AICC / Publications / p297

P297022: royal-monumental other-object

Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


(d)en-lil2 lugal-a-ni-ir ku-ri-gal-zu a mu-ru

AI Translation

To Enlil, his master, Kurigalzu dedicated it this bowl.

P297024: literary tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(iti)]_ab_(*)# (iti)_ziz_ [(iti)_sze_ x x x]

* _usz8_ É _bad_-ma _sig4 szub#_[(di)]

* ina (iti)_szu_ É _bi dingir tuku_(szi)#

* ina (iti)_ne_ É _bi dumu_-_mesz tuku_(szi)#

* ina (iti)_du6 dingir_-szu ana _munus-sig5 usz_-_mesz_-szu

* ina (iti)_apin_ mim-mu-szu ana _igi_-szu _du_(ak)

* ina (iti)_sze a-tuku tuku_(szi)

* É _du_(usz) szA (gisz)_ig_ i-zaq-qa-pu

* ina (iti)_sig4 sza-hul-la_

* ina (iti)_szu_ É _bi sumun_(bar)

* ina (iti)_ne_ lib-bi _dug-ga_

* ina (iti)_du6_ lib-bi _dug-ga_

* ina (iti)_apin_ mim-mu-szu ana _igi_-szu _du_(ak)

* ina (iti)_ziz du_(usz) É

* ina (iti)_sze du_(usz) É

* É iq-qur szA _sumun kur_-ma _gibil du_(szu)

* ina (iti)_gu4_ É _bi dagal_(esz)

* ina (iti)_szu du8 hul_

* ina (iti)_ab_ lib-bi _dug-ga_

* ina (iti)_ziz du_(usz) É

* ina (iti)_sze du8 hul_

* É is,-s,i szA si(*)-i-ri i-hal-la-szu

* ina (iti)_gu4_ lib-bi _dug-ga_

* ina (iti)_kin_ É _bi sumun_(bar)

* ina (iti)_du6_ lib-bi _dug-ga_

* ina (iti)_ziz du_(esz) É

* ina (iti)_sze du8 hul_

* É is-suh szA lib-bi É u-szap-pa(*)-lu4(*)

* ina (iti)_gu4_ lib-bi _dug-ga_

* ina (iti)_ne_ É _bi dagal_(esz)

* ina (iti)_kin_ É _bi sumun_(bar)

* ina (iti)_ziz du_(esz) É

* ina (iti)_sze du8 hul_

* É tam-la-a _sa5_ szA _sza_ É-szu(*) szap(*)-lu4

_sa5_-ma : te-qi-tu : sik-kAt kar-ri É-su / _nigin_-ma

AI Translation

Tebetu X, Shabatu XI, Addaru XII .

If a man - a house will be destroyed and a brick will fall.

In Du'uzu Month IV, that house will have a god.

In Abu Month V, that house will have sons.

In the month Tashritu VII, his god will die for good fortune.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, he will perform his own thing before him.

In the month Addaru XII, he will acquire a wife.

"If a house is built, the door will be smashed."

In the month Simanu III, there will be joy.

In Du'uzu Month IV, that house will prosper.

In the month Abu V, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Tashritu VII, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, he will perform his own thing before him.

In the month Shabatu XI, a house will be built.

In the month Addaru XII, a house will be built.

"If an estate is sold" = Enuma Anu Enlil unknown means that it is a house that has been sold and is being sold."

In the month Ayyaru II, that house will expand.

In the month Du'uzu IV, evil will be released.

In the month Tebetu X, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Shabatu XI, a house will be built.

In the month Addaru XII, evil will be released.

"If a house is swollen and a pig eats it" = Enuma Anu Enlil unknown.

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In Ululu Month VI, that house will prosper.

In the month Tashritu VII, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Shabatu XI, he will build a house.

In the month Addaru XII, evil will be released.

"If a house is swollen, he makes the heart of the house tremble"

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In Abu Month V, that house will expand.

In Ululu Month VI, that house will prosper.

In the month Shabatu XI, he will build a house.

In the month Addaru XII, evil will be released.

"If a terrace is covered with red wool, that of his house will be covered" = Enuma Anu Enlil unknown.

"Sa5-ma" = Shumma alu LIX 25 means "to shave." "The shaved head" = Shumma alu LIX 25 means "the shaved head."

Clay, Albert T.

Tebetu X Shabatu XI, Addaru XII, ...

"If he opens the foundations of a house and lays a brick." cf. Iqqur ipush 1.

In the month Du'uzu IV, that man will have a god.

In the month Abu V, that house will have children.

In the month Tashritu VII, his god will continuously escort him with care.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, his possessions will grow larger.

In the month Addaru XII, he will gain profit.

"If he builds a house" = Iqqur ipush 5 refers to the man who erects a door.

In the month Simanu III, there will be happiness.

In the month Du'uzu IV, that house will grow old.

In the month Abu V, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Tashritu VII, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, his possessions will grow larger.

In the month Shabatu XI, a house will be built.

In the month Addaru XII, a house will be built.

"If he tears down a house" = Iqqur ipush 7 refers to the man who removes an old house and builds a new one.

In the month Ayyaru II, that house will expand.

In the month Du'uzu IV, evil will be dissolved.

In the month Tebetu X, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Shabatu XI, a house will be built.

In the month Addaru XII, evil will be dissolved.

"If he tears down a house" = Iqqur ipush 8 refers to the man who scrapes off the wall-plaster.

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Elulu VI, that house will grow old.

In the month Tashritu VII, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Shabatu XI, a house will be built.

In the month Addaru XII, evil will be dissolved.

"If he tears out a house" = Iqqur ipush 9 refers to the man who digs deep the interior of the house.

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Abu V, that house will expand.

In the month Elulu VI, that house will grow old.

In the month Shabatu XI, a house will be built.

In the month Addaru XII, evil will be dissolved.

"If he fills out the platform of a house" = Iqqur ipush 10 refers to the man who fills out the interior of his house, which was low,

and studs his house with a painted overlay; variant: with knobbed nails.

Obverse Column ii


*# [ina (iti)x ...]

* ina# [(iti)x ...]

* ina (iti)#[x ...]

* ana É-szu _man#_-[ma _kur_(ir)-ma szA x x x]

mim-ma ana É-szu# [x x x (x x)]

* ina (iti)_gu4_ lib-bi# [_dug-ga_]

* ina (iti)_sig4 sag-pa-lagab#_ [ina _su lu du8_]

* ina (iti)_apin du8_ [_hul_]

* ina (iti)_ziz du8_ [_hul_]

* ina (iti)_sze na bi ugu en imin_-szu _gub_(za(*))#

* ana É-szu _man_-ma _kur_(ir)-ma _lal_ szA ana É-szu _man_-ma / it-ti-qu-ma _lal_(u)

* ina (iti)_gu4_ e-ma _du_(ku) ma-gir

* ina (iti)_sig4_ É _bi_(*) ana(*) _en_-szu HÉ-_gal_ na-szi

* ina (iti)_apin na bi ugu_(!) _en inim_-szu _gub_(za)

* ina (iti)_ab_ i-sa-dir-ma _du_(ku)

* ina (iti)_ziz szu-bi-asz-am_

* ina (iti)_sze sig5 inim_ ki-di i-szem-me

* ana É-szu _gur_ szA la _giskim e_ u ana É-szu _gur_(ru)

* ina (iti)_bara sza dug-ga sag-pa-lagab_ ina _su na du8_

* ina (iti)_gu4 du8 hul_

* ina (iti)_sig4 sza-hul-la_

* ina (iti)_szu_ lib-bi _dug-ga dingir_ u (d)_lamma tuku_(szi)

* ina (iti)_ziz na bi ugu en inim_-szu _gub_(za)

* ina (iti)_sze sag-pa-lagab_ ina _su na du8_

* ana É-szu _ku5_ szA _sahar-szub-ba_(a) _sa5_-ma / _dadag_-ma ana É-szu ir-ru-bu

* ina (iti)_bara sag-pa-lagab_ ina _su na du8_

* ina (iti)_gu4_ e-ma _du_(ku) ma-gir

* ina (iti)_sig4_ É _bi_ ana _en_-szu HÉ-_gal_ na-szi

* ina (iti)_du6_ lib-bi _dug-ga_

AI Translation

In the month .

In the month .

In the month .

"If he enters his house and ... and ..." = Enuma Anu Enlil unknown.

whatever to his house .

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Simanu III, the sagpalgabu-mark is dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, evil will be released.

In the month Shabatu XI, evil will be released.

In the month Addaru XII, that man will stand over his opponent.

"If he enters his house and he is ill" = Enuma Anu Enlil unknown means he is ill. If he enters his house and he is ill, he will recover.

In the month Ayyaru II, wherever he goes, he will become rich.

In the month Simanu III, that house will have plenty for its owner.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, that man will prevail over his adversary.

If in Tebetu Month X, he becomes dilapidated and goes.

In the month Shabatu XI, a shubishu-offering will take place.

In the month Addaru XII, he will hear good news.

"If he returns to his house" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means he returns to his house.

In the month Nisannu I, which is favourable, he will make a sagpalakku-mark in the man's body.

In the month Ayyaru II, evil will be released.

In the month Simanu III, there will be joy.

In the month Du'uzu IV, there will be gladdening of the heart of the god and the protective spirit.

In the month Shabatu XI, that man will prevail over his adversary.

In the month Addaru XII, a sagpalakku-mark will be deposited in the man's body.

"If he enters his house, he who is covered in dust and is covered in his house" = Enuma Anu Enlil unknown.

In the month Nisannu I, he will make a sagpalakku-mark in the man's body.

In the month Ayyaru II, wherever he goes, he will become rich.

In the month Simanu III, that house will have plenty for its owner.

In the month Tashritu VII, there will be gladdening of the heart.

Clay, Albert T.

In the month ...

In the month ...

In the month ...

"If he changes into another house of his " = Iqqur ipush 12 refers to the man who ...

and something to his house ....

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Simanu III, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, evil will be dissolved.

In the month Shabatu XI, evil will be dissolved.

In the month Addaru XII, that man will prevail over his litigant.

"If he changes into another house of his and inspect it" = Iqqur ipush 13 refers to the man who crosses over into another house of his.

In the month Ayyaru II, wherever he goes, it will be favorable.

In the month Simanu III, that house will bring prosperity to its owner.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, that man will prevail over his litigant.

In the month Tebetu X, he will prosper.

In the month Shabatu XI, ditto.

In the month Addaru XII, it is good; he will hear good news from outside.

"If a person returns to his house" = Iqqur ipush 15 refers to the man who left without any omen and returned to his house.

In the month Nisannu I, there will be gladdening of the heart, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Ayyaru II, evil will be dissolved.

In the month Simanu III, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Du'uzu IV, there will be gladdening of the heart, the man will have his god and protective spirit with him.

In the month Shabatu XI, that man will prevail over his litigant.

In the month Addaru XII, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

"If a person enters his house" = Iqqur ipush 16 refers to the man who had leprosy, but then was healed and entered his house.

In the month Nisannu I, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Ayyaru II, wherever he goes, it will be favorable.

In the month Simanu III, that house will bring prosperity to its owner.

In the month Tashritu VII, there will be gladdening of the heart.

Obverse Column iii


ana _idim_ x# [...]

* ina (iti)_gu4_ [...]

* ina (iti)_sig4_ [_sag-pa-lagab_ ina _su na du8_]

* ina (iti)_apin_ [_idim_ ina É _lu usz_(at)]

* ina (iti)_gan_ lib-[bi _dug-ga_]

* ina (iti)_sze ugu en#_ [_inim_-szu _gub_(za)]

* _idim_-_bi bad_(te) szA _ka_ É(?)#-[szu ...]

* ina (iti)_gu4 sza-hul_(*)#-[_la_]

* ina (iti)_szu sag-pa#_-[_lagab_ ina _su na du8_]

* ina (iti)_ziz ugu_(*) _en#_ [_inim_-szu _gub_(za)]

* ina (iti)_sze sag_-[_pa-lagab_ ina _su na du8_]

* _idim_-_bi kur_-ma _lal_ [szA ...]

* ina (iti)_gu4_ e-[ma _du_(ku) ma-gir]

* ina (iti)_sig4_ É [_bi_ ana _igi_-szu _gin_]

* ina (iti)_apin_ É _bi_ x# [...]

* ina (iti)_ziz szu-bi_-[_asz-am_]

* ina (iti)_sze sag-pa_-[_lagab_ ina _su na du8_]

* _nig-la kud_(is) szA _ka_ [x x x x x (x)] / lu-u ap-ta(?)# [...]

* ina (iti)_sig4 sag_(*)#-[_pa-lagab_ ina _su lu du8_]

* ina (iti)_apin_ [_sag-pa-lagab_ ina _su lu du8_]

* ina (iti)_gan#_ [...]

AI Translation

To the god .

If in Ayyaru Month II, .

In the month Simanu III, a sagpalakku-mark is located on the man's body.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, a reed-plant will be killed in the man's house.

In Kislimu Month IX, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Addaru XII, he will prevail over his adversary.

If its idimbu-sign is "The wall" of the gate of his house .

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be sorrow.

In the month Du'uzu IV, a saggapu-mark is located on the man's body.

In the month Shabatu XI, he stands over his adversary.

In the month Addaru XII, he will make a sagpalakku-mark in the man's body.

If its magnetism rises and ... .

In the month Ayyaru II, wherever he goes, he will become rich.

In the month Simanu III, that house will grow bigger.

If in Arahsamnu Month VIII, that house .

In the month Shabatu XI, a shubbû-offering will take place.

In the month Addaru XII, a saggaluga-mark will be deposited in the man's body.

If he is surrounded by a halo, which ... ... ... .

In the month Simanu III, he will make a sagpalakku-mark in the man's body.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, a sagpalakku-mark is deposited in the man's body.

If in Kislimu Month IX .

Clay, Albert T.

to the noble ... ...

In the month Ayyaru II, ...

In the month Simanu III, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, a nobleman will die in the man's house.

In the month Kislimu IX, there will be gladdening of the heart.

In the month Addaru XII, that man will prevail over his litigant.

"If he opens his idim" = Iqqur ipush 23 refers to the man who opens the door ....

In the month Ayyaru II, there will be happiness.

In the month Du'uzu IV, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Shabatu XI, that man will prevail over his litigant.

In the month Addaru XII, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

"If he changes his idim and inspects it" = Iqqur ipush 24 refers to the man who ....

In the month Ayyaru II, wherever he goes, it will be favorable.

In the month Simanu III, that house will grow larger.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, that house... ...

In the month Shabatu XI, ditto.

In the month Addaru XII, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

"If he cuts a binding" = Iqqur ipush 26 refers to the man who a door ... or a window ....

In the month Simanu III, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Arahsamna VIII, the wailing will be dissolved from the man's body.

In the month Kislimu IX, ....

Reverse Column i


* (gisz(*))_kiri6_(*)# (gisz(*))_giszimmar_(*)# [iz-qup szA ...]

* [ina (iti)]_bara_(*)# [...]

* [ina (iti)x ...]

* ina (iti)[x ...]

* ina (iti)#[x ...]

AI Translation

If he strews a garden of date palms: he who .

In the month Nisannu I .

In the month .

In the month .

In the month .

Clay, Albert T.

"If he plants a garden of palms" = Iqqur ipush 46 refers to the man who ...

In the month Nisannu I ....

In the month ....

In the month ....

In the month ....

Reverse Column ii


_bara 1 4-1_/2 6-1/2 8 10 11 14 16 23 x-1/2# [...]

_gu4 2 6 8 10 12 15 16 18 22 24_(*)# [...]

_sig4 1 3 9 11 12 13 15 16_ x# [...]

_szu 1 3 7 11 13 17 19 21 22 24_(*)# [...]

_ne 1 2 5-1_/2 9 10 13 [x x] 16(*) [...]

_kin 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 14 15 17_(*) 19 21 23 [...]

_du6 1 6 8-1_/2 11 13-1/2 14 17 19 21 22 23 26(*) 28(*) x# [...]

_apin 2 6 7 9 11 13 15_(*) 18 19 21 23 24 25 26(?)# [...]

_gan 1 5 9 11 13 16 18 21 23 25#_ [...]

_ab 1 7 11-1_/2 13 14 18(*) 21(?) x# [...]

_ziz 1 3 11-1_/2 13 17-1/2 [...]

_sze 1 2 4 5_ x# [...]

_bara 2-kam 1 2 3 5 6#_ [...]

AI Translation

Favorable days in the month Nisannu I: 1 41/2 61/2 8 10 11 14 16 23 ... 1/2 .

Month II, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 2° 6' 8'; 10° 12' 15'; 16° 18' 22' 24' .

Simanu Month III, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 3° 9° 11° 12° 13° 15° 16° ... .

Favorable days in the month Du'uzu IV: 1 3 7 11 13 17 19 21 22 24 .

Favorable days in the month Abu V: 1 2 51/2 9 10 13 ... 16 .

Month VI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 3rd of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 5th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 7th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 9th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 11th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 14th of which followed the 15th of the preceding month, the 17th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 19th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 21st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 20th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of the preceding month, the 30th of

Tashritu Month VII, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 8° 8 1/2° 11° 13 1/2° 14° 17° 19'; 22° 23' 26° 28' ... .

Arahsamnu Month VIII, the 1st of which was identical with the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 2° 6' 7' 9' 11' 13' 15' 18' 19' 21' 23' 24' 25' 26' .

Kislimu IX: 1 5 9 11 13 16 18 21 23 25 .

Month X, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 7° 11 1/2° 13° 14° 18° 21° ... .

Month XI, the 1st of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset: 3° 11 1/2° 13' 17 1/2° .

Barley, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, ... .

Second Nisannu I: 1 2 3 5 6 .

Clay, Albert T.

Favorable days in the month Nisannu I: 1 41/2 61/2 8 10 11 14 16 23 ... ...

Favorable days in the month Ayyaru II: 2 6 8 10 12 15 16 18 22 24 ...

Favorable days in the month Simanu III: 1 3 9 11 12 13 15 16 ... ...

Favorable days in the month Du'uzu IV: 1 3 7 11 13 17 19 21 22 24 ...

Favorable days in the month Abu V: 1 2 51/2 9 10 13 ... 16 ...

Favorable days in the month Elulu VI: 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 14 15 17 19 21 23 ...

Favorable days in the month Tashritu VII: 1 6 81/2 11 131/2 14 17 19 21 22 23 26 28 ... ...

Favorable days in the month Arahsamna VIII: 2 6 7 9 11 13 15 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 ...

Favorable days in the month Kislimu IX: 1 5 9 11 13 16 18 21 23 25 ...

Favorable days in the month Tebetu X: 1 7 111/2 13 14 18 21 ... ...

Favorable days in the month Shabatu XI: 1 3 111/2 13 171/2 ...

Favorable days in the month Addaru XII: 1 2 4 5 ... ...

Favorable days in the month Second Nisannu I.2: 1 2 3 5 6 ...

P297038: administrative tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



_tur-ra_ ka-la-ab-(d)utu _sza3_ sza-al-la-at (d)da-gan-ma-dingir [sza] isz#!-tu! _e2 agrig_ i#!-tu-ra-am [_sza3] lu2 1(u) 2(disz)-mesz_ nam-ha-ar-ti

AI Translation

The small turru of Kalab-shamash, inside the sanctuaries of Dagan-ma-ili, which he returned from the agrig house, inside the 12 men of the namhartu-priests.



(disz)isz8-tar2-dingir _zadim_ _zi-ga nig2-szu_ (d)suen-sze-mi _ugula_ a-si-rum _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ ri-im-(d)a-nu-um _lugal-e unu(ki) u3 a2-dam-bi_

AI Translation

Ishtar-ilum, the ..., the property of Sîn-shemi, the overseer of Asirum. The month of Du'uzu, the day 1, the year in which Rim-Anum the king of Uruk and the dambi .

Seal 1


[isz8]-tar2#!-dingir dumu (d)suen-ga-mil _arad_ (d)nin-si4-an-na

AI Translation

Ishtar-ili, son of Sîn-gamil, servant of Ninsiana.

P297039: legal tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[(disz)(d)60]-_ad#_-_uri3 a_ sza2 (disz)#[(d)_utu_-_mu_(nu) ...] x x# [... ina] hu#-ud lib3#-[bi-szu2] [szal-szu2 _ha_]-_la#_-szu2 gab-bi# sza2 [_szuk_-_hi_]-A sza2(?) 20# _gur sze-bar 12 gur zu2#-lum-ma_ u3 1/2 _ma#_-[_na sig_-_hi-a_] [ina _nig2-ga_] (d)60 ina _e2 dingir_-_mesz_ sza2 _unug_(ki)# u3 ina _sar#_-_mesz_ sza2 _e2 sar_(ri) a-na (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_(nu) [_ad_]-szu2 tak#-ka-szi-du a-na 15 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ qa-lu-u2 is-ta-tir-ra-nu sza2 (disz)se-lu-ku#

[a-na] u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 it-ta-din a-na tar-s,i# sza2 (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3#_ [A sza2] (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu#_(nu) ma#-la pa-la-hu a-na muh#-hi pa-ni sza2 szal-szu2 ina _szuk_-_hi-a mu_-[_mesz_ ina] _e2 dingir_-_mesz_ sza2 _unug#_(ki) la ma#-[s,u] it#-ta-din (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3 mu#_-_mesz a_ sza2 (disz)(d)_utu#_-_mu_(nu) szal-szu2 ina _szuk_-_hi-a mu#_-_mesz_ a-na (disz)(d)60-_din_(it,)# _a#_ sza2 (disz)ana-_gal_-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)ba-la-t,u A (disz)lu-usz-tam-mar-(d)_iszkur#_ sza2 i-pal#-lah3 a-na muh#-[hi]

pa#-ni sza2 szal-szu2 ina _szuk_-_hi-a mu_-_mesz_ szal-szu2 ina _szuk_-_hi-a_ x _mu_-_mesz#_ [...] mim-ma gab#-bi sza2 a-na szal#-szu2 ina# _szuk_-_hi-a mu_-_mesz_ ik-kasz-szi-du i-na _asz2#_ (disz)(d)60-_din_(it,) A sza2 (disz)ana-_gal#_-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)ba-la#-t,u

A (disz)lu-usz-tam-mar-(d)_iszkur_ a-na _ni2_-szu2 a-na u4-mu s,a-a#-tu2 ina u4-mu x-x-ru-x# [(disz)(d)60-_din_(it,) A sza2 (disz)ana]-_gal#_-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)ba-la-t,u A (disz)lu-usz-tam-mar-(d)_iszkur#_ x-x-[...] [u] i#-qab-bu (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3_ (lu2)na-din-na szal-szu2 ina _szuk_-_hi-a mu_-_mesz_ x#-[...] [ina] _igi_ (lu2)man-am gab-bi sza2 (disz)(d)60-_din_(it,) A sza2 (disz)ana-_gal_-[(d)60 A sza2 (disz)ba-la-t,u ...]

AI Translation

Anu-ab-ushur, son of Shamash-ittannu ... voluntarily sold one-third of his share of the rations of 20 kur of barley, 12 kur of dates, and 1/2 mina of wool, in the property of Anu in the temple of the gods of Uruk, and in the documents of the house of the archivist to Shamash-ittannu, his father, for 15 shekels of refined silver, staters of Seleucus, as the complete price, to Seleucus, his father, in perpetuity.

Anu-ab-ushur, son of Shamash-ittannu, has received from Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, descendant of Lushtammar-Adad, as much as is needed for the replacement of one-third of those prebends in the temple of the gods of Uruk, and he is not responsible for the replacement of one-third of those prebends.

That one-third of that ration, one-third of that ration ... everything that pertains to that one-third of that ration belongs to Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, descendant of Kuri.

Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, descendant of Lushtammar-Adad, ... and says that Anu-ab-ushur, the seller of one-third of those rations ... in the presence of all the witnesses, of Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu .

Doty, L. Timothy

Anu-ab-ushur, son of Shamash-ittannu, ... voluntarily sold one-third of all of his shares of the ration, which are 20 kur of barley, 12 kur of dates, and 1/2 mina of wool, in the property of Anu, in the temple of the gods of Uruk, and in the writings of the archive building, which pertains to Shamash-ittannu, his father, for 15 shekels of refined silver, staters of Seleucus, as the complete price, to Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, descendant of Lushtammar-Adad, in perpetuity.

Because Anu-ab-ushur was not able to serve the service of the one-third of that ration from the temple of the gods of Uruk, that Anu-ab-ushur, the son of Shamash-ittannu, has given that one-third of a ration to Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, descendant of Lushtammar-Adad, who will perform the service in connection with that one-third of the ration.

That one-third in that ration, ... anything which pertains to that one-third in that ration, is at the disposal of Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, descendant of Lushtammar-Adad, by himself, in perpetuity.

On the day ..., Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, descendant of Balatu, and says that Anu-ab-ushur, the seller of the one-third of that ration ... in front of everyone, who Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, in the writings that the one-third of that ration are all in the name of Anu-uballit, son of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of Balatu, in perpetuity. ... Anu-ab-ushur, the seller ...



[...] sza2 (disz)x#-[...] x x x x# [... (disz)](d)_utu_-_mu#_[(nu)] [...] (disz)_szesz_-'u-u2-tu2 (disz)(d)60-x x# [...] x-x#-_mu a_ [...] [...]-x#-_mu a_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_din_(it,)# A sza2 (disz)[...]-x#-_mu_ x x# [...] [...] x x x x x x x# [...] x x# [...] [... (disz)]_nig2-sum-mu_-(d)#[60 ...] [...]-a# A (disz)hun-zu#-[u2 ...]

AI Translation

... of ... Shamash-ittannu ... Ah'utu Anu-... son of ...-iddin son of Anu-uballit son of ...-iddin ... Nidintu-Anu son of ... descendant of Hunzu

Doty, L. Timothy

... of ... Shamash-ittannu, ... Ah'utu. Anu-... ...-iddin, son of ... ...-iddin, son of Anu-uballit, son of ...-iddin, ... Nidintu-Anu, ... descendant of Hunzu ...

Top Column i


[un-qa] (disz)ta-nit-tum#-(d)60

AI Translation

Ring of Tanittu-Anu

Doty, L. Timothy

... Tanittu-Anu

P297041: legal tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



[...]-lu# ul-te-szu2 i(?)#-da-a x# [...]

[...]-_mesz_ u3 u2-de-e sza2 _e2 dingir_-_mesz#_ [...]

[...]-pu# a-na _unug_(ki) i#-[...]

[...]-x#-nu i-pal-lah3-'u a-na t,e3-e-mu# [...]

[...] u3 li#-[...] [...] (disz)ki-din-(d)#60 u (lu2)_unug#_[(ki)-a-a ...]

[...] (disz)ki-din-(d)#60 u (lu2)_unug#_[(ki)-a-a ...]

[...]-u _unug_(ki) [x]-x#-_mesz_ mah-ru(?)# [x x(?) ...]

[...] ki x ta# at-ta i(?) x# ru-u2-nu at-[...]

[...] x#-'u la#-pa-ni (lu2)qi2-pu-u2-tu2 sza2 _e2-gal_ a-[...]

[... (disz)]ki#-din-(d)60 u3 (lu2)_unug_(ki)-a-a li-bu-ku-u2 [...]

[...]-x#-'u a-na muh-hi t,e3-e-mu a-ga(?)#-[a ...]

[...] (iti)#_sig4 u4 28_-_kam2 mu 22_-_kam2_ [...] [...]-x#-ra-'a szu-lum# il-ta-pa-ar _lugal_ (disz)at#-[ti-'i-ku-su]

[...]-x#-ra-'a szu-lum# il-ta-pa-ar _lugal_ (disz)at#-[ti-'i-ku-su]

[... il]-ta#-pa-ar a-na (disz)a-ga-na-ti-i-su u3 [...]

[... i]-de-e-ku-'u sza2 ina nap#-har ni-pi-isz gab-bi x# [...]

[...] _nin_ da-ba-ne2-e u3 _u4-esz3-esz3_-_mesz_ lib3-bu-u2 [...]

[...]-u2 a-lam-_mesz_ sza2 _dingir_-_mesz_ a-na _unug_(ki) ib-ba-ak(?)-ki(?)# [...]

[...] x tu gi#-nu-u2 it-ti-ir la u2-ma(?)#-[...]

[...]-'u# at-tu-un [...]-x# sza2 t,e3-e-[mu ...]

[...] x# di sza2 _dingir_-_mesz_ a#-na _unug_(ki) i-te-er [...]

[...] it#-ti-ir la i-qar-ru-bu# [...]

[...]-x-u2# mah-ru-u2 lu-u2 ka-x#-[...] [...] (lu2)#_dub-sar_(ri) 1-_u4_ (d)60 (d)_en-lil2-la2_ sza2 [...]

[...] (lu2)#_dub-sar_(ri) 1-_u4_ (d)60 (d)_en-lil2-la2_ sza2 [...]

[...] x szar#-rat (f)a-pa-am a-na (disz)ip-pu-[...]

[...]-bi ana e-pesz u3 iq-ta-szu2(?) x# [...]

[... e]-pesz lib3-bu-u2 sza2 _lugal_ x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... from there ... .

... and the offerings of the temple .

... ... to Uruk .

... will be frightened; for news .

... and ... Kidin-Anu and the Urukean .

... Kidin-Anu and the Urukean .

... Uruk ...s before ... .

... ... you ... ... .

... ... the gatekeeper of the palace .

... Kidin-Anu and the Urukean shall be sworn by .

... concerning this report .

... Simanu, 28th day, 22nd year ... ... he sent a message of well-being to the king, Antiochus.

... ... he sent a message of well-being to the king, Antiochus.

... he has written to Agnatisu and .

... they sinned, who in all of the cultic rites ... .

... the lady of the daises and the esheshu-festivals, the heart .

... the statues of the gods to Uruk they shall bring .

. . . you .

... ... of the gods to Uruk he returned .

... they will not argue .

... before ... ... ... scribe, one day Anu and Ellil who .

... the scribe, one day Anu and Ellil of .

... ... queen Apam to Ippu-.

... to do and he said to him ... .

... the king's heart ... .

Doty, L. Timothy

... from it, the sides ...

... and the equipment of the temple of the gods ...

... for Uruk ...

... will perform service. At the instruction ...


... Kidin-Anu and the Urukean ...

... Uruk ... received ...


... in front of the qipu official of the palace ...

... let Kidin-Anu and the Urukean carry away ...

... concerning this instruction ...

... the 28th day of Simanu, year 22 ...

... is well, I have sent a message. The king, Antiochus

... he has sent a message: to Hagnotheos and ...

... he will summon. That whosoever? from the total of the tufts of wool ...

... the lady, the dabnû and esheshu offerings belong to ...

... he will lead the almû of the gods away to Uruk ...

... he will increase the ginû contributions, not ...

... you ... of the instruction ...

... of the gods to Uruk increased ...

... will increase, they may not claim ...

... is received ...

... the scribe of Enuma Anu Enlil who ...

... the queen, Apama to Ippu-...

... for doing the work and he has completed it ...

... for doing the wish of the king ...



[...]-x#-ku-nu-szu2 lib3-bu-u2-szu2 _egir_('a) _mu 28_-_kam2#_ [...] [...]-a-kan-nu iq-ta2-pu-u2 ina pa-ni-ia (e2)re-esz [...]

[...]-a-kan-nu iq-ta2-pu-u2 ina pa-ni-ia (e2)re-esz [...]

[...] _e2_(?)# _dingir_-_mesz_ sza2 _unug_(ki) in-ni-ip-pu-usz u3 ul# [...] [...] a-na# muh-hi (disz)ki-din-(d)60 *(_p2_) *(_p2_) a-na# [...] [...] x# (lu2)_dub-sar_(ri) 1-_u4_ (d)60 (d)_en-lil2-la2#_ [...]

[...] a-na# muh-hi (disz)ki-din-(d)60 *(_p2_) *(_p2_) a-na# [...] [...] x# (lu2)_dub-sar_(ri) 1-_u4_ (d)60 (d)_en-lil2-la2#_ [...]

[...] x# (lu2)_dub-sar_(ri) 1-_u4_ (d)60 (d)_en-lil2-la2#_ [...]

[... (e2)]re#-esz _e2 dingir_-_mesz_ sza2 _unug_(ki)# a-na x(?) (d)60# [...]

[... t,e3]-e#-mu isz-kun#-'u sza2 (e2)re-esz _e2 dingir_-_mesz_ [...]

[...]-hi# e-pesz sza2 (e2)re-esz il-lu-[...]

[...]-x-_mesz#_-'u in-ni-ip-pu-usz [...]

[...] t,e3-e-mu sza2-ki-in# [...] [...]-u2#-a t,e3-e-mu isz-kun ba-nu-u2 sza2 _e2_ [...]

[...]-u2#-a t,e3-e-mu isz-kun ba-nu-u2 sza2 _e2_ [...]

[...] il-lu-u2 li-im-ma-na-a-szu2 ul-tu sza2# [...]

[...]-sa#-du _mu 37_-_kam2 u4 10_-_kam2_ (iti)_gan_ t,e3-e-mu# [...] [...] sza2# (disz)ki-din-(d)60 (lu2)_masz-masz_ (d)60 u an-tum

[...] sza2# (disz)ki-din-(d)60 (lu2)_masz-masz_ (d)60 u an-tum

[...] x# u (disz)at-ti-'i-ku-su _lugal_-_mesz_ isz-t,ur _du3#_ [...] [...]-tum# (lu2)_umbisag 1_-_u4_ (d)60 (d)_en-lil2-la2_

[...]-tum# (lu2)_umbisag 1_-_u4_ (d)60 (d)_en-lil2-la2_

[... (disz)(d)30]-_ti_-_er2_ a-na a-ha-zi-szu2 _gid2-da u4_-_mesz_-szu2 _tin zi#_-[szu2]

[...] _sar_-ma u2-kin _mud_ (d)60 u an-tum li-is,-s,ur-szu2 li-[sza2-qir]

[...]-x#-szu2 ina _me sag_-szu2 la u2-szam-kusz-szu2 ina _iti_-szu2 a-na# [_e2_]


AI Translation

... ... his heart. After the 28th year ... ... he sinned against me. The Resh temple .

... ... he has spoken, in my presence the Resh temple .

... the temple of the gods of Uruk he built, and ... ... against Kidin-Anu ... ... scribe, one day of Anu and Ellil .

... against Kidin-Anu ... ... scribe, one day of Anu and Ellil .

... scribe, one day Anu, Ellil .

... Resh, temple of the gods of Uruk, to ... Anu .

... he gave orders. The Resh, temple of the gods .

... ... the work of the Resh temple .

... ... they will do .

... he established the order ... ... he established the order, the builder of the house .

... he established the order, the builder of the house .

... they will go, may they bring him out of .

...-sadu, 37th year, 10th day of Kislimu, report ... of Kidin-Anu, incantation priest of Anu and Antu

... of Kidin-Anu, incantation priest of Anu and Antu

... and Antiochus, kings, wrote.

... scribe, first-born of Anu, Ellil.

... Sin-leqi-unninni for his mutual benefit for a long life, for the preservation of his life.

... he wrote and deposited. May Anu and Antu guard him and make him happy.

... ... in battle, he did not spare him. In his month, to the house

Doty, L. Timothy

... his wish ... afterwards, year 28 ...

... they have plucked? ... before me the Resh Temple ...

... the temple of the gods of Uruk will be built, and not ...

... concerning Kidin-Anu :: to ...

... the scribe of Enuma Anu Enlil ...

... the Resh Temple, the temple of the gods of Uruk, to ... Anu ...

... they issued the instruction ... that the Bit Resh, the temple of the gods ...

... the work of the Resh Temple ...

... will be built ...

... the instruction is issued ...

... issued the instruction. The builders of the temple ...

... let them count the illu wool, from which ...

... 37th year, 10th day of Kislimu, the instruction ...

... that Kidin-Anu, incantation priest of Anu and Antu

... and Antiochus, kings, wrote. ...

... the scribe of Enuma anu Enlil ...

... Sin-leqi-unninni, for the acquiring of a long life

... ... and installed, he performed the services. May Anu and Anu guard and honor him

... in one-hundred ... not ... in that month to the temple


P297042: legal tablet

Hellenistic Oracc



(disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu dumu_ sza2 (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)60 A (disz)_ad_-_du10-ga_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 [mi]-szil# ina _u4 21_-_kam2 gisz-szub-ba#_-szu2 (lu2)_ku4# e2_(u2)-(tu2) _igi_ (d)60 an-tum x# [... u _dingir_-_mesz e2_]-szu2#-nu gab#-[bi sza2 _iti_(us)-(su)] kal _mu-an-na#_ [gu-uq-qa-ne2-e _u4-esz3-esz3_-_mesz_ u mim-ma gab-bi sza2 a-na] mi-szil ina [_u4 21_-_kam2 gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_ku4 e2_(u2)-(tu2) ...] _dumu_ sza2 (disz)[...] x# [...] [...] x# [...] [...]-szu2 [...] [...] x# [...] mi-szil

AI Translation

Nanaya-iddin, son of Nidintu-Anu, descendant of Abu-tab, voluntarily sold one-half of the 21st day of his prebend of the temple enterer before Anu, Antu, ... and all of the gods of their temples, monthly throughout the year, the guqqanê offerings, the esheshu offerings, and everything that pertains to one-half of the 21st day of the temple enterer's prebend ... son of ... ... half of the 21st day of his prebend ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... half of the guqqanê offerings, the esheshu offerings, and everything that pertains to one-half of the 21st day of the temple enterer's prebend ... son of ...

Doty, L. Timothy

Nanaya-iddin, son of Nidintu-Anu, descendant of Abu-tab, voluntarily sold one-half of his share of the twenty-first day of the temple-enterer prebend before Anu, Antu ... and all the gods of their temples, monthly throughout the year, the guqqû-offerings and the esheshu-offerings and anything that pertains to one-half of the twenty-first day of the temple-enterer prebend .... PN son of ... one-half of the twenty-first day of the temple-enterer prebend ... Zeriya, the son of Anu-ushallim ...




(disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3 dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_szu_-(d)60 (disz)tat-tan-nu _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mu_(nu) A (disz)#[...]

(disz)ki-din-(d)60 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)tat-tan-nu A (disz)_e2-kur_-za-kir (disz)ina-qi2-bit-(d)60 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_din_(it,)# [A ...]

(disz)(d)_utu_-_sur dumu_ sza2 (disz)ba-la-t,u A (disz)lu-usz-tam-mar-(d)_iszkur_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)[...]

(disz)ni-din-tum-(d)60 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mu_(nu) A (disz)hun-zu-u2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-[...]

(disz)(d)_inana_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu a_ (disz)im-bi-(d)60 (disz)(d)60-_numun_-_mu dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu a_ (disz)_e2-kur#_-[za-kir]

(disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mu_(nu) u (disz)(d)60-_en_-szu2-nu _dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)ana-_gal_-ka-(d)60 A (disz)(d)30-_ti_-_er2_ (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ (lu2)_umbisag dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3 a_ (disz)_szu_-(d)60 _unug_(ki) (iti)_gu4 u4 9_-_kam2 mu 17_-_kam2_

(disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ (lu2)_umbisag dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3 a_ (disz)_szu_-(d)60 _unug_(ki) (iti)_gu4 u4 9_-_kam2 mu 17_-_kam2_ (disz)se-lu-ku _lugal_

AI Translation


Anu-ab-ushur, son of Anu-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Gimil-Anu; Tattannu, son of Anu-ah-ittannu, descendant of .

Kidin-Anu, son of Tattannu, descendant of Ekur-zakir; Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Anu-uballit, descendant of .

Shamash-etir, son of Balatu, descendant of Lushtammar-Adad; Nanaya-iddin, son of .

Nidintu-Anu, son of Anu-ah-ittannu, descendant of Hunzu. Nanaya-iddin, son of Anu-.

Ishtar-ahhe-iddin, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Imbi-Anu; Anu-zer-iddin, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Ekur-zakir

Anu-ah-ittannu and Anu-belshunu, sons of Ana-rabutika-Anu, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni. Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe, son of Anu-ab-ushur, descendant of Gimil-Anu. Written in Uruk. 9th day of Ayyaru, 17th year of Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe of Anu-ab-ushur.

Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe, son of Anu-ab-ushur, descendant of Gimil-Anu. Written in Uruk. 9th day of Ayyaru, 17th year Seleucus being king.

Doty, L. Timothy


Anu-ab-ushur, son of Anu-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Gimil-Anu; Tattannu, son of Anu-ah-ittannu, descendant of ...

Kidin-Anu, son of Tattannu, descendant of Ekur-zakir; Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Anu-uballit, descendant of ...

Shamash-etir, son of Balatu, descendant of Lushtammar-Adad; Nanaya-iddin, son of ...

Nidintu-Anu, son of Anu-ah-ittannu, descendant of Hunzu; Nanaya-iddin, son of Anu-...

Ishtar-ahhe-iddin, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Imbi-Anu; Anu-zer-iddin, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Ekur-zakir

Anu-ah-ittannu and Anu-belshunu, sons of Ana-rabutika-Anu, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni

Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe, son of Anu-ab-ushur, descendant of Gimil-Anu. Written in Uruk. Ayyaru, day 9, year 17, Seleucus being king.

Top Column i


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)ina-qi2-[bit]-(d)#60

AI Translation

Seal of Ina-qibit-Anu

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Ina-qibit-Anu

Top Column ii


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)ki-din-(d)60

AI Translation

Seal of Kidin-Anu

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Kidin-Anu

Top Column iii


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)tat-tan-nu

AI Translation

Seal of Tattannu

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Tattannu

Top Column iv


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_sur_

AI Translation

Seal of Shamash-etir

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Shamash-etir

Bottom Column i


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu_

AI Translation

Seal of Nanaya-iddin

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Nanaya-iddin

Bottom Column ii


(na4)_kiszib#_ (disz)(d)_inana_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_

AI Translation

Seal of Ishtar-ahhe-iddin

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Ishtar-ahhe-iddin

Bottom Column iii


(na4)_kiszib#_ (disz)(d)60-_numun_-_mu_

AI Translation

Seal of Anu-zer-iddin

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Anu-zer-iddin

Bottom Column iv


(na4)[_kiszib_] (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mu_[(nu)]

AI Translation

Seal of Anu-ah-ittannu

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Anu-ah-ittannu

Left Column i


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3_

AI Translation

Seal of Anu-ab-ushur

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Anu-ab-ushur

Left Column ii


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)60-_en_-szu2-nu

AI Translation

Seal of Anu-belshunu

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Anu-belshunu

Left Column iii


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu_

AI Translation

Seal of Nanaya-iddin

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Nanaya-iddin

Left Column iv


(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)60

AI Translation

Seal of Nidintu-Anu

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Nidintu-Anu



un-qa (disz)(d)na-na-a-_mu dumu#_ sza2 (disz)ni#-[din-tum-(d)60] (lu2)na-din-na-nu _gisz-szub-ba mu_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Ring of Nanaya-iddin, son of Nidintu-Anu, seller of that prebend

Doty, L. Timothy

Seal of Nanaya iddin, son of Nidintu-Anu, the seller of that prebend

P297044: administrative bulla

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

Seal 1


lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3

AI Translation

Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.

Seal 2


ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka

AI Translation

Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.

P297076: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-nigar(gar)-ta si-_ne_-e

    AI Translation
  • 30 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-nigar, si-ne'e;



    szu ba-ti mu 4(disz)-kam us2

    AI Translation

    received; year: "4.

    P297077: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) (gesz)dusu za3 mangaga la2-a
  • mangaga-bi ki ur-e11-e-ta guru7-a im ur3-de3 u3-ma-ni szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 40 ...s, ...,
  • its barley-fed grain from Ur-e'e, the grain-fed granary, the reed-fed reed, Umani received.



    giri3 na-bi2-(d)en-lil2 dumu-lugal mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Nabi-Enlil, the crown prince; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P297123: legal tablet

    Hellenistic Oracc



    [(f)_amat_-ia _dumu_]-_munus#_ sza2 (disz)ri-hat#-(d)60 sza2 x x# _dam_ (disz)ha-ni-na-'a sza2 _mu_-szu2 sza2#-nu-u2 (disz)ina-E-(d)60 x x A sza2# (disz)ri-hat-(d)bu-ne#-ne (lu2)[e]-pisz dul-lu4# _im_-_hi-a_ sza2 _e2 dingir_-_mesz_ sza2 _unug_(ki) ina hu-ud lib3-bi#-szu2 ki-szub#-ba-a-szu2 sza2 x# (d)60 _ki_(ti3) (e2)_sag_ sza2 X gab-bu-u2 x x# x sza2 ri x bu-u2-tu2 20 _kusz3 us2 an_(u2) (tu15)_si-sa2_ [...] (disz)ha-ab#-ba-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)ana-_gal_-(d)60 (lu2)_nagar_ u ki-szub-ba-a

    AI Translation

    Amatia, daughter of Rihat-Anu, ... wife of Hanina, whose other name is Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Rihat-Bunene, the eponymy of the clay work of the temple of the gods of Uruk, voluntarily sold her undeveloped plot of ... of Anu in the Resh temple district of ... all of ..., 20 cubits the upper length to the north ... Habba-Anu son of Ana-rabut-Anu, carpenter, and undeveloped plot

    Nies, James B.

