AICC / Publications / p309

P309014: administrative tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(asz) 1(barig) gur zi3-gu_
  • _ku3#-bi# 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2_ a#-na mi?-ma? _szu ti-a_ a-bu-wa-qar

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig of emmer flour,
  • its silver: 1 1/2 shekels for whatever? hand of Abu-waqar.



    _iti# sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ [_mu] i3#-si-in(ki)-na in-dab-ba_

    AI Translation

    The month of Addarum, the day 28 of the year in which Isin was captured.

    P309112: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur_
  • nam-ha-(ar)-ti (disz)a-wi!-il-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 33 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 barley,
  • Namharti, Awil-Adad.



    _nig2-szu#_ mu-na-wi-rum u3 tap-pe2-e-szu _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-[lu-na ...]

    AI Translation

    the property of Munawirum and his servants. The month of Dumuzi, the day 13 of the year in which Samsu-iluna .

    Seal 1


    [a]-wi-il-[(d)iszkur] [dumu] _arad_-ku-[bi] _arad#_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Awil-Adad, son of Warad-Kubi, servant of .

    P309148: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [n (x)] _gan2#_ (gesz)kiri6 x [(gesz)]geszimmar# gub-ba gu2# i7# me-(d)en-lil2-la2 da puzur4-pu-sza-an u3 da en-um-e2-a ki i-pi2-iq-esz18-dar dingir-ba-ni in-szi-sa10

  • 2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
  • sa10 til-la-bi-sze3 in-na-la2

    AI Translation

    n ... field, orchard, ..., date palms stationed, bank of the Me-Enlil canal, next to Puzrish-pushan and next to Enum-ea, from Ipiq-ishtar, his personal god, he bought.

  • 2 minas of silver,
  • he paid to him as its full price.



    x [...] mu (d)lugal-[mar2-da] u3 su-mu#-di-ta-an# in-pa3# igi puzur4#-[pu]-sza-an igi en#-[um]-e2#-a igi i-[x]-x igi a-ha#-mar-szi igi (d)suen-re#-me-ni dub-sar iti# ab#-e3-a mu si-gar# e2 pa-pah# ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar# e2 (d)nu-[musz-da] mu-na-[dim2]

    AI Translation

    ... year: "Lugal-marda and Sumu-ditan were installed." Before Puzur-pushan; before Enum-ea; before I...; before Ahamarshi; before Sîn-remeni, the scribe. The month of Tebetum, the year: "The scribal art of the temple papah of gold and silver, the temple of Numushda, was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    i-pi2-iq#-esz18-dar# dumu ba-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ipiq-Eshtar, son of Ba-.

    P309155: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(gesz2) gur zu2-lum_
  • _(gesz)banesz (d)marduk _szu ti-a_ ap-lum _dumu_ a-bu-wa-qar _ugula nam-5(disz)_ _KI_ _wa_-ri-ik-ka-a-a _nig2#-szu#_ (d)utu-a-bi szandana [_giri3_] (d)utu-an-dul3 _dam#?-gar3#?_ [...] pir-hu-[um] [...] dumu-(d)utu#?

    AI Translation
  • 200 gur of dates,
  • The table of Marduk, hand of Apla, son of Abu-waqar, overseer of the Five-Sixth District, the wife of Warikaya, the property of Shamash-abi, the shangû-response, via Shamash-andul, the merchant? ... Pirhum ... son of Shamash



    _kiszib-a-ni ib2-ra_ _iti gan-gan-e3 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zimbir(ki) iri ul (d)utu-kam_

    AI Translation

    its seal is ...; month: "GANgane," 24th day; year: "Sippar, city without Shamash."

    Seal 1


    ap-lu-um _dumu_ i-din-(d)suen _ARAD#? (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Aplum, son of Iddin-Sîn, servant of .

    P309157: administrative tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [n] sar e2 [...] u3 x x [...] da (d)suen#-[...] sa10 til-la#-ni-sze3

  • 2(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2# ku3-babbar
  • ki# sza-am-ha-nu-um# u3# si-na-nu-um (disz)en-nam-(d)iszkur in-szi-sa10 gesz-gan-na# ib-ta-bala#

    AI Translation

    n sar of the house ... and ..., next to the house of Sîn-..., as his full price,

  • 2 1/4 shekels of silver,
  • Ennam-Adda bought from Shamhanum and Sinanum a gishgana-wooden bed.



    u4#-kur2-[sze3 mu] lugal#-a-bi igi la-[...] igi da-[...] igi za-[...]-ru#-um igi wa-ra#-ia igi ta-ta-nu-um igi e-te-lum# mu ki-bala [masz-da3(ki)] ba-[dab]

    AI Translation

    In the future, in the year in which the king was installed, before La-..., before Da-..., before Za-rum, before Waraya, before Tatanum, before Etelum, year: "The disputed land of Mashda was captured."

    P309160: administrative tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [n] sar (gesz)kiri6 (gesz)geszimmar x x us2-sa-_du_ la-li-ia u3 i-_ka_-(d)nanna sa10-am3 til-la-bi-sze3

  • 6(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • in-na-an-la2 ki a-qa3-ta-a-nu-um dumu ie-er-ha-kum la-li-ia dumu ka-la-a-a in-szi-in-sa10 gesz-gan-[na ib-ta]-bala#

    AI Translation

    n sar of orchards, date palms, ..., the length, for Laliya and I-KA-Nanna, as its full price,

  • 6 1/2 shekels of silver,
  • he has paid. From Aqatanum, son of Ieerhakum, Laliya, son of Kalaya, he has rented. The geshgana he has rented.



    inim# nu-um-ga2-ga2-a mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi a-ri-ba-a-nu-um dumu a-mi-ru-um igi lum-ma-a-nu-um dumu ie-er-ha-kum igi an-ni-dingir dumu _bad_-_di_-dingir igi# im-lik-(d)suen dumu na-nu-um [igi] (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am [iti] (gesz)apin-du8-a [mu e2] (d)mar-tu [ma-na]-na-a [mu]-un#-du3-a

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Aribanum, son of Amirum; before Lummanum, son of Ierhakum; before Ani-il, son of Dur-Di-il; before Imlik-Sîn, son of Nanum; before Sîn-eribam. The month of Kislimum, the year in which the temple of Martu was built.

    Seal 1


    a-qa3-ta-a-[nu-um] dumu ie-er-ha-kum

    AI Translation

    Aqatanum, son of Ier-hakum.

    P309184: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(u) 7(asz) 2(barig) gur zu2-lum e2-gal_
  • _(gesz)banesz_ nam-har-ti _mu-kux(_du_)_ ri-ba-am-i3-li2 a-na _(gesz)ma2-i3-dub e2-gal_ _giri3_ a-wi-il-isz8-tar2 _szandana_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal usu ir9-ra (d)en-lil2 mu-un-na-an-szum2-ma_

    AI Translation
  • 27 gur 2 barig dates, palace measure;
  • a table for a banquet, delivery of Ribam-ili to the palace boat, via Awil-ishtar, the shangû-priest. The month of Addaru, the day 10 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king, the strength of the god Enlil, gave to him,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il#-[isz8-tar2] dumu a-bi-ia-tum _arad_ (d)ne3-eri11-gal

    AI Translation

    Awil-ishtar, son of Abiyatum, servant of Nergal.

    P309234: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(barig) 2(ban2) sze szu-la2-sze3#
  • ki i#-bi-(d)nin-szubur# (disz)i3#-li2#-en-nam dumu a-la-a szu ba-an-ti u4-buru14-sze3 sze i3-ag2-e# _e-zi-ib pi4_ _ku-nu-ki-szu_

    AI Translation
  • 3 barig 2 ban2 barley for the shula-festival;
  • Ili-ennam, son of Ala, received from Ibbi-Ninshubur; at the harvest time he will measure the barley; he will remove it from the mouth of Kunukishu;



    igi# x x [x] x [...] igi isz-me-(d)[...] dumu# (d#)suen#-[...] igi# e2#-mu#-[ba-li2-it,] iti# udru(duru5#) [mu] erin2# ma3#-al#-[gi4(ki)] (gesz#)[tukul ba]-sig3#

    AI Translation

    before ...; before Ishme-..., son of Sîn-...; before Emuballit; month: "Udru," year: "The troops of Malgi were struck with a weapon."

