun na4_ [...] [...] an-nu-ti _(u2)igi_-lim# [...] [...] _(u2)hab ukusz2-hab_ (u2#)[x ...] [...] (u2#)kur-ka-nam x [...] [...] _(szim#)li illu_ (szim#)[x ...] [...] _gaz# sim ki_ ina _igi#?_ [...] [...] _gaz#? sim_ ina _i3-gesz#?_ [...] [...] x x ra#? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... I seized ... white horses in ... ... kurgi-bird on ... ... kurgi-bird stone ... these plants ... ... ukushhab-plant ... kurkanam-plant ... ... ... juniper, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... juniper in ... ... ... ... juniper in oil ...

    P398547: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x-szu2 _gir2-gir2_-su x [...] [...] _tuku#-tuku_-szi _ka_-szu2 [...] [...] x up szur ku ri x [...] [...] _gig na bi! sa_ mah# [...] [... _uh2?]-(d)id2# sud2_ [...] [...] x _szesz2-szesz2#_ [...] [...] sal sza2 ana la x [...] [...] x ina _a szeg6_-[szal? ...] [...] _gaz_ x [...] [...] sza2# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ... his ... ... he will acquire ...

    P398550: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x an [...] [...] tur-ar2 [...] [...] _gaz_ ana x [...] [...] ud tur-ar2 [...] [...] ud ana _sza3 (sig2)aka3#_ [...] [...] x : _ru-um-ma ra_ [...] [... tur?]-ar2 _eme-szid e2-gar8_ ana _i3#-gesz#_ [...] [...] ta#?-na#?-su-uk-ma ana _sza3_ ha-si-si x [...] [...] mu#-sza2-t,i! ina _izi_ tar-has, _gin7_ s,ar#-hu _eme-dir edin_ sza2 x [...] [...] x ru-pu-usz-ta5 ina _ka_-szu2 _szur#-ra_ ana _ugu zu2_-szu2 _gar_-an [...] [...] _zu nam-lu2-u18-lu_ tur-ar2 _sud2 disz_-nisz# [...]

    [...] gi#? id _(gesz#)dih3_ sza2 _(d)utu nu igi-du8#_ ana _ugu zu2_-szu2 [...] [...] x sza2 _zag (sig2)aka3 nigin_ ana _sza3 gesztu_-szu2 _gar i3-gesz_ [...] [...] _sig7_-su _mun_ ina ur-s,i tu-daq#-[qaq ...] [...] x [x x x] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... small ... ... ... small ... ... into the wool of ... ... : ... small ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... into the oil ... you burn ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you place ... on his mouth. You put ... on his stomach. ... ... ... a small ... ... .

    ... ... ... a sceptre which is not visible to the sun on its head ... ... which is located on the right of the akku-stone you put inside its ears. You strew ... ... you sprinkle salt on it. ...

    P398561: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] (u2#)tar#-musz# [...] _(gesz)szinig_ [...] x-su-ma ina-esz [...] x _(u2)kur-kur_ [...] _ugu# szid_-nu _lal2_-su-ma ina-esz [...] _(na4#)an-zah-babbar_ [...] _erin# hi-hi_ [...] x _tag-tag_-ma ina-esz [...] _(tug2#)nig2-dara2-szu-lal2_ [... x]-ma# _tar_-szu2 [...] ina#-esz [...] _ka#_ tam-tim [...] _ti_ [...] x _ti_ [...] _ti#_

    AI Translation

    ... tarmush-plant ... a tamarisk ... and in the process ... ... kurkur-plant ... you crush it and in the process ... anzahhu-stone ... ... ... ... and in the process ... a nigdarashulalu-garment ... and its outer ... in the process ... the mouth of the sea ...

    P398574: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [... e]-tel _eri-du10#_

    [... (d)nu]-dim2-mud

    [... e2]-engur#-ra

    [... _ka2-dingir_]-_ra_(ki)

    [...] _zi_(ti)

    [...] _ti-la_

    [... _un_-_mesz_] _dagal#_-_mesz_

    [... pa-rak]-ki

    [... t,a]-a-ba

    [... re-me]-nu#-u2


    [...] _gar#_(na)

    [... _du10_]-_ga#_-_mesz_

    [... _gal2_](a)


    [... _dingir_-ut]-ka#

    [... lu-uk-szu]-ud#

    [... ina _ka_]-ia#

    AI Translation

    . . . the lord of Eridu,

    . . . Nudimmud,

    . . . E-engur

    . . . of Babylon

    . . . life.

    . . . life.

    . . . the wide people,

    . . . your throne.

    . . . is good.

    . . . merciful .

    ... is located.

    . . . good .

    ... there will be .

    ... and

    . . . your divinity,

    . . . let me achieve .

    . . . in my mouth


    . . . pre-eminent one of Eridu,

    . . . Nudimmud,

    . . . E-engur . . .

    . . . of Babylon,

    . . . life,

    . . . of life,

    . . . the widespread peoples,

    . . . sanctuary,

    . . . is sweet . . .

    . . . merciful . . .

    . . . . . .

    . . . which occurred

    . . . unfavorable . . .

    . . . are present . . .

    . . . and

    . . . your divinity

    . . . let me achieve.

    . . . in my mouth.



    [... la i-hu-uz]-zu#

    [... ma-la ba-asz2]-mu

    [... ab-re]-e#-ma

    [...] x# u2-kin

    [... (d)]_an#-szar2_

    [... i]-szat,-t,a-ru

    [... lis]-ki#-pu-szu2-ma

    [... li-hal]-li-qu#

    AI Translation

    . . . they did not obey

    . . . as much as there is,

    . . . I sought out .