    Amatiya daughter of Rihat-Anu who ... wife of Haninna, whose second name is Ina-qibit-Anu x son of Rihat-Bunene, the clay-worker of the temple of Uruk, voluntarily sold in perpetuity her undeveloped plot of x Anu in the Resh temple quarter which ... entirety ... to Haninna, whose second name is Straton, son of Diogenes for 2 shekels of refined silver, for the complete price: 20 cubits the north upper length ... Habba-Anu son of Ana-rabut-Anu the carpenter and the developed plot ... of Tanittu-Anu son of Anu-belshunu descendant of Ah'utu; 20 cubits the southern lower length adjacent to the house of Ana-rabut-Anu the carpenter ... and the undeveloped plot of Halil-Anu son of Tabat-Anu; 20 cubits the upper western width adjacent to the house of the aforementioned Amatiya and the access-way of that undeveloped plot; 20 cubits the lower eastern width adjacent to the undeveloped plot of that Amatiya and the access-way of Amatiya, the seller; Haninna received; ... the measurement of that undeveloped plot --- as little or as much as there is. 2 shekels silver, the complete price of that undeveloped plot, Amatiya received from Haninna; she is paid in full.



    u4-mu pa-qa-ri a-na# _ugu_ (lu2)x [...] x [...] (disz)ra-u2-ba-'a x [x] x A sza2 (disz)x-[...] a-di [...] 12-_ta-am3_ a-na (disz)ha-ni-na-'a a-na# [...] i#-nam-[din] pu-u2-ut a-ha-misz a-na mu-ur-raq sza2 ki#-[szub-ba-a ...] x x [...] u (disz)ra-u2-ba-'a# [...] u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 na-szu-[u2 ...] sza2 (disz)ha-ni#-[na-'a sza2 _mu_]-szu2 sza2-nu-u2 (disz)is-ra-tu#-[nu ...]

    a-na u4-[mu ...] szu#-u2 (lu2)mu-kin7 [...] (disz)(d)60-_din_-su-_e a_ sza2 (disz)ana-_gal_-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)(d)[...] (disz)(d)60-_din_-su-_e a_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mu_(nu)# [...]

    (disz)(d)na-na-a-_kam2 a_ sza2 (disz)_nig2-sum-mu#_-[...] (disz)(d)60-_din_-su-_e a_ sza2 (disz)tat#-tan-[nu ... (disz)](d)60#-[...]

    (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3 a_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_mu_-[...] A (disz)dum#-[qi2-(d)60 ...] (disz)i-dat-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)a-ri-is#-[tu]-'a _a#_ [sza2 (disz)](d)60-x-[...]

    (disz)t,u-hat-_a a_ sza2 (disz)i-dat-(d)#[60 (disz)](d)60-_szesz_-_mesz#_-_mu_ (lu2)_umbisag_ [...] A sza2 (disz)_nig2-sum-mu_-(d)60 A (disz)(d)30-_ti_-_er2 unug_(ki) (iti)_gu4_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Should a claim concerning that undeveloped plot arise, Ruba' ... son of ... will pay the 12-fold penalty to Hanina to ...; he bears shared responsibility for clearing that undeveloped plot ... and Ruba' ... that undeveloped plot belongs to Hanina whose other name is Isratunu .

    Witnesses: ... Anu-balassu-iqbi son of Ana-rabut-Anu son of ... Anu-balassu-iqbi son of Anu-ah-ittannu .

    Nanaya-eresh son of Nidintu-...; Anu-balassu-iqbi son of Tattannu ...; Anu-.

    Anu-ab-ushur son of Anu-shum-... descendant of Dumqi-Anu ...; Idat-Anu son of Aristu'a son of Anu-.

    Tuhat-apli son of Idat-Anu; Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe ... son of Nidintu-Anu descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni. Uruk. Ayyaru. .

    Nies, James B.

    Should a claim arise concerning that ...., Ra'uba son of ... will clear it and pay the 12-fold penalty to Haninna in perpetuity. ... and Ra'uba bear mutual responsibility for clearing of that undeveloped plot in perpetuity. That undeveloped plot belongs to Haninna, whose other name is Straton ... in perpetuity.

    Witnesses: ...; Anu-balassu-iqbi son of Ana-rabut-Anu son of ...; Anu-balassu-iqbi son of Anu-ah-ittannu ...

    Nanaya-eresh son of Nidintu-Anu ...; Anu-balassu-iqbi son of Tattannu ... Anu-... ....

    Anu-ab-ushur son of Anu-MU-... son of Dumqi-Anu; Idat-Anu son of Ariston son of Anu-...

    Tuhat-apli son of Idat-Anu; Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe, son of Nidintu-Anu descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni. Written in Uruk. Ayyaru day broken, year 163. Alexander being king.

    Top Column i


    un-qa (disz)(d)60-_din_-su-E

    AI Translation

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Top Column ii


    un-qa (disz)(d)#na-na-a-_kam2#_

    AI Translation

    Ring of Nanaya-eresh

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Nanaya-eresh

    Top Column iii


    un-qa (disz)t,u-hat-A

    AI Translation

    Ring of Tuhat-apli

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Tuhat-apli

    Bottom Column i


    un-[qa] (disz)(d)60-_din_-su#-[E]

    AI Translation

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Bottom Column ii


    [un]-qa [...]

    AI Translation

    Ring of ...

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of ...

    Left Column i


    un-qa (disz)i-dat-(d)60

    AI Translation

    Ring of Idat-Anu

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Idat-Anu

    Left Column ii


    un-qa (disz)(d)60-_ad_-_uri3_

    AI Translation

    Ring of Anu-ab-ushur

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Anu-ab-ushur

    Right Column i


    un-qa# [na-di]-na#-tum _e2 mu_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Ring of the seller of that house

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of ..., seller of that house

    Right Column ii


    [un-qa (disz)ha-ni-na]-'a (lu2)mu-ur-raq _e2 mu_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Ring of Hanina, guarantor of that house

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Haninna, guarantor of that house

    P297124: legal tablet

    Hellenistic Oracc



    [...] [x x x (x)] A x szi x (disz)(d)na-[...] szu x x (disz)ta#-[nit]-tum-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)[ki-din-(d)60 ...] ina# _e2_-_mesz_-szu2-nu u3# ki-szub-ba-a-szu2-nu ina _unug#_[(ki) ...] ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2-nu _ki_ a-ha-a-[misz ...]

    (f)ina-E-(d)na-na-a _dumu-munus_ sza2 (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)60 ina hu-ud# lib3-bi-szu2 _e2_ [...] 16 _kusz3 us2 an_(u2) (tu15)_mar-tu da_ mesz-hat sza2-ni-tum sza2 x# [... ...] _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_(nu); 16 _kusz3 us2# ki_(u2) (tu15)#[_kur-ra_ ...] [... x]+13 _kusz3_ [...] [_an_]-_ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da sila# lugal_-_mesz_ x x x# [... _sag_]-_ki# ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18#_-[_lu_ ...] _da_ mu-s,u sza2 _e2 mu_-_mesz_ x# [... (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_] _dumu_ sza2# (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_(nu) mesz-hat# [...]

    [a]-na _ugu_(hi) _e2_ u ki-szub-ba-a# _mu_-_mesz_ [it]-tab-szu-u2 (disz)_uri3_-szu2-(d)60 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)ta-nit-tum-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)ki-din-(d)60

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... Nanittu-Anu, son of Kidin-Anu ... in their houses and undeveloped plots in Uruk ... voluntarily ... together .

    Ina-qibit-Nanaya, daughter of Nidintu-Anu, voluntarily sold ... the house: 16 cubits the upper western length adjacent to the second plot of ... son of Shamash-ittannu; 16 cubits the lower eastern length ... x+13 cubits ... the upper northern length adjacent to the street of the kings ... the lower southern width ... adjacent to the access-way of that house ... Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Shamash-ittannu; the lower southern width .

    Ushurshu-Anu, son of Tanittu-Anu, son of Kidin-Anu, has received that house and undeveloped plot for the price of that house and undeveloped plot.

    Nies, James B.

    ... Na-... Tanittu-Anu son of Kidin-Anu ... voluntarily exchanged between themselves the shares in their houses and undeveloped plots in Uruk

    Ina-qibit-Nanaya daughter of Nidintu-Anu voluntarily gave in exchange, in perpetuity, to Rihat-Anu son of Sha-Anu-ishu descendant of Hunzu a house ...: 16 cubits the long upper western side adjacent to the second plot of land of Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Shamash-ittannu; 16 cubits the long lower eastern side ...; x+13 cubits the upper northern width adjacent to the street of the kings ... x cubits the southern lower width ... adjacent to the access-way of that house ... Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Shamash-ittannu. A second measurement of land of that house: 14 1/3 cubits ... the undeveloped plot of the house ...; 14 1/3 cubits the lower ... length; ... upper ... width adjacent to the broad street "the thoroughfare of the gods and kings" ... Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Shamash-ittannu. A third measurement of land of that undeveloped plot of ...: ... cubits the western upper length ... the undeveloped plot of Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Shamash-ittannu; 8 cubits the lower western side ... the east-facing suite adjacent to the ... plot ...; 7 cubits the northern upper width adjacent to the broad road, "the thoroughfare of the gods and king"; 7 cubits the lower southern width adjacent to the house of Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Shamash-ittannu: Total of the three measurements of that house and undeveloped plot---that house and undeveloped plot, as much and as little as there is, all of it.

    Should a claim concerning that house and undeveloped plot arise, Ushurshu-Anu son of Tanittu-Anu son of Kidin-Anu descendant of Hunzu will clear it and pay the 12-fold penalty to Rihat-Anu in perpetuity. That house and undeveloped plot belong to Rihat-Anu son of Sha-Anu-ishu son of Kidin-Anu descendant of Hunzu in perpetuity.



    (disz)ri-hat-(d)60 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)sza2-(d)#60-isz-szu-u2 A sza2 (disz)ki-din-(d)60 A (disz)hun-zu-u2 ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 _e2#_-tum-szu2 ki-szub-ba-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _e2_ (d)_lugal-ir9-ra_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki) 23 _kusz3 us2 an#_(u2) (tu15)4 _da_ ki-szub-ba-a# sza2 (f)ina-E-(d)[na]-na-a _dumu_(!)-(_munus_) sza2 (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)60 _dam_ (disz)sza2-(d)60-isz-szu#-u2 [A sza2] (disz)ta#-nit-tum-(d)60 23 _kusz3 us2 ki_(u2) (tu15)3 _da_ [_e2_] (disz)ina-qi2-bit-(d)60 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)ki-din-(d)60

    it-ta-din u4-mu pa-qa-ri a-na _ugu_(hi) _e2 mu_-_mesz_ it-tab-szu-u2 (disz)ri#-[hat-(d)60 (lu2)]na-din#-na-an _e2 mu_-_mesz dumu_ sza2 ((_dumu_ sza2)) (disz)sza2-(d)60-isz-szu-u2 a-di 12-_ta_-_am3_ u2-mar-raq-ma a-na (f)[ina-E-(d)na-na-a] a-na# u4-mu# s,a-a-tu2 [...] ki-szub#-[ba-a] sza2# (f)ina-E-(d)na-na-a# _dumu-munus_ sza2 (disz)ni-(din)-tum-(d)60 _dam_ (disz)sza2-(d)60-isz#-szu-u2 x [...]-tum x a-na u4-mu# s,a-a-tu2 szu-u2

    ana _ugu_ szu-pel-tum-szu2-nu ul i-tur-u2-ma _ki#_ a-ha-a-misz a-na u4-mu s,a#-a-tu2 x x x x x x# szu-pel-ti-szu2 a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 usz-szu-zum# man-am sza ri-ik-su sza2 (im)sza2-t,a-ri an-na-a u2-sza2-an-na# [1] _ma-na# ku3-babbar_ a-na _lu2_ sza2 la u2-sza2-nu-u2

    ina-an-din 1(en)-_ta-am3_ sza2#-t,a-ri _ti_(qe2)#-u2 (lu2)mu-kin7# (disz)(d)60-_din_-su-E u (disz)[...] sza2 (disz)[...] sza2 (disz)(d)x A (disz)_szesz_-'u-u2-tu2

    (disz)(d)60-_dumu_-_mu_(nu) _dumu_ sza2 (disz)man-nu-i-qa-pu A (disz)kur-i (disz)(d)60-_ad#_-_uri3 dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_szesz_-'u-u2-tu2 (disz)_nu_-_tesz2 dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)60-_gi_ u (disz)(d)60-_gi dumu_ sza2 (disz)_din a_-_mesz#_ (disz)lu-usz#-tam-mar-(d)#_iszkur_ (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mu#_(nu) _dumu_ sza2 (disz)_nu_-_tesz2 a_ (disz)_szesz_-'u-u2-tu2 (disz)(d)60-_din_-su-_e dumu_ sza2 (disz)_nu_-_tesz2_

    (disz)sza2-(d)#60-isz#-szu-u2 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)ta-nit-tum-(d)60 A sza2 (disz)ki-din-(d)60 A (disz)hun-zu-u2

    (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ (lu2)_umbisag dumu_ sza2# (disz)(d)60-_en#_-szu2-nu A (disz)_e2-kur_-za-kir _unug_(ki) (iti)_apin u4 22_-_kam mu 95_-_kam_ (disz)an-ti-'i-ku-su _lugal_

    AI Translation

    Rihat-Anu, son of Sha-Anu-ishu, son of Kidin-Anu, descendant of Hunzu, voluntarily sold his bit qati, his undeveloped plot, in the Lugalira temple district that is in Uruk: 23 cubits the upper northern length adjacent to the undeveloped plot of Ina-qibit-Nanaya, daughter of Nidintu-Anu, wife of Sha-Anu-ishu, son of Tanittu-Anu; 23 cubits the lower southern length adjacent to the house of Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Kidin-Anu; 23 cubits the lower southern length adjacent to the undeveloped plot of Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Kidin-Anu; 23 cubits the lower eastern width adjacent to the house of Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Kidin-Anu; 23 cubits the lower eastern width adjacent to the house of Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Kidin-Anu, in perpetuity.

    Should a claim concerning that house arise, Rihat-Anu, the seller of that house, son of Sha-Anu-ishu, will clear it and pay the 12-fold penalty to Ina-qibit-Nanaya in perpetuity. That undeveloped plot belongs to Ina-qibit-Nanaya, daughter of Nidintu-Anu, wife of Sha-Anu-ishu, in perpetuity.

    Concerning their exchange, they did not return and they mutually in perpetuity ... his exchange in perpetuity he gave. Whoever the reed of this document shall redeem, 1 mina of silver to the man who does not redeem.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Anu-mar-ittannu, son of Mannu-iqapu, descendant of Kuri; Anu-ab-ushur, son of Anu-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Ah'utu; Labashi, son of Anu-ushallim and Anu-ushallim, son of Balatu, descendants of Lushtammar-Adad; Anu-ah-ittannu, son of Labashi, descendant of Ah'utu; Anu-balassu-iqbi, son of Labashi

    Sha-Anu-ishu, son of Tanittu-Anu, son of Kidin-Anu, descendant of Hunzu

    Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe, son of Anu-belshunu, descendant of Ekur-zakir. Written in Uruk. 22nd day of Arahshamnu, 95th year Antiochus being king.

    Nies, James B.

    Rihat-Anu son of Sha-Anu-ishu son of Kidin-Anu descendant of Hunzu voluntarily gave in exchange, in perpetuity, for the house to Ina-qibit-Nanaya daughter of Nidintu-Anu his house and his undeveloped field in the Lugal-ira temple district that is in Uruk: 23 cubits the long upper western side adjacent to the undeveloped field of Ina-qibit-Nanaya daughter of Nidintu-Anu wife of Sha-Anu-ishu son of Tanittu-Anu; 23 cubits the long lower side adjacent to the house of Ina-qibit-Anu son of Kidin-Anu; 23 cubits the upper southern width ... and the out-buiding of that house and Tanittu-Anu son of Kidin-Anu; 12? cubits the northern upper width that is adjacent to the broad road "the thoroughfare of the gods and king"; 9 5/6 cubits the lower southern width adjacent to the house of Tanittu-Anu son of Kidin-Anu: the total 23 cubits the long sides, 11 5/6 cubits the widths are the measurements of that house and that undeveloped plot----as little or as much as there is, entirely---and one-half the x-ba-x and the out-building that is with Tanittu-Anu son of Kidin-Anu and one-third of the access-way.

    Should a claim concerning that house arise, Rihat-Anu, the seller of that house, son of Sha-Anu-isȟshu, will clear it and pay the 12-fold penalty to Ina-qibit-Anu in perpetuity. That house and undeveloped plot belongs to Ina-qibit-Nanaya daughter of Nidintu-Anu wife of Sha-Anu-ishu ... in perpetuity.

    With respect to their exchange, they will not turn away from it and they are mutually responsible in perpetuity ...; its exchange is valid in perpetuity. Whoever may change the agreement of this document will pay 1 mina of silver to the one who does not change it; each took a copy of the document.

    Witnesses: Anu-balassu-iqbi and ... son of ... son of ... descendant of Ah'utu

    Anu-mar-ittannu son of Mannu-iqapu descendant of Kuri; Anu-ab-ushur son of Anu-ahhe-iddin descendant of Ah'utu; Labashi son of Anu-ushallim and Anu-ushallim son of Balatu descendants of Lushtammar-Adad; Anu-ah-ittannu son of Labashi descendant of Ah'utu; Anu-balassu-iqbi son Labashi descendant of Ekur-zakir; Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Ubar son of Ittannat-Bel son of Nanaya-eresh descendant of Lushtammar-Adad

    Sha-Anu-ishu son of Tanittu-Anu son of Kidin-Anu descendant of Hunzu

    Anu-ahhe-iddin, the scribe, son of Anu-belshunu son of Ekur-zakir. Written in Uruk. Arahshamnu 22. Year 95 Antiochus being king.

    Top Column i


    [un]-qa [...]

    AI Translation

    Ring of ...

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of ...

    Top Column ii


    un-qa [...]

    AI Translation

    Ring of ...

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of ....

    Top Column iii


    un-qa [...]

    AI Translation

    Ring of ...

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of ...

    Top Column iv


    un-qa [...]

    AI Translation

    Ring of ...

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of ...

    Bottom Column i


    un-qa (disz)(d)60-_szesz_-_mu_(nu)

    AI Translation

    Ring of Anu-ah-ittannu

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Anu-ah-ittannu

    Bottom Column ii


    un-qa (disz)(d)60-_din_-su-E

    AI Translation

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Bottom Column iii


    un-qa (disz)_nu_-_tesz2_

    AI Translation

    Ring of Labashi

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Labashi

    Bottom Column iv


    un-qa (disz)(d)60-_dumu_-_mu_(nu)

    AI Translation

    Ring of Anu-mar-ittannu

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Anu-mar-ittannu

    Left Column i


    un-qa [(disz)(d)60-_din_]-su#-E

    AI Translation

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

    Left Column ii


    un-qa (disz)_nu_-_tesz2_

    AI Translation

    Ring of Labashi

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Labashi

    Left Column iii


    un-qa (disz)sza2-(d)60-isz-szu-[u2]

    AI Translation

    Ring of Sha-Anu-ishu

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Sha-Anu-ishu

    Left Column iv


    un-qa (disz)ana-_gal_-(d)60 _dumu_ sza2# [x]

    AI Translation

    Ring of Ana-rabut-Anu, son of .

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Ana-rabut-Anu son of ...

    Right Column i


    un-qa (disz)ri-hat-(d)#60 [...]

    AI Translation

    Ring of Rihat-Anu .

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Rihat-Anu ...

    Right Column ii


    un-qa (disz)ina-E-(d)na-na-a [...]

    AI Translation

    Ring of Ina-qibit-Nanaya .

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Ina-qibit-Nanaya ...

    Right Column iii


    un-qa (disz)_uri3_-szu2-(d)[60] _dumu_ sza2# (disz)ta-nit-tum-(d)60

    AI Translation

    Ring of Ushurshu-Anu, son of Tanittu-Anu

    Nies, James B.

    Ring of Ushurshu-Anu son of Tanittu-Anu

    P297139: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    szu ba-an-ti# (disz)e#-ri-ib-[x]-x sze i3-ag2-e igi i-ku-pi4-(d)suen dumu (d)za-ba4-ba4-ba-ni

    AI Translation

    Erib-... received the barley; before Ikun-pî-Sîn, son of Zababani;



    igi (d)za-ba4-ba4-[i-din]-nam dumu za#-zu#?-ru-um igi li-pi2-it-esz18-dar szesz la-al-lum lu2 ka-zal-lu(ki)

    AI Translation

    before Zababa-iddinam, son of Zazurum; before Lipit-Ishtar, brother of Laallum, man of Kazallu;

    P297141: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(u) 2(asz) gur zu2-lum_
  • _(gesz)banesz_ nam-har-ti _mu-kux(_du_)_ (d)utu-li-wi-ir u3 a-hu-szi-na nam-har-ti i-bi-(d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation
  • 32 gur of dates,
  • The table of the harû-festival; delivery of Shamash-li-wir and their ... of the harû-festival of Ibbi-Ninshubur.



    _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su#-i-lu-na _lugal gu-za bara2 ku3-sig17 min-a-bi (d)marduk (d)zar-pa-ni-tum-bi-da_

    AI Translation

    Month of Dur-Sharrukku, 1st day, year: "Samsu-iluna, king, the throne of the gold baratheon, its minas" — Marduk, Zarpanitum-bida.

    Seal 1


    i-bi-(d)nin-szubur dumu a-ha-am-nir-szi _arad_ (d)nin-szubur u3 _an sza_

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Ninshubur, son of Aham-nirshi, servant of Ninshubur and of the god Anu.

    P297142: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) e2 kar-ra
  • a2-bi nig2 mu 1(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki (d)nanna-e2-mah (disz)ki-mu-u2 in-hu-un sza3-bi-ta mu 1(disz)-kam

  • 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sza3#-ga#-(ni) al-du10

    AI Translation
  • 1 house in the quay,
  • its labor: ..., 1st year.

  • 1 2/3 shekels silver,
  • Kimû has received from Nanna-emah; therefrom: 1 year;

  • 1/2 shekel of silver,
  • he is very good in his heart.



    mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi ib-ni-(d)suen _disz_ szu-(d)nin-mar-ki _disz_ puzur4-(d)gu-la _disz_ (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am iti (gesz)apin-du8-a mu ugnim unu(ki) lugal-bi u3 a2-dah-bi (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Ibni-Sîn, Shu-Ninmarki, Puzur-Gula, and Sîn-iribam. Month: "Piglet-feast," year: "The king of Uruk and its envoys took the weapons."

    P297143: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)# gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 6(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • 2(asz) gur sze szu-la2-sze3
  • ki e2-a-da-pi2-in (disz)na-ra-am-(d)suen dumu i3-li2-ki-ib-ri szu ba-an-ti mu#-kux(_du_) u4 buru14-sze3 sze-bi u3 ku3-bi i3-la2-e

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/4 shekels 6 grains silver,
  • 2 gur of barley for the shula-festival,
  • Naram-Sîn, son of Ili-kibri, received from Ea-dapin; at the delivery of the harvest, its barley and its silver he will weigh out.



    igi (d)suen-ra-bi dumu nu-ur2-ku-bi igi nu-ur2-ku-bi sanga! (d)iszkur igi (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am igi (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni dub-sar iti udru(duru5) mu bad3 ha-bu#-us(ki#)

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-rabi, son of Nur-kubbi; before Nur-kubbi, priest of Adad; before Sîn-eribam; before Sîn-ishmeani, the scribe. Month: "Udru," year: "The wall of Habus was erected."

    Seal 1


    na-ra-am-(d)suen dumu i3-li2-ki-ib#-ri

    AI Translation

    Naram-Sin, son of Ili-kibri.

    P297144: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sin-nig2-ba _sza3-tam_
  • 7(disz) 2/3(disz) _(gin2)_ 1(u) 5(disz) u2-t,e4-tim
  • (disz)lu2-(d)na-bu-um sza ka-ni-(ki) _sumun_

  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza ka-ni-ik _8(asz) gur zu2-lum (gesz)banesz_ (d)marduk
  • (disz)lu2-(d)na-bu-um _ki 2(disz)_

  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ lu2-nig2-ba
  • AI Translation
  • 10 shekels of silver, the 'request' of the shatammu-offering,
  • 7 2/3 shekels 15 utetim-measures;
  • Lu-Nabu of Kani, given.

  • 1 shekel of silver for the kanik-offering of 8 gur dates, the table of Marduk;
  • Lu-Nabu, with 2 sons,

  • 1 shekel of silver: the guarantor;
  • Reverse


    _szunigin 1(u) 9(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) u2-(t,e4)-tim _ku3-babbar_ _szu-ti-a_ sin-nig2-ba u3! lu2-((d))_ag_ _iti sig4-a u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu i7_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _he-eg-gal_

    AI Translation

    total: 19 5/6 shekels 15 utetim silver, the debts, and the man-Nabû. The month of Simanu, the day 25 the year in which Samsu-iluna the Great Canal

    P297145: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(asz) sze gur_
  • _sza3 gu2-un a-sza3_-im (disz)dumu-(d)utu a-na (d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir u2#-qa2-ri-ib# _u4 buru14-sze3_

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor of barley
  • The seed-measure of the field Mar-Shamash for Nabium-nashir shall measure out. At the delivery of the harvest,



    _ib2#-tak4 gu2-un a-sza3_ i-pa-al _igi_ ib-ni-(d)suen ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ _pi_-x-x-lam-tu-u2 _igi_ e-t,e-rum _iti apin-du8-a u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e bara2-bara2-a ku3-sig17-ga x_

    AI Translation

    he will pay. The capital of the field he shall take. Before Ibni-Sîn, his great brother; before Pi...-lamtû; before Eterum. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 5 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king ... the gold barabara.

    Seal 1


    ib#-ni-(d)[suen] dumu# i-din-[...] _arad_ [(d)]x-[x]

    AI Translation

    Ibni-Sîn, son of Iddin-..., servant of .

    P297146: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 1(barig) sze gur
  • sa10 7(asz) 3(barig) zu2-lum ki it-ti-(d)suen-ba-la-t,um# (disz)s,il2-li2-(d)iszkur u3 a-hu-um-wa-qar szu ba-an-ti u4 buru14 zu2-lum

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 1 barig barley,
  • Shilli-Adda and Ahum-waqar received from Itti-Sîn-balatum a price of 7 gur 3 barig dates; at the delivery of the harvest, dates



    zu2-lum i3-ag2-e# igi (d)x igi (d)marduk# iti ab u4 1(disz)-kam mu sa-am-su-i#-lu#-na lugal hur-sag gal kur mar-tu

    AI Translation

    he will measure the dates before PN and before Marduk. The month of Ab V, the day 1, year: "Samsu-iluna, the king, the great mountain range of the Amorite land."

    Seal 1


    s,il2-li2-(d)iszkur dumu (d)tiszpak-na-s,ir _arad_ (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Shilli-Adad, son of Tishpak-nashir, servant of Adad.

    P297151: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • _3(asz) sze gur_
  • _szu-ti-a 1(gesz2) 3(u) ug3-_il2_-mesz_ sza babila2(ki) _iti sig4-a u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu us2-sa e a-ab-ba-he2-gal2_

    AI Translation
  • 3 kor of barley,
  • a total of 210 porters of Babylon, the month of Simanu, the day 20 the year following the eponymy of Abba-hegal.

    P297154: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ _a-gar3_ mi-iq-tim sza isz-me-er3-ra (disz)a-hu-ia-tum _dumu_ ip#-qu2-sza _pa_-x

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 field, field, irrigation ditch of Ishme-Erra; Ahu-yatum, son of Ipqusha, ...;



    a-na re-du#-ti-szu is,-ba-at# _iti kin-(d)inanna_ _mu (gesz)gu-za (d)lugal-gu2-du8-a_

    AI Translation

    He seized it for his life. The month Elunum, the year in which the throne of Lugalgudua was erected.

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-ia-tum dumu dam-qi2-ia _arad_ [(d)]suen#-mu#-ba-li2-it,#

    AI Translation

    Sîn-iatum, my good son, servant of Sîn-muballit.

    P297156: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sa10_ 3(barig) 2(ban2) _sa2-du11#_ (d)[en]-lil2

  • 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sa10#_ 3(barig) 2(ban2) sa2-du11# (d)suen iri(ki#) 2(disz) _gin2# ku3-babbar_ _sa10 [1(asz) 1(barig)] 4(ban2)# sze gur_ _sza3 1(disz) [n] gin2# ku3-babbar_ sza a-na# _[sa2]-du11 dingir didli_ sza a-di _iti sze-sag11-ku5_

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver
  • the price of 3 barig 2 ban2 was the regular offering of Enlil.

  • 1 shekel of silver
  • the price of 3 barig 2 ban2 is the regular offering of Sin of the city; 2 shekels of silver is the regular offering of 1 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 barley; therefrom 1 n shekels of silver which is the regular offering of the gods until the month of Addaru.



    a-na _gudu4-mesz_ in-na-ad-nu nam-har-ti i#-bi-(d)li9-si4 (disz)i-din-(d)nin-sikil-la u3 szum-ma-la-(d)suen# _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 3(u)-kam_ _mu_ (d)ri-im-(d)suen lugal uri2(ki)-ma e2-mud-kur-ra-ke4 ki-edin-sze3 bi2-in-gar-ra

    AI Translation

    for the gudu-offerings he gave. The namhartu-offerings Ibbi-Lisi, Iddin-Ninsikil and Shumma-Sîn. The month of Addaru, the day 30 the year in which Rim-Sîn, king of Ur, the Emudkura, to the steppe he set up.

    Seal 1


    i-bi-(d)li9-si4 dumu ib#-ni-[(d)]x-x x [...] x

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Lisi, son of Ibni-... .

    P297165: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) _gur zu2-lum_ i-din-(d)iszkur
  • 2(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) _gibil_ dumu-ki
  • 4(asz) 4(barig) i3-li2-tap-pe2-e
  • 2(u) 1(asz) me!-ni-hu-um
  • 3(u) 2(asz) 4(barig) tu-tu-ub-ma!-gir!
  • 2(u) 1(asz) 3(barig) _sumun_ dumu-ki
  • 2(u) 4(asz) 3(ban2) (d)suen-isz-me-an-ni u3 si-li-lum
  • AI Translation
  • 23 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 dates, Iddin-Adad;
  • 23 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 new, your sons;
  • 4 gur 4 barig Ili-tappe'e,
  • 21 menihum-plants,
  • 32 gur 4 barig Tutub-magir
  • 21 gur 3 barig, the wages of your sons;
  • 24 gur 3 ban2: Sîn-ishmeanni and Sililum;
  • Reverse

  • 3(u) 4(asz) s,il2-li2-(d)tiszpak# u3 si-ia-tum#
  • 3(u) 3(asz) _gur_ sza _mu ama-gi_ s,il2-li2-(d)inanna#
  • 3(u) 3(asz) sza _mu i7#_ [sa]-am#-su#-i-lu-na-na-qa2#-ab#-[nu-uh]-szi
  • _szunigin 3(gesz2) 5(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur_ nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)(d)utu-dingir (disz)i-pi2-iq-(i7)a-ra-ah#-[tum] _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu i7_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _he-eg-gal_

    AI Translation
  • 34, Shilli-Tishpak and Siyatum,
  • 33 gur of the year "The sage Shilli-Ishtar."
  • 33 lines from the year "Samsu-iluna-qabnuhshi
  • Total: 121 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of namhartu-bread, Shamash-ilu, Ipiq-arahtu. Month: "Harvest," 20th day, year: "The Samsu-iluna canal was plowed."

    P297168: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(ban2) (d)suen-na-ap-sze#-ra-am
  • 2(ban2) ta-ri-bu-um sza _lugal_
  • 2(ban2) si-li-lum
  • 2(ban2) si2-ia-tum
  • 3(ban2) (d)suen-a-ha-am-i-din-nam
  • 2(ban2) _arad2_-(d)tiszpak
  • 2(ban2) (d)tiszpak-e-pe2-ri
  • 2(ban2) (d)utu-tap-pe2-e
  • 2(ban2) ib-ni-(d)iszkur
  • 2(ban2) sza-al-lu-rum
  • 2(ban2) nam-ra-am-sza-ru-ur
  • 3(ban2) s,il2-li2-(d)iszkur
  • AI Translation
  • 2 seahs: Sîn-napsharam;
  • 2 seahs of taribuum of the king;
  • 2 seahs of sililum,
  • 2 ban2 of si'atu-bread;
  • 3 seahs: Sîn-aham-iddinam;
  • 2 seahs, Warad-Tishpak,
  • 2 seahs: Tishpak-eperi;
  • 2 seahs, Shamash-tappe'e;
  • 2 seahs, Ibni-Adad,
  • 2 seahs of shallum-plant,
  • 2 seahs of namram-sharaur-plant,
  • 3 seahs, Shilli-Adad,
  • Reverse

  • 2(ban2) (d)tiszpak-sze-mi-i
  • 2(ban2) a2-su2-ka-bi-it
  • 2(ban2) ah-ni-ia
  • 3(ban2) lu2-(d)iszkur
  • 5(ban2) nu-ur2-(d)utu
  • 2(ban2) (d)suen-pi2-lah3
  • 4(ban2) babila2(ki)
  • 1(ban2) a-pil-(d)utu
  • _iti ab-e3-a u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu alan szud3-de3 (d)lamma ku3-sig17_

    AI Translation
  • 2 seahs: Tishpak-shemî;
  • 2 seahs, a-sukabi-itu-vessel;
  • 2 seahs of my ...,
  • 3 seahs: Lu-Adad;
  • 5 seahs, Nur-shamash;
  • 2 seahs, Sîn-pilah;
  • 4 seahs, Babylon,
  • 1 seah Apil-shamash,
  • Month of Abea, 26th day, year: "The statue of the shudded lamassu of gold."

    P297170: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na ri-im-_(d)suen#_ qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-_pi_-il-tum-ma _(d)suen_ li-ba-al-li-it,-ka _an-ka-(d)en-lil2_ ki-a-am isz-pu-ra-am um-ma szu-u2-ma _1(gesz) 4(u) gur sze_ i-na _uru dumu-mesz_ ma-szum# si-it _sze 2(u) gur sze!_ mu-hu-ur# _(gesz)ma2_ la ta-ka-la t,u3-ur-da-am a-na _sag-ir3_ u3 a-ma-tim _gu4-hi-a_ u3 _ansze-hi-a_ sza i-na qa2-ti (disz)szu-i3-li2#-szu#

    AI Translation

    To Rim-Sîn speak! Thus Apiltum: "May Sîn be reconciled with you." Anka-Enlil wrote as follows: "He is 0;40 gur barley in the city of the citizens, the remainder 0;20 gur barley in the threshing floor of the boat, not a spare boat, the profit to the sagir and the sea, the oxen and the donkeys which in the hands of Shu-ilishu



    a-ba-ra-ak#-[ki-im] szu-pu-ur#-[ma] li-wa-szi-[...] an-nu-um i-[x ...] u2-ul _bi_-x-[...] mi-im-ma sza x [...] sza ni-ip-pu-[x] ta-ki-il-ka# t,u3-ru-ud-[ma] la ta#-ka-al-[la]

    AI Translation

    You write down the abarakku-response and let them ... this ... ... ... nothing that ... that we ... you have sworn, but you have not sworn.

    P297171: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na# qur2#-di-isz8-tar2 u3 u2-ba-a-a-tum qi2-bi2-ma um-ma i-bi-_dingir_-ma# _(d)utu_ li-ba#-al-li-it,-ku-nu-ti (disz)na-bi#-[_(d)]suen#_ at,-t,ar-da#-ak#-ku-nu-szi-im a-na i-bi-_(d)en-lil2_ u3 na-bi-_(d)suen_ _(lu2)hun-ga2-mesz_ id-na-a-ma [x]-na# _zi#_?-_ib_?-hi-im _a-sza3_ hi-ri-tum [x x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To Qurdi-Ishtar and Ubayatum speak! Thus Ibbi-ilum: "May Shamash be reconciled with you." Ibbi-Sîn I have sworn to you. To Ibbi-Enlil and Nabi-Sîn, the hirelings, he gave and ... the ... of the field Hirite .



    ki-ma _ud_?-_ad_?-_di_? i-na-ad-di-[x] a-na i-bi-_(d)en-lil2_ qi2-bi2-a-ma _a2-bi (lu2)hun-ga2-mesz_ li-id-di-in

    AI Translation

    When he ... ..., speak to Ibbi-Enlil, and let his father give the hirelings.

    P297172: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na _bi_-ia-a u3 i-bi-_(d)nin-szubur#_ sza _(d)marduk_ u2-ba-al-la-t,u2-szu-nu-ti# qi2-bi2-ma um#-ma# i3-li2-a-pi2-li-ma _(d)utu_ u3 _(d)marduk#_ asz-szu-mi-ia da-ri-isz u4-mi li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ku-nu-ti _dingir_ na-s,i-ir-ku-nu s,i-bu-tam a-ia ir#-szi# asz-szum ta-ri-ba-tum sza isz-tu _mu-3(disz)-[kam]_ _(gesz)kiri6 e2-gal_ s,a-ab-tu-u2-ma _(lu2)sze-gur10-ku5_-szu i-il-la-ku _du_?-[x]-_li_?-ta-szu i-ip-pa-lu u3 ki-ma re#-du-tim [i]-li-ik _(gesz)kiri6_ sza-a-ti# i-il-la-[ak] ma#-asz-ka-an ku-zi-il-li [...]-a-tim

    AI Translation

    To my brother and Ibbi-Ninshubur, whom Marduk slew, speak! Thus Ili-apili: May Shamash and Marduk forever slew you, may the god who guards you be your lord! Because of the treasury which from the third year the palace garden was taken away and its harvester he shall take, and his ... he shall take, and like a shepherd he shall take that garden. The ... of the .



    [x x x x x]-ma [x x x] _aga#-us2-mesz_ [x-x]-im _id_?-[x]-hi-ma [a]-na# _(gesz)kiri6_ i-[ha]-ba#-lu-szu [x x] i-ba-asz-szi-i [... x]-i-mu-ia [...] x a-na-ku az-za-az#-ma [...] x la i-ha-ba-lu [... x]-_ir_?/_ni_?-ru-ma# [...] [...] [... x]-lu ma#-na#-ha-at# [x x x] _ka2#-[dingir]-ra(ki)_ [...] ma-har sza-pir _aga-us2-mesz_ a-pa-li-ia

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... and they will take him to the garden. ... there is ... ... ... I am ..., and ... they will take him. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Babylon ... before the writing of my ... .



    u2-ul i-le#-i a-na [x-x-x-x]

    AI Translation

    He does not know .

    P297173: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)nin-szubur-ta-a-ar _arad2_ (disz)a-pil2-i3-li2-szu i-na ma-ha-ar (d)utu a-du-ra-ar-szu isz-ku#-un# pu-ta-am e-li-ta-am id-di-szum il-ka-am u3 ha-ra-na-am ki-ma _dumu-mesz_ a-pil2-i3-li2-szu# i-la-ak# _u4-kur2-sze3 u4 nu-me-ak_ _arad2_ la-a i-qa2-bu-ma ni-isz (d)nanna (d)utu u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ _in#-pa3-mesz_

    AI Translation

    Ninshubur-tayar, servant of Apil-ilishu, before Shamash adurarshu set up. The 'third man' was seized, he gave him. The 'third man' and the 'third man' were like the sons of Apil-ilishu. In future days he will not die, the servant will not say, and the love of Nanna, Shamash and Samsu-iluna the king will be sated.



    _iti du6-ku3 u4 2(u)-kam_ _igi_ li-pi2-it-esz18-dar _dumu_ i-din-(d)mar-tu _igi_ (d)utu-li-wi-ir _dumu_ ni-di-in-esz18-dar _igi_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    Month of Duku, 20th day, before Lipit-Ishtar, son of Iddin-Amurrum; before Shamash-liwir, son of Nidin-Ishtar; before Sîn-ishmani; before Nur-shamash.

    Seal 1


    a-pil2-i3-[li2-szu] _dumu_ zi-ki-ir-i3-li2-szu _arad_ (d)nin-[...]

    AI Translation

    Apil-ilishu, son of Zikir-ilishu, servant of Nin-.

    Seal 2


    li-pi2-it-[esz18-dar] _dumu_ [i]-din#-(d)mar-[tu] _arad_ (d)mar-tu#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, son of Iddin-Amurru, servant of Amurru.

    P297174: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _a-sza3_ ma-la qa2-su2-nu ub-ba-lu _a-sza3_ u2-qu2-uq-qu2 _ki_ u2-qu2-uq-qu2 _lugal a-sza3-ga-ke4_ (d)suen-i-din-nam u3 (d)iszkur-ra-bi a-na _sze-gesz-i3_ a-na tap-pu-tim

    AI Translation

    The field, as many as they are, they shall divide. The field they shall pound, and with pounding the king of the field, Sîn-iddinam and Adad-rabi to sesame and to tamarisk



    a-na _igi-3(disz)-gal2-la_ _ib2-ta-e3-a_ a-wi-lum ma-la a-wi-lim ma-na-ah-tam i-sza-ka-nu _igi_ s,il2-li2-(d)mar-tu _igi_ sig-(d)na-bi-um _iti sig4-a u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu u6-nir ki-tusz mah#_ (d)za-ba4-ba4 (d)inanna

    AI Translation

    to the third he shall pay. A man, as many as a man a dowry shall pay, before Shilli-Amurtu; before Sippar-Nabium. The month of Simanu, the day 1, the year "The great abode of Zababa and Ishtar."



    _dub 4(iku) a-sza3_ u2-qu2-uq#-qu2

    AI Translation

    Tablet 4 of the field Uququ.

    Seal 1


    _arad an sza arad_ (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    servant of Anu, servant of Adad.

    P297175: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)suen-isz-me-(a)-ni i-na mi-ig-ri-su (disz)a-hu-um _dumu_ wa-qar-a-bu-szu u3 mu-ha-di-tum _dam-a-ni_ _nam-dumu-ni-sze3 szu ba-an-ti_ _gar7-za_ (d)ba-ba6 _gar7-za_ (d)nergal _gar7-za_ (d)nin-e2-i3-gara2! _e2 (gesz)kiri6_ u3 _nig2-gur11!(_ul_)_ u3 _ARAD2!(_gudu4_)-mesz_ ma-la i-ba-asz-szu sza (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni u3 ta-ri-ba-tum _szesz-a-ni#_ _mu 1(disz)-e 1(asz)? 1(barig)? gur sze_

  • _6(disz) ma-na siki du_
  • _6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • [(disz)](d)suen-isz-me-a-ni

    AI Translation

    Sîn-ishmeani, in his stead, Ahum, son of Waqar-abushu, and Muhaditum, his wife, in her son's name, received. The treasury of Baba, the treasury of Nergal, the treasury of Nine-igarra, the house of the orchard, and the property and the servants, as much as there is, of Sîn-ishmeani and Taribatum his brother, for one year, 1 gur? and 1 barig? of barley,

  • 6 minas of wool, .
  • 6 sila3 of oil,
  • Sîn-ishmani 897 BC.



    a-na a-hu-um _ad-a-ni_ u3 mu-ha-di-tum _ama-a-ni_ i-na-an-di-in szum-ma (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni a-na a-hu-um _ad-da-a-ni_ u3 mu-ha-di-tum _ama-a-ni_ u2-ul a-bi u-ul um-mi iq-ta-a-bi i-na _e2 (gesz)kiri6 u3 gar7-za_ i-te-li u3 szum-ma a-hu-um _ad-da-a-ni_ u3 mu-ha-di-tum _ama-a-ni_ a-na (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _dumu-ne-ne_ u2-ul ma-ri-mi iq-ta-bu

  • _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-na (d)suen-isz-me-(a)-ni
  • _i3-la2-e_ _mu lugal-bi in-pa3_ _igi_ i-din-(d)na-na-a _dumu_ dingir-szu-i-bi-(szu)

  • 1(disz) (d)suen-ma-gir _gudu4_ dub-la2-mah
  • 1(disz) a-hi-ia-a _gudu4_ (d)inanna
  • 1(disz)# ba-a-a-mu _gudu4_ (d)inanna
  • 1(disz) da-bi-tum _dam_ be-li-i
  • 1(disz) ha!-li-ia _nar_
  • _kiszib3-a-ni_ u3 _kiszib3 lu2 inim-ma-bi#-[mesz]_

    AI Translation

    to the father and the harem servant of his mother he gave. If Sîn-ishmani to the father and the harem servant of his mother he did not know, nor said anything, in the orchard or orchard he went, and if the father and the harem servant of his mother to Sîn-ishmani the sons he did not know,

  • 1/2 mina of silver to Sîn-ishmeani;
  • he shall pay. The name of the king he shall have sworn. Before Iddin-Nanaya, son of Ilshu-ibbishu.

  • Sîn-magir, gudu-priest of Dublamah.
  • 1 Ahiya, gudu-priest of Inanna;
  • One ba'amu, the gudu-priest of Inanna,
  • 1: Abitu, wife of Bel;
  • 1: Haliya, the singer;
  • Seal of the man in charge of the words.



    _iti# szu-numun-a u4 3(u)-kam mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _(gesz)tukul szu-nir#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 30 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the arrow pierces the city.

    Seal 1


    a-hu-um _dumu_ wa-qar-a-bu-szu _ARAD_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Ahum, son of Waqar-abushu, servant of .

