AICC / Publications / p314

P314000: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza _ta_(v) pa-an# [x x x x]

al-li-kan-ni# [x x x x]

pu-ti-ia ina# [x x x x]

at-ta-lak ra#-[x x x x]

_lu_(v)-gam-bu-la-[a-a x x x]

AI Translation

which from .

came ......

opposite me in .

I went ......

Gambulians ...


when from ......

I came ......

opposite me in ......

I went ......

the Gambuleans ......



U (m)_dumu#_-[x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag#_ [x x x x x]

_u lu_(v)-kal-da(?)#-[a-a x x x]

sza pu-tu(?)-a(?)# [x x x x x x]

sza _lugal#_ [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

and Mar-......

the chief eunuch .

and the Chaldeans .

opposite me .

of the king .


and Mar-......

the chief eunuch ......

and the Chaldeans ......

opposite me ......

which the king ......



[x x x u]-qar-ra-bu-[ni x x x]

AI Translation

... they will bring .


... will offer ......

P314001: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x _uru_]-ar#-pad-du [x x x x x x]

u#-ma-a (m)ul-lu-su-[nu x x x x x] [a]-na# _en-nun_ sza ra-me#-[ni-szu x x x] [x x]+x# U e-gir-tu x#+[x x x x x x] [x x] sza Asz-pu-rak-kan-ni# [x x x x x] [x x] ina _sza_-bi# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... Arpad .

Now Ullusunu ... is keeping watch over his family ...... and the letter ...... which I sent to you ...... there .


... the city of Arpad .......

Now, let Ullusunu be on guard for himself ...; and the letter ...... which I sent to you ...... within ......



[mu]-uk (m)ul-lu#-[su-nu x x] [x x] x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

"Ullusunu .


I said: "Ullusunu ......

P314003: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)asz-szur—ba-ni] lu# [_di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia] _di_-mu# [a-na É-_kur_-_mesz_] _di_-mu# [a-na _uru_-kal-ha] _di_-mu [a-na _mi_—É-_gal_] _di_-mu [a-na _lu_(v)-_qal_-_mesz_]

_ud 17_-_kam_ [(d)x x x x] i-tu-s,i [x x x x x] ina szA-lim#-[te x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-bani. Good health to the king, my lord! The temples are well, the city of Calah is well, the queen is well, the haruspices are well.

On the 17th day ... came out ...... in good health .


To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-bani. Good health to the king, my lord! The temples are well, the city of Calah is well, the queen is well, the slaves are well.

On the 17th the god ... emerged from his temple and safely entered ......

P314004: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_lu_(v)#-_gal_—_uru#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

sza# a-na _kab_ i-[x x x]

_lugal#_ be-li [x x x x] [x x x]+x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

the village manager .

which to the left .

the king, my lord .


the village manager ...

who ... to the left

the king, my lord ...

P314005: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _en_]-ia [_arad_-ka (m)15—_mu_]—_kam#_-esz [lu szul-mu a-na] _en_-ia [(d)_ag_ u (d)]_amar-utu_ [a-na _en_-ia lik]-ru-bu

[sza be-li isz]-pur#-an-ni [ma-a _giskim_-_mesz_] ina _igi_ (d)[_utu_] [szA-Asz-me]-a-szu# [x x x x x]+x#-ba a-da(?)-gal(?)#

[x x x x x]+x# a-ta-mar# [x x x x x]+x# e-ta-mar

[x x x x mi]-i-nu la a-mur-u-ni# [x x x a]-na _en_-ia u-du-ni#

[x x x x] ra-man-szu

[x x x x] uk-ta-lim

[x x x x ki]-i an-ni-i#

AI Translation

To my lord: your servant Issar-shumu-eresh. Good health to my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless my lord!

As to what my lord wrote to me: "Speak the signs in front of Shamash!" — I have seen .

...... I saw

... What have I not seen? ... know to my lord

...... his own

...... I have made

... as follows


To my lord: your servant Issar-shumu-eresh. Good health to my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless my lord!

As to what my lord wrote to me: "Let him hear the signs in front of the Shamash!" — I waited for ...

I saw ..., he saw ....

Whatever I did not see but is known to my lord

... himself

... revealed

... as follows

P314008: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[re-esz _zid_]-_da#-kaskal-2_-_mesz_-szu-[nu x x x] [la i]-na#-Asz-szi-'u-u x#+[x x x]

[x x x]+x#-ti a-ha-[x x x]

[i]-du#-bu-ub ma-[a x x]

[x x] _lu_(v)#-_erim_—_man_-_mesz_ [x x x]

[x x _dumu_]—(m)ia-ki-[ni x x x x]

AI Translation

They do not take their first-class road .

... together .

"he spoke ...

... the king's men .

... the son of Yakin .


are not collecting their travel provisions ...

...... together ...

he spoke: "...

... king's men ...

... the son of Yakin ...



[x x x x]+x# (m)da-[x x x x]

AI Translation

...... Da...


... Da...



[x x x]-tu-ma (m)x#+[x x x x]

[x x x]-el u-sa-[x x x x]

[x x x x] mu-uk [x x x x]

[x x x x]+x# la _uzu#_ [x x x]

[x x x x] mu-uk x#+[x x x x]

[x x x] bi ka# [x x x x x]

[x x]+x#-u-ni al(?)-x#+[x x x x]

[ki]-ma# i-su-uh-ra [mi-i-nu] [sza] t,e#-mu-un-ni a-na# [_lugal_ be-li-ia] [a]-szap#-par x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... and NN

... he ...el .

... saying: ".

... not meat .

...... "......

... you ......

... I ...

When he returns, I shall write to the king, my lord, whatever news there is.


... ... ...

... ... ...

... I said: "...

... ... ...

... I said: "...

... your heart ......

... ... ...

After he has returned, I shall write to the king, my lord, whatever news there is. ......

P314011: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x]+x#-szu i-dan-[x x x x]

[A]-_sza_ e-s,i#-[di x x x]

[ki]-ma ina _sza_ [x x x x]

sza x#+[x x x x x x x]

ina na#-[x x x x x x x]

is [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... he will ...

the field is cultivated .

When in ......

of ......

in ......

is ......


gives his ......

harvests the field ...

When therein ...

that ......

in ......




x#+[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation






ki-i x#+[x x x x x x x]

lu-u paq-du# [x x x x]

ki-i pa-szA-hu# [x x x x]

_lugal#_ be-li mi-i-[nu x x x]

[i]-qa#-bu-u-ni x#+[x x x x]

[x x] be-li# li-x#+[x x x x]

[x x x x] li [x x x x]

[x x x x] _lugal#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

as ......

should be appointed .

like a stag .

The king, my lord, what .

he says ......

... my lord should .

... the king .


as ......

let them be appointed ......

as relief ......

The king, my lord, whatever ...

he says ...

... let the king, my lord ...


... the king ...

P314013: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] É—_ki#_-[_na_]

[x x x x (d)]_en_—_kur-kur na4_-[x x]

[x x x x x]+x#-szu(?) ina É—_ki-na#_

[x x x x]-ru-u-ni ib-ta#-[x]

[x x x x x]-tu i-ba-Asz#-[szi]

[x x x É]—_ki_(?)#-_na_ [x]

[x x x x] _gibil#_-szu ina É—[_ki-na_]

[x x x x x x] ina _ud_(?) _na#_ [x x]

AI Translation

...... the bedroom

... Bel-mati, stone .

...... in the bedroom

...... there is

... the bedroom .

...... his new ... in the bedroom

...... on the day .


...... bedroom

... Lord of the Lands, gems

... his ... in the bedroom

which he/they ..., he ...

...... there is

...... bedroom ...

a new ... in the bedroom

... in ... ...

P314014: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x] (m)asz-szur—_en_(?)#—[x x x x]

[x x] _gisz_-le#-['u x x x x]

AI Translation

... Ashur-belu-.

... writing-board .


... Ashur-belu-...

... writing-board ...



szu-nu am-x#-[x x x x x]

ina _gisz-mi lugal#_ [x x x] Asz-szA-an-ni [x x x x x]

[ina] _nam_ ur-ta#-[am-me]

AI Translation

they ......

under the protection of the king ..., I .

I have sworn by the name of the governor.


they are there. The ... which

I had fetched ... under the king's aegis,

I have left in the province.

P314015: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] x x x# [x x x] [ina] (d)_utu-szu-a_ né-ta-mar#

[is]—su#-ri a-na _lugal en_-[ia] [i]-szap#-pa-ru-u-ni#

[ma-a] pa#-ni-u (d)_pa#_ [ma-a ur]-ki-u (d)[x x]

[x x x] _ta_(v) _lugal_(?)# [_en_-ia]

AI Translation

We saw ...... in the west.

Perhaps they will write to the king, my lord.

"The front of Nabû, the rear of DN

... with the king, my lord


We have observed ...... in the west.

Perhaps they will write to the king, my lord, as follows:

"The former is Nabû, the latter is the god DN."

... with the king, my lord

P314016: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x]-bi# _un_-_mesz_-szu#

[x x x x] _dumu#-mi_-sa

[x x x x (m)]_dumu#_—su-ri

[x x x (m)(d)]_im_(?)#—im-me

[x x x x x x] sza _lugal_

AI Translation

...... his people

...... her daughter

... Mar-suri

... Adad-imme

...... of the king

Human and his people,

NN ... and her daughter,

...... Mar-suri,

...... Adad-immi,

...... whom the king

P314018: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)(d)]_en#_—_su_ [lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be]-li-ia

[x x x x x (m)]10—ra-mi

[x x x x x a]-hu-la

[x x x x x]-iq#

[x x x x x _lugal_] _en_-ia# [x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-eriba. Good health to the king, my lord!

...... Adda-rami

...... I have ...ed


...... the king, my lord


To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-eriba. Good health to the king, my lord!

...... Adda-rami

...... beyond


... the king, my lord



[x x x x x] ab x#+[x x]

[x x x i]-du-lu i-si-[x]

[x x x x]-im#-ma szA al-qu-u-ni#

[x x x x]+x# _kaskal_ u-bi-lu-ni#

[x x x ke]-e#-tu u-ma-a

[x x x x] _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_

[x x x x]-ni 03 _ansze-kur#-ra_-_mesz_

[x x x x x]+x# ina _ugu 03 ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_

[x x x x ir]-tu#-'u-bu [x x x x x]+x# a [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... they ... .

... that I took

...... brought the road

... true ...

...... horses

...... 3 horses

...... concerning three horses

... have gathered


...... ... ...

...... run around with ...

the ... which I bought,

the ... of the caravan brought.

...... Really, now

...... horses

...... three horses

...... about three horses

....... got angry

P314019: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[an-nu-rig _lu_(v)-A—_kin_]-ia

[ina _igi lugal_] _en#_-ia na-s,a-szu

[x x ina] pa#-an _lugal en_-ia

AI Translation

Now then my messenger has come to me.

I shall bring him before the king, my lord.

... in the presence of the king, my lord


Now then my messenger is taking him to the king my lord's presence. Let him speak before the king, my lord, whatever ....

... his acquisition

... he has entrusted in my care



[x x x x]+x#-u ina _ugu_-hi a-du-[x]

[x x x x] a-sa-hur a-x#+[x x] [x x x x x x x]+x ra# [x]

AI Translation

...... I ... on it

...... I wrote .


... on account of it I ...

... I shall return ...

P314020: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na [x x x x x] e-pa-a-[sze x x x x]

lisz-pu-ru [x x x x] ba-si nu-[szA-as,-bit] né-pu#-[usz]

U sza# [_lugal_ be-li]

AI Translation

to do ...

Let them write and we shall set out and do the work.

And as to what the king, my lord, wrote to me:


to ...... perform ......

Let them send word to ..., so we can undertake to perform it.

Furthermore, as to what the king, my lord, ......



[x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation



b.e. 8' Break



re-e-szu [ni-isz-szi x x] mi-i-nu sza# [_lugal_] be-li i-qab#-[bu-ni x] _ud 10_-_kam ud 11_+[x-_kam_] _ud 15_-_kam_ [_ud_ x-_kam_] a#-[na x x x x x]

AI Translation

We are ...; what is it that the king, my lord, commands? The 10th, 11+xth, 15th and days .


We will start performing ...; what is it that the king my lord orders? The 10th, 12th, 15th and are suitable for ......

P314022: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x]-e ina _igi_ (m)x#+[x x] [x x x la]-ap-qi#-di

[x x x x x] I-_mesz_ sza (m)_gir-2_—asz-szur

[x x x x x]+x# _arad_-_mesz_ li-di-na-szu-nu

[x x x x] _ugu#_-hi-szu-nu

[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam# a-2_-ni [x x x x x] nu-ta-mi-id#

[x x x x] né#-e-pa-Asz#

AI Translation

...... I shall appoint ... before NN.

...... oil of Shep-Ashur

...... let him give them servants

...... upon them

...... we have ...ed the arms .

...... we shall do


Let me appoint ...... in the service of ....

...... the oil that Shep-Ashur

...... let him give them servants

...... upon then

...... on the we set to work on ......

...... we are doing it.

P314023: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_im_ (m)x]-x-ia(?)# a-na# (m)_en_—_ad_—_pab#_ lu _di_-mu a-na _pab_-ia# [x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

A tablet of ...ya to Bel-abu-ushur. Good health to my brother!


A tablet of ...ya to Bel-abu-ushur. Good health to my brother!



_pab#_ [x x x x]+x# 01

ma-da a-du(?)# _pab_-ia

AI Translation

Total ......

a substantial tribute, as far as my father.



I listen much to my brother.

P314026: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a]-bat# [_lugal_]

[a]-na# 01 me u-[ra-si] an-nu-rig dul#-[la-ku-nu] ina _uru-bad_—(m)_man_—_gin#_ tug-dam-me-ra [x x x] _na4_-(d)_alad-lama#_-[_mesz_] ina _ugu_-hi-ku-nu [x x] ki-i sza qa-li#-[x x x] at-ta-nu-u-ni [x x x] an-ni-tu ta(*)#-[x x x]

li-kal-ka a#-[na _en-nun_(?)] sza ($x$) _kur_—asz-szur#-[_ki_]

AI Translation

The king's word to the king:

Now then you are doing your work in Dur-Sharruken. You ... bull colossi on your behalf. As you ..., you ... this .

Let him come and keep watch over Assyria.


The king's word to the 100 brick-masons:

Now that you have finished the work in Dur-Sharruken, ... the bull colossi ... upon you. Just as you have been ..., this ...... the exempts ...... the king's ....

Come and stand by for the ... of Assyria, and let the chief ..., the postmen and the workers take care of the rest of the ....



ina _ugu#_ [x x x x x x] [...] ma-a a-na x#+[x x x x] re-eh-ti [x x x x x] le-pu-usz x#+[x x x x] na-mar-ku-u [x x x x] _lu_(v)-zak-ku-u# [x x x] li#-is,-ba-tu-[szu-nu x x] [x x]+x# szum-ma la# [x x]

AI Translation

Concerning ..., saying: "Let him do ... the rest ..., and let the ... be seized ..., and let the exempts ... take them ... if not .


As to ... about whom you wrote to me: "They should order ... to do the rest ... delayed ...; the exempts ... should take up ....... If not ......

P314027: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x _kur_]-_uri#_-a-a it-[x x]

[x x x x x] ip-tu-uh-[ru]

[x x x _uru_]-u#-a-si du-[x x]

[x x x x] i—pa-an _lugal en_-[ia]

[x x x x] _uru#_-u-a-si# [x x x] [x x x x x]-ab-bi [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... the Urartian .

...... have returned

...... the town of Uasi .

... before the king, my lord

... the town of Uasi .


...... the Urartian has gone

...... have assembled

...... in Waisi ...

...... in the presence of the king, my lord,

...... Waisi ...

P314028: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] paq-da#-szu-nu

[x x x x x] ni iq-t,i-bi

[x x x x] li(*)#-is-hu-ru

[x x x x x]-i-u

[x x x x] sza# _iti-ziz#_

[x x x x _ansze_]-ku-din(*)-[ni]

AI Translation

...... their command

...... said

...... they should return


...... of Shebat XI

...... mules


...... are entrusted to them

...... said

...... let them return

...... ...

...... On the of Shebat XI

...... mules

P314029: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal en_-ia] _arad_-ka# [(m)x x x x x] lu _di_-mu a-[na _lugal en_-ia]

ina _ud 11_-_kam_ sza _iti#_-[x x x]

dul6#-lu gab-bu sza# [x x x x x]

[x a]-du(?)# _ud_(*) 20-[_kam_ x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

On the 11th of .

all the work of .

... until the 20th day .


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

On the 11th of ...

the whole work on ...

... until the 20th ...



[x x x x x x x x x x]+x# e-tam#-[ru]

[mi-nu sza _lugal_ be-li i-qa-bu-u-ni lisz]-pa-ru-[ni]

AI Translation

...... have seen

What is it that the king, my lord, commands? Let them write me!


...... they saw ....

Let them write me what the king my lord's orders are.

P314030: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_lugal_ [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the king ......


the king ......



ma-a (m)_hal_-ni—asz-szur# [x x x x] ma-a _ansze-kur-ra#_-[_mesz_ x x x x] _en-nun_ is,-[x x x x x] ma-a i-[x x x x x x]

_kur_-ru-qa-[ha-a-a x x x x] _en-nun_ [x x x x x x x] ina pa-an# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

"Halanni-Ashur ...... horses ...... the guard .

The Ruqahueans ...... guard ...... in the presence of .


As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Shimanni- Ashur ...... horses ...... guard ......"

The Ruqahu tribe ...... guard ...... in the presence ......

P314031: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


x# [x x x x x x x x]

ul# i-ba(*)#-[x x x x x]

al-ka x#+[x x x x]

it-ti x#+[x x x x x]

ina lit-ti# [x x x]

ina _ugu_ [x x x x x]

[ina] _ugu#_ [x x x x x x]

AI Translation


he does not .

come ......

with ......

in the presence .

Concerning .

Concerning .



will not live ......

Come ...

with ......

in victory ...

upon ......

As to ......

P314032: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a]-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] _arad#_-ka (m)_dug_—[_im_—asz-szur] lu _di_-mu a-na# [_lugal en_-ia]

ina _ugu lu_ an-ni-[e x x x] sza# _lugal_ be-li [isz-pur-an-ni] [ma-a] ki-i an-ni-[e x x x x] [x x]+x# ma [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Tab-shar-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to this man ... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... as follows .


To the king, my lord: your servant Tab-shar-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to this man ... of whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "...... as follows: '......"

P314033: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


i-du-ku# [x x x x x]

i-qa-bi [x x x x x]

i-na me-[x x x x x]

sza pu-ut [x x x x x]

a#-di [x x x x x]

AI Translation

killed ......

he says ......

in ......

which is opposite .

until ......


killed ......

says ......

in the ......

opposite ......

as far as ......

P314034: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


le-'a-a#-[ni x x x x]

sza _gisz-ku#_ [x x x x x]

ka-bu-us [x x x x x]

le-'a-a-[ni x x x x x]

szi-ik-na(?)#-[ni(?) x x x x]

_uzu_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x]

i-ha-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

a good ...

of the bed .

the ...s ......

a good ...

the rites .

meat ......

he ... ...


writing boards ...

of boxwood ...

was trampled upon ....

The writing boards ...

appearances ...

flesh ...

he/they ...

P314035: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ni] [GÉME]-_mesz#_-ka _mi_-a-me#-[la-te] [_mi_-bar]-sib#-a-a-te lu _di_-[mu] [a—dan-nisz a]-na# _lugal en_-ni [(d)x x] [(d)_en_] (d(?))#_pa_ (d)_u-gur#_ [x x] [x x x x] (d)_pa#_-[_tug_ x x x x] [x x x x] x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, our lord: your maids, Amalatu and Barsibatu. The very best of health to the king, our lord! May Bel, Nabû, Nergal, ..., Nusku, ...,


To the king, our lord: your maids, the Borsippan gentlewomen. The best of health to the king, our lord! May DN, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, ..., ..., Nusku, ...

P314036: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina] _ugu#_ (m)(d)[x x x x x]

55 _erim zi_ sza# [x x x]

02 lim 06 me 72 [x x x x] [x x x x] a [x x x x]

AI Translation

Concerning NN .

55 men, ...

2,672 ......


concerning NN ...

55 men and dependents ...

2,672 ...

P314037: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na [_lugal en_-ia] _arad_-[ka (m)_nigin_—_en_] lu# [_di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nashir-Bel. Good health to the king, my lord!


To the king, my lord: your servant Nashir-Bel. Good health to the king, my lord!



[x x x x] ma-a [x x x] [x x x] ina _uru_-x#+[x x x] [ma-a a]-ni-nu ina x#+[x x]

szu-nu it-ta-tak-ku#

AI Translation

...... "...... in the city .

They have sinned.


"We shall be in the city ... by the of ...;

They left on the first, saying: "...... for 5 days in the city ... before us."



[x x x x x x x nu-uk mi-nu] sza# szi-ti-ni am-ra

[qi-bi-a an-nu-rig ina pa-ni-szu]-nu a-da-gal

AI Translation

...... "What is it that I want?"

I am now waiting for them.


I said: "Find out whatever it is and report it to me."

I am now waiting for them, and shall write to the king, my lord, as soon as they have returned.

P314038: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _ugu a-sza_(?) sza _lugal_ be-li isz]-pur#-an-ni# [ma-a x x x x _lu_]-kal-da-a-a [x x x x x x] ta#-Asz-szu-u-ni [x x x x x x]-u-ni ma _a-sza_ [x x x x x x] a-na _lu_-kal-da-a-a

[x x x x (m)]ku(?)#-na-a-a aq-t,i-bi

[x x x x x x]+x# _ta_(v) pa-an

[x x x x x] u#-sze-s,a-an-ni

[x x x x x] la# im-ma-gur-ru

[x x x x x x x ap(?)]-ta#-lah

AI Translation

As to the field about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "...... the Chaldeans ...... you have taken ...... the field ...... to the Chaldeans" —

... I said to Kunaya

...... from

...... brought me

...... did not agre

...... I became afraid


Concerning the field about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... of the Chaldeans ... which you took, ...; ... the field and give it back to the Chaldeans" —

... I said to Kunaya

...... from

...... I brought forth

...... they refused to

...... I became scared



[x x x x x] _kug#-ud_ ia-u

[x x x x x aq-t,i]-ba-Asz-szu

[x x x x x x]-ra#-a-nu-u

[x x x x x x x] it-ta-an-na

[x x x x x x x]+x# ma-a a-lik

[x x x x x x x] _a-sza kug-ud_

[x x x x x x] isz#-ku-nu-u-ni

[x x x x x x x] 05 _ma-na ta_(v) _sza_-bi

[x x x x x x x]-ta(?)#-lak ina _ugu_-hi-szu

[x x x x x x x x x]+x _dumu_—_lugal#_

AI Translation

...... silver I

...... I said to him


...... gave

...... "Go

...... field of silver

...... placed

...... 5 minas from there

...... went to him

...... the crown prince


...... my silver

...... I told him


...... he gave

...... saying: "Go

...... field, silver

...... placed

...... 5 minas from it

...... went to him

...... the crown prince

P314039: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]-nu (m)la-x#+[x x x x]

[x x x] is,#-s,a-bat e-[x x x x]

[(m)]e#-t,e-ri pa-ni-szu [x x x x]

ma#-a a-ta-a (m)_en_—_asz_-ma [x x x]

iz-za-az u-ma-a an#-[nu-rig] _gisz-szub-ba_ a-na me-me-ni la# [x x x] a-du bé-et _lugal en_ ina x#+[x x x] il-la-kan-ni ina bir-tu-[un-ni]

AI Translation

... La...

... took ...

Eteri, his brother .

"Why does Bel-iddina .

Now then the prebend is not ... to anybody until the king, my lord, comes to ... and ... between us.


... La...

has seized ......

...... his face ... Etiru

saying, "Why does Bel-iddina stand ...?"

Now then I am not giving the prebend to anybody until the king, my lord, comes to ... and settles the matter between us.

P314040: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x ma]-hi-ir nu-sze-rib

[x x i]-ba#-szi _utul_-_mesz urudu_

[x x x] sa-a-mu szar-pu szu-u

[x x x] né#-em-mar ra-'i-ni

AI Translation

... we will bring .

... there are copper vats

... he is a sammu-demon.

... we will see the .


... has been received, and we will enter it;

there are vessels of bronze ...

... it is burnt red.

We shall see ...



[x x x] sza me ($x x$) _urudu_

[x x x]-bi ni-ih-ti-[at,]

[x x] _gisz#-ur_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... of copper

... we have sinned

... beams ...


... of bronze

... we have weighed.

... beams ......

P314041: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] u-se-bi-la

[i—su-ri _lugal_] be-li i-qa-bi

[ma-a a-ta-a a]-di a-kan-ni

[la x x ku-pu-u a]—dan-nisz da-an

[x x x x x x]+x# _iti-sze_

[x x x x x] _ugu#_-hi-ia#

AI Translation

...... I am sending

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say:

"Why until now

... ... very much .

...... Adar XII

...... upon me


I am sending .......

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say:

"Why was it not ... until now?"

The blanket of snow is very thick,

...... the month Adar XII

...... to me

P314042: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ [sza] in-qa-tu-ni-ni# ir-tak-su la i-ma#-[gur] _ninda_-_mesz_ ina pa-né-e-a

AI Translation

The men who took the troops have sinned, and they refuse to give me bread before me.


They have bound the ... of the men who defected to me, and they refuse to eat bread in my presence, saying: "Why ... NN and ...-palu'a-ikshud ...?



ma-a sza [x x x x x x x x x x]

a-na x#+[x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

"that ......

to ......


"What ......

to ......

P314043: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] a li [x x]

[x x x x x] i#-pa-qi-du#

[x x x x u]-sa#-hi-ru dul6-[lu]

[x x x x x] sza x x x# [x]

[x x x x x]-i# : ki an-ni-[e]

[x x ma-a(?) _lu_(v)]-_a#_—_kin_-szu a-ni-[ni(?)]

[x x x x i]—da-tuk-ka [x]

[x x x x x] ina _igi_-ia [x x]

[x x x x x x] sa# hi x#+[x x]

AI Translation

...... they appointed

... they have returned .

...... of ...

... ... like this

... "We are his messenger

... he has killed you .

...... in my presence .


...... ...

...... they appoint

... they have returned ... the work

...... of ...

... spoke as follows:

"We are his messengers

...... after you ...

...... in my presence ...

...... .........



[x x x x] sza# _gisz-ur_-_mesz#_

[x x x x x] ni-it-te-et-[zi]

[x x x x _gisz_]-_ur_-_mesz_ i-szA-du-[du]

[x x x x a]-na# _en-nun_ [x]

[x x x x u-sze]-szib-u-ni# [x x x x x] u# [x x x]

AI Translation

...... of beams

...... we stood

...... they will cut beams

... for the watch .

... settled .


...... of the logs

...... we stood

...... will haul the logs

...... for the watch ...

...... settled

P314044: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na] _lugal_ be-li-ia [_arad_]-ka (m)_man_—_igi_-a-ni [lu] szul#-mu a-na be-li-ia

[ina _ugu_ (m)x-x-x]-szu-nu [x x x x x x x]+x#-u-ni#

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Sharru-emuranni. Good health to my lord!

Concerning their .


To the king, my lord: your servant Sharru-emuranni. Good health to my lord!

Concerning ...shunu ...



[(x) x x] ni-pi

[_lugal_ be]-li# lisz-al-szu

AI Translation

... a reed mat

The king, my lord, should ask him.


...... the amount

The king, my lord, should question him.

P314046: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina _ugu_ (m)](d)_amar-utu_—A—_sum_-na# [isz]-pur#-u-ni [o] [ki]-i# an-ni-i [o] [(m)_en_—_ba_]-szA iq-t,i-bi# [ma-a x x x x]+x#-a-a# [x x]

AI Translation

Concerning Marduk-apla-iddina about whom he wrote to me, Bel-iqisha said as follows: "The ...eans .


which he sent to Merodach-Baladan, Bel-iqisha has said as follows: "The ...eans ...

P314047: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x]-li-ia x

[x x x x _lugal_] be#-li-ia a—dan-nisz

[lik-ru-bu gisz-tal]-lu# sza _gisz_-szu-ba-a-te [x x x x x]-te _u gisz_-me-e [szA _gisz-banszur_ szA (d)]zar#-pa-ni-tum [x x x x x]-a-a ina _szu-2_-szu-nu

[is,-s,a-ab-tu (m)](d)#_pa_-_szesz_-_mesz_-bul-lit, [x x x x x (m)(d)]_pa#_-a-szA-rid [x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

...... my ...

The ... of the king, my lord, is very well.

The platform for the shubatu-trees, ... and the ...-trees and the ...-trees of the table of Zarpanitu ...aya are in their hands.

Nabû-ahhe-bullit, NN, Nabû-ashared, NN,


...... ...

... greatly bless the king, my lord.

The ...ians have taken the supports for the pedestals, the ..., and the wooden water ornaments for the table of Zarpanitu.

... Nabû-ahhe-bullit, NN, and Nabû-ashared .......



[x x x x] _szab#_-_mesz kug-gi_

[x x x x x]+x# _na4-za-gin# lum_

[x x x x x]+x# ina _sza_-bi il-lak

[x x x x] ma-a'-du szu-u

[x x x x] il#-lak-u-ni

[x x x x x]+x#-bu _kug-gi_

AI Translation

...... of gold jars;

...... lapis lazuli

...... goes there

... he is very

...... they go

...... of gold


... gold containers

... abundant lapis lazuli

... goes there.

the ... is much

which ... will come

...... ... gold

P314048: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_gud_-_mesz udu#_-[_mesz_ x x x x x]

in6-ni-du-u-[a x x x x x]

ina _sza_-bi kam-mu-su# [x x x x]

ina _sza_ na-gi-ka x#+[x x x x x]

ma-a lu _sza_-bi x#+[x x x x x]

a-na u-ba-a-li# [x x x x]

AI Translation

oxen, sheep .

they ...ed me .

there ......

in your district .

"May it be .

to bring ......


oxen, sheep and ......

on my side ......

living there ......

in your district ......

"Should it be the wish of ......

to bring ......,



_lu_(v)-e-mu-qi lu [x x x]

am—mar _ud_-me-szu-nu x# [x x x]

_lu_(v)-e-mu-qi-ka ha-[an-nu-te]

AI Translation

the troops should .

all their days .

Your troops are very strong.


let me send troops ......,

all their days ......."

These troops of yours



sza in6-ni-du-u-a a-[x x x x]

_gud_-_mesz udu_-_mesz u_ [x x x x]

lu ik-ri-ku-u-ni [x x x x x]

lu na-s,u-u-ni [x x x x x] an-[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

who ... to me .

oxen, sheep and .

should have gathered .

should be brought out .


which ...... on my side

oxen, sheep and ......,

should have collected ......

and brought to me ......

P314049: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)a]-tan#-ha—(d)[_utu_] [lu szul-mu a]-na# _lugal en_-[ia]

[ina _ugu_ x x x]+x#-na-a-a# [sza _ta_ É-_gal_ ina] _ugu_-hi-ia [isz-pur-u-ni-ni] ma-a ina _uru_-arba-il [x x x x] É#-_gal_

[x x x x] _tur#_ É-_gal_

[x x x x x] i-s,ab-ta-ni [x x x x x x] szap ku-s,i(?)# [x x x x x x x] x# [x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Atanha-Shamash. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the ...naeans about whom they wrote to me from the Palace: "In Arbela ... the palace

...... the palace

...... they took away .


To the king, my lord: your servant Atanha-Shamash. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the ...naeans about whom they wrote me from the Palace: "In Arbela ... the palace

... the courtyard of the palace

... seized me

P314050: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] ina _uru#-hal-s_,U-_mesz#_ [x x x]

[(m)]hum#-ba-re-e-sze x#+[x x x]

[a]-na# kit-ri sza (m)hum#-[ba-risz]

[(x) x]+x# szum-ma a-na kit-ri# [x x]

[x]-li#-im-ma sza (m)hum(?)#-[ba-risz]

[x] _kur#-nim-ma-ki#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

... in the forts .

Humbareshe ...

To the aid of Humbarish:

... If to be used for .

... of Humbarish

... Elam ...


... in the forts ...

Is Humbarish ...?

... to the aid of Humbarish

If ... to the aid

... of Humbarish

... Elam ......

P314051: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



qa-an-szu te-te#-[x x x x]

ina qa-ab-si _uru#_ [x x x]

u-ma-a hi-t,a#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

inside it .

in the centre of the city .

Now ......


... ......

in the middle of the city ......

now ........



ina szid-di-im#-[ma x x x]

É sza a-na x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

in a shitdim-demon .

the house which to .


alongside ......

the house which ......



la-a a-na _lugal_ [x x x x] ina _ugu gisz-ma_-_mesz_ [sza a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia Asz#-[pur-an-ni x x]

AI Translation

Concerning the boats about which I wrote to the king, my lord, .


Did I not .... to the king, my lord? As to the boats on which I wrote to the king, my lord ......

P314052: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_lugal_ be-li lisz-[al x x x]

u-la-a man-nu# [x x x x] ina _igi lugal_ liq-bi# [x x x x]

kap-pi-szu-nu x#+[x x x x x]

ina _ugu bad_ sza [x x x x] [x x] hu bi [x x x x] [x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

The king, my lord, should ask .

or should he ... say in the presence of the king ...?

their ... ...

Concerning the wall of .


Let the king, my lord, ask ...

If not, who would tell ... in the king's presence?

... their wings ...

Concerning the wall about which ...



[x x] la a [x x x x x]

_lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x x x]

[x] _ma#-na_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... not ......

the men ......

x minas ...


... not ......

the men ......

x minas ......

P314053: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ma#-a u(?)#-[ma-a] _lu_(v)-A—_kin#_ sza (m)asz-szur—pa#-[ti-nu] il-la-[ka]

AI Translation

"A messenger of Ashur-patinu is now coming."