    . . . he established

    . . . of Ashur,

    ... he writes

    . . . may they overthrow him,

    . . . may they remove


    . . . they did no learn,

    . . . as many as there are,

    . . . I collated, and

    . . . I established

    . . . Ashur

    . . . writes

    . . . may they overturn him, and

    . . . may they destroy

    P398582: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [... _a]-gar-gar-(d)id2_ pa-pa-si-_(d)id2 uh2-(d#)[id2]_ [... _szeg6]_-szal _giri3-min_-szu2 tuq3-ta-na-tar x [x x x] [...] it#-ta-na-aq-na-na-szu2 sza2-pu-la-szu2 _bal-bal_-szu2 _na bi_ a-ri-im [x] [...] ana _ti_-szu2 (gesz)bi-nu _(u2)in6-usz2 (u2)a-zal-la2 (u2)har-har_ [...] x _disz_-nisz ta-har-ra-as, ana hi-iq _kasz szub_-di ina _nindu usz2_-er [...] _giri3#?-mesz_-szu2 tu-ur-ta-na-ma-ak-szu-ma _ti_-ut, [... _giri3]-min#_-szu2 sza2-ag-gu-ma a-tal2-lu-ka la i-le-'i

    [...] x ti _munu4 a-gar-gar masz-da3 pa_ (gesz)szu-szum [...] ina _kusz sur_-ri _la2_-su-ma _ti_-ut, [... a-tal2-lu]-ka# la i-le-'i [...] x x x sze _gaz sim_

    AI Translation

    ... the Agargar-Id and the Papasi-Id ... you pound his feet and ... ... you pound him, you slap him, you recite ... ... for his life ... ... ... you pound ..., béninu-plant, azallu-plant, harhar-plant ... you pound ... and you pour it into a libation bowl. You throw it into a bowl of beer. You pound him and he will recover. ... his feet are swollen and your journey is unfavourable.

    ... ... ... ... agargaru-plant, a mashda-plant, a ... of a ...-plant, ... in a leather bag and you ... ... your journey will not be successful ...

    Column 2


    x [...] _numun_ (gesz)x [...] _szeg6_ [...] _DISZ na ki-ta_ x [...] iq-ta-na-an-na-an# [...] _gi szul-hi (gesz)geszimmar-tur#!_ [...] (u2)tar-musz _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi#-[nisz_ ...] _DISZ na ki-ta giri3-min_-szu2 u2 [...] _DISZ na giri3-min_-szu2 u2# [...] _DISZ na giri3-min_-szu2 _mud2_ u2#-[kal-la ...] ana _sza3 szub_-di x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... seed of ... ... rain ... If a person ... from the lower ... he keeps giving ... reeds, reeds of date palms ... tarmush-plant, emily, emily ... If a person ... from the lower limbs of his feet and ... If a person ... his feet and blood he pours into it ... .

    P398591: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _[_disz_] na#? gidim#? ugu#-szu2#? _al#-[szub?_ ...] _[_disz_] kimin#_ (na4)mu-s,a _sig2 ugu-dul-bi_ [...] _[_disz_] kimin#_ (na4)mu-s,a ni-kip-tu2 _ku_-_ku_ [...] [ur]-ra# u _ge6_ ina _kusz_ ina _ga_ [...] _[_disz_] kimin pesz10-(d#)id2# (u2#)kur#-kur#_ [...] illu# li-[dur_ ...] [x] _a#-gar-gar masz-da3 uzu#_ [...] [x] (u2#)tar-musz _(u2#)[igi_-lim? ...] [u2]-la#-pat ar2-ma-ni# [...]

  • 1(u)# 4(disz)# _u2-hi-a_ [...]
  • [x x] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    You crush a ... on a person's body. You crush a ... ditto of mushu-stone, a red wool, ... ditto of mushu-stone, a nikkittu-stone ... ... a day and night in a leather bag in a ... ditto of pesh-id plant, kurkur-plant ... the flood, the flood ... agargaru-plant, a mashda-plant ... tarmush plant, igilim-plant ... a samanu-plant .

  • 14 ... ...
  • P398602: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    [...] x [...] _ru_ x x [...] _sud2 mar_ [...] _sud2 mar_ [...] _sud2 mar_ [...] la2 [...] _ri_ _mar_ [...] x [x] _mar#_

    AI Translation



    [...] _du# zu_ [...] x _si_ [...] _en2_ [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... the incantation ... .

    P398610: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x sza2 _zag_ ana# _sza3_ [...] [...] x bi-il-la-tu u3 _lag_ nu [...] [...] _kimin zu2 ansze_ ana _ugu_ [...] [...] _guru5#-usz suhusz (gesz)nam-tar nita2_ sza2 ina x [...] [...] _suhusz# (u2)eme ur-gi7_ 6(disz) u2# [...] [...] x la am _(d)utu_ ra [...] [...] _ti_ sza2 ku nu x [...] [...] am# ina _ka2 igi#? [...] [...] _du11#-ga_ [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... which is on the right to the ... ... ... ... ... ditto ...

    P398642: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    _en2_ ga-asz2-ru [...]

    _nun_ tiz-qa-ru [...]

    (d)_amar-utu_ szal-ba-bu# [...]

    _en_ e2-sag-il2# [...]

    ra-'-im e2-zi#-[da ...]

    a-sza2-red e2-mah-ti-[la ...]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: Exalted one .

    Prince of the ziggurrat .

    Marduk, the satrap .

    Lord of Esagil .

    Who loves Ezida .

    the foremost of Emahtila .


    Incantation: Powerful one . . .

    Exalted prince . . .

    Sagacious Marduk, . . .

    Lord of Esagil, . . .

    Beloved of Ezida, . . .

    Foremost of Emahtila, . . .

    P398650: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...] _en2# ti-la_ szal# [...] [...] _sze_ lit-bal at-ta man-nu [...] [...] _(d#)nin-gesz-zi-da en_ sa-bi-i la#? [...] [...] x sa [...] [...] ra# hi#? [...] [...] _szu#-si ka-gal_ sza2 _gub3 uh2 sud_ 3(disz)-szu2 _en2_ an#-[x ...] [...] x hu-us, pag-ri szi-pat ba-la-t,i# [...] [...] x _uzu sza3-zu dub#?_ [...] [...] man#-nu mim-ma lem-nu x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ningeshzida, the lord of the sabû-priests ...