    Seal 2


    i-din-(d)na-na-a _dumu_ dingir-szu-i-bi-szu _ARAD#_ e2#-an-na-ke4#

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Nanaya, son of Ilshu-ibbishu, servant of Eanna.

    Seal 3


    (d)suen-ma-[gir] _dumu#_ (d)suen-ka-szi-id# _gudu4#_ dub-la2-mah

    AI Translation

    Sîn-magir, son of Sîn-kashid, gudu-priest of Dublamah.

    P297178: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 8(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) _gur zu2-lum_
  • (disz)_arad2#_-di-ia

  • 3(u) 7(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) a-hu-ni _dumu_ ip-qu2-sza
  • 2(u) 3(asz) 3(ban2) i-din-(d)mar-tu _ki# 1(disz)-kam_
  • 1(u) 7(asz) i-din-(d)mar-tu _ki 2(disz)#_
  • 2(u) 4(asz) 3(barig) i-din-(d)mar-tu _ki 3(disz)_
  • 1(gesz2) 4(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) _gur i-din-(d)mar-tu

  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 4(barig) 3(ban2) _zu2-lum_
  • AI Translation
  • 28 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 dates,
  • Arad-diya 897 BC.

  • 37 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 Ahuni, son of Ipqusha;
  • 23 gur 3 sutu Iddin-Amurtu, from the 1st year
  • 17 Iddin-Amurtu with 2
  • 24 gur 3 barig Iddin-Amurtu, with 3
  • 144 gur 3 barig 3 ban2, Iddin-Martu;

  • 210 gur 4 barig 3 sutu of dates,
  • Reverse


    _iri_ ku-un-nu-um(ki) nam-ha-ar-(ti) (d)suen-re-me-ni _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu ama-ar-gi ki_

    AI Translation

    The city Kunnum, Namharti of Sîn-remeni. The month of Du'uzu, the day 12 of the year "Amaru."

    P297179: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) _gan2#_ (gesz)kiri6_ _(gesz)kiri6_ ru-su _szu-ku6_ _erin2 iri_ ra-ba-bi-i(ki) _us2-sa-du (gesz)kiri6 erin2 zu2-kesz2 lugal_ _sag-ki pa5_ u2-bi-il-nu-uh-sza-am _sag-ki a-sza3_ (d)na-bi-um-ma-lik _(gesz)kiri6_ ma-du-tim _nu-banda3_ a-da-ia-tum _nu-banda3_ i-bi-(d)sza-ha-an _ki_ (d)iszkur-szar-rum u3 szu-nu-ma-dingir _lugal a-sza3-[...]-x_

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 field, orchard, orchard manager, fisherman, troops of the city of Babylon, adjoining orchard of troops of the troops of the royal body, head, shoulder, shoulder, Ubil-nuhsham, head of field of Nabi-malik, orchardist of the mighty, overseer: Adayatum, overseer: Ibbi-shahan, with Adad-sharrum and Shunum-ili, king of the field .



    (disz)(d)marduk-da-ia-an _nam mu 1(disz)-kam_ _nam_ ta-ar-ku-ub-(tim) _nam_ szu-ku-un-ne-e _ib2-ta-e3-a_ a-na _(gesz)geszimmar_ na-ak-si-im a-na e-ri-im ha-as,-bi-im a-na _(gesz)geszimmar_ la ru-uk-ku-bi-im _lugal (gesz)kiri6-mesz_ i-ta-na-ap-pa-al _igi_ (d)marduk _igi_ (d)utu-_az_?-_iri_?-an-na _igi#_ ib-ni-(d)x _iti gan-gan-e3-a u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu ama-ar _da_ en-gi4 x x (x) _di_ gar _ne_-e-ne

    AI Translation

    Marduk-dan, the governor of one year, the governor of Tarkub, the governor of Shukunne, has sworn; to the cultivated date palms, to the cultivated date palms, to the cultivated date palms, to the uncultivated date palms, the king of the gardens shall be slighted; before Marduk; before Shamash-az-irianna; before Ibni-...; the month of Kislimu, the day 20, the year in which the father was sworn; next to the enge ..., he shall place a stele.

    Seal 1


    a-hi-we-du-um dumu ip-qa2-tum _arad_ (d)i-szum

    AI Translation

    Ahi-wedum, son of Ipqatum, servant of Ishum.

    Seal 2


    a-bu-um-wa-qar dumu ha-zi-ru-um _arad_ (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Abum-waqar, son of Hazirum, servant of the god Adad.

    Seal 3


    (d)marduk-da-a-a-an# dumu [(d)]iszkur-ra-bi [_arad_ ...]

    AI Translation

    Marduk-dan, son of Adad-rabi, servant of .

    P297218: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-la2-hi-im qi2-bi-ma um-[ma] a-szur-re-si2-[ma]

  • 1(disz) _tug2#_-ta-nam [a-na]
  • a-mur-esz18-dar a-[di2-in] mi3-szu sza x [...] ha-la2-aq [...] i-hi-id#-[ma ...] ma?-la2 i-[...] ki-ma a-[na-ku]

    AI Translation

    To Alahum speak! Thus Ashur-resi:

  • 1 turban for
  • I saw and gave. Half of ... ... he seized ... and ... as much as .



    a-na te2-[er-ti-ka3 a-na-hi-id] u2 a-ta [...] sze-am ma#-[la2 ...] te2-er-ti2 x [...] a-sza-pa2-[ra-kum] (d)en-lil2?-[...] ma-la2 te2-er-ti [...] ku-na-a / i-na [...] ni-t,a2-ra-da-szu#

  • 1(disz) ku-ta-nam [...]
  • sza a-na szu x x la2-qe2-ep

    AI Translation

    I will give to you for your extispicy. And ... barley, as much as ... I will send to you. Enlil-... as much as extispicy ... I will give to you in .

  • 1 kutanam-vessel .
  • which I have taken for .



    _dumu_ qa2-a-ti2-im u2-sze2-bi4-lu# a?-sza a at x ma i-ha-li-qa2-ni

    AI Translation

    he shall bring the son of Qatim, and the field ... he shall take.

    P297219: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [qa2]-dum / i-[...] li-il5-qe2-szi2#

    AI Translation

    May . . . be given as a gift.



    puzur4-a-szur# i-di2-ti-im [...] tu3-usz-tag2-mi3#-[ra-ni] il5-we-da-ku [...] il5-we-da-ak-[ma]

  • 3(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [...]
  • sza-bu / ku-nu-ki-a [...] um-mi3-a-ni / i-na# ap2-qi2-id-ma / il5#-[...] a-s,e2-er / sza ki#-[ma] _dumu#_ isz-ma-a-x [...] [x] x ku x [...]

    AI Translation

    Puzur-Assur, the sage ..., you have sinned against me. I am a liar, ... I am a liar,

  • 30 minas of silver .
  • The one who ... your ..., his mother, by appointing ..., the guard who like a son ... ... .

    P297220: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] szal2-ma-a-[szur] szu#-be-lim u3 [x] qi2-bi-[ma um-ma] a-szur-i-mi3-ti2-ma#

  • 4(disz) 2/3(disz) _ma-na uruda_
  • sza ta-ri-tar2 [szu-be]-lum2 na-asz-a-[ku-nu-ti2] [...] ma [x]

    AI Translation

    To Shalmaneser, Shubelum, and ..., speak! Thus Ashur-imitti:

  • 4 2/3 minas of copper,
  • Whose utterance is supreme, your supplication .



    i-na sza#-[am-szi2] sza t,up-pi3-[i] ta-sza-me-[a-ni] ki-ma _uruda_ i-za-[ku?] me-eh-ra-tim di2-in-[ma] ma#-[asz2]-ki sza-pa2-tim sza-ma-ni#-ma szu-be-lum2 [lu-ub-lam] a-hu?-[a] [a-tu3-nu x]-di2 sza x

    AI Translation

    On the top of the tablet you will hear me. Like copper he will stand. The lower one shall be convicted, and the lower one shall be convicted. May I be sated with the shubulu-priesthood. The upper one ... of .



    gi5-mi3-[lam ra-bi-am] i-[s,e2-ri-a szu-uk-na]

    AI Translation

    Great gimilam-demon, who leads me to victory,

    P297226: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [szu-a-num ra-bi-s,u2]-um# [sza a-szur-i-mi3-ti2] _dumu_ szu-nu-nu [is,-ba-at-ni-a]-ti2-ma um-ma [ra-bi-s,u2-um-ma] a-na bu-za-zu-ma up#-pa2#-am# sza# a#-lim#(ki#) a#-szur3#-i#-mi3#-ti2 [i-na t,u-pi2]-im sza a-lim(ki) [ta-na-sa3-ah]-ma# i-na a-lim(ki) [a-ta u3] a-szur3-i-mi3-ti2 [ta-ta]-wu#-a isz-al-ka3-ma up#-pu#-szu# ha#-mu#-ru#-u2 [ba-a-am] u2-ma-ma a-ma-la2 [a-ma-la2 t,up-pi]-im sza a-lim(ki) [a-na a]-lim#(ki) s,i2-a-ma [a-na be]-el a-wa-ti2-ka3 [a-wa]-tam2# di2-in [la2 tu3]-na-ha-ni _ku3-babbar_

    [ma-dam] la2#! tu3-sza-ag-me-ra-ni [bu-za-zu] szu-a-nim [ra-bi-s,a]-am# e-pu-ul [um-ma bu-za]-zu-ma usz-ka3-i-il5! [a-na t,up-pi2]-im# sza a-lim(ki) u2 _pa-du_ [sza be-li]-a ti2-ma-li-ma [ta-asz2-e-li]-ma# u2 a-pu-ul-ka3 [a-szur3-i-mi3]-ti2 be-el a-wa-ti2-a / a-na-kam [wa-sza-ab2 1(u)] _ma#-na ku3-babbar_ a-na szu-esz18-dar [qa2-ta-ti2-szu] na-al-pu-ta-ku [u2 _ku3-babbar_ szal2]-tam2# ha-bu-lam u2 a-na [sza-su2-hi]-a? i-s,a-ab2-ta-ka3 [(d)nu-tam2] u2 e-mu-qi2 la2 a-pu-ul-ka3

  • [3(disz) a-wa-tim] li#-iz-ku-ra-ma
  • [li-bi na-di2]-ti2-szu ka3-ru-um [s,a-he-er _gal_] lu#-pa2-ti2-ma [ka3-ru-um s,a-he]-er _gal_ [t,up-pi2-ni lu]-la2#-pi2-it-ma [la2-li-ik]-ma# a-lu-um [u2 ba-li2 di2]-ni li-di2-in [la2 tu3-na-ha]-ni# u2 _ku3-babbar_ [ma-dam la2 tu3-sza-ag]-ma-[ra]-ni#

    AI Translation

    The great one of Assur-imitti, their son, took away and said to me: "The great one, to the throne, and the scepter of Assur-imitti in the tablet of the city you smashed, and in the city from Assur-imitti you smashed, and the scepter you smashed, and the scepter you smashed, and the scepter you smashed. The scepter of the city to the city, the scepter of the city, the scepter of the city, the scepter of the city, the scepter of the city, the scepter of the city, the scepter of the judge, the judgment, the verdict, the scepter you did not give.

    The wife of the one who did not give you a libation bowl, the other one, was very angry. I did not give you a libation bowl, saying: "The libation bowl I have smashed." To the tablet of the city and the padu of my lord you said, and you answered, and to the canal of the city of Ashur-imiti, the lord of my words, I said: "To the libation bowl of the libation bowl of the city of the libation bowl of the libation bowl, I shall shave 10 minas of silver to the eshtar-shrine of his hand, and to the silver of the booty of the hambalam-shrine of the shusuhu-shrine of the city of Nutam and the army of the libation bowl

  • 3 awatu-priests may he appoint,
  • May his slander be removed, may a slanderer of the great gods be removed, may a slanderer of the great gods be removed from our tablet, may he be slandered, and may he be slandered, and may a lawsuit be imposed against him. Do not be negligent, and do not give the silver to the owner.

    P297227: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na x-[...] e-di2-in#-[a-szur3] u3 [x qi2-bi4-ma] um-ma# [...-ma] a-na x [x x] qi2-bi4-[ma] a-bi a-ta# [be]-li# a-ta

  • 2(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) _ma-na# [an]-na_
  • za-ku-a-am i-na e-ra-ab2 _illat_ sza-qa2-lam qa2-ab2-a-ti2 i-na e-szar-tim _ma-na_-im ku-wa-tim-ma a-na e-di2-in-a-szur3 u3 i-lu-ki szu-qu2-ul

    AI Translation

    To ..., Edin-Assur and ... speak! Thus ... and to ... speak! Why my father? Why my lord? Why

  • 2 talents 10 minas of tin
  • When the troops of the shakallu-fields in the esharu-fields a mina of silver were seized and to Edin-Assur and Iluki were seized,



    u3 a-ta-ma e-di2-a-szur3 a?-szar a-na bu-ru-usz-ha-tim _an-na_ a-ni-am i-sza-lu-hu-ni mi3-li-ik szu-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-na a-lim(ki) li-ik-szu-da-(am) i-na wa-s,a _ku3-babbar_ ku-nu-ku-ka3 i-pa2-ni ne2-pi2-szi2-im li-pu#?-[x] u3 _ku3-babbar_-ap2-ka3 a-na x x-ti2-ka3 ra-ga-x

  • 1(disz) _ma-na [ku3-babbar_ ...]
  • a-na# [...]

    AI Translation

    And why did Edi-Assur, where for the harems of heaven I was slain, a bribe? If he should bring silver to the city, in the amount of silver your kukuku-gift he shall ..., and your silver to your ... he shall .

  • 1 mina of silver .
  • to ...



    a?-s,e2-[...] x _ku3-babbar_ a-na a-mur-(d)utu? x x [...] di2-in u3 x [...]-tam2# a-na a-mur-[(d)utu] di2-in

    AI Translation

    ... ... silver to Amur-Shamash ... he will pay; and ... ... to Amur-Shamash he will pay.

    P297228: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] ip-te2-u2-ma a-na 8(disz) ta-ma-la2-ki / sza t,up-pe3-[e] u3 su2-pa2-nam sza _ku3-babbar_ u3-sze2-s,i2-u2-nim-ma i-na-a / u2 du10-a-szur3 ta-ma-la2-ki u2 su2-pa2-nam a-na a-szur3-tu2-kul-ti2 _dumu_ pi2-la-ah-esz18-dar [ip]-qi2-du um-ma szu-nu-ma isz-ti2-ka3

    AI Translation

    ... he opened and for 8 tamaraku offerings of tablet and supanum of silver he brought, and now / Du'assur, tamaraku offerings and supanum offerings to Assur-tukulti son of Pilah-ishtar he appointed, saying: "They are yours, and with you



    li-[ib-szi2]-u2 ta-ma-la2-ki sza t,up-pe2-e i-na-a isz-ti2-ni ik-nu-uk / a-ma-la2 t,up-pi2-im sza a-lim(ki) [... isz]-te2-ni-isz [...]-ni-a-ti2 [...]-ku-bi4

    AI Translation

    "May the tamalakku-offerings of the tablet be set up with us. The tamalakku-offerings of the tablet of the city ... are set up with us. ... .



    [_igi_ en-na]-nim _dumu_ a-bi-a [...]-ni

    AI Translation

    Before Ennanu, son of Abiya, .

    P297229: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na# puzur4-a-szur [qi2]-bi-ma um-ma i-di2-a-szur-ma u3 a-da#?-ma 6(disz) _ma-na_ _na4-za-gul#_ u3

  • 2(disz) _ma-na [n gin2_] hu#-sa2-ru
  • pa2-i x-[x x]-kum (d)iszkur-[_gal_ wa]-sza#-ab2 a-di2-ni [isz]-ti (d)iszkur-_gal_

    AI Translation

    To Puzur-Assur speak! Thus Idi-Assur and Adda: 6 minas of lapis lazuli and

  • 2 minas ... shekels of husaru-silver,
  • ... the ... of Adad-rabi, the sage, together with the throne of Adad-rabi,


  • 1(u) 2(disz) i-di2-a-[...]
  • sza szi2-bu-tim [...] na-ab2-x [...] qa2-bi4-a-ti2-ni [...] _na4# za-gug_ sza ki-[x x]

  • 1(u) 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza qa2#-ti2#?
  • u3#-ki-da tal-qe2-u2 u3 6(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ x al-pa2 sze2-bi4-[x] [isz]-ti2 _ku3-babbar_-pi3-ka3-ma

    AI Translation
  • 12 ...
  • of the shabûtu-offerings ... ... our words ... lapis lazuli of .

  • 11 shekels of silver of the hand-work?,
  • he will take it. Further, 6 shekels of silver ... I have taken.



    a-szu-mi3 x x [x x] ni-ih-ri-a x [x x] la2-asz2-qul2

    AI Translation

    My name ... my prayer ... I will complete.

    P297233: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-ni-na-a qi2-bi4-ma um-ma a-szur-e-mu-qi2 u2 a-na-ah-a-szur-ma a-na-kam s,u2-ba-ti2 sza a-wi-lim ni-im-nu-ma 1(disz) me-at _tug2 hi-a_ ni-im-nu-u2 _sza3-ba_

  • 3(disz) _tug2_ sza a-ta-a 1(disz) _tug2_ sza a-li-a
  • 1(disz) _tug2_ sza dingir-pi3-la2-ah
  • 1(disz) _tug2_ sza szu-ul-mu-um-_sag10_
  • _szunigin_ 1(disz) me-at _tug2 hi-a_ sza a-wi-lim s,u-ba-ti2 ku-a-u2-tim ni-im-nu-ma

    AI Translation

    To Anina speak! Thus Assur-emuqi and Anah-Assur: "I am the captive of the man, and one hundred ... garments we have gathered."

  • 3 garments of Atâ, 1 garment of Alia,
  • 1 garment of Ili-pilah;
  • 1 garment of Shullum-sag;
  • Total: 100 ... garments of the man, the shabatu-offerings of the ku'utu-offerings, we have received.


  • 8(u) 5(disz) _tug2 hi-a_ ni-im-nu-u2
  • _sza3-ba_ 2(u) 4(disz) _tug2_ a-bar-ni-u2 qa2-du-um szu-ri-im /

  • 1(u) 1(disz) _tug2_ sza a-ki-di2-e
  • 2(disz) _tug2_ a-bar-ni-u2 2(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-[u2]
  • 3(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu sza li-pi3-(it?)-esz18-dar
  • 5(disz) _tug2_ sza ka3-s,a-ri
  • a-ha-ma 2(disz) _tug2_ sza i-ku-pi3-a _szunigin_ 8(u) 7(disz) _tug2 hi-a_ ku-a-u2-tum e-zi-ib [x] _tug2_ sza a-ki#-[di2]-e sza a-szur#-[e]-mu#-qi2 a-na# [szi2-mi3]-im

    AI Translation
  • 85 ... garments,
  • therein 24 abarnû-garments, ...,

  • 11 akidî-garments,
  • 2 abarnû-garments, 2 shurû-garments,
  • 3 kutanu-garments of Lipit-Ishtar;
  • 5 ... garments for the kashiru-festival;
  • he has taken out from him 2 ikû-garments of Ikupia; total: 87 ku'utu-garments he has taken out. x kidî-garments of Assur-emuqi to be weighed out.




    AI Translation

    they will give.

    P297235: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] a-szur3-ma-lik u3 [i-di2-a]-bi4#-im um-ma i-ku-pi3-a+szur-ma _ku3#-babbar#_([ap2]) _tug2 hi_-ti2-ku-nu ma-la2 i-li-bi4-a i-ba-szi2-u2 i-na e-ra-bi4-a-ma isz3-tu3 wa-ah-szu-sza-na u2-sze2-ba-la2-ku-nu-ti u3 _ku3-babbar_ sza _ki_ (d)iszkur-_sipa_ u2-sza-asz2-qal-ma u2-sze2-ba-la2-kum a-szu-mi3 sza bu-ur-qi2-a sza# ta-asz2-pu-ra-(ni)-ma mi#-ma u2-la2 al#?-qe2 a-ma-kam

    AI Translation

    To Ashur-malik and Idi-abim, saying: "Ikupi-Assur and silver, your good garments, as much as Ili-bia has, at my entry and from Wahshushuna I shall bring you, and silver which I shall bring to you with Adad-re'i I shall bring you, and my name of burqû-sheep which you sent me, and whatever I shall take away, this is my word.



    [a]-ma#-la2 t,up-pi3-ka3 u3! dingir-na-ti2-ka3 _ku3#_-[ap2-ka3 a-ma-kam] sza#-asz2-qi-il5-szu mi3-ma [a]-ni-sza-am la2 i-na-pu-sza-am a-wi-lu-um x la2 mi3-ma i-de8 a-di2 5(disz)-szi2-szu a-na-kam ra-ma-szu a-na qa2-lu-li-im i-zi-iz u3 szu-ma-mi3-in szi2-bi3 / ma-ma-an [la2?] ik-bu-us [u4]-ma#-am lu-mi3-in [x] ta#?-ku / ki-ma szi2-bi4 [ik]-bu-su2-ni e-mu-qa2-tam2

    AI Translation

    I am the one who carries out the tablet and the gods' rites. I am the one who carries out his sashqilu-offering. Nothing shall be done against him. A man ... nothing shall know. Five times he stood. And his sash to the qalulum he stood. And his sash he did not know. Day and night I shall see. ... he did not know. When he sash he did not know, the army



    [... s,a]-ba-su2-ma [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . you slay and .

    P297236: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    ha-mi3-isz-ta#?-[...] sza a-na puzur4#-[...] i-na a-lim(ki) e-[...] i-di2-nu _ku3-babbar ki_ [...] e-na#-ma-num# [...] me-ra szu x [...] x hu x [...]

    AI Translation

    Hamishta-... who to Puzur-... in the city ... gave, silver ... Enamnum ...



    [sza e]-li-a-ni sa3-ar

    AI Translation

    The one above me is red.

    P297237: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um#-ma in-bi-esz18-dar-ma [a]-na# sza ki-ma i-a-ti2 [qi2]-bi#-ma / i-na utu-szi [sza a]-szur3#-e-nam / u3 szu-li [e]-ru-bu-ni-ni na-asz2-pe3-ra-ti2-a [isz-ti2] a-szur-ma-lik [u3 szu]-isz-ha-ra szesz-szu [szi2-ta]-me#-a-ma na#-asz2-pe3-er-tam2 [a-na a]-lim(ki) / a-s,e2-er [a-bi4]-ni u3 sza ki-ma [szu]-nu#-ti2 / sza 2(u) 2(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3#-babbar_ ni-is-ha-su2 wa#-s,i2-su2 _diri_ sza#-du-a-su2 sza#-bu#

    AI Translation

    "Inbi-ishtar, to whom as I speak speak, and at the time when Assur-enam and Shuli entered, I have sent my messages. From Assur-malik and Shu-isharra his brother, and I have sent my messages to the city, the guard of our father, and those who like them, 22 minas of silver, we have sent him, his ...,



    [...] [x x] ni x [x] x x be tu3-ma [...] la2 i x x [...] x x u3 me-he-er [na-asz2]-pe3-er-ti2-szu-nu [a]-s,e2#-ri-a / sze2-bi4-la2-nim [mi3]-ma _ku3-babbar_ / i-na a-lim a-na a-bi4-ni / isz-qu2-lu-ni te2-er-tum sza a-bi4-ni u3 sza ki-ma szu-nu-ti2 li-ba-al-ki-tam2-ma t,up-pa2-[am sza] babila x me szi2 [...]-ti2 [s,u-ha-ru / a-ta-hi-tim]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... and the rest of their reeds I brought out. If he has given me silver, in the city to our father he shall take. The extispicy of our father and that which is like them may be smashed and the tablet of the king ...



    [...] a-bi4-ni [sza ab2? ...] la2 tu3-sza-x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... our father, who ... ... did not ... .

    P297238: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [... pu-szu]-ke#-en6 [...] [...]-nu [...]-x-tim [...] [...] qa2#-ti2 [...]-ku [...]-x [...] li#-wi-tim [...] x [...]-ti2-szu x [...] puzur4#-a+szur3 _dumu_ [i-li-a i]-ra-de8-a-ku-nu-ti2 sza sa3-ri-dim sza-bu _tug2 hi_-ti2-a isz-ti2 _an-na_ e-mi3-da-ma a-na u4-me [qu-ur-bu-tim a]-na [...] x ki-ma

    AI Translation

    ... Pushuken ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Puzur-Assur, son of Ilia, they will kill you. saridim, who is a saridim-demon, who is a saridim-demon, I will give you, and in the days of the quadrupeds to ... ... like a .



    [...] x _iti 1(disz)-kam_ [...] x na [...]-ra [_dam-gar3_]-ku#-nu lu ke-en6 [... u4]-me qu2-ur-bu-tim [...] ki-ma [... a]-na _dam-gar3_ [ke-nim di2]-na#-ma _ku3#-[babbar_ sza i]-s,e2-er [_dam-gar3_ ta]-di2-a-ni [u2 u4-me i-na] t,up#-pi3-ku-nu lu#-up-[ta ...] x x u2-la2 [...] n _ma-na#_ en-um-a-[szur3]

  • 4(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu-[szu-ni i-li]-bi4
  • _tug2 hi_-ti2-a da-ar-ku sze2-na _tug2_ ku-ta-ni-szu-nu a-szur3-ma-lik na-szi2 i-na e-ra-bi4-szu-nu-ma [_tug2 hi_-ti2 x x szu-nu]

    AI Translation

    ... ... 1 month ... ... your merchant may be true ... days of famine ... like ... to the merchant be true, a lawsuit and silver which he has received from the merchant, the days on your tablet may be ... ... ... n minas Enum-Assur

  • 4 kutanushu-garments he will bring.
  • a ... garment, a ... garment, their ... garment, Ashur-malik, the one who entered them, and ... garments,



    li-x-[...]-x-szu-nu li-isz-qu2-lu-ni-ku-nu-ti2 sze2-bi4 x x i-na u4!-mi3-im sza [...] x bu-ni-ni di2-na-szu-nu ma szi2 [...] be _ku3-babbar_-pi3 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... their ... may they entrust to you. ... on the day that ... ... their case ... silver .

    P297240: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma puzur4-a-szur3-ma a-na a-mur-dingir u2-zi-a u3 a-du-u2 qi2-bi4-ma a-na a-mur-dingir qi2-bi4-ma

  • 1(u) 5(disz) _ma-na an-na_ ma-si2-ra-am
  • ku-nu-ki-a u2-zi-a na-szi2 / a-du-u2 u3 u2-zi-a li-is?-ni-qu2-ni-kum#? a-szar i-ta-pu-lu-ni a-ma-la2 a-wa-ti2-i-[a] tu3-ka3-sza-da-ni szu-qu2-ul / 1(barig) 3(ban2)? qe2-ma-[am] [a-na am-ti2-a di2-in]

    AI Translation

    Thus Puzur-Assur: "To Amur-ilum speak! And now speak!"

  • 15 minas of tin, a tin
  • I am your cultic lord, I am a cultic lord. Now, and I am a cultic lord, where they have been imposed, I am a slanderer of my words. I have been slighted. 1 barig 3 ban2? in my lap, to my lord I have imposed.


  • 1(u) 8(disz) [x]-ma-ni-e [a a] x [...]
  • la2-di2-in / szu-ma / [...] ki-ma / _illat_ i x [x x] _an-na_ [x] x a-wa-ti2-ka3 la2-pu-ul / a-ta / a-na sza ki-ma / ku?-a-ti2 ta-asz2-ta-ap2-ra-am um-ma a-ta-ma 3(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3-babbar_ a-ma-kam / szu-uq-la2-szu-um a-ma sza ta-ag-mi3-li-[ni] szu-ma / _ku3-babbar_ / x x [...] a-[x x] _ku3-babbar_ [...] sza a-na da-da-a

    AI Translation
  • 18 ... ... ...
  • I have given. If ... like ... ... ... your words I have destroyed. If you write to what you wrote like ...: "Why 3 1/2 minas of silver?" — that is what you said. If you say ... silver ... silver ... that to Dada



    x x x x [...] a-ga-mi3-il5 u3 3(disz) 1/2(disz) ma#-[na _ku3-babbar_] sza# isz-tu3# [x] x x [...]-lu-tam2

    AI Translation

    ... ... Agamil and 3 1/2 minas of silver which from ... ... .

    P297241: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-n] puzur4-a-szur [u3 _gal_]-a-szur qi2-bi4-ma [um-ma] su2#-e-a-ma

  • 1/2(disz) _ma#-na# ku3-babbar_ s,a-ru-pu-um
  • i-li-bi a-szur-du-ri _dumu_ puzur4-esz18-dar 1(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3-babbar_ s,a-ru-(pu)-um i-li-bi4 [u2]-s,u2-ur-sza-a-szur _dumu_ bu-ta#-[a] t,up-pu-szu-nu / ha-ru-mu-tum# _e2_ sza-te2-a / i-ta-ma-la2-ki-im ka3-an-ku-ma s,a#-ba-at-ma (sze2)-s,i2-a-szu-nu _e2_ isz-te-2(disz)-en6 / i-ba-ri-ku-nu li-bi-szi2-u2 _ku3-babbar_ a-szur-du-ri u3 u2-s,u2-ur-sza-a-szur

    AI Translation

    To Puzur-Ashur and Great-Ashur speak! Thus says Su'ea:

  • 1/2 mina of silver, sharapu-stone;
  • Ili-bi, Assur-duri, son of Puzur-ishtar, 1 mina of silver, the sharupum-sharrum of Ili-bi, Usur-sha-Assur, son of Butaya, their tablets, harumunitum, the house of the second, Ita-malakim, you are the one who is seized, and their grain, the house of Ishte-en, you shall divide. Silver, Assur-duri and Usur-sha-Assur



    sza-asz2-qi2-la-ma / sze2-bi4-la2-nim

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • sza be2-u2-la-ti2-su

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • [a]-be2#-[a]-li-im / ta-ah-si2-(sa3)-tu3-szu [x x] _ma#-na_ [x x] x [x] _ma#-na ku3#-babbar_ [x] ra#?-tim szi2-im [...] [x] a-na _dumu_ bu-ta-a [x] di2 x a-di2-szu-um x 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ i-li-bi dingir-kur-ub _dumu#_ e-ra-di2 _igi_ du10-a-szur _dumu#_ puzur4-esz18-dar _igi_ ku-s,i2-a _dumu#_ bu-zi-zi t,up-pu-um sza# be2-u2-la2-ti2-szu [u3?] ta-ah-si2-sa3-tu3-szu

    AI Translation

    Shashqilama / Shebilanim

  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • of his supplications,

  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • ... ... ... ... ... ... to the son of Butaya ... ... 1 1/2 minas of silver Ili-kub, son of Eradi; before Du'assur, son of Puzur-Ishtar; before Kushaya, son of Buzizi; tablet of his dowry and? his dowry



    [...] i!-li-bi4 t,up-pi3 [...] x-ba-szi2-u2 [...] x szu-nu-ma

    AI Translation

    ... the Ilibi tablet ... ... ... they are .

    P297242: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na ...] x x [... u3] puzur4#-a-szur3 [qi2-bi-ma um-ma ...]-bu-ma [ma-s,a-ar-tam2 sza x-x-a]-szur3# ip-te2-u2-ma [lu _ku3-babbar_ lu _ku3-ki_] lu# t,up-pe3-e lu ta-ma-la2-ki

  • [2(disz)(szi2-ta)] i-le-en6 sza _uruda_ mi3-ma
  • a-nim a-na en-na-su2-en6 _dumu_ i3-li2-a-lim ip-qi2-du / a-na-ku isz-tu3 wa-ah-szu-sza-na a-li-kam-ma en-na-su2-en6 as,-ba-at-ma lu _ku3-babbar_ lu _ku3-ki_ lu t,up-pe2-e lu ta-ma-la2-ke-e 2(disz)(szi2-ta) i-le-en6 [...] a x x dam-qa2 [...]

    AI Translation

    To ... ... and Puzur-Assur, speak! Thus ...bu: "The guard of ...-Assur opened and whether silver, gold, tupe or ta-mala'u

  • 2 times he will be able to carry out the work of copper.
  • I, to Ennasuen, son of Ili-alim, appointed. I, from Wahshushana, came and Ennasuen I took and either silver, or silver, or a tablet, or a tamalakku-sket, for two times I commanded. ... ... good .



    a-szu-mi3 / il5-we-[da-ku] _dumu_ szu-a-szur / t,up-[...] li-bi4-ka3-ma / x [...] u3 _ku3-babbar_ a-szu-mi3-a / [...] i-na _ku3-babbar_-pi3-a-ma qa2-at# [...] [x] x-a / im-lu-u2-ma / i-tur4 [...] [x x] isz-qu2-ul-ma / t,up-pi3 u2-sze2-[...] [x x] sza mi3-ma la2 ha-(bu)-la2-ku-ni / ma x qa2-ti2 [...] ki#?-a / a-szur-(d)utu-szi a-s,e2-er [...] x ub-lu-ma / _tug2 hi-a_ [... sza] ki-ma i-a-ti2 [...]-a i-ra-de8-a-ni [...] x / u3 mi3-szi2-ih-tam2 [...]-s,e2-er [...]-x [...]-ra-ni [...]-mu-u2

    AI Translation

    I, Ilwedaku, son of Shu-Assur, ... tablet ... may he bring to you, and ... and silver, my name ... with silver and ... ... he smashed, and ... he smashed, and tablet he brought ... ... who nothing to plunder ... ... Assur-shamash I pursued ... ... I brought, and ... ... which like me ... he loves ... and the shittam ...



    [... s,i2]-li2-esz18-dar / igi [...] [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... Shilli-Ishtar / before ... ... .

    P297244: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [um-ma] sza-lim-a-hu#-[um-ma] [a-na] pu-szu-ke-en6 [qi2]-bi-ma a-di2 sze2-ni-[szu] _e2_-ti2 szu-hu-bu-ur [i]-s,i2-bi-it ki-sza? _ku3#-babbar_ i-pu-uz-ri-[im] [x]-ma a-s,e2-ri-a tu3#-sze2-bi-lam a-hi a-ta _ku3#-babbar_ sza a-na _e2#_([be2-ti2) / asz2-qu2-lu] _ku3#-babbar_-pi3 a-na _e2#_[(be2-ti2)] sze2#-bi-lam a-na [x]-x-e _e2_ ma-ma-an#

    AI Translation

    "Shallim-ahum, speak to Pushu-ke'en! Up to his left, the house Shuhum-bur will take. The silver he has paid. ... and I will bring it. One side to the silver which to the house I have sat, the silver to the house I shall bring. To ... the house, anyone

    P297247: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-[na lu-qu2-tim] sza i-di2-[esz18-dar sza] isz-tu3 a-lim(ki) e-li#-[a-ni-ma] _ku3-babbar_ [u3 _tug2 hi]-a_ [...] sza [_e2]-gal_-[lim u2-s,u2-u2-ni ...]

  • 6(disz) _ma-na#_ [...]
  • t,up-pa2-am [...] x [...] a-di2-szu-um [u3 _ku3]-babbar_ sza x isz-ti2 pi2-[la2-ah-...] x il5-qe2

  • 1(disz) _ma-na# [ku3-babbar_ s,a-ru]-pa2#-am i-nu-mi3
  • ka3-pa2-dum [i-li-ka3-ni] a-di2-szu-um

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-mu-ra-am a-di2-szu-um
  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-na _dumu_ zi-zi-im
  • [x x]-ni 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-di2#-szu-um-ma [...] x u2-sze2-bi4-il5 1(disz) _tug2 sag10_ [x _gin2_] szi2#-im-szu szi2-im [...] x u2-la2-bi4-szu

    AI Translation

    for the libation beer of Iddin-Ishtar, who from the city came up above me, silver and ... garments ... which the palace brought out .

  • 6 minas ...
  • Tablet ... ... with him and silver of ... with pilah-... he took.

  • 1 mina of silver, sharapam-measure, at that time
  • the kapadum-priest of Ili-kani, with him.

  • 1/2 mina of silver I shall weigh out for him.
  • 1/3 mina of silver to the son of Zizim;
  • ... 5 shekels of silver to him ... he brought. 1 head-garment ... shekels of his value, the value of ... he brought to him.



    [...] x a-szu-mi3 / pi2-[la2-ah-x i-na] [_e2]-gal_-lim isz-qu2-lu 2(disz) _ma-na#_ [a]-di2-szu-um 4(disz) _gin2 ku3-sig17 sag10_

  • 1(u) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze ku3-sig17_ sza ab2-ni-szu
  • a-di2-szu-um 3(disz) _tug2_ 1/3(disz) _ma-na-ta_ i-nu-mi3 ni-iq-i-szu il5-qe2 1(disz) _tug2_ u2-ta-e-ra-am _ku3-sig17_ a-di2-szu-um la2 sa3-ni-iq _sza3-ba_ 1(u) 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _gin2_ szu-hu-bur i-di2-nam szu-ut 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-pa2-ni s,u2-ha-ri-a a-ha-hi-im u2-sze2-bi4-il5

  • 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-mu-ra-am i-di2-nam
  • 4(u) 5(disz) _tug2_ sza qa2-tim2 i-di2-nam
  • e-di-na-a il5-qe2 6(disz) _gin2_ [x x] sza a-kal2 zu-zu-a ub-la2-ku-[ni] szi2-ti2 _ku3-babbar_ 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ i-li#-[bi4-a] bi-it-qa2-at [_an-na_ ...] x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... my name / a ... in the palace he weighed out. 2 minas of silver as its full price, 4 shekels of gold, capital.

  • 10 shekels 15 grains of gold for his thorns;
  • with him 3 1/3 minas of linen, when his rations he took, 1 garment of uta'eram-garment of gold, with him not to be weighed out, the heart 11 1/3 shekels of shubur-garments he shall measure out. For 1 mina of silver the front, the shubi-garments, the rear, he shall send.

  • 1 mina of silver I shall give to you.
  • 45 shirts of the qatum-offerings he will give.
  • he gave me. Six shekels ... which the ... of the akal-zuzu-vessel brought, the price of half a mina of silver he took. Anu ... ... .

    P297259: royal-monumental barrel

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI

    Column 2


    [...]-ra#-am-mu-szu14 [...]-su# szu-bat-sa# re#-esz#-ti#-tim# [...] ge#-gu-(na)-a-szu [...]-li#-i [...]-ma# [...] [...] [...]-szu# [...] [...]-ma# [...]-tim [...] sza#-a-szu [...]-babbar#-ra [...]-ma#-ri [...]-a [...]-ri# [...] (d#)utu# [...] _(gesz)mar_ [...] e2#-babbar-ra [...]-ra#-tim [...]-'i#-ir-ma [...]-tam#-hir [...] si-ma-a-tim [...] _sze-ga_ [...] _utu_ u3 (d)a-a [...]-lu#-ti-szu-un [...]-le-szu-un [...] re-esz-ta-a-tim [...]-ra#-pi2 _lugal_ la-bi-ri [...]-un# ad-di-ma [...] te-me2-en-szu-un

    AI Translation

    ... his ..., his first-born dwelling ... his ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and Aya ... their ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... their foundations

    Column 3


    _e2#_ szu#-a#-tim# ki#-ma# la#-bi-ri#-im#-ma# e#-esz#-szi#-isz# e#-pu#-usz#-ma# us#-si#-mi# szi#-ki#-in#-szu# e2-dur-an-na# _e2#_ na#-ra#-mi#-szu# ki#-ma# sza2# _ud#-mesz#_ ul-lu-tim# u2-ul-la-a re-e-szi-szu e2-babbar-ra a-na (d)utu u3 (d)a-a e-pu2-usz u2-sza-ak-li-il-ma u2-ba-an-na-a ta-al-la-ak-tu-usz pa-pa-hi szu-ba-at i-lu-ti-szu-un s,i-ir-tim sza i-te-e zi-qu2-ra-tim re-tu-u2 te-me-en-szu2 a-na si-ma-at i-lu-ti-szu-num ra-bi-tim szu-lu-ku a-na (d)utu u3 (d)a-a _en-mesz_-e-a u4-mi-isz u2-na-am-mi-ir-ma

    u2-za-aq-qi2-ir hu-ur-sa-ni-isz sza a-na _lugal_ ma-na-ma la im-gu-ru (d#)utu be-lu ra-bu-u2 ia-ti _lugal_ pa-li-ih-szu2 [x]-gu#-ur-an-ni-ma i-ir-a-mu qa2-tu-u2-a [x]-babbar#-ra a-na (d)utu u3 (d)a-a [x x]-e-a ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma# [x x]-qi2-isz e-pu-usz-ma# [...]-ri-sza u2-te-er [...] _gesz-nu11-gal_ szi-t,i-ir szu-um [...]-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal_ la-bi-ri [x x]-re#-eb-szu ap-pa-al-sa [x x] szi-t,i-ir szu-mi-ia asz2-ku-un-ma [x]-ki#-in (ana) du-ur2 u4-mu [x x] sza-at-ti (d)utu be-lu szu-ur2-bu-u2

    _lugal# an_-e u3 _ki_-tim# [x]-ur2# _kur-kur e2_ szu-a-tim ha-di-isz nap#-[x x] ba#-la-t,a4 u4-mu ru-[...] [x]-be2#-e lit-tu-tu# [...] u3# la-ba#-[...] [x]-na# [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]-ma#-at# [...] [x x] i-ba-ar#-ra#-a# nu#-ur2#-ka nam-ri szu-uk-szi-da qa2-tu-u2-a szu-uk-ni-szu sze-e-pu-u2-a (d)a-a kal-la-ti ra-bi-tim i-na ku-um-mi-ka s,i-i-ri ka-a-a-na li-ta-mi-ka# da-am-qa-a-ti# (d)bu-ne-ne su-uk-kal#-[x] mi-it-lu-uk-ti-ka u4-mi-sza#-[x x] li-ka-al-li#-[x] i-da-a-ti du-um#-[x x]

    AI Translation

    The temple of that temple, like one old and new, I built and I raised it up. The Edurana, his beloved temple, like that of distant days I raised up its top. The Ebabbar for Shamash and Aya I built and completed and I raised up its top. The cella, the seat of their exalted divinity, which is on the opposite bank of the Quqrû, the seat of its foundation, for the well-being of their great divinity I raised up. For Shamash and Aya, my lords, I made it shine bright for eternity and

    he made a sacrifice. He who to no king has ever sinned against Shamash, the great lord, my brother, the king who reveres him, ... he swore to me. ... ... for Shamash and Aya ... ... he did and ... her ... he returned. ... a stele written in my name ... Ammu-rapi, the old king, ... I opened his ... ... a stele written in my name I placed and ... forever for the life of Shamash, the supreme lord.

    king of heaven and earth, ... of the lands, that temple ... joyfully ... life, day and night ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... whose hand is bright, whose hand is mighty, Aya, great lady, in your exalted cloister may ... daily ... good things, Bunene, your sukkal ..., your ... days may ...

    P297260: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x x [...] [...] x [...] x [...]-la#-a#-ti# sza2# ina er#-me a-nu u ki#-gal-li# szur#-ru#-[...] i#-lat# _muru2#_ [x] _me3#?_ a-li-kat2 i-di# _lugal_ mi#-gir-i-sza2 mu-ra-as#-[...] a-szi-bat e2-nir-gal2-an-na sza2 qe2-reb e2-an-na _gaszan_ unu(ki) _gaszan gal#_-[...] (disz)an-szar2-szesz-mu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7#_ [...] _lugal#_ szah#-t,u musz-te-e'-u2 asz2-ra-a-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ pa-a-lih [...]

    ba-nu-u2 _e2_ an-szar2 e-pisz e2-sag#-il2 u babilax(|_ka2-disz-disz_|)#(ki) za-a-nin# [...] mu-ud-disz e2-an-na mu-szak-lil esz-re-e-ti _ki#_-[x x] sza2 ina qer-bi-szi-na isz-tak-ka-nu si#-[...] _dumu_ (disz)(d)3(u)-szesz-mesz-su _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _dumu_ (disz)lugal-gin _lugal#_ [...] _szagina_ babilax(|_ka2-disz-disz_|)(ki) _lugal kur_ x [...] e2-nir-gal2-an-na _e2_ pa-pa-hi (d)isz-tar _gaszan_-ia sza2 [...] sza2 _lugal_ mah-ri i-pu-szu la-ba-risz il-lik-ma# mi#-[...]

    asz2-ra-ti-szu2 asz2-te-e'-i ina a-gur-ri _udun ku3#_-tim# [...] _szu-min_ (d)inanna unu(ki) _gaszan gal_-ti# as,#-[...] _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-[...] [...] x x x [...] [...]-u2#-a# x [...]-tu# lu#-u2 [...] [...] x x x [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... who in the midst of battle and battle ... the goddess of the middle ... who marches at the side of the king, her favorite, who ..., who dwells in the Enirgalana temple, which is inside the Eanna temple, the lady of Uruk, the great lady ... Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, mighty king, who constantly seeks out the shrines of the great gods, who revere .

    the builder of the temple of Ashur, builder of Esagil and Babylon, provider of ..., renovator of Eanna, completer of the shrines of ..., who in them established ..., son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, king of ..., general of Babylon, king of the land ..., Enirgalanna, temple of the cella of Ishtar, my lady, who ... which a king of the past had built, he went backwards and .

    I constantly sought out his shrines. With baked bricks, pure utensils, ... the hands of Ishtar of Uruk, the great lady, I ... offerings ...