"The messenger of Ashur-patinu is now coming."



ina _ugu_ [x x x]

AI Translation

Concerning ...


As to ...

P314054: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]-a ina _igi#_ [x x x x]

[x x x x] a la _lu_(v)#-[x x x x]

[x x x x]+x#-ni ah—hur [x x x]

[x x x x]+x# e-mar a-ni-szA [x x x]

[_lu_(v)-_dumu_—szip]-ri# sza _kur-nim-ma-ki#_-[a-a] [a-na(?) e]-pa#-a-sze (m)lu-tu-u# [x x x] [is-sap-ru]-nik-ka-a me-me-[ni x x] [us-se-bi]-lu#-nik-ka-a [o] [x x x x]-ur#-pu

AI Translation

...a before ...

... not a ...

...... I have ...ed .

... sees ...

A messenger of the Elamites sent Lutû to do ..., but nobody sent ... to me.


...... before ...

...... no ...

...... still ...

...... will see, hither ...

Has the messenger of the Elamite ......? Have they written to you about making ...... Lutû ...? Have they sent to you any ......?

P314056: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza _uru#_-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

of the town .


of the city ......



ni-in-[tu-nu x x x]

i-ba-szi 10 [x x x x]

U re-eh#-[ti x x x x]

AI Translation

we have ...

there is 10 .

and the rest .


we have counted ......

there are 10 ......

and the rest ......



szum-mu _lugal en_(*)# [i-qab-bi]

ka-sa-pu#-[te x x x x] [x] sze [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

If the king, my lord, commands,

the ...s ......


If the king, my lord commands,

the broken ......

P314061: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x _lu_(v)]-A—_kin_-szu-nu

[x x x x ina pa-ni]-ia# it-tal-ku-ni

[x x x x mi-i-nu] sza# szi-ti-ni [a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia a-szap]-pa-ra

[x x x x x (m)(d)_amar-utu_]—A—_asz_

[x x x x x x x x]+x# _lugal_ be-li

AI Translation

...... their messenger

...... came to me

... I shall write to the king, my lord, whatever it is.

...... Merodach-Baladan

...... the king, my lord


...... their messenger

...... came before me.

I shall write to the king, my lord, ... whatever it is.

...... Merodach-Baladan

...... the king, my lord



[x x x x x x i]-da-ba-bu-ni#

[x x x x x x x]+x# e-pa-si

[x x x x x x]-lu-na-szi

[x x x x x] _en#-nun_-szu-nu

[x x x x x] t,e#-mu

AI Translation

...... speak

...... is doing

...... us

...... their watch

...... news


...... speak

...... to do

...... us

...... their watch

...... report

P314062: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na [_lugal en_-ia] _arad_-ka (m)[x x x x] lu-u szul-mu# [a-na _lugal en_-ia] (d)_ag_ u (d)[_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia [lik-ru-bu]

[ina] ti#-ma-li# [x x x x] [mu-uk] la-li(?)#-[ka x x x x] [x x] x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

On the horizon ... I said: "Come .


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

Yesterday I said ...: "Let me come ..."

P314063: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka [(m)x x x x x]

dul6-lu sza# [x x x x] dul6-lu [x x x x x] sza# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

The work of ..., the work ... of .


To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

The work on ... and the work ..., which ......



dul6(?)#-[lu x x x x x]

dul6-lu# [x x x x x]

ina _sza_-bi# [x x x x] [x x x x x x] hu(?) e

AI Translation

work ......

the work ......

there ......


the work ...,

the work ...,

in ......

P314064: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li]-ia [_arad_-ka (m)x x x _dingir_-_mesz_ sza] _an_-e [a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] lik-ru-bu [x x x x x x]-hi pa-an

[x x x x x x x] _lugal#_ be-li-ia

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. May the gods of heaven bless the king, my lord.

...... the king, my lord


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. May the gods of heaven bless the king, my lord.

...... the king, my lord



[x x x x x x x]+x#-ia

[x x x] mu(?) [x x] _lugal# en_-ia [x x] a x#+[x x x]-u#-ni

AI Translation

...... my ...

... the king, my lord, .


... my ...

...... the king, my lord ......

P314065: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na x#+[x x x x x x x]

_dingir_-_mesz_ sza# [x x x x x]

_gisz_-s,u(?)-[x x x x x x x]

sza x#+[x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

to ......

the gods of .

a ...-tree .

of ......


to ......

the gods of ......

... ......

of/which ......



[x x x x x x x] 30 _mu-an_(?)#-[_na_-_mesz_ x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x# _man en_-ia Asz-[x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x]-sze-me ina _gisz-banszur_ [x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x] za# s,ab s,ab _dumu_-_mesz uru-kaskal_ szu-[x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x#-lak-ku-nu za kil x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... 30 years .

...... I asked ... the king, my lord

...... in the table .

...... ... the citizens of Harran .

...... you .


...... to 30 years ......

...... to the king, my lord I ......

...... ... for the table ......

...... ... the citizens of Harran ......

...... ... ......

P314066: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



lu-bi#-[la(?) x x x x x]

an-na-ka [x x x x x]

lisz-szi-a x#+[x x x x x]

sza _lugal#_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

let me send .

here ......

let him take .

of the king .


Let him bring ......

here ......

let him take ......

of/which the king ......



a-na# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

to ......


to ......

P314067: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x ina] _ugu# lugal en#_-[ia]

[x x x x a]-na# szul-me

[x x x _lugal en_]-ia# a-ta-mar

[x x x x x] _lugal# en_-ia [x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

... to the king, my lord

...... for well-being

I have seen ... of the king, my lord.

... the king, my lord


...... to the king, my lord

...... to greet ...

I saw the ... of the king, my lord

...... the king, my lord



[x x x x x x] _ta# igi lu_(v)(?)#-[x x] [x x x x x x x]+x#-tu

[x x x x x x a]-na# _lugal_

AI Translation

...... from the .

...... to the king


...... because of ......

...... to the king

P314068: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-du# [x x x x x x x x]

_lugal en_-[ia x x x x x x]

a-na _kur_-me-[s,a(?)-a-a x x x x x]

u-ma-al(*)#-[x x x x x x]

tu-sa-lim [x x x x x x x]

a-du(*) x#+[x x x x x x x]

gab-bi [x x x x x x x]

a-na# _kur_—asz-szur# [x x x x x x]

t,e-ma-ni [x x x x x x]

_en-nun_ [x x x x x x]

_ta_(v) [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

until ......

the king, my lord, .

to the Meshean .

I shall inspect .

you have made whole .

until ......

all ......

to Assyria .

news ......

Diary ......

from ......


until ......

the king, my lord, ......

to Me......

filled ......

you have pacified ......

as far as ......

all ......

to Assyria ......

the news ......

the watch ......

from ......



a-na _kur_—asz-szur# [x x x x x x]

la-al-lik# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

to Assyria .

I shall go .


to Assyria ......

I will go ......



a-na _uru#_-[x x x x x x]

_lugal_ be#-[li x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

to the city .

the king, my lord .


to the city ......

the king, my lord ......

P314069: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x _ud_-_mesz_ ar-ku]-ti _mu-an#_-[_na_-_mesz_ da-ra-ti] [t,u-ub _sza_-bi t,u-ub] _uzu#_-_mesz_ a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ni lisz-ru-ku] [x x x x x] _numun_-_mesz u_ lu-[ub-bur _bala_-e]

[x x x sza] _lugal# en_-ni isz-pur-a-[na-szi-ni] [x x x x x x]+x# qa(?) [x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

May they grant the king, our lord, long days, everlasting years, happiness and physical well-being, ......, and a long reign.

As to what the king, our lord, wrote to us:


May DNN grant long days, everlasting years, happiness and physical well-being to the king, our lord. May they give him ... descendants and a long reign!

Concerning what the king, our lord, wrote to us ...

P314070: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina] _sza_ e-gir-te-[szu szA-t,i-ir]

ma-a ki-i an-na-[ka a-na-ku-ni] ma-a _lu_(v)-A—_kin_ sza _kur_-[x x x x] [ina] _ugu_-[hi]-ia# a-na _uru_-[x x x x] it#-tal-ka ma-a ina [x x x x] la(?)# ik-szu-da-ni [x x x x] [x x x]+x É# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

In his letter he wrote:

"When I was here, a messenger of the land ... came to me to the city ..., saying: "He did not reach ... ..."


In his letter it was written as follows:

"While I was here, a messenger of the king of ... came to me in the city ...; he had not reached me in ...



[e-gir]-tu an-ni-[tu ina _ugu_-hi-ia] [it]-tal#-ka [x x x x x]

AI Translation

This letter came to me .


this letter came to me ......

P314071: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na# [_lugal_ be-li-ia] _arad_-ka# [(m)x x x x x] lu _di_-mu a-na# [_lugal en_-ia]

(m)lu-du-u# _uru_-x#+[x-x-a-a] sza# [a-na _lugal_] _en#_-[ia x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

Ludû of the city ...aya, who ... to the king, my lord,


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

Ludû the ...aean about whom I wrote to the king, my lord

P314073: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x]+x _lugal#_ [x x x]

[x x]+x# szA-ni-e x#+[x x]

AI Translation

... the king .

... another ...


... the king ...

... other ...



[x x] _ansze#-kur-ra_-_mesz_ [x x]

[x x x]-bi#-szu-nu _ansze-kur_-[_ra_-_mesz_] [x x x x] u i# [x x]

AI Translation

... horses ...

... their ... horses .


... horses ...

... among them horses ...

P314074: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[o] _ud# 10_-_kam# nu_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x x]

[o] _pab nu dumu-mi_—(d)[x x]

[o] nu-ta-as-[x x x x]

[x x]+x# sa bi(?) [x x x x]

AI Translation

The 10th day .

total, not the daughter of .

we have ...


On the 10th day, the statues ...

Total: statue of Marat-...

we have ...

... ... ...

P314076: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x _dingir_]-_mesz_-ia x#+[x x x] [x x _lugal_(?)]-ti-ia i-pu-szu# [0]

[x x] x# a-na ka-szu-nu il#-[x x]

[x x a]-na kit#-ri-ku-nu szA-x#+[x x]

[x x x x x]-nisz-szu-ku-nu-szi [x x]

[x x x a-na]-ku u _ad_-_mesz_-ia# [x]

[sza(?) (m)tam-ma-ri]-ti _lugal kur-nim#_-[_ma-ki_]

AI Translation

... my gods ... did for my kingship

... ... to their destination .

... to your aid .

...... you ...

... I and my fathers .

From Tammaritu, king of Elam.


... my gods, who made the ... of my kingship,

... will come to you

... to your help ...

and deliver him to you ...

... I and my fathers ...

of Tammaritu, king of Elam

P314077: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]-_mesz_-ia i-du#-[x x x]

[x x x] _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_-ia [x x x]

[x x ana]-ku aq-t,i-ba-Asz-szu [mu(?)-uk]

[x _uru_-ma(?)]-a-lak-ka-a-a# [x x]

[x x la] i-ma-gur ma-a [x x x]

[mi-nu] sza# _lugal_ [be-li] [i-qa-bu-ni]

AI Translation

... my ...s ...

... my servants .

I said to him: ".

... Malakku ...

... did not agree, saying: ".

What is it that the king, my lord, commands?


... killed my ...s

... my servants ...

... I said to them: "...

... Malakeans ..."

They did not agree but said: "...."

What is it that the king, my lord, says?

P314078: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x]-in-ni [0]

[x x x x x] x#-pa-an-ni

[x x x x x] la(*)#-ha-an-ni

[x x x x x x] (d)_u-dar_

[x x x x x u]-gam-ma-ru

[x x x x x x x]-la-szu# [x x x x x x] x#+[x x]

AI Translation

...... me

...... me

...... I have not yet received

...... Nergal

...... they will make

...... him


...... ...

...... ...

...... a bottle

...... Ishtar

...... they complete

...... his ...

P314079: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] _lu-gal_-_mesz_-szu [o]

[x x x x]-bu# ma-a in-tal#-[ku]

[x x x x x ina] _ugu#_ s,al-mu a-[x] [x x x x x x x]-_mesz_-te [o]

AI Translation

...... his magnates

...... "I have gone

...... upon the image .


"...... his magnates

"...... took counsel

...... on the image ...

P314080: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]+x# _igi-2_-_me_ (m)x#+[x x x]

[x x] ma#-a a-bat _lugal_ szi-[ti]

[x x x]-an-ni sza an(?)-[x x x] [x x x x x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... eyes of N

... "This is the word of the king."

... of ...


... eyes ...

... He said: "It is a royal order

... me ... ...

P314083: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _uzu#_ sza 02 _udu-nita#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

[x x x ak]-li# dan-ni 02 _udu_ [x x x x]

[x x x _zid_]-_da#_ hi-in-hi-ni# [x x x x]

[x x x x] qir-sze x#+[x x x x x x] [x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... meat of 2 rams .

... big loaves; 2 sheep .

... flour, hinhinu-seeds .

... a ... ...


... meat of 2 sheep ...

... x big loaves, 2 sheep ...

... hinhinu-flour ...

...... ...

P314084: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] an#-ni-ti x x#+[x x]

[x x x x] 40# _erim_-_mesz sig5_-[_mesz_]

[x x x x] lu#-sze-bi-lu ina _ugu#_ [x]

[x x x x] É-szu-nu-ma [x x]

[x x x a]-na# _uru_—_lu_(v)-_sukkal_ na#-[x]

[x x x x] an#-ni-ti ina szap#-[la]

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-da-mu(?)#-[na-a-a]

[x x x x x] ina _ugu_ [x x x] [x x x x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-[x x x]

AI Translation

... this ...

...... 40 good men

...... let them send to .

... their houses .

... to the city of the vizier .

... this ... on the left

...... Damunaeans

...... concerning .


... this ...

... let them send 40 able-bodied men ...


... in their house ...

... to the town of the vizier ...

... this ... under

... Damuneans

...... on ...

P314086: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x (m)kal]-bi—(d)u-ku-u

[x x x x]-me-u su-qa-qu

[x x x x] tar# t,a-a-ba

[x x x x] la# nu-ra-pisz [x x x x]-da#-pi-[x]+x#

AI Translation

... Kalbi-Ukû

...... the street

...... good

... we will not expand


... Kalbi-Ukû

... the street

... is good

... we did not expand



[x x x x]+x#-lak

[x x x x]-ru-bi

[x x _lugal_ be]-li# u-da [ki-i x x x]+x# su-qa-qa-a-te [x x x x]-rab#-u-ni

[x x x x]+x# la x# [x]

AI Translation

...... goes


The king, my lord, knows that ... the streets .

...... not ...


... go


... the king, my lord, knows that ...... enter the streets

... not ...

P314087: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina] _ugu#_ (m)(d)_pa_—x#+[x x x]

[x x] _lu_(v)#-A—szip-ri-szu [x x x]

[ma] a-a#-'u [x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-qur-bu#-[tu] x x#+[x x x]

ma#-a ina _sza_-bi _uru#_-[x x x x]

[x]+x# qa te [x x x x x]

AI Translation

As to Nabû-...

... his messenger .

"Who ......?"

the royal bodyguard .

"in the city .

... qa ...


As to Nabû-......

... his messenger ..., saying:

"What ......

The royal bodyguard ......

"In the city ......

... ......

P314088: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x]-ia# szu-u x#+[x x]

[x x x x x]-a#-a _uru_-a-ra-za-a(*)#-[a]

[x x x x] szu#-u szu#-pur-szu [o]

[x x x x] e#-mu-qi sza [x x]

[x x x] _ta# sza_-bi it-[tu-s,i]

[_sig5_-iq a]—dan#-nisz am—mar [x x]

[x x x x] ku-tal-li# [x x]

[x x x x x]+x# du x#+[x x x] [x x x x x] _sze-pad_-[_mesz_ x x] [x x x x x x] x# [x x x]

AI Translation

... he is my .

...... the Arazeans

... he is ...; send him

... the troops of .

... has left there

All is very well.

... rear ...

...... barley .


he is my ...

...eans and Arazaeans

... he is .... Send him

... the army of ...

... has departed from there.

The situation is very good. Whatever ...

... the rear ......

...... barley ...

P314092: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]-s,u-u-ni [o]

[x x _lu_]-_a#_—_kin_-e-szu-nu#

[x x ina] lib-bi É—_gisz-na#_

[x x iq]-t,i#-ba-an-[na-szi]

[x x ina] lib#-bi ab-x#+[x x]

[x x x x x]-_mesz_ x#+[x x]

AI Translation

... their messenger

... inside the bed

... said to us:

... there ...

......s ...


which he/they ...

... their messenger

... within the bedroom

... spoke to us

... within ... ...

... ... ...

P314094: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x]-ku-nu x# [x] x# _igi_-ia-ni

[x x]-ta# at-tu-nu

[x x x x]+x# la tal-li-ka

[x x x x] sza# _ad_-u-a [x x x x x x]+x#-u-ni [x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

... you ... before me

... you

...... did not come

... of my father


your ...... ...

... you pl.

... you pl. did not go

...... of my father

P314095: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] ta#-as-[x x x]

[x x x] me _sze-pad#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

[x x x] a-na _uru_-[x x x x]

[x x x]-tu-hu# [x x x x]

[x x x]+x# a-na [x x x x x]

[x x x] _gud_-_mesz_-szu-[nu x x x] [x x x] ni# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... you ...

... hundred barley rations .

... to the city .

... to ...

... their oxen .


... you wrote ...

... x hundred corn rations ...

... to the town ...

... lift ......

... to ......

... their oxen ...

P314096: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x] (m)en-nit—asz-szur#

[x x x x x]+x# ma-a _sze-pad_-_mesz_

[x x x x] _ansze#_-gam-mal-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x] _lugal#_

AI Translation

...... Ennit-Ashur

...... "Barley

...... camels

...... the king


...... Ennet-Ashur

...... "corn rations

...... camels

...... the king



[x x x x x] a#-ta-a a-na-ku

[x x x x x] lu at-tu-nu [x x x x x x]+x x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...... Why am I

...... you


...... Why should I

...... You should

P314097: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]-Asz#-szu-nu [x x x]

[x x x]+x#-an-ni iq#-t,i-bi-a [ma-a]

[(m)](d)#_u-gur_—_kar_-ir an-ni-u [x x] _lu_(v)#-na-bat-a-a szu-u a-na [x x] [u]-se#-la-szu i—da-a-ti [x x] [i]-tal#-ku-u-ni 02-szu 03-szu [x x x]

AI Translation

... their ...

... he told me:

This Nergal-etir, a Nabatean, has brought him to ..., but he has come back and ...ed twice or thrice.


...... to them ...

...anni said to me:

"This Nergal-etir ... is a Nabatean. ... promoted him to .... Afterwards the ...s came and repeatedly



[x x x x x]+x _ta_(v)# [x x x]

AI Translation

...... with ...


...... with ...

P314100: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] _pi-2_-_mesz_-szu x#+[x x x x]

[x x] tu#-u-ra sza a-[na-ku]

[x x x] i-si-szu a-da-bu#-[bu-u-ni]

[(x) _lugal_] _en_ e-pa-szu-u-ni [x x x]

[x x x]-ni ma-a _ta_(v) _lu_(v)#-[x x]

AI Translation

... his ears .

... I shall return to the king, my lord.

... I spoke with him

The king, my lord, does .

... "with the .


... his ears ......

... Again, what I

... speak with him

what the king, my lord, does ...

... me, saying: "... with ...



[x x x] u-si-ki# me [x x x] [x x]+x#-szu-u-ni [x x] ni [x x] [x x]+x i# na [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... he has called .


... assign ...

P314101: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]+x#-szu-ni ma-a a-ta-a x#+[x x x x] [x x] sza É—_en_-_mesz_-ia ina kas-pi x#+[x x x]

[x x] i#-sa-par i-sa-kan it-tal#-[ka x x x]

[x x x x] x x# ma-a [x x x x x]

AI Translation

"Why ...... of my lord's household for money .

... sent, he set up, and came .

...... "......


... saying, "Why has ... sold the ... of my lord's household for money ...?"

... sent, placed, and came ...

...... saying, "......"

P314104: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-sap-[x x x x x x]

a-du-na-ka#-[ni x x x]

ki-i un-qu# [tal-lik-a-ni] qar-ba-ti-ia [x x x] a-sap-ra [x x x x]

AI Translation

I wrote ......

Now then ......

When the seal came, I sent my warriors .


I wrote ......

until now ...

When the sealed order came to me, I personally sent ......



ba-la-at x#+[x x x x]

ta-x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

the life of .

you ......


without ......

you ......



sza _igi_ x#+[x x x x x]

la du-[x x x x x x] qa-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

of the presence of .

not ......


who is in the presence ......

no ......

P314106: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_ud 20_-[_kam_ zi-i-nu] u-sa#-[ri-ia] 02 _ud_-_mesz_ [ma-a'-da] i-zu-[nu-un]

_gisz_-pi-sa(*)#-[nu] [x] x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

On the 20th day they gave me the following orders: "The days are long."

a trough ......


It started to rain on the 20th day, and it rained heavily for two days.

The water trough raised x homers of water.

P314107: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x] _lugal#_

[x x x x x x x (d)]_pa_ [x x x x x x x]-nu#-u [x x x x x x x]-u-ni [x x x x x x x]-nu-szu-u-ni [x x x x x x x]-a(?) ak(?)#-[x] [x x x x x x x] x#+[x] [x x x x x x x]-u(?)-ni# [x x x x x x x x]+x# [x]

AI Translation

...... the king

...... Nabû


...... the king

...... Nabû

P314108: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]+x#-a _lu_(v)-_en-nam#_ [sza pu]-tu-u-a an-na-ka [o]

[x x x] szu-u _gisz-kin-gesztin#_-[_mesz_]

[(x) x x]-u# _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ [o]

[x x x x] É 10 x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...a, the governor opposite me here

... he ... wine

... men

... the house 10 .


...a, the governor opposite me is here.

He is ...; the grapes

... the men

... where 10 ...

P314109: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


05 x#+[x x x x x x]

_pab_ an-ni-[x x x x x]

sza i-x#+[x x x x x x] ta(?) x x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

5 ......;

all this ......

which ......


5 ......

all this ......

that ......

P314111: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] _dumu_—(m)_numun#_-[i]

[x x x x ina] _ugu_-hi-szu

[x x x] sza _a-2_-szu ina _sza_-bi

[x x x] ni-ih-tu-du

[x x x]+x# i-ba-Asz-szi

[x x x ina] _ugu_-hi-szu [x x x x x x] x x x#

AI Translation

...... son of Zerî

...... upon him

... his arms there

... we have sinned

... there is

... upon him


...... the son of Zerî

...... to him

... whose arm therein

... We rejoiced

... there is

... upon him

P314114: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x _ud_] 02-_kam ud_-mu [x x x x x]

[x x]-ga(?)#-ni it-[x x x x]

szul#-mu a—dan-nisz É# [_lugal_ be-li]

[isz]-pur#-an-ni-ni [at-ta-lak] [x x x] a [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... the 2nd day, the day .

The king, my lord, can be very glad indeed.

wrote to me, I went .


... on the second day, the day ......


He is very well ......

I have gone where the king, my lord, sent me to.

P314115: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] _arad_-ka# [(m)x x x x] lu _di_-mu a#-[na _lugal_ be-li-ia]

(m)kab-ti-i [x x x x x] iq-t,i-bi [ma-a x x x x] ma-a sza da-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

Kabtî ... said: ".


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. Good health to the king, my lord!

Kabtî ... has said: "......

P314116: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_sze-in-nu#_ [x x x x x x]

_sze_-kur-disz _ta_(v)# [x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-sza—_igi_—[x x x x x x]

ak#-ta-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

straw ......

he will bring the barley from .

the overseer of .

I ......


straw ......

a pile of straw from ......

the superintendent ......

I ......

P314117: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_lugal_ be-li] lu#-u u-di x#+[x x]

[x x x x]-_mesz lu_(v)-_arad_-ka [x]

[x x x x]+x# sza _sze-in-nu_ [x x x x]+x x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

The king, my lord, should know this.

...... your servant .

... of straw .


The king, my lord, should know it. ...

NN, your servant ...

... of straw

P314118: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


an-na-[x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x]

_uru-hal_-[S,U x x x x x]

a-na _kur_—asz#-[szur x x x x x]

u-ma-a# [x x x x x x] u-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

here ......

the men ......

the fort ......

to Assyria .

Now ......


here ......

the troops ......

the fort ......

to Assyria ......

Now ......

P314120: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x ina] _ugu# lu_(v)-_nam_-_mesz_

[x x x x x] la# i-ma-gur [x x x x x x x x]-u#-ni-ni#

AI Translation

...... concerning the governors

...... does not agre


...... the governors

...... does not agree

P314121: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] sza _uru#_-[x x]

[x x x x _uru_]-_a#-qar_—(d)_pa_ [o]

[x x x x x]+x#-u-ni _lugal_ [o]

[x x x x x x]+x# szu-tu-ma _lu_(v)#-[x x]

[x x x x x x x] a-na _kur_—ak-[ka-di-i]

AI Translation

...... of the town .

...... Aqar-Nabû

...... the king

...... he is a .

...... to Akkad


...... of the town ...

...... the town Ugar-Nabû

......... the king

...... himself a ...-man

...... to the land of Akkad

P314123: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] ni-da-lip [x x x x x x]-te-x#-li

AI Translation

...... we shall give


...... we shall stay awake



[x x x x x x x] _iti_

[x x x x x x x]-sa-su [x x x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x x]-is(?) [x x x x x x x x] a(?)#

AI Translation

...... month



...... month

...... him

P314124: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[sza ina] pa#-ni-it-ti#

AI Translation

which in the presence of


Concerning what the king, my lord, previously wrote to me ......

P314125: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


rih-s,i [x x x x x]

Asz-pu-ra#-[x x x x]

i-bal-la(?)#-[x x x x]

tu-bal-[x x x x x]

[tu]-pa-as#-[x x x x] [x x]+x# 01(?) x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

a reed bed .

I wrote ......

he will ...

you ...

you ...


devastation .....

about which I wrote ......

lives ......

you revive ......

you bring good news .....

P314126: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


la u-pa-x#+[x x x x x]

06 _ud_-mu-_mesz_ [x x x x]

ina _ugu_ (m)(d)_szu_—[A—_sum_-na] _lugal kur-nim-ma_-[_ki_ x x x]

a—ki-ma [x x x x x x] [x] x# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

does not ......

6 days ......

As to Marduk-aplu-iddina, king of Elam, .

like ......


did not assemble ......

6 days ...

The king of Elam has ...... to Merodach-Baladan.

When ......

P314127: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x]-_mesz#_ ip-ta-s,u# [x x]

[i]-ba#-Asz-szi (m)_en_-szu-nu [x x]

[x x]-szu-nu _gud_-_mesz_-szu-nu [x x]

[_lu_(v)-pu]-qu#-di u-[x x]

AI Translation

...s have been seized .

Belshunu ...

their ... and their oxen .

the Puqudu ...


have removed ...s

certainly Belshunu ...

their ... and their oxen ...

the Puqudu have ...

P314128: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


sza [x x x x x x x x]

ma-a [x x x x x x x]

_gisz-ban_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x x]

_dumu_-_mesz_—_gu-du8#_-[_a-ki_ x x]

il-lak-u-ni _ud_-[x x x x]

li(?)# bi u-ma-me [x x x]

[ub]-bu#-lu ina kas-pi i#-[du-nu] [x x x]+x e# ri [x x x]

AI Translation

of ......


bows ......

Cuthaeans ...

they will come .

'May the ...s be seen .

they have piled up and sold for money .


of ......


bows ......

Cuthaeans ...

come ......

... animals ...

bring and sell them for money

P314129: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _mi_-bur-si-pi#-[tu x x]

[x x x] e#-gir-te [x x x]

[x x x x] u-se-bi#-[la x]

[x x x] a#-ki ina _sza#_ [x x]

[x x x x x] qa x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... Bursipitu .

... letter ...

... I have sent .

... as in ...

...... qa ...


... the lady Barsipitu ...

... letter ...

... has sent ...

... as in ...

...... is said ...

P314131: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] _mi#_-lah-hi-nat

[x x x] _mi-nar_

AI Translation

... the woman Lahhinat

... female singer


... temple stewardesses

... female musician.

P314132: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] _kur#_-qu-u-e# [x x]

[x x x] _lu_(v)#-_ab-ba_-_mesz_ [x x]

[x x _kur_]-qu-u-e# [x x x]

[x x x]-me kap-pi _kug#_-[_ud_ x x]

[x x] _gal_ x#+[x x x x]

[x x] _gu#-un 20 ma_-[_na_ x x]

[x x x] ia-man# [x x x x]

[x x x] za nu hi [x x x]

[x x] _lu_(v)#-ma-'a-ba-[a-a] [x x x] (erased) [x x x]

[x x x] _lu_(v)-_sag-du#_-[_mesz_ x x]

[x x _uru_]-an#-qar-u-na [x x x] [x x x x x] ud x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... Que ...

... the scribes .

... Que ...

... hundred silver ...s,

... great ...

... talents 20 minas .

... I am ...

... ... not ...

... the Ma'abites ... erased .

... the eunuchs .

... Anqaruna .


... of the land of Que ...,

... the elders ...,

... of the land of Que ...,

x+100 silver bowls ...,

... chief ...

Total: x talents 20 minas silver ...

... Yaman ...


... the Moabite ......

... headmen ...,

... the town of Ekron .......

P314134: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x _iti_]-_ab_ ni-il-lak# [ina _ugu_ dul-li] sza si-qur-[ri-te] [x x ti]-ik#-pi kar(*)#-[ru]

AI Translation

We shall go ... in Tebet X. As to the work on the ziggurat, ... the brickwork is being laid.


We shall go ... in Tebet X. As to the work on the ziggurat, x courses of bricks have been laid ......

P314135: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


u#-ma-a# [x x x x x]

im#—ma-te [x x x x]

ki#-i da-x#+[x x x x]

[_sze_]-_buru14# sig5_-iq# [x x x]

AI Translation

Now ......

the ...s ...

when ......

The harvest will be good. .


Now ......

When ...?

Like ...

the harvest is excellent ...

P314136: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] sza# ina _uru#_-[x x x]

[x x x]+x# szu-u [x x x x]

[x x x] ina _id_ [x x x x]

[x x x] tu x#+[x x x x]

[x _gisz_]-_ur#_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

[x x] id#—da-a-[te x x x]

[x x] sza# nu-[x x x x x]

[x x x] a-na [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... which in the town .

... he ...

... in the river .

x beams ...

... the ...s .

... which we .

... to ...


... which are in the city ...

... he ...

... in the river ...

... ... ...

... the beams ...

... afterwards ...

... which we ...

... to ...

P314137: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] e-pa-szu-u-ni x#+[x x x]

[x x] sza (m)_dingir_—ia-da#-[a' x x]

[x x]+x#-szu-nu sza ub-x#+[x x x]

[x x] x x x# li [x x x]

[x ina] _ugu_ t,e-e#-[me x x x] [x x x] ak#-ta-ni-[x x x x] [x x x x] kan x x#+[x x x x] [x x] _szesz#_ da szi [x x x x] [x x]-bil# ma-a x#+[x x x x] [x x]-qu-ni da#-[x x x x] [x x]+x#-ka il#-[x x x x] [x x]+x# nu-uk [x x x x] [x x x x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

... they are doing .

... of Il-yada' .

... their ... which .

Concerning the news ... I have .


... does ...

... of Il-yada' ...

... their ... which he ...

... ... ...

... Concerning the news ...

P314139: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x x] [lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be]-li-ia#

[x x x x x x x] a [x x x x x x] sze

[x x x x x u]-ba-la-ni

[x x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_

[x x x x x x] _uru_-szA-bi-ri-szu#

[x x x x x x]-zu#

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

...... bring

...... the xth day

...... Shabirishu



To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!


...... is bringing

...... on the day

...... Shabireshu

... entered

P314140: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza# ina x#+[x x x x x]

ina _ugu_-hi x#+[x x x x]

a-sap-ra# [x x x x]

sza _un_-[_mesz_ x x x x]

a-ki sza [x x x x]

ta-qi-pu-[ni x x x] la-ak-la# [x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-_en_—pi-[qit-te x x] ap-ti-[qid x x x x] ap# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

which in ......

concerning .

I wrote ......

of the people .

as ......

I will do .

I appointed a ... official .


which in ...

on account of it ...

I wrote ...

of the people ...

Just as you trust in ...,

I shall hold back ...

I appointed an official ...



sza ma-[x x x x x]

_sze_-tab-ki# [x x x x x] ina _ugu#_ [x x x x x] u#-[x x x x x x] sza# [x x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x] a-[x x x x x x x] as#-[x x x x x x] i-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

of ......

the barley rations .


of ... ...

stored grain ......

P314141: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x (d)_pa_] (d)#_amar-utu#_

[x x x x x x a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia

[lik-ru-bu x x x x]-a-ri

[x x x x x _lugal_] _en#_-ia

[x x x x x x x]+x#-mu

[x x x x x x a]-na(?)# _numun_-ka [x x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x x]-ni#

AI Translation

...... Nabû and Marduk

...... to the king, my lord

...... may they bless .

...... the king, my lord

...... to your seed


May Nabû, Marduk,

and DNN bless the king, my lord.

May they ......

...... to the king, my lord,


...... to your seed



[x x x x x x x _kur_]-_uri#_-a-a

[x x x x x x] bé(?)#-e-tu

[x x x x x] la# i-la#-pu-tu#

[x x x x x a]-na _ad_-_mesz_-ka

[x x x x x]-ia ina ti-ir-s,i-ka

[x x x x x x] ina _gir-2_-_mesz_-ka

[x x x x x] i#-da-nu-ni-ka [x x x x x x] x#+[x x]-t,u#

AI Translation

...... the Urartian

...... the house

...... they will not do

...... to your fathers

...... my ... in your lap

...... at your feet

...... give to you


...... the Urartian

...... ...