    Seal 1



    AI Translation


    P309242: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)marduk-na-s,ir _nu-banda3_ u3 ma-du-tum asz-szum u2-nu-ut _e2-gal_ (disz)ku-ri-tum _dam_ a-hi-lu-mur i-si-ru-ma

  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • usz-ta-di-nu-szi u2-nu-tum ap-la-at

    AI Translation

    Marduk-nashir, the overseer, and the dowry, because of the property of the palace, Kuritu, wife of Ahilumu, sold and

  • 1 shekel of silver
  • They have given her a scepter,



    ma-am-ma-an u2-ul i-ge-ri-szi _igi_ s,il2-li2-(d)dam-ki-na _szandana_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam# _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal-e u6-nir ki-tusz mah_ (d)za-ba4-ba4 (d)inanna

    AI Translation

    nobody shall oppose her. Before Shilli-damkina, the harem manager. The month of Addaru, the day 25 the year in which Samsu-iluna the king erected the unir-crucible, the supreme residence of Zababa and Ishtar.

    Seal 1


    s,il2-li2-(d)dam#-[ki-na] dumu dumu-er-s,e#-[tim] _arad_ (d)nin-si-[an-na]

    AI Translation

    Shilli-Dakin, son of Dumuzim, servant of Ninsiana.

    P309254: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 4(ban2) sze# [gur]
  • ki# [i-bi-(d)]nin#-szubur# [...]-tum# [x x]-ku#-bi# [szu] ba#-an#-ti#

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 4 ban2 barley,
  • PN2 received from Ibbi-Ninshubur .



    igi (d)suen-en-nam# igi a-hu-um igi e2-mu-ba-li2#-it,# iti udru(duru5) mu ma-al-gi is,#-bat#

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-ennam; before Ahum; before Emuballit; month: "Udru," year: "Malgi was captured."

    P309258: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 5(ban2) sze gur
  • szu-la2-sze3# ki i-bi-(d#)nin#-szubur# i3-li2-mil-kum# szu# ba-an-ti mu#-kux(_du_) u4-buru14-sze3# i3-na masz-kan2 sum-mu-dam

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 5 ban2 barley,
  • to Shula, from Ibbi-Ninshubur Ili-milkum received; delivery; for the harvest, at the mashkan-offerings to be delivered;



    igi be-li2-sipa igi su-ra#?-ru#?-um igi lu2-(d)lal3 dub-sar igi i-pi2-iq-esz18-dar iti udru(duru5) mu us2-sa-a#-bi# pa5 pirig sag-ga2 ba-du3

    AI Translation

    before Beli-sipa; before Surarum; before Lu-lal, the scribe; before Ipiq-ishtar; month: "Udru," year after: "The lion's head-bone was fashioned."



    igi# ra-ma-a-nu-um#

    AI Translation

    before Ramanum;

    Seal 1


    i3-li2-mil-[kum] dumu a-wi-li-[ia?]

    AI Translation

    Ili-milkum, son of Awiliya.

    P309266: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n sze] gur# szu-la2-sze3 [ki i-bi]-(d)nin-szubur [(disz)ra-bi-s,i]-la-szu [dumu (d)]nanna#-zi-sza3-gal2 [szu] ba#-an#-ti u4#-buru14#-sze3 sze i3-ag2-e

    AI Translation

    ... gur of barley for the shula-offering, from Ibbi-Ninshubur, Abi-shilassu, son of Nanna-zishagal, received; at the delivery of the harvest he will measure the barley.



    igi# sza#? am#?-hu-um [igi x x]-x-tum [igi x x]-x-ia [igi] a#-[x x]-wa-ra [dub]-sar iti sze#-sag11#-ku5 mu# e# igi#-hur#-sag-ga2 mu#-un-ba-al

    AI Translation

    before Amhum; before ...; before ...ia; before ...wara, the scribe. The month of Addarum, the year in which the equinox of IGIhursag was erected.



    [ra-bi]-s,i#-la-[szu] [dumu (d)]nanna#-zi-[sza3-gal2] [szu ba]-an#-ti# [u4]-buru14-sze3# [sze] i3#-ag2-e#

    AI Translation

    Ribbishilashu, son of Nanna-zishagal, received; at the delivery of the harvest, he will measure the barley.

    Seal 1


    (disz)ra-bi-s,i-la-szu dumu (d)nanna-zi-sza3-(gal2)

    AI Translation

    Rubi-shilassu, son of Nanna-zishagal;

    P309274: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _ku3-babbar_ (d)suen u3 (d)iszkur (disz)ia-gu-nu-um _szu ba-an-ti_ i-na ba-al-t,u2 u3 sza-al-mu

    AI Translation
  • 1 2/3 shekels of silver
  • Yagunum received from Sin and Adad the silver.



    (d)suen u3 (d)iszkur (i-pa-al) _igi_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)marduk _iti apin-du8-a u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam_ _mu bad3_ kisz(ki)

    AI Translation

    Sîn and Adad will devastate; before Shamash; before Marduk. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 17 the year: "The wall of Kish."

    P309293: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _e2_ (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _ki_ (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _lugal e2-e-ke4_ (disz)dingir-e-re-((_ba_))-s,a _nam zu2-kesz2 nam mu 1(disz)-(kam)_ _ib2-ta-e3#-[a]_ _zu2-kesz2 mu 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Ili-eresh will determine the rations for the first year, and he will pay the rations for the first year.


  • _2/3(disz)#? gin2 3(disz)+[n] ku3-babbar_
  • _i3-[la2-e]_ _igi_ [...]-(d)suen _igi_ [...]-(d)amar-utu _igi_ [x-(x)]-x#-(d)amar-utu _iti sig4-a u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal usu ir9-ra (d)en-lil2#-[le]_

    AI Translation
  • 2/3? shekel 3+x silver
  • he shall pay. Before ...-Sîn, before ...-Marduk, before ...-Marduk. The month of Simanu, the day 5 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king, the year in which the god Enlil erected his throne,




    AI Translation

    'he shall give him.'

    P309345: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(barig) sze_
  • _szu ti-a_ a-pil-er3-ra _ki_ pi-ir-hu-um

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig of barley,
  • Hand of Apil-Erra, with Pirhum.



    _iti udru(duru5) u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu i7_ sa-am-su#-i-lu-na-he2-gal2

    AI Translation

    month "Festival of the Land," 24th day, year: "The canal Samsu-ilunahegal."

    Seal 1


    (d)ne3-eri11-gal ur-sag kal-ga dumu (d)en-lil2-la2

    AI Translation

    Nergal, the mighty warrior, son of Enlil,

    P309356: administrative tag

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) lu2-sze-sag11-ku5_
  • ta-ri-ba-tum

    AI Translation
  • 2: the haruspex;
  • a kind of profession



    _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _alan (gesz)tukul sag3-ge_

    AI Translation

    Month of Nisannu, 5th day, year: "Samsu-iluna erected a statue of a black weapon."

    P309382: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz)# 4(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur na-nu-um
  • 1(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) a-li-kum
  • 1(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) hu-nu-bu-um
  • szu-la2-sze3 igi (d)suen-[...] ki i-bi-(d)nin-szubur# szu ba-an-ti-esz u4-buru14#-sze3#

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 barley for Nanum;
  • 1 gur 4 barig 1 ban2: Alikum,
  • 1 gur 4 barig 1 ban2: Hunubum;
  • to be delivered; before Sîn-..., from Ibbi-Ninshubur, they received; for the harvest,



    sze i3-ag2-e-ne# igi (d)suen-i-qi2#-[sza-am] igi (d)suen-a#-bu#-[um] igi (d)suen#-[...] iti udru#(duru5#) mu erin2 ma3-al-gi4#-a#[(ki?)] (gesz)tukul ba-sig3

    AI Translation

    they will measure the barley before Sîn-iqisham, before Sîn-abuum, before Sîn-...; month: "Udru," year: "The troops of Malgia were struck with a weapon."