    P398664: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 2


    [... ina _kusz]-edin# sur_-ri x x [x] [...] '# [x x x] _i3#_ hal-s,i u _kasz nag#_ [x] [...] _zi3 sze_ ina _sza3_-szu2 _dub#? [x] _i3#-gesz szesz2_-su-ma _ti#_ [... _x]-min_ [x] ina _gig_ [...] _zi3#-kum hi-hi_ ina _a gazi(sar) sila11#_ [ina] _kusz#-edin sur gaba_-su u _masz-sila3-min_-szu2 [...] x-su _i3-gesz szesz2_-su#-ma _ti_

    AI Translation

    ... in a leather bag ... ... ... you strew salt and beer ... ... you strew barley flour in his belly ... you mix together sesame oil and he will recover. ... in a sick person ... you strew flour and hhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhu-suhhe-s

    Column 1


    [... _(u2)]hur-sag (u2)har-har (u2)kur-kur_ [...] _(szim#)a-zal-la-a _(u2)sumun-dar_ [...] 1(u) 6(disz) _u2-hi-a szesz disz_-nisz _sud2_ [...] x sza ma _ti_ [...] ha-sza2-ni _numun_ (u2)at-kam [...] _du10-ga nu_ pa-tan _nag-mesz_-ma _ti_ [...] _masz#-sila3 la2_-ma ina-esz [...] x sik-ru-ti [...] x-ma _ti_

    AI Translation

    ... hursag-plant, harhar-plant, kurkur-plant, ... azallû-plant, shumundar-plant, ... 16 plants ... one-sixth ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you eat and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and ... .

    P398671: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc




    [... ab-ru]-u2-ti#

    [... tu-gam]-mar

    [... ab]-ra#-a-ti

    [...] _dingir_-_mesz_ (d)i2-gi3-gi3#

    [... ud]-da-ap-par

    [...] ia#-a-ti

    [...] tes2#-li-ti

    [...] li#-t,ib at-mu-u2-a

    [...] _arhusz_(?)# ia-a-szi

    [... i-tar-ri]-in#-ni u4-mi-szam

    [...] ru-sa-a-ti

    [...]-u2 lem-nu-ti

    [...] ka# [...]-u2 ina _su_-_mu_

    [... ri]-kisz(?)-szu2(?)-nu# [(...)] szar#-ra-tum _gal_(tum)

    [... be]-lu4# [...] ka-ru-bu

    [li-ih]-du(?)#-[ka] _ki#_(ti3) [sza]-ma-'u-u2

    [li]-risz-ka _e2-kur#_ ta(!)-szi-[la-tu2] lim-la-ku

    [(d)]nin#-men-na _ama_(?)#-_ma2_ szur-[bu-tu li-il-la]-a# re-szi-ka

    [_ka_]-_inim_-_ma szu#_-_il2_-_la2_ [(mul)_kak_]-_si_-_sa2_-_kam_(*)

    [_en2_] szur-bu-u2 git2-ma-lu# [a-pil] dur-an#-[ki]

    [u4]-mu# la a-ni-hu mut-[tab-bil ...]

    AI Translation

    . . . my offspring,

    . . . you make manifest.

    . . . the distant .

    . . . of the gods, the Igigi,

    . . . I constantly seek out .

    . . . me.

    . . . my prayer

    . . . may my word be pleasing.

    . . . my heart is a roaring fire.

    ... they will give me a life of long days.

    . . . sacrificial .

    . . . evil .

    . . . . . . . . in my body.

    . . . their . . . . . great queen,

    . . . lord, . . . who is enraged.

    May the earth rejoice over you,

    May Ekur rejoice over you, may it be a joyous celebration.

    May Ninmenna, supreme mother, lift your head.

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to the Arrow.

    Incantation: O most exalted, perfect one, offspring of Duranki,

    The day that I did not fear, the one who carries .

    King, Leonard W.

    . . . . . .

    . . . the strong?

    . . . you provide in full

    . . . humanity

    . . . the gods, the Igigi

    . . . is driven away

    . . . for me

    . . . my prayer

    . . . may my speaking please . . .

    . . . mercy for me

    . . . he leads me daily

    . . . machinations

    . . . evil . . .

    . . . . . . . . . from my body

    . . . great queen . . . their bonds.

    . . . O lord, . . ., revered one,

    May the earth and the heavens rejoice over you,

    May the Ekur be glad on your account; may it become full with celebrations for you.

    May Ninmenna, the most exalted lady?, lift your head.

    It is the wording of a shuila-prayer to Kaksisa.

    Incantation: O most high, perfect one, son of Duranki.

    Indefatigable storm, who directs . . .



    (d)_iszkur#_ szur-bu-u2 git2-ma-lu [...]

    u4-mu la a-ni-hu mut-tab-bil [...]

    sza2#-kin u2-pe-e [...]

    mu#-szab-riq _nim-gir2_ an-za-[a ...]

    kasz#-ka-szu git2-ma-lu ez#-[zu ...]

    la# pa-du-u2 a-sza2#-[red ...]

    [(d)]_iszkur_ kasz-ka-szu git2-ma#-[lu ...]

    la# pa-du-u2 a-[sza2-red] _e2#_-[_kur_]

    sa#-kip ek-du-ti# [_en_] e#-mu-qi2

    rap#-pu la-'i-it,# [qa-ad]-ru-ti

    [ez]-zu szar-hu# [...] ra-szub-bu

    [... ur]-sza2-an-nu

    [... _gi-izi-la2_]-_mesz_ u _izi_

    [...] u _na4_-_mesz_

    [...] _an_(e)

    [... mu-sza2]-az#-nin _he2-nun_

    [...] usz#-ha-ra-ar2-ra

    [... i-hi]-il-lu _edin#_

    [... usz]-ha-ra-ar2#-[ra]

    AI Translation

    O Adad, supreme, perfect one, .

    May the day not be ruined, may it be ruined .

    Who provides food .

    Who makes the mighty leap, . . . Anzu .

    Your perfect, perfect one, fierce .

    Without rival, foremost .

    O Adad, supreme one, perfect one .

    The unrivalled one, foremost of the Ekur,

    Who binds the weak, lord of strength,

    The one who is enraged with the rage,

    Furious, furious . . ., furious,

    . . . hero

    ... fire and fire

    ... and stones

    . . . of the heavens

    . . . who makes abundance abundant,

    . . . he makes . . . tremble.

    ... he slew the steppe

    . . . he makes . . . tremble.

    King, Leonard W.

    O Adad, most high, perfect one, . . .

    Indefatigable storm, who directs . . .

    Cloud-maker . . .

    Who strikes with a bolt of lightning, . . . Anzu . . .

    Overpowering, perfect one, furious . . .

    Relentless one, foremost of . . .

    O Adad, overpowering, perfect one, . . .

    Relentless one, foremost of Ekur.

    Who fends off the ferocious, master of strength.

    The neck stock who keeps the aggressive in check.

    Furious, proud, awe-inspiring . . .