...... do not touch

...... to your fathers

... in your time

...... at your feet

...... give to you

P314143: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[u]-se#-rib-szu-nu a-[x x x x]

[x x]-tab-ba-ak# [x x x]

[an-nu]-rig# _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-[ia x x x] [x x x]-mu a-sa-pa#-[ra x x x]

[x x x]+x# _en-lil_-[_ki_ x x x] [x x x x] a x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

I brought them here .

Now then I have sent my messenger .

... Nippur ...


I/he brought them in ......

... pours ......

Now then I am sending my messenger ......

... Nippur ......

P314144: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na# [_lugal en_-ia] u-se#-[bi-la x x]

ina _ugu lu_-[x x x] sza (m)_man_—[x x x x] sza _lugal_ [be-li]

AI Translation

I am now sending ... to the king, my lord.

As to the ... of Sharru-... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... is ..., ... is ...


...... I have sent ... to the king, my lord.

As to the ... official of Sharru-... about whom the king my lord wrote to me: "Why has he not come?" I am right now sending him to the king, my lord.

P314145: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x _lu_(v)]-kal#-lab-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x x]-u(?)-ni

[x x x x x x x] _kaskal#_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x x] qa-a-lu [o]

[x x x x x x x] sza#-an-hu-s,u# [x x x x x x x x]-i-te [o] [x x x x x x x x x] ma [(x)]

AI Translation

...... the campiers

...... to

...... road

...... the ground

...... a shangushu-demon


...... outriders


...... roads

...... they are silent

...... they are provoked to fight



[x x x x]-szA-ba e-tab-ku-szu-nu

[x x x x x]+x# ma-zi-i [x x x x x]+x#-da [x x x x x]+x#-szi

AI Translation

... they have deposited them

...... the cult .


...... they led them in

...... tureens ......

P314148: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] _nu#_—_man_ [x x x]

[x x x] a#-na ka#-[x x]

[x x x x] ina _sag#_ [x x]

[x x x a]-na _lugal#_ [x x]

[x x x x x]+x# ib-x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... the crown prince .

... to ...

... at the beginning .

... to the king .


... the statue of the king ...

... to ...

... in the beginning ...

... to the king ...

...... ... ...

P314149: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]+x# ina _ugu_ [x x]

[x x _uru-hal_]-S,_u#_ sza _uru_-mi-[nu-u']

[x x x x]-a# a-de-e [x x]

[x x x x]+x# ma-a _erim_-_mesz#_

[x x x x] É—(d)[x x]

[x x x x] pa#-na-at# [x x]

AI Translation

...... concerning .

... the fort of Minu'

... treaty ...

...... "the men

... the temple of .

... before ...


... concerning ...

... the fort of Minu'

... treaty ...

... "the men ...

... temple of ...

... before ...

P314151: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]+x#-u _gir-2_-i [x _uru-bad_]—_man#_—_gin_ la a-bat-ta-qa

AI Translation

...... I shall not be negligent ... Dur-Sharruken.


I shall not cut off my visits lit., 'foot' to Dur-Sharrukin.



[x x x la]-an-du-ud

[x x x x] pa-ni-szu

AI Translation

... I will be able to do

...... his face


Let me measure ...

... his presence



[x x ina _ugu lu_(v)]-na#-si-ki [sza _lugal_ be-li] iq#-bu-u-ni [ma-a x x ina] _sza# ud_-mu [sza x x ina _uru_]-_bad#_—_man_—_gin_ [x x x il-la]-ku#-ni [x x x x x x] pu#-ut

AI Translation

Concerning the sheikh about whom the king, my lord, said: "...... will come in Dur-Sharruken on the ... day" —


... Concerning the sheikh about whom the king, my lord, told me: "On the day when ... goes to Dur-Sharrukin

P314153: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na# [_lugal_ be-li-ia] _arad_-ka (m)[x x x x x] lu _di_-mu a-[na _lugal en_-ia]

ina _ugu_-hi [x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

concerning .


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

Concerning ......

P314154: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]-ia qar-ba#-[x x]

[x x x x] _zid_(?)-_da pab 03_ [x x x]

[x x x x] x x# qa-ti x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x] ina# _uru-bad#_—[x x]

[x x x x x x]+x# ina _uru_-[x x x] [x x x x x x]-u-ni# [x x x]

AI Translation

... my ... ...

... flour, in all 3 .

...... hand ...

...... in Dur-.

...... in the city .


... my ...

... flour, in all three ...

... hand ...

... in Dur-...

... in the city ...

P314155: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x (m)(d)]_ag#_—_sag_-[_kal_ x x] [x x] _gir-2_-_mesz_ [x x x] [ina _ugu_] _lugal#_ be-li-ia [u-se-bi-la-szu]

[t,e]-mu# sza _dumu_—[(m)ia-_gin_] [ina _ka_]-_dingir-ki_ [szu-u]

AI Translation

I am sending him to the king, my lord, ... Nabû-reshi-ushur ..., ... feet .

News of the son of Yakin: he is in Babylon.


I have put the hands and feet of Nabû-ashared in irons and am herewith sending him to the king, my lord.

News of the son of Yakin: he is in Babylon.

P314159: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x]-szu-nu [x x x x x x]+x#-ni [x x x x x x]+x#-nu

AI Translation

...... them


...... them



[x x x x x x]+x#-te-szu-nu x#+[x]-u-nu

[x x x x x x]+x# lil-mu-du

[x x x x x x] a-na-ku 01

[x x x x x x]-_mesz_

[x x x x x] _ka#-gal_

[x x x x x x] x x#-_mesz_

AI Translation

...... their ...s

...... let them go

...... I


...... the city gate



... their ...s ...

...... let them learn

...... I one


...... city gate


P314161: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



lu# [_di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia] (d)_en_ (d)[_pa_ x x x x x x] a-na du#-[ur _ud_-me a-na _lugal en_-ia] lu-bal#-[li-t,u x x x x x] lu-par#-[szim x x x x x x] lu-bi(?)#-[x x x x x x x] el#-[x x x x x x x x]

ni-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

May Bel and Nabû bless the king, my lord, and may they live long enough to give the king, my lord, long days. May they make ...... prosper ...... and .

we ......


Good health to the king, my lord! May Bel, Nabû and ... keep the king, my lord, alive forever. May he live longer than .... May ...... pure ......

We ......



ina# [x x x x x x x]

ri [x x x x x x x]

dul#-[lu x x x x x x]

né-[ta-pa-Asz(?) x x x x]

a-[x x x x x x x]

a-na (m)bi(?)#-[x x x x x x]

ina [x x x x x x x]

ir-ta(?)#-[x x x x x x]

a-na-ku# [x x x x x x]

me-me-ni [x x x x x x]

me-me#-[ni x x x x x x]

AI Translation

in ......


the work ......

we have done .

I ......

to Bi......

in ......

has ......

I ......

nobody ......

nobody ......


in ......


a ritual ......

we performed ......

to .......

to PN ......

in ......

he ......

I ......

somebody ......

somebody ......

P314162: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] qab-si mar-[x x]

[ina] _sza#_-bi _id_ ta-x#+[x x]

ta#-ri-s,i# [o]

lil#-li-ka [o] [ina] _id#_ lu-sze-s,i#

AI Translation

... the middle .

in the river .

a kind of profession

Let him come and bring it into the river.


... in the middle of ...

You ... in the river.

If it is all right,

he should come and ... to the river

P314165: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza _lugal#_ [be-li] isz-pur#-[an-ni] ma-a [x x x x] i-[x x x x] ia-[x x x x]

AI Translation

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: ".


... about which the king, my lord wrote me: "......."



dul-lu# [x x x] e-[pa-Asz x x] _lugal_ [x x x x] lu-u# [x x x]

AI Translation

The work ... is done. The king ... should .


I am doing the work. The king, my lord, can be at ease.

P314166: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_lu_(v)-szal-lu-[tu x x x] at-ta-na-szu [x x x]

AI Translation

I have given him the booty .


I gave him the captives .....



01-en _lu_(v)-szA—É#—[_ansze_-ku-din(?)] x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

one mulesherd .


One 'mule-house man' ...

P314167: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] ta#-sah-hur ma# [x x x]

[x x szu]-u# _lugal_ be-li x#+[x x x]

[x x] _uru#_-de-e-ri il#-[x x]

[x x]-e a-na _kab_-szu [x x]

[x _uru-a_]-_mesz_—dur-na x#+[x x] [x x x x x]-bal szu# [x x] [x x x x x x] e x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... you wrote: ".

... he ... the king, my lord .

... Der ...

... to his right .

... the town of Durna .


... you return ...

... the king, my lord ...

... to Der goes ...

... to his left ...

... Meturna ...

P314168: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_ud_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x] a-na [x x x x x x] ib-[x x x x x x x] u-[x x x x x x x] ki-[x x x x x x x] u-x#+[x x x x x x x] u#-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

days ......


days ......



(m)_dingir_—u(?)#-[x x x x] ina É x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Ilu-u... in the house .



P314169: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ur-ki [x x x x x x]

É-pa-pa-[hu x x x x]

sza ur-ki# [x x x x x]

ni-szak-kan# [x x x x]

ma-s,ar-ta-[szu-nu x x x]

sza il-li#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

later ......

the cella ...

which later .

we shall place .

their watch ...

who went ......


after ......

the cella ...

which after ...

we will place ...

their watch ...

which he/they ...

P314170: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]+x-me-ni-szu i-ku-lu-u-ni#

[x x x x] pi-ir-ki ina _gaba_-szu

[x x x x]-a ina hi-it,-t,i

[x x x x x]+x# i-ma-nu-szu

[x x x x x]-nu a-ke-e

AI Translation

... ... he ate

...... your sceptre on his breast

...... in a crime

...... are his

...... how


... who has eaten

... has lines in his chest

...... owing to a fault

they recite to him ......

...... how



[sza _lugal_ be]-li# iq-bu-u-ni [x x x] la-a ni-da-li-pu-u-ni [la né-pa]-Asz-u-ni _dingir_-_mesz_-ni [x x x] ina qa-ti-ni la u-ba-u [x x x x x x]-a#-ti [x x x x x x] bu-ub#

AI Translation

As to what the king, my lord, said, we have not been able to do ..., we have not been able to do ..., we have not ...ed the gods ... in our hands.


Concerning... about whom the king, my lord, spoke, I swear that we stay awake with him and do our work! May the gods ... not hold us responsible ......

P314171: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] sza a#-[x x x x x x x]

[x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-_gal_—_dam-qar_-_mesz_ x tu# gu lu# [x]

[x x x]+x# sza mi-hir-szu u-szad-ba-bu-[u-ni]

[x x x]-u-ni a-bu-tu an-ni-tu ta-szap-[x (x)]

[x x x] a#-a-szi a-na É-_gal_-ia la szar#-[x] [x x x x]+x#-la-a-ni (m)li-sza-x#+[x x x x] [x x x x x] a [x] 30 [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... which I .

... the chief merchant .

... who uttered a curse against him

... you ... this matter .

... I am not ... to my palace .


... which I ......

... the chief merchant ...

... who incites his equal

... you ... this matter

... is not ... for me and my Palace

P314174: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] _lugal#_ be-li#

[x x x x ina] _ugu# lu-hal_

[sza _lugal_ be-li] isz#-pur-an-ni

[x x x x _udu_]-kab(?)#-su

[x x x x x]-me _udu_-_mesz_

[x x x x x] a-ta-na-Asz-szu [x x x x x] lu 50(?)#-szu

AI Translation

...... the king, my lord

...... concerning the haruspex

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me:

...... rams

...... sheep

...... I gave him ...... he should be 50.


...... the king, my lord.

Concerning the haruspex

about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me,

... x old male sheep

... x hundred sheep

... I gave him

P314175: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _igi_ [x x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_(?)# [x x x x x x]

a-na x#+[x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-ki-[sik(?)-a-a x x x x]

U [x x x x x x x]

ki-ma# [x x x x x x x]

a-na# [x x x x x x x]

is [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

before ......

the chariot driver .

to ......

the Kiteans .

and ......

like ......

to ......

is ......


before ......

horse trainer .......

to ......

the Kissikeans ......

And ......

after ......

to ......




_lugal en#_ [x x x x x x]

ina _en-lil-ki#_ [x x x x x]

a-na _bar-sipa#_-[_ki_ x x x x]

_lugal_ i-sa-[x x x x x]

_en-lil-ki_ [x x x x x]

gab-bu a-x#+[x x x x x x] it-tu-x#+[x x x x x x] a-tab-x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the king, my lord .

in Nippur .

to Borsippa .

the king ......

Nippur ......

all ......


the king my lord ......

in Nippur ......

to Borsippa ......

the king .........

Nippur ......

all ......

P314177: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


lu [x x x x x x x x]

_dumu_—(m)_numun_(?)#-[i x x x x x x]

ina _ugu_-hi# [x x x x x x]

lib-bu [sza _lugal en_-ia lu x x]

É—_ad_-szu [x x x x x x x x]

lib-bu [x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

may ......

son of Zerî .

concerning .

The king, my lord, can be glad.

his father's house .

the heart .


should ......

the son of Zerî ......

therefore ......

The heart of the king, my lord, can be glad.

His father's house ......

the heart ......

P314178: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)(d)]_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_di#_ [lu-u _di_]-mu# [a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia [(d)_pa_ (d)]_amar#-utu_ [a-na _lugal_] _en#_-ia [a—dan-nisz a—dan]-nisz [lik-ru-bu]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-ahhe-shallim. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk very greatly bless the king, my lord!


To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-ahhe-shallim. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk very greatly bless the king, my lord.



[x x x x]+x# _dug-ga_ [a-na e]-ra#-bi [ina _igi lugal_] _en#_-ia [szum-ma _lugal_] be-li [i-qab-bi le]-e-ru-ub

AI Translation

...... is good. I shall enter before the king, my lord, if the king, my lord, commands, I shall enter.


The moment is good for entering into the presence of the king, my lord. If the king, my lord, says, let him enter, and may he = the king see him prosper!

P314179: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a#-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka (m)[x x x x] lu _di_-mu# [a-na _lugal en_-ia] (d)_pa_ (d)[_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal en_-ia] lik#-[ru-bu]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

P314180: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


u#-ma-a _lugal_ be-[li x x]

ina _uru_-bi#-ra-a-ti# [x x]

(m)_en_—_du_ ina _uru_-bi-ra#-[a-ti]

szum-mu 03 an-nu-te [x x x]

AI Translation

Now the king, my lord .

in the forts .

Bel-ibni, in Birate.

If these three .


Now the king, my lord ...

in Birati ...

Bel-ibni in Birati ...

If these three ...

P314182: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]+x# pu-ut

[x x x x x] szu-u

[x x x x x]-lak

AI Translation

...... opposite

...... he

...... goes


... opposite

... he is

... went



[x x x x x]-za

AI Translation





[is]—su#-ri [_lugal_ be]-li# i-qab-bi [ma-a x] a#-a-im-ma [x x x ep]-pu-szu [x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Why did they do ...?"


Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "With whom are they doing the work?"

P314186: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x a]-na _lugal#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... to the king .


... to the king, my lord ......

P314187: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


u-da# [x x x x x]

ina _ugu_ [x x x x x]

sza _lugal#_ [x x x x x] lu [x x x x x x x] a-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

I know ......

Concerning .

of the king .


knows ......

As to ......

about which the king, my lord, wrote me

P314188: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x ina] _ugu_-hi la [x x x]

[x x x]-u# _lu_(v)-_nam_-_mesz_ [x x]

[x x x] Asz-szA-a-ni ina _ugu_ [x x]

[x x-ku]-nu la aq-bak-ku-[nu x]

[x x-ku]-nu up-ta-at-[ti x]

[x x x x] ma#-a'-du [x x] [x x x x x x] _ugu#_ [x x]

AI Translation

... against it not .

... the governors .

... I have written to .

I will not give you your .

... your ... I have ...ed.

...... much ...


... not ... upon it

... governors ...

... I fetched .... As to

... did I not tell you your ...?

... I discharged your ...

... many ...

P314189: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na _lugal_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka (m)_man_—[_igi-lal_-ni]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Sharru-emuranni.


To the king, my lord: your servant Sharru-emuranni.

P314190: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]+x# 01 _ansze#_-[x x x]

[_pab_ x] _kur#_-_mesz 02 ansze#_-[ku-din-_mesz_] [x x x x]+x#-na-szi# [x x x]

AI Translation

...... 1 donkey .

in all x horses, 2 mules .


..., 1 ... horse,

total x horses; 2 mules ...

P314192: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] ni-isz-szi

[x x x x x x]+x# ku-zip-pi-ma

[x x x x x x]+x# 03

AI Translation

...... we

...... garments

...... 3


...... We will take

...... garments

...... three



[x x x x né-pu]-usz

AI Translation

...... we shall do


...... We will make

P314195: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_u#_ [x x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x]

u-ma-a an#-[nu-rig x x x]

e-ku-lu 01-en# [x x x x x]

U ia-u# [x x x x x]

ina _sza_-bi _uru_-de#-[x x x x x] uk-ta-x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

and ......

the men ......

Now then ...

they ate one .

and me ......

in the town of De.


and ......

the men ......

Now then ......

they are eating .... One ......

and mine ......

in Der ......

P314196: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


U-_mesz_ la [x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-_en-nam_ [x x x x x]

_sze_-ti-ib(?)#-[nu x x x x x]

a-na x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

water not .

the governor .

straw ......

to ......


grass not ......

the governor ......

straw ......

to ......

P314197: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_uru_]-til-la-a-a ina _ugu_ x#-[x x x]

[x x x]-me-24 _lu_(v)-pad-dir-a-a [o]

[_pab_ x x-me]-96 _zi_-_mesz_ [o]

[x x x x x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

Tillayu against .

... x hundred and 24 Paddiraeans

in all x+96 persons,


people from Tillê, in addition ...

...; x hundred and 24 people from Paddira;

In all, x+96 people


P314199: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] ina _ugu_-hi

[x x x x _kur_]-_uri#_-a-a

[x x x x x] _uru_(?)#-usz-ti

[x x x x]-szu _sze-pad_-_mesz#_

AI Translation

...... upon it

...... the Urartian

...... Ushti

...... barley


... as regards

...... the Urartian

...... the town Ushti

... barley rations

P314200: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina pa-ni-[x x x x x x]

(m)man-nu—ki—10 _lu_(v)#-[x x x x x]

u-sa-an#-[x x x x x]

iq-t,ar-[x x x x x x] [x] x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

before ......

Mannu-ki-Adad, ...;

he ... ...

he wrote ......


in the presence of ......

Mannu-ki-Adad, the ......

has made ......

arrived ......



É tam-li-[x x x x x]

sza da-pi(?)#-[x x x x x]

É-a-ni-ia x#+[x x x x]

la# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

an estate of .

of ......

my house ......

not ......


terrace house ......

of ........

my inside ......

not ......

P314202: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _ugu_ x#+[x x x x x]

u-la-ba(?)#-[x x x x]

lu la i#-[x x x x]

qa-di-tu(?)# [x x x x]

sza szu-ru#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Concerning .

I shall ... ...

should not .

the qaditu-offering .

of ......


Concerning ......

he dresses ......

may he not ......

... ......

which ......



szi-i [x x x x x]

_gisz-na_ [x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

he ......

a bed ......


she ......

the bed ......

P314204: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ni] _arad#_-[_mesz_-ka (m)x x x] (m)[x x x x x] lu [_di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ni] (d)asz-szur# [x x x] a-na# [_lugal en_-ni]

AI Translation

To the king, our lord: your servants NN and NN. Good health to the king, our lord! May Ashur and NN bless the king, our lord!


To the king, our lord: your servants PPN. Good health to the king, our lord! May Ashur and DN bless the king, our lord.



ina _igi#_ [x x x x x x x]

sza _lugal_(?)# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

before ......

of the king .


before ......

of the king ......

P314205: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] zi(*)-i(*)-nu(*)# ina _ugu#_ [x x] [ma-a'-da] i#-zu-nu-un# [o]

[x x i(?)]-si-a-at, _kur_-asz-szur-_ki#_-[a-a] [x x x] _ta_(v) _sza uru-hal-s_,U-_mesz_ [i-tu]-s,u-u-ni de-ek#-[tu] [ina _sza_-bi-szu]-nu# i-du-uk#-[ku]

[x x x x] i#-du-ku# [x x]

AI Translation

... are very many on .

... have departed from Assyria ... and seized the forts there.

... killed ...


... it was raining heavily on ....

... was careless; the Assyrians ... came out of the forts and inflicted a defeat on them.

They killed ...

P314207: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na# [_lugal_ be-li-ia] _arad_-[ka (m)x x x x] lu [_di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia]

[ina _ugu lu_-sza—_bad_-_hal_-_mesz_] [sza _lugal_ be-li] [t,e-e-mu] isz-ku-na-[an-ni] a-ta-szar#-[szu-nu] 01 me 06 _lu_(v)-sza(*)#—[_bad_-_hal_-_mesz_] am-ru-te 94(*)# [_lal_-e] sza _szu-2_ (m)(d)[x x x] _lu_(v)-szak-ni ina# [_ugu_]

_lu_(v)-_en_—_gisz-gigir_-_mesz lugal#_ be-li t,e-e-mu la isz-ku#-na-an-ni _ta lu_(v)-sza—_bad_-[_hal_]-_mesz#_-ma a-ta-szar-szu-nu

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the cavalrymen about whom the king, my lord, gave me orders, I have examined them. 116 cavalrymen are still alive, 94 are still alive, under the command of NN, the prefect.

The king, my lord, did not give me orders to the chariot owners; I have checked them with the cavalrymen.


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the cavalrymen about whom the king, my lord, gave me orders, I have reviewed them: 106 cavalrymen seen, 94 missing, under the command of the prefect NN.

The king, my lord, gave me no orders regarding the chariot owners, but I have reviewed them too along with the cavalry: 10 chariot owners, 21 of their king's men, in all 31 chariot owners seen, 69 missing, under the command of the recruitment officer Tutî.



u-tu-si-ik# [x x x]

an-nu-rig [x x x]

AI Translation

I have made .

Now then ...


I have assigned 150 horses ...;

now ....

P314208: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _kur_(?)#-e [x x]

[x x x] _lu_(v)-_en-nam#_-[_mesz_]

[x x x] ina da-at [_lugal_]

[x x x] il#-la-ku-[ni] [x x x x x] isz# is [x x]

AI Translation

...... the mountain .

... the governors

... at the command of the king

... come ...


...... the mountain ...

...... the governors

...... after the king

... are coming

P314211: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] _uru#_-i-za-la x#+[x x x]

[x x x x] ma-a u-la-a tu [x x]

[x x u-szag]-la-na-a-szi U x#+[x x]

[x x x]+x# A-_mesz_ ina _igi_ mad-bar x#+[x x]

AI Translation

... Izalla ...

... "or ...

... will make us .

... water before the .


...... the town of Izalla ......

...... "Otherwise you ......

...... will deport us." ......

...... water before the desert ......



[x x x] _lugal#_ be-li lisz-pur# [x x x]

AI Translation

... Let the king, my lord, send .


...... let the king my lord send ......

P314212: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x x] [lu _di_-mu a-na] _lugal#_ be-[li-ia] [_di_-mu a-na] _uru#_-bi-ra-[a-ti] [a-na ma]-a#-ti sza _lugal_ [_en_-ia]

[x x x x]+x# ina _uru_-bi-ra#-[a-ti]

[x x x x x] gab-bu a-[x x] [x x x x x x] u# [x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! The forts and the land of the king my lord are well.

...... in Birat

... all ...


To the king, my lord: your servant Il-yada'. Good health to the king, my lord! The forts and the land of the king my lord are well.

... in the forts

...... all ...

P314214: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na [_lugal_ be-li-ia] _arad_-ka [(m)x x x x x] lu-u _di#_-[mu a-na _lugal en_-ia]

_ud 12_-_kam#_ [x x x x x]

sza _lugal en_ [x x x x x x]

ki-i# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

The 12th day .

of the king, my lord .

when ......


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

On the 12th day ......

of the king, my lord ......

as ......

P314215: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] x#+[x x] ma#-a [x x x]

[x x x x] kaq-qu-ru a-na [x x]

[x x x x x]+x#-ku ina ir-ti-ni# [x x]

[x x x x x] da-ra-at [x x x]

AI Translation

...... "...

... the ground to .

...... with us .

... eternal ...


...... "...

...... ground to ...

......... against us ...

...... after ...



[x x it-tal]-ka# ki-i an#-[ni-e] [iq-t,i-bi ma-a] _uru_-_mesz_ [x x]

[x x x x x] ina _ugu_ [x x]

AI Translation

... came, and said as follows: "The towns .

...... concerning .


... came and reported as follows: "The cities ...

...... upon ...



[x x x x x] _sze_-ki-su#-[tu]

[x x x x _lu_(v)]-zak-ku-u# [x x]

[x x x x] ma#-a (m)na-s,ib—[_dingir_ x x]

[x x x x]-i#-ni (m)_nigin#_—[x x x] [x x x x] ni te x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

...... fodder

... the exempts .

... Nashibin-ilu .

...... Kudurru-.


...... fodder

...... the exempts ...

...... "Nashib-ilu ...

... Why did Nashur-Bel ...

P314218: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x an]-ni-tu [x x]

[x x x x x x] (erasure)

[x x x x x x] bar# a-la-su-mu

[x x x x x _lu_(v)]-na-sik-ki

[x x x x x x] _lugal#_

[x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

...... this ...

...... erased

...... I will go

...... the sheikhs

...... the king



...... this ...


...... I serve

...... sheikh

...... the king




[x x x x x x x ina] _sza kur_-kal-di

[x x x x x x] ni#

[x x x x x u-szA]-ah-la-qa

[x x x x x x x] a-sa-par

[x x x x x x] ma#-aq-tu-ti

[x x x la u-sa]-an-s,i-u

[x x x x (m)la]-an#-si-i# [x x x x x x]+x# bat [x x x]

AI Translation

...... in Chaldea


...... they will make ... disappear

...... I sent

...... the dead

... I did not bring in

... Lansî


...... in Chaldea


...... helps to escape

...... I sent word

...... deserters

...... they could not

...... Lansî

P314220: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


U [x x] sza _kug-gi_ sza x# _lu_(v)-um-ma-ni ina pa-ni-ia

AI Translation

And ... of gold of the ...s of the scholars are in my presence.


And the artisans will make a golden statue of ... in my presence.

P314222: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x (m)]a-du-ni—[ba-al]

[x x x x x x x x]+x# pa-ni-[szu]

[x x x x x x x x] isz-ku-nu#

[x x x x x x _en_—si]-i-hi szu-u#

[x x x x x x (m)ru]-ki-ib-tu#

[x x x x x x x] sza# _kur_—asz-szur-[_ki_]

[x x x x x x x x] ket-tu [o]

AI Translation

...... Aduni-Ba'al

...... his face

...... placed

...... he is a satrap

...... Rukibtu

...... of Assyria

...... true


...... Aduni-Ba'al

...... his face

...... set

...... he is an insurgent

... Sharru-lu-dari son of Rukibtu

...... of Assyria

...... truly

P314223: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a]-na# _lugal en_-ia# [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x] [lu] _di_-mu a-na# [_lugal en_-ia ina _ugu_ x x] [sza] _lugal_ be-li [isz-pur-an-ni x x x] [x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! As to the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, .


To the king, my lord: Your servant Tab-shar-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord! As to the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me Break



[x _gisz_]-_ma_-_mesz_ u-ka(?)#-[x x x x]

[_lu_(v)-_en_]-_nam#_ sza _uru_-kal-ha [x x x]

[x x x x]-_mesz_-ni la-Asz-[szu x x x]

[x x x x] kur-ru ak-[ta-ra-Ar] [x x x x]+x# e x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... boats .

the governor of Calah .

...... there are no ...s .

... I have smashed the mountain


boats ......

the governor of Calah ......

there are no ......

"Launch ....!" I've launched ...

P314227: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li]-ia [_arad_-ka (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur lu] _di_-mu a-na#

[_lugal_ be-li-ia sza _lugal_] be#-li isz-pur-an-ni#

[ma-a x x x x]-ia ina _igi_

[x x x x x x]+x# a-na-ku

[x x x x up]-ta#-at-ti-iu-u

[x x x x _ki_]-_ta_-usz-szu ip-taq-du#

[x x x x]-ni# u-sa-hi-ru

[x x x up]-ta#-at-ti-iu-u

[x x x _lu_(v)-_dib_]—_kusz#-pa_-_mesz_ szu-u

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Kishir-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me:

"...... in front

...... I

...... have been smashed

...... he appointed him

...... have returned

... have been smashed

... he is a chariot driver


To the king, my lord: your servant Kishir-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to what the king my lord wrote to me:

"...... in the presence

of ......!" I

...... they discharged

...... appointed under him

...... again

...... they discharged

...... he is a chariot driver



[x x x x x] _uru-nina_(?)# [x x]

[x x x x]-_mesz#_ sza _uru-sza_—_uru#_ [x x]-li-szu-nu(*)

[x x x sza] _uru#_-arba-il sza _uru_-[x x]

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-qa-tin-ni [x x x x x x x]-bu#-tu [x x x x x x x] da na# [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... Nineveh .

......s of the Inner City ... their .

... of Arbela and of .

...... the brewer


...... Nineveh ...

...... of the Inner City ... their

...... of Arbela and ...

...... tiller

P314230: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] _uru_(?)#-risz-te-a#-[na(?)]

[x x x x x]-_mesz_ e-tap-lu

[x x x _lu_(v)]-sza—É—_ansze_-ku-din

[x x x] _lu_(v)-sza—É—qi-qi-i

[ina _ugu_]-hi-ia lil-li-ka

[x x x] kal _u a_-_mesz_

[ina É]—mar#-di-a-te

[x x x]+x#-szu-nu-u-ni

AI Translation

...... Rishteana

......s have been completed

... the mules

... the 'mule house man'

May he come to me.

... all and water

in the Marditu House.

... them


...... the town Rishteana

......s answered

Either a 'mule-house man'

or a 'qiqî-house man'

should come to me

... ... and water

in road stations

...... them



[x x x x x x x x x]+x# ki

[x x x x x x x x] pu#-rat

AI Translation

...... when

...... the front



...... the Euphrates

P314231: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_en-nun_] i-na-s,ar _ud_-mu sza# ina ta-hu-me [a-qar]-ri#-ba-ni [ina _ugu lugal_] _en#_-a [a-szap-pa]-ra#

AI Translation

The day I arrive in Tahum, I shall write to the king, my lord.


is keeping watch. The day I arrive on the border, I shall write to the king, my lord.



[x x x x]+x _lu_(v)#-[x x] [i-si]-szu a-na _en-nun_ i-za-za#

AI Translation

...... the ... is standing with him for the guard.


NN the ... is standing guard with him.

P314232: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a]-na# _en-nun_-ku-nu la ta#-[szi-t,a _en-nun_-ku-nu] lu dan-na-at la-Asz-szu ma-[x x x x] ni-kit-ta-ku-nu _ta_(v) pa-ni-szu [lu la-Asz-szu] dul-la-ku-nu ep-szA _lu_(v)-um-ma-[ni te-re-e-ti(?)] li#-qi-bu-nik-ku-nu szum-ma [x x x x] asz-szur _dingir_-_mesz_-ia ina pa-na-[tu]-ku#-[nu il-lu-ku] e-s,i-in-tu ina _gisz_-[x x x x x x]

is—su-ri _lu_-um-ma-nu# [x x x x x] a-du _sza uru_-mar-u-bi-[si x x x x]

(m)asz-szur—_sag_—i-szi _lu_(v)-qur-bu-[ti _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_] sza _kur_-É—bar-ru-e ma-[x x x x x] _ninda_-_mesz ta_(v) a-he-isz e-tak#-[lu x x x] _gu-zi_ ina pa-na-at (m)ki-[ba-ba-sze is-si-ti] i-da-ab-bu-ub ma-a [x x x x x x] ki-i id-du-u-a [x x x x x x] da-la-hu a-ki x#+[x x x x x x] an-nu-ti _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x x] [ina] _ugu#_-hi is-sa-kan [x x x x x x x] [U] id—da#-[a-ti x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Your guard should not be weak; your guard should not be weak. ..., your ... should not be weak. Your work should be performed. Let the scholars command that you, if Ashur and my gods go before you, ... the extispicy on .

Perhaps a scribe ... as far as Marubasi .

Ashur-resha-ishi, the bodyguard and magnates of Bit-Barrê ... ... ... he has eaten together ..., and he is arguing with Kibabashe: "......, when he killed me ......, I am afraid like ......." These magnates ...... have placed ...... and .


Do not neglect your guard; you must be intensely on your guard! Yet there is no ......, and you need not worry about him! Let the scholars tell the oracles to you, whether good or bad; Ashur and my gods will go before you! A bone in .......

Perhaps the scholar ...... as far as the city of Marubishtu .......

Ashur-resh-ishi the royal bodyguard has met with the dignitaries of Bit-Barru; they dined together, and he ... emptied a cup in the presence of Kibabashe. He relates: "......; when at my side ...... confusion like ...... these magnates ...... he placed on it ....... And then ......



a-du É# [a-na-ku al-lak-an-ni] u-ma-a a-x#+[x x x x x x x] U ina _ugu_-hi-ia# [sze-bi-la-ni]

[u-ma-a] an-nu-rig [a-sap-rak-ku-nu x x] [sza(?) (m)Asz]-pa—ba-ri x#+[x x x x x] [x x] sza# sze-szu-bi [x x x x x x] ina _ugu_-hi-ia szup-ra#-[ni ki-i a-de-e] i-si-szu-nu tasz-ku-na-[ni x x x x x] U id—da#-[a-ti x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_sipa_(?)# [x x x x x x x x x] _u#_ [x x x x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

until I go and ......, and send them to me.