    Seal 1


    na-nu-um a-li-kum hu-nu-bu-um

    AI Translation

    Nanum, Alikum, Hunubuum,

    P309391: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur_
  • a-na _zu2-kesz2 e2_ sza _mu_ e-ri-ib-tim _szu-ti-a_ i-din-esz18-dar _ki_ pi-ir-hu-um

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of barley,
  • for the payment of the house of the year "Eribtim" that Iddin-Ishtar received from Pirhum;



    _kar_ i-ba-asz-szu _ku3_ i-ha-ra-as, _[igi]_ (d#)utu-da-a-a-an _[iti] du6-ku3 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu# i7_ sa-am-su-i#-lu-na-he2-gal#-lim

    AI Translation

    He shall pay the silver. Before Shamash-dan. The month of Duku, the day 15 of the year in which Samsu-ilunahegallim

    Seal 1


    i-din-esz18-dar dumu a-da-a _arad_ (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Ishtar, son of Adâ, servant of the god Adad.

    P309395: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) (na4)ur5_
  • szi-mu-ru-um _ki_ pi-ir-hu-um (disz)(d)utu-da-a-a-an _nam mu 1(disz)-kam_ _in-hun-ga2_ _zu2-kesz2 mu 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 1 ur5-stone
  • Shimurrum with Pirigum Shamash-dan, the governor, for 1 year, Inhuga, the guarantor, for 1 year,


  • _2(barig) sze i3-ag2-e_
  • _igi_ a-li2-lu-mu-ur _kiszib3-ba-ni ib2-ra-asz_ _iti ab-e3-a _u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na-he2-gal2

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig of barley he will measure out.
  • before Ali-lu-mur, his seal he impressed. The month of Tebetum, the day 14, the year: "Samsu-ilunahegal."

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-da-ia#-an dumu (d)utu-x-(x)-x _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Shamash-da'ian, son of Shamash-..., servant of .

    P309405: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)suen-sze-mi _zabar-dab5!_ _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(disz)-kam#_ it-ti (disz)bala-a i-na babila2(ki) u2-ul in-na-mar-ma _e2-gal_-lam i-ip-pa-al

    AI Translation

    Sîn-shemi, zabardab-priest, month: "Duku," 1st day, with Bala in Babylon he did not see, and the palace he inspected.



    _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_

    AI Translation

    The month Elunum, the day 26 the year in which Samsu-iluna the king

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-[sze-mi] _zabar-dab5_ uri2[(ki)-ma] _dumu_ a-ap-pa-[a] _ARAD_ (d)sa-am-su-i-[lu-na]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-shemi, chariot driver of Ur, son of Aappa, servant of Samsu-iluna.

    P309411: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    lugal-_ka_ dumu ur-lu2 ugula nigar dumu nig2-ga nu-banda3 ur-(d)dumu dumu-gi7-am3

    AI Translation

    Lugal-KA, son of Urlu, foreman of the nigar, son of Niga, nubanda; Ur-Dumu, is his son.



    im si-sa2-a ba-dah-e

  • 7(disz) mu 5(disz) iti
  • AI Translation

    he poured out a libation bowl.

  • 7 years 5 months
  • P309478: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _u4 4(u) 5(disz)-kam gar7-za nam-kisal#?-[luh?]_ sza _e2_ (d)nin-szubur i-na _mu [1(disz)-kam]_ _ha-la_ na-bi-i3-li2-szu u3 a-pil-i3-li2-[szu] _dumu-mesz_ (d)suen-u2-se2#-[li] sza be2-lum-mu-usz-ta-[al] a-[na] ip-qu2-(d)li9-si4 [u3] qi2-isz-(d)ba-ba6 _es3-ab-du7_ [a-na] _ku3-babbar_ id-di-nu _ki#_ na-bi-i3-li2-szu u3 a-pil-i3-li2-szu _szesz-a-ni_ _dumu-mesz_ (d)suen-u2-se2-li _es3-ab-du7_ (disz)ip-qu2-(d)li9-si4 _gar7-za_ sza _e2_ (d)nin-szubur# sza [a]-bi-szu ip-t,u3-ur

    _igi#-n-gal2# gin2 ku3-babbar sa10-am3 til-la-a-ni-sze3_ _in-na-an-la2_ _u4 kur2-sze3 u4 nu-me-a-ak_ _inim# nu-ga2-ga2_ _mu#_ (d)nanna (d)utu (d)marduk

    AI Translation

    On the 45th day: the treasury of the naditu-hallu-service of the temple of Ninshubur, in the 1st year, the share of Nabi-ilishu and Apil-ilishu, sons of Sîn-usele, which Belum-mushtal, to Ipqu-lisi and Qish-Baba, the scribal school, for silver he gave; from Nabi-ilishu and Apil-ilishu, his brother, sons of Sîn-usele, the scribal school Ipqu-lisi, the garza of the temple of Ninshubur, his father, he sealed.

    He will pay the silver in full. In the future he will not make a claim, and he will not raise a claim concerning the property of Nanna, Shamash, and Marduk.



    u3# sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ _in-pa3-de3-mesz_ _igi_ (d)utu-mu-ba-li2-it, _gala_ (d)nin-szubur _igi_ a-pil-(d)mar-tu _nar e2!_ (d)nin-szubur _igi_ (d)nin-szubur-s,i-li2 _szu#-i_ (d)nin-szubur _igi_ i#-zi#-ga-tar _gudu4_ (d)asz-ra-tum _igi_ a-hu-um-wa-qar _sipa ansze#_ _igi_ _arad_-isz8-tar2# _dumu_ (d)utu-a-bi _igi_ ap#-lum _dumu_ x#-[x]-(d)nin-urta _igi_ li#-pi2-it,-isz8-tar2# _dub-sar_ [_kiszib3] lu2-ki-inim-ma-bi-mesz_ [_iti] ab-e3-a u4 1(u)-kam_

    _mu#_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal#-e bad3# uri2(ki)-ma u3 unu(ki)-ga [mu-un]-gul-la#_

    AI Translation

    and Samsu-iluna, king, he imposed. Before Shamash-muballit, chief singer of Ninshubur; before Apil-amurtu, singer of the temple of Ninshubur; before Ninshubur-shilli, hand of Ninshubur; before Izigaratar, gudu-priest of Ashratum; before Ahum-waqar, shepherd of donkeys; before Warad-ishtar, son of Shamash-abi; before Aplum, son of ...-ninurta; before Lipit-ishtar, the scribe. Seal of the witnesses. Month of Abea, 10th day.

    Year: "Samsu-iluna, king, destroyed the walls of Ur and Uruk."

    P309516: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) gur zu2-lum_
  • a-na pu-s,i2 _ki e2-gal_-lim u3# (d)utu-na-s,ir _szandana_ [(disz)x-x]-x-nu-um _[szu ba-an]-ti_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 dates,
  • To the credit of Egalli and Shamash-nashir, the shangû-official, ...num received .



    [a-na na-asz-pa]-ak# il-qu2-u2 _zu2#-lum_ u2-ta-ar _igi_ _arad_-i3-li2-szu _igi_ a-wi-li-ia _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu (gesz)tukul szu-nir gar!-ra_

    AI Translation

    to be smashed, he took the dates. Before Warad-ilishu, before Awiliya. The month of Tebetum, the day 10 of the year "The shinir-demon was fashioned."