    . . . warrior

    . . . torches and fire

    . . . and stones

    . . . of the heavens

    . . . who rains down plentitude.

    . . . reduces to silence

    . . . the steppe writhes

    . . . reduces to silence

    P398678: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x x x x x] _lugal#_ x _kal#-ga#_ [...] _[(d)asal]-lu2#-hi lu2-bi-da_ [...] _zi# an-na he2-pa3 [zi ki-a he2-pa3_ -...] _ka# inim-ma_ [...] _du3#-du-bi sig2 sa5 sig2 babbar disz_-nisz _nu-[nu_ ...] _pesz10-(d)id2 uh2-(d)id2 ka_ [...] lip#-pi tala-pap 7(disz) u 7(disz) _kesz2-kesz2_ [...] [x x] ma _szid_-u2 e-ma lip-pi _i3_ el-[lu ...] [ina] _a2_-szu2 a-szar _gu7_-szu2 _kesz2_-szu2# [...] [a]-na# _ugu# a2_-szu2 _szid_-nu [...] [x x x x x] (u2)im-hur-asz-ra u2# [...] [...] _(u2)kur-kur pesz10-(d)id2#_ [...]

    [... lip-pi] tala#-pap 7(disz) _kesz2#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... mighty king ... Asalluhi, the sage ... may zilmu-demons be released from heaven, may zilmu-demons be released from earth ... word of ... ... its rites are red wool and white wool. ... pesh-id and uh-id ... you bind together 7 and 7 ... you bind ... wherever lippi oil is pure ... at his side where he eats, you bind him ... to his side ... imhur-ashra-plant and ... kurkur-plant pesh-id .

    ... you multiply ... 7 times .

    P398685: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] _sila11#_-asz _ki#-[min]_ [...] te-qi2 [...] _a gazi(sar) sila11_-asz [...] x _la2_-ma _ki-min_ [...] x _[ki]-min#_ [...] te#?-qi2 [...] x _ki-min_ [... te]-qi2#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... you libate. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you libate.

    Column 2


    [... _he2]-bad a-la2 hul he2-bad_ [...] [...] _hul# he2-bad maszkim hul he2-bad_ [...] [...] _dim3#-me-_lagab_ he2-bad zi an-na he2-pad3#_ [...] _[ka]-inim#-ma_ [...] _[du3-du3-bi] sig2#? sa5 sig2#_ x [...] [...] x-la? [...] [... _(szim)]gur2#-gur2_ x [...] _DISZ#_ sza2 _im-babbar si3_ x [...] _i3 hul i3 ku6 disz_-nisz [...] _en2 sag-ki i3 sag_ [...] _numun_ ru-ub-bi x [...] _he2-en-da-lal2!(A)-na mul#_ [...] _ka-inim-ma_ [...] _kid3-kid3-bi bar musz-tur-a?_ _en2 me ku3-ga ba-da-ra#_ [...]

    _en2 ka szu-gim ka la_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... may he destroy ..., may he destroy the alû-demon, may he destroy ..., may he destroy the alû-demon, may he destroy the mashkim-demon, may he destroy ..., may he destroy the sacrificial pig, may he destroy the life of heaven ... its ..., its ..., red, yellow-green, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... oil, evil oil, fish, ...

    Incantation: O mouth, speak as if ... not .

    P398696: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _gaz sim#_ [...] [...] _kusz#-edin* sur_-ri [...] [...] _masz-sila3 gig_ ana _ti_-szu2 _(szim)[gam-ma_ ...] [...] _u2-hi-a_ an-nu-te _tesz2-bi gaz sim#_ [...] [...] x la# sza _en-te-na 1(u) 5(disz) (u4)-mesz_ [...] [...] _tu5#_-szu2 masz-qi2-ta sza _en-te-na_ [...] [...] ana# _ti_-szu2 2(disz) _ma-na_ qi2-lip2 _zu2-lum-ma_ [...] [...] tusz#-te-mid _(szim)gur2-gur2_ [...] [...] x _(szim)hab_ [...] [... _kusz]-edin# sur_-ri [...] [...] qi2-lip2# [...] [... an-nu]-ti# _tesz2-[bi_ ...]

    [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... you crush ... ... a paste of a leather bag ... you strew ... a mashsila-plant for his life. You crush ... these plants. You crush ... ... of the entenu-vessel 15 plants. ... his tuqqitu-vessel of the entenu-vessel ... for his life you strew 2 minas of dates. ... you bind ... ... a paste of ... ... a paste of a leather bag ... you strew ... these plants.

    P398713: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [... tu-par2?]-ra#-as,-ma# [...] ana _su_-szu2 _nu te_ _[_disz__ ina _e2 lu2_ ina la mu-du]-ti#? _pesz2-ur3-ra_ szu-a-tu4 [lu ina _id2_ lu ina] su#-qi2 it#-[ta]-ad#-du#-u2 _[na bi_ sza] _zi#-ku5-ru-da#_ [ep-szu2-szum?] [... _kurum6]_-su ana (d)3(u) x [x x x] [... lip]-pal#-sih mu#-[ru-us, ...] [... _sag]-du#_-szu2 lid-di ina an#-[ni-ti ...]

  • [7(disz)-szu2 liq-bi] _zi-ku5-ru#-[da_ ana _lu2 bi nu te]_
  • _[_disz__ a-na?] _zi-ku5-ru#-[de3_ szu-a#-tu? ...]

    AI Translation

    ... you smear and ... does not approach his body. In a man's house, in a place of no return, that sceptre either on a river or on a terrace he has smuggled. That man, whose zikuruda ritual is performed, ... his kurumû-offering to Sin ... ... may he be sated with ..., may he be sated with this .

  • He should say 7 times: "You will not approach that man."
  • ... for that ziggurat .

    P398714: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] be-lu-ti-ia u2-[x x]-ru-usz-szu2 [...] _dumu_ (disz)bu-na-ni (lu2)gam-bu-la-a-a [_...]-gid2_ qaq-qar _a-mesz gi-ambar-mesz_ [...] szit-ku-nu# szub-tu2 [...]-ia hat-tu im-qut-su-ma [...]-ma#-ni-szu2 [...]-mah#-hi szuk-lul-u2-te [_(ansze)]kunga#-mesz babbar-mesz_ [...] il-qa-a [...]-ia# [...]-ia#

    AI Translation

    ... my lordship ... ... ... son of Bunanu, a Gambulian ... ... the area of the water of the reeds ... ... ... ... a storm swept over him and ... his ... ... ... white mules ... he took ... my .