Now then I am sending to you the ... of Ashpabaru ......, who is coming ......, to me. If you have concluded a treaty with them, ...... and ......, the shepherd .


...... until I come. Now ...... and send them to me.

I am writing to you right now: write me ...... of Ashpabara ...... of enthroning ......, and ...... when you have concluded a treaty with them. And afterwards ......



sza tasz-pu-ra-ni# [ma-a] 06# me _sze-pad_-_mesz_ ina _sza gisz-ban_ [ni-du-ub-ka-szu-nu] ina _sza gisz-ban_ sza 09 qa ta-ad-bu-ka-szu-nu-u _sze-pad_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

As to what you wrote: "We have smashed 600 homers of barley by the seah, and smashed them by the seah of 9 litres."


As to what you wrote to me: "We piled up for them 600 homers of barley with a seah measure" — did you pile it up for them with a seah of 9 litres? ...... the barley so that the barley at their disposal will be ....

P314234: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _lugal_ [x x x]

[x x (m)]_dingir#_—ia-da-[a' x x]

[x x x] a-na _lugal_ be-[li-ia]

[x x x]+x _ta_(v)# _lugal_ be-li-[ia]

[x x x] ina _sza_-bi _ud_-mu an#-[ni-e]

[x x x]-ia a x bi# nu [x x]

[x x x]-a-tu ta-sah-[x x]

[x x x x] _en-nun_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

... the king .

... Il-yada' .

... to the king, my lord

... with the king, my lord

... on this day

... my ...

... you ...

... watch ...


... the king ...

... Il-yada' ...

... to the king, my lord

... with the king, my lord

... today

... ...... ...

... ...... ...

... the watch ...

P314236: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal en_(*)-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x] [lu _di_-mu] a-[na _lugal en_-ia]

[_di_-mu] a-na# [x x x]

_lugal#_ [x x x x x x x]

la-a [x x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-i-tu#-['u-u x x x]

i-si-ia [x x x x x]

i-sa-par [x x x x x]

[i]-si-ka# [x x x x x]

[x] i#-da-[x x x x x]

[x] ana-ku x#+[x x x x x] [x x] la [x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

The king, my lord, can be glad.

the king ......

not ......

The Itu'eans .

with me ......

sent ......

with you ......

... he ......

... I ......


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

The forts of the king, my lord, are well.

the king ......

not ......

the Itu'eans ......

with me ......

sent, saying: "...

with you ......

... after ......

... I ......



[x x x x x] a#-sa-par ina _ugu#_ [x x x x]

[x] man-nu i-da-na ma-a ina [x x x x]

[x x x x x] szu-nu [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... I sent to .

... who gives ..., saying: ".

... they ...


...... I sent to ......

Who will give ...?" He said: "......

... they ......

P314238: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_lu_(v)-[x x x x] sza# [x x x x] im-[qu-tu-u-ni] ina _uru#_-[x x x] kam-[mu-su-ni] a-ki sza# [x x x]-di _lu_(v)-_lul#_-[_mesz_]

AI Translation

The ...s who fell ... and were stationed in ..., were as ... as the criminals.


The troops who arrived ... and have been resident in ... are loitering in the center of Calah with their riding horses like ... common criminals and drunkards.



mi-nu sza be-li i-qa-bu-u-ni [gab-ru]-u sza e-gir-te [be-li Ar-hisz lisz-pu-ra]

AI Translation

What is it that my lord commands? Let my lord quickly send a detailed report on the letter.


What does my lord say? Let my lord quickly send an answer to my letter!

P314241: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x] szu(?)-u ina _kab_ kal [x x x x]

[x]-kar#-ra-Ar-u-ni [x x x x]

[an]-nu-rig ina _szu#_-[2 x x x x] [u]-se-bi-la-szu [x x x x x] [x x x] 'a [x x x x x] [x x x x] x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... he ... in the middle .

... are .

Now then I am sending him to .


... ... in ...

... throw ...

Now then I am sending him to the king, my lord, in charge of my messenger.



[x x] _lugal#_ be-li isz(*)#-[pur-an-ni]

[x x]+x#-su-nu uk(?)#-[x x x]

[x x]+x# bi-is a x# e [x x x x]

[x x]+x#-me lu-x# [x x x x x]

[x x]+x# dul6-lu ap-qi#-[x x x x]

[x a]-na-ku dul6-lu# [x x x x] [x x x x]+x ni# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... the king, my lord, wrote to me

... their ...

... let me ...

... I have appointed ... work

... I ... the work .


... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me,




...... I entrusted the work

... I ... the work

P314242: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



an-nu-rig# [ina] _ugu#_ [x x x x x]

ina qa-ab-si _kur_-si-ik#-[ri-is x (x)]

_ta sza_-bi nu-ta-mi-szi# [x x x (x)]

né-tar-ba (m)pa-uk-ku# [_lu_(v)-x x]

ina ir-ti-ni na-a-s,a [x x x]

i-du-al ma-a du-[x x x]

sza# _uru_-kar-kar-[hu-un-dir]

AI Translation

Now then ... to .

in the territory of Sikris .

we have departed from there .

We entered ... Paukku, .

... with us ...

"he questioned .

of Karkarhundir.


Now then ...... to ...

in the middle of the land of Sikris ...

We departed from there ......

We entered .... Paukku ...

was brought to meet us ...

He was running, saying: "...

of Karkarhundir



_gisz-bad_ x#+[x x x x x x]

mi-i-nu [sza x x x x x]

nu-pa-qid-[u-ni x x x x x]

pal-x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the fortress .

What is it that .

we appointed .


wooden wall ......

whatever ......

we appointed ......

afraid ......

P314243: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]-ba i-ti#-[iz] [x x x x]-bi# an-nu-rig# [dul-lu sza ina] _ugu#_-hi-ka a-du pil#-[ki] [sza x x x x]-ka-ni e-ta#-[pa-Asz] [x x pi]-il#-ku _ta_(v) 21 [x x] [x u-sa]-pi-lu(*)# dul-lu la e#-[pu-szu]

[ta-sap-ra] ma-a ina _ugu 05_ me [_gisz-ur_-_mesz_] [x x x] ina _ugu 05_-me-ma sza [x x] [x x x ina] _ugu_(*)# _id_ kar-ru# ina _ugu_ [an-nim-ma(?)] [_lu_(v)]-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-tar-bu-si-bi [x x] e-ta-pa-Asz nu-uk an-nu-ti [lil-li(?)]-ku ina _ugu_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab_ a-du [_lu_(v)-A]—_kin#_ sza is-se-e-szu [x x x]-me-hu a-na e(?)#-[x x]

AI Translation

... stood ... Now then I have done the work on you, together with the work on your ..., and I have ...ed the work from 21 ..., but the work is not done.

I wrote to the king, my lord: "I have made a ... on 500 beams and 500 ... on the river bank. Now the governor of Til-Barsip has done ...; let them go and ... on Ashur-sharru-ushur together with the messenger who is with him ... .


... stay in ....... Now he has done the work incumbent upon you plus the work assignment that was ... to your ...; your servants traded the work assignment with 21 ... and shirked doing the work.

You wrote me that in addition to the 500 logs of ... and the 500 of ..., another ... have been piled up on the river bank. That's exactly why the governor of Til-Barsip did ...! I gave the order: "These should go to ... Ashur-sharru-ushur plus the ... who are with him, and ... the logs into ... of 40 pieces each." To no avail; they did not do any work ... break of two lines ... have rebelled ....



[i-ta]-bal#-[ki]-tu u-ma-a an-nu-[rig] [as-sap-rak]-ka sza# [is]-si-ka la-Asz-szu [la x x x]-ti _un_-_mesz_ la ke-nu-ti [szu-nu x x]+x# [_lu_(v)]-_en#-nam_

AI Translation

Now then I am writing to you: there are no ...s or ...s among the people. They are not trustworthy .... The governor .


Now then I am writing to you: your associates are absolutely no ..., they are unreliable ... people. The governor ......

P314244: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x]-ku#-nu ma-a [x x x x x] [x x]-a ina _kur_-kar-al-la# [x x x] [szA] ni-sza-pa-ra-ka-nu-u#-[ni] _pi-2_-_mesz_ la-a ta-szA-ka-[na] ma-a u-ma-a dib-bi-szu-nu ma-[a'-da]

at-tal-[ka ina] _uru#-bad_—_en#_—[_dingir_-a-a] ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sipa#_-u-a e#-[tar-ba] ma-a _kur_-il-lip-a-a# [x x x x] ina _sza_-bi a-he-isz _lugal#_ [x x x] ma-a a-ta-a _uru_-[x x x x x] tu-ri-da-a' x#+[x x x x x] an-ni-te ma-a [x x x x x x]

mu-uk ana-ku x#+[x x x x x x] (m)_dumu_—x#+[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

"...... in Karalla ...... which we sent to you, you should not be afraid; now their words are very numerous."

I came and entered Dur-Bel-ila'i before Nabû-re'û'a, saying: "The Illipeans ... together with the king ...: Why have you surrounded the city ...? ...... this .

"I ...... Mar-.


"... your ...... in Karalla .... You pl. do not pay attention to what we write to you, so now they have a lot to say."

I went to Dur-Bel-ila'i and entered into the presence of Nabû-re'u'a. He said: "The Ellipeans jointly ... the king .... Why have you ...ed the town ... and gone down to ...? ... this ......."

I said: "I ...... Mar-......



[x x x x] ta#-sa-hur ma-a _gi_-ap-pa-[ru x x x] [ina _uru_-ur]-zu#-hi-na lisz-ku-nu _kur_-szA-gi#-[x x x]

[x x x x x x]+x# ma-a ih-tal#-[qu x x x]

AI Translation

"You wrote to me: "Let them place reeds ... in Urzuhina, and the land of Shagi.

...... "he fled .


He said: "... you return ..., let them deposit reed ... in Urzuhina. ......

"...... have run away ...."

P314245: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_(?)] be-li#-[ia] _arad_-ka [(m)x x x x]

ina _ugu_ x#+[x x x x x] sza _ta_(v) [É-_gal_(?) x x x] isz-pur-[u-ni-ni x x] _gisz_-ziq#-[pi x x x] qur-[bu x x x x]

_uru_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x]

gab-bu [x x x x x]

u-dan-[x x x x x]

la-Asz-[szu x x x x] la i-ma-[gur(?) x x x] _lu_(v)-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

As to the ... about whom they wrote to me from the Palace ..., ... the ...-tree .

the towns .

all ......

he will give .

He does not agree ..., he does not accept ..., he is a .


To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

As to the saplings about which they wrote to me from the Palace ..., ... saplings of ... are now available ....

The towns ......

all ......


They absolutely ... refuse to obey me; they do not ... the ... and do not transport the saplings, saying: "......



la ni-[x x x x x] ma za-ku-a#-[ni x x x]

_lu_(v)-_gar_-nu [x x x x]

ha-na-ka# [x x x x]

t,e-mu x#+[x x x x x]

ku-mu za-ku#-[ti(?) x x x] _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu [x x x x x] lisz-pur [x x x x x] x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

We did not ......, but were free .

the prefect .

your help .

news ......

Instead of the exemption ..., let the prefect of ...... send .


"We shall not ......, we are exempt ......."

The prefect ......

here ......

an order .......

Instead of exempted men ..., the prefect should send .......

P314246: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x x x] _ka-dingir-ki_

[x x x x x x x x] ina _igi lu_(v)#-kip-re-e

[x x x x x x x] bi# i-laq-qi-'u-u

[x x x x x x x] _du_-szu-nu i-mat-tu-hu

[x x x x x x x]-szu-nu ha-ra-ma-ma _lu_(v)-_sag_-ia [x x x x x i]-si#-szu-nu ap-ti-qid-di [x x x x x e]-tas(?)#-pu 50 _ansze_-gam-mal-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x x] u-sa-hi-ru-u-ni

[x x x x x x x]-s,u#-u-ni _sze-pad_-_mesz#_

[x x x x x x _lu_(v)]-_a#_—_kin u ansze_-gam-[mal-_mesz_]

[x x x x x x x x] ap#-ti-ti a-na szA-a-szu-nu

AI Translation

...... Babylon

...... before the Kiprê

...... they will take

...... all of them have become frightened

... their ... I have appointed my eunuch ... with them. I have ...ed ... and returned 50 camels ... to me.

...... barley

...... messenger and camels

...... I opened the gate for them


...... Babylon

...... before the Kiprê

...... they used to buy

...... they used to pick up all of them

...... them. Later I appointed a eunuch of mine ... with them; they collected ... and returned 50 camels .......

...... corn rations

...... a messenger and camels

...... I opened ... and ... to them



[x x x x x x x x] lu#-bi-lu-nisz-szu

[ina _ugu_ (m)x x x sza _lugal_] be-li isz-pur-an-ni [ma-a x x x x x]-ka# a-na _uru_-gu-za-[na] [x x x x x x szup]-ra#-Asz-szu [x x x x x x _lu_(v)]-_engar#_-_mesz lu_(v)-_sipa_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x] lu#-sze-szi-bu [x x x x x _uru_-gu]-za#-na-a-a szu-u

[x x x x x x]-_du# lu_(v)-_engar_-_mesz lu_(v)-_arad_(?) szu-u

[x x x x x x x] ma-a _dumu_—_ka-dingir-ki_-ku

[x x x x x x x a]-na _dumu_—_ka-dingir-ki_

[x x x x x x x x]+x# sza i-ma-[x x]

[x x x x x x x x x] A-_mesz_-[szu]-nu

AI Translation

...... let them bring him

As to NN about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Send your ... to Guzana ......!" — let them bring ... the farmers and shepherds ...... and he is a Guzanean.

......-ibni, farmer, is a servant.

...... "The Babylonians

...... to the Babylonians

...... who ...

...... their water


...... they should bring him here.

Concerning NN about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Send him ...... to Guzana with your ...! Let them settle the ...... farmers, shepherds ......!" — now NN, a Guzanite

......-ibni, the farmers ......

...... says: "I am a citizen of Babylon.

...... to a citizen of Babylon

...... who ......

...... their arms

P314248: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[sza] _lugal# en_ iq-[bu-u-ni] [ma]-a i-si-szu-nu lu [x x x] ma-a _lu_-ma-aq-tu [x x x]

la i-ma-gu-ru la# [x x x] ki-ma _lu-erim_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

As to what the king, my lord, said: "Let them ... with them, and let the ...s ... the enemy."

they will not agree to ..., they will not ... like men .


...... about whom the king, my lord, said: "Let ...... with them and ... the refugees!" —

they do not agree to ....... When the men ......

P314249: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _uru#_-[x x x x x x x]

02-szu 03-szu x#+[x x x x x] nu-uk pa-an _lu#_-[x x x] a-na _uru_-ba-qar x#+[x x x x] ku-pu-u sze-ri-da# [x x x]

la i-sza-ma-a-ni [ki-i _lugal_] be-li a-na _uru_-kal#-[hi szu-tu-ni] pa-an _lugal en_-ia [t,e-mu] u-te-re nu-uk# [x x]

AI Translation

in the town .

"Secondly and thirdly ......, saying: "Go to Baqar before the ..., and ... a kupu-vessel ......!"

When the king, my lord, came to Calah, he gave me the following order: ".


...... in the city ....

I have several times told him to go to Baqar to the ... and bring down ice, but he does not obey me.

When the king, my lord, was in Calah, I gave to the king, my lord, the following report: "I have appointed ... in the Palace ...



la# ip-ti nu-uk# [x x x x] t,e#-mu la isz-kun# [x x]

_lugal_ be-li i-sa-ap#-[ra] a-na _uru_-kal-hi na-s,u#-[ni-szu] _lugal_ be-li iq-t,i-bi# ma-a _sza kusz_-mar-szA-ni# [x x]

li-t,u-szu ana-ku pa-an [x x x] aq-t,i-bi nu-[uk x x x x]

AI Translation

"He did not open ......, he did not give orders .

The king, my lord, wrote to me and I brought him to Calah. The king, my lord, said: "The skin of the ... is thick."

I said to the king, my lord: ".


"He has not opened ..., nor given orders to ......."

The king, my lord, then sent word; he was brought to Calah, and the king, my lord, ordered him be whipped with ... leather straps.

I however said to the king, my lord: "......

P314251: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x]-har _lu_(v)-_erim#_-[_mesz_]

[x x x x x x] ni-is-[x x]

[x x x x x ni]-id-du-[ka]-szu

[x x x x x]-szu-nu nu-sa-ah-[hi]-ra

[x x x x x]-te-szu-nu a-nu-su-nu

[x x x x ur]-ta#-am-me-u

[x x x x x x x]-ni sza# _uru_-qir-bi-ti [x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

...... the men

...... we ...

...... we gave him

...... we have returned their .

...... their ... and their .

...... have been seized

...... of Qirbiti


......... the men

...... we ...

...... we killed him

...... we returned their ...

...... their ... and their equipment

...... they left

...... of Qirbit



[x x x x x x] ina [x x x x]

[x x x x x] 06 _lu_(v)-szA—pet(?)#-[hal-a-te]

[x x x x x] 30 a-na-qat(?)#

[x x x x u]-nam-mu-szu

[x x x x an]-nu-rig x# [x]

[x x x x x x]+x x x x x#

[x x x x x x]-nu 06 _lu_(v)-_sanga#_-_mesz_-szu-nu

[x x x x x x x] ina _sza_-bi

[x x x x x x x]-ni-ni#

[x x x x x x x]-na-kis

[x x x x x x x] _lugal_ be-li-ia

AI Translation

...... in ...

...... 6 cavalrymen

...... 30 I will take.

...... they will make

... Now then .

......;, their six priests

...... there

...... us


...... the king, my lord


...... in ...

...... six cavalrymen

...... thirty she-camels

...... are setting out

...... now then ...


...... six priests of theirs

...... there

...... ...

...... cuts

...... the king, my lord

P314253: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x u-se]-bi-la-[szu]

[x x x (m)]_dingir_—ia-di-ni [o]

[x x x] sza _kur_-kal-du ha-[x x]

[x x x x] _lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu [o]

[x x x x x x] _szesz#_ [x x]

AI Translation

... I am sending him

... Il-yadini

... of Chaldea .

... the royal bodyguard

...... brother .


I am herewith sending him ...

... Il-yadini

... of Chaldea ...

... a bodyguard

...... the brother ...

P314254: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] _bad_-_hal_-lum [x x x x]

[x x] asz-szur-a-a :" [x x x x]

a-na# (m)(d)_ag_—[x x x x] a-ti-di-[in o]

_lu_(v)-_erim#_-[_mesz_ x x x x]

AI Translation

... cavalry ...

... Assyrians .

I gave it to Nabû-.

the men ......


... cavalry ...

... Assyrian ...

I gave to Nabû-....

The men ...

P314255: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] s,a#-bat(at)

[x x x x x] ti-ik-pi

[x x x x x]-me-ni

[x x x x x] sza É—(d)_mes_

[x x x x x] u-se-li-u

[x x x x]-ru _lu-nagar_-_mesz_

[x x x x]-tu(?) pa-tu-u-te szu-nu

[x x x x] ti-ik-pi

[x x x x]-qar sza É tam(?)-le(?)-e#

AI Translation

...... a shabatu-demon

...... brick-course

...... us

...... of the temple of Marduk

...... I have moved up

...... the carpenters

... they are ...s.

...... brick-course

...... of the terrace


...... attaching

...... brick courses


...... of the temple of Marduk

...... they elevated

... ... the carpenters

... are open ...s

... brick courses

... ... of the sanctuary on the terrace



[x x x x x]+x# ah-za-at(?)# [x]

[x x x]-pi sza _gisz-ur_-_mesz_

[x x x] re-e-hu

AI Translation

...... I was frightened .

... of beams

... remaining


...... has been overlaid with ...

the ... of the beams

... are left over.

P314256: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


02# _utul 03_ [x x] ma-a ina _kur_-szub-ri#-[a-a] at-ti-di-[ni]

AI Translation

"I have given the Shubrian ... 2 jars, 3 .


"I have given two pots and three ...s to the Shubrian."

P314257: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] _arad_-ka (m)_hal_(*)-[a-ni—asz-szur] lu-u _di_-mu a-na [_lugal en_-ia]

ina _ugu_ sza _lugal_ [isz-pur-a-ni] ma-a _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_ [x x x x] sza _dumu_ (m)(d)za#-[ba-ba x x] ma-a 08 _ma-na#_ [x x x x x] sza pi-qit-[te x x x x x]

02 _lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Harrani-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to what the king wrote to me: "The servants of the son of Zababa ... 8 minas of ..., which are assigned .

2 men ......


To the king, my lord: your servant Ishmanni-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The servants ... of the son of Zababa-... have ...ed eight minas of ... entrusted to ......," —

two men ......



_lu_(v)-_erim_—_man_-[_mesz_ x x x x x] li-di-na# [x x x x x] 30 _zi_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x] 01 _ma-na 10_ [_gin_ x x x x] u-sa-[hi-ir x x x x] i-ma-gur [x x x x x x]

_lugal_ ina bir-[ti x x x x] bir-ti 08 [_ma-na_ x x x]

AI Translation

Let the king's men give ......; 30 persons ......, 1 mina 10 shekels ...... he will return ...... and will pay .

The king ... between ... and 8 minas .


Let him give to the king's men ...... 30 persons ...... one mina and ten shekels of ... returned ...... agree .......

The king should decide between ...... and eight minas of ....

P314260: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_en_—pi-qi#-[ta-te]

[x x x x x] i-pa-ha-ru-[ni]

[x x x _kur_]-su#-hi la-al-lik#

[x x x x]-ni# la-Asz-hu#-[ra] [x x x x x] x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...... the officials

...... they will open

...... I shall go to Suhu

...... I shall return .


...... the officials

...... will assemble

...... I will go to Suhu

...... I will return

P314261: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na] _lugal#_ be-li#-[ia] [_arad_-ka] (m)I(?)#—[_dingir_] [lu szul]-mu a-na# [_lugal en_-ia]

[ina _ugu_] _lu_(v)-i-[tu-'a-a-a] [sza _ta_] _ugu id#_-[pu-rat-ti(?)] [is-hu]-ru#-u-ni [x x x] [x x x]+x#-ni ma#-[a x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Na'di-ilu. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the Itu'eans who returned from the Euphrates .


To the king, my lord: your servant Na'di-ilu. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the Itu'eans who returned from the river Euphrates ......

P314264: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a—dan-nisz a-na] (m)(d)30#—[x x x x] [_di_]-mu [a—dan-nisz] [a—dan-nisz a]-na (m)(d)30—[x x x]

[x x] mur#-s,i [x x x x]

[x x]-im#-ma [x x x x]

[x x x] _di_-mu [a—dan-nisz] [a—dan-nisz a-na] (m)(d)#[x x x x]

AI Translation

The very best of health to Sin-..., and the very best of health to Sin-.

... illness ...

... and ...

... very much ... to N


Sîn-... is doing very, very well. Sîn-... is doing very, very well.

... sickness ...


... PN is doing very, very well.

P314265: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x x] iq-t,i-bi#

[x _lu_(v)-i]-tu#-'a-a-a sza _lu_(v)-02-e

[x x x x] _lu-sipa_—sa-kul-la-te

[x x x _lu_(v)]-da-a-a-li _ta_(v) _sza_-bi

[x x x pa]-ni#-u-te a-na _en-nun_-szu-nu

[x x x x] _un#_-_mesz sum_-ka-nu-ni

[x x x x x] sza É (m)ba-bu-[u]

[x x x x x x]+x# bir _kur_ [x x x]

AI Translation

...... said

x Itu'eans of the deputy governor;

...... the herald

... the scouts from there

... the previous ...s to their watch

...... the people are paid

...... of the house of Babû

...... ... the country .


... said:

.".. the Itu'eans of the deputy

...... herdsman

... scouts from the previous

... have gone to their garrison

...... who give/gave people to you

... of the house of Babû

...... ... the country ......

P314266: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x x] [lu szul-mu a]-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia]

[sza _lugal_ be]-li isz-pur-an-[ni] [ma-a x x x]-ku-nu _zi_-_mesz lu_(v)-[x x] [x x x x x]+x# ina _ugu_ me-me-ni# [x x x x x x x] la# ta-qa-[rib] [x x x x x x x x]+x# [x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... your ..., the life of the ..., do not speak about anyone ......!"


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "...... your ..., the 'souls' ...! Do not approach anybody ...!"

P314268: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x]-bil# ma-a szum-ma _ud 01_-_kam_ e(?)#-[x x] [ma-a] ki#-i a-he-isz ni-qar-ri-ib [ni]-mat-ta-ah u-ma-a

mi-i-nu sza _lugal_ be-li i-qab-bu-u-[ni]

AI Translation

"If on the 1st day ... we shall go together and divide up." Now

What is it that the king, my lord, commands?


"If the 1st day is ..., we shall get there and fetch it together."

Now, what are the king my lord's instructions?

P314269: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x] a-ta(?)#-[a(?)] [x x x x x x x]-ka#

[x x x x x x x]+x# _gud_

[x x x x x x x] u-ma-a [x x x x x x x]-ga-ma [x x x x x x x x]+x x#+[x]

AI Translation

...... Why

...... oxen

...... Now ...... and .


...... why

...... an ox

...... now

P314271: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x] ina _igi_ [x x x x x x]

a—mar _ta_(v)(?)# [x x x x x]

an-nu-rig# [x x x x x x]

u-se-bi-la# [x x x x x]

_ud 13_-_kam ud 15_(?)#-[_kam ud_ x-_kam_]

_ud 21_-_kam ud 20_+[x-_kam_ x x x]

an-na-te szi-na [x x x x]

[x x x] _lugal#_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... before .

all that ......

Now then ......

I have sent .

13th day, 15th day, day;

the 21st day, the 20+xth day .

these ...

... the king .


which before ......

all that .......

Now then .......

I am sending .......

The 13th day, the 15th day, the xth day,

the 21st day, the 2xth day ...:

these are the days .......

... the king ......

P314272: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[be]-li# lu-u u(*)-da(*)# [a-ta]-a ina ir-ti (m)a-ri-hi [u]-ba#-lu-u-ni [u]-szag-la-na-szi

[u] szu#-u iq-t,i-bi [ma-a _kur_-la]-qa#-a-a

AI Translation

My lord should know that they are bringing us to the side of Arihu and making us live.

And he said: "The Laqeans


The king my lord should know this. Why are they bringing me towards Arihu? He will deport us!

...he said that the Laqeans ......

P314273: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na (m)x-x]+x#-ti—_en_ [_im_ (m)(d)_pa_-_sig5_]-iq# [lu _di_]-mu a-na _en_-a

[(m)]tab(?)#-ni—_dingir_ ha-na-ka i-tal-ka a-na# (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib da-ki ina _igi dumu_—_lugal_ liq-qi-bi

_sze-pad_(*)#-_mesz sze_(*)-_gisz-i_ bi-la-nu a(*)-ke(*) _sze-pad_-_mesz_ ta-na(*)-szi(*) ma(*)-nu ta-da-szu-nu(*)# ana-ku u-da(*)-ia a-ka-li-szu _numun_(?)-szu ir(?)#-tu-mu(?)

AI Translation

A tablet of Nabû-dammiq to ...ti-Bel. Good health to my lord!

Tabni-ilu is your friend. Come and speak to Nabû-shezib, and let him speak before the crown prince.

The barley and sesame are paid. How much barley are you giving them? I know that he has died and his seed has died.


A letter from Nabû-dammiq to ...ti-Bel. Good health to my lord!

Tabni-ilu has come here; he has been summoned for Nabû-shezib and should speak in the presence of the crown prince.

Bring me barley and sesame! Why do you take away the barley? To whom do you distribute it? I alone am being excluded from it! ......



[ina] _igi_(*)# _dumu_—_man_(*)# [x] x# [x] x# [x] [x x] x# [x x] u(*)-[x x] x x# [x x] x x# [x] [x] x#+[x x]

AI Translation

before the crown prince .


...... in the presence of the crown prince ......

P314274: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x ina pa]-ni#-szu Asz-[x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x#-a-ni a-na-ku x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x x]-ia# ap-ta-lah [x x x]

[x x x x x x]+x#-an-ni _ud_-mu [x x x x]

[x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu sza _lu_(v)-x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x ina] _sza_-bi 10 _ma-na kug#_-[_ud_ x x x]

[x x x x x x]-szi# an-nu-rig x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x x]+x-szu _lu_(v)-x sza ina# [x x x]

[x x x x] sza# _uru_-kal-hi sza qa-ri-te# [x x]

[x x x x x] a#-na pa-ni-ia s,a-bu-[tu]

[x x x x x] a#-na _lugal#_ [be]-li-ia a-[szap-pa-ra]

[x x x x _lu_(v)]-_a#_—_kin_ sza _lu_(v)#-_en_-[_nam_]

[x x x x] il#-li-ka [x x x x x] [x x x x x x]+x x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... I asked him .

...... me .

...... I became afraid .

...... the day .

...... the prefect of the .

...... for 10 minas of silver .

...... Now then .

...... the ... who in .

...... of Calah, of the quay .

...... are seized in my presence

I shall write to the king, my lord.

...... the messenger of the governor

... came ...


... which I sent to him

......... I am ...

...... I got afraid of ...

...... ... the day ...

...... a prefect of the ...

...... for 10 minas of silver ...

...... Now then ...

... NN, the ... who ...

NN, the ... of Calah, of the banquet ...

...... are in my presence, arrested.

I am sending them to the king, my lord .......

...... the messenger of the governor

... has not come ......

P314275: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ma-a] _gisz-szu-a_-_mesz_ a(*)-na(*)# [(m)x]—da-la i-da-na _u#_ ma-a _kur_-u [a]-na# _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_-ka u#-ka-la-ma ma#-a re-eh-ti _gisz-szu-a_-_mesz_ li#-ik-ki-su

_erim_(?)#-_mesz_ us-se-li _lu_(v)#-_en_—pi-qi-te

AI Translation

"He gives the beams to ...-dalâ, and he is bringing the country to your men, saying: "Let them tie the rest of the beams."

The men have departed; the officials have gone down.


As to what the king, my lord wrote to me: "PN will give trunks to ...-dala, and he will also show the mountain to your men who should cut down the rest of the trunks" —

I moved the men up the mountain and sent an official with them; they went to have a look and came back saying: "They showed us 900 cut trunks but they are not at all suitable for the work; and nobody showed us the mountain."



[u]-ma-a an-nu-rig [x x x] qi na# [x x x]

AI Translation

Now then ......


Now then ......

P314276: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x _lugal_] _en_-ia

[x x x x x x x]+x# i-qab-bi

[x x x x x x x]-nu

[x x x x x x] pa#-an t,e#-e-me [sza x x x] an-nu-te sza ina _sza_ [x x x _kur_]-_du6_(?)#—a-szu-ri

AI Translation

...... the king, my lord

...... says

...... before the news of these ...s which are in ... Til-Ashuri


...... of the king, my lord

...... says


I waited for the report of these ...s who are in ... Til-Ashuri, until ... there

P314277: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] _udu_-_mesz_-szu na-mur-tu# [(m)]sa-gab u-szA-s,a-bat ma#-a _ud 06_-_kam_ u-na-ma-sza

AI Translation

Sagab has ...ed his sheep and made them a spectacle. He said: "I will make them on the 6th."


... Sagab has made ready his sheep, the audience gift, saying: "I'll depart on the 6th day." The day when he enters the town Alakaslish, I'll write to the king, my lord.



[a-szA]-pa#-ra i-si-al# _lugal_ [x x x] is(?) x-nu# [x]-pa-tu-szu

AI Translation

I shall send word, and the king ... his .


He has smeared ... the king; his ......

P314278: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x a]-ki an-ni-[e] [e]-pa-Asz-szu-u-ni [o]

ma#-a a-ki qar-ni sza x#+[x x] [ina] _ugu#_ a-hi-szi ip-taq-du#-[szu-nu] [a]-ki _lu_(v)-szag-lu-u-te x#+[x x] [ina] kal-za-a-ni sza _lugal#_ [o] [la] ka-as,-ru [x x]

[ana]-ku# a-du x#+[x x x] [x x]+x#-_mesz_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... what they do

"They have appointed them as the ...s, but they are not able to keep the king's ... in the kalzanu-house."

I ...... until .


"... who acts in this manner.

"They were entrusted to one another like the horns of ...; they have not been organized into royal contingents like the deportees ...."

I together with ...



ta#-ma-ta(*)-[ha(?) x x x x]

an#-ni-tu e-pa-[Asz x x x]

_lugal#_ lu la i-[qab-bi ma-a]

_ta_(v)# _lu_(v)-_sag_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

[u]-ma#-a 04 _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

AI Translation

you ... ......

does this ...

The king should not say: ".

with the eunuchs .

Now 4 ......


she/you will lift .....

I shall do this ...

The king should not say ...

from the eunuchs ...

Now four eunuchs ...

P314279: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[isz-di _gisz-gu-za_] szar#-ru-ti# [sza _lugal_] [_en_-ia a-na] _ud_-me s,a-a-ti# [lu-ki-in]-nu _ud_-mu a-na _ud_-[me] [_iti_ a-na] _iti# mu-an-na_ a-na _mu#_-[_an-na_] [pa-as-su]-rat ha-de-e# [du-un-qi] [a-na _lugal en_]-ia lu taq-ri-ba#

[ina _ugu_ nap-szal-a-ti] qut-_pa_ szA a-na [_lugal_] [_en_-ia Asz-pur-an]-ni 10 du x#+[x x] [x x x x x x] _lugal en_-ia# [x x x x x x x]+x#-ni [x x x x x x x x]+x#-lu

AI Translation

May they establish the foundations of the royal throne of the king, my lord, for ever. May they grant the king, my lord, the ability to live a day, a day, a month, a year, a year, a year of abundance and happiness.