    P297261: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)isz-tar _gaszan_ szur-bu-tu# e-tel-let# _an#_-e u _ki_-tim qa-rit#-ti# _dingir-mesz_ sza2-ru-uh-tu (d)inanna unu(ki) ru-ba-a-ti s,ir-ti le-qa-a-ti pa-ra-as, (d)a-nu3-u2-tu sza2 ri-kis te-re-e-ti ha-am-mat ru-um-tu ti-iz-qar-ti sza2 a-na _lugal_ mi-ig-ri-sza2 ke-nisz ip-pal-la-su _bala_-szu2 u2-szal-ba-ru i-szar-ra-ku-usz da-na-nu u3 li-i-ti sza2-nun-ka-at ad2-na-a-ti sza2-qu-ti _dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bat e2-nir-gal2-an-na sza2 qe2-reb e2-an-na be-let unu(ki) _gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu2

    (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal gal_-u2 _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib#-ra-a-ti er-bit-ti _szagina_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki#) lugal kur_ szu-me-ri u ak-ka-di-i ti-ri-is, _szu-min an-szar2_ i-tu-ut kun lib3-bi (d)en-lil2 ni-bit (d)marduk mi-gir (d)ir-ni-ni sza2 ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu2 a-na _an-szar2_ (d)a-nim (d)en-lil2 (d)e2-a (d)3(u) (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)marduk

    (d)ag ((u)) (d)u-gur u (d)isz-tar _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-me_-szu2 it-tak-lu-ma ni-iz-mat-su u2#-szak-szi-du-usz i-mu-ru da-na-an-szu2-un a-na nu-uh-hi lib3-bi _dingir_-u2-ti-szu2-nu u nu-up-pu-szu2 ka-bat-ti-szu2-nu _gissu_-szu2-nu da-ru-u2 it-ru-s,u e-li-szu2 ina e-muq _an-szar2_ (d)en _dumu_ (d)en u _(d)1(u)-5(disz) dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-szu2 kul-lat _kur-kur_ i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-li-ku u2-szak-ni-szu2 sze-pu-usz-szu2

    mu-szak-lil esz-re-e-ti u ma-ha-zu mu-kin sat-tuk-ka _lugal_ sza2 ina u4#-mu _bala_-szu2 _en gal_-u2 (d)marduk ana babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ir-szu#-u2 sa-li-mu ina e2-sag-il2 _e2#-gal_-szu2 ir-mu#-u2# szu-bat-su (d)a-num _gal_-u2 x a-na _iri_-szu2 bad3#-an#(ki#) u _e2_-szu2 e2-dim-gal-kalam#-ma u2-sze-ri-bu-ma u2-sze-szi-bu pa-rak-ka da-ra-a-ti _dingir-mesz kur-kur_ sza2 a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) i-hi-szu-ni szu-kut-ta-szu2-nu ud-disz-ma ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    a-na asz2-ri-szu2-nu u2-ter#-szu2-nu-ti-ma u2-kin-nu is-qu-usz-szu2-un _nun_ en-qu it-pe-szu2 ha-a-sis kal# szi-pir sza2 ina ma-ha-zu _gal-mesz_ si-ma-a-ti isz-tak-ka-nu usz-te-szi-ru szu-luh-ha _dumu_ (disz)(d)3(u)-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _dumu_ (disz)lugal-gin _lugal kur_ asz-szur _szagina_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _lugal kur_ szu-me-ri u3 uri(ki) li-ip-li-pi da-ru-u2 sza2 (disz)(d)en-ba-ni _dumu_ (disz)a-da-si _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    _nunuz_ bal-til(ki) szu-qu-ru _numun lugal_-u2-tu ki-sit2-ti s,a-a-ti i-nu-szu2 e2#-an-na _e2_ (d)a-nu-u2-tu na-ram _(d)1(u)-5(disz) gaszan_-ia sza2 _lugal_ ma-har i-pu-szu# la-ba-risz il-lik-ma i-qu-pu _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 asz2-ra-ti-szu2 asz2-te-e'-e ma-qit-ta-szu2 as#-suh# te-me-en-szu2 u2-s,ab-bi-ma ki#-ma si-ma-ti-szu2 la-bi-ra-a-ti ina szi-pir (d)kulla ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil ki-ma _kur_-i re-e-szi-szu2 ul#-li

    _(d)1(u)-5(disz) gaszan_ szur-bu-ti szi-pir szu-a-ti ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma a-mat _munus-saga_-ia lisz-sza2-kin szap-tusz-sza2 _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri li-szam-ri-ir _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ma-ti-ma ina ah#-rat u4-mu _nun egir_-u2 sza2 ina u4-me _bala_-szu2 szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu-ma ma-qit-ti i-rasz-szu#-u2# asz2#-ra-ti-szu2 lisz-te-e'#-e ma-qit#-ta#-szu2 lik-szir3 _mu-sar#_-u2# szi-t,ir _mu_-ia# _i3-gesz_ lip#-szu#-usz# (udu#)_siskur2# bal_-qi2 ina asz2#-ri#-szu2 lisz-kun#

    ik-ri-bi-szu2 _dingir-mesz_ i-szem#-mu-u2 ur-ra-ak _u4-mesz_ u2-rap-pa-asz2 kim-ti sza2 _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia# ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti ib-ba-tu lu#-u2 a-szar-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ru (d)isz#-tar _gaszan gal_-ti ag-gisz lik-kil-me-szu2-ma _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina nap-har# _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

    AI Translation

    For Ishtar, supreme lady, pre-eminent one of heaven and earth, queen of the gods, exalted, Ishtar of Uruk, exalted ruler, wise one, sage of Anu, who carries out the scribal arts, sage of the rites, mighty one, whose reign is pleasing to the king, her favorite, and whose reign he makes great, mighty, and supreme, the exalted ones, the gods dwelling in Enirgalana, which is inside Eanna, lady of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

    Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, the one who carries the hand of the god Ashur, chosen of the heart of the god Enlil, favorite of the god Marduk, favorite of the goddess Irnini, who from his childhood to the deities Ashur, Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Marduk,

    Nabû, Nergal, and Ishtar, the great gods, his lords, trusted in him and their benevolent utterances they made manifest. Their might they poured out for the remission of their divinity and their remission of their guilt, their happiness, their eternal protection they swore over him. With the strength of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, Bel Marduk, and Ishtar, the gods who support him, all the lands ruled and all the rulers they made manifest to him.

    the one who completes shrines and cult centers, the one who establishes sattukku-offerings, the king whose reign the great lord Marduk to Babylon erected, and whose dwelling in Esagil, his palace, erected, and whose residence Anu, the great lord, ... to his city Duran and his temple Edimgalkalama he brought in and made dwell therein, the eternal gods of the lands who to Assyria he restored their inscriptions and from inside Assyria

    to their place he returned them and sealed them. A wise prince, a pious prince, a mighty prince, who constantly establishes the best of the great cult centers, he who is Shuluhha, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, eternal shepherd of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria,

    The eldest daughter of Baltil Ashur, the exalted seed of kingship, this seat. At that time, Eanna, the temple of Anutu, beloved of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which a king before had built, had become old and old, and its walls had buckled, its cult centers had collapsed, its cult centers had collapsed, its foundations had collapsed, its foundations had collapsed, and its original foundations had become old. By the craft of the god Kulla I built and completed it like a mountain.

    May Ishtar, supreme lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a word of my good deeds be placed upon her lips. May she make my weapons greater than those of all enemies. At any time in the future, in the days of the future, when this work becomes dilapidated and a claim arises, may he seek out his shrines and seek out his shrines. May he write on it a inscription written in my name, oil, make an offering, and place it in his shrine.

    May the gods hear his prayers, may they lengthen the days, may they make the remission of debts imposed upon him. May the one who erases an inscribed object bearing my name by some crafty device or his place be destroyed. May the goddess Ishtar, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from all lands.

    P297264: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) u8 bar-su-ga ba-usz2
  • ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti diri

    AI Translation
  • 1 ewe with a thigh, slaughtered,
  • from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; extra month,



    mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun

    AI Translation

    year: "Enmahgalana was installed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3

    AI Translation

    Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.

    P297265: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba kiszib3 dab-ba didli i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, all are here;


    Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, various, are here.

    P297268: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] a2 lu2 hun-ga2

  • 5(gesz2) 3(u) sar gi zex(_sig7_)-a 1(u) sar-ta
  • a2-bi u4 3(u) 3(disz)

  • 6(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) sar gi zex(_sig7_)-a 1(u) 5(disz) sar-ta
  • a2-bi u4 2(u) 5(disz)

  • 7(gesz2) sar gi zex(_sig7_)-a 1(u) 2(disz) (sar)-kam
  • AI Translation

    ... labor of hirelings

  • 420 sar of reed, reeds, 10 sar each,
  • its labor: 33 days;

  • 165 sar of reed, red, 15 sar each,
  • its labor: 25 days;

  • 720 sar of reed, 12 sar = 10 volume-sar;
  • Reverse


    a2-bi u4 3(u) 5(disz)-kam a2 sza3-gu4-ka a-sza3-ge kin ak a-sza3 a-gesztin ugula [...] [kiszib3 szesz-a-ni] [iti ...] [mu ...]

    AI Translation

    its labor: 35 days; labor of your oxen, field work done, field of wine, foreman: ..., sealed tablet of Sheshani; month: "...," year: "...."

    Seal 1


    szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu da-da

    AI Translation

    Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.

    P297270: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na i-na-a qi2-bi-ma um-ma ta-ra-am-ku-bi-ma [x] _tug2 hi-a sag10_-tim _diri_ [n 2(disz)] _tug2 hi-a_ sza a-ki-di2-e [n] 2(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na an-na_ [x] at#? a-[...] [x] x [x] szu [...] x [x] _gin2# ku3#-babbar_ [...]

    AI Translation

    To that end speak! Thus you: ... red-purple ...-garments, n 2 garments of Akidî, n 26 1/2 minas of ... ... ... ... shekels of silver .



    mi3-szal2 _ansze_ u3 mi3-szal2 _ku3-babbar_ _ansze hi-a_ il5-qe2

  • 1(u) _gin2 ku3#-ki#_ ku-bu-ur-szi2-nim
  • u3 na-ab2-ri-tam2 a-s,u2-ha-ar-tim sze2-bi4-lam na-ab2-ri-tum [lu] ra-bi4-a-at /

    AI Translation

    He will weigh half a donkey and half a donkey's silver.

  • 10 shekels of silver, the silver of Kubur-shinim;
  • and the stele of the stele, may the stele be great!

    P297272: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [li]-di2-in-ma _ku3-babbar_ i-na pu-uh3-ri-ku-nu ku-un-ka3 sze2-bi-la2-nim szu-ma a-wa-[tum] la2 im-tu3#-qu2-ut# [a-di2 ...]

    AI Translation

    He shall pay the silver in your presence, in your trust. That he did not alter the wording of the document until .

    P297273: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) _gin2#_ [...]
  • a-na za x [...]

  • 4(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar#_ [...]
  • a-qa2-ti2-szu a-di2-in

    AI Translation
  • 6 shekels ...
  • to the right ... .

  • 4 shekels of silver .
  • I gave his gifts.



    a-di2-in# _szunigin_ 1(u) 3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-s,u2-ha-re-e sza a-sa2-nim a-di2-in

    AI Translation

    Total: 13 shekels of silver for the threshing floor of Asanu.

    P297274: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ne2-pi2-szu-um x [...]
  • sza sza-lim-a-hi-im [...]

  • 1(disz) ri-ik-su2-um / x [...]
  • sza sza-lim-a-hi-im-ma# a-na pu-szu-ke-en6#

  • 1(disz) ne2-pi2-szu-um x [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 nepishum-plant ... .
  • of the shallim-ahum .

  • 1 ... ...
  • of the shallim-ahum and to Pushuken.

  • 1 nepishum-plant ... .
  • Reverse


    x sza a-mur-esz18-dar# [...] pu-szu-ke-en6 1(disz) ri-ik#-[szu2?-um]

  • 3(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ sza a-mur#-[x]
  • a-na i3-li2-a-lim u3 puzur4-a-szur3# [...]

  • 1(disz) ri-ik-su2-um x [...]
  • sza puzur4-a-szur3# [u3] pu-szu-ke-en6 1(disz) ri#-[ik-szu2?-um] [x ma-na 1(u) 3(disz) _gin2_]

    AI Translation

    ... of Amur-Ishtar ... pushukenu 1 rikshuum

  • 3 1/2 minas of ...-stone;
  • to Ili-alim and Puzur-Assur .

  • 1 riksum-vessel ... .
  • of Puzur-Ashur and Pushuken: 1 rikshuum-sheep, x minas 13 shekels;

    P297275: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...]-a [...] [...]-a [...] mar#-tu x [...-a]-szur3 _szunigin_ x [x] x szi2-ip-ri sza a-lim(ki) _i3-gesz_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... Amurru ... ... Assur, total ... the reed-plant of the city of oil



    a-szu-mi3 / a-wi-lim al-pu-ut

    AI Translation

    I have sworn by name / man.

    P297276: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] pu#-szu-ke-en6 u3 i-na-a [(qi2-bi-ma) um-ma] szu!-ku-bu-ma a-szu-mi3 [sza] ni#-ka3-si2 i-sza-tim [sza a]-bu-ni i-mu-tu3 [a-na] ni#-ka3-si2 a-na-ku [a-pu]-uh3# a-bi4-ni a-zi-iz [um]-ma# a-na-ku-ma szu-mi3 a-bi4-a [la2] u2-qa2-la2-al szi2-hi-tu3-szu [i]-a-ti2-me-en6 i-la2-ak a-sza-me-ma szi2-hi-ti2 a-bi4-ni [sza x] il5?-ta-qe2-u2 u3 da-tum ma#-ri-isz3-tam2 a-di2

    AI Translation

    To Pushuken and thus say: "Shutum, my name is Nikkal, the one who saw my father, to Nikkal I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, my father I stand. Thus I, my name is not, I shall not take away his property. His property I shall take." Thus I, my father who ... has taken, and the remainder of the inheritance until



    ar#-be-e-szu asz2-ta-qal ma-ti2-ma [i-nu]-ma a-ta-pa2-e-a [sza] ki-ma szu-nu-ti2 e-ri-szu-ma [i-di2]-nu-ni a-tu3-nu [a-na i-a]-ti2 e-na-na-tim la2 te2-ri-sza-nim [a-hu]-a a-tu3-nu ih-da-ma [e-na]-na#-tim _ki_ ka3-ri-im [...] u3 be-li2-a [er-sza]-ni-ma ki!-ma [...] isz#-te2-en6 u3 sze2-na [... a]-bi-ni [...] u3 i-a-ti2

    AI Translation

    I have sworn by his name. If at any time I have sent to you, who like them, I have entrusted to him, and you to me, you shall not return to him. That which I have entrusted to you, and you to me, with the quay ... and my lord I shall return to you, and like ... I have entrusted and you ... our father ... and me

    P297278: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    lu-qu2-tum [...] li-bi-[szi2] a-di2

    AI Translation

    May . . . be held in good repute until



    me-he-er t,up-[pi2]-im sza dingir-na-ti2-a ta-sza-me-u2 lu-qu2-tam2 a-na ma-ma-an la2 tu3-wa-sza-ar t,up-pa2-am / sza dingir-na-tu3-a la2-pu-ta-ni / ku-nu-ki-a

    AI Translation

    The 'heart' of the tablet of my gods you shall hear; let me be satisfied; to nobody you shall remove. The tablet of my gods you shall remove.

    P297279: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 5/6(disz) _gin2 ku3-[babbar]_
  • a-na e-me-ri# asz-qu2-qul2

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-[babbar]_
  • a-na s,u2-[ba-tim]

    AI Translation
  • 5/6 shekel of silver
  • I have sworn to the land.

  • 1 1/2 shekels of silver
  • to the shubatu-priests



    sza a-na-[x]-ki-[x] la-bu-szu asz-qu2-qul2!

    AI Translation

    I have smashed the ... that I ...,

    P297280: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    lu-sze2-bi4-la2-ku-[um] _ku3-babbar_ 1(disz) _gin2_ li#-[...] li-ba-am di2-na#-am# e-en6 a-szur u3 e-ne2-ku-nu ka3-li-ma#-[x x] u3 [x] a [...]

    AI Translation

    Let me send you silver, 1 shekel ..., let me ..., a lawsuit, a lawsuit, Ashur and your ..., ... and ... .



    la2 ta-asz2-ta-[...]

    AI Translation

    You do not .

    P297281: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [na]-zi# il5-qe2 1/4(disz) _gin2#_ a-szu-mi3 i-ku-pi3-a _dumu_ a-da-[da?] na-zi-ma i-pu-li

  • 1(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ ((_gin2_)) _ku3-babbar_ isz-ti2
  • na-na-a-a _dumu_ ha-na-nim

  • 2/3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na mu-s,i2-szu
  • sza al-pa2-am ni-it,-bu-hu-ni

    AI Translation

    Nazi, Illi-qe, 1/4 shekel: Asumi, Ikupia, son of Adada, Nazi, he has carried.

  • 1 shekel 15 grains of silver from the king, my lord;
  • Nanaya, son of Hananim;

  • 2/3 shekel of silver for his use,
  • We have sinned against the one who is ill.



    a-szu-mi3 na-na-a-a-ma asz2-qu2-ul 3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ u2 1(u) _gin2 uruda_ a-na# [x]-i-im sza szu-ru-tim a-[x x] szu-ma-bi4-a _dumu_ [...] asz2-qu2-ul 1(disz) _gin2# [ku3-babbar_] a-szu-mi3 szu-ma-a-bi4-[a] [x] x ru-ba-im [...]

    AI Translation

    I have taken. 3 shekels of silver and 10 shekels of copper for ... of the shirutum-priests ... Shumabia son of ... I have taken. 1 shekel of silver, my name Shumabia ... the prince .



    [...] 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ [...] szu-ma-bi4-a [...] bu-ur-qi2-a

    AI Translation

    ... 1/2 shekel of silver ... my shandabakku-gift ... my gurqi-gift

    P297282: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    isz-tu3 ha-musz-tim sza a-szur-be-el-a-wa-tim u3 a-gu5-za a-na

  • 4(u) 4(disz) ha-am-sza-tim
  • sza pu-szu-ke-en6# a-na# 4(u) 1(disz) ha-am-sza#-tim# sza zu-kur-i3-li2 isz-tu3 ha-musz-tim [sza] a-szur-[_sipa_] u3 e-na-ma-nim u4-mu-szu-nu a-na

  • 4(u) 7(disz) ha-am-sza-tim
  • sza esz18-dar#-[pi3]-la2-ah u3 id-na-a

    AI Translation

    From the mushtu-house of Assur-bel-awatum and Aguza to

  • 44 hamshatum-plants,
  • of Pushuken, for 41 hamshatum of Zukur-ili from hamshatum of Ashur-re'i and Enamanum, their days, to

  • 47 hamshatum-plants,
  • of Ishtar-pilah and Idnâ.

    P297285: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na ha-na#-[na-ri-im] i-di2-a-bi4-[im u2] na-zi qi2-bi4-ma# um-ma szu-esz18-dar-ma# _an-na_ i-na pu-ug-da-szu _dumu_ a-ni-nim il5-te2-qe2-szu um-ma szu-ut-ma a-wi-lam a-ga-mi3-il5 a-di2 5(disz) u4-me _ku3-babbar_ a-da-na-ku-nu-ti2 a-pu-uh3 5(disz) u4-me

    AI Translation

    To Hananari Idi-abi and Nazi speak! Thus Shu-ishtar: "Ana, in his mouth son of Aninim, has taken him away." Thus Shutum: "A man of Agammil for 5 days silver I gave to you."



    a-li-ku a-di2 ma-la2 u2 sze2-ni-szu i-tal-ku a-ni i-na ba-ab2 ha-ra-nim at,-hi-szu-ma um-ma a-na-ku-ma a-di2 a-a-e-im u4-mi3-im sza ta-na-x-[x x] zi-iq-ni up-na# [...] um-ma szu-ut-[ma] i-na a-x [x x (x x x)] u2 a-zi [...]

    AI Translation

    I went as far as he went and his ... I approached him in the midst of the harani, saying: "I, as far as the fathers and days that you ... the rites, ..., saying: 'He's ... in ... and .



    sza-li-tum i-li-kam a-ta la2 t,a2-hu-a-ti2 ma-la2-ku-nu

    AI Translation

    The shalitu-priest of the gods, who has no rivals,

    P297287: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na# [x] qi2-bi-[ma um-ma] szi2-ma-su2#-[en6-ma] a-szu-mi3 _sze_-im# [...]-a-ni um-ma a-ta-ma# a-[na] e-na-a-szur a-qa2-bi4-ma# 1(u) _dug sze_-im i-da!-na-ki-im mi3-ma u3-la2 i-[di2]-nam be2-li2 a-ta (d)utu-szi a-ta qa2-qu2-ru-um

    AI Translation

    To ... speak! Thus Shimasu-en: "My name is barley ...-ani, thus why to Ena-Assur I spoke? 10 jugs of barley he will measure out, whatever he will measure out, my lord, from sunrise to sunset



    dan-an s,u2#-ha#-ar#-ka3# la2 i-mu-a-at szu-ma a-ta / sa3-ah-ra-at a-na u2-ku-ul-ti2 s,u2-uh3-ri-ka3 sze2-bi4-lam / a-ma-kam hu-du-ur-la2 s,a-[ba-at-ma] 1(u) 2(disz) _gin2_ _ku3#-[babbar_ x]-ni#?-li

    AI Translation

    He is not a strong one, he is not a shakharu-demon. If he is a shakharu-demon, to the uku'ultu-demon, he shall return. The word of the shakharu-demon is a shakharu-demon. 12 shekels of silver .

    P297288: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na ha-ti2-tim qi2-bi-ma um-ma zi-ik-ri-il5-ka3-ma li-lu-ti2-i ta-asz2-me-i-ma a-wa-tim ha-am-t,a2-tim tu3-la2-pi2-tim ma#?-a um-ma a-ti2-ma [...]-isz#-tum

    AI Translation

    To the haruspex speak! Thus Zikri-ilka: "Lulutu you heard, and the words of Hamtatim and Tuliptim, thus .



    x [...] u3 a-hi isz-tu3 _mu 5(disz)-sze3_ la2-szu a-ni-a-tim (tu3)-la2-pi3-ti2-im isz-tu3 a-na wa-ah-szu-sza-na a-li-ka3-ni li-bi4 [a]-di ha-am-szi2-szu im-ra-as, a-ma-kam sza-il5-tam2 sza-li-ma

    AI Translation

    ... ... and ahi from 5 years he has not borne. Those tupitum-vessels from Wahshushana to the city of Aligning he shall carry. until his death he shall be smashed. The word of the shillatum is true.



    te2-er-ti2-[ki] li-li#-[kam]

    AI Translation

    May your prayer be heard.

    P297289: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi-ma um-ma i-ku-pi2-a-ma

  • 5(u) _gu2 uruda_ szi2-kam
  • a-ka3?-sza?-da-ku-um x [... x] um-ma a-na-ku-ma#

    AI Translation

    To Pushuken speak! Thus Ikupia:

  • 50 talents of copper, the ration,
  • I am a kashadakum ... ..., saying: "I am



    _ansze hi-a_ i-la2-tim u2-nu-su2-nu u3 e-ri-qa2-tim t,ur4-da-am / [x-x]-ti2

  • 3(disz) _ma-na uruda_ ma-as-am
  • u3 e-wa-s,a-tim#? i-di2-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    ... donkeys, ..., and eribatu-vessels, .

  • 3 minas of copper, as much
  • and Ewastim?, Iddi-shamash



    sa# a-ni-nim ub-la2-kum

    AI Translation

    He carries it off as a gift.

    P297290: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na_
  • 5(disz) la2 1/4(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • i-s,e2-er pe3-ti2-a-n-al-ka3 hu-ma-da-szu u2 i-la2-li-[x x] [i]-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 mina
  • 5 less 1/4 shekels of silver
  • he smote your face, he smote his wife, and Ilili-... he smote.



    [i]-s,a-ba-at#? _igi_ a-du-du _igi_ ha-pu-a-szu be-tam4 / a-na sza-par2-tim u2-ka3-al

    AI Translation

    He is seized. Before Addu, before his ..., he is seized. To the shatarot he is seized.

    P297291: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi-ma um-ma a-hu-wa-qar-ma

  • 3(u) _tug2-[hi]-a_ 1(u) 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • hu#?-bu-lu-um ku-nu-ki#-a [ar]-szi2#-ah na-asz2-a-kum [_tug2_ isz]-te2-et / ra-qu2-tum [x x] x ku x [...]

    AI Translation

    To Pushuken speak! Thus Ahu-waqar:

  • 31 garments, 11 shekels of silver,
  • The ... of your cultic rites is a slander. The garment is a slander. ... ... .



    a-na _ku3-babbar_ / li-x-x-ma# _ku3-babbar_ a-na s,e2-ri-ka3 li-li-kam-ma a-na te2-er-ti2-ka3 / pa2-ni-szu-ma i-na hu-bu-li-a li-is,-hi-ra-am a-bi a-ta be-li2 a-ta

    AI Translation

    to silver ..., and silver to your side may he go, and to your side to his face may he return, in my womb. My father, my lord, my brother,



    ki-ma ga-[...] ta-sza-[...] szu#-a-ti2 x [...]

    AI Translation

    Like a ... ... you ... that .

    P297294: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 2/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-[babbar]_
  • li-ti2 / _sag10_ i-na 1/2(disz) _ma-na_-i?-[a] u3 1(u) _gin2_-i-a / _ku3-[babbar]_ u2-du-u2 / na-szi2 a-na ku-ur-ku-ra-nim# tal-ha-ti2-e-im ah-bu-ul a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 2/3 mina of silver
  • a profit of 1/2 mina and 10 shekels of silver, sheep and goats, to Kurutu and Talhatium I have received.



    i-sza-qal _igi_ i-ku-nim _dumu_ (d)utu-ba-ni

    AI Translation

    Before Ikunu, son of Shamash-bani.

    P297295: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(disz)? _tug2_ ku-ta-nu _sag10#_
  • wa-at-ru-tum

  • 5(disz) ka3-am-su2-tum
  • 2(u) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu _sag10_
  • [n 1(u)] _tug2_ ku-ta-nu ta-ar-di-u2#-tum x _tug2#-[hi-a_ sza a-ki-di2-e] [_szunigin_ 1(disz) me-at] 6(u) _tug2 hi-a_

    AI Translation
  • 15? kutanu-garments, the head,
  • a kind of profession

  • 5: Kamsutum;
  • 20 kutanu-garments, capital,
  • n 10 kutanu-garments, taardutu-garments, x akidu-garments, total: 160 akidu-garments,



    [x] _gu2 an-na_ [x _tug2_] li-wi-tum# [x _ansze_]-ru s,a-[la2-mu] [mi3]-ma a-nim# [a-na] (d)iszkur-[x x] ap2-qi2-[id]

    AI Translation

    ... neck-stock, ... garment, a ... donkey, a ..., whatever I have assigned to Adad-...,

    P297297: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na i-na-a be2-la2-nim dingir-ba-ni u2 na-zi qi2-bi-ma um-ma szu-su2-en6-ma a-di2 a-hu-wa-qar u2 a-szur-ta-[ak]-la2-ku _dumu_ a-am-ri-a-[ma] a-ma-kam me-he-er me-eh-re-e _e2_ be2-la2-nim e-zi-ib a-ma-kam me-eh-re-e [...]-ma-da-ma [...]-ma [...] li-me

    AI Translation

    To Ina-ilani, Ili-bani and Nazi, speak! Thus Shusu-en: "Until Ahu-waqar and Ashur-taklaku, son of Amria, where is the water? Where is the water? Where is the water? Where is the water? Where is the water? Where is the water? Where is the water? Where is the water? ...



    [...]-szi2-ma a-szur-ta-ak-la2-ku [_dumu_] am#-ri-a sza-la2 t,up-pa2-am sza szi2-bi he-er-ma u2 a-na-ku a-na-kam t,up-pa2-am sza ir-ma-a-szur u2 da-da-a a-ah-ri-im sza 1(u) 6(asz) _gu2_ _uruda_ puzur4-a-na a-na a-hu-wa-qar i-ip-qi2-du-u2

    AI Translation

    ... ... Assur-taklaku, son of Amria, the shala of the tablet of the matter, he ... and I, the tablet of Irma-Assur and Dada, the ahrim of 16 talents of copper Puzur-ana to Ahu-waqar they appointed.

    P297298: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na i-na#-[a qi2-bi-ma um-ma] bu-ur-a-szur-[ma ...] a-na _ku3-babbar_ sza ba-ab# [ha-ra-nim] a-di2-na-ku-ni / ki-[ma ...] la2 ak-ta-asz2-du-ni [...] ma-ah-ri-ka3 / la2 asz2-[ku-un] u2 tam2-ka3-ru / sza a-[szar lu-qu2-ti2] a-di2-nu-ni / mi3-ma la2 i-[szu ...] um-ma a-na-ku-ma / ke-e [a-na] bu-usz-tim / la2-li-ik# [...] e-ne2-szu / la2-mu-ur [...] a-di2-i _iti-kam_-im isz-te2-en6 [u2 sze2-na]

  • 1(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ bu-la2-ti2-a [lu-za-ki]-ma
  • a-la2-ka3-ma / e-ne2-ka3 a-ma-ar-ma / u2 a-ta [ti2-de8-e] a-szar _ku3-babbar_-ap2-ka3 / la2 i-ha-[li-qu2]

    AI Translation

    To this very day speak! Thus Bur-Assur ... for silver of the aforementioned amount I gave to you. Like ... I did not give to you, ... before you I did not set up. Further, the tamkaru-offerings of the place of the luqutu I gave to you. Nothing has ..., thus I say: "How long shall I live?" ... I shall see ... until the month of Tammuz IV. Further,

  • 10 minas of silver for my dowry I shall weigh out and
  • I go and I see you. Where your silver does not pass,



    u2! a-na-ku i-na re-szi2-ka3 a-za-zu-ma / la2 a-ru-qu2-ni a-ta-ma / ep-sza-ni a-szur u2 (d)mar-tu il5-ka3 u2 pi3-ri-qu2-um sza ((sza)) a-szur sza at-ma-a-[ku]-ni / li-di2-a-ni _ku3-babbar_ mi3-ma isz-ti2 tam2-ka3-ri-im# la2 al-qe2-u2-ma / a-na ma#-[ma-an] la2 a-di2-nu-ni / mi3-ma [_ku3-babbar_] la2 i-ba-szi2-u2 ma-la2 [_ku3-babbar_] la2 ab2-e-la2-ku-ni [...] sza _e2_ szu-(d)[en-lil2 ...] _ku3-babbar_ 1(disz) _gin2_ [...] la2 a-di2# [...] _ku3-babbar_ [...] ga-am-[ra-am] ma-ah-ri [...]

    AI Translation

    And I, at your first command, I prayed, and I did not aruquni. Why did Ashur and Martu, the Ilakku priest, and the piriqu of Ashur, who I am, not give me silver, I did not take anything from the tamkarum and to anyone I did not give me anything silver, as much as there was of silver, I did not take away from you ... of the house of Shu-Enlil ... silver, 1 shekel ... silver, ... silver, ...



    [_ku3]-babbar_ qa2-at-ka3-ma lu i-sza-qu2-lu#+szu-ni [a]-na-ku a-na-kam mi3-ma / la2 a-du-nu-szu-nu-ti2-ni

    AI Translation

    I have paid them silver, and they shall pay them. I have not paid them anything.

    P297299: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • [1/3(disz) _ma]-na_ 2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • szi2#-im 4(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni i-li-bi4 a-szur3-ta-ak-la2-ku _dumu_ qa2-a-tim isz-tu3 sza a-mur-(d)utu sza?-bu-u2

  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ 2(disz) _gin2_ szi2-im
  • [4(disz)] _tug2#_ ku-ta-ni i-li-bi
  • [x x]-ta-a 7(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu [n _ma-na_] x _gin2_ [4(disz)?] _tug2_ szu-ru-tum [...] x 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ [... ma]-na# 2(disz) _gin2#_ [...] ku bi [x x]

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 mina 2 shekels of silver
  • a total of 4 kutanu-garments: Ili-bi, Ashur-taklaku, son of Qatum, from Amur-Shamash, the .

  • 1/3 mina 2 shekels is the price
  • 4 kutani-garments, he will pay;
  • ... 7 kutanu-garments, n minas ... shekels, 4? shurrutu-garments, ... 1/2 mina ... minas 2 shekels .



    [sza] sza#-lim-a-hi-im x [x x] [i]-na 1(u) 6(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni u3!

  • 7(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tim sza a-szur3-i-mi-ti2#
  • sza _e2_ i-ku-nim u2-sze2-s,i2-a-ni _sza3-ba_ 7(disz) ku-ta-ni u3 4(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tim qa2-su2 a-di2-ma szi2-ti2 _tug2 hi_-ti2-szu

  • 1(u) 1(disz) ku-ta-nu u3 3(disz) szu-ru-tum
  • [i]-li-bi4-a 7(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu [x-x-esz18-dar u2-sze2-s,i2-a-ma] [qa2-su2] a-di2-i [...] _tug2_ szu-ru-ti2-szu [...]-ti2-szu a-di2-ma 1(disz) _tug2_ [... i]-li-bi4-a

    AI Translation

    of Shalim-ahum ... in 16 kutanu-garments and

  • 7 shurutu-garments of Ashur-imitti,
  • of the house of Ikunum he brought out. There are 7 kutanu-garments and 4 shurutu-garments, his hand-work. As long as he lives, the shitu-garment is his.

  • 11 kutanu-vessels and 3 szurutu-vessels;
  • Ili-bi'a brought seven kutanu-garments ...-ishtar and he weighed out his hands until ... his shuru-garments ... his ... until 1 kutanu-garment ... Ili-bi'a



    [...] 1(disz) ku-ta-[...] [...]-tum 1/3(disz) ma#-[na] [...] 1/2(disz) _ma-na#_ [...] a-szur-i-mi3-[ti2]

    AI Translation

    ... 1 kuta-... ... 1/3 mina ... 1/2 mina ... Assyrian

    P297300: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 [qi2-bi4-ma] um-ma i-di2-ku-bu-ma [ta-asz2-pu-ram] um-ma a-ta-ma _ku3-babbar_ x [...] u2 me-hi-ra-am / sza na-asz2-pe#-[er-ti2-ka3] la2-pi3-ta-ma / la2-asz2-ta-me ki-ma a-szar 1(disz) _ma-na-ta ku3-babbar_ isz-ku-lu-ni-ni / a-di2 / u2-mi3-im [a]-nim#? i-im-s,u2-ru-ni-ni um-ma a-[na-ku-ma] [mi3?]-nam lu-sze2-bi4-il5 szu ma [...] [x x]-ib-ri i-na a-la2-ki#-[x] [x]-x _ku3-babbar_-pi3-ka3 / u2 a-[na-ku] [x ma]-na _ku3-babbar_ u2-sze2-ba-al x [x] [x] _gin2#? ku3-babbar_ u2-sze2-ba-al x [x]

    [x x sza] a-s,e2-er / a-bi4-x [x x] [...] li-li-x [...]

    AI Translation

    To Pushuken speak! Thus says Idi-kubu, and you wrote: "Why did you send me silver ... and the ... of your scribal arts?" Thus says he: "Where 1 mina of silver he gave to me, until he returned me, I shall send him a woman." ... ... in the city ... ... silver ... I shall send ... minas of silver ... ... shekels of silver .

    ... of the guardian / ... ... may he ... .

    P297301: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma i-na-a-ma a-na i-di2-ku-bi4-im a-szur-ta-ak-la2-ku a-szur-re-s,i2 u2 ti2-ta-a qi2-bi4-ma mi3-nam ma-da-tim lu-la2-pi3-ta-ku-nu-ti2 (d)a-szur u2 a-mu-[ru-um] i-la2 be#-[li-a]

    AI Translation

    "Now to Idikubum Ashur-taklaku Ashur-reshi and Tita speak! Why should I be deprived of you? Ashur and Amurrum, my lord,



    li-t,u3-[la2 ...] la2 i-di2 [...] ma-ma-an sza t,up-pi3-a u2 _ku3-babbar_-pi3 a-na a-wa-tim la2 i-de8-u2 sze2-t,u3-ti2 la2-qe2 mi3-nam a-qa2-bi4 na-asz2-pe3-ra-tim ka3-la2-szi2-na a-na s,u2-ha-ri

    AI Translation

    May he be well ..., he does not know ..., he does not know ..., nobody who the tablet and the silver to a lawsuit shall give, he shall take the restitution. What shall I say? All their people to the squanderers



    di2-in-szi2-na u4-ma-kal2 la2 i-[bi4-tu3]

    AI Translation

    Their verdicts are not favourable.

    P297302: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    um-ma sza-lim-a-szur#-[ma] a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 [qi2-bi-ma] _ku3-babbar_ sza u2-ra-ni u3 [x] ub-la-ni 4(asz) _gu2 an-na#_ [i-na]

  • 2(disz) _ansze_ ar-ku-us2-ma
  • i-ra-de8-u2-ni-kum# _tug2 hi-a_ / a-sza-a-[ma isz-ti2] pa2-ni-im-ma [u-sze2-ba-la2-kum] a-szu-mi3 _e2#_-[be-tim] sza t,e2-hi# [...]

    AI Translation

    "Shalim-Assur, speak! To Pushuken, the silver which he brought and ... he brought, 4 talents of Anu

  • 2 hectares of arku-sheep,
  • he will give you a ... garment. I will bring it to you from the front and I will bring it to you. My name is the House of Succession, which .

    P297303: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma ka3-[ru-um] ka3-ni-[isz3-ma] a-na ka3-ri-im [x] qi2-bi-ma mi3-[szu] sza i-nu-mi3 sza#?-[(d)a-tam2] sza ka3-ri-im ka3-[ni-isz3] tu3-sza-da-a-ni ma a-wi-lum2 i-qa2-[bi-(u2)] um-ma szu-ut-ma lu-qu2-tum sza _dam-gar3 dam-gar3_ i-na ka3-ni-isz3 da-tam2 i-sza-qal#? um-ma a-tu3#-nu#-ma

    AI Translation

    "The quay of the merchant is the quay of the merchant, and to the merchant ... speak!" "What is it that at that time Sha-Atam of the merchant is the quay of the merchant?" "The man will say: "That is the quay of the merchant in the merchant" "they will take away." "Atunu



    szu-mi3 _dam-gar3_ / [zu-uk-ra] mi3-ma szu-mi3 _dam-gar3#_ be-el lu-qu2-tim la2 i-za-qar szu-ma [...] a-wi-lum2 i-na li-bi4-ku-[nu] wa?-s,i2-i / _gir2_ sza a-szur3 li-[it-ma-ma] lu-qu2-tum lu-[...] _ki_ il5-[...] a-na x [...] x (d)[...] nu-sza-[...]

    AI Translation

    The name of the merchant / merchant's wife, whatever name of the merchant, the owner of the slaves, shall not raise. He ... a man in your presence, the foot / foot of Ashur may he lift and the slave may he ... with ... ... to ... ... ... we shall .



    _dam-gar3_ sza#-qi2-il5 da-tim x x x ga ar

    AI Translation

    merchant, shakilu-priest of the mighty .

    P297304: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi-ma um-ma la2-ma-si2-ma# _ku3-babbar_ sza a-na i3-li2-isz-ti2-kal2 a-na _sze_-im sza-a-mi3-im ta-di2-nu-ni wa-di2 i3-li2-isz-ti2-kal2 sze-am [...]-ni-a-ti

    AI Translation

    To Pushuken speak! Thus Lamasima: "The silver which to Ilishtikal for barley and straw you gave, the wages of Ilishtikal for barley .

    P297305: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • a-szur3-be-el-a-wa-tim# ta-asz2-pu-ra-am# sza _iti-kam_ il5-[x x]

  • 5/6(disz) _gin2_
  • i-di2-a-bu#-[um] ub-[la2-kum]

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver
  • Ashur-bel-awati you wrote. That month .

  • 5/6 shekel
  • Idi-abuum, Ublakum,



    i-na [...]

  • 1/2(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz)? [_sze_ x]
  • i-di2-na-ku-um#

  • 1/4(disz) _gin2_ hu-du-be# [x]
  • 1/4(disz) _gin2_ hu-du-be x [x]
  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _dug_ ar-sza-tim
  • tal-qe2

    AI Translation

    In ...

  • 1/2 shekel 15 grains ...,
  • he will give.

  • 1/4 shekel of ...-silver,
  • 1/4 shekel of ...-silver,
  • 1 1/2 jars of arshatu-seeds;
  • a kind of profession

    P297307: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) 1/3(disz) [_ma-na ku3-babbar_]
  • ku-nu-ki x [x x] sza sza-lim-a-[hi-im] i3-li2-asz2-ra-ni a-na sza-lim-a-[hi-im] u2-bi!-il5 _igi_ en-na-ni-a

    AI Translation
  • 8 1/3 minas of silver
  • 'You are your ..., ... of Shalim-ahum, Ili-ashranni to Shalim-ahum he brought. Before Ennania



    _igi_ nin-szubur-ba-ni _dumu_ a-szur3-ma-lik x [x x] x x sza [x] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Before Ninshubur-bani, son of Ashur-malik ... ... .

    P297308: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na i-di2-a-bi-im# u3 puzur4-a-szur qi2-bi-ma um-ma ku-ra-ra-ma a-la2-ku u3 szu-esz18-dar-ma

  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • ku-nu-ki-ni a-szur-i-mi3-ti2 _dumu_ e-la2-li2

    AI Translation

    To Idi-abim and Puzur-Assur speak! Thus: "Kurara, I go, and Shu-Ishtar,

  • 2 1/2 minas of silver
  • Kunukini, Ashur-imitti, son of Elali.



    na-asz2-a-ku-nu-ti2 [a]-na-kam il5-me-da-ak lu#-qu2-tam a-na lu-qu2-ti2-szu i-ta-na-ka3-an u2 za-zu-ta-am isz-ti2-ni sza-ni-a-am u2-sza-zi-iz i-na u4-[mi3]-im sza t,up-pa2-am

    AI Translation

    I am your servant. I will be able to speak a good word to his good word. And I will stand with you. On the day of the tablet



    ta-sza-me-[a-ni] te2-er-ta-[ku-nu] a-s,e2-ri#-[a li-li-kam]

    AI Translation

    You hear me, you listen, may my yoke go.

    P297309: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma ne2-[nu-ma ...] a-na szal2-mi3-hi-im# [...] _ku3-babbar_ szu-qul-ma / [lu-qu2-tam2] sza szu-be-lim sza qa2-tum sza-ak-na-at-ni / lu-sze2-[bi]-lu-ni#-kum a-mur-(d)utu-szi e-pu-ul-ni-a-ti2-ma um-ma a-mur-(d)utu-szi-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-na-ku la#-asz2-qu2-la-ku-nu-ti [_ku3-babbar_] 1(u) _ma-na_ [a-mur]-(d)utu-szi isz-qul-ni-a-ti2-ma

    AI Translation

    "We are ... to the slaughtering ... silver, and I shall take it. The shubû-priest of the hand of the slaughtering shall bring to you. Amur-shamash I have done for you, and am I. I have not taken it for you. Silver, 10 minas Amur-shamash I have taken for you, and



    [um-ma] ne2-nu-ma [a]-na szal2-ma-a-szur3-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-mur-(d)utu-szi isz-qul-ni-a-ti2-ma lu-qu2-tam2 sza szu-be-lim a-na a-mur-(d)utu-szi wa-sze2-er lu hu-lu-qa2-e lu gam2-ra-am sza ha-ra-nim szu-a-ti2-ma ba-li-su2-um a-na a-wa-tim a-ni-a-tim / ka3-ru-um ka3#-ni-isz i-di2-ni-[a-ti2-ma] _igi# e2?_ sza a-[szur ...]

    AI Translation

    "We are a neophyte, to the kingship of Ashur he has given us silver, and the stele of the king to Ashur she has brought, may it be a stele, may it be a stele, may it be a stele, that stele is a stele, and may it be a stele for the kingship of Ashur. To this word, to this matter, and to this matter, a karu-demon, he gave us, and before the house of Ashur .

    P297312: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) _gu2_ 5(u) _ma-na_
  • a-wi-it pu-szu-ke-en6

  • 8(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) 7(disz)? _ma-na_
  • a-wi-it a-szur3-[x x]

  • 1(asz) _gu2_ [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 7 talents 50 minas
  • The man who strays

  • 8 talents 17? minas
  • the man of Ashur-.

  • 1 talent ...
  • Reverse

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na la2_ 1/2(disz) _gin2#_
  • s,a-hu-ur-ma

  • 2(u) 2(disz) _ma-na_ 4(disz) _gin2#_
  • a-la2-qe2

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina less 1/2 shekel,
  • a shurmu-plant

  • 22 minas 4 shekels,
  • a kind of profession

    P297313: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na mu-za qi2-bi4-ma um-ma la2-ma-sza-ma szu-ma a-ha-ti2 / a-ti2 szu-ma be-el-ti2 / a-ti2 a-na-ku / u3 a-ti2 ni-ir-te2-ha-am mi3-ma u2-nu-tim / sza a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 ta-pa2-qi2-di2-ni te2-er-ti2-ki / li-li-kam-ma uz2-ni / pi3-te2-i t,up-pa2-am sza um-mi3 ta-di2-na-ni ((ni)) u2 a-na x-[...]