    Column 2'


    _e2_ [...] a-na si-hi-ir#-[...] qaq-qa-ru ma#-[...] ul-tu2 lib3-bi [...] e-li-sza2 [...] ina (na4)pi-i-li# [...] tam-la-a [...] ad-ke-e-ma 2(u) 2(disz) _lugal#_ [...] sza2 a-hi tam-tim u _muru2#_ [...] u2-ma-'e-er-[...] _gesz-ur3-mesz gal-mesz#_ [...] [x] a-dap2-pi (gesz)[...]

    AI Translation

    The house ... to the rear ... the ground ... from inside ... above ... with limestone ... the sea ... I smote and 22 kings ... of the shore of the sea and the middle ... I ... large beams ... adappu-wood .

    P398719: literary tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x [...] [...] i#-be2-esz a#-[...] [...] dum#-qi2 sza2 i#-[...] [...]-ma# sza2-nam-ma i-sze#-[...] [...]-ti# du-u2-ti u2-tam#-[x] [...]-ri#-is# ta-ra-ni isz-hi#-[x] [...]-da#-a#-ti# pi#-rit#-[x] [...]-ma#-a#-ti# ar#-[...] [...] nu#-up-pu#-[...] [...]-li# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... good ... ... and ...



    [...] a#-ga#-asz2#-[gu-u2 ...] [...] ku-ta-at-tu#-ma [...] [... at-tal]-la#-ku ha-la-[la ...] [...] a-tur a-na# [...] [... ki]-ma-ti e-te-me [...] [... a-ba]-'a-ma tur-ru-s,a [...] [... i]-s,a#-bu-ra [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x-rasz kak-ki [...] na#-pisz-ti [...]-ni# ar-di [... t,a]-pil-ti iq-bi [... sza2-ha]-ti# i#-mid#

    AI Translation

    ... I am a sagishgu-demon ... I am a kutattu-demon ... I am a kutattu-demon ... I am a kutattu-demon ... I am a halalu-demon ... I am a halu-demon ... I am a sagishu-demon ... I am a sagishu-demon ... I am a turu-demon ... I am a turu-demon ... I am a turu-demon ... I am a sagishu-demon ...

    P398736: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _su na e3_ x [...] [...] x szu _gu7_-szu2 x [...] [...] x ti an a ru x [...] [...] x sa _na4 ge6_ x [...] [... ia?]-ar2#-tum sza2 7(disz) _gun3#-[mesz_-sza2 ...] [...] sag#? a na [...] [...] x ki e [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... of 7 talents ...

    P398749: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [... _esz]_-asz [...] _buru5#(muszen) ge6 nita2_ [...] x-mesz [... _hi]-hi_

    AI Translation

    ... a esheshu-plant ... a black locust ...

    Column 2


    _(gesz#)haszhur#?_ [...] _(gesz)ma-nu_ [...] ina _i3-gesz szur-min3_ [...] ana _sig2 sag-du babbar ge6#_ [...] ina _de3_ te-te-mir# [...] a-na _sza3 i3 szub en2_ 3(disz)-szu2 ana _ugu#_ [...] ana szib-tum _nu gal2 sag-du_ hu-ru-gi#[(muszen) ...] _gu2-tur (u2)kur-ra naga si_ [...] [x] x _gar_-ma ru#? x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... with ghee, juniper ... for the white head ... you ... in a libation vessel. You pour ... into the oil. You do not add ... to the ... for the szibtu-offering. The head of the Hurugi bird ... a kurrû-plant, a kurrû-plant, a kurru-plant ... ... you place and ... .

    P398750: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [...] x#

    [... lit(?)-tab(?)]-bil#

    [_ka_-_inim_-_ma szu_]-_il2_-_la2_ (d)_zuen_-_na_-_kam_(*)

    [...] x# ana (d)_zuen_

    [...]-szi# ina _u4 sze-ga ur3_ ta-sza2-bit

    AI Translation

    . . . he will bring .

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Sin.

    . . . to Sin.

    ... ... you set up a roof on a favorable day.

    King, Leonard W.

    . . . . . .

    . . . may it be carried off.

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Sin.

    . . . to Sin.

    . . . . . . on a favorable day, you sweep the roof.




    [...] _zi3-da he-he_-ma

    [... _gar_(?)](an)-ma




    [...] x#

    AI Translation

    ... he will eat flour and

    ... will take place and

    ... ...hur

    King, Leonard W.

    . . . . . .

    . . . you mix with flour and

    . . . you set up and

    . . . . . .

    . . . . . .

    . . . . . .

    . . . . . .

    P398763: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    [...] _sza3#_-szu2# x x [x x x x x x] [...] szu2 u _giri3 na_ x [x] _mud2 kir4_-szu2 x x [x x x x x] [...] x (gesz#)nu#-luh#-ha#_ tu [x] _sud_ ina _mul4_ tusz-bat x x x x [x x] [...] _eme#!_-szu2 _dab_-bat 1(disz)#-[szu2 2(disz)-szu2 3(disz)]-szu2# an-na-a _du3-du3_-[ma _du10-ga igi]_-mar [... _(szim)]szesz na4_ ga-bi-i _ka_-szu2 ta-kap-[par] _gesztin du10-ga nag_-ma _ti_ [... hal]-s,i _lal3_ u# _kasz# hi#-hi# eme!_-szu2 _dab_-bat 1(disz)-szu2 2(disz)-szu2 3(disz)-szu2 an#-[na]-a# _du3#-du3_-ma

    [...] x _du10-ga ki lal3 nag-mesz_-ma _ti_ [...] _nu-luh-ha (szim)gur2-gur2_ [... _u2]-hi-a szesz tesz2-bi sud2_ [...] _nag#-mesz_-ma _ti_ [...] u2 x [...] [...] x [...] kur [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his belly ... ... ... blood from his temple ... ... ... a cedar tree ... you strew it in the star ... ... you make it and you will see good things. ... you crush a shimu-plant and a saggilu-stone at his mouth. You pour good wine and you will ... ... you crush a sacrificial plant and a sacrificial beer. You make it and you will see good things.