    P309538: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] sar e2 du3-a [da] e2 nu-ur2-(d)utu [u3] da e2 a-mu-ur-(d)[utu] [e2] i-din-(d)na-na-a [ki] i-din-(d)na-na-a ([disz])a-bu-wa-qar in-szi-sa10

  • 4(disz)#? gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sa10# til-la-bi-sze3 in-na-an-la2 [u4]-kur2#-sze3 u4 nu-me-a-kam [e2]-mu# nu-[ub]-be2-a [nu-mu-un]-gi#-gi-de3

    AI Translation

    A built-up house plot of n sar next to the house of Nur-shamash and next to the house of Amur-shamash, the house of Iddin-Nanaya, from Iddin-Nanaya Abu-waqar bought.

  • 4? shekels of silver,
  • he has paid to him as its full price. In the future, when he does not live, he will not return to his house.



    [...] [igi] _ir_? _tu_ da? x x? [igi] _ud_?-dingir-re-ne? [igi] e#?-la-li# [igi] x x sza?-i3-li2 [igi a]-pil?-i3-li2-szu [igi] nu#-ru-um-nanna-ke4-ke4? [igi a]-ta-a-a [kiszib lu2]-inim-ma-ab-bi-me-esz [iti] sig4-a [mu e2] szu-(d)suen-na u3 u2-s,a-ar-pa-ra(ki) ba-an-dab

    AI Translation

    ... before ...; before the ...; before the ...; before Elali; before ...; before ...; before Apil-ilishu; before Nurum-nanna; before Ataya; under seal of the witnesses; month "Bricks," year: "The house of Shu-Suen and Usharpara were sold."

    P309561: administrative tag

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) udu-nita2 e2 (d)utu
  • 1(disz) udu-nita2 e2 (d)iszkur
  • 1(disz) u8# e2 (d)inanna
  • 1(disz) u8# e2 (d)na-na-a-a
  • 1(disz) udu-nita2 e2 (d)nergal
  • 1(disz) udu-nita2# gaba-ri ka2 e2-gal
  • 1(disz) udu-nita2 gaba-ri ka2 e2 nam-dumu
  • 9(disz) udu-u8-hi-a

    AI Translation
  • 3 rams, house of Utu;
  • 1 ram, house of Ishkur;
  • 1 ewe, house of Inanna,
  • 1 ewe, house of Nanaya,
  • 1 ram, house of Nergal;
  • 1 ram, first-fruits offerings, gate of the palace;
  • 1 ram, ..., gate of the household of Namdumu;
  • 9 ewes,



    ki (d)suen-ga-mi-il# ba-[zi] kiszib3 sza3-tam-e-ne# iti gan-gan#-e3 u4 1(u) [...] mu ma-da asz2-nun-[na(ki) ba]-hul#

    AI Translation

    from Sîn-gamil booked out; under seal of the shatam-officials; month: "GANgane," 10th day, ... year: "The land of Eshnunna was destroyed."

    P309563: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
  • ku3 nam-tab-ba ki (d)suen-ma-dingir u3 (d)utu-dingir (disz)a-pil-ku-bi iti kin-(d)inanna u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam ku3 szu ba-an-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of silver
  • Apil-kubi received from Sîn-ma-il and Shamash-ilum silver for the namtabba-offering; month: "kin-inanna," 16th day;



    _u4-um um-mi-a-nu#-um_ _i-ri-szu-u2_ ku3 i3-la2-e igi i-ba-lu-[ut,] igi bur-(d)[x] igi a-ap-pa-[a] igi _arad2_-(d)[x] iti kin-(d)inanna u4 1(u) 1(disz)#-kam mu inim zi an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki-ga-ta i7 ul-ta ba-ra-gal2

    AI Translation

    The day that Ummanum the Irishu receives the silver, before Ibalut, before Bur-..., before Aappa, before Warad-..., month: "kin-inanna," 11th day, year: "The word of An, Enlil, and Enki has been brought out from the canal."

    P309564: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) kid kaskal-a
  • _szu-ti-a_ be-ta-tum _ki_ s,i-li2-(d)e2-nim-ma _ba-zi_ _giri3_ a-hi-el-li-ka-am

    AI Translation
  • 5 kids on the road,
  • Hand of Betatum, with Shilli-Enuma, ..., via Ahi-Ellim.



    _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu us2-sa 5(disz)-bi i3-si-in(ki) ba-an-dab

    AI Translation

    month of Duku, 19th day, year after the 5th, Isin was taken.

    P309576: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 2(disz) erin2_ za-bi-[lu-_mesz_]
  • _sza3 3(u) 7(disz) nu-(gesz)kiri6-mesz_ sig4(ki) _nig2-szu#_ lu-mur-sza-(d)amar-utu _ugula_ i-bi-(d)nin-szubur sza _sze_-e _gu2-un_ (d)amar-utu-mu-sza-lim _gal-ukken-na erin2 ka2 e2-gal_ sza _a-sza3 iri_ ba-ad-rum(ki) iz-bi-lu _giri3#_ i-tur2-asz-du-um [(disz)(d)]utu#-i-din-nam (disz)ma-ad-gi-mil-(d)utu [(disz)a-an-nu-u2] (disz)u-bar-rum

    AI Translation
  • 12 troops, zabulu-priests;
  • in the 37 gardens of Sippar, the property of Lumur-sha-Marduk, overseer: Ibbi-Ninshubur, of barley, the tribute of Marduk-mushallim, the general, the troops of the palace gate of the field of the city of Badrum he shall carry off; via Itur-ashdum; Shamash-iddinam, Madgi-mil-shamash, Annû, Ubarrum,



    [(disz)im-gur-rum] u3 (d)utu-sza-ta-ka-lim [(disz)dumu]-a-ra-ah-tum (disz)in-bi-i3-li2-szu _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal-e usu ir9-ra (d)en-lil2-le mu-un-na-an-szum2-ma-ta_

    AI Translation

    Imgurrum and Shamash-shatakalim; Mar-ahtum; Inbi-ilishu, son of the scribe. The month of Nisannu, the day 28 the year in which Samsu-iluna the king, the strength of the god Enlil, gave to him.

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-i-din-nam dumu# i3-li2-u3-(d)utu _arad_ (d)na-bi-um

    AI Translation

    Shamash-iddinam, son of Ili-u-shamash, servant of Nabû.

    P309577: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(ban2) sze-gesz-i3_ edin? am? x in?
  • a-na _i3-szesz4_ a-wi-lim

  • _2(asz) gur sze-gesz-i3 gur nu-esz3_
  • _szu ti-a_ ip-qu2-sza _i3-sur_

  • _1(ban2)_ a-hu-t,a3-bu-um# _i3-sur_
  • _2(asz) 4(ban2) sze-gesz-i3_ _ba-zi_

    AI Translation
  • 3 seahs of sesame from the open country .
  • to the man's oil,

  • 2 gur sesame, 1 gur esheshu-flour,
  • He shaved her with a hose. He shaved her.

  • 1 seah of ahatabuum-seed oil,
  • 2 gur 4 sutu of sesame, ...;



    _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu ki-sur-ra(ki) ba-dab5-ba u3 (gesz)tukul kal-ga-ni-ta (d)en-lil2 mu-na-szum2-ma-ta bad3!(ki) ba-hul@s-a_

    AI Translation

    month "Oxen," 5th day, year: "Kisurra was captured" and "with his mighty weapon Enlil gave to him"; Dur-Bahulsa

    P309579: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sar kislah
  • da puzur4!-isz8-tar2 u3 ti-iz-qar-ru-um ha-la u2-ma-a-a-tum ki sza-at-isz8-tar2 dam-a-ni (disz)wa-s,u-er3-ra in-szi-sa10

  • 4(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sa10 til-la-ni-sze3 in-na-an-la2

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar, reed-fed,
  • next to Puzur-Ishtar and Tizqarrum, the share of Umatum, from Shat-Ishtar, his wife, Washu-Erra bought.