    AI Translation

    To the one who is to speak speak! Thus Lamasha: "I am a widow." That is my lady. And that is our nirteham. Whatever uttim that you have given to Pushuken, may your supplication be heard. And the omen of the tablet that my mother gave me, and to .



    [...] / _dam_ / i3-li2-x-[x] a-di2 a-na um-mi3-a-nim ke-nim pi3-iq-di2 a-mi3#-se-ma2# lu-ub-la2-am / u2 a-szar ta-pa2-qi2-di2-ni / i-na na-asz2-pe3-er-ti2-ki lu-ub-la2-am ki-ma / t,up-pa2-am / a-mi3-a-am tu3-sze2-bi4-la2-ni a-te2-be-a-ma / a-ta-la2-kam a-s,e2-ri-ki / a-ta-la2-kam ta-ma-la2-ke-en6 sza i-na ma-as,-ar-tim i-ba-szi2-u2-ni / a-na i3-li2-isz-(ta)-ki-il5 la2 ta-di2-ni szu-ma pu-szu-ke-en6 e-ri-isz-ki

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... until to the true mother he appointed, I shall bring to you. Where you have appointed me, I shall bring to you. When a tablet a mother sent to me, I shall come back to you. I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, I shall come back to you, who in the guard there is, I shall not give to Ilish-tabil, but a scepter to you



    di2-ni / szu-ma / la2 ki-a-am / a-di2 / e-ne2-a ta-mi3-ri-ni / a-ma-ma-an la2 ta-di2-ni

    AI Translation

    Judge my case, and as long as I live, you will not judge me.

    P297314: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma puzur2-a-szur3-[ma a-na] nu-uh3-sza-tim [qi2-bi-ma] a-bu-ki / a-su-mi3-ki [a-na] s,e-ri-a a-na a-ha-[zi-ki] isz-pu-ra-am u3 a-na-ku s,u2-ha-ri-a u3 na-asz2-pe3-er-ti2 a-s,e2-er / a-bi4-ki / a-szu-mi3-ki a-na sze2-s,u2-i-ki asz2-ta-ap2-ra-am a-pu-tum i-na (d)utu-szi t,up-pi2 ta-asz2-me-i-ni / a-ma-[kam]

    AI Translation

    "Puzur-Assur, to the supplications speak! Your father and your father to the north and to the east wrote me, and I, the supplications and the supplications, I have sent to you. Your father and your father to your south I have written. The aphutu in the morning you heard my tablet.



    a-na a-bi-ki / pu-nu-[i-ma] isz-ti2 s,u2#-ha#-ri-a ti2-ib-e-ma a-tal-ki-im we-da-ku / ma-ma-an / sza i-na re-sze2-e-a / i-za-zu-ma pa2-szu-ra-am / i-sza-ka3-na-ni la2-szu / szu-ma isz-ti2 s,u2-ha-ri-a / la2 ta-li-[ki-im] i-na wa-ah-szu-sza-na _dumu#-[munus_] wa-ah-szu-sza-[na] a-ha-az ah-[...]

    AI Translation

    To your father you are present, and from the shubaru you go, and we go. Whoever in the beginning / stands, and the shubaru he shall remove, shall not ..., if from the shubaru you do not go, from the wahshushu daughter of the wahshushushu shall .



    u3 s,u-ha-ru-a [...] la2 ta-x-[x ...] la2-tal-ka3-[am ...]

    AI Translation

    and shurua-vessels ... you do not ... ... you go .

    P297316: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ma-na _ku3-babbar_ ni-is-ha-su2
  • _diri_ sza-du-a-su2 sza-bu a-na en-nam-a-szur _dumu_ a-ta-ta i-na ka3-ni-isz a-di2-in-ma a-na puzur2-a-szur3 _dumu_ a-szur-dan i-na za-al-pa2 a-na szi2-a-ma-tim i-di2-in 4(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni _sag10#_ _diri_ u2 sza s,u2-uh3-ri-im# sza a-ki-di2-e [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of silver for nishasu;
  • a shadû-shrine, the one who is a slave, to Ennam-Assur, son of Atata, in the ka'nish I gave, and to Puzur-Assur, son of Assur-dan, in the za'alpa, to the shima-tim I gave. 4 kutanu-garments, the top of the shadû-shrine and the shubum-shrine of Akidê .



    [isz]-x [...] a-na-ku x [...] u2-sze2-ba-lam szu#

  • 1(u) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-[...]
  • i-sza-qa2-lam x [...] _dumu_ qar-wi-a _igi_ a-szur3#-[...] _dumu_ puzur2-a-szur3 5(disz) 1/4(disz) [_gin2 ku3-babbar_] a-na puzur2-a-szur3 _dumu_ a-szur#-dan# a-di2-in 1(disz) szi2-it-ra-am sza za-al-pa2 a-na szu-a-nim _dumu_ la2-qe2-ep a-na szi2-a-ma-tim a-di2-in 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-li-bi a-mur-(d)utu _dumu_ be-la2-nim 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na ir-nu-it

    AI Translation

    ... ... I ... he will bring it to me.

  • 10 shekels of silver .
  • Ishaqalam ... son of Qarwia before Ashur-... son of Puzur-Ashur 5 1/4 shekels silver to Puzur-Ashur son of Ashur-dan I gave; 1 shitram of Zalpa to Shu'anum son of Laqep to the szi-amatum I gave; 2 1/2 shekels silver to Ili-bi Amur-shamash son of Bela-nim 4 1/2 shekels silver to Irnit



    i-na za-al-pa2 e-zi-ib x x [...] a-szur-be-el-la-ma-si2 x [...] szi2-it-ra-am sza [...]

    AI Translation

    In the za'alpa he sat down. ... Assur-bella-masi ... the shitram of .

    P297317: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [i]-na-a a-na ma-ni-a is,-ba-at-ni-a-ti2-ma um-ma i-na-a-(ma) / a-na ma-ni-a-ma 3(disz) 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ 9(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2_ _ku3-babbar_ sza szu-esz18-dar u3 a-szur3-ba-ni a-hi-ka3# ki-ma lugal-su2-en6 _dumu_ e-[...] e-pu-lu-ni-ma / t,up-pi2-szu# al-pu-ut u2 _ku3#-babbar_ ta-da-nam [a-szu-mi3] _ku3-babbar_ a-nim [...] u2 la2-szu [...] [... a]-szur3 [...] [...] i [...]

    AI Translation

    When to me he took me, saying: "When to me 3 1/3 minas 9 1/4 shekels of silver of Shu-ishtar and Assur-bani, your brother, like Lugal-suen, son of ..., they did, and his tablet I made, and the silver you gave. My name the silver ... and not ... Assur ... .



    [...] sza [...] [...] lugal#-su2-en6 [...] [...]-ka3 / e il5-qe2 [...] a-wa-tim [...]-i-tur4 um-ma ma-ni-[a-ma] [mi3]-ma a-szu-mi3 _ku3-babbar_ a-nim [...] la2 il5-qe2-u2# x a#-ma-a-ar-ka3 / szu-ma mi3-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-szu-mi3 _ku3-babbar_ a-nim il5-qe2-u2 szi2-im-tam2 lu-ta-e-ru-u2 [a]-na s,e2-er i-na-(a) [... a]-nim ta-ar-de8-e-ni

    AI Translation

    ... ... Lugal-suen ... he took. ... a word ... ...-itur, saying: "Whoever my name is, silver to the ... he took, ... he did not take." ... a message, saying: "Anything silver, silver to my name, silver to the ... he took, a copy I shall return." ... to the ... to the ... you shall give.



    [...] du10-a-szur3 [...] ni [...] [...] in [...] [...] a-mur [...]

    AI Translation

    ... Du'ashur ... ... ... ... ... ... I saw .

    P297323: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na [ha-...] x ma-da-wa-asz2-hi / na-na-pi2 qi2-bi-ma / um-ma da-la2-asz2-ma _ku3#-babbar#?_ x da szu-ul-ha-an / 1(disz) _udu_ ut-hu-ru-um [i]-nu-mi3 / s,u2-ha-ru / a-na-kam wa#-asz2-bu-ni / ra?-di2-a-im ta#?-asz2-pu-ri-ma / s,u2-ha-ri [a]-s,e2#-ri-ki / la2 ir-de8-u2-ni-ki-im

    AI Translation

    To Ha... ... ..., say: "Dalash, silver ... ... ... ... 1 sheep, uthurum. At that time, shuburu ... I wrote to you, and shuburu I shall accompany you, they shall not approach you.



    [...] a-na [x x] x x / me-er-a-ki [a]-na#-kam / ta-ta-al-pa2-at! [i]-nu-mi3 / a-tal-ka3-ni a-ti2 / u3 2(disz) a-ma-tu3-ki tu3#?-ka3-szi2-da-ni-ma um-ma a-ti2-ma / qa2-ti2 a-szi2-ti2-ka3 / s,a-ab2-ta2-ku a-tal-kam / _udu_ ut-hu-ru-um i-na ki?-di2-im ni-di2-ni-ku-ni [... um-ma a]-na-ku-ma [...]

    AI Translation

    ... to ... ... ... I am a slanderer. When I came, at that time, and 2 times, you were slandering me, saying: "At that time, my hand I took away from you, at that time, the sheep I received in the midst of my offering I gave to you ..., saying: "Alas, I .



    _udu_ ut-hu-[ru-um ...] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    sheep for a uhurum offering ... ... .

    P297325: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma um-mi3-a-nu szu-hu-bur a-szur3-ba-ni u3 szal2-ma-a-szur3-ma a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi-ma a-na um-mi3-a-ni-ka3 ta-asz2-pu-ra-am um-ma a-ta-ma# [x x]-e szu-uk-na#-[nim] um-mi3-a-nu [... x]-ru mi3-ma [...] x-bi

    AI Translation

    "His mother, Shuhur-bani and Shalmassur, speak to Pushuken, and you wrote to your mother: "Why ... her mother ...



    [te2-er-ta-ka3] li-li-kam [...]-pa2-la2-ah [...] x ma-ag-ru [...] x u4-me-e [... ta]-asz2#-pu-ra-ni [...]-x-ru-ka3

    AI Translation

    You have sent me, may he go to you. ... ... ... ... ... ... days ... you sent me, ... .

    P297327: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na# i-na-a u2 a-ma-ri-im qi2-bi2-ma

  • 1(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) _ma-na an-na_
  • 2(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni qa2-ab2-li-[u2-tim]
  • 1(disz) _ansze-((hi_)) s,a-la2-ma-am
  • mi3-ma / a-nim a-na i-ku-pi3-a _dumu_ szu-su2-en6 a-di2-in szu-ma / a-ma-kam _ku3-babbar#_ usz-te2-ba-lam _ku3-babbar_ ma-[la2] u2-sze2-ba-la2-ni sa3-ni-[iq?]

  • 1(disz) _ma-na#_ [x _gin2] ku3#-[babbar_]
  • a-na x da [...] e [...] u2 [...]

    AI Translation

    To ... and to the aforementioned speak!

  • 1 talent 10 minas of tin
  • 2 kutani-garments, the qablû-garments;
  • 1 donkey, shalamam-disease;
  • I gave to Ikupia, son of Shusu-en. Whoever ... the silver he shall redeem, the silver as much as he shall redeem, shall redeem.

  • 1 mina x shekels of silver
  • to ...


  • 1/2(disz)? _ma-na_ [...]
  • sza sze2-ep [...] a-bu x x [...] x x [...] _gin2_ [...] szi2-[...] na-zi ku-[...] a-na s,e2-ri-a / sze2-bi-la2-nim [a]-na# i-na-a [qi2-bi2]-ma a-bi a-ta [...] li-ta-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina ...
  • Whom ... ... ... ... shekels ... ... ... ... to me to go out, to say thus: "My father ... may ... .



    szu-ma szi2-im _an-na_ me-eh-ra-tim a-ta i-[...]-ma ni x sze2-bi4-[lam?]

    AI Translation

    "If the ... of heaven ... and ... ...,

    P297329: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] x bi [...] [...] um-ma x [...] [... a]-mur-esz18-dar 5(disz) ma#-[na ...] [...] x-ku sza pi2-la2-ah-a-szur3

  • [1(disz)] ne2#-pi2-szum 5(disz) _ma-na_
  • [ni]-is-ha-su2 _diri_ [ku]-nu-ku-ni u3 1(u) _ma-na ku3-[babbar]_ ni#-is-ha-at 5(disz) _ma-na_ _diri#_ (d)mar-tu-ba-ni u3 en-nam-(d)iszkur na#-asz2-u2-ni-ku-nu-ti2 sza#-du-a-su2 sza-bu

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... umma ... ... Amur-Ishtar 5 minas ... ... of Pilah-Assur

  • 1 nepishum-plant, 5 minas;
  • We shall divide the difference between you and 10 minas of silver. We shall divide 5 minas of difference between Martu-bani and Ennam-Adad. His ... is the middle.



    [x] _gin2# ku3-babbar_ a-qa3-ti2 [en]-nam#-(d)iszkur [ni-di2]-in szi2-ma-am [x x] x-la2-ti2-szu sza-ma-szu-um

    AI Translation

    x shekels of silver, the price of Ennam-Adad, the payment of the ... of his ...,

    P297330: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    i-na 1(disz) me-at 9(u) 5(disz) _tug2#_ sza# (d)iszkur-_sipa_ ub-la2-ni [n 6(disz)] _tug2_ i-tur4-dingir il5-qe2 [ni]-is-ha-tim u3 esz15-ra-[tim] [is,]-hi-ir-ma szi-ti2 [_tug2 hi-a_]

  • 3(u)? 1/2(disz) _tug2_ u3 1(disz) _gin2 ku3#-[babbar_]
  • i-na li-bi [...]

  • 1(u) _tug2_ i-za-al-pa2 / a-na
  • ka3-ri-im i-pu-[ul] szi2-ti2 _tug2_-ti2 1(disz) me-at 4(u) [la2 1/2(disz) _tug2_] [sza a]-wi#-lim x [x x]

  • 5(disz) [...]
  • AI Translation

    In 105 garments which Adad-re'i brought, n 6 garments he took, the slander and extispicy he received, and the debt of the garment he received.

  • 30 1/2 turbans and 1 shekel of silver
  • In the midst of .

  • 10 garments he will remove, for
  • he has sworn. The scribal art is a garment. 100 less 1/2 scribal art of the man .

  • 5 ...
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) 5(disz) [_tug2_ ...]
  • 1(disz) _tug2_ hu-lu-qa2-[um]
  • 3(u) 6(disz) _tug2_ a-na ku-ra ni-[di2-in]
  • szi2-ti2 _tug2_-ti2 9(u) la2 1/2(disz) _tug2_ (d)iszkur-_sipa_ / a-na bu-ru-usz-ha-tim u2-bi-il5 / i-na 1(u) 1(disz) _ansze#_

  • [1(disz)] _ansze_ / a-mur-dingir
  • it#-ru 1(disz) _ansze_ a-ma-kam-[ma] e!-zi-ib 5(disz) _ansze_ isz#-ti2 u2-nu-tim

    AI Translation
  • 15 ...-garments,
  • 1 huluqû-garment,
  • 36 garments for the kura-offering we gave.
  • the shitu-offering of the garments: 9 less 1/2 garments of Adad-re'i for the harem offerings he brought; in 11 donkeys

  • 1 hectare / Amur-ili;
  • he has taken 1 homer of grain and he has sinned. 5 homers of grain with the harvest.


  • 2(u) 6(disz) [...] x i-tur4-dingir#
  • [...] i-di2-in

    AI Translation
  • 26 ... he will repay.
  • ... he gave.

    P297331: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na x]-x x [u3] [a-szur]-i-di2 qi2-bi-ma [um-ma x]-x-esz18-dar-ma [lu?]-zi-na t,up-pi3 sza hu-bu-ul [pu]-da#-dim sza 1(u) 7(disz) _ma-na# [ku3-babbar_] u3 sza 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3-ki_ sza a-s,e2-er szi2-ip-ka3-at a-szur3-ma-lik ra-du-am qa2#-bi-u2 lu-zi-na [u2-sze2]-s,i2#-am t,up-pu-u2-ma [...] x wa at-wu [...] x ku a wa [...]-mi3-lam [...]-ta-ma [...]-x-li-it [...]-tam2

    AI Translation

    To ... and Assur-idi speak! Thus ...-ishtar: "Let me ... the tablet of the reed-cutting of the plow, of 17 minas of silver and of 2 1/2 minas of silver of the reed-cutting of Assur-malik, the great one, speak! Let me ..., the tablet ...



    [...]-a sza-la2-sza-at [x x] x a-szur3-i-di2 [x x] x is,-ba-at-ma [i]-sza#-ha-at a-szur3-i-di2 i-zi-za-ma um-ma a-szur-i-di2-ma t,up-pa2-ka3 sza 1(u) 7(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ t,up-pa2-am 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-ki_ sza# a-s,e2-er szi2-ip-ka3-at [x x]-x ra-du-am [qa2-bi]-a-ti2-ni szu-su2-en6 [x x] x [x ma]-num#-ba-lum2-a-szur [x x bu]-ru-usz-ha-tim

    AI Translation

    ... her ... Assur-idi ... seized, and she sat down at Assur-idi. Thus Assur-idi, your tablet of 17 minas of silver, your tablet of 2 1/2 minas of silver, which I have deposited, ... great ... our words, ... Sumbalum-Assur, ... the satraps



    x x x x x x

    AI Translation


    P297332: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na ...]-a [u3 sza ki-ma] i-a-ti2 qi2-bi-ma [um-ma] puzur4-a-szur3-ma [x] _ma-na ku3-babbar_ s,a-ru-pa2-am ni-is-ha-su2 _diri_ sza-du-a-su2 sza-bu ku-nu-ki-a a-ha-ma 2(u) 2(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3-babbar_ s,a-ru-pa2-am ni-is-ha-su2 _diri_ sza-du-a-su2 sza-bu

    AI Translation

    To ... and to those who like me say: "Puzur-Assur, x minas of silver, the shard, his share, the interest, his share, is the responsibility of Kunukia; together 22 minas of silver, the shard, his share, the interest, his share,



    ku-nu-ki-a mi3-ma a-nim lugal-su2-en6 na-asz2?-a-ku-nu-ti2 a-ma-la2 te2-er-ti2-a sza ki i-a-ti2 szi2-ma-am [li]-isz#-u2-mu!-ma [lugal-su2]-en6 la2 i-sa3-hu-ur

    AI Translation

    "Whatever Lugal-suen has brought to you, the amaru of my extispicy, which with me, the fate, may he ask, and Lugal-suen shall not return."

    P297333: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-szur3-re-s,i2 u3 szu#-[su2-en6] um-ma a-szur3-re-s,i2# u3 szu-su2-en6-ma [a-s,e2-er] qa2-qu2-ru-um / da-num# u2-ka3-i-lu-ma / u3 [...] _e2-gal_-lum2 / u2-la2-qi2-[x] [lu] _ku3-babbar_ lu _ku3-sig17_ [...] [x sza]-na-tim / szu#-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ashur-reshi and Shusu-en, thus Ashur-reshi and Shusu-en, and the ... of the strong qaqurum he smashed, and ... the palace he smashed, either silver or gold ... ... the second .



    ta-tu3-ra-am / um-ma a-[ta-ma] la2-li-ik / a-pu-na lu-sze2-ri-ba-am? a-szur3-re-s,i2 a-na _ku3-babbar_ / ri li [x x?] sza a-na _dam-gar3_ / ha-[bu-lu] t,up-pa2-ka3 / ha-ar-mu#-um# [...] u3 _ku3-babbar_ / ma-dam / x [...] a-bi4-ni / sza a-na / a-szi2-[e-em] sza-a-mi3-im / i-di2-na-ku#-[ni] tal-ta-qe2-u2 / is,-ba-at# [...]

    AI Translation

    You have returned, thus: "Why did I not go to the quay of Apuna? Let me come here!" Assur-reshi for silver ... which to the merchant ... the tablet harmum ... and silver ... our father who to ... the place of the king gave to me, has taken .



    [a?]-ta i-na bu x [...] a-na-kam e x x [...] x x-ni / ra-[...]

    AI Translation

    Why ...

    P297334: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-szur-la2-ma-si2 a-na# a-szur-gal is,-ba-at-ni-a-ti2-ma um-ma a-szur-la2-ma-si2 [a-na a]-szur-_gal_-ma [ke]-na#? 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [a]-na a-szur-i-di2 _dumu_ a-szur#-[x] ha-bu-la2-ku-ma a-szur-du10 u3 a-ta qa2-ta-ti2-a na-al-pu-ta-tu3-nu ha-ra-ni a-na szu-pi2-lu-li-a i-na ba-ab2 ha-ra-ni-(a) ta-as,-ba-ta-ni-ma

  • [2(disz)] _ma#-na ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation

    Ashur-lamassi to Ashur-gal seized me, saying: "Ashur-lamassi to Ashur-gal is true?, 2 minas of silver to Ashur-idi son of Ashur-x I will take, and Ashur-du and from my hands the supplications of my father to Shu-piluli you shall take, and

  • 2 minas of silver
  • Reverse


    [a]-di2-na-ku-nu-ti2 _ku3#-babbar_ a-na tam2-ka3-ri-a ta#-asz2-qu2-la2 u2-ul [a]-tu3-nu ta-al-qe2-a-szu um#-ma a-szur-gal-ma

  • [2(disz)] _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • nu?-ku-ra-u2 ke-na [_ku3]-babbar_ ta-di2-ni-a-ti2-ma [a-na] tam2-ka3-ri-ka3 [ni-isz]-qu2-ul 2/3(disz) _ma-na#_ _ku3#-babbar_ [i?]-na s,i2-ib-tim i!-na li-bi#-ka3 i-[szu] _ku3-babbar_ szu-[qu2-ul-ni-a-ti2-ma] [a]-na tam2#-[ka3-ri-ka3] _la2#_-asz2-qu2-[ul t,up-pa2-ka3] [lu]-sze2-s,i2-a-ku-ma du#?-[...]

    AI Translation

    You shall pay the silver to Tamkarua. You shall not take it from him. Thus Ashur-gal:

  • 2 minas of silver
  • We have given you the true silver, and to the tamkaru we have weighed out 2/3 mina of silver. In the ... of your libiku we have weighed out the silver, and to the tamkaru we have weighed out the silver. Let me bring it to you, and .

    P297335: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [um-ma x x]-in#-ma a-di2-i [sza] [pu-szu-ke]-en6 sza ta-asz2-pu#-[ra-ni] [um]-ma a-ta-ma a-na s,e2-er#? [x]-ba-tim isz-pu-ra-am a-ta#? [x] x ta-sze2-e szu-ut i-la2 i-dim# [szu]-mi3 a-bi-ni / i-za-ka3-ar [u3] ku-a-ti2 / a-zi-ki-ka3 s,a?-ba-[at] isz#-pu-ra-am / isz-ti x x lu sze2-s,u2-ti2 a-bi a-ta be-li2# [a-ta] i-na (d)utu-szi sza t,up-pi2 ta-sza-me-u2 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-[babbar]_ [x] x ma al [...]

    AI Translation

    "... ... until Pushuken, which you wrote to me, "Why did you write to the ...?" ... he wrote. That which he has given, he will pay. My name is our father, he shall smite, and the ... of your aziki-service he wrote. From ... may it be well. My father, from my lord to the sun of the tablet you wrote. 2 minas of silver ... .



    [x x] x ki i ta [...] um-mi3-a-nam sza a-na a-wa-tim-ma# i-za!-zu lu-sza-zi-zu-ni-kum u3! te2-er-ta-ka3 li-li-kam [a]-di2 ha-ra-ni sza ta-asz2-pu-ra-ni _uruda#_ 2(asz) _gu2_ ma-si2-a-am sza# e-pu-szu-u2 / i-ba-szi2 a-na# da#-asz2-e-szu / a-sza-la2-tu3-wa-ar# [e]-ra-ab2-ma / ba-ti-iq u2-tu3#-[ur] [a]-na _ku3-babbar_ u3-ta-ar-szu-[ma] [a]-s,e2#-ri-ka3 / a-ta-la2-kam-[ma?] [a]-na# a-lim(ki) ha-ra-ni [...] [x x] x a / a-na x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the woman who to the awatumu-priest is standing, may she stay there, and your teerta may she go to the harû-priest who you sent, 2 talents of copper, the copper of which he made, to his side shall enter, and he shall be killed, he shall return, to silver he shall give him, and to the city harû-priest ... .



    x x x x x x

    AI Translation


    P297336: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) _gu2 an-na_
  • 4(u) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu
  • a-szi2-a-ma-tim sza im-di2-lim a-ha-ma 1(u) 4(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu

  • 1(u) 2(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tum
  • 2(disz) _tug2_ a-bar-ni-[u2]
  • sza im-di2-lim

  • 1(u) _ma-na an-na_
  • 6(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu#
  • AI Translation
  • 8 talents of tin
  • 40 kutanu-garments,
  • The people who are gathered together, and 14 kutanu-garments

  • 12 shurrutu-garments,
  • 2 abarnû-garments;
  • of the outskirts.

  • 10 minas of tin
  • 6 kutanu-garments,
  • Reverse


    sza esz18-dar-ba-asz2-[ti2]

    AI Translation

    of Ishtar-Bashti.

    P297339: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na en-na-nim i-di2-a-bi4-im u3 id-na-a+szur qi2-bi4-ma um-ma puzur4-a-szur-ma a-na#? i-di12-a-bi4-im ki-[ma]

  • 5(disz) _ma-na ku3#-[babbar_ a-na]
  • s,i2-ib-tim al-qe2-u2-ni sza ki-ma i-a-ti2 la2 te2-ri-isz i-na a-la2-ki-a

    AI Translation

    To Ennanim, Idi-abim and Idna-Assur speak! Thus Puzur-Assur: "To Idi-abim, as

  • 5 minas of silver for
  • I have taken the shins that are not swollen like me on my way.



    _ku3-babbar_ ma-la2# _ku3#-babbar_ la2-di2-na-ku-ma ma-la2 u2-mi3-i sza _ku3-babbar_-ap2-ka3 u2-ka3-i-lu-ni u3 a-na-ku _ku3-babbar_ ma-la2 _ku3-babbar_ la2-di2-na-ku-ma / ma-la2 u2-mi3 sza u2-ka3-i-lu-ni u3 a-ta ka3-i-il5 (szu-ma) li-bi4-ka3 i-na a-la2-ki-a s,i2-ib-tam2 i-s,e2-ri-a li-qe2 a-hi a-ta a-wi-lum2 gi-mi3-lim

    AI Translation

    I have not given you as much silver as there is of silver, but I have given you as much as the silver of your silver. And I have not given you as much silver as there is of silver, but I have given you as much as the silver of your silver. And from Ka'il, may he take you. In the city of the shubtam-priests, may he take. One man, one man, a widow,



    a-na-ku gi-mi3-lam i-na s,e2-ri-ka3 sza-ka3-na-am a-le-e

    AI Translation

    I am the gimillam-demon in your midst, my shakkanam-demon,

    P297341: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [x] _ma#-na ku3-babbar_ [s,a-ru]-pa2#-am i-s,e2-er [a]-bu#-um-dingir _dumu_ i-di2-su2-en6 _dam-gar3_ i-szu isz-tu3 ha-mu-usz-tim sza kur#-ub#-esz18-dar _dumu_ a-la2-hi-im _iti-kam_ [ku]-sal2#-li li-[mu-um] a-szur-na-da _dumu_ [i3-li2-bi]-na-ni

  • 2(disz) _gin2#-[ta_] a-na
  • [1(disz)] _ma#-na_-im i-na
  • AI Translation

    x minas of silver, the sharapam-tax, he imposed on Abum-ilu, son of Idisu-en, the merchant, he owns. From Hamushtum of Kurub-ishtar, son of Alahum. Month of Adar XII, kusallu-garment of Limum, Assur-nada, son of Ili-binani.

  • 2 shekels for
  • 1 mina in
  • Reverse


    [_iti]-kam#_ s,i2-ib-tam2 [u2-s,a]-ab2 puzur4-i3-li2 [_dumu_] i3-li2-isz-ta-ki-il5! [qa2]-ta-tum _ku3-babbar_ i-qa2-qa2-ad szal2#-mi3-szu-nu ra-ki-is [x] 1(disz) _ma-na_-im sza e-na-nim x-ki-is u2-ta-ru [_igi_ a]-szur-gal _dumu_ la2-qe2-ep [_igi_ x x]-x-a-szur [_dumu_ x x] x-e

    AI Translation

    Month of Nisannu, eponym year of Puzur-ili, son of Ilish-takkil. The silver is paid. Their share is purchased and acquired. x minas of Enanum ... they will return. Before Ashur-rabi, son of Laqep; before ...-ashur, son of .

    P297342: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [sza 2(disz)] t,up-pe3-en# [sza n 2(u)] 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ 4(disz) [_gin2_] _ku3-babbar_ s,a-ru-pi2-im sza ma-s,i2-i3-li2 a-na [i]-di2-su2-en6 ha-bu-[lu] i-di2-su2-en6# a-na a-szur#-be-el-a-wa#-[tim] i-t,a2-hu szu-ma t,up-pi3 i-di2-su2-en6# sza hu-bu-ul# ma-s,i2-i3-li2 [a-na] a-szur3#-[be-el-a-wa-tim] la2 [i-tur4 ba-lum2] di2-nim 8(disz) _ma-na_ 9(disz) _gin2#_

    AI Translation

    of 2 tablets of n 20 1/3 minas 4 shekels of silver, sharapu-measures of Mashili to Idi-suen, the robbers, Idi-suen to Assur-bel-awatum he seized; if the tablet of Idi-suen, the robbers of Mashili to Assur-bel-awatum did not return, he shall pay. The penalty of 8 minas 9 shekels



    _ku3-babbar_ s,a-ru-pa2-am a-na sza ki-ma im-di2-dingir i-di2-su2-[en6] i-sza-qal szu-ma la2 isz-qul2 isz-tu3 ha-mu-usz-tim sza i-di2-su2#-en6# 1(disz) 1/2(disz)# [_gin2_] a-na 1(disz) _ma#-na#_-im i-na _iti-kam_-im u2-s,a-ab2 _igi_ a-szur-[x x] [_igi_] a-mur-a-szur3# [_igi_] (d)iszkur-re#-[x] [_igi_] ha-na-li2

    AI Translation

    The silver, the sharapam-gift, as like Imdi-ili, Idisu-en shall weigh out; he who did not weigh out, from Hamushtum of Idisu-en, 1 1/2 shekels for 1 mina in the month of Addaru he shall take. Before Ashur-..., before Amur-Ashur, before Adad-re..., before Hanali.

    P297345: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI

  • 2(u) 5(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta#-[nu ...]
  • hi-na-a u3 x [...] isz-tu3 li-[...] _dumu_ szu-da-ga-an# [...] szu-su2-en6 ub-la2#-[kum ...] t,up-pi3-ka3 2(u) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) ma#-[na ...] s,u2#-ba-tu3-ka3 is-[...] [x] _ansze_ 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-[babbar]_ [ig]-ri# sa3-ri-dim-ma a-[...] [ta-asz2]-pu-ra-am um-[ma]

    AI Translation
  • 25 kutanu-garments ...;
  • 'Hinaya and ... from ... son of Shudan ... Shusu-en he carried off.' ... your tablet 27 1/2 minas ... your shubatu-vessel ... x donkeys 1/2 mina of silver, the saridim-measure ... you wrote:

    P297346: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • s,a-ru-[pa2]-am# a-s,e2-er _ma-na#_-im [sza] ka3-ri-im x x-um / ta-ur-ma _ku3-babbar_ u2-du na-szi2 i-s,e2-er ku-da-dum u3 i-di2-a-szur3# _dam-gar3_ i-[szu] isz tu3 ha-[musz-tim] sza ma-num-ki-[a-szur3] _iti-kam_ ma-hu-ur-dingir li#-mu-um sa2-ma-[a]

  • 1(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2-ta_ s,i2-ib-tam2#
  • i-na _iti-kam_ a-na _ma-na_-im u2-s,u2-bu _ku3-babbar_ i-qa2-qa2-ad szal2#-mi3-szu-nu ra-ki-us2 [_ku3]-babbar_ i-di2-a-szur3 il5-qe2-ma [ku-da]-dum qa2-ta-tum

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/3 minas of silver
  • a sharapû-demon, the scribal art. The mina of the karibu-tree ... you removed, and the silver, the sheep, the nasi, the scribal art. Kudadu and Idi-Assur, the merchant, his own, from the hammushtum of Mannu-ki-Assur. The month of Adar XII, the month of Mur-ilum, the month of Sam'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a''a''a'

  • 1 1/4 shekels of sibitam-flour,
  • In the month of Addaru, he will bring the silver to the mina. Then he will pay back their silver. The rakishu-priest of silver will take it and the silver will be paid.



    _igi_ [du10]-s,i2-la2-a-szur _igi_ hu-ni-a

    AI Translation

    before Dushi-la-Assur; before Huniya.

    P297348: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma sza-lim-a-[szur-ma] a-na pu-szu-ke-[en6 qi2-bi-ma] a-s,e2-er _ku3-babbar_ [...] tu3-sze2-bi-la-ni [...] te9-er-ti2-ka3 u3 [...]

  • 1(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ nu-[...]
  • _an-na_ sza x [...] i-ba-szi2 / zu-[...] i-na wa-s,i2-[im ...] ni-t,a-ra-[da-kum ...] sza x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    "Shalim-Assur, speak! To Pushuken, and you will bring the silver ... to me. ... your extispicy and .

  • 10 minas of silver .
  • The sky which ... ... ... in the ... we shall keep watch over ... which ... ... .



    sza _illat#_ [...] a-di2-ni / i-ni-[... a-s,e2-er]

    AI Translation

    of the troops ... ... ... I will go.



    s,u2-ha-ri-im / e-ka3 li-li-ik# [i]-na t,up-pi2-im sza szi2-ma-at [x x] x x t,up-pa2-am i-[...]

    AI Translation

    May the shubarum / gate go! On the tablet of the fate ... the tablet .

    P297349: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] ri x [...] [...] a-na x x [...] [...] szu x [...] [...]-la2 la2#-x [x] li-ri-[x] [...] a [...] im x [...] u2-la2 x x [x] [...] x-szi2-szu / a-[...]

    AI Translation



    szu-ma la2 a-szur-tak2-la2-ku [...] [x] am-ri-a / a-na _ku3-babbar_ [...] [x] x ma-ma-an / la2 t,a2-hu [...] [a-bi] a-ta be-li2 a-ta / a-ma-kam [...] [x]-ka3 / di2-in-ma / a-ni-sza-am [x x]-tam2 / la2 i-na-di2-u2-nim [...] a-wi-li a-ne2-eh-ma u2 te2-er-ta-ka3 li-li-kam

    AI Translation

    'If I did not have a ... I will give ... to silver ... ... nobody ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a man ... and your ... may he go to you.

    P297352: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ lugal-su2-en6
  • 2(disz) _gin2_ [im-gu5]-a
  • 1(disz) _gin2_ ku-[s,u2]-um
  • 3(disz) _gin2_ i-ku-pa2-sza
  • 5(disz) _gin2_ a-sa2-num
  • i-nu-mi3 a-na _e2_ da-tim e-li-u2 u2-sze2-bi4-lu-nim

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 shekels: Lugal-Suen;
  • 2 shekels of guax,
  • 1 shekel of kusum-seed,
  • 3 shekels, Ikusha;
  • 5 shekels of asanum-wood,
  • When they brought them up to the dalû-house,

    P297353: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] x [3(disz) _gin2] ku3#-[babbar_] [ku-nu]-ki-a / su2-ka3-lum2 na-[asz2-a-kum] a-ma-kam-ma / i-ba-ab ha-ra-ni-a / a-ta-wa-kum um-ma a-na-ku-ma 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza sze2-bu-lim / a-na a-lim(ki) u2-sze2-bi-il5 / a-szi2-a-ti2 su2-ka3-lam / at,-ru-dam um-ma a-na-ku-ma te2-er-ti2 la2 i-ka3-s,a-ad

    AI Translation

    ... ... 3 shekels of silver, yours, I gave. "Why did he ...?" I said to him a second time: "I said: "I shall give 1 mina of silver of barley to the city." I brought the people to me. I said: "I shall give the ... to you."



    i-pa2-ni-szu / li-di2-a-szi2-ma la2-az-ku-ma la2-at-be-a-ma la2-tal-kam a-di2 / sza _ku3-ki_ / a-ni-a-am u2-sze2-bi4-la2-ni um-ma a-na-ku-ma _ku3-babbar la2_ i-ka3-s,a-ad [a-di2] a-na-ku / a-na-kam / a-x [... x]

    AI Translation

    he will open his mouth to him, and I will not go, and I will not go until / of the silver ... I will send to me, saying: "I am a thief, he will be seized." I am a thief, until / I am ... .



    [...] x / la2 i-sa3-hu-ur [...] x a-na-ku / u2-na-hi-du [... u2]-na#-hi-su2

    AI Translation

    ... ... did not accept ... ... I ...

    P297354: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI




    AI Translation

    he made him tremble.


  • 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-sig17_ u3 ni-is-ha#-[su]
  • ku-nu-uk-ma i-na pa2-nim-ma# sze2-bi-lam 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-sig17_ a-ha-am-ma sza ta-szi2-im-tim [x] x ta u3 a-ni-e-ma [x] x-ma u2 szu-a-ti2 sze2-bi-lam

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of gold and his nishhasu,
  • You are a kunukku and in the presence of the king you will bring. 1/3 mina of gold is each of the tashimmu-offerings ... and ... and that ... you will bring.

    P297355: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _ma-na# an-na_
  • isz-ti2 a-mur#-esz18-dar i-ma-[x] x zi x a hu-lu-qa2#?-[x] me x ik-szu-[ud? 3(disz) _ma-na_] ha-bu-[x] x am x a-du u2 a-mur-esz18-dar u2-sze2-bi4-lu / a-na a-du / la2 i-di2-in#

  • 3(disz) i-li# [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 mina of tin
  • with Amur-Ishtar ... ... ... he conquered?. 3 minas of ... ... as far as Amur-Ishtar he sent, as far as he did not give.

  • 3 gods ...
  • Reverse


    szi2-[x] x x x x x x su2-um [i]-li#-bi4 a-mur-[esz18-dar]

  • 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • sza# usz?-ra-tim? mi3-ma a-nim i-li-bi4 a-mur-esz18-dar

    AI Translation

  • 5 minas of silver
  • of the ..., whatever it is, Ilibi, I am Amur-Ishtar.

    P297358: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI

  • 8(asz) 1/2(asz) _gu2_ 8(disz) [1/3(disz) ma-na] 1(u) 3(disz) _gin2_
  • gam2-ru-um

    AI Translation
  • 8 1/2 talents 8 1/3 minas 13 shekels
  • a kind of profession

    P297359: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na puzur4# [...] um#-[ma ...] x [...] ta-asz2-pu-ra#-[am um-ma a-ta-ma]

    AI Translation

    To Puzur ..., saying: "... ... you wrote: "Why did you not write to Puzur?"



    na-asz2-pe3-er-ta-ka3# [...] sza-ma-am / la2 i-mu-a [...] a-szur-i-mi3-ti2 / u2 a-ma-ma# [...] u2 a-na-ku / i-na qa2-ti2 a-szur-ma-lik / _dumu_ a-la2-hi-im u2 i-na-a / _dumu_ a-mu-ra-a i-na qa2-ti2 / ka3-tu3-im usz10-ta-am-t,i2-u2-ni / u2 a-na-ku a-ba-ki-szu-nu-ti2-ma / ba-s,a-ma sza-zu-za-tu3-ka3 / la2 i-du-nu-nim _ku3-babbar_ pa2-ni-a-am sza tu3-sze2-bi4-la2-szu-nu-ti2-ni a-na s,i2-ti2-szu / sza bu-za-zu a-na _e2_ / na-gi-ri-im isz-ta-aq-lu-szu / 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-[babbar]_

    a-na s,i2-ib-tim [...] i-la2-ka3-kum [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... Assur-imitti ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... silver, which you gave to him, to his own ... ... he weighed out for the house / district ... 1 shekel of silver

    To the shubtim-priest ... he will come .



    u2 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ / li-mu-um a-hu-ur la2 isz-qu2-lu / be-li2 a-ta / mi3-szu-um ta-ad-mi3-qa2-ti2-a / a-na sze2-bu-la2-tim tu3-usz10-te2-ne2-ba-lam

    AI Translation

    '2 minas of silver, I have not received. My lord, why did you not give me a reply? To the supplication you have sworn.

    P297360: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [...] a-ha-ma 1(u) _tug2_ ku-[a-nu] [...]-s,e2-er a-szur-na-da [...] 5(disz) _ma-na an-na_ [... a]-na qa2-ti2-szu / a-di2-in mi3-ma a-nim ha-na-nu-um _dumu_ up-ha-ki-im i-ra-de8-ku-nu-ti2# [...] _an-na_ ku-nu-ki-a [...] sza a-lim(ki) ha-na-nu-um [...] li-ip-ki-da#?-[ku-nu-ti2] [... ma]-na _an-na#_ [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... together 10 ku'anu-garments ... ... Assur-nada ... 5 minas of ... ... in his hand I gave. Whatever Hananum, son of Uphakim, will love you ... Anu, ku'anu-garments ... of the city Hananum ... may they please you ... minas of ... ... .

    P297361: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [x]-ri#-im [a-sa3-nim ...] [x]-pi2-it / zi-mi3-zi _na4# za-gin3_ / sze2-na / sza sa3-am-tim [ku]-nu#-ki-a / a-sa3-num / na-asz2-a-kum [szi2]-ta i-s,a-ab2-ta-an sza _na4 za-gin3_ / i-na li-bi ri-ik-si2-im / sza-ak-na-ni-kum _ku3-sig17_ / a-na usz-(ha)-ni-a sze2-bi4-lam a-ma-ni-im tak2-la2-ti2 / szu-mi3 / am-ti2-ka3# u2-la2 ta-za-kar3 a-x [...] a-na a-ha-ti2-ka3 a-x [...] a-ni-tum la2 a-ni-tum# [te2-er-ta-ka3]

    AI Translation

    ..., the Asanu, ..., ..., the zimizi-festival, the lapis lazuli, the ... of the sea, the Kunukku, the Asanu, the Nashakku, the ..., the ... of the lapis lazuli, in the rites, the shaknanu-festival, the gold, to ushhanu, to ushhanu, to ushhanu, to ushhanu, to you, the takkaltu-festival, the name of your land, you shall not ..., to your ahatu-festival, ...



    la2 i-la2-kam-ma / li-[bi] a-ha-ti2-ka3 lam-n-[kum] a-na a-wi-(lim?) u2 x [...] a-na a-szur3 / pa2-ni-[ka3] szu-uk-nam szu-na-tu3#-ni la2 dam-qa2 / a-szur3 usz-ta-na-ad-ka3

  • 1/2(disz) _gin2 na4 za-gin3_ 3(disz) 1/3(disz) _gin2_
  • pa2-pa2-ar-da-li-am qa2-qa2-da-at tu3-di2-na-tim x [...] x-a-a / e-zi-ib

    AI Translation

    he does not come, and he is a liar of your ahatu-offering. To the man? and ... ... to Assur, your face he has smashed. These are his shitu-offerings. Assur has smashed you.

  • 1/2 shekel of lapis lazuli, 3 1/3 shekels;
  • The one who is enraged, the one who is enraged, ... ... he sinned.

    P297363: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-szur3-mu-ta#-[bi4-il5 a-na] en-na-su2-en6 [x x] is,-ba-at-ni-a-ti2-ma um-ma# [a]-szur3-mu-ta-bi4-il5-ma a-na en-na-su2-en6-ma i-na mu-u2-ut puzur4-a-szur3 [_dumu_ i]-szar-ki-da-a-szur3 um-mi3-a-nu puzur4#-a-szur u3 _dam-gar3_(ru-um#) [a-na] _e2_ puzur4-a-szur [e-ru]-bu-ma 1(u) 2(disz) ta-ma#-[la2-ki] [sza] t,up#-pe2#-[e] ha-ru#-[mu-tim] [...] x u3 [...] [...] 2(disz) szu-uq#-[le-en ...]

    AI Translation

    Ashur-mutabi-il to Enna-suen ... seized me, saying: "Ashur-mutabi-il to Enna-suen, at the time of Puzur-Assur, son of Ishar-kida-Assur, his mother Puzur-Assur and the merchant entered the house of Puzur-Assur and 12 tamar-ki of the tablet of harum-mu-tim ... and ... 2 szuq-le-en .


  • 1(u) 8(disz) [...] u2 puzur4#-[a-szur3]
  • [...]-nim#-ma u3 [...] [...] x-ti2-szu-nu / a-s,e2-[x] [...] x-ma / ni-ip-qi2-id# [...]-nu-ma a-di2-i [...] puzur4-a-szur3 [...] x puzur4-a-[szur3] x [x x a]-na# ma-ma-an la2 tu3#?-[sza]-ar# / a-hi a-ta u2 [...]-la2-ak lu# [x ma]-na _ku3-babbar_ lu [_ku3]-sig17_ lu _uruda_ a-di um-mi3-a-nu puzur4-a-szur tam2-ka3-ru#-u2 puzur4-[a-szur] u3 a-na-ku ni-[...] a-ma-ma-an# [(x x x)] la2 tu3-[sza-ar x x x (x)] sze2-li#? [...]