    ... good ... you strew with honey and ... ... nuluhha-flour, kurkurrû-aromatic substance ... you strew ... the plants of the brother and ... and ...



    [...] (u2#)a-zal-la-a [...] _min min_ [...] _szesz# tesz2-bi sud2_ [...] _kusz#-edin sur la2_-su-ma _ti_ [...] _nu_ pa-tan _nag_-ma _ti_ [...] x _(u2)kur-ra (szim)gur2-gur2 (szim)li_ [...] tu#-szam-s,a _ara3_-en _sim_ ina _i3-udu ellag2 udu_ [...] _kiszi16# szub_-di _(dug)bur-zi-gal nig2-bur3-bur3_ [... _ziz2]-a#-an bad_-hi _(gi)sag-kud_ ana _sza3 gar_-an _lal3_ u _i3-nun_ ana _ka_-szu2 _gar_-an [...] _mur#-mesz_-szu2 _sig3_-as, 7(disz) _u4_-me an-na-a _du3-du3_-ma

    [...] _gu7#-mesz kasz (lu2)kurun2-na du10-ga nag_-ma _ti_

    AI Translation

    ... azallû-plant ... ditto ... ... ... ... ... you strew ... a leather bag and you ... ... you strew ... kurru-plant, kurru-juniper, juniper ... you strew. You ... the akalu-plant, ... in sheep's milk, sheep's milk ... you strew. You put a sagkud-drum ... you put into the midst of the sagkud-drum. You put honey and butter in his mouth. You ... his muscles are red. You do this seven days and you repeat this.

    ... he eats; he drinks good beer; the kurunnu-official eats and he recovers.

    P398787: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    _[_disz_ na]_ a-szu-u2 _dab_-it# [...] _[_disz_] kimin# (szim)hab illu (szim)buluh_ [...] [na]-hi#-ri-szu2 tu-qat-tar _i3-gesz ka giri17_ x [...] _[_disz_] na#_ a-szu-u2 _dab_-su _(u2)igi_-lim [...] _numun# (u2)ab2-duh u2 masz-tab-ba_ ina _i3-gesz szesz2_-su [...] _en2# qar-ra-ti-ia qar-ra-ti-ia ti#-[ti qar]-ra-ti#-[ia]_ _szu#-s,a-ah s,a-ah u3 qar-ra-ti-ia-ma hu-[ul-qi] hu-ul-qi#_ _ha-al-ti-ib ha-al-ti-ib : ia-nu-um-[ma_ x x x]-ma# mar 7(disz) na _di-hu-un di-hu#-un# du#-li#_ [x x x _kum2_-szu2]-nu# i-na-asz2

    ma-a'-du-ma# [x x x x x x x x x] a#-me-lu-ti _en2_ _ka#-[inim-ma masz]-tab#-ba-ke4_ [... an-ni]-tu2# 3(disz)-szu2 _szid_-nu-ma _ti_ [...] _giri3#-se3-ge5_ [...] ta _en2#_

    AI Translation

    If a man his own blood has seized ... kimin-plant, hablu-plant, buruhtu-plant, ... his nahiru-plant you strew. ... ... ... If a man his own blood has seized, ...

    ... ... ... the people.

    Column 2


    _sig2#_ [...] _sig2 udu#?_ [...] (u2)an-ki-[nu?-di? ...] ha az# [...] ka# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... wool ... wool of sheep ... ankinudi-plant ...

    P398793: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x x x x x x x x] i#-dir-ti [x x] [x x x x x x x x]-ma-mi szA ÉRIN-_mu_ [x x x x x x x x] x _du8_ a-rad _uru lugal_ ana _idim_-_mesz_-szu _szur_(iz)

    [x x x x x x x x]-sza#-at ana _igi_-ka szi-bu-szA [x x x x x x x x] x# ru-usz-szu-kat [x x x x x x x x] x#-id-ma u _te_(at)

    AI Translation

    ...... ... ... of my army ...... a ..., a reed-bed of the city, the king will be able to raise his hands to his enemies.

    ...... is seated before you


    ... trouble ..., ... ... of my army, ... will become loose, downfal of the city, the king will become angry with his nobles.

    If ... ... is before you, its textual witness is as follows: "... is dried out ... ... and it is near."

    P398808: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x _ti_-qi2 [...] x _sud2_ [...] x _kud_-as [...] _mud2#_ u2-kal-la [...] _sila11#_-asz _la2_ [...] x _sila11_-asz kimin_ [...] x _sila11_-asz kimin_ [...] _igi#-min_-szu2 i-bar-ru-ra [... _(szim)]li# (szim)gam-ma (szim)buluh_ [...] ina _ga sila11_-asz _la2_-ma _tin_-ut, [...] x ina _u4 1(disz)-kam2_ sza2 _(iti)bar2_ [...] _(sig2#)he2#-me#-da#_-ri#? _nu-nu_

    AI Translation

    ... ... you libate ... ... he strews blood ... he strews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his eyes he will see ... juniper, gamma-juniper, ... ... in ... ... and he will live ... 1st day of Nisannu ... he will be sated with .

    Column 2


    id-ra _sud2#?_ [...] _(szim)gur2-gur2 (szim#)[x_ ...] _zi3 gig dida_ x [...] _(szim)gur2-gur2 (szim)[x_ ...] _zi3 gig_ x [...] _disz_-nisz ina _kasz sag#_ [...] _DISZ na sag-du_-su [...] zap-pi2 _szah_ ina x [...] _sar_-ab _i3-gesz_ x [...] _zi3 munu6 zi3-kum giri3-pad-[x_ ...] _gur_-ma _an-nu-ha-ra#_ [...] _disz_-nisz _bil_-lu _mar_ x [...] _a-gesztin-na bil-[la2_ ...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    You pound ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in beer ...

    P398824: scientific tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [...] [... _(szim)]mug# szim-szal_ [...] [... _(szim)]man#-du (u2)nu-luh-ha# [...] [... _naga] si u2 nam-ti-la_ mar-has, sza2 [...] [...] x nu _(gesz)szur-min3 (szim)gir2 (szim)[x_ ...] [...] (u2#)har-har (u2)szi-mur-tu2 (u2#)[x ...] [...] _(szim#)szesz lagab-munu4_ x [...] [...] (u2#)ar2-kan-nu (u2#)[x ...] [...] x igi [...] [...] x _igi#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... mug-aromatic substance, shalû-plant ... mandu-plant, nuluhha-plant ... a cup of ghee, ... life-giving-plant, marhasz-plant, which ... ... ... cypress, juniper, ... ... harhar-plant, shimurtu-plant, ... ... szesh lagabmunu-plant ... ... arkannu-plant, ...