  • 4 shekels of silver,
  • he paid to him as his full price.



    u4-kur2-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi#-gi#-de3# mu (d)nanna (d)utu u3 ri-im-(d)suen lugal in-pa3-mesz igi puzur4!-isz8-tar2 dumu (d)suen-be-el-i3-li2 igi ti-iz-qar-ru-um dumu (d)suen-ra-bi igi el-la-tum dumu wa-tar-(d)suen igi (d)en-lil2-ma-lik szitim? igi (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 dumu i3-li2-tu-kul2-ti igi x-ri-sza? gudu4 igi (d)suen-na-id! dumu ab-di-ra-ah igi kal-(d)su-bu-la mu 2(disz) alan ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk u3 1(disz) na-ru2-a e2-gal-bar-ra i-ni-ku4-re

    AI Translation

    for a future time he will not return it. Year: "Nanna, Shamash and Rim-Sîn were kings." Before Puzur-ishtar, son of Sîn-bel-ili; before Tizqarrum, son of Sîn-rabi; before Elatum, son of Watar-Sîn; before Enlil-malik, shitum-priest; before Nanna-manshum, son of Ili-tukulti; before ...risha, the gudu-priest; before Sîn-naid, son of Abdirah; before Kal-Subla; two statues of Kudur-mabuk and one narua of the palace he entered.

    P309580: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • sa10-am3 li-sa-tum u3 i2-li2-ma-a-bi 1/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 mana 6 1/4 shekels silver,
  • the price of Lisatum and Ili-ma'a: 1/3 mana 6/6 shekels silver were weighed out;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 6(disz)-kam mu ka-i7-da-mesz(ki) u3 iri(ki) na-za-rum in-dab

    AI Translation

    month "Harvest," 6th day, year: "Ka'idamesh and the city Nazrum captured."

    P309581: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • a-na _2(disz)# sila3_ sza a-na _e2 (d)utu_ in-na-ad-nu

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na_ a-na _e2 (d)nin-e2-gal_
  • _1(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ _ba-zi_

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of silver
  • for 2 sila3 which to the Shamash temple are given.

  • 1/3 mina for the house of Ninegal
  • 1 1/3 minas of bazi-gold,



    _iti udru(duru5)_ _mu ka-i7-da(ki)-me-esz u3 iri(ki) na-za-rum in-dab-ba_

    AI Translation

    The month of Durum, the year in which Kaida and the city of Nazrum were captured.

    P309587: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) _udu-nita2_
  • a-na _iri(ki)_ isz-ku-un-e2-a _giri3_ er3-ra-ga-mil _sipa_ u3 u-bar-(d)dumu-zi 2(u) _udu-nita2_ i-na _e2-gu4-udu-niga_ _ba-zi_

    AI Translation
  • 20 sheep,
  • to the city of Ishkunea, via Erra-gamil, shepherd, and Ubar-Dumuzi, 20 sheep in the oxherd-pen, the rations.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu i7 idigna i7 dingir-re-e-ne za3 a-ab-ba-sze3 mu-ba-al-la_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 13, the year in which the Tigris, the river of the gods, to the border of the sea he dug.

    P309588: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(iku) _gan2 2_(u) sar (gesz)kiri6#
  • da (d)nanna-sag-gal u3 gu2 i7!(|_a-lagab_xA|) za-ar-x sag# (gesz)kiri6 ra-bi!-a-nu-um (gesz)kiri6 na-bi-i3-li2-szu ki na-bi-i3-li2-szu x-(d)nin-szubur in-szi-sa10

  • 1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
  • sa10-am3 til-la-ni-sze3 in-na-la2

    AI Translation
  • 1 iku field area: 20 sar, orchard;
  • next to Nanna-saggal and the bank of the Zagar-x canal, next to the garden of Rabianum, the garden of Nabi-ilishu, with Nabi-ilishu ...-Ninshubur bought.

  • 1 mina of silver
  • he paid as his full price.



    u4-kur2-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-de3 mu (d)nanna (d)utu u3 (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am lugal in-pa3 igi (d)nanna-ni-su2 igi (d)suen-ki-ma-i3-li2-a igi i3-li2-isz-me-ni igi szu-(d)dumu-zi igi a-pil-(d)suen dub-sar kiszib lu2-inim-ma-bi-mesz iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am lugal

    AI Translation

    in future he will not return it. Year: "Nanna, Shamash and Sîn-iribam, the king, entrusted to him." Before Nanna-nisu; before Sîn-kima-ili'a; before Ilishmeni; before Shu-dumuzi; before Apil-sîn, the scribe of the witnesses. Extra month: "Harvest," year: "Sîn-iribam was king."

    P309589: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 9(gesz2) 4(u) sze gur a-sza3 ba-a-na-nu-um
  • 3(gesz2) 2(u) gur a-sza3 a-ra-al-la
  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) 2(asz) gur a-sza3 ni-bu-um
  • 1(geszu) 6(gesz2) 1(u) 2(asz) gur _na-ap-sza-ra-a-tum_ sza3 iri(ki) isz-ku-un-e2-a

    AI Translation
  • 420 gur of barley, field Bananum;
  • 240 gur, field Aralla;
  • 142 gur, field Nibuum;
  • 142 gur, napshartum-offerings in the city of Ishkunea;



    iti sig4-a u4 5(disz)-kam mu e2 (d)en-ki sza3 uri2(ki)-ma u3 e2 (d)nin-e2-nim-ma sza3 e2 (d)nin-mar(ki) mu-un-du3-a

    AI Translation

    month "Bricks," 5th day, year: "The temple of Enki in Ur and the temple of Nineenima in the temple of Ninmar erected."

    P309590: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) zi-li-x x [x?]
  • 1(disz) _arad_-(d)nin-szubur#
  • 1(disz) ha-am-mi-a-tar
  • u3 ku!-u2-zu-um a-na# e-te-el-pi4-isz8-tar2

  • 1(disz) (d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am
  • 1(disz) ba#-ha-a-a
  • u3 ad-ma-ti-i3-li2 a-na _lu2 a-bala_ na-ad-nu _sag-nita2_ ip-pa-ra-ku-u2-ma

    AI Translation
  • 1 zili-...,
  • 1: Warad-Ninshubur;
  • Hammi-Atar,
  • and Kuzum to Etel-pishtar

  • Sîn-iqisham,
  • 1 Bahayu;
  • and Admati-ili to the man of the dynasty, the king, will be sated, and


  • _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • _i3-la2-e-ne_ _igi_ it-ti-e2-a-mil-ki _igi_ _arad_-(d)nanna _igi_ a-pil-(d)suen _igi_ du-ga-kum _bahar2_ _igi_ ib-na-tum _igi_ im#-gur-(d)suen _kiszib lu2-inim-ma-bi-mesz ib2-ra_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu e2_ (d)bara-ul-e-gar-ra [_sza3?] adab(ki) mu-un-du3-a u3# alan ku3-sig17 (d)suen-i-din-nam [lugal] larsa(ki)-ma mu-dim2-ma_

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • they shall pay. Before Itti-Ea-milki; before Warad-Nanna; before Apil-Sîn; before Dugakum, the ...; before Ibnatum; before Imgur-Sîn, the seal of witnesses he deposited. The month of Addaru, the day 14, the year in which the temple of Baraul-egara in Adab he built. Further, a gold statue of Sîn-iddinam, king of Larsa, he built.

    P309591: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar lu2_ li-pi2-it-esz18-dar
  • sza _5(disz) geme2 _arad2_ hi-a_ ir-di-a-am

  • _2(disz) gin2 lu2-sze-mesz_ sza ni-in-nu-u2-a
  • sza it-ti _udu_-szu il-li-ku-nim

  • _3(disz) gin2 sa10-am3 5(disz) szah hi-a_
  • a-na _kasz-de2-a_ (d)ne3-eri11-gal

  • _3(disz) gin2_ a-bi-t,a3-bu-um sza _tug2_ A x x x
  • i-nu-u2-ma ir-bi-im

  • _1(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 sa10-am3 2(disz) tug2_ a-na _geme2 hi-a_
  • sza a-na be-ta-tum in-na-ad-na

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver: the man Lipit-Ishtar;
  • of 5 female slaves, he will pay.