As to the libation bowls and the libation bowls about which I wrote to the king, my lord, 10 .


May they keep firm the foundations of the royal throne of the king, my lord, until far-off days! May happy and good news day after day, month after month, year after year reach the king, my lord!

Concerning the salves and fumigants about which I wrote to the king, my lord, ten ...

P314280: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



i#-na-Asz-szi-'u-u a-[x x x x]

i-se-nisz a-ki _un_-_mesz#_ [x x x] _lugal#_ be-li lu isz-pur [x x x x]

am-ra mi-i-nu i-x#+[x x x x] lu e-x x szum-ma t,a-[a-ba x x] a-na _lu_(v)#-mi-hir-ia x#+[x x x x] lu ir-u#-ba ma-a 27 na#-[x x x] i-si-x#+[x] ma#-a [x x x x x]

AI Translation

they will take .

As to the people ..., the king, my lord, should have sent word that .

"What ...?" I shall ...; if it is good, ... to my bride ... he will enter. "27 ... ... ......"


they lift ......

Likewise, as the people ..., the king, my lord, should have written: "Inspect ...!"

He should have checked what ...; if it was good ..., he should have angrily said to my equal ...: "... 27 ... with ......"



ma-a x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

szu-u sza x#+[x x x x x x x x]

a-na _lugal_ be-[li]-ni [x x x x x]

_szesz_-_mesz_-e-a pa-an x#+[x x x x x]

a-ki ina _uru-ka_—bit-[qi a-na-ku-ni] i#-tal-ka iq-t,i-[bi-a ma-a x x] [x x] x x# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation


He who ......

to the king, our lord, .

my brothers before .

When I was in Bit-Bitqi, he came and told me: ".


He said: "......

that which ......

to the king, our lord ......

my brothers before ......

As I was in Bab-bitqi, he came and told me: "......"

P314281: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



nu-uk 01 me 20 _gisz-ur#_-_mesz_ sza _lugal_ a-le-e szu-u i-su-hur iq-t,i-bi-a ma-a _gisz-ur_-_mesz_ szal-szi-u-te u-se-ri-ba ina ta-hu-me sza _kur_-qu-ru-ba ur-ta#-me

_kur_-u#-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

"He has received 120 beams from the king, my lord. He told me to bring in the remainder of the beams and I have departed to the border of Quruba."

the land of U.


I wrote him: "Where are the king's 120 logs?" He returned and told me: "I have brought in the third installment of logs, and left it on the border of Quruba."

The Ukkean ......



i-su#-[x x] x#+[x x x x x] a-na _kur_-u-ka-a-a iq-t,i-bi# ma-a e-mu-qi sza _lugal_ a-na mi-ni ina _ugu_-hi-ia tu-ba-la# a-na-ku-ma a-ba(*)-ak ki-i e-mu-qi u-na-me-szA-ni _kur_-u-ka-a-a [iq-t,i]-bi#-a

[ma-a x x x x x x]-x-ka#

AI Translation

...... he said to the Ukkean: "You bring the king's forces to me, but I will come back and bring the troops." The Ukkean said to me:



He returned ... and said to the Ukkean: "Why do you bring the king's troops to me? I will have them removed." When the troops departed, the Ukkean said to me:

"... your ......



[x x x]+x# _gisz-ur_-_mesz kur_-né-ru-bu x#+[x x x x]

[x x x] a-na _lu_(v)-A—_kin_ sza (m)a-da-a# [x x x x]

[x x x] _kur# uru_-pa-ie-e _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

[x x x] _uru#_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

... the beams of Nerubu .

... to the messenger of Adâ .

... the town of Pai, the men .

... the town .


...... the logs at the pass ......

...... to the messenger of Adâ ......

...... of the town Paye the men ......

...... the city ......

P314282: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-_en-nam_

[x x x _uru_]-Ar#-pad-da [x x x x x x] ad [x x x x x x x] nu# [x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_

[x x x x x] _ma-na_ [x x x x x x]+x# ud

[x x x x x x]—asz-szur

[x x x x _lu_(v)-_en_]-_nam#_

AI Translation

...... the governor

... Arpad

...... minas


...... the governor


....... governor

....... Arpad

....... minas


...... governor



[x x x (m)(d)_pa_(?)]—_en#_—_gin_

[x x x x x x] isz-_qar_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x] É-_gal_ [x x x x x x]+x#-da-mur [x x x x x x]-i#-du

[x x x x u]-se(?)#-szib-szu-nu [x x x x x]-ab-at

[x x x x be]-li# u-da

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_

[x x x x x] _mu#-an-na_ [x x x x x x] re(?)#-sze

AI Translation

... Nabû-belu-ka''in

...... of olives

...... palace

...... I settled them

... my lord knows

...... the magnates

...... year


...... Nabû-bel-ukin

...... ishkaru dues

...... palace

...... settled them

...... my lord knows

...... the magnates

...... year

P314283: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)_di_-mu—_en_] [lu _di_]-mu# a-[na _lugal en_-ia]

[_lu-a_]—szip-ri [sza x x x] [ina] ma#-a-ti-ni# [x x x x x]

szul#-mu [x x x x x] [i]-na# _ugu lu#_-[_dam-qar_-_mesz_] sza# _lugal_ be-li isz#-[pur-an-ni]

02 _lu-dam-qar_-_mesz_ [x x x x x]

sza i-du#-ku-ni a-ki [x x x x x]

01-en# [x x] sza# _lugal en#_-[ia x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Shulmu-beli. Good health to the king, my lord!

The messenger of ... in our country .

Concerning the merchants about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me,

2 merchants .

who ... like .

One ... of the king, my lord, .


To the king, my lord: your servant Shulmu-beli. Good health to the king, my lord!

A messenger of ... has arrived in our country; he sends the king his regards.

As to the merchants ... about whom the king, my lord, wrote me, ...

2 merchants ......

who were killed, when ......,

a ... of the king, my lord ......



sza ina [x]+x# [x x x x x x x x]

i-na _ugu# kur-kur_-[_mesz_ x x x x x]

a-na szul-me a-x x _lugal#_ [x x x]

_lu_(v)-_dam-qar_-_mesz_-ia ik-ta-[la x x x] a-na-ku _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_-_mesz_-szu la [x x x] mi-i-nu sza _lugal_ be-li i#-[qab-bu-u-ni]

_ad_-ia _ad_—_ad_-ia [x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_gal_—da-ni-bat _sze_-[x x x x x] i#—[su]-ri# _lugal_ [be-li i-qab-bi]

AI Translation

which in ......

concerning the lands .

to greet ... the king .

My merchants have seized ..., but I do not ... his merchants. What is it that the king, my lord, commands?

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say:


who in ......

upon all the countries ......

to greet the king, my lord ....

He has detained my merchants and ...ed them, while I have not detained his merchants; what are the king my lord's instructions?

In the days of my father and my grandfather, ... the chief victualler ...ed the corn .... Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "......"

P314285: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



bé-et i-x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x]

ma-a ki ma-s,i ina _sza_ [_kug-ud_ ta-di-na] ma-a _udu_-_mesz_-im-ma sza [x x x x x x]

_lu-sipa_ da-ri-i ki#-[i an-ni-i x x] iq-t,i-bu-ni-szu-nu ma-[a _udu_ me-me-ni] ina _sza kug-ud_ la ni-din ma-a _ta_ [x x x x] ma-a ket-tu a-ni-nu sza ra#-[me-ni-ni] a-na (d)_en_ nu-szA-kal ma-a [ina _mu-an-na_] an-ni-te szum-ma _udu_ [x x x x x] szum#-ma ta-mi-tum(!) sza a-[na x x x x] sza# (d)_en_ qur-ba-ni [x x x x x x]

[ina] _ugu# gud-nita_ sza [x x x x x]

[x né]-pa-Asz x#+[x x x x x x x]

[x x]-ma _gud#_ [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

where ......

"You have given me the sheep of ......, but you have not given me the sheep of .

The shepherds of the past said to them as follows: "We will not give any sheep for silver, we will give ... from ... to Bel." "We will do as we wish, in this year, whether ... sheep or a tamitu-sheep which ... to Bel .

Concerning the ox of .

we shall do .

... an ox .


When ......

saying: "How many have you sold for silver? These are sheep of ...."

The shepherds of regular sheep-offerings told them as follows: "We have not sold a single sheep for silver, nor ... from .... In truth, we supply sheep of our own as food for Bel. This year, either the ... sheep or the tamitu-sheep which were presented to the ... of Bel ...."

Concerning the ox which ......

... we shall perform ......

... ox ......



[x x x x]+x# ki-i la na-s,a-an-ni# [x x x x]

AI Translation

... if they do not bring me .


... Since he has not brought it ...

P314286: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _szu-2_-ka [x x x x x x x] sza pi-i x#+[x x x x x x x] ina pa-an _lugal#_ [be-li-ia a-sap-ra-szu] _lugal_ be-li# lisz-['a-al-szu x x x x]

ki-i an-ni-[i x x x iq-t,i-bi-a]

ma-a _en-nun_ sza [x x x x x x]

sza _sza_-bi _ud_-me# [x x x x x x]

ma-a _kur_ ab-ti#-[x x x x x x]

lu ra-hi-is, [x x x x x x x]

ma-a ina _sza_ x#+[x x x x x x x]

la u#-[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

I have sent him to the king, my lord, ... in your hands ......, and he is the king, my lord. The king, my lord, should ask him .

... said to me as follows:

"the guard of .

of the day .

"I have ...ed the land .

let him be sated .

"in ......

did not ......


"in your hands. The king should hear what I have to say." Now then I am sending him to the king my lord's presence. Let the king, my lord, question him.

...... said to me as follows:

"The watch of ......

"during the days of ......

"I have ruled the country ......

"should be confident ......

"During ......

I have not ......



e-gir#-[tu x x x x x x x x]

ma-a [x x x x x x x x x x]

U e-[x x x x x x x x x]

pa-na-at [x x x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-A—_kin_-_mesz#_ [sza x x x x x x]

ina _ugu dumu_—(m)_numun#_-[i x x x x x]

u-di-ni [la x x x x x x]

sza _lu_(v)-qur-[bu-ti x x x x]

_lu_(v)-A—_kin_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x]

ina pa-né#-e-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

letter ......


and ......

before ......

the messengers of .

concerning the son of Zerî .

until now .

of the royal bodyguard .

the messengers .

before ......


a letter ......


and a letter ......

before ......

The messengers whom ......

to the son of Zerî ......

have not yet returned ......

of the bodyguard ......

the messengers ......

in the presence ......

P314287: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ki-i an-ni]-i# aq-t,i-ba-szu

[mu-ku x x x] u-ma-a ina _sza_-bi-ka [o]

[x x x x x]-tu sza _kur_—asz-szur-_ki_

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_nam_-_mesz_ sza _ta_(v) _lugal#_

[x x x x] sza# _uru_-mar-qa-si

[x x x x x]+x#-ta-an-ni

[x x x x x x] _kur_—asz-szur it-tab-lu

[x x ina pa-ni-szu]-nu i-da-gal

[x x x x x x]-Asz-u-ni _lugal_ É _igi_-szu [o] [x x x x x x x] x x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

I said to him as follows:

"...... Now, in your heart

...... of Assyria

...... the governors who with the king

...... of Marqasi

...... me

...... have gone up to Assyria

... will be gathered before them.

...... where the king resides


I said to him as follows:

"...... Now consider within yourself

...... of Assyria

...... the governors who went with the king

...... of Marqasa

...... ...

...... carried away ... of Assyria

...... is waiting for them

...... wherever the king sets his eye

P314288: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x] sza# _lugal_

[x x x x x x x x] _en_-szu la tasz-pur

[x x x x x x x x] e-ru-ban-ni

[x x x x x x x] ina# _uru_-de-ru ep-pu#-[szu]

[x x x x x x x] pu te _gu_ [x x]

[x x x x x x x] i-sa-ap-[ra]

[x x x x x x x]+x# _ta_(v) ma-[s,i]

[x x x x x x i]-tal-ka#

[x x x x x ki]-i taq-ba#-[ni]

[x x x x x x É]-_gal_ i-ba-szi

[x x x x x x u]-sze#-bi-lak-ka

[x x x x x x] il#-lak-u-ni

[x x x x ki]-i# taq-ba-ni

[x x x x x x] x x x man#-ni

AI Translation

...... of the king

...... you did not send his owner

...... entered

...... they will do in Der

...... has written

...... from

...... came

...... when you said

...... there is a palace

...... I shall send you

...... they go

...... when you said

...... who


... of the king

... you did not send ... to his lord

... when he entered my presence

... they do ... in Der

...... ... ...

...... he wrote

...... as if

...... he came

...... when you said

... there is ... in the Palace

did I not send ... to you?

... who/which goes ...

...... when you said

...... whom



[x x x x x x x x]+x# _lugal_(?) x#

[x x x x x x x x]-la-me

[x x x x x x i]-tal-ka ki(*)-i [x x x x x x x] kam#-mu-sa-ni-ni

[x x x x x x] i#-su-uh-ru

[x x x x x x]+x# _ta_(v) _ugu mul-sag-me-gar_

[x x x x _lu_(v)]-qur#-bu-ti-ia#

[x x x _lu_(v)-qur]-bu#-ti i-ti#-[x]

[x x x x x x]-lu#-tu ina _ugu#_ [x x] [x x x x x x x]+x# a-sa-[par] [x x x x x x] ta kal# [x] [x x x x x x x]-u-ni x#+[x x] [x x x x x x] ni# is [x x] [x x x x x x x x]-u#-ni [x] [x x x x x x x x x] _ugu_ [x x x x x x x x x] lu [x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

...... the king .


...... came. When ...... came

...... returned

...... from Jupiter

...... my bodyguard

... the royal bodyguard .

... ... I sent ... to .


...... king ...


... came .... When we were staying ......

...... they returned

...... with reference to Jupiter

...... my bodyguard

...... the bodyguard ...

...... I sent ...... to ......

P314289: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na ab [x x x x x x x]

sza _lu_(v)-_sag_ [x x x x x x]

a-di sza _dumu_ [x x x x x x]

ina _sza_-bi ab-x#+[x x x x x x]

e-gir-a-te [x x x x x x]

ina _ugu_-hi-ia# [x x x x x x x]

sza na-s,u-[ni x x x x x x]

i-si-szu-nu x#+[x x x x x x x]

a-sap-ra x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

to ......

of the eunuch .

as far as the son .

there ......

letters ......

to me ......

which they brought .

with them .

I wrote ......


to ......

of the eunuch ......

including those of the son of NN ...

there I opened ......

letters ......

to me ......

which they bring ......

with them ......

I sent ......



_dumu#_-_mesz_—_tin-tir#_-[_ki_ x x x x]

e-gir-a-te# [x x x x x x]

na#-s,u-ni [x x x x x x]

i#—su-ri [x x x x x x] tu-sa-'a-[x x x x x x]

_ta_ ma-ka# [x x x x x x]

i-ba-Asz-[szi x x x x x x] x x#+[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the Babylonians .

letters ......

brought ......

Perhaps you will .

from where .

there is ......


the Babylonians ...

letters ......

they bring ......

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "... do you ...?"

from there ......

there is ......

P314290: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] u-za-za# [x x]

[x x x]+x _sze#_-nu-sa-hi [x x]

[x x x _lu_(v)]-um#-ma-a-ni sza _lugal_ be-[li]

[x x x x x x x x] _sum_-an

[x x x x x x x x x]-lak

[x x x x x x x x x]-pi

[x x x x x x x] x x#

[(m)]asz-szur—_asz lu_(v)-_gar-kur_-szu-nu# [01] me _a-sza_-szu 03 _gisz-sar_-_mesz_-szu#

AI Translation

...... stands .

... straw ...

... the scholars of the king, my lord

...... gives

...... goes



Ashur-iddina, their prefect, has cultivated 100 hectares of field and 3 orchards.


...... distributes ...

... corn tax ...

... the scholars whom the king, my lord

...... gives

...... goes



Ashur-iddina, their prefect, holds 100 hectares of land and three orchards

P314291: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka (m)[x x x x x]

a-na _ugu_ (m)x#+[x x x x] sza _lugal_ be-li# [isz-pur-an-ni]

ma-a szA-a-la [u-s,i-s,i] ma-a man-nu _mi_-_mesz#_ [x x x] sza a-na _sza_-bi# [x x x] a-ta#-a a-[x x x x] [x x x x x x x x x] ir-[x x x x x x x x] i-x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

As to NN about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: ".

"Who are the women ... who ... there? Why ......?


To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

As to NN about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me:

"Ask and investigate who ... the ... women who ... to ...! Why ......?"

P314292: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ap-ta(?)#-'a-x#+[x x x x x]

sza _lugal_ be-[li isz-pur-an-ni] ma-a _lu_(v)-_sza#_-[_tam_ x x x x] sza _uru_-sip-[par x x x x x]

AI Translation

I have ...ed .

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The prelate ... of Sippar .


I have .........

Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let the prelate and the ... of Sippar come into your presence, and let them speak ..." — he has come once ... but his brother did not come with him. He spoke with me: "Let me go to the Palace ......, and let him go there on his own."



an-nu-rig [ina _szu-2 lu_(v)-A—_kin_-ia] ina _igi lugal en#_-[ia u-se-bi-la-szu x x] lid-bu-bu [x x x x x x x] [x x] ru [x x x x x x x] [x x] ma ri# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

I am now sending him into the hands of my messenger to the king, my lord. Let him speak .


Now then I am sending him to the king, my lord, in charge of my messenger. Let the king, my lord speak with him ...

P314293: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x mi]-i-nu

[x x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-ru-[u-a-a]

[x x x x x x x]-bu-bu

[u-ma-a an-nu]-rig# ina _ugu_

[x x x x x x x]-lik-a-ni

[x x x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-[A]—_kin_

[x x x x x x x] ma-a a-szap-par

[x x x x (m)(d)_amar_]-_ud_—A—_sum_-na

[x x x x x x x]-a# a-mat-tah

AI Translation

...... what

...... the Ru'eans

...... ...bubu

Now then I am writing to the king, my lord.

...... to us

...... messenger

...... I shall send

...... Marduk-aplu-iddina

...... I spoke


...... what

...... the Ru'ueans

...... speak

Now then to

...... went

...... the messenger

...... He said: "I shall send

...... Merodach-Baladan

...... I shall fetch



[x x x x x x x] ni-iq-t,i-[rib(?)]

[x x x x x x x] iq-t,i-bi-ia

[u-ma-a an-nu-rig a-na] _lugal en_-ia a-sap-ra [_lugal_ be-li ki-i sza] i-la-u-ni le-pu-usz

[is—su-ri _lugal_ be]-li i-qab-bi [ma-a _lugal kur-nim-ma_ a]-a-ka szu-u [x x x x x x x x] u-tam-me-isz [x x x x x x x x] it-ta-lak

AI Translation

...... we approached

...... said to me

Now then I am writing to the king, my lord. Let the king, my lord, do as he deems best.

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Where is the king of Elam?" He has smashed ...... and gone .


...... we arrived

...... said to me.

Now then I have written to the king, my lord; the king, my lord, may do as he deems best.

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Where is the king of Elam?" He has set out ...... and gone ......

P314294: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] _lu_(v)-_arad_-ka (m)[(d)_im_—_ki_-ia] lu-u _di_ a-na# [_lugal en_-ia]

_ud_-mu sza _lu_(v)-[e-mu-qi(?) x x] sza _kur-uri_-a-[a x x x x x]

(m)a-za-a [x x x x x x x]

e-ta-x#+[x x x x x x x]

a-na _lu_(v)#-[x x x x x x x]

ni-[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Adad-isse'a. Good health to the king, my lord!

The day when the troops of the Urartian .

Azâ ......

has ......

to the ......

we ......


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

The day that the army and the ... of the Urartian ......,

Azâ ......


to the ......

we ......



i-tal#-[x x x x x x x]

i-tu-x#+[x x x x x x x]

i-ta-lak [x x x x x x]

[ma]-a a-ta-a [x x x x x]

_ninda_-_mesz_ la-a [x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-600—É-_gal_ x#+[x x x x x]

ma-a _kur-uri#_-a-a [x x x x x]

_ta_(v) [x x] x#+[x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)#-[x x x] 07 [x x x x x]

AI Translation

came ......

has ......

went ......

"Why ......?"

bread not .

the palace herald .

"the Urartian .

from ......

the ..., 7 .




came ......,

saying: "Why ......

no bread ......?"

The palace herald ......

"The Urartian ......

from/with ......

... 7 ...



re-ha-ti x#+[x x x x x x]

ma-a sza [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the rest ......

"that ......


the rest ......

"Of ......



[x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-sar-tin-ni ma#-a i-szi

[x x x x x x]+x# kur-ru

AI Translation

...... the sartinnu said: "He has .

...... are bright


...... the sartinnu; take ...

and put .......

P314295: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[sza be]-li isz-pur-an-ni# [ma-a] a-du bé-et _dingir_ [ina É]-an#-ni e-rab-u-ni [ma-a] lu et-ka-ka [ma-a] _en-nun_-ka [lu]-u dan-nat

AI Translation

As to what my lord wrote to me: "Be at peace with me until the god enters this house, and let your guard be strong!" —


Concerning what my lord, wrote to me: "Be on the alert until the god has entered the inner sanctum, and let your guard be strong" —

P314296: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x]-x#-[x x x] [lu _di_-mu a-na] _lugal en_-ia#

[x x x x] sza _uru_-arrap-[ha]

[x x x x] ina _sza uru_-_mesz_-ni#

[x x x x] a-na _lugal en#_-[ia]

[x x x _lu_(v)]-qur-bu-ti i-[x x]

[x x x x]+x#-bi-ri il-[x x]

[x x x] _ud#_-mu sza _uru_-arrap#-[ha]

[x x x x] _a-sza_-_mesz_ ip-ta#-[x] [x x x x x x]+x sza x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

...... of Arrapha

...... in the towns

... to the king, my lord

... the royal bodyguard .

...... he ...

... day of Arrapha

... he opened the fields .


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

... of Arrapha

... in the cities ...

... to the king, my lord

NN the bodyguard ...

... ... ...

... The day that ... Arrapha

... he partitioned the fields



[x x x x]-bu : 01-en : x# [x]

[x x _lugal_ be]-li# lu-u-da# ha-[x]

[x x x x] _lugal_ be-li [x x] [x x x x] lisz-pur _kur_-un-x#+[x x] [x lu-(sze)]-bi#-lu-u-ni : dib-[bi] [x x x x]-szu-nu : li-li-[ku-ni] [dul]-la#-szu-nu le-[pu-szu]

AI Translation

... one ditto .

... Let the king, my lord, know that .

Let the king, my lord, send word that they should bring the land of Un..., so that they can ... their words and come and do their work.


... one ...

... the king, my lord should know ......

Let the king, my lord send word to ... that they should bring me ....... Let them ... them words and let them come here and do their work!



[x x x (m)]x#-na-nu [x x x]

[x x x x] ru tu x#+[x x x]

[x x x x] ta-hu-ma#-[ni]

AI Translation

... Nanu ...

...... border


Concerning ...nanu ...

... ... ...

... borders

P314297: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



an-nu-rig x#+[x x x x] pi-qa-a-ti nu(*)#-[x x x] ki-su-tu sza an-[na-ka x x]

_ninda_-_mesz_ sza _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_(*)#-[_mesz_ x x x] e#-ri-szi ma-a _ninda_-[_mesz_ x x x] ta-da-an _lugal_ [be-li u-da] i-sa-a-hi-szi :" _sze_-[x x x x] ina _sza_-bi _uru_-_me_ ni-du#-[bu-ku] ia-u ina ba-te x#+[x x x x] i-szu-nu-u la-a i-ma#-[gur la i-du-nu]

AI Translation

Now then we have ... the rites ... the scepter which is here .

The chariot men ... have come out, saying: "You gave me ... bread." The king, my lord, knows that they are bringing in ... grain. We are dividing ... in the cities. I have not ...ed them, but they have not given them.


Right now ...... perhaps ...... the fodder which ...... here.

...... is demanding the food of the chariot troops saying: "You will give food ......!" The king my lord knows that we reaped our sown fields together and stored the yield in the villages. Mine is on ... side, and they do not agree to give away any of theirs, saying: "You will not touch our harvest."



szum-ma u-x#+[x x x] szum-ma la [x x x x]

AI Translation

whether he ... or not .


Whether ...... or not ....... When ......, 700 homers of ...... they reaped ...... their sown fields.



a-na-ku a-na _ansze-kur#_-[_ra_-_mesz_] sza _lugal en_-ia lu#-[szA-kil] i-se-nisz _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-[_mesz_-szu-nu] _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_-szu-nu [x x x x] la-a u-sze-ru-[bu x x x] _uru#_-_mesz_-ni ka [x x x x x]

AI Translation

I shall give them to the horses of the king, my lord. Alternatively, they should not bring their chariotry and horses ..., but ... our cities .


I do want to feed the king my lord's horses, but all the same they should not introduce their chariot troops and their horses ....... The towns ......

P314298: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x _lu_]-A—_kin_ [x x x x x]

[x x x] a-na _lugal en_-a x#+[x x x x]

[x x x] sza# a-na _lu-sag_ lu#-[x x x]

[ina _ugu_ x x] sza _uru_-i-zu-zi [x x x x] [sza _uru_]-bi(?)#-en-szi sza _uru_-i-[x x x x] [x x x] sza _uru_-u-ru-me-qa# [sza _lugal_] [be-li] isz#-pur-an-ni ma-a _a-sza#_-[_mesz_ x x] [x x] szu#-t,ur sze-bi-la [an-nu-rig] [_a-sza_]-_mesz#_ a-sa-t,ar ina _ugu_ [_lugal en_-a u-se-bi-la]

[x x sza] _lugal_ be-li isz-[pur-an-ni] [x x] _ta_(v)# _igi lu_-[x x x x x x] [x x x x] x x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... messenger .

... to the king, my lord .

... which to the eunuch .

Concerning the ... of Izuzu, ..., Belshi, I..., and ... of Urumeqa about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Write down the fields ... and send them to me." I have now written down the fields and am herewith sending them to the king, my lord.

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... from the .


... messenger ......

... to the king, my lord ......

Let ...... to a eunuch.

Concerning the ... of the towns Izuzu, ..., Bienshi, I..., ... and Urumeqa about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Write down and dispatch to me the fields ......" — now then I have written down the fields and am herewith sending the relevant information to the king, my lord.

Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... from the ......" —

P314299: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] di ma(?)# [x x x x]

_lu_(v)#-di-da-bé#-[e x x x]

kam-mu-su pu-[x x x]

_uzu_-_mesz kalag_-_mesz_ [x x x]

_za_-ra-a-ti [x x x x]

i-na-ah-[x x x x]

u-ma-ma-a-ni [x x x x] u-szA-ra#-[qu(?) x x]

_kug-ud_ sza (d)#[x x x x] i-ma-si#-[u x x x]

dul-li _lugal#_ [be-li-ia]

AI Translation

the scouts ...

... his ...

large cuts of meat .

... ...s ...

he ... ...

... the horizon ... will be .

The silver which ...... is paid .

The king, my lord, should do the work.


... ... ...

The apprentices are staying ....


large cuts of meat ...

tents ...

They ... ...

They are casting the ... beasts,

they are refining the silver of the god ...,

and they are doing the work of the king, my lord.

P314300: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x x] [lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_] _en#_-[ia]

[ina _ugu kur-uri_(?)]-a-a# [sza _lugal_ be-li] isz-pur-an-[ni] ma#-[a mi-i-nu]-um#-[ma] t,e#-[en-szu]-nu# i-x#+[x x x]

sza isz(*)-'a-al(*)#-[x x x]

_lu_(v)-_sag_ szu-tu x#+[x x x]

sza ina pa-ni-szu-nu [x x x] [x x x] ina x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the Urartian about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "What is their news?" —

who asked ...

he is a eunuch .

which in their presence .


To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

As to the Urartians about whom the king, my lord, wrote me: "Whatever is the news about them?" —

... who asked .......

He is a eunuch ...

who in their presence ......



ha-[x]-x#-szu-nu [x x x] e-te-nu-na-szi# [x x] bat-qi-ni _ta_(v) _sza_-bi [ni-ti-szi] u-ma-a i-na-s,u#-[ru-szu]

a-ni-nu a-ke-e [né-pu-usz] ki-is,-ru sza# _lugal_ be-[li] ik-s,ur-u-ni szu-u-[tu] szum#-mu ina pa-an _lugal_ [_en_-ia] ta#-ri-is, ki-i# [x x] [lu]-um(?)#-mi-[du x x x]

AI Translation

... their ... have come back to us. We have ...ed from there. Now they are keeping him in check.

Why did we do the kishiru-work which the king, my lord, had completed? If you are to go and ... before the king, my lord, let me be ...ed ...!


their ... changed ... for us, and we took our replacement from it. They are guarding him/them now.

How should we proceed? It is a cohort formed by the king, my lord; if it suits the king, my lord, let them ... like ...;



[u]-la-a [x x x x] [x x] e [x x x x x]

AI Translation

or ...


otherwise ......

P314301: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)](d)#_pa_—_en_—[_gin_] [lu _di_-mu] a#-na _lugal#_ [_en_-a] [_di_-mu a-na _kur_] sza _lugal en#_-[a]

[t,e-e]-mu# sza (m)hu-um#-[bé-e] [ina _uru_-ak]-ku#-du-ma szu-tu#

[x x x] sza# _kur-nim-ma-ki#_

[x x x x] _uru_-ak-ku#-[du]

[x x x x]+x#-szu-nu ina _sza_-[bi]

[x x x x x]+x#-ru _lugal en#_

[x x x x]-da#-a an-ni-u#

[x x x x x] sza# (m)Asz-pa—[ba-ri]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. Good health to the king, my lord! The land of the king my lord is well.

News of Humbê: he is in Akkuddu.

... of Elam

...... Akkudu

... their ... there

...... the king, my lord

...... this

...... of Ashpa-bari


To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. Good health to the king, my lord! The land of the king my lord is well.

News of Humbê: he is still in Akkuddu.

...... of Elam

...... Akkuddu

...... them there

...... the king, my lord

...... this ...

...... of Ashpa-bari



[x x x] ma-ka [x x x x]

[x x x] i-x#+[x x x]

[x x x]-ni i-da-gal# [x x x]

[x x x]+x#-da ina _ugu_ (m)[x x x] [sza _lugal en_] isz#-pur-an-ni [x x x] [x x x]+x# Asz qu# [x x x] [x x x]+x#

AI Translation

... you ......

... he is keeping watch .

Concerning NN about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me


...... there ...


... looks ......

Concerning NN about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me:

P314302: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka (m)(d)[_utu_—_en_—_pab_] lu-u _di_-mu a-na# [_lugal en_-ia] _di_-mu a-na _uru_-de#-[ri _di_-mu a-na _uru-hal-s_,U]

_lu_(v)-A—_kin_-e-a [sza a-na x x x] Asz-pur-u-ni it-[tal-ka iq-t,i-bi-a]

ma-a (m)(d)_pa_—_gal_-[szi x x x x]

_ta uru_-hi-da-li# [x x x x x]

ma-a 06 mar-de#-[e-ti x x x]

ma-a ina _sza_-bi [x x x x]

ma-a _lu_(v)-e-[mu-qi x x x x]

ina _uru_-bu-bi-[lu x x x x]

ma-a _lugal kur_-[_nim-ma-ki_ x x x] ina _uru_-É—bu#-[nak-ki szu-u]

U ma-a _lu_(v)-[x x x x x] il#-la-ka [x x x x x x] [x x] ru x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Shamash-belu-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord! The city of Der and the fort are well.

My messenger whom I sent to ... has come and told me:

"Nabû-ushabshi .

from Hidalu .

"6 teams ......

"there ......

"the troops .

in Bubilu .

"The king of Elam ... is in Bit-Bunakki."

And he said: "The ... is coming .


To the king, my lord: your servant Shamash-belu-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord! The city of Der and the fort are well.

My messenger whom I sent to ... has come back and told me this:

"Nabû-ushabshi ......

"from Hidalu ......

"six stages ......

"there ......

"the troops ......

"in Bubilu ......

"The king of Elam ... is in Bit-Bunakki.

Further, "the ... is coming ......



sza (m)(d)_masz_—[x x x x]

a-na _lugal#_ [x x x x]

a-szap-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

From Inurta-.

to the king .

I shall send .


of Inurta-......

to the king, my lord ...

I shall send ...

P314303: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


a-na _en_-i-ni


[x] _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x]+x#-a-a

[x x] _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu [x x x] x# [x]

AI Translation

To our lord:


x sons of his;


... his sons .


To our lord:


... his sons


... his sons

P314304: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] sza# _uru_-ur-x#+[x x]

[x x x (m)x]-li#-i _lu_(v)-_en_-_uru_ [x x x x x] szu#-u-tu sza ina ku-u#-[me] [x x x x x x]+x# isz-szi-ki-nu-[ni] [x x x x x] a#-na _kur_-szA-bar-du#

[x x x x x] la# im-ma-gu-ru#

[x x x x x] a#-na ta-da-ni#

[x x x 01-en]-ma _ta_(v) _sza_-bi#-szu-nu [x x x x x]-ni# la il-[li]-ka

[x x x x]+x# sza (m)dal-ta-a

[x x x x]-ni la i-mah-har

[x x x x]+x#-an-ni at-tal-ka#

AI Translation

...... of the town Ur.

...lî, the city lord, a ... who in the thick of battle ...... appointed ...... to Ashdod

...... did not agre

...... for payment

... One of them did not come ... from their .

...... of Daltâ

...... he does not receive

...... I came


...... of the city Uriakka ...

...lî, the city-lord of ..., the one who was placed ...... instead of NN, ....... has run away to Shaparda.

...... they have not agreed

...... to give

...... no one of them has come .......