    AI Translation
  • 18 ..., ..., puzur-ashur,
  • ... ... and ... their ... ... and we appointed ... ... Puzur-Assur ... Puzur-Assur ... ... to nobody do not return ... ... ... minas of silver, gold, or copper, as far as his mother Puzur-Assur, the tamkarû-offering Puzur-Assur and I ... a ... ... do not return ... .

    P297366: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-szur3-ma]-lik# a-na [puzur4]-esz18-dar _dumu_ en-[na-nim?] is,-ba-[at]-ni-[a]-ti2-ma um-[ma a-szur3-ma-lik-ma]

  • 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza a-na
  • [x] na x [...] ha#-bu#-la2-ti2 [...] [x] x szu a ti2 x x en-na-[nim] a-bi#-ka3 _igi_ ku-ku-la2-nim _dumu_ i-di2-su2-en6 _igi_ ma-nu-ki-e-ni-a _dumu#_ i-szar-ha-ri-im a-na a-bi4-ka3 asz2-qu2-ul sza# _ku3-babbar_ a-na a-bi4-a

    AI Translation

    Ashur-malik to Puzur-ishtar, son of Ennanim, seized, saying: "Ashur-malik,

  • 1 mina of silver which for
  • ... ... the slaves ... ... Ennanim, your father, before Kukullanim, son of Idisu-en, before Manukinia, son of Ishar-harim, to your father I sat. The silver which I gave to my father



    [la2] ta-asz2-qu2-lu um#-ma a-ta-ma _ku3-babbar_ [szu-qu2]-ul e-la2-an ku-ku-la2-nim _dumu_ i-di2-su2-en6# u3 ma-nu-ki-e-ni-a _dumu_ i-szar-ha-ri-im mi3-ma sza-al-t,u3-tim szi2?-be a-na a-bi4-a di2-szu-um# um-ma puzur2-esz18-dar-ma mi3-ma szal2-t,u3-tim u2-la2 i-szu _igi_ a-szur3-gal _dumu_ la2-x [x?] _igi_ a-bi-a [_dumu_ ...]

    AI Translation

    "Why did you not pay? The silver was squandered, Kukulanum, son of Idisu-en, and Manukinia, son of Ishar-harim, whatever was stolen, to Abia a lawsuit was brought, thus Puzur-Ishtar, and whatever was stolen he did not take. Before Ashur-gal, son of La...; before Abia, son of .



    [_dumu_] kur#-ub-esz18-dar

    AI Translation

    son of Kurub-Eshtar

    P297371: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-szu-hu-bur qi2-bi-ma um-ma pu-szu-ke-en6-ma i-na 2(u) 1(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni u3 2(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tim (sza) li-wi-tim sza (d)en-lil2-ba-ni ub-la2-ni i-na re-esz15 ni-ka3-si2 1(u) _tug2-ta_ ku-ta-ni / 4(disz) _tug2-ta_ szu-ru-tim isz-tap-ku-ma 2(disz) _tug2_ szu-re-en a-na

  • 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ asz2-a-ma 1(u) ku-ta-ni
  • u3 4(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tim qa2-at-ka3 [x] _ma-na-ta_ ku-ta-ni [...] [x] _ma-na-ta#_ [...] [...] ka3# [...]

    AI Translation

    Say to Ashuhbur: "Pushushen, and in 21 kutanu-garments and 2 shirrutu-garments of the liwitim of Enlil-bani brought, in the first nikasi 10 kutanu-garments and 4 shirrutu-garments he sent, and 2 shirrutu-garments to

  • 15 shekels of silver I bought, and 10 units
  • and 4 shurutu-garments, your hands ... minas of kutani-glass ... minas ... gate .



    [x] x u2 [...] [_ku3]-babbar_ a-qa2-ti2-[ka3 at,-hi] [a]-na sza#-ni-tim# [...] [_gin2]-ta_ ku-ta-ni 5(disz) _gin2#-[ta_ ...] isz#-tap-ku 1/3(disz) _ma-na-ta#_ [ku-ta-ni] [n 2(disz)] _gin2-ta_ szu-ru-tim a#?-ha#?-[ma] _ku3-babbar_-ap-szu-nu a-qa2-[ti2-ka3 at,-hi] i-na wa-ar-ki-tim x x [x x] isz-tap-ku-ma 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2-ta_ 1/2(disz) _ma-na# [ku3]-babbar_ a-qa2-ti2-ka3 at,-hi _szunigin_ 1(u) 8(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ _e2_ ka3-ri-im al-pu-ut-ka3

  • 2(u) _ma-na-ta_ / da-tum / ik-szu-ud-ma
  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ ta-na-pa2-al isz#-tu3
  • [_ku3]-babbar#_-ka3 sza# sze2-ep (d)en-lil2-ba-ni [e-ru-ba]-ni 1(u) [n] ku-ta-ni 5(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tim# [...] x sze2-ep ir-ma-a-szur2 na-ad-[a-ku] [...] x-ti2-ka3 5(disz) ku-ta-nu 2(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tum 1(disz) _tug2_ szu-ra-am

    AI Translation

    ... ... I took away the silver. To another ..., one shekel of silver, five shekels of silver ... I took away. 1/3 mina of silver, n two shekels of silver, I took away. In the future ... I took away and 15 shekels of silver I took away. Total: 18 1/2 minas of the karib-house I seized.

  • 20 minas of silver he achieved and
  • 1/2 mina of silver you measure out. From
  • Your silver, which the stele of Enlil-bani entered, 10 n garments, 5 shurutum-garments ... shurutum-garments he gave to you, ... your ..., 5 garments, 2 shurutum-garments, 1 shuram-garment,


  • [1(disz) ku]-ta#-nam bu-zu-ta-[a ...]
  • [x _tug2_] szu-ru-tum 1(u) 8(disz)# [...]

  • [1(disz) _tug2_ szu]-ru-tim 1(disz) 1/2(disz) x [...]
  • [...] 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na#_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 kutnam of buzutu-aromatic ...;
  • ... shurrutu-garments 18 .

  • 1 shurutu-garment, 1 1/2 ... ...;
  • ... 1 1/2 minas .

    P297372: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na# i-na-a / x-[... u3] u2-s,u2-pi3-isz3-ki-im qi2-bi4-ma a-na i-na-[a] qi2-bi4-ma um-ma ah-sza-[lim] i-na u4-mi3-im [sza t,up-pi2] ta-sza-me-[u2] s,u2-ha-ar-ka3 [...] _uruda_ lu-sa3-ni-iq-[ma] lu-ub-la2-kum / i-[...] sze2-bi4-lam / mi3-szu-u2 sza a-na _ku3-babbar_ ta-asz2-ta-na-[pa2-ra-am]

    AI Translation

    To ... and Usum-pishum speak! To ... speak! Thus Ahshalim: On the day you hear the tablet, your shusharka-worker ... may copper be weighed out and I shall bring to you ... he shall bring. ... he shall pay. What you have to pay for silver you shall write.



    s,u2-ha-ru-um [...] qi2-bi4-ma [...] [u2]-sza-as-he-[er ...] a-ma-kam [s,u2-ha-ra-am] ki-ma t,up-[pi2]

    AI Translation

    The shurum-vessel ... speak! ... I will make ... shine! ... The word of the shurum-vessel is as in the tablet.



    ta-asz2-me-u2 [...] a-hi-a la2 a-tal-kam

    AI Translation

    You heard ..., I did not go .

    P297374: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] a-na qa2-[tim] [...] x sza-asz2-qi2-la2-szu-ma# [...] u4-mi3-ni [...] li#-ba-al-ki-ta-ma [...] x-ni lu nu-usz-ta-bi [x] x e ta-asz2-[... x]-x e la2 tu3-ta-[...]-x x sza _dingir_ i x [x x] x [i]-pa2-nim-ma i-na wa#-ar-ki-tim li-bi4-ni [e] im-ra-as, a-na a-mur-dingir qi2-bi4-ma

    AI Translation

    ... to the hands ... you give him and ... daily ... may he be sated with ... may he be sated with ... ... ... you did not ... ... of the god ... he opened and in the future may he speak to Amur-ili.



    a-ta a-ma-kam ki-ma e-ni-a wa-asz2-ba-ti / tam2-ka3-ri _e2_ a-bi4-ni sza ta-da-gu5-lu-ma a-ma-kam / e-ta-an-szu ma-ti-ma 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [a]-na qa2-tim sza-ka3-nim [x] sza i-di3-u2 la2 te2-t,i2-ra-ma [u2 t,up]-pa2-am la2 ta-di3-nam [x x]-mi3-in4 tam2-ka3-ri-ka3 [...] x a-da-gal-ma [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    When you are to ..., like me, the ... of the house of our father, which you gave to me, and when you have given him, when 1 mina of silver to the hand of the king ... which you know, you do not give, and the tablet you do not give, ... ... of your ..., ... I will expand and ... .

    P297375: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [x] 5/6(disz)# _ma-na gal_ ta-ar-ku-ma-ni

  • 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ ha-ti2-a-ar
  • 3(disz) _ma-na_ a-ta-bi-la2
  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ zi-lu-na-um
  • 2/3(disz) _ma-na_ 5(disz) _gin2 gudu4_ sza ku-ba-ba-at
  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ 7(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_
  • ta?-mu-ri-a 1/2(disz) _ma#-na_ a-[szi2-a]-at 3(disz) ma#-[na]

    AI Translation

    x 5/6 minas of large takumani-glass;

  • 4 1/2 minas of hatiar-wood,
  • 3 minas I have given to you.
  • 1 1/2 minas of zilunum-stone;
  • 2/3 mina 5 shekels of gudu-stone for the kubabat-vessel;
  • 1/2 mina 7 1/2 shekels,
  • Tamuria 1/2 mina, the rest 3 minas.


  • 1(disz) [_ma-na_]
  • 2(disz) _ma-na_ x [...]
  • 4(disz) _ma-na_ ku-[tu3-pi2-isz]
  • 1(disz) _ma-na_ szu-mi3-a-wa
  • 6(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na gal_ re-i-e
  • 4(disz) _ma-na_ eb-la2-i-um
  • [3(disz)?] _ma-na_ ku-wa-da-ar
  • [x ma]-na# szi2-im _tug2#_-[ba-ti2-im] [x x] x-ar-ma [n] _ma-na_ 5(disz) _gin2_ ka3-pi2-it-ra-i-um

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina
  • 2 minas ... ...
  • 4 minas of kutupish,
  • 1 mina of shumi-awa,
  • 6 1/2 minas of large reeds,
  • 4 minas of eblaium,
  • 3? minas of kuwadar-stone;
  • x minas of wool, ... ... and n minas 5 shekels of kapitrum-silver,



    [x] _ma#-na_ 5(disz) _gin2_ a-x [...] [wa]-al#-hi-isz-na 2/3(disz) ma#-[na]

    AI Translation

    x minas 5 shekels ... ..., 2/3 mina,

    P297376: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [x x]-x sza li [...]

    AI Translation

    ... of ...



    [s,u2]-ha#-ra-am a-na-kam x [x x] [x x]-x-ku-ra-ni mi3-ma [x x] x ki-ma u3-nu-tum [isz-tu3 _e2]-gal_-lim / us,-a-ni [x x] x ku-nu-ki-a u3 li-wi-su2 u3 _ansze_ s,a-la2-ma-am a-na s,e2-er [a]-si? ur-(d)utu-szi u3 hi-na-a bi4#-la2 sza-ni-a-am

    AI Translation

    I am a ..., ... ..., whatever ... like a unutum from the palace he brought to me, ... the kunukku-priest, and his wife, and a donkey to the side of Ur-Shamash and a shalamam-sheep he brought to me. The other

    P297377: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [x]-x-id-ma# [...] sza#-asz2-qi2-il5-szu# [...] u2-sza-zi-za-ku-[um ...] a-ta / i-hi-id#-[ma ...] sza-asz2-qi2-il5-szu# [...] _ku3-sig17_ 1(disz) _ma-na_ [...] ma-li-a-szu-ma [...]

  • 2(u) 6(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu u3 [1(disz) _ansze_]
  • s,a-la2-mu-um sza sze2-[ep x] [n 4(disz)] / _tug2 hi-a_ sza x [...] [x] x / s,u2-ba-tu3-a [...] [te2-er]-ta-ka3 li-[li-kam] [x x] x / sza ah [...] [...] x ma [...]

    AI Translation

    ... and ... his shaki-ilu-service ... he sat down ... he shaki-ilu-service ... ... and ... his shaki-ilu-service ... gold, 1 mina ... his own .

  • 26 kutanu-garments and 1 donkey,
  • The shalamû-offerings of ... ... 4 / shabatu-garments of ... ... ... ... ... may they come to your aid. ... / ... ... .

    P297378: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    i-na 3(disz) me-at 2(u) 6(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni sza kur-ub-esz18-dar qa2-dum li-wi-tim

  • 1(u) _tug2_ sza a-ki-di2-e 8(asz) _gu2_ 4(u) _ma-na_
  • _an-na_ ku-nu-ku sza kur-ub-esz18-dar

  • 6(disz) _tug2_ sza ka3-((ka3))-s,a-ri
  • 5(u) 6(disz) _tug2_ sza sza lu-qu2-tim sza is-mi3-di2-dingir
  • [x _tug2_ ku]-ta-ni sza a-szur-(d)utu-szi [ub-la2-ni]-a-ti2-ni 1(u) 5(disz) [_tug2_] ku-ta-ni [...] x x ba

    AI Translation

    In 326 kutani-garments of Kurub-ishtar, the hand of Liwitim;

  • 10 akidî-garments, 8 talents, 40 minas,
  • I am a cloak of Kurubishtar.

  • 6 ... garments of kashari;
  • 56 garments for the luqutu-priests of Ismi-dingir;
  • ... garments of Ashur-shamash, they brought to us; 15 garments of ... .



    u2 8(asz) _gu2_ 4(u) ma-[na _an-na_] ku-nu-ki sza kur-ub-esz18-dar du10-s,i2-la2-a+szur il5-qe2 [1(disz) _tug2_] ku-si2-tam2 a-na _illat_-tim ni-di2-in 1(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu a-na hu-lu-qa2-e sza za-al-pa2 ni-di2-in 1(u) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu sza i-na da-da-ni-a a-[hu]-ru-ni szi2-ti2 _tug2 hi-a_

  • 2(disz) me#-at 6(u) 2(disz) _tug2 hi-a_
  • AI Translation

    8 talents 40 minas of tin for the kunukku-vessel of Kurub-ishtar, Dil-Assur, ilqe; 1 kusitam-garment for the troops, we gave; 1 kusitam-garment for the haluqû-vessel for the zaalpa-vessel, we gave; 10 kusitam-garment for the delivery of the ahannu-vessel, this turban

  • 2 hundred and 62 ... garments,
  • Left


    a-na _e2-gal_-[lim e-ru-bu]

    AI Translation

    entered the palace.

    P297379: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) na-ru-qam2 1(disz) _tug2_ sza esz18-dar-pi3-la2-ah
  • x-ba-ni / i-di2-nam

  • 1(u) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na# uruda_ a-na _ku3-babbar_
  • a-di2-szu 7(disz) 1/6(disz) _gin2_ asz2-a-[am]

  • 1/6(disz) _gin2# ku3-babbar_-ra-na-ku al-8(disz) qe2#
  • 4(disz) _gin2# [ku3-babbar] szi2-im ansze_ asz2-qul2
  • 1(disz) 1/3(disz) [_gin2_] ig#-ri sa3-ri-din
  • 1/3(disz) _gin2#_ [u2-nu]-ut# _ansze_
  • szi2-ti2 [_ku3-babbar_] 1(u) 1/6(disz)# _gin2_ ku-nu#-[ki] i-li-bi4-a a-na 1(u) 2(disz) _ma-na [uruda?_] a-wi-ti2-szu 2/3(disz) _ma-na_ 5(disz) _gin2_ _an#-na_ asz2-qu2-ul [x _gin2 an]-na#_ u2-ku-ul

    AI Translation
  • 1 naruqam-stone, 1 garment of Ishtar-pilah,
  • ... he will pay

  • 12 1/2 minas of copper for silver
  • with him 7 1/6 shekels, as the asking price;

  • 1/6 shekel of silver, as 8 'litres' rent,
  • 4 shekels of silver, the price of the donkeys, I paid.
  • 1 1/3 shekels of igrû-wood, sari-din;
  • 1/3 shekel of thorny grain-fed grain-fed sheep,
  • the price of silver, 10 1/6 shekels of copper, he paid. For 12 m of copper, his husband, 2/3 m of silver, 5 shekels of tin I weighed out. ... shekels of tin I weighed out.



    [_ansze_] ik-[szu]-su2 [x] _gin2#_ u2-ku-ul sa3-ri-dim [x] _gin2#_ ta-szi2-a-at _ansze_ [x] _gin2_ bi4-it-qa2#-at _an-na_

  • 7(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • ni-is-ha-at _tug2_-ti2-szu asz2-qu2-ul 6(disz) _gin2_ a-na [ka3]-ri-im asz2-qu2-ul

  • 1/2(disz) [_gin2_] 1(u) _sze_ hu-lu-qa2-u2!
  • ik-szu-du-szu

    AI Translation

    The grain rations of the ikshushu-farmer were ... shekels; the saridim-measure was ... shekels; the grain rations of the ikshu-farmer were ... shekels; the Anu-measure was ... shekels.

  • 7 1/2 shekels of silver
  • I hung his garments on his neck. I hung 6 shekels on his neck.

  • 1/2 shekel 10 grains of huluqû-seeds,
  • he conquered him.

    P297380: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...]-x [...]-ka3 [u2-zu-...]-x-am ub-la2-[...]-ka3

  • 1(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nam
  • be-lum2-ba-ni na-asz2-a-kum a-hi a-ta (d)utu-szi a-ta _ku3-babbar_ sza# _dumu_ ka3-ri-a [sza-bi]-ma / t,up-pi3

    AI Translation

  • 1 kutanam-garment,
  • Belambani is the one who carries it. The one who carries it from the sun to the silver of the son of Karia is the one who carries it.




  • 1(disz)? mu-za-ra-am
  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _sila3_ du-ul-ba-tim
  • ku-nu-ki-a be-lum2-ba-ni na-asz2-a-kum _ku3-babbar_ sza a-na be-a-lim ta-di2-na-ni isz#-ti2 wa-ar-ki-tim [x] 1(disz) ku-ta-nam#

    AI Translation

    a kind of profession

  • 1: Muzaram;
  • 1 1/2 sila3 of mulbatum-confection;
  • The silver which you gave to Bel, from the past, x+1 shekels,



    [u2]-ba#-la2-kum [u2] a-ta i-hi-id

    AI Translation

    he will bring back; and why he will not return.

    P297382: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma a-szur3-_gal_-ma a-na ma-ga-ni-ka3 qi2-bi-ma mi3-szu / sza ta-asz2-pu-ri-ni um-ma a-ti2-i-ma / ma-ak-na-kam a-pa2-te2-ma ba-pi3-ra-am a-na szi2-mi3-im a-da-an be-tum sza-ap2-li-um u2! e-li-u2!-um la2 i-na ku-nu-ki-a ka3-ni-ik a-pu-tum a-di2 / a-la2-ka3-ni be-tam2 mi3-ma ku-nu-ki-a la2 ta-pa2-te2-i! / ku-nu-ki-a sza-s,i2-ri / e-mi-iq-tum ta-bu-ta2-ni-ma

    AI Translation

    "Ashur-rabi, to your lord speak! What you wrote to me: "Why did you write to me?" — I wrote to you, and you wrote to me. To decide, I gave. The king, the sage, and the upper one, not in your cult center. The aphutu until / to your destination the king, the king, not a cult center you wrote. The sage, the emiqtu, you wrote, and



    a-di2 u4-mi3-im a-nim sa3-ah-ra-ku a-pu-tum ki-ma-ma sza-s,u2-ra-ti2-ni lu sza-s,u2-ra-ti / a-di2 e-ne2-e-a / ta-me-ri-ni ki-ma la2 a-di2 ma-la2 u2 sze2-ni-szu _an-na_ u2-sze2-bi4-la2-ki-ni-ma i-di2-nu-ni-ki-ni a-szi2-a-ti2 mi3-ma la2 u2-sze2-ba-la2-ki-im isz-ti2 wa-ar-di2-im _dumu_ i-ku-nim u2-sze2-ba-la2-ki-im mi3-szu / sza u2-sza-bi4 i-na be-tim tu3-sze2-szi2-bi4-ni u2 a-na mu-tim ta-li-ki-ni szu-ma me-er-i-ti / a-ti2-i be-tam2 sza-s,i2-ri / a-di2 1(u) u4-me ni-ta-la2-kam mi3-ma sza ta-sza-me-i-[ni]

    isz-ti2 ke-na-a-szur

    AI Translation

    until the day I have been sated, the aphutu-vessel, like our shurru-vessels, may our shurru-vessels, until now, until now, our tameru-vessel, like none, until far as his share and his share, the heavens he brought to me, and he gave to me. My habitations, nothing I did not bring to you, from the outskirts, son of Ikunum he brought to you. What I brought to you, when you came to me, and to the year you came, the name of the reeds, the name of the reeds, until the 10th day we shall go, whatever you brought to me.

    With Kenashur



    te2-er-ti2-ki li-li-ki-im qi2-isz-tam2 u2 sza-hi-re-en6!? ku-nu-ki-ma isz-ti2 ke-na-a-szur3 sze2-bi4-li-im

    AI Translation

    Your supplications may they be reconciled with you.

    P297383: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    dingir-ba-ni a-na ma-num-ba-lum2-a-szur _dumu_ i3-li2-a-lim is,-ba-at-ni-a-ti2-ma um-ma dingir-ba-ni-ma a-na ma-num-ba-lum2-a-szur-ma

  • 3(disz) szu-uq-la2-tim sza 1(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _ma-na-ta_
  • u2 i-na pa2-ni szu-uq-lim# isz-te2-et ri-ik-su2-um sza 1(u) 5(disz) _ma-na an-[na_] sza-[ak-na-at]

    AI Translation

    Ili-bani to Multi-Balum-Assur, son of Ili-alim, seized me, saying: "Ili-bani to Multi-Balum-Assur

  • 3 shuqlatu-vessels of 1 talent 15 minas,
  • And in the presence of the securing of the contract, of 15 minas of iron,



    [... ri]-ik!-sa2-am sza 1(u) 5(disz) [_ma-na_] _an-na_ sza i-pa2-ni szu-uq-lim sza-ak-nu [i-na] na-asz2-pe3-er-tim i-na-a sza ki-ma _dam-gar3_ ri-ik-sa2-am la2 il5-pu-ta-am _igi_ i3-li2-a-lim _igi_ a-bu-sza-lim

    AI Translation

    ... the ration of 15 minas of tin that is deposited, the rations set, in the nashpe-offering, when like the merchant the rations did not reach, before Ili-alim; before Abshallim;

    P297384: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 6(u) 5(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni
  • a-na s,i2-li-(d)iszkur ap2-qi2-id sza 5(disz) _ansze_ u2-nu-tam2 ib?-li sza 5(disz) _ansze hi-a_ ma-x x-ti2 5(disz) x [x x]-za-tum

  • 5(disz) _ansze hi-a_
  • AI Translation
  • 65 kutanu-garments,
  • I appointed for Shilli-Adad. Of 5 hectares of ..., ... of 5 hectares of ..., 5 .

  • 5 hectares of ...,
  • Reverse


    s,a-la2-me u3 ma-asz2?-ki? isz-ti2 ni-ni x x mi3-ma a-nim a-na s,i2-la2-(d)iszkur ap2#-qi2-id#

    AI Translation

    I have slain them, and your ... with us ... whatever I have appointed to Shil-Adad.

    P297385: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [pu-szu-ke-en6 ...] um#-ma puzur4-[...] a-na pu-szu-ke-en6#

  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • szi2-im _ansze_ i-li#-[bi-a] a-na a-wa-tim a-ni-a-tim ka3-ru-um ka3-[ni-isz] [i-di2-in-ni-a-ti2-ma]

    AI Translation

    "Pushuken ..., "Puzur... to Pushuken .

  • 1/3 mina of silver
  • The price of the donkeys of my gods, in the words of this petition, the supplications, the supplications, the supplications,

    P297386: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [um-ma] i-na-a [...] [u3 i]-ku-num-ma [a-na] [hu]-s,a#-ri-im qi2-bi-ma isz-ti2 _an-na_(ki) qa2-at#-[ni]

  • _1(u) 6(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 8(disz) gin2-ta_
  • a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-ni-di2-in-ma _sza#-ba 1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ i-ku-num il5-qe2 si2-ti2 _ku3-babbar_ isz-ti2 i-na-a i-ba-szi2 a-ma-la2 te2-er-ti2-ka3 ku-ta-ni 5(disz) _ta_ a-na i-ku-nim ni-ta-na-di2-ma a-na _ku3-babbar_ u2-ta-ar-szu-nu a-na-kam isz-tu3 _nig2-ka?_-si2 sza ka3-ri-im i-si2-u2-ni ku-ta-ni qa2-tam2 i-di2-u2-ma sza qa2-su2 la2 i-di2-u2-ni

    AI Translation

    "When ... and Ikunum speak to the haruspex, and from Anu my hand

  • 16 5/6 minas 8 shekels each;
  • to silver he gave, and therefrom 1 mina of silver he gave. The remainder of the silver from that one there was, the ... of your extispicy we gave, and to silver he gave them. As to what from the account of the quay he took, the ... he took, and that which his ... did not take,


  • _6(disz) ma-na _ta_ ku3-babbar_ szi2-ti2
  • qa2-ti2 mi3-tu3-ti2-ma u2-ul t,a2-bi4-e-szu-nu a-na-kam sza isz-qu2-lu isz-qu2-ul la2-[szu ...] _ku3-babbar_ ap2-szu [...] u3 _2(disz) gin2-ta_ u3 [...] isz-tu3 _nig2-ka?_-si2 [...] u2-s,u2-bu-u2 [...]-ka3

    AI Translation
  • 6 minas from the silver of the debtor;
  • Those who were seized and seized did not have ... silver, its interest ... and 2 shekels each and ... from its account ... they seized .

    P297387: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) me-at _ninda_
  • (disz)a-la2-hu-um#

  • 1(disz) me-at [_ninda_] mi3-im [...]
  • 1(disz) me-at# _ninda_
  • (disz)i-na-a _dumu_ a-mu-ra-a

  • 1(disz) me-at _ninda_
  • (disz)a-szur-isz-ti2-kal2

  • 1(disz) me-at _ninda_
  • (disz)i-ku-nim _dumu_ il5-ba-ni

  • 1(disz) me-at _ninda_
  • (disz)szu-be2-lum2

  • 1(disz) me-at _ninda_
  • (disz)bu-s,i2-a

  • 6(u)? 5(u) _ninda_ a-mur-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) me-at _ninda_ pa2-la2-a
  • 1(disz) me-at _ninda_
  • (disz)en-nam-be-lum2

    AI Translation
  • 100 ninda,
  • Alahum 897 BC.

  • 100 ninda of ... .
  • 100 ninda,
  • Inâ, son of Amurâ;

  • 100 ninda,
  • Ashur-ishtikal 893 BC.

  • 100 ninda,
  • Ikunu, son of Ilbani;

  • 100 ninda,
  • Shu-belum 897 BC.

  • 100 ninda,
  • Bushiya 797 BC.

  • 60? ninda of amur-eshtar-bread;
  • 100 ninda of ...,
  • 100 ninda,
  • Ennam-belum 897 BC.

    P297388: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)? 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • s,a-ru-pa2-am a-na [a]-hu-wa-qar a-di2-in _an-na_ ma-la2# _illat_-tum# i-sza-ku-nu szal2-ma-am i-na ka3-ni-isz# i-sza-qal _igi#_ puzur4-i3-li [_dumu_] il5-ba-ni

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 minas of silver
  • a sharapam-offering to Ahu-waqar. I have given. As much as the army will be there, the whole in the ka'nish will be taken. Before Puzur-ili, son of Ilbani.



    [_igi] dingir#_-szu-da-a-a _gudu4_ sza su2-en6#

    AI Translation

    Before the Shudeans, the gudu-priest of the suenu-festival.

    P297389: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • s,a-ru-pa2-am i-na [a-lim(ki)] a-na en-na-su2-en6# sza a-na be2-u2-la2-tim# a-di2-nu-szu-ni um-ma en-na-su2-en6-ma sza ki-ma ku-a-ti2 [i-na a]-lim(ki) [t,up]-pi2 [il5-pu]-tu3 szu-ma sza# [ki]-ma i-a-ti i-na a-lim(ki) t,up-pu-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • a scribal art in the city to Ennasuen, who to the ... I gave to him, thus Ennasuen, who like a ... in the city, the tablet of Ilputu, is that which like me in the city, his tablet




  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-na
  • sza ki-ma i-a-ti i-sza-qal u3 i-sza-x-x t,up-pu-szu a-ni-um i-mu-[at] szu-ma t,up-pu-szu sza ki-ma i-a-ti (la2 il5-pu-tu3)

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ i-na
  • a-lim(ki) szal2-ma-am i-na-su2-en6 i-sza-[qal] _igi_ sza-lim-a-hi-im _igi_ pu-szu-ke-en6

    AI Translation


  • 1/2 mina of silver for
  • who like me shall ... and ... his tablet, he himself shall die; he who like me does not finish his tablet,

  • 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish
  • The city will be well; he will be able to take care of it. Before Shalim-ahum, before Pushuken.



    _igi_ hu-ra-s,a-nim

    AI Translation

    Before Hurashanni.

    P297393: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 u3 a-szur-i-mi3-ti3 qi2-bi4-ma um-ma (d)iszkur-s,u2-lu-li-ma a-na-kam pu-szu-ke-en6 e-mu-qa2-tim [e]-pu-szi2-ma a-me-szi2-[ti2?-x]

    AI Translation

    To the sceptre and Ashur-imitti speak! Thus Adad-shulluli: "Why did the sceptre and the army perform it?"



    [...]-ak lu-up-ta#? i-ta-di2-a 1(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3-babbar_ i-ku-pi3-a-szur li-di2-na-ku-nu-ti2 ma-la ta-ha-sza-ha-ni szu-up-ra-ni-ma lu-sze2-bi4-la2-ku-nu-ti2

    AI Translation

    ... ... he gave me. 1 mina of silver Ikupi-Assur may give to you. As much as you have to fight, send me a letter, and I shall send to you.

    P297395: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na ha-na-na-ri-im a-szur3-mu-ta-bi4-il5 u2-s,ur-sza-a-szur3 [u2 x] qi2-bi4-ma um-ma [i?]-na#?-a-ma

  • 5(disz) _ma-na [ku3-babbar_ a-na a?]-ta#?-ta
  • ha-bu-la2-ti2#-ma a-na#-[ku] [qa2]-ta-tum / i-nu-mi3 a-na [...]-ur? da# u2#? x x [...] [ma?]-al-u2 / um-ma a-ta-ma [...] u2 me-er-[u2] a-[ta?-ta? ...] [...] x um-ma a-ma-at-ka3?-ma [a-na] _ku3-babbar_ ra-bi4-s,u2-um [i-di2-in] a-ta-ta [...]-ma _ku3-babbar_ [... la2]-al-qe2-ma [...]-ma x a [... u2]-sze2-s,i2-ma#

    AI Translation

    To Hananarim, Ashur-mutabil, Usur-sha-Assur, and ..., speak! Thus:

  • 5 minas of silver for Atata?
  • I am a robber. At that time to ...



    n _ma-na_ 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ [...]-ta-ka3 [...]-im ki-ma [...]-ri-im [...] _maszkim_-s,i2 / s,i2-ib-tam2# [u2]-s,a-ab2 a-hi a-ta la2 ta-[...] [u3?] a-na-kam ta-na-me-[...] [t,up]-pu / da-nu-ni _ku3-babbar_ [...]-tum a-szar al-ta-na-qe2-u2 [...]-i-id li-ba-ka3 [la2] im#-ra-as, lu-qu2-tam2 sza a-ba-ki-im ab2-ka3-ma a-_ku3-babbar_ lu-ta-e-ru-ma a-szar _ku3-babbar_ al-ta-qe2-u2 lu nu-ta-e-er a-na-kam a-na am-ti2-ka3 um-ma a-na-ku-ma szi2-im 1(u) _tug2 hi_-ti2 sza ha-na-na-[ri-im ...]

    AI Translation

    n minas 2 1/2 shekels ... your ... like ... ... he will remove the slanderer and the slanderer. You ... ... and ... ... a tablet / mighty tablet of silver ... where I bought it, ... ... where I bought it, ... he shall not break, he shall take away. Of Abakim, the cow, and silver I shall bring, where I bought it, I shall not return. ... to your lord, thus I: "The price of 10 garments of Hananari .



    sze2-bi4-[lam ...] a-na _dam-[gar3_ ...] asz2#-qul2#? [...]

    AI Translation

    he will pay ... to the merchant ... I will complete .

    P297397: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) 1/6(disz) [_gin2] ku3#-babbar#_
  • i-li#-bi# [szu]-hu-bur#

  • 1(disz) _ma-na_ 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2_
  • _ku3-babbar_ i-li-bi i-di2-su2-en6 _igi_ szu-hu-bar e-pu-la2-ni

    AI Translation
  • 8 1/6 shekels of silver,
  • The goddess Ilibi is a shushuru-demon.

  • 1 mina 15 shekels;
  • The silver he brought, the ... before him he performed.



    x 1(u) 5(disz) 1/6(disz)! _gin2 ku3#-[babbar_]

  • 4(disz) _gin2_ ma-la2 [...]
  • ma-t,i2 7(disz) _gin2#_ sza? a-na x [x] x x a-di2-in

    AI Translation

    15 1/6 shekels of silver

  • 4 shekels, the weight of ...,
  • Total: 7 shekels which? to ... I gave.

    P297399: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na i-[na-a qi2-bi-ma] um-ma ma-num-ba#-[lum2-a-szur-ma] bur-a-szur / isz-tu3# bu-ru-usz-ha-tim# i-li-ik-ma um#-[ma] a-na-ku-ma / a-s,e2-[er] a-hi-ka3 a-na ka3-ni-isz3# [a]-li-ik um-ma szu-ut-ma en#-na-su2-en6 _dumu_ i-di2-a-[bi-im] [a]-di2 1(u) u4-me-e [i]-ma-qu2-tam2-ma

    AI Translation

    To this very same say: "Menumbalum-Assur and Bur-Assur from Burush-hatum went, saying: "I myself went, and the guard of your brother to Kanish went," thus Ennasu-En, son of Idi-abim, for 10 days he will be ill, and



    [a]-wi-lum2 i-[...] a-na [s,e2-er] a-hi#-a / a-la2-ak# [en-na]-su2#-en6 isz-tu3 bu-ru-usz-ha-tim# i-ma-qu2-tam2#-ma a-hu-ka3 / u2 szu-wa#-[ti2] a-t,a2-ra-dam a-[bi a-ta] be-li2 a-ta a-[ma-kam] i-sza-ha-[at] u2-nu-[ti2-a i-zi-iz] mi3-ma [...]

    AI Translation

    A man ... to the side of a man I shall go. Ennasu-en from Burushhatum he will eat, and your brother / a shati I shall return. My father, my lord, or my father, shall eat, my sheep he shall stand. Anything .



    ki-ma / u2-nu-tum / ur-[da-ni] s,u2-ha-ri a-ma-kam-ma [...]

  • 1(disz) _ma-na [ku3-babbar_] di2-nam
  • AI Translation

    Like a fox ... a fox, I am a fox .

  • 1 mina of silver, the penalty;
  • P297400: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    x [...]

  • 2(disz) [_gu2_]
  • 4(disz) _tug2#_
  • 1(u) 5(disz) x [...]
  • en-nam-a-szur _dumu_ ka3-ri-a / x [...] mi3-ma / lu-qu2-tim a-ni-tim / i-[...] a-s,e2-er / a-szur-sipa usz-te2-(bi)-il5 [...] lu-qu2-tam2 / a-ni-tam2 / i-ta-pu-lu-[...] na-asz2-pa2-ra-ti2-szu u2-ka3#-al / a-hi a-[ta] a-wi-il5 / gi-mi3-lim / a-na-ku / gi-im#-[la2-ni] mi3-ma / a-wi-li / a-ni-u2-tim sza-il5-ma / szi2-bi / sza isz-ta-ku-nu-szu-ni [a]-na ka3-pa2-di2-a / i-na t,up-pi2-im / la2-pi2-tam2 [...] [...]

    AI Translation

  • 2 talents,
  • 4 ... garments;
  • 15 ... ...
  • Ennam-Assur, son of Karia ... ... whatever a man ... ... he brought out ... Assur-sipa ... the man ... ... his letters he sent to him. ... a man ... a man ... ... anything a man ... ... ... whose name he set to me, to ... in a tablet ... .



    szu-up-ra-ma# _e2_ a-bi-a u3 te2-er-[ti2-a ...] u3 i-s,e-er _e2_ a-[bi-a]

    AI Translation

    Send me a copy of my father's house and my letter ... and the one who enters my father's house.

    P297403: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] x lu [...] [...] x lu ni [...] [... x] _ma#-na_ la2 2(disz) _gin2#_ [...] [...] x ir 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ [...] [...] i-ri-ha-ni a-na [...] [...] ki-ma 3(disz) 2/3(disz) _ma-na uruda_ [a]-di2#-i u3 3(disz) 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ [i]-na ra-ma-ni-a [u2]-ra-di2-ma 7(disz) _ma-na_ [_uruda_ il5]-mi3-ti2 a-na qa2-ti2-szu-nu [i-di2]-in# u3 szi2-ti2 [...]-im [x x sza] u2-ka3-lu

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1/3 mina ... he will give to ... ... like 3 2/3 minas of copper, together with 3 1/3 minas of alum, he will give to me, and 7 minas of copper for their ilmittu-offerings he will give, and the remainder ... ... which he will give.



    [...] x _ansze_ u2 sza a-di2 [u4-mi]-im# a-nim is-hu-ru-ni [e?]-mu-qa2-tam2 _uruda_ [x x] x x u2-szi2-ru-ni-a-ti2 [...] u4?-me la2 i-di2-nu-ni-a-ti2 [...]-e ra-qu2-tim [...] x ri-im / ni-si2 [...] sza# tam2-ka3-ri#-[im] [...] x ni a [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... which until now they had received, the ... of copper ... they brought to us. ... days that they did not give us ... the great ... ... of the stele ... ... .

    P297404: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    i-na e-ni-ka3 / ka3-ab2#-[da-ku] u3 i-na e-en me-er-i-ka3 / isz-ta-ri#-[x x] ka3-ab2-da-ku-ma / a-szar sza#?-nim / szu#?-pu-ul-tam2# [x] szi2 x x szu-mi3 / i-[...] [x] i x x-ma / a-na la2-lim x sza# ke-na-tim / ta-asz2-ta-ak-na-ni [isz]-tu3 u4-mi3-im / a-nim s,u2#?-uh3-ra-am / szu-um-szu [u2]-la2 ta-ra-de8-a-am

    AI Translation

    In your midst ..., and in your midst ..., ... ..., and where ... ... ..., and to the ... of the true ... you set up. From day to day, his name he shall not change, you shall praise.

    P297407: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] [...] a#-ba-ri# [...] [um-ma] a-ta-ma a-na# [...] [_ku3]-babbar#_ ta-ad-na-ku [...] [_sza3]-ba_ 1(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ _dumu#_ e-na-ma-nim ta-[di2-in] [x]-ti2 _ku3-babbar_ [1(u) 6(disz)] _ma-na_ 6(disz)? [_gin2_] [a]-na#-ku ta-ad-na-ku i-na# _ku3#-babbar_ sza a-ta / ta-ad-na-[ti2-ni] [szi2]-im 5(disz) _tug2_ 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar#_ [szu?]-esz18-dar i-x-x-la2-ku-um# [u2] a-ta szu-ma li-bi-ka3# [i?]-ma 1(u) 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ x [...] [x] sza 1(disz)? lu-u2 1/2(disz) _ma-na#_ [...]

    [x] x en-um-a-szur a-na# [...] [x] x u2 1(disz)? t,up-pi3-szu# [...] [x ta]-ah-si2-i2-tam2 [...] [x x] ad ga [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... "Why did you give to ... silver?" ... ... ... 11 1/2 minas of silver to the son of Enamam he gave. ... silver 16 minas 6? shekels I gave to you, from the silver that you gave to me, the price of 5 turbans 5 minas of silver to Shu-Ishtar he shall ...; and if you give to me, 12 minas of silver ... ... of 1? 1/2 mina .

    ... Enum-Assur to ... ... his tablet ... ... tahsitam ... ... .



    [...]-szi2-ib-ma um-ma [a]-ta#-ma ke-na lu i-di2-nam [x]-x-ke-er a-hi-u2-tim pa2-ni-sza-am i-na s,e2-ri-a la2-at,-ru-ud-ma u3 a-na a-ni-a-tim a-tu3-nu-ma szi2-ba-ma a-szar us2-mu ep-sza a-hi a-ta be-li2 a-ta szu-ma a-szar us2-mu pa2-ni-e u2-sza-ar-sza-ka3 a-ma-la2 ta-le-e-u2 gu5-mu-ur-szi2# la2 ta-ka3-bi-si2 me-eh!-ri sza a-szur-ma-lik lu-qu2-tam2# u2-ba-li-t,a2-ni ku-nu-ki-[a] lugal-su2-en6 na-asz2-a-kum

    AI Translation

    ... ..., thus ... he shall give. ... a man in the street he shall destroy, and to me there is ..., and where the foundations are built, where the foundations are built, where my lord, where the foundations are laid, he shall make firm for me. The water is a taulu-demon, you shall not eat it. The other side of Assur-malik the luqutu-demon shall bring to me. In the kunukku-demon is placed.

    P297408: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    li-li-kam / a-szu-mi3# [...] _dumu#_ masz? / a-na a-szur-i-mi3#-[ti2] ta#?-hi-tam2 / ta-asz2-pu-ra-am# um#-ma a-ta-ma / u2-la2 x [...] ta-ki-li / u2-la2 a-sza-pa2-ra#-[kum?] a-hi a-ta / _ku3-babbar_-ap-ni / la2 x [...] za-ku-tam2 / szu-up-ta-ma / uz-ni [pi2-te2] a-hi a-ta / ki-ma / i-pa2-na / a-[na-ku] a-hu-ka3-ma / li-bu-ka3 / a-na# [x x?] x-ni / u3 a-na-ku / a-hu-ka3# [x x?]

    AI Translation

    lili-kam ... son of ... to Assur-imitti you wrote?, thus you: "Why did you ... ...? You wrote? ...



    [...] sza-al-ma / x [...] [...] x _ku3-babbar_ x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... you will be able to pay back ... silver .

    P297409: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na# puzur4-esz18-dar# [qi2]-bi-ma um-ma esz18-dar#-la2-ma-si2-(ma) mi3-szu sza# isz-ti2 a-li-ki pa2#-ni-im-ma la2 i-li-(ka3-ni-ma) a-na-kam s,i2-bi-tam2 ta-asz2-ku-nu-ni-a-ti2-ni en-na-su2-en6 i-li-kam-ma um#-ma szu-ut-ma [x]-sza#-ak-tu3-szu

    AI Translation

    To Puzur-Ishtar speak! Thus Ishtar-Lamasi: "What is it that is from your journey that is not yours?" "Why did you not ask me?" "You are the one who gave me the scribal arts." "Ennasu-Enlil is yours!" "That is his .



    [x x]-a?-am _tug2 hi_-ti2 [x x] x ku-nu-ki [x x] x x x szu-nu [...]-tu3 a-pu-tum# [x x] a-ta te2-er!-ta#-ka3# [li]-li-kam#-ma

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... your ... ... they ... ... aphutu-plant ... from your side may it go out.

    P297410: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [... ki]-ma [a-wa-at] ka3#-ri-im [a-na 1(disz) ma]-na-im [x _gin2]-ta_ s,i2-ib-tam2# [u2-s,a-ab2] li-mu-um [a-szur3]-_sag10#_ [_igi_ ki]-li#-a [_igi_] puzur2#-esz18-dar

    AI Translation

    ... like the word of the karibtu-house for 1 mina x shekels per shekel of silver he shall redeem. Limum, Ashur-resha-iddina, before Kilia, before Puzur-Ishtar,



    _kiszib3_ ki-li#-[a] _kiszib3_ puzur4#-[esz18-dar] li#-mu-um a-szur3-_sag10#_ [...]-im

    AI Translation

    Seal of Kiliya, seal of Puzur-Ishtar, Limum, Ashur-sag, .