  • 2 shekels for the donkeys of my rations.
  • who came with his sheep

  • 3 shekels are the price; 5 pigs,
  • to the beer of Nergal.

  • 3 shekels, Abitabuum, of the ... garment;
  • When he became angry,

  • 1 1/4 shekels is the price; 2 garments for the female slave;
  • which are given to the king, my lord.



    _1(u) 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ _ba-zi_ _iti ab-e3 u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu abul-a 2(disz)-a-bi masz-gan2-szabra(ki) mu-un-du3-a u3 e a-sza3 sza3-tum2-ma 4(disz) danna mu-un-si-ga_

    AI Translation

    11 shekels of silver, the rations; month: "E," day 1, year: "The Gates, 2 of them, Mashgan-shabru erected; and above the field of the shatumma, 4 fields erected."

    P309592: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) sar kislah#?
  • da e2 sza-ma-al#-lu#-um u3 i-s,i-nu-ru-um e2# (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 ki (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 (disz)na-bi-i3-li2-szu u2 sza-at-(d)suen ama-ni in-szi-sa10-am3-e-ne

  • 7(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sa10-am3 til-la-ni-sze3 in-na-la2-e-ne

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 sar, under seal?,
  • next to the house of Shamallum and Ishinurrum, the house of Nanna-manshum, with Nanna-manshum, Nabi-ilishu and Shat-Sîn, his mother, have bought.

  • 7 shekels of silver,
  • they will pay to him as his full price.



    [u4-kur2-sze3 u4 nu]-me-a-ak [(disz)nanna-ma]-an-szum2# [nu-mu-un]-gi4#-gi4-de3 e2-mu [nu]-ub#-be2-a mu lugal-la-bi in-pa3 igi hu-pa-tum sza3-tam igi bu-s,i-ia sza3-tam igi (d)suen-ip-pa-al-sa3-am igi sza#-ma#?-al-lu-um igi _arad_-(d)nanna dumu (d)suen-na-s,ir [igi] (d)suen-ta-a-a-ar aga-us2 lugal [igi] u2-ba-a-a dumu i-bi-(d)suen kiszib# lu2-inim-ma-bi-mesz iti# udru(duru5) mu# e2 (d)bara2-ul-e-gar-ra sza3# adab(ki) mu-un#-[du3-a]

    AI Translation

    For a future time, he will not return it. Nanna-manshum will not return it to his house. The name of the king has been given. Before Hupatum, the shatam; before Busiya, the shatam; before Sîn-ippalsam; before Shamallum; before Warad-nanna, son of Sîn-nashir; before Sîn-tayar, royal steward; before Ubaya, son of Ibbi-Sîn; their witnesses. The month of Uruk, the year in which the temple Bara'ulegara in Adab was built.

    P309593: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    2(esze3) 4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 li#?-[...] da a-sza3 a-wi-ia#-tum# u3 da a-sza3 (d)suen-na-szi ki (d)suen-isz-me-ni (disz)(d)utu-ra-bi in-szi-sa10#

  • 1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
  • sa10# til-la-ni-sze3 in-[na]-an-la2 u4-kur2-sze3# inim#-gar-ra in-na-ab-gi4-gi4 mu lugal-la-bi in-pa3

    AI Translation

    Utu-rabi bought from Sîn-ishmeni 2 eshe3 4 iku field, "Li-...," next to the field of Awi-yatum and next to the field of Sîn-nashi;

  • 1/3 mina of silver
  • he will pay back the silver he received as his full price; in the future he will return the money he received; the name of the king will be written in the document.



    [igi] a-lam#?-[ma?-li2?-at?] [igi] (d)[...] [igi] za-ar-ri#-qum#? [igi] a-at-ta!-[a?] igi# (d)suen-bi#?-x-ki#? igi# (d)iszkur-mu-ba-li2-it, dam-gar3 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (gesz)tukul mah an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki-ga#-ta i-si-in(ki) iri(ki) nam-lugal-la# u3 a2-dam didli a-na (me)-a-bi in-dab-ba

    AI Translation

    Before Alam-malat, before ..., before Zaarriqum, before Attaya, before Sîn-bi..., before Ishkur-muballit, merchant. From month "Harvest," year "With the great weapon of An, Enlil, and Enki, Isin, the city of kingship, and the marriage wife of a king, for its own life was taken."

    P309594: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [5(geszu)] 9(gesz2) 1(u) 4(asz) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 sze gur# [nig2]-szu gi-mi-el-lum 2(geszu) 1(gesz2) 5(u) 3(asz) gur nig2-szu s,i-li2-(d)utu

  • 6(gesz2) 4(u) 9(asz) 3(ban2) gur
  • nig2-szu (d)nanna-i3-mah u3 (d)suen-ma-gir 1(szar2) 2(geszu) 7(gesz2) 5(u) 6(asz) 1(barig) 6(disz) [sila3] gur# ba-zi nig2 mu 1(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    184 gur 3 ban2 6 sila3 barley, account of Gimilum; 133 gur, account of Shilli-shamash;

  • 169 gur 3 ban2
  • accounts of Nanna-imah and Sîn-magir; 169 gur 1 barig 6 sila3 of bazi, of the first year,



    [iti] diri# sze-sag11-ku5 u4 6(disz)#-kam [mu] abul# 2(disz)-a-bi sza3 masz2-gan2-szabra mu-du3-a

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," 6th day, year: "The second gate of Mashgan-shaba was erected."

    P309595: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sar (gesz)kiri6
  • us2-sa-_du_ a-wi-li-ia u3 i-dam-ar-szi szesz#?-a#-ni ki a-wa-at-(d)suen (disz)is,-ru-pa-an-ni in-sa10-_an_

  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sa10-am3 til-la-ni-sze3 i3-la2-e

    AI Translation
  • 20 sar, orchard,
  • next to the property of Awiliya and Idamarshi, his brother, with Awat-Sîn Ishrupani bought.

  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • as his full price he shall pay.



    igi dingir-da-mi-iq igi (d)suen-ba-li2-it,# igi e2-(a)-sze-mi igi a-pil-(d)suen# kiszib lu2-inim-ma-bi-mesz (iti) za3-gar mu kisal mah (d)nanna ba-du3

    AI Translation

    before Dingir-damiq; before Sîn-balit; before Ea-shemi; before Apil-Sîn; under seal of the witnesses; month: "zagar," year: "The great courtyard of Nanna was erected."

    P309596: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    da# e2# x x [...] u3 e2 da x [...] e2 a-da-lal3# lugal-a-ni-ta ki a-da-lal3 (disz)dan!(_dag_)-nu-li in-szi-sa10

  • 5(disz) gin2 ku3#!-(babbar)
  • sa10# til-la-ni-sze3 in-na-la2

    AI Translation

    next to the house ... and next to the house ..., from the house of Adallal, did Danuli buy from Adallal;

  • 5 shekels of silver,
  • he paid as his full price



    u4-kur2-sze3 a-da-lal3 e2-mu nu-ub-be2 mu _arad2_-(d)suen lugal in-pa3 igi e2-a-tu-kul2-ti igi im-lik-e2-a igi a-pil-(d)suen igi# bu-zi-ia [igi] x-(d)utu#? [x?]

    AI Translation

    In the future Adalal will not be able to enter the household. Year: "Arad-Sin the king has sworn." Before Ea-tukulti, before Imlik-Ea, before Apil-Sin, before Buziya, before ...-Shamash,



    [...] sze3 asz isz? ni [...]-kab(ki) ba-du3

    AI Translation

    ... barley rations of ...-kab he built.