...... of Daltâ

...... does not accept

...... I came



[x x x x x]+x#-a a-du pa-ni

AI Translation

...... until


...... until my presence



[x x x x x]+x# _kur_ i-szA-kan-u-ni

[x x x x ha-ra]-ma-ma ma-da-ti

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-ga-li-te

[x x x x x]-an-ni É-_mesz_-szu-nu

[x x x x x]+x# _sze_-tab-ki-szu-nu

[x x x x x]-nu _ta_(v) _kur_-par#-su-a [x x x x x x] x# [x x x] [x x x x x x x x x x] me

AI Translation

...... they set up .

...... the tribute

...... the scouts

...... their houses

...... their barley

...... from Parsua


...... is established in the country

...... thereafter my tribute

...... the deportees

who ....., their houses,

their ..., their stored corn,

...... their ... from Parsua

P314305: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza _nu_-_mesz#_ [x x x]

sza ina _igi_ [x x x x x]

ina kal-la-[ma-ri x x x]

ina É—_dingir_ [x x x x x]

i-szA-ku-nu# [x x x x]

sza _lugal_ [x x x x]

ur-su-[tu x x x x x]

ina É [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

of the ...s ...

which in front of .

in the kalamari .

in the temple .

they will place .

of the king .

the auxiliary forces .

in the house .


of the images ...

which is before ......

in the morning ...

in the temple ......

they will place ......

of/which the king ......

the magazine ...

in the house/temple ......



(m)ti-[x x x x x x]

(m)(d)30—[x x x x x x]

_szesz_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x]

_ud 09_-_kam_ sza# [x x x x]

ma-a (m)(d)[x x x x x]

_lu-sanga_ a-[na(?) (m)x x x x]

_lu_-lah-hi-nu [x x x x] ma-a# 02 x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation



brothers ......

The 9th day of .

"NN ......

the priest to N

the temple steward .


Ti...... and


brothers of ......

On the 9th of ......

saying, "NN

the priest ... to NN

the temple steward ...

P314306: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_gar_—_mu_] [lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia] [(d)_pa_ u (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal en_-ia]

[lik]-ru#-bu ina _ugu#_ [x x x x] sza# _lugal_ be-li isz#-[pur-an-ni] [mi-nu]-um#-ma ah—hur [né-pu-usz] la-Asz-szu [hi-t,u x x]-ra#-a-ni [x x x x x]-esz

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-shakin-shumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

Concerning the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, what else should we do? There is nothing to do .


To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-shakin-shumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

As to ... about which the king my lord wrote to me, what else should we do? There is no danger ...



[x x x] qi-ba-a-ni

[x x lu] la# u-kal-lu

[x x lu]-szap#-pi-t,u

[x x] _a#-2_-szu _luh_-si#

[x x] _kaskal-gid_ [x x]

[ina _igi_ (d)]_en#-lil_ né-ep#-[pa-Asz]

AI Translation

... command

... they should not keep

... let them write

... he should wash his hands.

... the long road .

We shall perform it before Enlil.


...... commandments

...... let them not keep

...... let them sweep

...... let him wash his arms

...... double-hours ...

we shall perform before Enlil ......

P314308: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



lik-ru#-bu (d)_en_ (d)#[_pa_ x x x] sza _ud_-_mesz_(?) [Ar-ku]-u-[ti] a-na# [_lugal en_-ia] lid-di-nu [x x x x x]+x# a-mat# [(x)] U [(d)x x szA] re#-'u-[us(?)-su] a-ki [_an_-e u _ki-tim_] da#-ru-u-ni# _bala_-_mesz_ [x x x x x] _lugal_-u-tu#

le-pu-[szu sza _lugal_] be-li isz-pur-an-ni# ma-a _lu-sanga_-_mesz_-ni _mu_-_mesz_-szu-nu [x x] na-s,a-ni sza _dingir_-_mesz_-szu#-nu [x x]-u szA-Asz-man-[ni]

[x x x x x] É—_dingir#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

May Bel and Nabû give ... of long days to the king, my lord! May ... the word of ... and the god ..., whose shepherdship is eternal like heaven and earth, prolong the reigns ...... kingship!

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The priests ... their names, and the ... of their gods .

... the temple .


May DNN bless the king, my lord. May Bel and Nabû give to the king, my lord, a life of long days. May the king, my lord, by the command of ... and ..., whose shepherdship is as eternal as heaven and earth, exercise kingship ... years of reign.

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Make known to me the names of the priests ... and the ... of their gods ..." —

...... temple ...



sza ku-um _ad_-_mesz_-szu-nu i-za-zu#-[u-ni] (m)_pab_—_su dumu lu-ma-du#_-[_du_] (m)_pab_-szi-na _lu-dumu_—[_sig5_(?)] (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_dumu-usz dumu_ x#+[x x x x] _pab 03 a-2_-_mesz lu-sanga#_-[_mesz_ x x]

a-na x#+[x x x x x x x]

(m)ur-du# [x x x x x x]

_pab 04_ x#+[x x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—x#+[x x x x x x x]

(m)(d)#[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Ahu-eriba, son of a boatman, Ahushina, a good heir, Nabû-nadin-apli, son of NN, a total of 3 assistants of the priests .

to ......

Urdu ......

in all 4 ......


NN, ......;


These are the ones who are standing in for their fathers: Ahu-riba, son of the boatman, Ahushina, chariot-knight, and Nabû-nadin-apli, son of ... — a total of 3 helpers for the priests ...

for ......

Urdu ... ......

Total: 4 ......


NN ......

P314309: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka (m)[ak-kul-la-nu] lu-u _di_-[mu a-na _lugal_] be-li-ia [(d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_] a-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] lik-ru-[bu x x x x] sza x#+[x x x x x x] sza [x x x x x x]-ru

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Akkullanu. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!


To the king, my lord: your servant Akkullanu. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!



_lugal_ be-li le-mur sza na-szA-ri li-szur-ru# sza ra-ad-du-u lu-ra-ad-di-i-u

is—su-ri _lugal_ be-li i-qab-bi ma-a a-ta-a

AI Translation

May the king, my lord, see the light of the nasharu, may he make the rabid ones flee.

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Why did you not send me a messenger?"


The king, my lord, should have a look; let them remove what is to be removed, and add what is to be added.

The king, my lord, would perhaps say: "Why did you not remind me?"

P314310: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_ta_(v) masz-ka-ni-szu-nu# [x x] nu-sa-da-bi-[szu-nu] ina _ugu gisz_-ia-nu-x#+[x x] nu-ta-qi-in-szu-nu _ud 16_-_kam_ [ina x x x]

AI Translation

We have ...ed them from their ... and bought them from ... on the ...-tree. The 16th day .


We raised them from their places and lined them up on ... .... On the 16th, we will bring them into ....

P314311: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[isz]-pur#-an-ni [ma-a] li-ih-t,u-t,u [a-na] szap-lisz lisz-szu-u-ni [_ud_ x]-_kam#_ ih-tu-ru-up [ina] _sza_-bi i-zu-nun [an]-nu#-rig _na4_-x#-[_mesz_] [x] _ta_(v)# qa-ba-[si _an_-e] [it]-tu-qu-[ut]

[a]-na# _lugal_ [_en_-ia] [x x]+x x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

He wrote to me: "Let them remove the ... and bring it down to me." They have now piled up the ...s from the middle of the sky.

to the king, my lord .


about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let them excavate it and remove it downwards" — on the xth day it rained there for the first time, and just now hail has fallen from the midst of the sky.

I have written to the king, my lord ...

P314312: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[szum]-ma pil(?)#-[ku x x x] la(?)# ag-ma#-[ru(?)-ni x x]

sza _iti-barag#_ [x x x x]

U gu-x#+[x x x x] sza _en_ sza [x x x x] la ad-din-szu [x x x x]

u-ma-a ki-i# [sza _lugal_ be-li] isz-pur-an-ni a-[x x x] ina pa-nat _lugal en#_-[ia x x]

a-du É _lugal_ be-[li x x x] _lugal#_ be-li re-esz [x x x] lisz-szi le-mu-ru la# e-mu-qa-a-a _lugal_ be-li le#-mi-id-da-an-ni

AI Translation

If I do not show ... the work assignment .

of Nisan I .

And I did not give him the ... of Bel of .

Now, as the king, my lord, wrote to me, I shall ... in the presence of the king, my lord.

As long as the king, my lord, ..., let the king, my lord, ask the first-ranking ..., and let the king, my lord, give me the king's strength.


I swear I have finished the work assignment ...

of Nisan I ...

and have given him the ... of .......

Now, in accordance with what the king, my lord wrote me, I shall be before the king, my lord, by ....

As long as the king, my lord, ..., let the king my lord summon ... and see for himself that it is beyond my power, and let the king my lord support me. If it is beyond my power, the king my lord himself should see it.



[lu]-u a-gam-ma-a-[ra x]+x#-ti-ma

[x x]-mu _ku6_-_hi-a#_ [x x x x]

[x x] bi ni mut [x] x x#

[x x x] (m)ri-mu-tu it#-ti-szi

[x x x x] _ka#-dingir-ra-ki_

[x x x x x] _gisz-ma_-_mesz_

[x x x x x] a-na# pa-an

[x x x x x x]-ma szi#-i [x x x x x x] sza is-si-i [x x x x x x x]-_mesz_-ni# [x x x x x x x] al# [x x x x x x x] mu

AI Translation

I will give ... and

... fish ...

... Rimutu has taken

...... Babylon

...... boats

...... before

...... it


Should I be able to finish it, ...

... fish ...

... ... ...

... Rimutu has taken

...... Babylon

...... boats

...... before

...... it is

P314313: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ma-a ina _ugu#_ [x x x x x x]

_di_-mu# [a—dan]-nisz# un-qu sza na-as,(d)#-an-ni a-ki un-qu-a-ti sza _lugal be_-ia la e-ep-sa-at 01 lim un-qa-a-ti sza _lugal be_-ia ina pa-an-ia ina pi-it-ti u-sa-an-hi-ri a-ki un-qi

AI Translation

"to ......

The seal of Nashurnu has not been sealed as the seal of the king, my lord. I have gathered 1,000 seals of the king, my lord, in my presence. I have sealed it as the seal of the king, my lord.


"to ....... All is very well."

The seal impression that he brought is not made like the seals of the king, my lord. I have in my possession a thousand sealed orders of the king, my lord. I compared it with them, and it was not made like the seal of the king, my lord. I am herewith sending the sealed order to the king, my lord. If it is genuine, let them send me a duplicate of the sealed order which I sent, I will deposit it with him, and he may go where the king, my lord, sent him to.



lil-li#-ki ina _ugu_-hi _sze-numun_-_mesz_ sza _lugal_ be-li# isz-pur-an-ni [ma-a x]+x x x 08(?)# qa in-ti-t,e [x x x x x]-_mesz_ ma-a at-ta

[x x x x x _lu_(v)]-_en_—_uru_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x]-ta#-ka

AI Translation

Concerning the seed corn about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "...... has been lost 8 litres .

...... the city-lords


Concerning the seeds about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... eight litres was missing ...... you ......" —

...... city-lords



ma-a la x# me [x x x x x x x x x]

a-ta-na-Asz-szu _uru_(?)# [x x x x x x x x]

a-pal-la-[x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

"not ......

I have given him .

I will ......


"not ....."

I gave him .... The city ......

I shall ......

P314314: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] x ina# _szu-2 lu_(v)-_en_—_mun_-ia(?)#

[x x x x x]-ti# ina _ugu_ du-a-ki sza _erim_-_mesz_ [o(?)] [x x x x x]-du-u-ni# U ina _ugu_ du-a-ki-szu-nu

AI Translation

...... in the hands of my lord of salt

...... concerning the ...s of the men ...... and about their ...s


...... in the hands of my friend

Concerning the killing of the men who conspired with NN and about whose killing he spoke with the king, my lord —



[x x x] e-gir-ti szap-ru-u-ni

AI Translation

... the letter is sent.


The ...s who were sent with the letter ... Asalluhi-ahu-ushur, the priest of Bel ......, saying: "Capture and ... these ...; the men ......."

P314315: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x ur-ta]-ki-qu e#-[tap-szu]

[x x x x x x]+x# gap-pi sza x#+[x x]

[x x x x x]-bi us-se-lu-ni

[x x x x x] us-sah-hi-ru u-tal-li-u

[x x x x x x x] ma-a pa-ni-u la(?) ka#-s,ir

[x x x x] _kug-gi#_ [ur]-ta-ki-qu e-tap-szu

[x x x]-u-ni _ki-ta a-2#_-ia x x-pi#

[x x x]+x# _lugal_ szA _sza_ kip-pi-ti sza (d)_nin#-gal_ [x x]-ni u szip-ku sza _kug-gi#_ [x x]-u

AI Translation

...... I have seized .

...... gappi of .

...... have brought down

...... they have returned and gone back

...... "You are not able to secure the front

... I have seized the gold .

... below my side .

... the king of the ... of Nikkal ... and the work of gold .


They hammered the ... thin and re-did it.

...... the wing of ...

which ... they raised

...... they removed again

...... saying: "The old one wasn't fastened."

... They hammered the gold thin and re-did it.

... ... under my arms ...

They ...ed the image of the king inside the loop of Nikkal, as well as the gold cast.



[ma]-a u-ma-a sza _a-bar_ e-[tap-szu] [_kug_]-_gi_ u-tah-hi-zu# [par]-s,i# szA (d)_nin-gal_ pa-ni-[u]-ti [u]-tal#-li-u esz-szu-ti# e-tap-szu [x] _a-2_ szA (d)ta-am-ba-a-a x# ri x# ir _ta#_ an-na-ka _kug-gi_ x# [x]-ti# a-ta-sah rit(?)#-ta-a-ti szA (d)ta-am#-ba-a-a [x x] u-tal-li-u esz-szA-a-ti e-tap-szu [x x]-_mesz_ sza _sza_-bi _gaba_ szA ki-gal-lu szA (d)_utu_ [x x x] _sza_ [x x x u-tal]-li-u [x x x x x x x x x x]+x#-as-si [x x x x x x x x x x]+x an# [x]

AI Translation

"Now that I have done the ironwork, I have poured out gold, and I have made the previous ritual of Nikkal anew. I have made new ones. I have removed the ... of Tambaya ... and poured out the ... of Tambaya. I have made new ones. ...s of the breast of the 'base' of Shamash ... have made new ones. .


He says that they have now made it of lead and mounted it with gold. They have set aside the old rites of Nikkal and instituted new ones. He says the arm of Tambaya is .... I tore off the gold ... from them. The ...s removed Tambaya's hands and made new ones. They removed the ...s inside the front part of the pedestal of Shamash and the ... inside ....

P314316: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x] _lu_(v)-_ab_-[_ba_-_mesz_] [x x] _ansze_-ku-[din-_mesz_] [x x] _ansze#-nita_-[_mesz_] (m)x x x# _dumu lu_(v)-qe#-[e-pi] i-si-[szu-nu]

AI Translation

... scribes, x mules, x donkeys, NN, son of the royal delegate, with them.


x elders accompanied by x mules, x donkeys and PN, the son of the royal delegate;



05 x#+[x x x x x x x] 30 x#+[x x x x x x x] ina _iti#_-[_barag ud_ x-_kam_] _ta_(v) _uru_-til#-bar-si-[ba u-ta-me-szu] _id_ e-tab-ru-[ni] a-na _di_-mu ina [É-_gal_] _du_-u-[ni]

AI Translation

5 ......, 30 ......, he brought him from Tillbarsip on the of Nisan I and crossed the river and went to the Palace for good health.


Five ... 30 ...... have set out from Til-Barsip on the of Nisan, crossed the river and left for the Palace to greet the king.

P314317: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-bat _lugal_ a-na] (m)#tam-mar—_id#_ [_di_-mu ia-a]-szi _sza_-ba-ka

[lu-u _dug_]-_ga#_-ka as-se-me [szA asz-szur] u _dingir_-_mesz_-ia e-pu-szu-u-ni [mih]-s,u# ih-hur-a-ni [bé-et(?)] il-lik-u-ni [de]-ek-tu ina _uru_-É—bu-nak-ka

[i]-du-ku-u-ni u _uru_-_mesz_ am#-mu-u-te szA ih-pu-u-ni [x] lu e-[x x] x#-ni-szu-nu

sza# [x x x x] isz-kun#-u-ni

[x x x x x] ah#-tu-ud-du

[x x x x x x] _dingir_-_mesz_-ni

[x x x x x x x]-nin-ni

[x x x x x x x x]-ia

AI Translation

The king's word to Tammaritu: I am well; you can be glad.

I have heard that Ashur and my gods have done a great job and that when they came, there was peace in Bit-Bunakka.

And those cities which they destroyed ... .

which ...... placed

...... I have sinned

...... the gods


...... my ...


The king's word to Tammaritu: I am well; you can be glad.

I have heard what Ashur and my gods have done; that they fem. have received a fight and my troops have gone and inflicted a massacre in Bit-Bunakka.

Also, those cities which they destroyed,

...... placed

...... I rejoiced

...... the gods


my ......



[x x]-rab(?)#-u-ni u as-se-me [sza _dingir_]-_me_ ina _mu_-ia is-se-e-ka [iz]-zi#-zu-u-ni de-ek-tu [sza] _lu#_-di-in-szar-a-a ta#-du-ku-u-ni ah-tu-ud-du

[mih]-s,u#-u-ma an-ni-u [gab]-bi-szu szA in-né-pisz-u-ni [ina _kur_]-par#-su-u-a szu-u _dingir_ [ina] _gisz#-ban_-szu is-sa-kan [a]-ki# szu-mi ina _ugu_-hi-ka-ni

[an]-ni#-u _ta_(v) _mun_-_mesz_-ia [ma]-a'#-da-a-te mu-nu

AI Translation

I have heard that the gods who stood with me in my name have been slighted by the deceit that the Dinshareans have done.

This is all of the work that was done in Parsua. A god has placed it on his bow. As I said, it is upon you.

This is from my many favours.


.... I also heard that the gods have in my name assisted you to defeat the Dinsharreans, and I rejoiced.

All this fighting which has happened is through my ...; God himself has intervened with his bow, because my name is upon you.

Count this among my many favours.

P314318: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]+x#-ra-ni-i-szu-nu [x x x x]

[x x x]-tu ki-i an-ni-i x#+[x x x x]

[x x]+x#-a _uzu_ bar ru ud x#+[x x x x]

la# né-mur dul-lu sza x#+[x x t,e-mu]

isz-ku-na-an-na-szi-ni# [x x x x] am—mar la ni#-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... their ...

... as follows .

... ... meat .

I did not see the work of .

... whatever we did not .


... their messengers ...

... as follows ......

... meat ... ...

We did not see. The work about which ... issued an order to us ...

As much as we did not ......

P314319: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]+x# e-pa-[x x]

[x x x u-szam(?)]-ra-as,-szu-nu

[x x x x x] la i-zi-iz

[x x x x] u#-sze-lu-u-[ni]

[x x x x _lu_(v)]-_gal_—da-ni-bat

[x x x x x] _ta_(v) pa-ni-ia#

AI Translation

...... do ...

... I will make them .

...... did not stand

...... brought

...... the chief victualler

...... from me


...... does

... is hurting them

...... has not stood

... whom ... promoted

...... the chief victualler

...... from me



[x x x x x] _dumu#-mi_ [x x]

AI Translation

...... daughter .


...... the daughter ......

P314320: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a]-na# [x x x x x]

_lu_(v)#-_tin_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

a#-na x#+[x x x x x]

szu-u [x x x x]

[x] a-na [x x x x] [x x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

to ......

the master builders .

to ......

he ......

... to ...


to ......

master builders ......

to ......

he ......

... to ...

P314321: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a]-na# u-[s,e-e x x x]

[ina] _ka#_-ia x#+[x x x x x]

[u]-ma-a# _man kur_-zi(?)#-[kir-te x x]

[x x x] u-rat [x x x x] [x x x x]-u _lu_-[x x x] [x x x x x] x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

to go out ...

in my mouth .

Now the king of Zikirtu .

... he will give .


to go out ......

in my mouth ......

Now, the king of Zikirtu

... a team of horses

P314323: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x]-u-ni _ta_(v) pa-ni [x x x]

[x x x x x x] ha-ram-me-ma dul#-[lu]

[x x x x x] sza# _uru-hal-s_,U-_mesz_ x#+[x x]

[x x x ina szA]-li-in-ti né-ta#-[rab] [x x x x x] szak-na-ni _en-nun_ [dan-nat]

[mi-i-nu sza _lugal_ be]-li i-szap-pa-[ra-an-ni]

[x x x x x] _bad_ ma-dak-te x#+[x x x]

[x x x x] u#-da ki-i _lugal_ be#-[li x x]

[x x x x] a-na s,e-er masz-ki [x x x]

[x x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-600—É-_gal_ si-[x x x]

[x x x _lu_(v)]-600—É-_gal_ a-ni-nu x#+[x x x]

[x x x x ga]-am-ri# _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

[x x x x x x]+x# i-qab-[x x x x]

[x x x x] _en#-nun_ sza ma#-[dak-te]

[dan-na-at _sza_]-bu sza _lugal_ [_en_-ia lu _dug-ga_]

[x x x x] _lugal_ be-li [x x x x x]

[x x x] szu-nu ta tab ab [x x x x]

[_kur_-hu-busz]-ka#-a-a _ta_(v) pa-an [x x x x]

[x x x] _lu#-arad_ sza [x x x x x]

[x x x] _lugal_ be-[li x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... from ...

...... are rejoicing and doing the work

...... of the forts .

... we entered the ... in the ...; ...... is set up; the watch is strong.

What is it that the king, my lord, is sending to me?

...... camp ...

... I know that the king, my lord, .

... to the side of the throne .

...... the palace herald .

... we are the palace herald .

...... the ...

...... says ...

... the guard of the camp

The king, my lord, can be glad.

... the king, my lord .

... they ...

the Hubushkian from .

... servant of .

... the king, my lord .


...... from ...

...... Later, the work

...... of the forts ....

We entered safely, and are encamped .... The guard is strong.

What orders does the king my lord, send me?

... the wall of the camp ....

...I know that the king, my lord ...

... on leather ...

... the palace herald ...

the palace herald and we ...,

... finished ...

... say ...

The guard of the camp is strong;

the king, my lord, can be glad.

... the king, my lord, ...

... they ... ...

the Hubushkian from ...

... servant of ...

the king, my lord ......

P314324: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_im-diri_ x#+[x x x x] is—su-ri _ta_ pa-an _im#_-[_diri_] 30 an-na-ka la né-[mur] _lugal_ be-li _lu-dumu_—szip#-[ri] a-na _uru-sza_—_uru uru_-arba-il [o]

AI Translation

Perhaps we will not see the moon from the moon. The king, my lord, should send a messenger to the Inner City and Arbela.


There were clouds. We did not see the moon here, probably because of the clouds. The king, my lord, should send messengers to the Inner City and Arbela, find out about the matter, and quickly inform the king, my lord.



Ar-hisz a-na _lugal en_-ia [x x x x] sza _uru_-kal-ha# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

The ... of Calah .


The report of Calah ......

P314325: astrological tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_iti-ne ud 27_-_kam kasz-sag_ [_bal_-qi] _dingir_-_mesz sze-ga_-_mesz_

_ud 27_-_kam_ zi-né-e _giszimmar_ ina _ka_-szu liz-qup# _ugu en_—_inim_-szu _gub_-zu

AI Translation

Ab V, the 27th day: he should libate first-rate beer; the gods will be glad.

On the 27th day: he should place a date palm in his mouth, and stand before his adversary.


The 27th of Ab V: let him libate fine beer, the gods will be favorable.

The 29th day: let him erect midribs of the date palm at his gate, he will prevail over his adversary.



[x x] in (d)_ama-gan-du_

_na4_-as-har szA te-qi-ti

AI Translation

... in Amagandu

Ashar stone for a ritual assemblage.


... of Shakkan.

ashar stone for daubing.

P314326: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na] _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka] (m)(d)_pa#_—[_bad_—_pab_] [lu _di_-mu] a-na [_lugal_ be-li-ia] [_di_-mu a-na] _uru_-de#-[ri _di_-mu] [a-na _uru-hal_]-S,U [x x x x x]

[x x x] _lu_(v)-qur#-[bu-te x x x]

[x x ina] pa#-ni-[ia x x x x]

[x x x x] (m)(d)#[x x x x x] [x x x x]+x# [x x x x x] [x x x x]+x# [x x x x x] [x x x x] ku [x x x x x] [x x x x]+x sza# [x x x x x] [x x x x x] ma# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-duru-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord! The city of Der and the fort are well.

... the royal bodyguard .

... in my presence .

... NN ...


To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-duru-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord! The city of Der and the fort are well.

The bodyguard NN ...

... into my presence ......

... NN ......



[x x x x]-zu#-u _lu_(v)-_sag_-_mesz_(?)# [x x x x ina] _ugu_-hi-ni _lugal_ [x x x x]-ik _ud#_-me lisz-pur-ru [x x x x x] ina mar-s,i li-isz-[x x]

[x x _uru_-de]-ri lil-li#-ku

[x x x x] _lugal_ be-li# _ta_(v) _lu_(v)-[x] [x x x x]-ni lil-li-ku-ni# [_ta_(v) _lugal_] be-li-ia# lid-[bu]-ub#

[x x x] _uru#_-de-ri _ta_(v) _lugal#_

[x x x x] 05 _dumu_—_ka-dingir-ra#_

AI Translation

Let the king send ... to the eunuchs of ..., and let them send ... in a hurry.

... should go to Der

Let the king, my lord, come with the ... and speak with the king, my lord.

... Der with the king

...... 5 Babylonians


Let the king my lord send to us for ... days NN and ...zû, the eunuchs of ..., and let them ...... to the patient.

... should go to Der ....

Alternatively, the king, my lord, should come with ......; he should speak with the king, my lord.

... the city of Der with the king

... 5 Babylonians



[x x x x] i#-lu-u

[x x x x]+x# _dumu_—_ka-dingir-ra#_

[x x x] un#-qu _lugal_

[x x x]

AI Translation

...... they go

...... Babylon

... seal of the king



... are going up

... a Babylonian

... the royal seal


P314327: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



la ni-ip-ti# [x x x x x x]

sza _kur_ gab-bu# [x x x x x x] u-bal ma [x x x x x x x] ma _gir-2_-_mesz_ sza _lugal#_ [x x x x] ma u-la-a a-na# [x x x x x] ma _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz 02_ me x#+[x x x x x]

_ugu lugal_ be-li-[ia x x x x] ma at-ta x#+[x x x x x x]

sza i-qa-ba-na-[szi-ni x x x x]

_ud 02_-_kam ta#_ pa-ni-ia# [x x x x] [x x x x]+x# ra [x x x x x]

AI Translation

we did not open .

...... of the whole country .

... to the king, my lord .

which they say to us .

The 2nd day ...... from my presence


We did not disclose .......

He is bringing all the ... of the country ......, saying: "Let us grasp the feet of the king of ...; otherwise, we should ... to ...... 200 soldiers."

He has ... to the king, my lord, ...: "You ......."

Whatever he tells us ....

On the 2nd day ... from my presence ......



[it]-ta#-ta-[ku x x x x x]

isz-ku-[x x x]

a-na (m)sa-ni-ie [a-sa-par nu-uk(?)] mi-nu t,e-mu isz#-[x x x x] _ugu lugal_ be-li-ia# [x x x x]

ma-a (m)ur-za-ni _uru#_-[x x x x x] ma szum-ma _lu_(v)-_nigir_—É#-[_gal_ x x x] [x x _lu_(v)]-_a#_—szip-ri [x x x x x]

AI Translation

they have ...ed .

he ...

I wrote to Saniye: "What news has ... to the king, my lord?"

"Urzani of the town ..., if the palace herald ......, a messenger .


they went away ...

placed ...

I wrote to Saniye: "What order did he give him? I must write to the king, my lord."

He responded: "Urzana has left the town ...; if the palace herald, my lord, orders, a messenger ......



[u-ma-a an-nu]-rig _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-ia sza [x x x] [x x ina] _ugu# lugal_ be-li-ia a-sa-par-szu _lugal#_ [be-li]

AI Translation

Now then I am sending my messenger of ... to the king, my lord. The king, my lord, should know this.


Now then I am sending to the king, my lord, the messenger of mine who ......; the king, my lord, may ask him.

P314328: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _szu-2#_-_mesz lugal_

AI Translation

in the hands of the king.


ever since the gods delivered them into the king's hands, deserters have been escaping to our side from their midst.



06 me [x x x]-szu-[nu] na#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

600 of their .


600 ... of them



le-pu-[usz o(?)]

AI Translation

Let them do.


The king, my lord, may do as he deems best.

P314329: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] a-na

AI Translation

... to


"You have turned your faces towards ... Assyria; how will you treat me tomorrow?



[x x x a]-na# _uru-bad_—la-di-ni x#+[x x x]-bi#-ir ma#-a e-[x x x x x x x]+x# ma-a# [x x x x x x x] la [x x x x x x x] ma-[a x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x] ma-[a x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x] ma#-[a x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... to Dur-Ladini .


"...... to Dur-Ladinni ...

P314330: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _ama_]—_lugal#_ be-li-[ia] [_arad_-ki (m)x x] x# [x x] [lu]-u# [_di_]-mu# [a]-na# [_ama_—_lugal_ be-li-ia] [(d)30] (d)_nin-gal_ [(d)_pa-tug_] (d)_utu#_ (d)_a-a_ [x x x x x] a-na _lugal_ a-na _ama_—_lugal#_ be-[li-ia] li-ik-ru#-[bu]

a-na 30 _gu-un_ [x x]+06 _ma-na kug-ud#_ a-na-ku _lu-02_-u sza _lu#-en-nam lu-a-ba lu-02_-[u] sza _lu-igi-dub lu-a-ba_—É—_dingir lu-sanga_-_mesz_ É—_dingir_-_mesz_ sza _uru_-har-ra-na _ta#_ (m)_lugal_—lu—da-ri _lu_-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_ [ni]-ih#-ti-at, ni-ta-ah-ar

[x] _iti-ziz sza_ x x# _iti_-[x] [x x]-u x# dul-la#-a-ni# [nu]-se-li

[x x] sza _zag_ sza _dingir_-_mesz_

[x] _kun_ sza _ur-mah_

[x x x]+x É(?) sza x#

[x x x x x] _gisz-na_ [_kug-ud_(?)] u#-hu-zu

[x x x] a-di ina _sza_-bi si-ip-pi [it(?)]-tal#-ka

[x x x] _kusz lugal_(!) _dagal_

[x x x]+x# szA _ur-mah_ re-e-szu

[ni-ti-szi] x mu-lu-x#

[x x x] dul6#-lu ep-[pu-szu]

AI Translation

To the mother of the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the mother of the king, my lord! May Sin, Nikkal, Nusku, Shamash, Aya, ... bless the king and the mother of the king, my lord.

I am the deputy of the governor, the scribe, the deputy of the treasurer, the scribe of the temple, the priests of the temples of Harran, and we have received from Sharru-lu-dari, the chariot driver, 30 talents and x+6 minas of silver.

... Shebat XI of ..., the month ..., we moved up the work.

... on the right of the gods

x tails of lions;

... house of .

...... a silver bed

... until he came in the .

... the king's length is x cubits.

...... of the lion is his first extispicy.

We ...

... the work is done


To the mother of the king, my lord, your servant: NN. Good health to the mother of the king, my lord. May Sin, Nikkal, Nusku, Shamash, Aya, DN, and DN bless the king and the mother of the king, my lord.

I myself, the deputy of the governor, the scribe, the deputy of the treasurer, the temple scribe, the priests of the temples of Harran, together with Sharru-lu-dari, the chariot-driver, weighed out and received 30 talents and x+6 minas of silver.

In Shebat XI ... the month ..., we moved up ...... the works.

... at the right of the gods

... the tail of a lion

... the temple of ...

... a bed inlaid with silver

...came as far as the threshhold

... x royal cubits wide

we have started work on the lion.

The height is ...

... they will perform the ritual



[x x x x ki(?)]-i# szA _ama_—_lugal_ [taq-bu-u-ni] la-Asz-szi-a

[x x x] hur

[x x] _ama#_—_lugal en_-ia iq-t,i-u

[x x]+x#-bu a-du-x#+[x]

[x x]-u szA _kug-ud_ ta-am-szi-il dul-[li] [_ama_]—_lugal#_ be-li-ia la a-mur [_nu_-_mesz ama_—_lugal_] am—mar e-pa-szu-ni [_mu_ sza _ama_—_lugal_] ina _ugu_-hi a-sa#-[t,ar(?)] [_mu_ sza (m)x x x] _man kur_—asz-szur ina _sza_-bi [a-sa-t,ar] a#-du-[x x x]

[x x] _lugal#_ a-na# [x]+x#-ni [x x]-_mesz#_

[x x x]+x# _uru_-[x x x]-du

[x x] x# [x]+x _ama_—_lugal_(?)#

[s,al]-mu# sza _ama_—_lugal#_ ina _ugu_ [x x]-_mesz#_ sza(?) ina _sza sila_(?)#-_mesz uru_-ga-di-se-e# [x x] u-se-pisz u-de-e(?)# [x x x x] a-na _uru_-x#+[x x x x x x x]

sza [x x x x x]-ia# [x]

x#+[x x x x x x x] x#+[x x]

[x x x x x] _ama_—_lugal_ be#-[li-ia]

[x x x x x]+x# szA ina am(?)#-[x x]

[x x x]+x#-zu-zi# [x x]

[x x x] a-du 02 _ud_-[_mesz_]

[x x x x]-na-ti iz-az [o]

[x x x x] am-ma-ra [x x]

AI Translation

...... I shall take it as the mother of the king commanded.

... hur

... the mother of the king, my lord, said

... I ...