    P297412: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na puzur4-a-szur3 qi2-bi-ma um-ma puzur4-(d)utu-ma a-szu-mi3 ha-na-na-ri-im sza ta-asz2-pu-ra-ni um-ma a-ta-ma nu-sze2-szi2-ib-ba

  • 9(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u2-ka3-lu-ni-a-ti2
  • i-na 8(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u3 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _gin2_ _ku3-sig17_ a-ha-ma 5(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2 ku3-sig17_

  • 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-di2-szu-um 1(disz) _ma-na_ 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2_
  • ni-is-ha-at _ku3-babbar_ / sza i-na _e2_ szu-ku-bi-im / i-ni-id-u2-[ni]

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ i-hi-ib-la2-ma
  • um-ma szu-ut-ma / _an-na_ sza _dumu_ dingir-e-mu-qi2 li-di2-na-ku-um mi3-ma u2-la2 i-ta-ad-nam 1(disz) me-at 6(u) _ma-na_ _uruda_ szi2-kam / i-szi2-im _gig_ la2-qa2-am qa2-bi-a-kum 4(u) _ma-na uruda_ bi-it-qa2-tum#

  • 3(u) _ma-na uruda_ a-qa2-ti2 a-wi-il5-ti2#-[im]
  • a-di2-in / mi3-ma a-nim i-li#-[bi4-szu] _sza3-ba_ 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ 7(disz) _gin2#_ _ku3-babbar_ szi2-im ku-ta-ni

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ szi2-im#
  • AI Translation

    To Puzur-Assur speak! Thus Puzur-Shamash: "My name Hananari, which you wrote to me, thus: "Why did we not settle it?"

  • 9 minas of silver, for the ukalunu-offerings;
  • for 8 minas of silver and 1/2 mina 1 1/3 shekels of gold, together 5 1/4 shekels of gold,

  • 1 mina of silver, as an additional payment, 1 mina 15 shekels,
  • The silver which they weighed out in the storehouse

  • 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out and
  • "That is the Anu of the son of Ili-emuqi. Let him give me whatever he wants."

  • 30 minas of copper, the price of a man,
  • I have given to him whatever he deems best. The price of 1 1/3 minas 7 shekels of silver is the price of his .

  • 1 1/2 minas of refined silver,
  • Reverse

  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-mu-[tim]
  • i-na _ku3-babbar_ sza li-bi3-szu# li-is,-he-er-ma / szi2-ti2# [_ku3-babbar_-pi3-szu] isz-tu2 li-mi3-im / a-hu#?-[wa-qa2?] _iti-kam_ ku-zal-li a-di2 u4-mi3#-[im] a-nim 1(disz) _gin2-ta ku3-babbar_ t,up-pu#-[szu] a-ma-na-im lu ta-ah-ri-im a-di2 2/3(disz) _gin2-ta_ a-li-ik-ma _ku3-babbar_ u3 s,i2-ba-su2 / li-isz-qu2-lu-ma t,up-pi2 / sza babila u3 t,up-pu-szu di2-szu-ma / li-du-uk / szu-ma a-wi-lu-um / dingir-na-tam2 / e-pa2#-al-ka3 a-ma-la / t,up-pe2 ha-ru-mu-tim sza a-ma-kam / i-ba-szi2-u2-ni

    ra-bi-s,u2-um / szi2-bi li-isz-ku-szu-ma te2-er-ta-ka3 / li-li-kam-ma le-ti2-qam-ma / a-wa-tam2 la2-di2-szu-um a-bi a-ta be-li a-ta szu-ma / a-wa-tum im-tu3-at-ma _ku3-babbar_ i-ta-asz2-qal 1(u) 2/3(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3#-babbar_ ku-nu-uk-ma a-na

    AI Translation
  • 2 1/2 shekels 15 grains of amutim-seeds,
  • from the silver of his own accord may he return, and that one-half of his silver from Limum he shall weigh out. Month of Ayyaru, until the day, one shekel of silver his tablet shall weigh out. To the 2/3 shekel of silver I went, and the silver and its interest I shall weigh out, and the tablet of Babylon and his tablet I shall destroy. ... a man / a god / a messenger / a tablet of harumum that is / there is

    "Great one, let him speak, and let your supplication be heard!" "Let me come and read the omen, and let me know." "My father, why did my lord not read the omen?" "He has taken the silver and weighed it out." 12/3 minas of silver he bought and to



    ((a-na)) ra-bi4-s,i2-im di2-in-ma a-na _e2_ a-szur-ma-lik / lu-bi4-il5 szi2-ti2 _ku3-babbar_ isz-ti2-ka3 li-ib-szi2 u3 te2-er-ta-ka3 / li-li-kam

    AI Translation

    to the great one shall give; and to the house of Ashur-malik may I bring. The debt of silver with you may I carry off; and your reed-bed may I carry off.

    P297413: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um#-ma sza-lim-a-hu-um-ma# a-na (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni qi2-bi-ma i-t,up-pi3-im sza a-gu-a _an-na_ ku-nu-ki-ka3# a-na (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni u2? [x x ni]-is-ha-tim [...] tam2# a-s,e2-er [...]-x

    AI Translation

    "Shalim-ahum, speak to Ninshubur-bani! He has written a tablet of Agua, the ... of your hutuma-house to Ninshubur-bani and ... we shall divide ... .



    [a-na x u2] dan-a-szur di2-ma lu-ub-lu-[nim]

    AI Translation

    May I be able to ... Dan-Assur.



    a-szu-mi3 (d)iszkur-a-[...] i-ra-mi3-ni-ka3 [...]

    AI Translation

    As for me, Adad-a-..., who loves you .

    P297414: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na puzur4-[...] qi2-bi-ma um-ma# a-ma-la2 te2-er-ti2#-[...] a-na te2-er-[...] u3 a-di2 _ku3-babbar_ [...] a-szur u3 il5# mi3-ma _ku3-babbar_ x [...] la2 u2-sze2-la2 za# u2-s,i2-a-ma# u2-sze-ba-la2-[...] mi3-ma zi-[...] la2 u2-sza-[...]

    AI Translation

    To Puzur-... speak! Thus Amala, the terti-priest, to terti-priest and as far as silver ... Ashur and Il, whatever silver ... he shall not give, he shall not give, he shall not bring, he shall not bring, anything ... he shall not give.



    i-na [...] isz-tu3 [...] ta-asz-pu-[ra-am um-ma] a-ta-ma [...] ta-sze2-e x [...] a-na _ku3-babbar_ ma x [...] li-t,u3-lu-ni-ku-um#? i-bi-sa3-e a-ta la2 ta#?-[mar] ki-ma _ku3-babbar_ 2(u) _ma-na_ [...] a-mu-ru ut-ra-am i-na li-bi-ti2 a-szur i-na bu za? szi-im lu za am? a-ma-kam szu-ma li-bi4-ka3 te2-er-ta-ka

    AI Translation

    From ... to ... you wrote: "Why ... you ... to silver ... ... let them bring you out." You did not see. Like silver, 20 minas ... I saw. I have returned. In the libitu of Assur, in ...



    li-li-kam-ma 1(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ _e2 dam-gar3_ la2-al-qe2-ma a-na a-lim(ki) la2 wa ru x u2?

    AI Translation

    Let him come and let me take 10 minas of silver from the merchant's house and to the city ... .

    P297415: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma pu-szu-ke-en6-ma a-na a-mur-esz18-dar qi2-bi-ma ta-asz2-pu-ra-am um-ma a-ta-ma

  • 1(u) 1/3(disz) _gin-ta_ a-na _tug2 hi-a_-ti2-ka3
  • [x x] x u3 esz18-dar-ka3-ku-bu-um [...] la? 9(disz) _gin2-ta_ u2 e-li-[isz] [... x]-ri-szu [...]

    AI Translation

    "Pushuken, speak to Amur-Ishtar, and you have written to me: "Why did you not write to me?"

  • 10 1/3 shekels for your garments;
  • ... and Eshdar-kakkuba ... 9 shekels each and above ... his .



    [x x] _ku3#-babbar_ a-na-kam u2-ka3-i-lu a-s,e2-er puzur4-a-szur3 u3 dan-[a-szur3]

  • 1(disz) _dumu_ um-mi3-a-nim / ke-nam
  • t,a2-hi-ma mi3-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-nim szu-ta-as,-bi4-ta-ma / a-na

  • 1(u) 2(disz) ha-am-sza-tim / t,up-pa2-ka3
  • hi-ir-ma / i-na t,up-pi3#-szu (s,i2)-ib-tum lu wa-du-u2 / dingir-szu-i-di2-in ha-ra-num / ki szu-mi3-sza szu-ma 1(disz) _iti-kam_ u3 2(disz) _iti-kam_ e-ta-at-qu2 / s,i2-ib-tam2 u2-la2 a-la2-qe2

    AI Translation

    ... silver I weighed out, I went to Puzur-Ashur and Dan-Ashur.

  • 1 son of Ummanim / ke'am;
  • 'If you want to sell anything of silver, you shall pay it, and / to

  • 12 hamshatum-plants / tablet of yours,
  • he has sworn, and on his tablet the scribal art is very good. Ilshu-iddin, the haranum priestess, according to her name, for 1 month and 2 months he has sinned. The scribal art is to be shaved.



    szi2-im / [...] _ku3-babbar_ ku-nu#-[uk-ma sze2-bi-lam] li#-[bi li-ih-du]

    AI Translation

    '... ... silver, you are secure, and may it increase, may it increase.'

    P297416: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma e-di2-(d)a-szur-ma a-na puzur4-(d)iszkur u3 esz18-dar-ba-asz2-ti2 qi2-bi-ma a-na puzur4-(d)iszkur qi2-bi-ma 9(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ an-ni-nu-um ha-bu-la2-am i-na wa-asz2-ha-ni-a as,#-ba-su2-ma um#-ma szu-ut-ma

    AI Translation

    thus Edi-Ashur: "Speak to Puzur-Adad and Ishtar-bashti, speak to Puzur-Adad!" I took nine shekels of silver, the price of this haybula-container, from the wa'ashhania, and thus:



    _[ku3]-babbar_ i-qa2-ti2-a la2-szu / i-ka3-ni-isz puzur4-(d)iszkur li-isz-qu2-la2-kum szu-ma / a-hi a-ta _ku3-babbar_ a-na esz18-dar-ba-asz2-ti2 di2-in

    AI Translation

    he will pay. He shall not pay. Puzur-Adad may he take. If he does not pay, the silver to Ishtar-bashti shall be forfeited.

    P297418: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na i-na-a u3 (d)en-lil2-ba-ni qi2-bi4-ma um-ma a-lu-la2-a-ma u3 szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi2-ma

  • 1(u) 5(disz) _tug2_-ti2 sza a-ki-di2-e
  • sza (d)en-lil2-ba-ni dingir-ba-ni _dumu_ ma-ni-a e-zi-bu-ni-a-ti2-ni [sa3]-su2-um / il5-ta-pa2-su2-nu-ma [...]-ma [...] li [...]

    AI Translation

    To Ishtar and Enlil-bani speak! Thus Alula and Shumum-libshi:

  • 15 akitu-garments of Akitu-sheep;
  • which Enlil-bani and Ili-bani, son of Mania, have seized, they have smashed, and ... and ... .



    [... ma]-hi!-ri-im ki-ma [_ku3]-babbar_ la2-szu-ni!? [_ku3]-babbar_ nu-sza-asz2-qa2-al-ma nu-sze2-ba-lam dingir-ba-ni _dumu_ ma-ni-a szi2-bi4 isz-ku-ni-a-ti2 um-ma szu-ut-ma i-na _tug2_-ti2 qa2-ti2 i-na-a sza-ak-na-at t,up-pe3-e sza 3(disz) _dumu_(me-er-e) um-mi3-a-nim ni-ih-ri-mu a-szar a-lu-la2-a a-na na-ab2-szi2-im ne2-zi-ib mi3-ma _ku3-babbar_ szu-ma-li-ib-szi2 ga-ma-ar-szu [u2-la2 il5-qe2]

    AI Translation

    ... the one who is a merchant, like silver, we shall weigh out and we shall bring. Ili-bani, the son of Mania, the one who spoke to me, said: "That is, in the garment of the hand, in the garment of the 3 sons of his mother, we shall not eat, where we go, to eat we shall not eat anything silver, his rations shall not be taken."

    P297419: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-mur-esz18-dar szi2-im-ti2 _e2_-ti2-szu sza ka3-ni-is i-szi2-im-ma / _e2_ [...] u2 a-ma-tim u2 szi2 x x ma-la2 i-szu-u2 u2-szi2-nu-ma-an u2 za x sza la2-ma-si2 a-szi2#?-[x x?] qa2-di2-isz-tim# [...] _ku3-babbar_ sza x [...] u2 s,i2-[...]

    AI Translation

    I have seen the ... of his house which he ... and ... the house ... and the sea and ... as much as there is, they shall bring to them, and ... of the lamasu-festival, who ... the qadishtum-festival ... silver of ... and .



    x [...] sza x [...] sza _e2_-ti2 [...] i-na me-er-x [...] i-na _e2_-tim [...] ta#-t,a2-ra?-su2? _igi_ u2-ra-a _igi_ (d)mar-tu-ba-ni _igi_ e-la2-ma _igi_ a-gu5-a i-na wa-ar-ka3-at

    AI Translation

    ... ... of the house ... in ... ... in the house ... you will be able to read it. Before Uraya, before Martubani, before Elam, before Agua in the morning.



    la2-ma-si2# [x] qa2#?-du-um# x [...] x a / sza x [...] [...]-im i [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    P297425: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma a-szu3-i-di2-ma [a]-na a-szur-na-da [qi2]-bi-ma sza-am-sza-am [sza] 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-sig17_ [a]-na# (d)nin-szubur ha-bu-la2-ku [i]-pa2-ni-tim i-nu-mi3 ta#-li#-ka3#-ni um-ma a-na-ku-ma [a]-na mi3-nim sza-am-sza-am la tu3-ub-lam um-ma a-ta-ma

  • 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2_ u3-la ma?-s,a-at
  • um-ma a-na-ku-ma szi2-ma-am sza-a-ma ta-er-ma i-na e-ra-bi-ka3-ma sza-am-sza-am sza 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2_ _ku3-sig17_ e-pu-usz-ma sze-bi-lam isz-tu3 sze2-pi2-ka3 pa2-ni-tim tu3-usz-ta-na-ab2-la#-ka3-at a-na mi3-nim ik-ri-bi tu3-ka3-al

    AI Translation

    Thus Ashur-iddina to Ashur-nada: "The horn of 15 shekels of gold to Ninshubur of Habulaku they will cut off." When you came to me, saying: "I myself did not bring the horn of the horn

  • 15 shekels, without interest,
  • "I myself, who knows what you are saying, when you enter, I did the shamash of 15 shekels of gold and he brought it to you. From your first letter you shall be able to smear it. To what extent shall you smear it?



    i-hi-id-ma sza-am-sza-am e-pu-usz-ma i-pa2-nim-ma sze2-bi-lam u3 szu-ma u3-tu3-ra-u2 i-ba!-szi2 a-qe3-er-bi-ma i-di2 _tug2 hi_-ti2 sza ik-ri-bi sza a-szur3 a-na mi3-nim i-ba-la-ku-tu3 a-di2-ni a-na _ku3-babbar_ la i-tu3-ru

  • 1(disz) me-at 9(u) _tug2 hi_-ti2
  • i3-li2-a-lum2 u3 a-szur3-ta-ak-la-ku u3-sza-ab2-szi2-lu-ni-kum _ku3-babbar_-ap-szu-nu _e2_ ma-nim i-ba-szi2 a-na _dingir_ / dam-qa2-at i-na bu-ul-t,i2-a-ma _ku3-babbar_-pi2 sza-ni-u2-tum u3-la-pu-tu3 u3? szu-ma sza _dam-gar3_-ri-im [x]-x-ri-a-ma sze2-bi-lam# [szi2]-ma#-am la-asz2-a-ma lu-ta-e-ra-kum

    AI Translation

    he seized, and the other did, and he opened it, and he returned it. I asked him, and he said: "The garments of the supplications of Ashur to what extent he shall take, until we for silver he did not return."

  • 190 ... garments,
  • Ili-alum and Ashur-taklaku shall bring to you. Their silver, the house of many, there is, for the good god in my extispicy the silver of another shall add, and ? that of the merchant ..., and I shall bring to you. I shall ask and return.



    u3 [...]-x u3-la a-ma-sza-ah-ka3

    AI Translation

    and ... ... I will not be able to take care of you.

    P297426: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um?-ma# [...] u2 sza [...]

  • 1(u) 2(disz) _ma-na#_
  • i-ta-x [...] szal2-t,i2-a a-[...] usz-ta-bu u2? [...] u3 a-na 9(disz) x [...] szi2-ip-ka3-ti2-a x [...] _e2#_-be2-((be2))-ti2-a ut-[...] u3 mi3-ma i-szu-u2 [...] i-ta-na-di2-nu _ku3-[babbar?_] da-pu-ur-tam2 i-[...] um-mi3-a-ni-a la2 ar-[...] be-lu-a a-tu3-nu i-na x [...] u3 _ku3-babbar_ 1(disz) _gin2_ sza a x [...] ki-ma _ku3-babbar_ 1(u) _ma-na_ u3 2(u) _ma#-na_ da-pu-ur-tam2 a-ra-szi2 x [x] x sza-s,u2-ur# a-bi-a la2 i-ha#-liq#? u3 [a-na-ku] i-na re-szi2-ku#-nu# a-za-zu a-tu3-nu-ma mi3-il5-ka3 a-szu-mi3

    AI Translation

    "... and ...

  • 12 minas
  • ... my booty ... I seized and ... and to 9 ... my shipkatu ... my house ... and whatever he has ... he gave. Silver? and lapis lazuli ... my lord ... you in ... and silver 1 shekel of ... ... like silver 10 minas and 20 minas of lapis lazuli I ... ... my father did not take away. And I in your presence I am your servant.



    ni-ka3-si2-a a-na ka3-ri#-im# al?-kam?-ma# um-ma a-tu3-nu-ma _e2#_([ta-ti2)-szu sza-li-su2] u3 mi3-ma i-szu-u2 um-mi3-a-nu-szu i-ta-ab2-lu a-wi-lam e-ri-szi2-szu-ma usz-ta-zi-zu e-na-na-tim isz-ti2 ka3-ri-im er-sza-ma x [x] ni-ka3-si2 szu-uh-ta# a-hu-u2-a a-tu3-nu [...] u3 sza?-s,u2?-ur a-[bi] ki-ma x li [...] a-ma-kam mi3-il5#-[ka3] ni-ka3-si2-szu# sza asz2-qu-lu [...] sza a-ta? [...] szu-hu-bu-[ur] a-na sza-[...] a-di2-in#? ki x [...] a x [...]

    AI Translation

    "My kasû-priest to the quay I came, saying: "At that time his tavern was seized and whatever there was, his mother was taken away; a man seized him and he was seized." Now from the quay I went and ... my kasû-priest, my brother ... and ..., my father like ..., the word of your servant, his kasû-priest, who was sated, ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., I gave to ... .

    P297427: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...] x / za-x [...] [a-ra]-mi3-ni-szu [ga-lu-a] [_dumu_] puzur4-(d)iszkur [ki-ma] [ha]-nu#-nu _dumu_ s,i2-li-esz18-dar [a?]-la2-hi-a _dumu_ nu-nu [ki]-ma a-la2-bi4-im _dumu_ a-szur-ma-lik [i]-na mi3-ig-ra-ti2-szu-nu is,#-bu-tu3-ni-a-ti2-ma [x] _ma-na ku3-ki sag10_ / u2-la2 4(u) _ma-na_ [x] x sza ki-ma / _dam-gar3_ [...] x szu-nu-ti2-ma [...] x / 1(disz) _ma-na_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... Aramishu, Galua, son of Puzur-Adad, like Hanunu, son of Shilli-ishtar, Alahia, son of Nunu, like Alabim, son of Ashur-malik, in their ... they took and ... minas of silver, capital, ... 40 minas ... which like ... the merchant ... and ... ... 1 mina


  • [1(disz) ma]-na# _ku3-ki_
  • [n 1(u)] _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [sza ki]-ma _dam-gar3_ / i-da-szu-nu-ti2 [x 2(u)] _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [...] x a-szi2-im [u2]-bu#-lu-nim-ma [...] _ku3#-babbar_ / i-na-di2-in-ma [...] _ku3#-babbar_ / i-su2-hu-pi3-im [a]-la2-qe2-ma / ne2-ma-lam [szi2]-ta / qa2-te2-en [a-la2-qe2] u2 isz-te2-et [qa2-tam2] szu-nu i-la2-qe2!-u2? [...] x sze-ni-szu#? [... isz]-te2-et#

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of silver
  • nn minas of silver which like the merchant gave them, nn minas of silver ... ... he brought and ... silver he gave and ... silver he seized. I will take it and ... the price of that one-twelfth and the price of another one, I will take it and they will take it from the other one. ... his .

    P297428: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na in-na-a [qi2-bi4-ma um-ma] puzur4-i3-li2-ma ta#-[asz2-pu-ra-am] um-ma a-ta-ma / a-na# [...] a-na tur4-hu-mi3-it [...] ti2#-a um-ma a-na-ku-ma / [_ki_ pi2]-la2-ah-a-szur ti2-i-ir-ti2 um-mi3-a-ni-a / mi3-ma i-li-ka3-kum um-ma pi2-la2-ah-a-szur-ma _tug2 hi-a_ / dingir-szu-gal / ub-la2-ma / mi3-ma na-asz2-pa2-ar-tam2 / ku-a-ti2 [u2]-la2# ub-lam mi3-szu / sze2-li-ti2-ma / ma-a _dingir#_-szu#-_gal_ ta-asz2-pu-ra-ma wa-ar-ka3-ti2-a-[ma] u2-ha-a-at, / u2 ha-li-ip-ti2# a-na isz-te2-en / u2 sze2-na

    iq-bi / u2 a-szar / ha# [...]

    AI Translation

    To Inna speak! Thus Puzur-ili: "You wrote to me: Why ... to Turhumit ...? ... ...? I said: "With Pillah-Assur, the supplication, my mother, whatever I said, to Pillah-Assur: the supplication of Ili-kakum, "If Ili-Assur, the supplication of Ilshugal, he shall bring, and whatever he shall send to me, and he shall bring, and his own property he shall bring." "If Ilshugal wrote to me, and before my return he shall bring, and the supplication to me

    he said ... where .



    [sza] ka3-ri#-[im ...] sza su2-en6-[...] a-szar# _ku3-[babbar_ 1(disz)] _gin2_ [...] u2-sze2-s,i2-a-ku-ni-ma [...] [...] _gin2_ a-na _dam-gar3_ / u2 ka3-ri-[im] [...] x [...]-ni-im [...] [...] _ki_ [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [... asz2]-pu#-ra-[ku-ma] / isz-ti2 me-er-e [...]-a-ni sza a-na szu-mi3-ka3 [...]-ip-tu3 la2 a [...] [...]-a / du#? x x [...]

    AI Translation

    of the quay ... of Suen ... where silver 1 shekel ... he brought to me and ... shekels to the merchant / the quay ... ... ... ... ... I sent to you and from the quay ... ... which to your name ...

    P297429: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [a-na ...] hu za ar [x] [u3 x] qi2-bi3-ma um-ma [...] ma ba-zi-tim-ma [...] _ku3-babbar_-pi3-a-sza sza qa2-bi4?-a?-ni [...] x usz-ta-qi2-[il5] (d)iszkur-an-dul3 [x x]-tam2 i-zi-iz-ma sza _e2_ [pi3]-la2#-ah-esz18-dar _ku3-babbar_ sza i-a-ti2 i-la2-ka3-ni / a-na _e2_ pi3-la2-ah-esz18-dar# isz-ta-aq-lu-szu / u2 qa2-tam2# sza a-szur3-na-da / a-na _e2#!?_ a-lim(ki) a-na hu-bu-li-szu isz-ta-aq-lu-szu a-na-kam / _ku3-babbar_

  • 1(disz) _gin2_ a-na ba-la2-t,i2!-ni / la2-szu / u2!
  • s,u2-uh3-ru-um i-na bu-bu-tim i-mu-a-at-ma la2 ta-sza-ra? [...] a-di2 / a-i-im / u2-mi3-im / a-ba x la2 tu3#?-ha-da-ar-ni-[a-ti ...]

    AI Translation

    To ... ... ... and ... speak, thus ... ... ... her silver which he spoke ... he gave. Adad-andul ... stood, and of the house of Pilah-ishtar, silver that I brought, to the house of Pilah-ishtar he appointed him, and the silver of Ashur-nada to the house of the city for his consumption he appointed him. ... silver

  • 1 shekel for our life / for the plants
  • The shurrum-plant in the budû-plant is ripe and you do not ... until ... ... you do not .

    P297431: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na# a-szur-sipa pu-szu-ke#-[en6] en-nam-a-szur / kur-ub-esz18-dar u3 a-szur-ma-lik / qi2-bi-ma um-ma szu-hu-bur-ma

  • 5(u) 1(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu 1(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-um#
  • [x x]-tum 1(u) _ma-na_ [_an-na_ qa2]-tim# 2(disz) _ansze_ [u3 u2-nu]-su2-nu [...]-tum#

    AI Translation

    To Assur-sipa Pushuken, Ennam-Assur, Kurubishtar, and Assur-malik, speak! Thus Shuhur:

  • 51 kutanu-garments, 1 shurum-garment,
  • ... 10 minas of ..., 2 homers of ... and their .



    [...] x da-ti2-su-nu [...]

    AI Translation

    ... their deaths .

    P297432: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [...]-um [...]-x-ru-ni [...] x [... a]-wi-lu-ti2-ka3 [...] _ku3-babbar_ [...]-x la2 i-ha-liq [... na]-asz#-pa2-ar-ti2 [sza ki-ma] _ku3-babbar_ / tu3-sza-asz2-qu2-lu-szu [a]-na# ku-a-ti2 u3 szu-a-ti2 [na]-asz#-u2 mi3-szu sza a-szu-mi3 a-szur3-du10 [ta]-asz#-pu-ra-ni um-ma a-ta-ma [_ku3]-babbar#_ 1(disz) _gin2_ a-na ba-ab2-ti2-szu sza-qa2-lum2 _la2#_ i-ba-szi2 u3 be2-tu3-szu a-na szi2-hi-tu2-szu / ta-ad-nu ma-al-a-ma / a-wi-lu-tam2 te2-pu-usz-ma / gi-mi3-lam [i-s,e2-ri-a] / ta-asz2-ku-un

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... your husband ... silver ... he shall not take away. ... the revocation which you have made as silver, to that and that is his revocation, his name Asumi and Ashur-du wrote to me, saying: "Why did you give 1 shekel of silver to his owner? The revocation is not there, and his lower side to his debts you have given." Any other person who you have done, and a revocation he shall prove, you shall set aside.

    P297433: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    i-na u4-me-szu [ma-al-u2-tim] sza-asz2-qi2-la2-szu-ma [sze2-bi-la2]-nim# a-pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi4-ma / a-wa-tam2 sza ti2-de9-u2 / szu-ma a-hi a-ta / a-wa-tam2 za-ku-sa3 / szu-up-ra-ma lu i-de8 / [a]-bi a-ta

  • 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u2 2(disz) _ma-na_
  • ku-a-am / sze2-bi4-lam-ma szu-ma / a-ga-mi3-il5-ka3 a-mu-ur / mi3-sa3-ru-um sze2-bu-ul-ta-ka3 na-asz2-u2-ni-[ku-um]

    AI Translation

    At that time, the king shall give him back and send him back. Say to him: "Write down the order that you have ordered, whether that man or that woman, write down and let him know."

  • 1 mina of silver, 2 minas of grass,
  • I am a slanderer, I am a slanderer. I am a slanderer. I am a slanderer. I am a slanderer.

    P297434: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [x (x)] x-ma / a-ma-kam / puzur2-a-szur3 ga-x [x (x)] [a-bi4] a-ta be-li2 a-ta / pu-szu x [x x]-sza-ma / i-na _e2!_ ka3-ri-im [x x] x-ku-un u2 e-ba-ru-ti2 / a-pa2-te2#? [x x] x-e te2-er-ta-ka3 / za-ku-tum [li]-li#-kam / szu-ma / i-na pi2-ka3 / lu i-de8#? [a-na] sza ta-asz-pu-ra-ni / la2-ma [te2]-er-ta-ka3 / i-li-ka3-ni [x (x)]-a / a-na sza-la2-tu3-wa-ar [x x] ki-ma / na-asz-pe2-er-ta-ka3 [x x]-ha-ra-am a-na sza-la2-tu3-wa-ar# [x x]-x-ma a-na-ku-ma / _uruda_ lu a-na _ku3-babbar_

    [...] x [x] ki-ma / s,u2-ha-ru [...] na#-asz-pe2-er-ti2-ka3 [ta-asz2-pu-ra-am] um-ma a-ta-ma [...] na-asz-pe2-er-ta-[ka3] [...] x ab2-ti2-ka3

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in the ... house ...

    ... ... like a shubaru-demon ... you wrote to me, saying: "Why ... you wrote to me, ... your smite?"

    P297435: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    a-na pi2-la2-ha-a puzur2-[i3-li2] ni-ma-a-szur da-da-a [u2] ta-ri-isz-ma-tim qi2-bi4-ma um-ma (d)en-lil2-ba-ni-ma

  • 1(u) 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ ni-(is)-ha-su2 _diri_
  • sza-du-a-su2 / sza-bu ku-nu-ki-a da-da-a na-asz2-a-ku-nu-ti2 a-s,e2-er _ku3-babbar_ a-nim a-ma-kam

  • 1(u) 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ da-da-[a]
  • li-isz3-qu2-la2-ku-nu-ti2-ma isz-te2-ni-isz 3(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ qi2-ip-ti2 / da-da-a i?!-_ku3-babbar_ qa2-ti2 sza-ak-na-at i-sza-ha-at da-da-a i-zi-za-ma szi2-ma-am [sza] ba-la2-t,i2-szu a-na [a]-me-er / e-ni-szu da-da-a li-isz-am-ma i-na [il?]-qu2-ut / 3(u) _ma-na ku3#-babbar#_ ba-ab2 a-bu-lim qa2#-[at-ku-nu] [szu]-uk#-na-ma [lu-qu2-tam2] a-s,e2-ri-a / lu-ub-lam a-ha-ma 2/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-sig17#_ ni-is-ha-su2 _diri_ sza-du-a-su2 sza-bu ku-nu-ki-a u2 ku-nu-ki#-szu# da-da-a na-asz2-a-ku-nu-ti2

    a-ha-ma 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar#_ sza ik-ri-bi4-a ni-is-ha-su2 _diri_ [ku-nu]-ki-a sza-du-a-su2 / sza-bu da-da-a / na-asz2-a-ku-nu-ti2 a-na 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [sza] ik#-[ri-bi4-a] [a]-ma-nim [...] ta-t,a2-hi-a a-ha-[ma]

  • 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-na ta-ri#-[isz-ma-tim]
  • AI Translation

    To Pilaha, Puzur-ili, Nimashur Dada and Tarish-matim speak! Thus Enlil-bani:

  • 15 minas of silver, nishhasu, ...;
  • The one who is his heir, the one who is your spouse, the one who provides for you, the one who holds the silver, the one who is my friend,

  • 15 minas of silver, Dadâ;
  • Let them take you away, and together with 30 minas of silver, the payment of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of his life, to his brother, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt, the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debt of the debtor,

    I have weighed out for you 5 minas of silver of my scribal art. The reeds of your kiln are the reeds of Dadâ and your scribal art. For 5 minas of silver of my scribal art ... you have weighed out.

  • 1 mina of silver for the tarayatu-festival;
  • P297436: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma sza-lim-a-hu-um-ma a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi4-ma ta-asz2-pu-ra-am um-ma a-ta-ma i-na ni-ka3-si2 ki-ma ku-a-ti2 asz2-ta-ha-at u3 hu-bu-lam sza a-lim(ki) qa2-ti2-ni-ma ta-sza-qal szu-ma li-bi-ka la2 ta-sza-ha-at i-na szi2-hi-ti2-ka3 ni-ka3-si2-ka3 [x]-x-ba al-qe2-ma a-na [isz]-te2#-en6 u3 sze2-na [a-di2]-in?-ma _tug2 hi-a_ [ma-la2] na-da-im [...] u3# i-a-ti2

    AI Translation

    "Shalim-ahum, speak to Pushu-ke'en, and you will send me." Thus says the king: "Why, in the nikkanû-house, like a kiln, I have seized and taken away the booty of the city, and you shall take it away." Thus says the king: "You shall not take away your booty from your nikkanû-house, ... I took and to the nikkanû-house and to me I shall give you the garments, the amount of the tribute ... and to me



    [...]-x [...] x i-sza [...] ma-la2 [...]-x [...]-is [...]-a isz-tap-ku-u2 [...] x i-ta-di2 [...] ri#-ni [...] ki qa2-ti2 [...] u3 szi2-ta sza# a-sza-ka3-na-ni ni-ka3-si2 a-ni-u2-tim la2 isz-qu2-ul a-szu-mi3 s,u2-ha-ri-im szu-ma a-ta pa2-nam

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... as much as ... ... ... he sent ... he swore ... ... ... ... by hand ... and the ... of his field he did not take away. My name is Shuharum. It is from the beginning.



    sza-ak-na#-ti2# a-na [a-hi-im] u3 eb-[ri-im ...]

    AI Translation

    the shaknatu-offerings to the ahi and the ebrû .

    P297437: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [x]-za-az [...] [x] pa2-ni x [...] [ni]-isz#-pu-ur-szi2-im-ma#? um-ma ne2-nu-ma / a-di2 / x [x (x)] a-li-kam / szu-um-szu tu3-x a-wa-sa3 lu ta-ab-tu3-uq la2 ta-mu-a / um-ma szi2-it-ma u2-s,a-ab2-ma / _ku3-sig17_ sza ta-da-nim / a-da-an u2 a-na szi2-tim / a-na _e2_ a-bi-a na-ru-qu2-szu / e-ra-ab2 [u3 szu-ma] / la2 i-la2-kam / a-lu-um u3? be-li2 / e-sza-ra-ni a-wi-il5-tum / a-lam / a-na e-s,a-ar _ku3-babbar_ / ta-sze2-e u3 _e2?_ szu-ku-bi-im / a-hi-ka3 ni-sza-me-ma / 2(disz) _ma-na_

    [a-na] en#-na-su2-en6 [... i]-du-nu [...] x li x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... we wrote to them, saying: "We shall go ... until ... ... his name ..., and he shall die. You shall not hear me." "If he goes, and he takes, and the gold that you gave ..., and to the house of my father his stele he shall enter, and he shall not go. Alum and my lord shall be able to give. Awiltum ... to take silver, and the house of ... we shall take.

    to Ennasuen ... they will give ... ... .

    P297438: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    i-la2-[...]-x _ku3-babbar_ 1(disz) _ma-na#_ [x] szi2-ip-ra-x?-ni# a-hi a-ta be-li2 a-ta ki-ma t,up-pa2-am ta-sza-me-u2 i-ku-pi3-a-szur3# t,ur4-da-ma la2-ma _dumu#_ i-su2-rik i-li-ka3-ni

    AI Translation

    Ila-... silver 1 mina ... ..., his brother. Why, my lord, why did you write like a tablet? Ikupi-Assur wrote a report, and why did the son Isurik, his Ilikani,



    a-wa-su2 / sza la2-qe2-pi3-im lu ni-ig-mu-ur-ma i-na a-la2-ak _dumu_ i-su2-rik _ku3-babbar_

  • [1(disz)] _gin2_ ma-la2 a-ma-x [...]
  • a-ta u2-la2 ti2-[de8-e ki-ma] [a]-ni-tum / kur?-[...] sza-ni-tum [...] ta#-la2-qe2 [...]

    AI Translation

    We shall speak with him, and at the akitu-festival the son of Isurik the silver

  • 1 shekel of silver per m ... .
  • You recite the incantation "Why did you not ...?" As an alternatively, you take the alternatively .



    [...] ah-di2-ir-ka3 [...] a x la2 us,-am [...] a ni-szu

    AI Translation

    ... your praise ...

    P297439: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [mi3]-ma# a-nim a-szur3-[x (x) na-asz2-a-kum] i?-na szu-uq-lim sza x [...] lu ni-is-ha-tum lu mu-[t,a2-u2] is#-he-er-ma 1(asz) _gu2_ 5(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-[na _an-na_] iz#-ku-a-am 2(disz) _tug2_ szu-re-en# [...] [(x)] li#-wi-su2 u3 1(u) 4(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta#-[ni] [szu?]-su2-en ip-qi2-da-ni [...] [x] _tug2_ ku-ta-ni 2(u) 1(disz) [...] [x] _ansze#_ s,a-la2-me mi3-ma# [a-nim]

    AI Translation

    "If ... to the ... of the shubû-priests ... ... ... ... he weighed out, and 1 talent 5 1/2 minas of tin he weighed out, 2 shuru-garments ... he weighed out, and 14 shuru-garments he assigned to him, ... shuru-garments 21 ... ... donkeys, ... whatever he weighed out,

    P297441: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    du10-s,i2#-[la2-a-szur ...] a-di2 / x [...] u2 a-na-ah-i3-li2# [...] u2-bi4-il5-szu-um / um-ma [szu-ut-ma] _ku3-babbar_ szi2-ti2 / _an-na_-ki-a u2 _tug2 hi_-ti2-a li-ik-nu-uk-ma [...] x / a-di2 wa#-asz2#-bu-ni# [...] ma la2 ta?-ba-al-ki-ta2-ma [...] li-li-[x] [...] xx ni x x sza ki-ma [...] szu#-up-ra-ma [...] / _tug2 hi-a_

    AI Translation

    Dushila-Assur ... until ... ... and Anah-ili ... he swore to him, saying: "That silver, that of Anu, and my soiled garments may they secure and ... until I am seated ... you shall not shave off and ... may they ... ... ... that like ... write and ... my soiled garments



    [...] t,up-pa2-am [...] li-il5-qe2-u2-ma [t,up]-pa2#-asz2-nu li-li-ka3-ku-nu-ti2 [u2 a]-ma-kam i-_ku3-babbar_-pi3-szu li-qe2-a / a-na qar-wi-a qi2-bi4-ma / la2-mu-tam2 / mi3-ma a-li-ka3-kum / ma-a _ku3-[babbar]_ isz-tu3 [_mu 6(disz)]-sze3#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... tablet ... let him take, and their tablet let them take, and by the same silver he shall take. To my warrior speak, and he will die. What is yours? ... silver from the 6th year .



    [... a]-lim(ki) / x [...] [...] 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-[babbar?_] [...] ma / ni-di2-in [...] ma-la2 te2-er-ti-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... Alim ... ... 1 mina of silver? ... we gave ... as much as the teerti-.

    P297442: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na i]-na#-a qi2-bi-ma [um-ma (d)]utu-du10-ma [i-na] (d)utu-szi / sza i-ku-pi2?-a [e]-ra-ba-ni / u4-ma-kal2 la2 i-bi-a-at a-na wa-ah-szu-sza-na t,u3-ru-su2 / a-di2 _tug2 / hi_-ti2-a sza a-ma-kam i-ba-szi2-u2-ni a-bi a-ta / be2-li a-ta _tug2 hi_-ti2 / a-na _ku3-babbar#_ [ma]-la2 i-((ni))-du-nu-ni _ku3-babbar_ / ku-nu-ku-ma

    AI Translation

    To this speak! Thus Shamash-dug and when he enters the moon, the day is not yet over, to Wahshushushu his supplication is a supplication. As long as the garments of my fault that I have, my father, my lord, as long as the garments of my fault for silver as much as they have given me, silver / yours



    sze2#-bi-lam ku-s,u2-um / i-si2-ni-iq-ni-a-ti2-ma e-lu-tum i-ib-te2-re te2-er-ta-ka3 u2 e-ma-ru-ka3 szal2-mu / a-na-kam isz-tu3 ha#-hi-im a-na ti2-me-el-ki-[a]

  • [1(disz)](isz#-te2-na) u2 2(disz)(sza-na)
  • [x]-x-ru / usz-ta-lu-hu [x x] ta#-asz2-pu-ra-ni [...] sze2#-bu-lam [...] te2-er-ta-(ka3) [li-li]-kam#-ma

    AI Translation

    'I will bring you the kushu-sheep, and the upper one will return to you. Your teerta-sheep and your emaru-sheep are well. From the hhum-sheep to Timelkia

  • 1 ashtena and 2 shana;
  • ... ... he has sinned ... you wrote to me ... ... ... may he go out and



    [uz]-ni# / pi2-te2 [... x x x] [x x] x _an-na_ [...]

    AI Translation

    P297445: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] i-na-a qi2-bi-[ma] um-ma ma-num-ba-lum2-a-szur# be-lum2-ba-ni u2 su2-ka3-lum2-ma 3(asz) 1/2(asz) _gu2_ _an-na_ u3 8(u) 1(disz) _tug2_ ku-ta-ni qa2#-dum sza _e2_ ka3-ri-im a-ma-la2 te2-er-ti2-ka3 i-na lu-qu2-tim sza a-szur-du10 [isz]-ti2 su2-ka3-lim ni-is-pu-[uh] [... n 2(disz)] _gu2 an-na_ a-na [sza-la2]-tu3#-ar nu-sze2-[bi4-il5]

    AI Translation

    To this very very same say: "Menum-balum-assur, Bel-balum and Sukakulumma 3 1/2 talents of ana and 801 kutanu-garments, the qadum of the karib-house, the teerti-ka-water, in the libation of Assur-du, the ... of Sukaku we shall remove; ... n 2 talents of ana to Shalatuar we shall send.



    [...] x [...] [_an]-na_ u2 _tug2-[hi-a_ sza] i-za-ku-a-ni ni-ka3-na-ak-[ma] i-na na-ap2-tu3 ha-ra-nim su2-ka3-lum2 u3 szu-be2-lum2 i-na-szi2-u2-ni-ku-um ha-ra-na-tum da-na / mi3-li-ik _ku3-babbar_ mi3-li-ik

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... the ... and the garments which he is wearing, we shall remove and in the naptu of the haranu-festival, the sukkalum-festival and the shubû-festival they shall place. The haranatu-festival, the mighty, the silver

    P297447: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)utu-a-bi la2-li-a u3 puzur4-esz18-dar qi2-bi4-ma um-ma i3-li2-a-lum2-ma

  • 1(disz) _ma-na an-na_ ma-szi2-tum
  • isz-ti2 / a-sa3-nim sza _e2_ as2-qu2-dim

  • 1(disz) _ma-na an-na_ ma-szi2-tum
  • u3 1(disz) szi2-it-ru-um sza a-ki-di2-i isz-ti2 da-da-a _dumu gudu4_ sza [su2-en6] u3 su2-en6-sag10 _szesz_-szu

  • 1(disz) x [x] x _sag10_ / a-na
  • [da-da-a] _dumu gudu4_ sza su2-en6 [x] ka3#-s,a-ar-szu [... (d)nin?]-szubur isz-tu3 [...] bu-ra-lim [...]-um _igi_ i-di-su2-en6 [... ku]-ta-nu _sag10_ [...] _sag10_-pi2-a-szur [x _tug2_] isz#-ti i3-li2-szu [x] ku#-ta-nu qa2-ab2-li-um isz-ti2 / a-szur3-utu-szi _dumu_ am-ma-a / 1(u) 3(disz) _gin2_ _an-na_ / ma-szi2-tum

    AI Translation

    To Shamash-abi, Lalia and Puzur-Ishtar speak! Thus Ili-alum:

  • 1 mina of tin,
  • From / of the Asanu of the house of the Asqudim.

  • 1 mina of tin,
  • and 1 shi-itrum of Akidî, from Dadâ, son of the gudu-priest of Suen and Suensag, his brother;

  • 1 ... ... for
  • Dadâ, son of the gudu-priest of Suen, ... his ... Ninshubur from ... the ... of the ... of the ... before Idisu-en, ... the sceptre ... the sceptre ... the sceptre ... with his god ... the sceptre the qablû-priest from / Assurutu, son of Amma, 13 shekels of .



    isz-ti2 / nu-ur2-ki-li sza _e2_ lugal-_gi-na_

  • 2(disz) mu-s,a-ra-an sza a-ki-di2-en
  • isz-ti2 a-szur3-i-di2 _dumu_ a-szur3-ma-lik _dumu_ lu-zi-na

  • 1(disz) mu-s,a-ru-um sza a-ki-di2-im
  • isz-ti2 x-[x x] _dumu#_ a-hu-wa-qar _pa-du#_ [... x-esz18-dar]

  • 3(disz) _gin2# [ku3-babbar_ x x-di2-tum]
  • isz-ti [... x a]-szur-utu-szi _dumu_ szu-[... x]-ni-i-a

  • 1(disz) _tug2_ isz#-[ti2 x]
  • 1(disz) mu-[...] _ma#-na_
  • _uruda_ isz#-[ti2 x x x]-zi-na-a-a a-hu#-[... x]-tu3-nu ku-sza# [...]-x a-na# [x x] a-wi-li a-ni-[u2-tim] ni#?-sza-ma t,up x [...] a-wi-lim x sza [...] di2-na-ni-a-ti2-ma lu nu-bi4-il5-ki-ma e-ne2-szu / pi3-te2-a-ma

    AI Translation

    From / with the pomegranates of the Lugalgina temple.

  • 2 musharu-vessels of Akidin;
  • From Ashur-idi, son of Ashur-malik, son of Luzina.

  • one stele of Akidim;
  • From ..., son of Ahu-waqar, ... ...-ishtar.

  • 3 shekels of silver ...-ditum,
  • From ... her Ashurutu, son of Shu... .