    P309603: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)ama-gu-la# nin gal ki-szar2-ra kal [x (x)] me-lam2-ma-ni u18-[ru] dingir ir9-ra ni2 gal husz [ri] ni2-bi kalam-e dul-la# dam ur-sag kal-ga en (d)nergal-ke4 ki me3#?-a nam-nin-ni ak-a dingir zi lu2 nam-ga-me-esz3-ak-a nam-ti bi2-ib2-bu-u4-a nin-mu-ra (d)ri-im-(d)suen nita kal-ga lugal larsa(ki)-ma unu(ki) i3-si-in(ki) lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 u4 i3-si-in(ki) iri nam-lugal-la szu-mu-sze3 im-mi-in-si-a nam-bi-sze3 (d)ama-gu-la nin-mu#-[ra] [...] x x x da x x [...] x kar2 [ki-tusz ni2 dub2]-bu-da-na

    [hur-sag] il2#-(la)-gin7 mu#-il2 x [...] x x x-e-ke4 x [...] im#-mi-mu2

    AI Translation

    For Amagula, great lady of the world, ... whose aura is radiance, the great goddess, whose radiance is a roaring storm, the goddess of the land, the work of the wife, the mighty warrior, lord Nergal, in the place of battle, whose ladyship is a true god, the one who appoints men, for the life that he has established, my mistress, Rim-Sîn, the mighty man, king of Larsa, Uruk, Isin, king of Sumer and Akkad, when Isin, the city of kingship, to my hands, for this, to Amagula my mistress, ...

    Like a mountain he made it shine like a ... .

    P309607: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 7(gesz2)# sze gur#
  • mu-kux(_du_) (d)suen-uru4 7(gesz) sze gur sag-nig2-gur11-ra sza3-bi-ta

  • 6(gesz2) 3(u) 6(asz) gur mu-kux(_du_) e2-kiszib3-ba e2 sila dagal-la gibil
  • 1(u) 5(asz) 3(barig) gur a2 (gesz)ma2 hi-a
  • 3(barig)# 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 _ma-asz-ti-tum_
  • 3(barig) a2 lu2-sze-il2-mesz
  • 6(gesz2) 5(u) 2(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 gur mu-kux(_du_) u3 ba-zi la2-ia3 7(asz) 6(disz) sila3 gur giri3 la-qi2-pu-um (disz)im-gur-(d)suen u3 tab#-ba#-ni#-mesz

    AI Translation
  • 420 gur of barley,
  • delivery of Sîn-uru; 780 gur barley, capital, therefrom:

  • 96 gur delivery of the sealed house, the broad street, rebuilt;
  • 15 gur 3 barig, labor of the boatmen,
  • 3 barig 5 ban2 4 sila3 Mashtitum,
  • 3 barig, labor of the lu-she'ilmes,
  • 142 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 4 sila3 delivery and bazi deficit: 7 gur 6 sila3 via Laqipu, Imgur-Sîn and Tabani;



    iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 6(disz)-kam mu abul 2(disz)-a-bi masz-gan2-szabra(ki) mu-un-du3-a u3 e a-sza3 sza3-tum2-ma 4(disz) danna mu-un-si-ga

    AI Translation

    month "NENEgar," 6th day, year: "The second gate of Mashganshaba was built" and "the ... of the field of Shatuma was erected" 4 .

    P309608: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • nig2-ba (d)iszkur-ba-ni muhaldim 1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 10 shekels of silver,
  • the gift of Ishkur-bani, the cook, 10 shekels of silver he weighed out.



    iti ab-e3 u4 1(u)-kam mu bad3 iri(ki) gar-ra (d)utu ba-du3

    AI Translation

    month "Eating the cows," 10th day, year: "The wall of the city was erected by Utu."

    P309610: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [(disz)]la-lu-tum _dam#_ [...] a-na _di-ku5-mesz#_ [...] iq#-bi# um#-ma szi-i-ma (disz)pi-ir-hu-um la# [...] x e-mi-ia im-szu-a-an#-ni (disz)(d)utu-an-dul3 (disz)(d)suen-mu-sza-lim _ugula dam-gar3_ (disz)sze-ep-(d)suen (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur (disz)ka-lu-mu-um u3 nam-ra-sza-ru-ur _dam-gar3_ a-na _e2_ (d)utu (disz)pi-ir-hu-um a-na ni-isz _dingir_ id-di-nu (disz)pi-ir-hu-um i-na _e2_ (d)utu ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma szu-u2-ma

  • _1(disz) (na4)ur5 bahar2 1(disz) (na4)ur5 zi3-gu_
  • _ku3-bi 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze_

  • _1(disz) naga4 esir e3-a 3(asz) gu2_
  • _1(disz) (na4)kiszib3 ka-gi-na 1(disz) kiszib3 ib2-ra sa10 e2_
  • _1(disz) kiszib3 ib2-ra 1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar tab-ba_
  • _1(disz) (gi)pisan zu2-kesz2 3(disz) dug_ na-asz-pa-ku hu-pu-tum
  • _1(disz) (gi)gur na-ap-sza-ru _1(disz) (gi)gur_
  • [_n(disz)] (gi#)x_ li-ib-bi [...] x x _ku3-babbar_ e-zi-ib-ti [...] _sa10 sag-geme2_ [...] x (disz)la-lu-tum [...] _e2# (d)utu

    AI Translation

    Lalutum, wife of ... to the judges ... said: "Why did Pirhum not ... my case?" Shamash-andul, Sîn-mushallim, the overseer of the merchants, Shep-Sîn, Ibni-Adad, Kalumum and Namrasharur, the merchant, to the house of Shamash gave Pirhum to the gods. Pirhum, according to the house of Shamash, said: "He is not .

  • 1 ur5-stone for a kiln; 1 ur5-stone for kiln-flour;
  • its silver: 12 shekels 15 grains;

  • 1 pot of baked bricks, 3 talents of wool,
  • 1 seal of Kagina, 1 seal of Ibra, the price of the house,
  • 1 sealed tablet, 1/3 mina of silver, tabba;
  • 1 reed basket for kiln-fired beer, 3 jars of pomegranates;
  • 1 gur of sacrificial reed, 1 gur of reed,
  • ... reeds of ... ... silver, ezibtu-silver ... the price of the slave woman ... Lalutu ... the house of Shamash



    [(disz)pi-ir-hu]-um a-na la-lu-tum iq#-bi#-[...]-ni-ma# [...] e-li an-ni-im [...] ma-la il-qu2-u2-ma [n] _gur kur6 mu 1(disz)-kam_ sza la-lu-tum [n] _sila3_ i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam_ (disz)pi-ir-hu-um [a]-na la-lu-tum isz-ku-nu-ma [i]-na _e2_ (d)utu e-li la-lu-tum ir-szu-u2 _u4 kur2-sze3 nu-me-a-ka_ (disz)la-lu-tum (disz)pi-ir-hu-um la i-ge-ru-u2-ma _mu_ (d)nanna (d)utu (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal in-pa3_ _igi_ si2-na-tum _gudu4_ (disz)(d)suen-u2-se2-li _gudu4_

    (disz)ri-im-ma-an-ni-dingir _gudu4_ (disz)(d)suen-ni-szu _gudu4_ (disz)a-pil-(d)li9-si4 _gudu4_ (disz)ip-qu2-(d)li9-si4 (disz)nig2-gi-a _dam-gar3_ (disz)(d)suen-u2-se2-li _dam-gar3_ (disz)qu2-ur-di-ia _dumu nu-banda3 ugula_ (disz)i3-li2-i-ma-dingir _gudu4_ (d)inanna (disz)i3-li2-ip-pa-al-sa3-am (disz)a-wi-il-(d)utu (disz)el-me-szum (disz)e2-a-be-el-dingir _szu-i_ (disz)s,i-li2-(d)utu _dam-gar3_ (disz)i-din-esz18-dar (disz)ti-iz-qar-rum (disz)a-li2-lu-mur (disz)ta-ri-bu-um _aga-us2_ (disz)an-na-hu-um _szu-i_

    _kiszib3 lu2 inim-ma-bi-mesz ib2-ra_ _iti sig4-a u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal (uruda)ki-lugal-gub i7 hur#-sag# he#-nun he2-gal2-bi tum3#-[tum3]_

    AI Translation

    Pirhum to the lalutu commanded ... ... above this ... as much as they took and n gur of black mountain grain for 1 year of lalutu n qû on the 1st day Pirhum to the lalutu he set and in the house of Shamash above the lalutu he set. In future days he will not be able to make a claim. Lalutu and Pirhum did not agree and the name of Nanna, Shamash, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king he has imposed. Before Sinatum, gudu-priest; Sîn-usalli, gudu-priest;

    Rimman-ilu, gudû-priest of Sîn-nishu, gudû-priest of Apil-lishir, gudû-priest of Ipqu-lishir, Niggia, merchant; Sîn-uselli, merchant; Quurdiya, son of the superintendent, overseer; Ili-imma-ilu, gudû-priest of Ishtar; Ili-ippalsam; Awil-shamash; Elmushum; Ea-bel-ili, the hand of Shilli-shamash, the merchant; Iddin-ishtar; Tizqarrum; Ali-lumur; Taribuum, the scout; Annahum, hand.