    P398842: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] u2# za# x [...] [...] x lu ina _(uruda)szen-tur#_ [...] [...] x _kur_-e _gesztin szur_ u _kasz tesz2-bi_ tusz-te-mid [...] [...] sah#-le2-e _pa (u2)szakira pa (gesz)nu-ur2-ma_ [...] [...] _(u2)ab2-duh (szim)(d)masz (szim)gur2-gur2_ szim [...] [...] _szesz# tesz2-bi sud2_ ina _kasz_ ina (uruda)szen-tur_ [...] [... sah]-le2#-e _a-gar-gar masz-da3 numun_ (u2)tar-musz8# [...] [...] _a#? gazi_ szim x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... in a small vessel ... you pour wine, honey, and beer. ... ... a shalû-vessel of shakkirû-plant, a bowl of pomegranates ... a shalû-vessel of a shakkirû-plant ... a buduhhu-plant of Ninurta, a kurkurru-plant, a ... ... a brother's shalû-vessel, ... ... a shalû-vessel of agargaru-vessel, a seed of tarmushu-plant ... a ... of a ... of juniper, a ... .

    P398844: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] ma? [...] _[_disz_ na] sza3#-mesz_-szu2# _mu2-mesz_-szu2# ir#-[ru]-szu2# _gin7_ sza2 _mar-gal# [gu2-gu2]_ _[na] bi#_ ni-kim-ti _tumu_ u _u4-da gig kin#_-[szu2 _sumun_-ma] _[szu]-gidim#-ma (u2)igi_-lim (u2)a-zal-la u2# [babbar]_ [(u2)al-la-an]-na (u2)ak-tam _(u2)an-ki-nu-te [numun gada]_ _[ka] a#-ab-ba (szim)szesz duh-lal3 (u2)ap2#-[ru-sza] _[i3-gesz du10]-ga# tesz2-bi hi-hi_ ina _i3-gesz szesz2-mesz#_-[su] _[_disz_ kimin (u2)]igi_-lim _(u2#)igi#-nisz_ (u2)ha-sza2-na _(u2#)[kur-kur (u2)in-nu-usz]_

    _[en numun_-szu2] _numun# (gesz)szinig numun# [(gesz)ma-nu]_ _[(na4)zalag2 (u2)dili ka a]-ab#-ba# [pesz10-(d)id2 (tug2)nig2-dara2-szu-lal2]_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... he will recover. Like a lion he will eat. This is the nikimtu-disease of the intestines and the intestines.

    owner of his seed, seed of a tamarisk, seed of a boat, lapis lazuli, a twig of seaweed, pesh-iddû-garment, a nigdara-shulal garment,

    P398897: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] u2#? x [...] [...] (u2)tu-lal u2# [...] [...] _suhusz (gesz)kiszi16_ x [...] [...] szu2 ana _a szub_-di [...] [...] mar#-ha-s,i ta-szah-hal ina# _sza3#_ [...] [...] _murub4#-min_-szu2 gesz-szi-szu2 _en_ ki-s,al-li-szu2 x [...] [...] kim#-s,i-szu2 tu-sza2-za-su _ninda-hi-a_ ana x [...] [...] si bu _ta_ _gu-di_-szu2 [...] [...] _en2_ ki-a-am [...] [...] masz-ka-du [...] [... masz]-ka-du# [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the base of the kishtu-wood ... ... you throw into water ... you strew a marhashu-plant in ... ... his intestines, his limbs, his ... ... you bind him ... his kimshu-symbol ... bread to ... ... from his ... ... ... ... the mashkadu-plant ... the mashkadu-plant ... .

    P398898: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [... lud-lu]-la# da3-li2-li2-ka#

    [... nar]-bi#-ka liq#-[bi]

    [...] da3#-li2-li2-ka lud-lul#

    [...] (d)_amar-utu_-[_kam_(*)]

    [... _til_]-u2 _sag udu-nita2 ki gar_(nu) _nu kur2_(ar2)#

    [... lu-u2 ana _ugu_] _u2#-zug2_ lu-u2 ana _ugu_ sza2 _sahar-szub-ba_(a)#

    [... (d)]_amar-utu#_ isz-pur-an-ni (d)e2-a u2-ma#-['-ir-an-ni]

    [...] _si#-sa2_-ma ana _egir#_-[szu2 ...]

    [... 4(disz)-ta-szu2]-nu# (u2)[er-kul-la ...]

    AI Translation

    . . . let me sing your praises.

    . . . may he say your greatness.

    . . . I may sing your praises.

    ... Marduk's .

    ... is complete: the head of the ram will not prosper where it is placed.

    ... whether on a plant or on a dead person's body

    ... Marduk sent me, Ea sent me,

    ... it is curved and behind it .

    ... four of them, erkulla-plant .


    . . . that I may sing your praises,

    . . . may pronounce your greatness.

    . . . I may sing your praises.

    It is . . . to Marduk.

    . . . has finished. You do not change where the head of the sheep is placed.

    . . . either on a ritually unclean person or on a leprous person,

    . . . Marduk sent me; Ea commissioned me.

    . . . goes straight and behind him . . .

    . . . four . . ., erkulla-plant . . .

    P398917: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x [...] ina _sza3 ne_ x ka ti ina _kusz_ x [...] _DISZ gig_ ina _su na# e3-gin7_ (im)t,e4-ru#-ti#!-szu2# _nigin_ u# [ti-ik-ka-szu2 _dab_ x] kir-ba-nu _mu-ni _disz_ gig_ ina _su na e3_ da#-[an pa-an _uzu-mesz_-szu2 _gar]_ u3 _kum2-kum2_-im _min min_ ana _zi_-szu2 _(szim)gur2-[gur2_ ...] _gi du10-ga disz_-nisz _ara3#_-en _sim ki i3-udu#!_ x [...] _[_disz_ gig_ ina _su na] e3# ge6 sa5 igi-du8#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... inside ... ... in a leather bag ... ... a patient's body emerges from the womb like a suckling ewe ... a kirbanu-plant ... a patient's body emerges from the womb, a 'disease' ... and a 'snake' ... for his life ... a good reed ... a good reed ... ... a patient's body emerges from the womb, red-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-green-pur-pur-pur-pur-pur-pur-pur-purpur-purpurpur-pur

    Column 2


    [...] x _zi3 gu2-gal_ [...] x 1(u) 1(disz) _u2-hi-a szesz_ [... ina] _kusz#_-ma _ti_-ut, [...] x _gaz# man di_ [...] x x

    AI Translation

    ... ... flour, ... 11 ... ... in a leather bag and you wrap ...