I have not seen a silver ... of the work of the mother of the king, my lord. I have written on it the name of the mother of the king, and I have written there the name of NN, king of Assyria.

... the king to .

...... the town ...du

... the mother of the king

I have made a statue of the queen mother on the ...s which are in the streets of Gadisê ... and ...ed them to the city .

of ......


...... the mother of the king, my lord

...... which in .

...zuzi ...

... for 2 days

... stands

... I see ...


I will bring the ... just as the mother of the king commanded.

... ...

... they approached the mother of the king, my lord.

... ... ...

I did not see a ... of silver in the likeness of the work of the mother of the king, my lord. I inscribed the name of the mother of the king on as many statues of the mother of the king as they had made. I also inscribed the name of RN, king of Assyria, on them. ... ...

... the king to the ...s

... the city of ...

...... the mother of the king

I had a statue of the mother of the king made for the ...s which are ... in the streets of Gadisê. Utensils ... for the city of ...

of/which ......


...... the mother of the king, my lord

...... which in ...

... ... ...

... up to two days

...... will be present

... I will inspect ...



[x x x x] _ta#_ (d)_nin-gal#_ [x x]

AI Translation

... with Nikkal .


... with Nikkal ...

P314331: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_lugal_(?) be#-[li x x is—su-ri] _lugal en_ i-[qa-bi ma-a a-ta-a] _lal_-e sza _kug-ud#_ [x x x x] la tasz-pu-ra [x x x x]

i-na _sza_-bi i#-[x x x x]

i-na _sza_-bi e-pu#-[szu x x x]

ki-ma an-te-se u-s,a-[ri-pi o] _lal_-e sza _kug-ud_ a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] u-sza-Asz-ma

AI Translation

Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Why did you not send a payment of silver ...?"

there ......

there ......

I have now written to the king, my lord, as follows:


the king, my lord, ....... Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Why have you not written about the deficit of silver ...?"

...... there

They are working there ....

After I have washed and purified the silver, I will notify the king, my lord, about the deficit of silver.

P314333: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_lugal_ x#+[x x x x x] ma-a man-nu (m)(d)#[x x x] sza _gisz_-le-'a-a-ni am-mu-[te] szA _lugal en_-ia i-szA-t,ar-u-ni

AI Translation

The king ......: "Who is NN who wrote these tablets of the king, my lord?"


The ... of the king asked me: "Who is this NN, who is inscribing those waxed tablets of the king, my lord?"



nu-uk is—su-ri ki-i ra-mi-ni-szu szu-u iq-t,i-bi-a nu-uk a-ni-nu# il-la#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Perhaps he, his own son, said to me: "We .


I said: "Perhaps he personally told it to me; we ......."

P314334: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] _kur_(?)#—asz-szur(?)# [x x]

du(?)# [x] ih#-ti-x#+[x]-ni a#-na (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_-na

a-na (m)(d)_pa_—_su_—_pab#_

AI Translation

... Assyria ...

... ... to Nabû-iddina

to Nabû-riba-ushur.


... Assyria ...

... ... ... to Nabû-iddina,

to Nabû-tartiba-ushur



[x x x x x x]

[x e]-gir-tu# [x x]

[x x x]+x#-ti [x x x]

[x x]+x#-pu-ut _ud 14_-[_kam_]

[x x]+x#-ti _ud 15_-_kam_ [x]

[x]+x# sa-an-ti u-sa-x#+[x x]

_siskur#-siskur_-_mesz_-ia a-na [x x] [x x]+x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation


... letter ...

... on the 14th day

... on the 15th day .

my sacrifices to .


r 1 Break

... letter ...

... ... ...

... ... day 14

... ... day 15 ...

I ... ... of carnelian

My sacrifices to ...

P314335: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x an]-na#-ka [x x x] x#

[lu]-sze-bi-lu-na-szi ni-isz-t,ur [ina] _ugu_ szu-ub-te ina pa-an [o] _ur#_ ni-szA-t,ar re-eh-tu [o] ina# _ugu_ ni-isz-ri 02-i

AI Translation

... here ...

We wrote about the abode and wrote before the king. The rest of the omens are written about the second one.


... here ...;

let it be sent to us for writing. We shall inscribe it on the seat before the thigh. The rest we shall inscribe upon another nishru.

P314336: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_sze-numun_ ma x#+[x x x x x]

_lugal en_ a-na# [x x x x x] sza ba-ta#-[x x x x x] lisz-pur _sze-pad_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x]

_mu-an-na_ an-[ni-tu x x x]

na-ah-hi-ri-[di x x x x]

_en_-ia li-[x x x x x]

ka-a-a-ma-nu [x x x x x]

sza _uru_-kar—(d)[x x x x x]

_lugal_ x x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

seed ......

Let the king, my lord, send word to ...... that .

This year .

the nahhiridi-festival .

let ... my lord .

constantly .

of Kar-DN .

the king ......


seed corn ......

Let the king, my lord, send word to the ...... around ......, that they ... to me corn rations.

This year ......

Be attentive! ......

my lord ......

constantly ......

of Kar-......

the king ......



[x x x]+x x# _lugal en_-ia a-sap(?)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

... I have written to the king, my lord .


... I have written to the king, my lord ...

P314337: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka# (m)[(d)_amar-utu_—_gar_—_mu_] lu _di#_-mu a-na# [_lugal en_-ia] (d)_pa_ (d)_amar#_-[_utu_] a-na _lugal en#_-[ia]

lik-ru-bu ina [_ugu_ x x] sza _lugal_ be-li# [isz-pur-an-ni] ma-a# ina da-a#-[te] le-ru-bu x# [x (x)] u-la-a _ta_(v) pa-an#

x dan-ni x x x x# sza x# [x x x]-u-ni# ma-a [x x x x] ina [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-shakin-shumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

Concerning the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let them enter for the night" — ... or from


To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-shakin-shumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

Concerning ... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Should he enter afterwards, or, in view of ..., ...?"

11 Break



[x]-mur _lugal_ be-li# [x x] ina _sza_ x#+[x] (d)_pa#_ le-ru-ub# [bé]-et# _lugal en_ e#-ru-ub-u-ni# ina ir-ti-[szu]

AI Translation

May the king, my lord, enter ... with Nabû. Wherever the king, my lord, entered, he will be seated in his stead.


The king, my lord, should enter the ... of Nabû and as soon as the king, my lord, has entered, he should meet him.

P314338: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(d)_ag_] _u#_ (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal en_-[ia] [a—dan]-nisz# a—dan-nisz lik-ru-bu

ki-i# ina _sza uru_-arba-il t,e-e-mu# szak-na-ku-ni ina _ugu tug_-lu-bu#-[si] aq-t,i-bi (m)_arad_—(d)É-_a#_ [x x x x] _ta_(v) _tug_-lu#-[bu-si x x x x]

AI Translation

May Nabû and Marduk very greatly bless the king, my lord!

When I was given a report in Arbela concerning the cloaks, I said: Urdu-Ea ... with the cloaks .


May Nabû and Marduk very greatly bless the king, my lord!

When I was on a mission in Arbela, I spoke about the clothes; Urad-Ea ... came with the clothes ...



_ud 11_-_kam_ pa-an (d)x x x# [x x x]

_gi#-du8_ kun-nu ep-pa-[Asz]

AI Translation

The 11th day before .

The door is secured. It is made.


On the 11th day ...... before DN;

I shall set up a steady reed altar.

P314339: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-bat _lugal_ a-na (m)x]-li(?)#-i [_di_-mu a-a-szi] _sza_(?)-ka(?)#

[lu _dug_-ka an-nu]-rig# [(m)_pab_-bu-u] [ina _ugu_-hi]-ka# il-la#-[ka] [Ar-hisz] _kaskal#_ ina _gir-2_-_mesz_-szu [o] [szu-kun] ku-zip-pi-ia ku-zip-pi [sza 02(?)] _dumu_-_mesz_-ia _sig_-_mesz_ [x x x] _sze-gisz-i_-_mesz gesztin_ mit-hur(?)-ru(?)# [_ansze_-ku]-din#-_mesz ansze_-gam-mal-_mesz_ [di-na-Asz-szu] 20 _ma-na kug-ud_ ($x$) [_ta igi_] (m)#si-i—_ad_ ($su(?)$)-ur-ha

_sze-ziz_-_mesz sze-pad_-_mesz sze-gig_-_mesz gisz-kin-gesztin_-_mesz_ ki-i _ki-lam_ mu-nu a-na _lu-tur_-szu di-ni e-gir-tu is,-s,a ($s,a$)

mu-ru-uq :" _udu-nita_-_mesz_ a-szur : [_gisz_(!)-_erin-bad_-_mesz_ kur-ru ($x x+x]+x#$) ad-ri sza _lu-nu-gisz-sar_-_mesz_ a-mur ina _sza_-bi _gisz-li-u5-um_ szu-t,ur ina _szu-2_ (m)_im-04_-i

sze-bi-la (m)_pab_-bu-u _lu-engar_-_mesz lu-sipa_-_mesz lu_(v)#-_nu-gisz-sar_-_mesz_

AI Translation

The king's word to ...lî: I am well; you can be glad.

Now then Ahu-ibni is coming to you. He is quickly going on his way. Take the road with him quickly. My garments, my garments of two of my sons, wool, ..., sesame, wine, a team of mules and camels, and 20 minas of silver from Si'ab-abu.

He shall give to his son barley, barley, wheat, and wine as the price of a single vineyard. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

I saw the ... of the gardeners and wrote thereon a report, and sent it to the hands of Adad-na'di, the king, my lord.

Ahabû, farmers, shepherds, gardeners,


The king's word to ...lî: I am well, you can be glad.

Ahabû is now coming to you. Make everything ready for him quickly! ... my garments and the garments of my two sons, and give him wool, x sesame, a corresponding amount of wine, mules and camels! ... from Sî-abu 20 minas of silver!

Count out emmer, barley, wheat and grapes according to the market price and give them to his manservant! Get the relevant document and destroy it!

Review the rams, deposit shupuhru-cedar! Inspect the threshing floors of the gardeners, write a report on a writing-board and send it to me via Amurrî!

Let Ahabû bring the farmers, shepherds, and gardeners with him, and let their accounts be made! Determine the barley given as a loan, write to me, and I will call my official to account.



lu-ba-'i-a _ta igi un_-_mesz_-ia i-sa-ap(?)-[pi]-qa at(*)#-ta qa-la-ka a-na mi-nim-ma(!) (m)la—qe#-pu e-pu-usz mu-uk _lu_ kab-su

rad-di-u szu-u _tur_-_mesz_ an-szu ma-ki-u tu-x#+[x]

at-ta ina _sza_ da(?)#-te-ka tas-sa-kan(?)# s,a-ad

man-nu-ma lu(?) la(?)# i-sa(?)#-ma-[x]-a lu(*) la# ip-par-ri-hi ti(?)#-[x]-ka la e-mar# ina _uru-sze_-_mesz_-ti lu [x x x] _lu#-engar_-_mesz#_ a-mur

[x x x x]+x# [x] sza _kur_ pAt-hat-u-ni [x x x _lu_]-_sipa#_-_mesz sza_-bu sza-Asz-kin

[x x dul]-la#-ku-nu ep-szA a-na-ku [x x x x x] _lugal#_ a-mah-har

[x x x] ni su tu ma U(?) _uru-kaskal_ [al-la]-ka# _dingir_-_mesz_-ia a-pal-lah re-esz É-ia

[a-na-Asz]-szi ina _ugu_-hi _mi_-_mesz_ am-ma-te [sza x x]+x#-ni Asz#-pu-rak-kan-ni-ni [x x x x] 'a x# ta-ta-ma-a-ra

[x x x x x x]-ra ina É [o]

[x x x x x x]-bi ma-a

AI Translation

They are slandering me from my people. You are a thief. What did La-qepu do? He said: "A strong man

He is a fugitive; he is a young man; he is a ...;

You are a fugitive in your heart.

Whoever does not ..., who does not ..., does not see your ..., may I see in the villages ... the farmers.

...... of the land are being gathered. There are ... shepherds there.

I am doing your work. I am waiting for the king's .

... and Harran I will come, praise my gods, and take hold of the foundations of my house.

Concerning those women about whom I wrote to you ......, you have seen .

...... in the house

...... "


It will be sufficient for my people, and you will keep silent. But why on earth did La-qepu do it? I said he is an old ram, a follower!

Stalls, weak and poor ...

You have put in your ...

May nobody be unreliable and make difficulties! One should not see your ...! Let ... in the villages! Inspect the farmers!

Until the ... of the country has been pierced, encourage the shepherds, and ... do your pl. work!

I will receive the royal ....

... ... I shall come to ... and Harran, venerate my gods, and honour my house.

As to those women about whom I ... wrote to you, did you see ......?

...... in the house

...... said:



[x x x x x x x] al-ka-ni

AI Translation

...... come


"...... come!"

P314340: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x (m)za]-za#-a-a# [x] x# [x x x x]

[x x] i(*)#-rad-di i-la-du(*)-ni(*)# [x x] [la i]-mut-tu ina _ugu_-hi la-a tal(*)#-[la-ka] [x x] la ta-masz-szA-a-ni [ina _ugu_] _sza_-bi-ku-nu# lu szak-na-[at(?)]

[x x] x# 05 _arad_-_mesz_ szA# _lugal_ szA ina _kur-nim#_-[_ma-ki_] [(m)x x x] (m)at-ta-ku-dur(*)#-ru (m)um-man-[x (m)x x] [(m)bu(?)]-ur-ka Ar-hisz sze-bi-la

[x x x x] x# [x mi-nu] ah—hur#

AI Translation

... Zazâ ...

... will go and kill me; ... will not come to me, ... will not be forgotten, and may your heart be set upon you.

... ... 5 servants of the king who are in Elam: NN, Atta-kudurru, Umman..., NN, and Burka. I am herewith sending them.

...... what else


... Zazaya ......

will lead ..., they will bend down to me, lest they will die. Do not go there, ... don't forget my ..., may it be placed upon your hearts!

Now quickly send me five servants of the king who are in Elam: NN, Atta-kudurru, Umman-shibar, NN and Burka! ...

What else?



[x x lu]-u# tasz-pu#-[x x x x x]

[x x x] e-ru-ub x# [x x x]

[Ar-hisz sze]-bil#-Asz-szu-nu mi-nu ah—hur

[la ta]-szi#-at, ina _sza_ a-bi-te an-ni-[te]

[szum-ma] ta#-ra-'a-ma-a-ni u _sza_-ba-ku-nu# [gam-mur-u]-ni# is-si-ia _un_-_mesz_ an-nu-[ti] [Ar]-hisz# sze-bil-a-ni szum-ma Ar-[hisz] tu#-sze-bal-a#-ni _lugal_ i-ra-a-[am-ku-nu] [x] x# [x x x x x x] x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... you wrote .

... entered ...

Let them quickly send me what I have to say.

You shall not be negligent in this matter.

If you are afraid and your heart is happy, send these people quickly to me! If you send them quickly, the king will love you .


... You should have written .....

... should have entered ...

Quickly send them to me! What else?

Don't be negligent in this matter!

If you love me and your heart is totally devoted to me, send these people quickly to me! If you send them to me quickly, the king will love you.

P314341: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x#-a ig-du-[ru]-ur(?)#

[x x x]-tu i-na-Asz-szu-nisz-szu#-ni

[x x x i]-ga#-la-da-ni _il_(?)#-ma

[x x x _lu_]-_engar_ lu la i-pal-lah

[x x x x] _sza#_-bi-szu

[x x x x x x] pa-ni-ni(?) _ud 10#_-_kam_

[x x x x x x] is-sak(?)#-na

[x x x x x x] a-hi-i#

[x x x x x x]+x-ru-szu-nu#

[x x x x x x]+x#-nu i-ba-Asz#-szi

AI Translation

... he has sinned

... they are giving to him

... they are bringing me .

... let the farmer not be afraid

...... his heart

...... before us on the 10th day

...... placed

...... the other

...... their .

...... there is


...... was frightened

...... are bringing to him

... which frighten ...

The 'farmer' should not be afraid of it.

...... from his heart

...... on the 10th day

...... we placed

...... strange

...... them

...... there is



[x x x x x x]-bi

AI Translation






[x x x x x x x] _nu szesz_

[x x x x x x x]+x#-na-szi-te [x x x x x x x x]-ah [x x x x x x x x]-lah# [x x x x x x x x]-me

[x x x x x x] a#-se-me [x x x x x x x]-ru# [a-na _lu-engar en_]-ia as-sap#-ra [x x x x x x] x x x# u [x x x x x x]+x# pu-tu-hu [x x x x x x x]-bi _iti_ [x x x x x x x]-mi-szu

AI Translation

...... not brother


...... I heard ...... I wrote to the 'farmer,' my lord.


...... do not anoint

r 2 Break

I heard ...... and am herewith sending ...... to the 'farmer,' my lord.

P314342: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _ugu_] ka-x#-[x]-te# szu-nu sza# ina É—_szu-2_ sza _lu_(v)-_sag_-_mesz_ in#-na-me-ru-u-ni _lu_(v)#-_gal_—_sag_ iq-t,i-bi-a [ma]-a _ta_(v) _sza_ É-_gal_ iq-t,i-bi-u [ma-a] qi-bi dul-la-szu-nu

AI Translation

Concerning the ...s which are being brought in the 'hand' of the eunuchs, the chief eunuch told me: "They have told me from the Palace: tell them to do their work."


Concerning these ...s which appeared in the eunuchs' wing, the chief eunuch said to me: "They said in the palace: Tell them to perform a ritual against them."



[_ud_ x-_kam_ x]+x# dul(*)-li [ina] _ugu_(*)-szu-nu# né-ep-pa-Asz [_ud_ x]-_kam_ re#-eh-ti dul-li [ina _ugu_] _id#_ né-ep-pa-Asz t,e-e#-mu lisz-ku-nu

AI Translation

We shall perform the ... work on them. On the we shall perform the rest of the work on the river. Let the news be given.


On the xth we shall perform the first part of the ritual on them; on the xth day we shall perform the remainder of the ritual on the river bank. Let it be ordered that the clothes be given to us.

P314343: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] ku-s,ur

[x x x] x x# sza _lugal_ be-li-ia

_udu#_-_mesz_-szi-ni _a-sza_-_mesz_-szi#-[ni] _u a_-_mesz_-szi-ni gab-bi# [x x]

_uru#_-_mesz_ i-ba-szi-i# [x x x]

[x x]-iu-u nu-szi#-[x x x x] [x x x x]+x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... leather

...... of the king, my lord

their sheep, their fields and all their water .

there are towns .

... we ......


"Organize ......!"

... ... of the king, my lord,

all its sheep, all its fields and all its water ....

Are there any cities that ...?

... ... ...



[x x x x] _lugal#_ [x x x]

i-sa#-t,ar-u-szu-nu szi-[x x]

sza _lugal_ be-li-ia ra-[x x]

_u a_-_mesz_ sza har-bu-bi [x]

[x x x] szu-nu u-ma-a [an-nu-rig x x]+x#-_mesz_-szu-nu

[x x x x x x]-_mesz_ sza _lugal_ [x x x x x x x]-s,u [x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

... the king .

wrote to them .

of the king, my lord, .

and the water of the harbubu-vessel .

... they are ... Now then their ...s

......s of the king


... the king ...

they have written them down;

... of the king, my lord ....

And the water of ... is ...

Now then I have ...ed their ...s

... the ...s of the king

P314344: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



mu-uk# [x x x x x x x x x]

ni-du-uk-szu-nu x#+[x x x x x]

is-su-uh-ra u an-[x x x x x]

a-na _lugal en_-ia [x x x x]

_lu-erim_-_mesz_-e sza _lugal#_ [_en_-ia x x]

ke-e-tu a-na-ku [x x x x x] as-sap-[ra x x x x x x x]

AI Translation


we killed them .

returned and .

to the king, my lord .

The men of the king, my lord, .

I have written .


I said: "......

We shall kill them ......

has returned, but ......

to the king, my lord, ...

Are they men of the king, my lord?

In truth, I have sent ......



01-en [x x x x x x x x x]

qa-ra-bu# [x x x x x x x x]

_lu_(v)-e-mu-qi sza [x x x x x]

ina _ugu_ an-ni-e _lugal#_ [x x x x x]

30 a-ni-nu [x x x x x]

a-de-e is-sa-he-isz [is-sak-nu]

ma a-du _lugal kur_—asz-szur-[_ki_ x x x x] [x x x x]-nu mi#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

one ......

the battle .

the troops of .

Concerning this, the king .

30 of us ......

They mutually concluded a treaty.

"Until the king of Assyria .


one ......

battle ......

the troops of the ......

On account on this the king ...

We are 30 ......

They have made a treaty with one another,

saying: "As long as the king of Assyria ...

P314345: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka [(m)x x x x] lu-u szul-mu a-na _lugal en_-[ia] (d)_pa_ u (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal en#_-[ia] a—dan-nisz a—dan-nisz lik-ru-bu

ina _ugu lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ sza É—un#-qi-a-a sza ina _uru_-di-masz-qa sza ina _igi lugal en#_-[ia] aq#-bu-u-ni ma-a# sza qur#-[x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk very greatly bless the king, my lord!

As to the village manager of the Bit-Unqiya in Damascus about whom I spoke to the king, my lord: "What .


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk very greatly bless the king, my lord.

Concerning the village manager of the Bit-Unqian in Damascus about whom I spoke in the presence of the king, my lord, he says: "One who is present



[x x x]-a-a _lu_(v)#-[x x x x x]

[x] x x# _gal_ sza ni-za#-[x x x]

x# [x] a(?) ina# [_sza_]-bi-szu-nu na-s,a

_lugal_ be-li# ki-i sza i-la-u-ni# le-pu-usz

AI Translation

...ayu, ......

... great ... who we .

... ... are brought into their midst

The king, my lord, should do as he deems best.


...â, the ... official

... which we ...

... of them is bringing ...

The king, my lord, should do as he deems best.

P314346: treaty tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x x x x]-lu-ni# [x x x x] [x x x x x x x x] i#-si-ta#-[te x x x]+x# a-na _lu#_-[x x x] [x x x a-na a]-lik# hu-li a-qab-bi [x x x x a]-na _zag u#_ [_kab_ a-szap-par]

[U szum-ma a-na]-ku# a-bat-su la de-iq-tu# [_ta_(v) pi]-i _numun_-szu a-szam-mu-[u-ni] [u-la-a szum-ma] _ta_(v) pi-i sza 01-en _ta_(v)# [_sza_] _lu#-gal_-_mesz_ [_lu-nam_-_mesz_] [_ta_(v) pi-i 01-en] _ta_(v)# _sza lu_-szA—ziq-ni u-la-a _ta_(v) pi-i# [01-en _lu-sag_-_mesz_] [a-szam-mu-u-ni] U a-na (m)asz-szur—_pab_(!)—[_sum_]-na _en_-ia la a-qab-bu#-[u-ni]

[szum-ma la _arad_-szu] a-na-ku-u-ni U [de]-iq#-tu-szu la a-zak-kar#-[u-ni] [szum-ma e-ni-szu la] a#-dag-gal-u-ni# [pa]-ni# szA (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_sum_-na _en#_-[ia]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x] szum#-ma a-na-ku ma-mit [x x] [x x x x x x x x]+x ur hu# [ma-mit] pa#-szA-a-ru e-pa-szu-[u-ni]

[x x x x x x e-pa]-szu-u-ni U szum-ma at-ta [x x x] [x x x x x x te]-pa-szu-u-ni U szum-[ma] at-ta [x x x] [x x x x x x x] te-pa-szu-u-ni U szum-ma at-ta# [x x x] [x x x x x x x]-'i-i szA pa-szA-a-ri szA [x x]+x#+[x x x x]

[_an-szar ad dingir_-_mesz lugal_] kisz#-szat _an_-e u _ki-tim_ sze-ret-su# [kab-tu li-mid-su] [x x x x x x x]+x#-ma ina ma-har _dingir_ u _lugal_ e-[reb-szu a-a iq-bi]

[(d)_nin-lil ama gal_-tu hi]-ir-tu na-ram-ta-[szu x x x] [x x x x x x t,e]-e-szu li-szA-ni x#+[x x x x]

[(d)15 be-let _murub4_ u _me_ ina] ta#-ha-a-zi dan-ni [_gisz-ban_-szu lisz-bir] [ina szA-pal _lu-kur_-szu] li#-sze-szi-ib-szu ka-mi-isz [o(?)]

[(d)_utu_ x x x x x] _gisz#_-zi-ba-ni-tum la kit-ti [x x x] [x x x x x x] _lak#_ ina re-bit _uru_-szu [x x x]

[(d)_nin-gal_(?) x x x x x x]-bi ina ma-har (d)30 [ha-'i-ri-szA] [ab-bu-su a-a is,-bat a-mat]-su li-lam-min [x x x]

[(d)_u-gur_ dan-dan-nu _dingir_-_mesz_ ina] szib-t,i _u nam-usz_-_mesz_ [x x x] [x x x x x x li]-qat#-ta-a _un_-_mesz_-[szu o(?)] [x x x x x x x] isz-di-szu# li-x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

...... I shall send ...... to the ..., ... to go to the ..., and send ... to the right and left.

And if I have not heard his unfavorable words from the mouth of his seed, or from the mouth of one of the magnates and governors, or from the mouth of one of the stewards, or from the mouth of one of the eunuchs, and I have not told to Ashur-ahu-iddina, my lord,

I shall not make him his servant or his reputation disappear, nor shall I make him his enemy. The attention of Esarhaddon, my lord, is directed towards the king, my lord.

...... If I ... the oath ......, the oath is binding, they shall do it.

...... are doing ...... and if you ...... are doing ...... and if you ...... are doing .

May Ashur, father of the gods, king of the totality of heaven and earth, impose a heavy punishment upon him ...... and not say anything to him in the presence of god and king.

May Mullissu, the great mother, his beloved wife, ...... his word .

May Ishtar, lady of battle and battle, break his bow in a mighty battle, and make him sit in the presence of his enemy.

Shamash ...... a scepter without truth ...... a ... in the centre of his city .

May Nikkal ... not ... his words before Sin, her beloved.

May Nergal, the mighty one of the gods, ... in famine and plague ...... take away his people ...... his property .


...... towers ... I shall tell ... to ... and travellers, I shall send messengers to the south and the north ....

Should I hear an ugly word about him from the mouth of his progeny, should I hear it from the mouth of one of the magnates or governors, from the mouth of one of the bearded or from the mouth of the eunuchs, I will tell it to Esarhaddon, my lord;

I will be his servant and speak good of him, I will be loyal to him and ... the face of Esarhaddon my lord, ...;

I will keep the oath of this treaty tablet and not perform the rite of undoing the oath ... or make ....

Also, you shall not make ..., and you shall not make ..., and you shall not ...... of undoing ....... Whoever sins against this treaty tablet:

May Ashur, father of the gods, and king of the totality of heaven and earth, impose a heavy punishment upon him ... and forbid his entering into the presence of god and king.

May Mullissu, the great mother, his beloved wife ... alter his mind.

May Ishtar, lady of warfare, break his bow in the thick of battle, and have him crouch as a captive under his enemy.

May Shamash ...... untruthful scales ...... in the plaza of his city.

May Nikkal ... worsen his case and not intercede for him in the presence of Sin her husband.

May Nergal, the strongest among the gods, destroy his people through plague and pestilence ...

P314347: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-tu—_pab_ (d)_en_ (d)_gaszan_ (d)_pa_ (d)tasz-me-tum] [(d)15 szA] _uru#-nina_ (d)15 szA [_uru_-arba-il _dingir_-_mesz_-ka sza _mu_-ka]

[a-na _lugal_]-ti iz-kur-u-ni szu-nu# [lu-bal-li-t,u-u-ka szA ina _sza_] [t,a-ab-ti] szA _ad_-ka ina _sza_ a-de-e szA# [_ad_-ka u ina _sza_ a-de-e-ka] [i-ha-t,u-u-ni] szA ina _ugu zi_-_mesz_-ka i#-[da-ba-bu-ni] [szu-nu ina _szu-2_]-ka# i-szA-ka-nu-szu-nu _numun_-szu#-[nu _ta_(v) _kur_—asz-szur-_ki_]

[_ta_(v) _sza_ É]-_gal#_-ka tu-hal-la-qa da-ba-bu [an-ni-u] [szA (d)_nin_]-_lil#_ szu-u _lugal_ be-li ina _sza_-bi lu la# [i-szi-at,]

[ina _ud_ x-_kam_] sza# _iti-apin_ di-ig-lu a-da-gal ma-a [x x x]

[ma-a ina _sza_-bi x x x x] ta(?)#-bi-da _en_—a-de-e szA _lugal#_ [_en_-ia a-na-ku] [la mu-qa-a-a la u-pa-az]-za#-ar di-ib-[bi szA x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-rehtu-ushur. May Bel, Beltiya, Nabû, Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, your gods who love you,

They are entrusted to you as king. They should be revived. Whoever in the future, at the pleasure of your father, in the treaty of your father, and in your treaty, sins against your life, or inflicts a defeat on them, and places them in your hands, may their seed be brought out from Assyria.

You will remove the words from your palace. This is the word of Mullissu. The king, my lord, should not be negligent there.

On the xth of Marchesvan VIII I will be able to report to the king, my lord: ".

"You are ... in ...; I am the lord of the treaty of the king, my lord. I do not allow the words of ... to be forgotten."


To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-rehtu-ushur. May Bel and Belet, Nabû and Tashmetu, Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbela, your gods who called you by name to kingship, keep you alive!

Those who sin against your father's goodness, your father's and your own treaty, and who plot against your life, shall be placed in your hands, and you will delete their seed from Assyria and from your palace!

This is the word of Mullissu; the king, my lord, should not be neglectful about it.

On the 6th of Marchesvan VIII I had a vision: "... spend the night ..."

I am bound by the treaty of the king, my lord; I cannot conceal the words of ...



sza ina É-_gal_-ka ep-szu#-u-ni# [x x x x x x x x]

la isz-me la u-da a-na# [x x x x x x x x]

_pi-2_-ka lu la ta-sa-hu-ra# [x x x x x x x x]

hal-li#-qi a-na [x]+x# da x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

_u#_ (m)ba-am-ba-a a-[x x x x x x x x x x]

[x]+x# [x] szu#-nu la ta-[x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

which are done in your palace .

did not hear, did not know .

You should not turn your attention to .

will be destroyed to .

and Babbâ .

... you did not .


which have been done in your palace ......

he has not heard, and does not know ......

do not turn away your attention ......

destroy ... ......

and Bambâ ......

do not ...... their ......

P314348: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ma x# [x x x x x x] i-qa-al#-[x x x x x]

ina _ugu_ u-[x x x x] qa-ba-sa-a-ti# [x x x] i-na-s,u-[ru]

AI Translation

"...... will say .

Concerning ..., they keep watch over the ...s.


1 Beginning destroyed

They keep watch ... in the inner ...; the rest of them ... in the game preserve.



_lu_-di-da-bé-[e] lu-szA-an-szi-[lu] is-se-szu-nu li#-[zi-zu]

(m)ba-[la]-si-i# [x x x]

AI Translation

May they let the scouts go and stand with them.

Balasî ...


The apprentices should imitate and assist them.

Balasî ......

P314349: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] _arad_-ka (m)[x x x x] lu _di_-mu# [a-na _lugal en_-ia] asz-szur (d)[_utu_ (d)_pa_ (d)_amar-utu_] a-na [_lugal_ be-li-ia] li-[ik-ru-bu x x x] ma-a(?)# [x x x x x x] sza [x x x x x x] sza [x x x x x x] sza# [x x x x x x] sza# [x x x x x x] sza# [x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x] pa(?)#-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Ashur, Shamash, Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!


To the king, my lord, your servant: PN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Ashur, Shamash, Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.



u-ma-a# [x x x x x] szak-na _lugal#_ [be-li x x] lisz-pur ina É# [x x x] lu-sze-ri#-[bu-szi-na]

AI Translation

Now ... is placed. Let the king, my lord, send word that they should be brought into the house of .


Now ... are in place. Let the king, my lord, send ... to bring them into the house of ....

P314350: royal-ritual tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] sza# ina pa-nat# [x x]

[ina] _ugu#_ szu-me-szu a-[x x x]

il-la-ka _lugal#_ [x x]

i-ta-ab-bi [x x x]

ki-tur-ra#-[te x x]

x# ah x [x x x]

AI Translation

... which before .

Concerning his name .

he will come, the king .

he speaks ...

the kiturrats .


... which is before ......

... upon his name ......

goes and ... the king ......

rises, ......

...s the stools ...


P314352: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na] _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] [_arad_]-ka# (m)[15—_mu_—_kam_-esz] [lu _di_]-mu a-na [_lugal en_-ia] [(d)]_pa#_ (d)_amar_-[_utu_] [a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia [lik]-ru#-bu

[ina] szi#-a-ri# [a-na] u#-s,e-e# [la-a(?)] t,a#-a-ba#

[x x x] ki# ma-s,i#

[x x x x] da#-ba-bi [x x x x x x x] ta na# [x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Issar-shumu-eresh. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

He is not able to go out tomorrow.

... when

... speak


To the king, my lord: your servant Issar-shumu-eresh. Good heath to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

It is not propitious to go out tomorrow.

... as long as

...... speech



[mi-i]-nu sza# [_lugal_]

AI Translation

What is it that the king, my lord, commands?


What is it that the king my lord orders?

P314354: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina] É in-na-mir(*)#-[u-ni] mi-i-nu tu-ka#-[la] ina _iti-sze_ [it-ta-mar] U sza iq-[bu-u-ni a-na _lugal_] ma#-a ina _mul-lu-hun#_-[_ga igi_-mar]

AI Translation

What else has he seen in Adar XII? And as to what he said to the king: "He should see it in Aries" —


Concerning ... about which the king wrote: "What month do you have when it became visible?" — it appeared in the month Adar XII. And as to what was said to the king: "It is visible in the constellation Aries" — Aries will appear in the east either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It is not Mercury. Mercury itself is visible as evening star.