    Seal of the witnesses. Month: "Bricks," 14th day, year: "Samsu-iluna, king, copper kingship, the river of the mountains, abundance and abundance."

    P309728: school tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    sipa# igi-gal2 tuku ug3# lah5-lah5

    AI Translation

    shepherd with a good eye, who carries the people,

    P309823: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 u2-sal_
  • _us2-sa-du_ e-tel-pi4-(d)suen u3 (d)en-lil2-ma-lik _da pa5_ mi-rum u3 _da pa5_ i3-li2-x-ar _[a-sza3] u2-sal_ im-gur-isz8-tar2 _dumu_ a-li2-wa-aq-rum [u3 a-ta]-na-ah-i3-li2 _szesz-a-ni_ [_ki_ im-gur]-isz8-tar2 u3 a-ta-na-ah-i3-li2 _szesz-a-ni_ [_lugal a]-sza3 u2-sal-e-ne_ [(disz)]a-hu-um _dumu_ wa-qar-a-bu-szu _in-szi-sa10_

  • _4(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar sa10 til-la-ni-sze3_
  • _in-na-an-la2_ _u4-kur2-sze3 inim-gal2-la a-sza3 u2-sal_ (disz)im-gur-isz8-tar2 _dumu_ a-li-wa-aq-rum u3 a-ta-na-ah-i3-li2 _szesz-a-bi_ _in-na-an-gub-bu-e-ne_

    AI Translation
  • 2 iku of field, irrigated,
  • the lower side next to the property of Etel-pî-Sîn and Enlil-malik, next to the property of Mirum and next to the property of Ili-xar, field of the usallu-field: Imgur-ishtar, son of Ali-waqrum, and Atah-ili, his brother, from Imgur-ishtar and Atah-ili, his brother, the king, field of the usallu-field Ahum, son of Waqar-abushu, bought.

  • 4 1/3 shekels of silver as his full price;
  • In the future, in the future, Inim-galla, the field of Usal, Imgur-Ishtar, son of Ali-waqrum, and Atanah-ili, his brother, will serve.



    _nu-ub-ta-bal-e-ne_ _mu_ (d)nanna (d)utu (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal in-pa3-mesz_ _igi_ (d)suen-ma-gir ra-bi-a-nu (disz)mu-na-wi-rum _ugula gidri_ (disz)ta-ki-il-i3-li2-szu! _dumu_ (d)nin-a-zu-ga-mil (disz)dingir-ba-ni _dumu_ ni-id-na-at-(d)suen [(disz)x]-x-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it, [(disz)... _dumu_] (d)iszkur-ra-bi [(disz)...] _dumu_ gi-mil-i3-li2 [(disz)...] x x _dumu_ bi-tu-u2-a [(disz)i3-li2]-ma#-a-hi _dumu_ a-li2-a-a-am-szi [(disz)i3]-li2-ma-a-hi _dumu_ i-tu-rum

    [(disz)a]-pil-(d)mar-tu _dub-sar_ _kiszib-a-ni u3 kiszib lu-ki-inim-ma-ab-bi-mesz_ _ib2-ra_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu (gesz)tukul szu-nir ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_

    AI Translation

    Nubtabal-ne, the name of Nanna, Shamash, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king, he imposed. Before Sîn-magir, his great brother; Munawirum, overseer of the chariot; Takil-ilishu, son of Ninazu-gamil; Ili-bani, son of Nidnat-sîn; ...-sîn, son of Sîn-muballit; ..., son of Adad-rabi; ..., son of Gimil-ili; ..., son of Bitu'a; Ili-mahi, son of Ali-aya-shi; Ili-mahi, son of Iturum;

    Apil-Amurru, the scribe, sealed tablet of the witnesses, erib, month: "Harvest," 14th day, year: "The szunir-gun, gold, silver,

    Seal 1


    im-gur-isz8-tar2 _dumu_ a-li2-wa-aq-rum _ARAD_ (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Imgur-Ishtar, son of Ali-waqrum, servant of Adad.

    P309824: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • _szu ti-[a]_ (disz)a-wi-il-(d)iszkur _ki_ (d)li9-si4-qar-ra-ad _giri3_ ta-ri-ba-tum _szu-i_ _igi_ (d)nanna-an-dul3 _igi_ a-bu-wa-qar _szabra#_

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of silver
  • Hand of Awil-Adad, from Lisi-qarrad, via Taribatum. Before Nanna-andul. Before Abi-waqar, the household manager.



    _igi_ (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it, _igi_ a-wi-il#-i3-li2 ra-bi-a-an _iri_ a-ka-nu(ki) _igi_ (d)utu-re-ma-an-ni _igi_ e-tel-pi4-sza _igi_ sipa-szu-qar-ra-ad _igi_ e-(ri)-isz-ti-(d)mar-tu _iti_ du6-ku3 u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-muballit; before Awil-ili, the great king of the city Akkad; before Shamash-remanni; before Etel-pisha; before Sipa-shuqarrad; before Erishti-Martu. The month of Duku, the day 29 the year in which Samsu-iluna the king

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il#-[(d)iszkur] _dumu_ gu-ur-[...] _arad_ (d)ne3-eri11-gal

    AI Translation

    Awil-Adad, son of Kur-..., servant of Nergal.

    P309825: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) e2-tar-ra
  • ka-kesz2 nig2 mu 1(disz)-kam

  • 1/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • ki (d)inanna-dingir-mu (disz)isz-gu-um-(d)iszkur in-hun(un) sza3 a2-bi nig2 mu 1(disz)-kam igi 4(disz)-gal2 gin2 ku3-babbar szu ba-an-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1: Etara,
  • door bolts, ..., of the first year;

  • 1/3 shekel 15 grains of silver,
  • Ishgu-Adda has received from Inanna-ilummu; therefrom: the labor of the labor-troops, of the first year, 4 shekels of silver have been received;



    igi (d)suen (disz)(d)utu iti (gesz)apin-du8-a u4 2(u) [n?-kam] mu sa-am-su-i-lu-na lugal-e (gesz)gu-za nesag-ga2

    AI Translation

    before Sîn; Shamash; month: "Piglet-of-the-plow," 20th day, year: "Samsu-iluna the king fashioned the throne with nesag offerings."

    Seal 1


    [zu-ba]-bu-um _dumu_ sa3-aq-qu-[um]

    AI Translation

    Zubuum, son of Saqquum.

    P309916: administrative tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz)# (na4)kinkin szu
  • giri3 (d)suen-im-gur-ra#-[ni] szu ti-a (d)suen-ka-szi-id [ki] a-bu-wa-qar

    AI Translation
  • 4 hand-stones,
  • via Sîn-imgurrani, received by Sîn-kashid, from Abu-waqar;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam mu us2-sa i3-si-in(ki) in-dab5-ba

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," 16th day, year after: "Isin was captured."