    P398919: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x x] x [...] _(u2)kur-ra_ [...] _(szim)li_ [...] _disz_-nisz _gaz_ x [...] _ka a-ab-ba#_ [...] _pa (gesz)masz-husz#_ [...] _DISZ na_ szi-in#-nu# [...] _ba-ba-za munu4_ [...] _gig_ tab-li x [...] [x] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... kurru-plant ... juniper ... ... ... the mouth of the sea ... a mashhushu-plant ... ... a nashu-plant ... a nashu-plant ... a nashu-plant ... sick person ...

    P398945: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x _pa-mesz_ 7(disz) _u2#_ [...] [...] _(u2)igi-nisz (u2)dili ka a#-[ab-ba_ ...] [...] 7(disz) _ka-keszda kesz2_ 7(disz) lip2-pi tal2-pap# [...] [... _(szim)gur2]-gur2 (szim)li uh2-(d)id2 ka# [a-ab-ba_ ...] [...] _(uruda#)szen-tur_ tu-ba-har _en2_ x [...] [...] x _(na4)zalag2 (na4)ka-gi-na dab#-[ba_ ...] [... _(na4)]zu2#? ge6 an-bar (na4)dur2-mi#-[na_ ...] [...] _szid#_-nu _sag-ki_-szu2 _igi szu gu2_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... 7 ... plants ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 kashda-plants, 7 lippi-plants you mix together. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iron, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his forehead ... .

    P398961: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [... _x]-da_ [... x]-ru3 [... x]-kap [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 2


    _DISZ gir3 gu4 gar ninda_ i-szeb-bi _sze_ u _ku3-babbar tuku_ ana _egir u4_ [...] ki-s,al-lu _gal_-ma _sa_ ina _ugu zukum szu-si-mesz#_ [...] _DISZ gir3 sur2-du3(muszen) gar e2 ad_-szu2 _gaz gir3-min_-szu2 raq#-[x ...] _DISZ min_ sze-pi-ti _gar nig2-tuku_ ana _egir u4_-mi i-sza2-ru-ur _uku2_ _gir3 sahar_ ki ni ni ti ina a-sza2-bi-szu i-tar-rak u _gen#_ [...] _DISZ gir3# bal-gi#(ku6) gar nig2-tuku ha-la dingir_ u _lugal gu7_

    [...] _szu-si-mesz gir3-min_-[szu2 na]-pa#-ar#-qu3-da kas,3-ba2 ki-s,ir _szu-si-mesz_-szu2 [...] [...] da#-asz2#-szi# [...] x x x x _gen#?_ [...]

    AI Translation

    If a foot is located on an ox's neck: he will acquire bread. He will acquire barley and silver. In the future .... If a large kishallu-mark is located on the base of the zukû-snake's 'finger': .... If a snake's horn is located on the house of his father: he will kill his feet. If ditto a pig's horn is located on the forehead: property in the future he will be seized. If a snake's horn is located on the ground: he will be seized in his field and he will go. If a snake's horn is located on the forehead: property, the share of god and king will be consumed.

    ... the fingers of his feet are constantly twisted, the kishba-measure is the distance of his fingers ... ... is a burden ...

    Column 1


    [...] _u-mesz#_ [...] _DISZ u-mesz gu4#_ [...] _DISZ u-mesz sag musz#_ [...] _DISZ u-mesz gir3-min_-szu2 _gim#_ [...] _DISZ u-mesz gir3-min_-szu2 x [...] _DISZ# szu-si ugu-dul-bi_ [...] ana _igi_-szu2 _[gen_-ak ...] _DISZ# szu-si kur-gi(muszen) gar_ x [...] _DISZ szu-si uz-tur(muszen) gar nig2-gur11_-szu2 x [...] _DISZ szu-si-mesz_-szu2 ma-gal _gid2-mesz_ in? [...] _DISZ szu-si-mesz_-szu2 ma-gal _lugud2-da-mesz_ x [...] _DISZ sa szu-si gir3 zag_-szu2 _gal_-tum _zi-zi#_ [...]

    _DISZ sa szu-si gir3 zag_-szu2 _gal_-tum _zi-zi#_ [...] _DISZ sa szu-si zag_-szu2 _min_-tum _zi-zi_ x [...] _DISZ sa szu-si gub3_-szu2 _min gal_-tum _zi-zi_ [...] _DISZ sa gir3 szu-si 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _zi-zi#_ [...] _DISZ sa gir3 szu-si 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _zi-[zi_ ...]

  • 3(u)# [...]
  • AI Translation

    If the Finger has a Finger on its right, there will be a large zizizi attack .... If the Finger has a Finger on its right, there will be a ditto attack .... If the Finger has a Finger on its left, there will be a ditto attack .... If the Finger has 15 fingers, there will be a zizizi attack .... If the Finger has a Finger on its right, .

  • 30 ...
  • P398974: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] ud [... ina]-esz [... _szesz2]_-su [...] _szesz2#_-su [...] _szesz2#_-su [...] _szesz2#_-su [... (u2)kur]-ka-nam [... _ka] a#-ab-ba_ [...] x [x x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... his brother ... his brother ... his brother ... his brother ... kurkanam-plant ... mouth of the sea ... .

    P398979: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _DISZ# kimin_ x [...] _gazi(sar)_ ina _ugu#?_ [...] _disz_-nisz _ti_-qi2 x [...] ina kar-s,il-li [...] masz-la-ma-al-la#? [...] _DISZ kimin_ ta-he-su [...] _(szim)gam-ma gi#?_ [...] _tesz2-bi ti_-qi2 [...] _hi-hi_ masz-la ku szu2? [...] [x] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    You libate kimin-plant ... ... ... ... in a karshilu-vessel ... mashlalû-plant ... kimin-plant ...