P314355: prophecy tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



nu-[x x x x x x x x x]

né-me-[el x x x x x x x x]

ina _igi_ [x x x x x x x x]

pa-ni [x x x x x x x x] gu-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

we ......

we will go .

before ......

before ......


we ......

because ......

before ......

face ......



[x] ib#-ba-Asz-[szi x x x x]

u-sze-s,a-an-ni [x x x x x x]

_lugal_-u-tu id-dan-[x x x x x x]

sza _kur-kur_ gab-bu# [x x x x x]

_ud_-mu szA tap-x#+[x x x x x x]

u szA ke-nu#-[ni x x x x x]

lu-ur-ri#-[ik x x x x x] u-[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

there is ...

brought me .

he will give kingship .

all the lands .

The day when you .

and who are loyal .

I will restore .


shall be ......

shall bring me out ......

shall give the kingship ......

of all lands ......

the day when you ......

and those who are loyal ......

I will lengthen ......



[x x x x] _mi-kalag_-szA—a-mur ma-a [x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x] ma-a _mi-gub-ba_ szA ra-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... the woman ...-amur, saying: ".

...... "The female slave who .


... the woman Dunnasha-amur said: "......

... the prophetess who ......

P314358: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza kip-pat er-bet-ti# a-na# ni-i-ri _lugal_ be-li-ia [x x x] szi-bu-u-tu [lit-tu-tu] hu#-ud _sza_-bi [x x x x x x]-u(?)#-tu [x x x x x x lid]-din#

AI Translation

May he give ... to the king, my lord, who is ..., a life of long days, happiness, ......, and ......!


May DN ... the ... of all the four quarters to the yoke of the king, my lord! May he give to the king, my lord, old age, extreme old age, happiness, ......!



[x x]-_mesz#_ sza ni-i#-[ri x x x] sza# il-li-ku-u-ni la-[as]-dir#

[o] 05 me 78 _kur_-_mesz_ sza ni#-[i-ri]

[x x] _kur bad_-[_hal_-_mesz_]

[x-me-x]-06 _kur_-_mesz ud_ [x-_kam_(?)]

[x x x x] _uru_-du(?)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

I shall remove the ...s of the ...s who came .

578 horses trained to the yoke,

... cavalry mounts

x hundred x hundred six horses, the xth day;

...... Du...


I will array the ... horses trained to the yoke which have arrived.

... 578 horses trained to the yoke,

x cavalry mounts:

a total of 606+ horses. xth day.

... town of ......

P314359: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ina gu-mu#-ur-ti# [_sza_-bi a-na]

_lugal# en_-ia [a-pal-lah]

[u]-ma-a a—ki-ma# [x x x]

[me-e]-te _lu_-pi-qi#-[tu x x]

[re]-e-szu ina pa-an# [x x x]

[x]-szu-bu lib-bu# [x x x]

[ul]-lu-e-szu i-[x x x x]

_lugal#_ dan-nu at-ta# [x x x]

sza i-szal-li-[mu-u-ni]

_sza_-bu a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] u-szA-Asz-ka-[nu-ni x x] [x x x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

I have sent a message to the king, my lord, saying: "I will send him to the king, my lord."

I am afraid of the king, my lord.

Now, as ...

The rest of the officials .

he is first in the presence of .

... heart ...

... his ...

You are a strong king .

who are bringing it.

I am herewith sending them to the king, my lord.


I wholeheartedly

fear the king, my lord.

Now, as ...

is dead, a ward ...

... before ...

... heart ... to

remove him ...

You are a strong king. A plan

which will succeed and

encourage the king, my lord, ...

P314360: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_gar_—_mu_] [lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia] [(d)_pa_ u (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal_] [be-li-ia] lik#-ru-bu [(d)asz-szur (d)30 (d)_utu_ (d)_en_ (d)]_pa_ (d)_u-gur_ [(d)15 szA _nina-ki_ (d)]15# szA arba-il-_ki_ [ba-la-t,u szA-la]-mu _dug_-ub _sza_-bi [_dug_-ub _uzu_-_mesz_] _u#_ a-rak _ud_-me [a-na _lugal en_]-ia# liq-bi-u [szi-bu-tu] lit-tu-tu [a-na _lugal en_]-ia# lu-szab-bi-u [isz-di _gisz-gu_]-_za_ szar-ru-ti [sza _lugal en_-ia a]-na _ud_-me s,a-a-ti

[lu-ki-in-nu _ud_ x]-_kam_ (d)_u-gur_ [x x x x x x it]-ta-lak

[x x x x x x x]+x# u (d)_u-gur#_ [x x x x x x x] x x# [x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-shakin-shumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! May Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbela order happiness, physical well-being, and long days for the king, my lord! May they grant the king, my lord, the satisfaction of old age, extreme old age. May they firmly establish the throne of the king, my lord, for ever!

On the xth day Nergal went .

...... and Nergal


To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-shakin-shumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! May Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbela ordain vigour, health, happiness, physical well-being and long lasting days for the king, my lord! May they sate the king, my lord, with old age and fullness of life! May they keep firm the foundations of the royal throne of the king, my lord, until far-off days!

On the day Nergal went ......

...... and Nergal

P314361: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] _arad#_-[ka (m)x x x x] lu _di#_-[mu a-na _lugal en_-ia] (d)_pa#_ [(d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal_] _en#_-[ia lik-ru-bu]

ina _ugu#_ [x x sza _lugal_ be-li] isz-[pur-an-ni] ma-a [x x x x]-ab(?)#-bu lisz-t,ur#-[u-ni(?) x x]+x#

_a-sig#_ [x x x x]

_a gisz-pa#_ [x x x]

a-sak-ku [x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

As to the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let ... write .

a woolen ...

a ... of ...,

I shall ...


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

Concerning the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, saying, "May they write ... for me —

Asakku ...

power + sceptre ...

Asakku ...

P314362: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-bat _lugal_ a]-na _lu-gal_—_uru#_-[_mesz_] [sza _uru_-ba]-szi-mu [_di_-mu ia-szi _sza_]-ba-ku-nu

[lu _dug-ga_-ku-nu a-ki] an-ni-e

[x x x x x] ki x#+[x x]

[x x x x ina] _ugu#_ ha-la-qi

[x x x x] x# _sum_-nu

[x x x x x]-u#-ma

[x x x x x] ina _ka-dingir-ki_ [x x x x x] x# [x x x x x]-_mesz_-szu [x x x x x x]-i#

AI Translation

The king's word to the village managers of Bashimu: I am well; you can be glad.

May your heart be glad like this.

...... where .

...... concerning the halqû

...... give

...... and

...... in Babylon


The king's word to the city lords of Bashimu: I am well; you can be glad.

...... like this


... about fleeing

...... given


...... in Babylon



[x x x x x _ud_] 30-_kam# kid_(?)-ma

[x x x x] ra(?)#-man-ku-nu [x x x x x x]-si-ir [x x x x x x]-di-qi# [x x x x x x]-x#

AI Translation

...... on the 30th day .

...... your ...


...... on the 30th ...

...... yourself

P314363: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x] i-ba-Asz-szi-i# [x x x x x x x] _iti_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x]-ma-ti u-szi-ib

[x x x x x x]-am#-ma hi-it,-t,u ih-t,i

[x x x x x x] i#-ha-at,-t,i

[x x x x x x] sza e-pu-usz-u-ni

[x x x x x x]-tu# sza _man en_-ia

[x x x x x]-rad _lugal_ a-na _arad_-szu

[x x x x x] lu#-sa-hi-ru

[x x x x x x x x] mi#-i-nu [x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

...... there are ...... months

...... he settled

...... and he committed an offence

...... he will die

...... which they did

...... of the king, my lord

...... the king to his servant

...... they should return

...... what .


...... is there ...? ... months

... When did he sit ...?

...... ... he committed a crime

...... he commits a crime

...... which he has done

... the ... of the king, my lord,

...... goes down. The king has ... to his servant ...

...... they should return

...... what ......

P314364: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)(d)_ag_]—_pab_-ir# [(d)_ag u_ (d)_amar_]-_utu_ [a-na _lugal en_]-ia [a—dan-nisz lik-ru]-bu# [_di_-mu ad—dan]-nisz _min_

[a-na (m)asz-szur]—mu-kin—_bala_-u-a [_sza_-bu sza] _lugal# en_-ia [lu-u _dug_]-_ga#_-szu [x x x x] an-ni-u

[sza u-sze(?)]-ra-ba-na-sze-[ni] [x x x x] s,ur [x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-nashir. May Nabû and Marduk very greatly bless the king, my lord!

The king, my lord, can be glad.

which they are sending to us .


To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-nashir. May Nabû and Marduk greatly bless the king, my lord!

Ashur-mukin-palu'a is very, very well; the king, my lord, can be glad.

This ... that is being brought to us ...



[_di_-mu] ad#—dan-nisz _min_ [x x x x]-ia#-ah [x x x x]+x# gu [x x x x] x x#

AI Translation

The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.


...yah is very, very well.

P314366: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal#_ [x x x]

ina _ugu_ par-s,i x#+[x x]

an-ni-tu lu-u x#+[x x]

[x]-ni# [x] sza# me-me-[ni x x]

_en#_ [(d)]_pa_ [a-na _lugal_] [be]-li-ia# [lik-ru-bu]

AI Translation

to the king ...

Concerning the ritual .

this ...

... ... of whatever .

May Bel and Nabû bless the king, my lord!


to the king ...

in regard to the rites ...

let this ...

... of someone/something ...

May Bel and Nabû bless the king, my lord.



_iti-barag ud 15_-_kam_ [lim]-mu (m)gab-ba-ru

AI Translation

Month Nisan I, 15th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.


Nisan 15th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.

P314367: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x]+x# i-szap#-[par-u-ni] [_lugal_ be-li] ina _ugu_-hi lu ra-hi-[is,]

[t,e-mu a-na] _lu-gal_-_mesz_-ka szu-kun# [x x x-szu]-nu szA-zi-iz _lugal_ be-li [a-na] qa#-ra-bi lu la i-qar-ri-ib [ki-i] sza# _lugal_-_mesz_-ni _ad_-_mesz_-ka e-pa-Asz-u-ni [at]-ta# ina _ugu_ mu-le-e i-ti#-[iz] [_lu_]-_gal#_-_mesz_-ka qa-ra#-[bu lu-pi-szu]

[_lugal_] be-li [x x x x x x]

[x] sza _arad#_-[szu x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... are sending ......; the king, my lord, should be concerned about it.

Let the king, my lord, not go out to the street. Just as the kings, your fathers, did, you stand over the street and let your magnates go out to the street.

the king, my lord .

... of his servant .


Until ... sends ..., the king, my lord, may rely on it.

Give orders to your magnates and station their ...! The king, my lord, should not advance to the battle. Just as your royal fathers have done, stay on the hill, and let your magnates do the battle.

The king, my lord ......

... of his servant ......

P314368: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



t,u-ub [_sza_-bi t,u-ub _uzu_-_mesz_] _ud_-_mesz_ [ar-ku-u-ti] _mu-an-na_-[_mesz_ da-ra-a-ti] a-na _en_ [_lugal_-_mesz_] be-li-ia [lid-di-nu]

08 _gisz-ur_-[_mesz_ x x x] sza ina x#+[x x x x] a-na# _gisz_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

May they give happiness, physical well-being, long days, everlasting years to the lord of kings, my lord.

8 beams ... which in ... to .


May they grant to the lord of kings, my lord, happiness, physical well-being, long days, and everlasting years.

8 beams ... which are in ... to ...



ma-a# [x]-ta-har# [x x] ta-da#-na-na#-[a-szi] ma-a a-na pat-[x x x]

li-tu-ru ma-[x x x] É-pa-pa-hi [x x x] _u uru4_ sza# [É-pa-pa-hi] sza (d)tasz-[me-tum x x]

mi-i-[nu x x x]

x x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

"You have given us ..., you have given us .

... the cella ... and the foundation of the cella of Tashmetu .

what ...



saying: "I/he received it/them. You will give the ... to us. Let them return to ...."

The ... of the cella of ... and the foundation of the cella of Tashmetu ....

What ...

r 9' Rest destroyed

P314369: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na _lugal en_]-ia# [_arad_-ka (m)]_suhusz_—(d)_pa_ [lu _di_-mu a]-na _lugal en_-ia [(d)_pa_ u (d)_amar_]-_utu#_ a-na _lugal en_-ia# [lik]-ru-bu

[a-ki (m)]_en#_—_ba_-szA a-na _uru#_-[x x] [x x]+x x x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Ubru-Nabû. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

When Bel-iqisha to the city .


To the king, my lord: your servant Ubru-Nabû. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

When Bel-iqisha went to the city of ...



[x x x] _dingir_-_mesz lugal_

[x x x] an [x]

[x x] sza# ina pi-i-[szu(?)]

[x x x] a#-na _lugal en#_-[ia]

[us-se]-bi#-la [o]

AI Translation

... the gods of the king

... which in his mouth

... to the king, my lord

I am herewith sending him to the king, my lord.


... gods of the king

... ... ...

... which in his mouth ...

... to the king, my lord,

I have sent

P314370: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] a-na# [x x x]

[x x x ina] _ugu id_-tar-ta-ri

[x x x]+x#-tu i-ma-la szu-u [x]

[x x x] il#-li-ku-ni [o]

[x x x] an-ni-tu a-na e-pa-sze

[x x x x x]+x# (m)asz-szur—_lugal_—_mu_ [o]

AI Translation

...... to ...

... on the Tartaru River

... he knows .

... who came

... this for doing

...... Ashur-sharru-iddina


...... to ...

... on the river Tartaru

... is filling up ...

... who went

... to do this

...... Ashur-sharru-iddina

P314371: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(d)É-_a#_ [x x x x x x]

(d)_utu_ (d)_amar_-[_utu_ x x x x x]

(d)_pa_ (d)x#+[x x x x x x]

ina _sza_ e-nu-ma [x x x x]

at-ta (d)_utu_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

Ea ......

Shamash, Marduk .

Nabû, DN, .

therein when .

You, Shamash, .



Shamash, Marduk ......

Nabû, DN ......

in the work Enuma ......

You, O Shamash, ...



di-i-nu# [x x x x]

an-[x x x x]

AI Translation

a verdict ...


the judgment ......




ina _ugu lu-erim_-_mesz#_ [x x x]

a-ki-i szA taq#-[x x x x]

ket-tu ina _ugu_ [x x x x x]

mu-uk la#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Concerning the men .

as you ......

a good thing concerning .

"I ......


Concerning the soldiers ...

just as ......

really, about ......

I said: "......

P314372: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na] _lugal# en_-ia _arad_-ka [(m)x x x x] [lu-u _di_]-mu a-na _lugal en_-[ia] [(d)x (d)x] a-na _lugal en_-ia lik#-[ru-bu]

[sza _lugal_ be]-li# ina _ugu arad_-szu isz#-[pur-u-ni] [x x x x] di# zi [x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! May DN and DN bless the king, my lord!

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to his servant: ".


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

As to what the king, my lord, wrote to his servant: "..."



[x x x x]+x#-me-ni 02 _gisz-zu_-[_mesz_]

[x x x x x]-di(?)# _lu_(v)-_kasz-lul_ [x x]

[x x x x] asz-szur ni [x]

[x x x] _arad_-szu# isz-pur-u-ni [x x x]

[x x x]-ba-ti sza _ud_ x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...... 2 writing-boards

...... the cupbearer .

... Ashur ...

... his servant wrote to me .

...s of the day .


... ... 2 writing-boards

... PN, cupbearer ...

... Ashur ...

whom the king sent to his servant ...

... ... of the day ...



[x x] man#-nu ina É—_en_-_mesz#_-[szu x x]

[ki-i la ke(?)]-na#-ku-ni la-a [x x x x]

[_lugal_] be#-li a-ki a-da-pi# [ga-mir]

[a-na-ku-ma] _arad_ sza _ta_(v) _en_-szu ke#-[nu-u-ni]

AI Translation

Whoever in his lord's household .

if you are not loyal, .

The king, my lord, should know that I am a liar.

I am a servant who is loyal to his lord.


... Who would ... in his lord's household

that I am not loyal and not ...?

The king, my lord, is as perfect as Adapa.

As for me, I am a servant who is loyal to his lord.

P314373: scholarly tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _lugal en_-ia# _arad#_-[ka (m)_arad_]—(d)da#-ga-na# lu#-u _di#_-[mu a]-na _lugal_ be-li#-[ia]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Urad-Dagana. Good health to the king, my lord!


To the king, my lord: your servant Urad-Dagana



t,up#-szar-ru-ti# [x x x x]

u-ma-a lu-ra-am-me [x x x] u-la-a mi-nu sza _lugal_ [be-li]

AI Translation

kingship ...

Now let me see ..., or what is it that the king, my lord, commands?


scribal tradition .......

Now, let me leave ......; or what is it that the king, my lord, orders?

P314374: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]-szi x al#-lak [dul-lu] i-ba-Asz-szi ina _sza_-bi [_iti_ x x] _ud 16_-_kam_ ina sa-har(?)#—[_ud_-me (d)15] ina _sza ka#-gal_ ra-bi#-te tal-[lak x x] tu-ra#-ad ina _sza_ hi-ri-[te x x] dul-lu i-ba-Asz-szi [e-pa-Asz] _ta_(v) _ugu_ hi-ri-te ta-la#-[ka] ina szap-la _ka-gal_ sza É—(d)_pa_ tal-lak ina _ka#_ suk-ki tu-szab#

AI Translation

... I shall go and do the ritual. In the month of ..., on the 16th day, you will go in the ... of Ishtar in the great gate. You will go and do the ritual in the ... hut. You will perform the ritual on top of the hut. You will go and sit in the 'gate' of the temple of Nabû.


I will go to .... There is a ritual. In the month of ..., on the 16th day, in the evening, Ishtar will go through the great gate and descend into the canal .... There is a ritual he will perform. She will then come up from the canal, go under the gate of the temple of Nabû, and take a seat in the shrine's gate. There is a ritual he will perform. She will then go down from the shrine's gate into the ... of the palace which faces the ... of the drinking place. He will finish 3 libation jars. This is not a ritual; this is nothing. It is not ancient — your father introduced it.



_ud 19_-_kam_ mu-da-ri-ik-tu# (d)15 É—(d)gu-la sza s,e-e-[ri] ta-al-lak ina _ugu sig4_ tu-szab# _udu#-siskur_ ni-na-sa-ah [x x]

AI Translation

On the 19th day, we will go to the cult-dwelling place of Ishtar of the temple of Gula on the mountain. We will perform a sheep offering and .


On the 19th is the mudarriktu ritual. Ishtar will proceed to the temple of Gula in the countryside and sit on a brick. We will make an offering ...

P314377: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x] szA# ina _mun_-ia ih#-[t,u-u-ni]

[x x la] aq(?)#-bi(*) u at-[tu-nu x x]

[_mun_]-ku#-nu la e-[x x x x]

t,a-ab-ta#-ku-nu# [x x x x x x]

_ta_(v) _sza ud_-me an-[ni-i x x x x]

u ta-ma-ra [x x x x x x x]

ah#-tu-du# [x x x x x x]

_numun_ x#+[x x x x x x x x]

ina _igi_-ku(*)#-[nu x x x x x x]

la ta#-[pal-la-ha x x x x]

szum-ma# [x x x x x x x x]

la x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

u [x x x x x x x x x x] ina [x x x x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... who have sinned against my kindnes

... I did not say, and you .

your kindness does not .

your favor .

From this day on .

and you see .

I have ...ed .

seed ......

before you .

do not be afraid .

If ......

not ......

and ......


... who sinned against my goodness

... goodness. But you ...

... have not done a favour for you ...

a favour for you ......

From this day on ...

and you will see ......

I rejoiced ......

seed ......

in his presence ......

do not fear ...

If ......

not ......

and ......



ma#-a t,e#-[x x x x x x x]

szA# u-si-ku-[x x x x x x]

u _kur-nim-ma-ki_ [x x x x x x]

ina _szu-2_-ia tasz-lim#-[u-ni x x x x]

ina _igi_ a-he-isz [x x x x x x]

hi-ik-ma u-ma#-[a x x x] x x#+[x]

ik-[x x x x x x]-a-ri ina _igi_ a-he#-[isz]

isz-kun#-[x x x x x] _dingir_ la [x x]

ina _szu-2_-szu(*) la(*) [x x x x x] u#-ma-a szum-ma# dib-bi an-nu-tu la# ta-qi-[pa] _lu#_ [tak]-lu(*)#

_lu-a_—_kin_-szu-nu lil#-li-[ka x x]-i

ina _igi_-szu lu-szA-zi-iz [x x x x x]

a-bu-tu bé#-et har-szA-ni# [x x x x] at#-tu-nu

hi-[ik]-ma# ki-i rik-[x x x x x]-ni

[x x x x] szA(*) a-na _kur-nim-ma#_-[_ki_ x x x x]

[_lu-a_—_kin_-_mesz_] ha-an-nu-te x#+[x x x x x]

[sza ina pa-ni]-ia ak-lu#-[u-ni x x x]

[x x x] szak#-nu ma-[x x x x x] [x x x x] x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

"A report .

which I ......

and Elam ......

You have sworn by my hand .

before each other .

... now ...

...... in front of each other

he set ...... the god not .

Now, if you do not take away these words, the man is a criminal.

Let their messenger come .

Let me stand before him .

The word of the harshanu-house ... you

'I am ... like .

... which to Elam .

these messengers .

which I ... in my presence

... placed .


saying: "report ......

whom they assigned ......

and Elam ......

came to pass by my hands ...

mutually ......

understand! Now ......

...... mutually established

... before God not ...

by the hands of the lady .... Now, if you do not believe these words,

let their messenger come ...

let him station him in his presence ...

the matter where ... ... As for you,

understand that ......

... to Elam ...

These messengers ...

whom I have detained in my presence

... are placed ...

P314378: priestly-letter tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na# _lugal en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—_sag#_—i-szi lu-u _di_-mu a-na# _lugal en_-ia asz-szur (d)15 (d)_pa u_ (d)_amar-utu 01_-me _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ a-na _lugal en_-ia lu-u-bal-li-t,u

_udu#-siskur_-_mesz_ sza _lugal_ [x x]-ru(?) ep-szA-ni# [_ud 14_(?)]-_kam ud 16_-_kam_ [_ud 18_(?)-_kam_] _ud 20_-_kam_ [x x x x]+x#-is

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-reshi-ishi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Ashur, Ishtar, Nabû and Marduk allow the king, my lord, to live 100 years!

The king's sacrifices ... are performed on the 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th days.


To the king, my lord: your servant, Nabû-reshi-ishi. Good health to the king, my lord. May Ashur, Ishtar, Nabû, and Marduk let the king, my lord, live 100 years.

The sacrifices of the king ... have been performed on the 14th day, the 16th, the 18th, the 20th ......



[x x] il-lak#

[x x]-me-ka-a-a

[x x] za nu(?) kid(?) [x]

[x] ina _sza_ il-[x]

ha i(?) tu ru(?)# [x]

ta-ru-gu-um# ma-a a-ta-a# _gisz_-ni-x#+[x] _gisz_-qab-lu li-du(?)-x# a-na(*) _lu_(v)(*)-mu-s,ur-a-a ta-a-din ma-a pa-an _lugal_ qi-bi-a# lu-u-sa-hi-ru lid-nu-ni

AI Translation

... goes


... there ...

"Why did you give ... and qabla to the Egyptians? Let them bring them before the king, and let them bring them to me!"


... will go

... ...

... ... ...

... within ...

... ...

she prophesied: "Why did you give the ...-wood, the grove, and the ... to the Egyptians? Say in the king's presence that they should be given back to me. I will then give total abundance to his ...."

P314379: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a]-na# [_lugal_] [_en_]-ia _arad_-ka# [(m)x x x x] [lu]-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] (d)#_ag_ [o] U (d)[_amar-utu_] a#-na _lugal en#_-ia lik-[ru-bu]

_lugal_ be-li# [ina] _ugu#_ sa-an-x#+[x x x] ma-a a-ta-a _en-nam_ sza ina _igi#_ [x x] dul-lu sza É-ia la e-pa-[Asz] ma-a ku-sa-pu a-na É-ia la [id-dan] ma-a a-ta-a _a-2_-_mesz_-szu is-sa-ma(?)#-[a] ma-a ik-ku-u mi-i-nu dul#-[la-ka] ma-a# la _lu-a-ba_ x x#+[x x x x] [ma]-a# a-ta-a ina _ugu_(?)# [x x x x x]

[da-ba-bu] sza _ta_(v)# pi-i _lugal#_ [_en_-ia x x]

[x x] t,e-e-mu# isz-[kun-x x x]

[x x x]-ni-szu sza _lugal_ x#+[x x x]

[x x x] a#-ta-a a-[x x x]

[x x x x x]-u-ni la [x x x] [x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

The king, my lord, should know about ...: "Why does the governor who is in the presence of ... not perform the work on my house? He does not give kuspu-offerings to my house." Why does he constantly ask him for his hands, saying: "What work has he done?" He said: "The scribe ... not .... Why ......?"

The words which I have heard from the king, my lord, .

... gave orders .

... his ... which the king .

... Why ...

... not ...


To the king, my lord: your servant PN. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

The king, my lord, said concerning ...: "Why does a governor in charge of ... not do the work of my royal house nor give bread to my house? Why are his arms inept? What actually is your work? You are not a scribe .... Why ... ...?" —

The words from the king my lord's mouth ...

... gave orders ...

... him. As to what the king ...

... Why ...

... not ...



[x x x x x] _lu-en-nam_ [x x]

[x x x] mi-i-nu dul-la#-[szu-nu(?)]

[x x]-szu-nu _gisz_-_mesz_ a-x x# mi [x]

[x]-bu(?) x#+[x x]+x# [x is(?)]-se#-nisz _uru_ [x]

a-na-ku i-di x# szA-kin-tu tasz-pu-[x]

_gisz-ig_-_mesz_ szA _lu_(v)-asz-szur-a-a u-na-[x x]

a-x _lugal#_ [x]+x x# as-sa-[x x]

a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia u-szA-Asz(?)#-[ma]

u#-ma-a _ta_(v) _igi en-nam_ ah-[x x x]

[x x] _lugal en_-ia i-[x x x]

a-kil-tu sza [x x] a-he-isz(?)# [x x]

ag(?)# _en ud_ ma [x x x] szA _uru#_-[x x]

x x# _lugal_ be-li lisz-al-szu-nu ma#-a a#-[ta]-a ku-sa-pu [x x x] dul-lu _lugal en#_-ia [le-pu-szu]

u#-ma-a [x x x x x x]

a-na [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... the governor .

... what their work

... their ..., wood .

... ... ... together the city .

I know ..., you have ...ed the .

The doors of the Assyrians .

I have ...ed the king .

I shall give it to the king, my lord, and

Now I have ...ed from the governor.

... the king, my lord, .

The akitu-offering which ... together .

... until ... of the city .

Let the king, my lord, ask them: "Why do you do the king's work?"

Now ......

to ......


... the governor ...

... what is their work?

Their ... trees ...

... likewise the town ...

I ... the harem manageress ...

The doors which the Assyrians ...

...... I have written down and

I will ... to the king, my lord.

Now, I have ... from the governor;

he will ... to the king, my lord.

The consumption of ... ... each other.

...... ... of the city ...

Let the king, my lord, ask them why ... bread, and let them perform the king's work!

Now ......

to ......



[x x x x x x x x]+x#-ku x# _szu-2 lugal_ be-li-ia x# [x x]

[x x x x x x x] _lugal# en_-ia ti-[x x x x]

AI Translation

...... the hands of the king, my lord, .

...... the king, my lord, .


...... the hands of the king, my lord, ...

...... the king, my lord ...

P314381: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x _kur_]—_uri-ki_ ma-[x x]

[x x x x x]-nu(?)# i-ba-Asz-szi [x x]

[x x x x x] al-la-[x x]

[x x x x x] szud szuk-na [x x] [x x x x x x]+x# [x x x]

AI Translation

...... Akkad .

...... there is .

...... I shall .

... a sceptre .


...... the land of Akkad ...

...... there is ...

...... ... ...

...... Place pl. ...!

P314384: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x ek]-ka-lu-u(?)#-[ni x x x]

[x _sze_]-_in#-nu_-_mesz_ am—mar sza [x x x]

[x x] _igi#-2_-ka mu-tu-uh [x x x]

[x x] (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_gin_-in x#+[x x x]

[x x] at#-tu-nu szu-tu [x x x x]

[x x x]+x#-ni-tu ina x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

... are ...ed .

x straws, all of ...;

... your eyes are open .

... Nabû-belu-ka''in .

... you ...

... in ...


... are eating ...

... whatever straw there is ...

... lift your eyes ...

... Nabû-belu-ka''in ...

... you pl. and he ...

... ... in ...



[x x _lu_]-um-ma-ni [x x x x] [x x x x]+x# kur [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... the scholars .


... the scholars ...

P314385: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a]-na _lugal en_-ia# [x x x x x x]

[x] lu la masz-la-ku szu ma x x x# [_lugal_ be-li] [a]-na _arad_-szu ki-i an-ni-e i-sa#-[ap-ra] ma-a _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi us-sar(?)-x#+[x x] ma-a mar ta-mar#-u-[ni] x# [x x x] _ta_(v) pa-ni-ia la# [tu-pa]-zar _ta_(v)# [x x x] up-ta-zi(?)#-[x x x x]+x# a [x x x]

[ina] _ugu_(?)# [x x] sza(?)# _lugal_ be-[li x x x] [x x x x x x x]+x# É a x#+[x x x x]

[x x x x x x x] 03-su [x x x x]

[x x x x x] _lugal_(?)#-ni a-[x x x x]

[x x x x _lugal_] be-li x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

to the king, my lord .

The king, my lord, wrote to his servant as follows: "I have ...ed the men there, and you have not made anything visible to me from my presence." I have ...ed from .

Concerning the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me .

...... one-third .

...... the king .

... the king, my lord .


to the king, my lord ......

... I am not like that ... The king, my lord, wrote to his servant as follows: "He has ... troops there; do not conceal from me anything that you see or hear" — have I concealed ... from ......?

As to the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "...... house ...

...... one third ...

... kings ...

... the king, my lord, ...



[x x x x x x x] É-_gal_ x#+[x x x x]

[x x x x x]-a#-te szA i-[x x x x]

[x x a]-na _uru#_-kar—(d)_nin-lil#_ [x x x] [ir(?)]-ta-kas szum-ma iq-t,i-bi-[u x x x] [szum]-ma# la iq-bi-u mi-i-nu [x x x x]

[x x x x]-_mesz_ szA _lugal en_-ia _dumu_-_mesz_-ia [x x x x]

[x x x x x x (m)(d)x]—_man_—_pab_ isz#-[x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x] ka# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... palace .

......s which .

... has set out to Kar-Mullissi ...; if he says, ..., or does not say, what .

... the ...s of the king, my lord, and my sons .

...... ...-sharru-ushur .

...... your .


...... the palace ...

... the ...s which ...

... has bound ... in Kar-Mullissi; whether they say ... or do not say, what ...?

... the sons of the king, my lord, are my sons ...

...; ...-sharru-ushur ...

... your ......

P314386: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] x# [x x]-_mesz_-ni is [x x] ni# [x x x]+x#-ia id-du-ub-bu ina ke-ti-ia [aq]-t,i-bi at-ta-a-ma tah-ti-ik-im sza ina _ugu_ du-a-ki-i-ka id-bu-bu-ni a-na-ku mi-i-nu la-Asz-pu-rak#-ka

at-ta tu-ud-da [x x x x x x] it-ti-it-zi U x#+[x x x x x] [ina] _igi#_-ia i-ba-Asz-szi a-ta-a ka#-[x x x] _ta# igi_-ia# [x]+x#-me-du tu da x#+[x x x] [x x x x x]+x x x# 'a [x x x] [x x x x x x x] a-na mi-[i-ni x x] [x x x x x]+x#-szu la a-na ka-[x x] [x x x x x x x x]+x x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

... ...s ... spoke with ..., and I said in my steadfast heart: "You are the one who has spoken with regard to your slander. What can I do for you?"

You know that ...... has been staying and ...... is in my presence. Why ...... from my presence ......? ...... what ......?


...s ... have been plotting against me. I told this truthfully, and you understood that they have also been plotting to kill you. What else should I write to you?

You know that ... has stood ... and that ... is in my presence. Why ... ... ...?

P314389: royal-ritual tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] x _udu-siskur_-_mesz_ szA É-_gal_

[x x x x] _barag_(?)#—szi-ma-te

[x x x] _lu#-sanga gal_-u u-qar-rab

[x x x ina] _ugu_ si-ga-ru

[x x x x] x _ud 19_-_kam_

[x x x x] ina# pit-ti _dug4_-u

[x x x x]-(a(?)#)-ri (d)né-bir

[x x x x x] _gisz_-kit-tur#

[x x x x]-ub# _lu_(*)-_sanga_

[x x x x x] x-_mesz bad pi_ [x x x x x x]-an

AI Translation

...... sacrifices of the palace

...... the 'Crown' Gate

... the chief priest will present

... concerning the stag

...... 19th day.

... is agreed in a favorable case.

...... Nebir

...... a wooden chest

...... the priest

......s, the wall .


...... the sheep offerings of the palace

... the Dais of Destinies

... the high priest offers

... upon the lock

...... on the 19th day

...... they say accordingly

... ... Neberu

...... the stool

...... the priest

......s, opening the ear



[x x x x x x i(?)]-tab#-bi

[x x x x x x x] x _tusz_-ab [x x x x x x x x]-bi [x x x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x x]-an [x x x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x] x-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x x]-te(?)

AI Translation

...... will be gathered

...... sits


...... rises

...... is seated