  • 1 ...-garment,
  • 1 ... mina
  • copper from ...zinaya ... ... ... to ... our brother ... tablet ... our brother ... ... our case may we not bring to you, but his case / my testimony



    _igi_ (d)a-szur3 u3 (d)nidaba li-ik-ru-[ba-am?] sza i-da-na-ku-nu-ti2-ni / li-di2-na-ku-nu-(ti2) sza a-na a-lim(ki) / pa2-nu-szu-ni um-ma szu-ut-ma a-na-ku-ma lu-bi4-il5 / lu-ub-lam

    AI Translation

    Before Ashur and Nidaba, may they bless? the one who gave to you, and may they give to you, who to the city before him, saying: "That is me, let me bring and bring to completion."

    P297448: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [um-ma sza]-lim#-a-hu-um-ma [a-na pu-szu]-ke#-en6 [qi2-bi-ma x] _ma#-na_ 1(u) _gin2_ [...] am i u2 x [...] pi3-la-ah-a-szur [u3 bu]-s,i2#-a ha-bu-lu-nim# [t,up?-pa2]-am ha-ar-ma-am [sza] hu#-bu-li-szu-nu a-na-[ku] [u2]-ka3#-al i-qa2-qa2-ad# [ke]-ni#-szu-nu _ku3-babbar_-pi3 ra-ki-[is] [isz]-tu3# _iti 1(disz)-kam_ na-ar-ma-ak# [a-szur] [sza] ke#-na-tim li-mu-um# [x x] x a-na 2(u) [ha-am-sza]-tim# i-sza-qu2#-[lu]

    AI Translation

    "Shalim-ahum, to Pushu-ke'en speak! ... minas 10 shekels ... ... ... Pillah-Assur and the ... of Habulunum tablets of the harmu of Habulunum I shall carry off, and the silver of their harmu I shall take. Their true payment of silver I shall take. From the 1st month of the year "The harmu of Assur of the true lord shall be ... to 20 harmu."



    [...] la2 ku x [...] [...] _gin2#_ u3 sza

    AI Translation

    ... ... shekels and of

    P297449: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [um]-ma ha-na-[na-ru-um-ma] a-na i-na-a qi2-[bi-ma]

  • 1(disz) me-at 4(u) 1(disz) _tug2 hi-a_ sza qa2-tim
  • qa2-du-um sza ka3-s,a-ri-[im] szu-(d)en-lil2 u3-sze2-[ri]-ba-am _sza3-ba_ 3(u) _tug2_ li-wi-tum szi2-ti2 _tug2_ s,u2-ba-ti2-ka3 [1(disz)] me-at 1(u) 1(disz) _tug2_

  • 1(disz) _tug2_ la2-ma ni-is-ha-tim
  • i-na _e2-gal_-lim sza ti2 na ah

  • 5(disz) 1/2(disz) _tug2_ ni-is-ha-tum 1(u) 1(disz) u2 1/2(disz) _tug2_
  • sza szi2-mi3-im _sza3-ba_ 1(disz) me-at 6(disz) _tug2_ a-na _dam-gar3#_-[ri-im] ni-di2-in 1(u) _tug2_ sza li-wi-[tim] u3 5(disz) _tug2_ sza ka3-s,a-ri-[im x]

  • 1(disz) _tug2_ sza ka3-s,a-ri-[im ...]
  • szu-(d)en#-[lil2 ...]

    AI Translation

    "Hananrum, speak to me!"

  • 100 41 ... garments of the hand,
  • the rations of Kasharum Shu-Enlil brought there; therein 30 liwitu-garments, the other garments, the shubati-garments, 11 liwitu-garments,

  • 1 robe, sash of reed,
  • In the palace of the king, my lord, I rejoiced.

  • 5 1/2 nishatu-garments 11 1/2 utensils of linen;
  • of the szimim-offerings, therein 1/6 of a garment to the merchant we gave; 10 a garment of Liwitim and 5 a garment of Kasharim .

  • 1 sash of ...,
  • Shu-Enlil . . .



    [x] _tug2_ [...] i-na 1(disz) me-at 1(disz) _tug2 sag10#_ [u3]

  • 5(disz) _tug2_ ni-is-ha-tum [...]
  • 1(disz) _tug2_ a-1/2(disz) _ma-na-ta_ ka3 [...]
  • il5-qe2-u2 szi2-ti2 _tug2_ s,u2-ba-ti2-ka3

  • 9(u) 5(disz) _tug2_ i-nu-mi3
  • ni-is-ha-tim sza dam-qu2-tim i-su2-hu-ni / i-na [x x]-ri-im [ta]-na#-pa2-la-ma u2 [x e]-li sza 1(u) _tug2_ 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2-ta_ 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2_ _ku3-babbar_ a-na i-na-su2-en6 ta-na-pa2-al u2-ul i-na mu-nu-tim isz-lu-lu la2 i-de8 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ [_tug2_] sza# a-ki?-[(d)x-e ...]

    AI Translation

    x ...-garments ..., in 100 1 ...-garments and

  • 5 ...-garments .
  • 1 ...-garment, 1/2 mina each, the gate .
  • You take away the ilqû-offering, the shitu-garment, your shubati-garment.

  • 95 ... garments at that time
  • You shall not ... the reeds that are good, you shall not ... in ..., you shall not ..., and ... above that 15 shekels of silver to Ina-suen you shall not ..., and if in the year they have been thrown away, he shall not know. 15 shekels of silver, the ... garments of Aki-.



    [x] _gin2-ta_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ ni-is-ha-su2 nu-sza-asz2-qal [a]-na 6(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 1(disz) _tug2_ sza a-ki-de8-[e] [x x]-um il5-qe2 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ 5(disz) _gin2-ta_ [...] [n] _ma-na_ [x] ta# ni ka3

    AI Translation

    x shekels 15 grains we shall divide; for 6 1/4 shekels 11 garments of Akide ... he took. 1/2 mina 5 shekels ... n minas from the gate

    P297450: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na pi2-la2-ah-a-szur a-[...] hi-na-a i-na-a i-la2#-ap-ra2#-at-ba-ni ((u3)) a-szur3-na-da (u3) en-na-su2-en6 um-ma esz18-dar-dingir-szu-ma

  • 2(asz) _gu2 an-na_ 1(u) 1(disz) ku-ta-ni
  • 9(disz) _tug2_ szu-ru-tim 2(disz) _ansze_
  • sza ba-ri-ni a-na s,e2-er i-la2-ap2-ra-at-ba-ni [a-na] a-szur-ba-ni u3 szu-a-ti2 [x x]-lik [...]

    AI Translation

    To Pilah-Assur ... ..., he is a good man. Now, Ilara-bani, Assur-nada, and Ennasu-en, saying: "Ishtar-ilshu

  • 2 talents of tin, 11 kutani,
  • 9 shurutu-garments, 2 donkeys,
  • which we have brought to the side of Ila-aprat-bani, to Assur-bani and this .



    a-na [...] ku-sza-[ra ...] _ku3-babbar_ [...] pa2-ni-u2 [x x] x [x]-ka3-ni en-na-su2-en6 t,u3-ur-da-nim la2 i-sa3-hu-ur [... x] a-szur-na-da [isz-ti2 en]-na-su2-en6 li-li#-[kam] [...]-lik [...]

    AI Translation

    To ... kushara ... silver ... before ... ... Ennasenim did not accept turdanim ... Assurnada ... between Ennasenim ... .



    [...] tu3-sza-asz2-me 1(disz) _tug2_ ma-[...] [a]-na-ku qa2-qi2-di2 a-na [...] [...]-ri-ib-ma _an-na#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... you sat down. 1 ... garment ... I, the qaqidu-priest, to ... ... ... and .

    P297451: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma in-bi-esz18-dar-ma a-na zi-zi-i la2-qe2-ep u2-s,ur-sza-a-szur u3 s,i2-la2-(d)iszkur a-na s,i2-la2-(d)iszkur qi2-bi4-ma asz2-pu-ra-kum um-ma a-na-ku-ma a-szur-ma-lik / a-di2 / _ku3-babbar_ [la2] isz-qu2-lu / _la2#_ tu3-ser2-szu-ma [...]-la2#-ak [...]-a-szur _ku3-babbar_ [...] a-ta [... i-ku]-pi3#-a-szur [a-pu-uh3 ...] x _ku3-babbar_ [sza]-asz2-qu2-[lim? u3] t,up-pi3-im

    AI Translation

    "I have sworn by Inbi-ishtar and to the ziggurat I have sworn. Usur-sha-Assur and Shila-Adad to Shila-Adad speak, and I have written to you: "I, Assur-malik, until the silver has been paid, you will return it to him." ...-laak ...-assur the silver ... from ... Ikupi-Assur I ... the silver, the shakqulim and the tablet



    sza# szi2-bi4-a / ha-ra-mi3-im a-wa-ti2-a / te2-zi-ib-ma a-[na] zi-zi-i / u3 u2-s,ur-sza-a+szur ta-ti2-hi-id / isz-tu3 u4-mi3-im / a-nim / a-di2 la2 te2-er-ti2-a / u3-ul szu-nu-ma _ku3-babbar_ i-du-nu-ni-ku-ni la2 ta-ra-ga-am

    AI Translation

    You shall not recite the incantation "I have been slandering you." You shall not turn back from the incantation "I have been slandering you" and you shall not turn back from the incantation "I have been slandering you" from the day of the incantation "I have been slandering you" until the incantation "I have been slandering you"

    P297462: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [x] _ma-na ku3-sig17_ sza# 5(disz) qa2-ta-tim t,up#-pi3-i / _e2_ ka3-ri-im ha#-ri-im i-nu-mi3 3(asz) _gu2_ 4(u) _ma-na-ta_ _siki#_-_hi-a_ i-na ba-li-hi-im il5-qe2-u2-ni / sza 5(disz) qa2-ta-tim u2 qa2-tam2 sza a-ta-ta _szunigin_ 7(disz) qa2-ta-tim al-qe2 i-nu-mi3 i-na lu-hu-sa3-ti2-a

  • 1(u) _gu2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _ma-na-ta / siki hi-a_
  • 5(disz) qa2-ta-tum i-a-tum
  • [1(disz)] qa2#-tum sza a-ta-ta
  • al#-qe2 / i-nu-mi / a-na

    AI Translation

    x minas of gold of 5 litres, tablet of the house of the harû-house; at that time, 3 talents 40 minas of wool for the libation they took. Of 5 litres and 1 litre of what I gave, I took 7 litres. At that time, in my luhushati'a

  • 10 talents 15 minas of wool,
  • 5 qatatum Iatum,
  • 1 'litre' of Atata;
  • I will give. When / to



    [lu]-ha#!-sa3-ti2-a i-tu3-ru-ni

  • [4(disz)] _gu2 la2_ 5(disz) _ma-na-ta_ il5-qe2-u2-ni
  • 5(disz) qa2-ta-tum i-a-a-tum
  • [1(disz)] qa2-tum sza a-ta-ta
  • [1(disz)] qa2-tum sza szu-esz18-dar
  • al#-qe2 / a-ta-ta qa2-su2 i-ta-ba-al i-nu-mi3 [_ku3]-babbar_ / i-ba-tu3-qu2-ni [szu]-a-ti-ma / i-ba-tu3-qu2-szu-um

    AI Translation

    they returned to me,

  • 4 talents less 5 minas he will take.
  • 5 qatatum, Iatum,
  • 1 'litre' of Atata;
  • 1 'litre' of shushur-iqatu;
  • He will take it. Why does he take it away? When the silver he has taken, that is he who has taken it away.

    P297463: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-szur-mu-ta-bi4-il5 qi2-bi4-ma um-ma a-szur-[ma-lik-ma]

  • 9(u) _tug-hi-a_ x [...]
  • u3? sza ga zi# [...]

    AI Translation

    To Ashur-mutabil speak! Thus Ashur-malik:

  • 9 ...-garments ...;
  • and? of the tongue ... .



    a-szur-na-da# [...] ur-da-la2 / ip-x [...] il5-qe2-e-ma! i-qa2-ti-szu# s,a-bi4-it u3 mi3-ma du-ul#-ba-tim sza i-na mu-ta-ti2-im u2 e-li-a-ti2-im sza-ak-na-ni na-ru-qu2-szu u2 iz-[x x]-ma as,-ba-at szu-a-ti2 sza-il5 u2 a-szur-na-da

    AI Translation

    Assurnada ... Urdala ... he took and he took away. The sabitu and all the cultic rites which in the midst and the midst are set, his sacrificial rites and ... and I took away. That sacrificial rite and Assurnada




    AI Translation


    P297464: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na puzur4-a-szur ku-lu-ma-(a) en-nam-a-szur bu-za-zu u3 (d)iszkur-s,u2-lu-li qi2-bi4-ma a-bu-za-zu qi2-bi4-ma um-ma su2-e-a-ma a-di2-ni-i / i-qa2-ti2-ka3 la ka3-asz2-da-ku-ma ma a-wi-lum2 a-la a-wi-lim i-na e-ni-ka3 sza-ki-in a-szur u2 _dingir_ a?-[hu-tim] li!-t,u3#-[la] a-na sza# [...] tu3-ka3#?-[...] u4-mu / la2 x [...] szi2?-ma-ti2-ka3 / [...] mi3-szu sza i-na x [x x] ti2-ib-na-am u3 e-s,i2 / ta-asz2-ta-na-ku-nu _e2#_([ta-ti2)-ku-nu-u2] la ta-da-ga-la i-na sza-am-szi2 / t,up-pi3 ta-sza-me-u2 mi3-ma

    i-ba-szi2-u2 / sze2!-s,i2 u2 ma-ma-an a-[_e2_]-ti2-a la2 e-(ra)-ab2!-ma am-ti2 i-li-bi4

    AI Translation

    To Puzur-Assur, kuluma, Ennam-Assur, your throne and Adad-shulluli speak! Your throne speak! Thus Su'ea, saying: "I will give you, but you will not give me." Thus says the man, as far as the man, in your presence, the one who establishes Assur and the god of the people, to whom ... you ... days ... your fate ... whatever you have in ... you have established and you have not ceased your house, in the middle of the tablet you have heard, whatever

    They are ..., they are ..., they are not ..., they are ...,



    la2 tu3-sze2-s,a-a a-szur u2 il5 a-bi4-ni lu i-de8 mi3-(szu) ma-da-tim lu-(la2)-pi3-ta-ku-um

    AI Translation

    May Ashur and Ilu, our fathers, not be slighted, may they not smite me.

    P297466: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [um-ma szi2]-ip#-ru-u2 [sza a]-lim(ki) u3 [ka3]-ru-um ka3-ni-isz-ki-ma [a]-na# ka3-ar ka3-ar-ma [qi2]-bi-ma [a]-szur-_gal_ u3 i-ku-pi2-a szi2-ip-ru-u2-ni [a]-na ta-hi-tim ta-ap-ru-[x]

  • 2(disz) mu-ka3-ri-be-[en6]
  • di2-na [x] x ti2 ka3#-ru-um a-na [ka3]-ri-im li#-ip-qi2-su2-nu

    AI Translation

    "The letter of the city and the karum of Kanish, to the karum, to the karum, speak! Assur-rabi and Ikuppea, the letter to the border you .

  • 2: Mukari-Been;
  • May they give a verdict ... ... to the king.

    P297467: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na ...] a-na _tug2_ [...] sza-ak-na-[...] 4(disz) ma#-[na] _an-na_-ak qa2-ti2-szu / bar-ka3-nu#-[um] a-na a-na-li2 / ma-nu-ba-lum2-a-[szur] _dumu_ en-na-ma-nim / u2-bi-il5# i-na# [pa2-ni]-tim# asz2-pu-ra-ku-nu-[ti2] um#-[ma a-na-ku]-ma# / mi3-nam x [...] i-na s,e2-ri-a [...] qa2#-ti2 / a-na-li2 [...] um#-ma a-tu3-nu-ma# [...] a-mur-dingir / a-na

    AI Translation

    to ... to ... to ... ... ... 4 minas of ... he weighed out. His hand / his ear he weighed out. To Anali / Manu-balum-assur, son of Ennamamanim, I sent to you. In the following way I wrote to you: "As for me, what ... in the street ... hand / Anali ... "As for you, ... Amur-ili / to



    [... s,a]-ab2#-ta-a-ma sza-asz2-qi#-[la2] [...] x-szu / ma-la2 a-wi-lim [...] [... ...] i-sza-lu x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... he will capture and he will be seized. ... ... ... the man ...

    P297468: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na u2-sa3-[nim] qi2-bi-ma um-ma [x] u2 bu-za-zu-ma a-ma-la2 te2-er-ti2#-[ka2]

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ 1(u) 5(disz) _ma-na_
  • _uruda sag10_ sza 5(disz) _gin2_ s,i2-pa2-ra-tim

  • 2(disz)? me-at mu-nu-si2-na
  • [ku]-nu#-ki-ni szu-esz18-dar [na]-asz2-a-kum [a]-hu#-ni a-ta [gi]-mi3#-lam i-na [s,e2]-ri-ni

    AI Translation

    To Usanum speak! Thus ... and the zazazu-plant: "The amara of your extispicy."

  • 1/2 mina of silver 15 minas
  • copper, capital, of 5 shekels of scribal art,

  • 2 hundred of Munusina,
  • I have sworn by your name Shu-Ishtar, I have sworn by you.



    u3 i-s,e2-er puzur4-a-szur szu-ku-un a-pu-tum _ansze_-ru-szu lu ak-lu _ku3-babbar_

  • 1(disz) _gin2 la2_ ta-be2-el
  • a-ma-la2 te3-er-ti2 puzur4-a-szur lu-qu2-su2 [...] mi3-li-[...] t,up-pi2-ka3#? [...] ma?-ma-[...] u2-s,u2 [...] a-ma-la2# [...]

    AI Translation

    and Isher Puzur-Assur, the guarantor of his horses, may he not take silver.

  • 1 shekel less you shall pay.
  • I want to strew water from the teertu-vessel of Puzur-Assur.




    AI Translation


    P297474: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...]-x um-ma sa3-ba-[si2-a-ma?] [... ta]-ma#-la2-kam sza x kam [...] [...]-x-ak-ta-am-szu-nu x [...] [...]-x-ti2-a-ma t,up-pa2-am sza# [...] [...] x hu-bu-ul puzur4-[...] _dumu#_ il5-ba-ni sze2-li-[...] [a]-na# puzur4-a-szur di2-[na ...] [x ...] x bu x x isz-x [...] [...] um sza? [...] [...] sza? zi [...] [...] sze2-li-a-[...] [...] x-a-szur di2-na# [...] [...] lu#-bi-il5 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... thus Sabasia ... ... ... ... their ... ... ... ... ... ... a tablet which ... ... puzur-... son of Ilbani, ... ... to Puzur-Assur a lawsuit ...



    sza-asz2-qi2-il5 a-na-ku a-na 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ szal2-t,im as,-ba-su2 szu-ut i-s,e2-he-er-ma a-na sza ni-isz a-lim(ki) i-tu3-ra-am um-ma szu-ut-ma a-bu-ka3 gi5-mi3-li ha-bu-lam 2(disz) t,up-pe3 sza ba-ab2-dingir a-szu-mi3# ha-na-na-ri-im dan-a-szur na-asz2-a-[ku]-nu-[ti2] a-hu-u2-a a-tu3-nu ih-da-ma i-sza-ha-at ku-na-a i-zi-[za-ma] a-wa-ti2 li-qe2-a-szu [...] isz-ti2 ha-na-na-ri-im# [x]

  • 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-[...]
  • AI Translation

    I shall pay. I shall take. For 2 minas of silver, the full price, I took. That which he had seized, to the people of the city he returned. Thus: "Your father, the gimilli-priest, the king, the two tablets of Bab-ili, my name, Hananari, Dan-Assur, I shall give to you. Ahu'a, my father, he seized, and the king, my brother, stood, and the words may he give to him. ... with Hananari .

  • 5 shekels of silver .
  • P297475: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um#-ma szu-hu-bur-ma a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 / qi2-bi2-[ma] ma-la2 / lu-qu2-ti2 / a-s,e2-er a-szur-sipa / i-ta-lu-ku i-sze2-ep / bu-za-zu asz2-pu-ra-kum / a-hi a-ta [a]-na _e2_ a-szur-sipa [e]-ru#-ub-ma / t,up-pe2-e-a [li]-ma-ad / ma-la2 / lu-qu2-ti2 [sza] a-s,e2-er / i-di2-su2-en6 [u2]-bi#-lu / lu ma-la2 [sza?] a-na i-di2-su2-en6

    AI Translation

    "Shutubur, to Pushuke'en speak! The total of the dead, the shepherd of Assur-sipa went, he will be sated with your sacrificial offerings. I wrote to you: "Why did you enter the house of Assur-sipa? Let my tablet be read!" The total of the dead, the shepherd of Idisuen, he brought, or the total of the dead, to Idisuen



    [i]-na _e2_ a-lim(ki) al-ta-[pa2-at] t,up-pa2#-szu ha-ar-ma-am u2-ka3-al [_ku3]-babbar_-pi2-szu / s,a-ba-at#

    AI Translation

    In the temple of the city I have written. His tablet I shall erase, his silver I shall weigh out.

    P297476: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na i-na-a qi2-bi-ma um-ma i-ku-pi2#-[a u2] ta-[ra]-am#-ku!-bi#-[ma] a-szu-mi3 sza _e2_ [ku-ra] a-di2 / ma-la2 u2 [sze2]-ni#-szu ni-gi5-ri u2! [x] a [...] qa2-tam2 sza [x] ta# [...] um-ma szi2-it-ma [...] i-na s,e2#-[er ...] [x] a-na# [...]

    AI Translation

    To this speak! Thus Ikupia and Taramkubi: "My name is the house of the king, together with / as much as he wishes, the nigiru-priests and ... ... the qatam of ..., thus ... in the ... ... to .



    en#-na#-nim# [...] u2-s,i2-a-am / _e2#_(be2-et)-ka3 / s,u2-hu#-[ur]-ka3# sza-li-im a-bi a-ta / be-li2 a-ta szu-ma mi3-ma / s,u2-ba-ti2 qa2-ta-tim / i-na-di2-u2 qa2-ti2 / s,u2-ba-ti2 / ma-la2 i-na-di2-u2-ni / i-di2-ma

    AI Translation

    Now ... I have ... your house and your shubur temple, the one who is the father, why did my lord not give me anything of value? Why did I give me anything of value? Why did he not give me anything of value?



    a-di2 a-la2-ak / [...]

  • 4(disz) _tug2 hi-a_ a-na [...]
  • isz-tu3 / qa2-ti2 / [...]

    AI Translation

    until I go ...

  • 4 ...-garments for .
  • From ... ...

    P297477: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-szur-i-[mi3-ti2 qi2-bi-ma] um-ma im-di2#-[lum2-ma] i-pa2-ni-tim [...] ta-asz2-pu-ra-[am um-ma a-ta-ma]

  • 4(u) _ma-na# ku3#-babbar#_ [...]
  • x x x x [...] a-na-kam / a-wa-ti2 [...]

  • 8(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-sig17#_ [...]
  • i-za x x t,up-pa2-am [...] sza [x x] x u2 x x [...] na-asz2-pa2-ra-ti2-a u2 [...] _dumu_ e-nu-da-ga-an# [...] ub-la-ku-um i-di [...] t,up-pi3-ka3 ta-sza-x-[...] um-ma a-ta-ma 2(u) ma#-[na ...] sze2-bi4-lam ki-ma 5(disz) ma-[na ...] la-ku-ul um-ma [a-na-ku-ma]

  • 2(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sze2-bi4#-[il5-szu-um]
  • gi5-mi3-il5-szu um-ma#

    AI Translation

    To Ashur-imitti speak! Thus Imdilum and Ipanitum you wrote me. Thus you:

  • 40 minas of silver .
  • ... ... I am .

  • 8 1/2 minas of gold .
  • ... tablet ... ... my writing and ... son of Enudan ... I brought out. ... your tablet you ..., saying: "Why 20 minas ...? I have not yet sent it to you, but I have already sent it to you 5 minas ...."

  • 20 minas of silver, his exchange;
  • he has sworn by the name of



    szu-ut-ma 2(u) _ma-na_ x [...] usz-te2-bi4-il5-szu-um x [...] a-na-ru#-qi2#-a / mi3-nam la-am-gu5-ur a-wi-lu-um#

  • 2(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-s,e2-er sza# [ki-ma]
  • szu-wa-ti2 ik-nu-ka3-am-[ma] i-t,up-pi3-szu um-ma szu-ut#-[ma] a-s,e2-er 2(u) _ma-na ku3-[babbar]_

  • 2(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-s,i2-ib#-tim#
  • li-qe2-a-nim-ma / a-szur-[x x]

  • 4(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza-bi4-a-ma
  • u3 t,up-pa2-am sza na-ru-qi2-szu# li-di2-na-ku-nu-ti2 t,up-pe3-e! sza-ni-u2-tim a-szu-mi3 hu-ra-s,a-[nim] ku-tal-la-num ub-la2-ku#?-[um] a-ta i-tup-pi3-ka3 [ta-asz2-pu-ra-am] um-ma a-ta-ma [...] la ta-pa2-te2# [...] a-na [...] a-ta / x [...] _e2_-et x [...] le-mu# [...]

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by 20 minas ... he has sworn by him ... ... he will be slighted.

  • 20 minas of silver, the carry-all, which like
  • he sealed it and wrote to him: "That is the price of 20 minas of silver."

  • 20 minas of silver, the 'residences';
  • May they give me / Ashur-.

  • 40 minas of silver are the price.
  • and the tablet of his scribal art may they give to you. The second tablet, my name is Harashanum. The rear part is a ... You wrote to me, thus: "Why did you not write ...?" ... ... ... ... evil .



    sza ta?-ka3-lim? x x x x a-szi2-tim u4-me li-isz-ku-nu-nim-ku-ma 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sze2-li-a-ma li-bi4 ha-di2-i / a-te2-er-ti2-a i-hi-id isz-ti2 wa-ar-ki-u2-tim i-di2-a-szur

    AI Translation

    of Takalim? ... the days let them give to you, and 1 mina of silver I shall weigh out and let it be weighed out. My supplications I have received. From the previous I have received.

    P297478: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na puzur4-a-szur3 qi2-bi4-ma um-ma a-ha-ha su2-e-a bu-za-zu u3 i-ku-pa2-sza a-di2 sza ku-lu-ma-a sza ta-asz2-pu-ra-ni a-ma-la na-asz2-pe2-er-ti-ka3 / qa2-tam2 la ni-ma-ha-as, u3-la nu-ba-asz2-ka3 u3 u4-mu-szu 3(disz) sza-na-tim lu e-ta-at-[qu2] u3 isz-tu3 us,2-u2-ni / e-t,e2-me [sza a]-bi#-ni lu u2-qa2-li-il5-ma [...]-x-ni-a-ti2 / a-na s,a-hu-ru-tim [...]-ma / ma-ti2-ma [...]-tu3-szu a-na#

    AI Translation

    To Puzur-Assur speak! Thus Ahaha, the suckling, the buzzu-vessel and the ikupa-vessel, as far as Kuluma, which you wrote, the amaru of your supplication, we shall not neglect, nor we shall not make you. Further, for three days three days I have been deprived of, and from the time I have been deprived of, that our father I have been deprived of, and ... ... to the sahurutu-vessel ... and ... his ... to



    x ru? x [...] le-zi-ba#-[...] sza-at-a-szur3 u3 [...] _e2_ a-wi-lim / er-ba-ma / x [...] a-wi-lim / li-im-da-ma [mi3-ma x x] i-ba-szi2-[u2?] ku-un-ka3#-[ma sze2-bi-la-nim] _an-na_ u3 _tug2 hi-a_ / a-na [ma-ma-an] la2 tu3-sza-ra _ku3-babbar_ le-[ru-ub-ma] _an-na_ u3 _tug2 hi-a_ lu-us,2-u2 i-x-ma# ba?-lu-ka3 / mi3-ma la e-pu-szu lu t,up-pu ha-ru-mu-tum / sza _dam-gar3_(ru-tim) lu sza nu-a-e lu na-asz2-pu-ku-um a-na _ku3-babbar_ ta-e-ra-ma / an-nu-ku a-na-kam wa-aq-ru 1(u) 4(disz) _gin2-ta_

    a-di2 _iti 1(disz)-kam_ u3 _iti?-kam_ a-wa-tum la2 i-za-ku-wa / szu-ma 1(u) _ma-na ku3#?-babbar#_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... Shat-Assur and ... the house of a man ... ... a man ... ... ... he shall take, and he shall bring to me. Anu and the turban ... for any reason, you shall not return, silver shall enter, and Anu and the turban ... ... and you shall not come. Any obstructive tablet of the merchant or of the slanderer shall be written, and to silver you shall return. I am a qaru, 14 shekels of silver.

    Until the 1st month and the 1st month, the decree shall not be void.



    na-ad-am / di2-szu / ba-zi-[a] u3 (d)iszkur-sag10 ha-bu-lu-ni [...] sza# esz18-dar-pi3-la2-[ah _dumu_ x ...] i-zi-iz-ma [...]

    AI Translation

    The one who ... a lawsuit / lawsuit, and Adad-sag, the one who ..., of Eshdar-pilah, son of ..., stood and .

    P297479: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma im-di2-dingir-ma a-na en-um-a-szur3 u3 i-[di2]-(d)iszkur qi2-bi-ma [a-na en-um]-a-szur3 qi2#-bi#-ma [i-t,up-pi3-ka3] ta-asz2#-pu-ra-am [um-ma a-ta]-ma# _ku3#-babbar#_ a-ma-la2 [a-s,i2]-ib#-tim# tal-qe2#-a-ni te2#-er#-ta-ka3 li#-li-kam-[ma] uz2-ni pi2#-te2# t,up#-pa2#-ka3# asz#-me-[ma] i-na# t,up-pi2#-a asz2-pu-[ur]-ma# um#-ma# a-na-ku-ma a-na 3(u) _ma#-na# ku3#-babbar_ sza i-[a-ti2] ha-bu-la2-ti#-[ni _ku3]-babbar#_ s,a-ru-[pa2]-am

  • 5/6(disz) _gin2#-[ta ku3-babbar_] a-na s,i2-ib-tim
  • al-[qe2 u3 3(u)] _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u3 s,i2#-[ba-su2 sze2-bi]-la2-ma [sza-bu-a]-ku# 3(u) _ma-na_ [(_ku3-babbar_) u3 s,i2-ba-su2 la2] tu3#-sze2-bi-lam a-ta be-x [...] u2-la2 i-tu3-ra-am [u4-mu]-ka3#

    AI Translation

    Thus says Imdi-ilum: "To Enuma-Assur and Iddin-Adad speak! To Enuma-Assur speak! Your tablet you sent me, thus says: "Why did you take silver from Amala, the captive, and your ...?" "Let him come and inquire about the uznu-offerings of your tablet" — I heard this from my tablet, and thus I wrote: "To 30 minas of silver of ours, the silver of ours, sharupa,"

  • 5/6 shekel of silver for the rations;
  • I took and paid 30 minas of silver and its interest. I received it and I am paid. 30 minas of silver and its interest I did not pay. From ... ... I shall return. At your appointed time



    _iti 3(disz)-kam_ e-ta-at-qu2 a-hi a-ta i-hi-id-ma i-na u4-mi3-im sza t,up-pi2 ta-sza-me-u2

  • 2(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u3 s,i2-ba-su2
  • ku-nu-uk-ma a-na i-di2-(d)iszkur di2-in-ma lu-bi-lam u3 szi2-ti2 _ku3-babbar_-pi2-a 1(u) _ma-na_ wa-ar-ka3-tam2 sze2-bi-lam a-di2 ma-at i-na t,up-pi2 szi2-ta-pu-ri-im (lu)-usz-ta-am-ri#-is,# szu-ma la2 ta-hi-id-ma i-di2-(d)iszkur ar-hi-isz ta-t,a2-ar-dam a-szur3 li-t,u3-ul a-na

  • 3(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_-pi2-a ma-la2 u4-mu
  • e-ti2-qu2-ni 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2-ta_ s,i2-ib#-[tam2] a-na 1(disz) _ma-na_-im la2 a-sza-me-u2-ka3# u3 a-sza-pa2-ra-ma u2-qa2-lu-lu-ma

    AI Translation

    The 3rd month he has sinned. The one who has sinned has sinned, and on the day of the tablet you have heard it.

  • 20 minas of silver and his interest,
  • he has secured, and to Iddi-Adad he has sworn; and he shall bring the silver and the debt of the silver; 10 minas the first-class silver; and the debt of the land as far as the land by the tablet of appeal shall be smashed; he has not sinned, and Iddi-Adad later you shall return; Ashur may he not smite; to

  • 30 minas of pistachios, as much as is needed for the day,
  • I have weighed out and weighed out 1 1/2 shekels of silver per 1 mina. I shall not have to weigh it out and write to you, but I shall weigh it out and

    P297482: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi-ma um-ma la2-ma-si2-ma 9(disz) _tug2 hi-a_ ku-lu-ma-a na-asz2-a-ku-um

  • 3(disz) _tug2 hi-a_ i-di2-su2-en6 na-asz2-a-kum
  • e-la2 _tug2 hi-a_ la2-qa2-a-am la2 i-mu-a i-di2-su2-en6 5(disz) _tug2 hi-a_ la2-qa2-a-am la2 i-mu-a mi3-szu sza ta-asz2-ta-na-pa2-ra-ni um-ma a-ta-ma _tug2 hi-a_ sza tu3-usz-te2-ne2-bi-li-ni la2 dam-qu2 / ma-nu-um za-ak-ru-um

    AI Translation

    To Pushuken speak! Thus Lamassi: "Ninda, 9 ... garments are .

  • 3 ... garments, Iddissuen will be the one to be questioned.
  • 'Although the garment was not finished, I did not know it.' I did not know it. 5 garments were finished, I did not know it. What is it that you are constantly sending me? Why are the garments that you have been bringing to me not finished?



    sza i-na _e2#_([be2-ti2)-ka3] wa-asz2-bu-ni-ma i-la2-ku-ma ma-ah-ri-szu / _tug2 hi-a_ u2-nu-hu-ni / a-na-ku a-szu-mi3 i-na ha-ra-an ha-ra-ma _ku3-babbar_ 1(u) _gin2_ _e2#_([be2-ti2)-ka3 li-im-qu2-tam2] _tug2 hi-a_ usz-te2-ka3-ap-ma e-pa2-asz-ma / u2-sze2-ba-la2-kum

    AI Translation

    who in your house is living and coming, and before him he a turban he hung, I, my name, in a marriage gift, in a marriage gift, 10 shekels of silver may he take away. He a turban he made, and he made, and he shall bring to you.

    P297483: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [...] 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-[babbar]_ [isz]-tu3# ha-mu!-usz-tim# [sza x] [u3 a]-mur-esz18-dar a-na# [x ha-am-sza-tim] [i]-sza#-qu2-lu szu-ma# [la2] isz#-qu2-lu 1(disz) 1/2(disz) [_gin2-ta_ s,i-ib-tam2] [a]-na# 1(disz) _ma-na#_-[im u2-s,u2-bu]

    AI Translation

    ... 1 1/2 minas of silver from the Hamushtu of ... and Amur-Ishtar to the ... Hamshatu they shall weigh out; if they do not weigh out, 1 1/2 shekels of silver per mina they shall weigh out.

    P297485: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 1(asz) _gu2_ 4(u) 9(disz) _ma-na_
  • [a]-wi#-it kur-ub-esz18-dar sza isz-tu3 [x x] 1(asz) 1/2(asz) _gu2_ 7(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ [...] szu du li [...] x

    AI Translation
  • 21 talents 49 minas
  • the man of Kurub-ishtar who from ... 1 1/2 talents 7 1/2 minas ... .



    [x] x _an-na_ x [...] [_ma]-na_ ni-is-ha-tum sza ba-ad-na

  • 2(disz) _gin2 an-na_ ig-ri ra-bi4-s,i2
  • sza ba-ad-na 2/3(disz) _ma-na_ 5(disz) _gin2_ _an-na_ ni-is-ha-tum sza za-al-pa2 i-nu-mi3 2(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) _ma-na an-na_ u2 li-wi-su2

  • 2(u) _tug2_ ku-ta-nu _sag10_ 7(disz) _tug2_ a-ba-ar-ni
  • AI Translation

    ... ... ... minas of reed, which was abandoned.

  • 2 shekels of tin, the igrû-measure,
  • of the threshing floor: 2/3 mina 5 shekels of tin, the nishatu-measure of the zalagu-measure. At that time, 2 talents 10 minas of tin and his liwisu-measure.

  • 20 kutanu-garments, the top 7 abarnu-garments,
  • P297486: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [...] x ni [...] [...] x ba-lum2 [...] [...] x / a-na tu3#-[...] [...] x / t,up-pa2-[...] [...] x / t,up-pu-um# [...] li-ib-szi2 [...] na-ab2-su2-en6 [...] x-ud i-a-ti2 [...]-ti2 na-ab2-su2-en6# [...]-am [... ki-ma ...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... to ... ... tablet ... tablet ... may he be satisfied ... he will write ... ... me ... he will write ... ... ... like .

    P297488: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma a-szur3-mu-ta-bi4-[il5] u3 da-di2-a-ma / a-na i-na-a / qi2-bi-ma ta-asz2-pu-ra-am um-ma a-ta-ma

  • 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • sza a-ta-ta / qa2-ta-[at] ha-na-na-ri#-im al-ta-pa2-at ha-na-na-ru-um isz-ti2-ni na-asz2-pa2-ar-ta-ka3 isz-me-ma

    AI Translation

    Thus Ashur-mutabil and Dadiya: "To whom did you write?" —

  • 5 minas of silver
  • That which I have said / swore to Hananarum, I have spoken to Hananarum with our supplications, and



    um-ma [szu-ut-ma] mi3-nam [...] um-ma ne2-nu-ma _ku3-babbar_ x me [...] asz2-[ta-pa2]-ar [...] sza-nu-um [...] a-szu-mi3 [...] sza [...]-uk-[ma] ni [...]-ma um#-ma# szu#-[ut?]-ma# a-na-ku mi3-nam le-pu-usz a-hi [a?-ta? i-na la2] i-di2-im e-ta-wu

    AI Translation

    "That is what ..., why did you write me? ..., because we have written ... silver ... ..., another ... my name ... ... ..., and ..., saying: That is what I am, what should I do? ..., because he did not know, he has gone away.



    i-nu-mi3 _tug2 hi-a_-ni a-ta-wu! a-na [...] u2-sze2-ri-hu?

    AI Translation

    When I wore the turban, to ... he smote?

    P297489: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a-na szu-ku]-bi#-im a-ba-a-a [...] sza ki-ma i-na-a [a-szur-i]-mi3#-ti2 / u3 ir-nu-it [sza ki]-ma# / _dam-gar3_ qi2-bi-ma [um-ma] i-na-a u3 _dam-gar3_-ma [x] _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u3 4(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3-ki_ / i-li-bi / ne2-pi2-szi2-im na-di2 / ni-is-ha-at _ku3-babbar_ u3 _ku3-ki_ / wa-at-ra [sza]-du-a-su2 / sza-bu / ku-nu-ki-ni [x-x]-esz18-dar / na-asz2-a-ku-nu-ti2 [i-na sza]-ha-at sza ki-ma [i-a-ti2 x-x]-esz18-dar# / li-zi-iz-ma

    AI Translation

    To the shukubum-priest of Abaya ... who like Assyrians and the ernitu-priest who like a merchant speak, saying: "From me and the merchant ... minas of silver and 4 minas of silver, the nishu-priests, the nishu-priests, the silver and silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, the silver, ...-ishdar, your nasha-priests, in the shakat which like me ...-ishdar,



    [sza mi3-isz-lim] _an-na_ sza mi3-isz-lim _tug2 hi-a sag10_-tim u3 tar2-di2-u2-tim li-isz-u2-mu-ma / szi2-mu-um a-na _e2_ ku-ra le-ru-ub u3 i-na ba-ab2 / a-bu-lim szi2-bi / szu-uk-na / ki-ma [a]-szu-mi3 _dam-gar3_ / lu-qu2-tum [eq]-lam / e-ti2-qu2 / szu-ma [szi2-mu]-um / sza a-ki-di2-e [i-ba-szi2] sza 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [...] li-qe2-a-nim [...]-ku / la2 ta-la2-qe2-a [...]-szi2 qa2-tim [...] _dam-gar3_

    AI Translation

    he shall weigh out and weigh out according to the standard of heaven, according to the standard of earth, and according to the standard of earth, and he shall enter the storehouse and, according to the standard of the gods, he shall measure out. Like Asumi, the merchant shall take ..., and according to the standard of Akidî, he shall take. For one mina of silver ... he shall take. ... ... ... the merchant



    [...] x a [...] [...] zu [...] [...] x la2 i x [...]

    AI Translation

    P297490: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na im-di2-lim qi2-bi-ma um-ma a-mur-esz18-dar-ma te2-er-ti2 sza# ki-ma i-a-ti2 a-szu-mi3 te2-s,u2-bu isz-tu3 a-lim(ki) i-li-kam a-s,e2-er te2-s,u2-[bu] pa2-ni-u2-tim u3 a-ni

  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • sza ki-ma i-a-ti2 a-na s,i2-ib-tim il5-qe2-u2-nim-ma a-na te2-s,u2-bi isz-ta-aq-lu a-bi a-ta be-li2 a-ta

    AI Translation

    To Imdilim speak! Thus Amur-Ishtar: "The extispicy which like me I have performed, from the city I have gone. The extispicy is the first and I

  • 1/3 mina 4 1/2 shekels of silver
  • who like me to the yoke took and to the yoke he commanded, 'Who is it that my lord?'



    [a]-ma-kam tap-pa2-[e]-ka3# te2-s,u2-bi e-ri-isz-ma a-na a-lim(ki) a-na sza ki-ma i-a-ti2 sze2-bi-il5-ma s,i2-ib-tum la2 i-ma-i-da-am a-szur3 u3 esz18-dar(s,a-at) il5-[ka3] li-di2-a-ni _ku3-babbar_ 1(disz) _gin2_ i-na _ku3-babbar_-pi3-ka3 a-na szi2-a-ma-tim la2 u2-sze2-bi-la2 a-ma-kam a-du-u2 sza-al a-na sza i-di2-(d)iszkur a-na ma-tim# ki-li-sza u2-[ma]-szi2-sa3 i3-li2 sa3-ru#-tam2#! [u2]-ul a-wi-lu#-tam2 ta#-[x x]

    AI Translation

    I have been waiting for you. You have been waiting for me. I have been waiting for you. To the city, to where I go, I have been waiting for you, but the sabbatu does not know. Ashur and Ishtar of the Ili temple may he give to you. One shekel of silver from your silver for the samaritu I did not give. Now then I have been waiting for Iddi-Adad to the city of her own accord. The god is a sarutu-priest, but the man does not .

    P297491: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-wa-ti2-szu-nu nu-ga-me-er-ma (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni u2 (d)utu-ba-ni a-hu-um a-na a-hi-im [a-n] mi3-ma / szu-mi3-szu _la2#_ i-tu3#-[a]-ar ki-la2-la2#-an i-mi3-ig#-ru-ma

    AI Translation

    They have not sworn their agreement, and Ninshubur-bani and Shamash-bani, the father, to the father, whatever his name he has changed, he will measure out the deficit, and



    ni-isz a-lim(ki) it-mu-u2 _igi_ a-szur-i-mi3-ti2 _igi_ a-mur-esz18-dar

    AI Translation

    The lord of the city heard. Before Ashur-imitti, before Amur-Ishtar.

    P297492: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um#-[ma a-szur-i]-mi3-ti2-ma a-na [pu]-szu-ke-en6 im-di2-dingir szu-be-lim sza-lim-a-szur / u2-s,ur(ur)-sza-esz18-dar# u2 a-na-ah-i3-li2 qi2-bi-ma / mi3-ma# t,up#-pi2 sza a-na-ah-i3-li2 na-asz2-a-ku-nu!-ti-ni

    AI Translation

    Thus Ashur-imitti, to Pushuken: Imdi-ilum, Shublim, Shulim-Assur, Ushur-sha-Ishtar, and Anah-ili: speak! And whatever tablet of Anah-ili we gave to you!



    lu sza bu-[ru]-tim na-asz2-pa2-ra-tim ub-lu-szu-ni / er-sza-szu-ma szu-be-lum2 / isz-ti2-ku-nu szi2-ta-me-a li-isz-ta-me szu-be-lum2 ki-ma i-ka3#?-ni-isz# [la2] wa-asz2-bu / la2 i-de8 a-li-ki / sza a-lu-lu [x x] ha usz-ha-x

    AI Translation

    or that the reeds and the reeds were brought to him, and the shubû-priest with you may my shubû-priest hear my prayer. The shubû-priest like a shabû-priest does not sit, he does not know your way. The way of the shubû-priest ... .

    P297493: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma su2-e-a-ma a-[na] a-szur-mu-ta-bi-il5# (qi2-bi-ma) i-na sza-am-szi2 t,up-pa2-am u2-la-pi2-ta-ku-ni a-di2

  • 5(disz) u4-me-e / u2-s,i2-a-am
  • a-na-kam / _e2-gal_-lum2 i-sza-tum e-ku-ul-ma / li-bi4 sza-ru-tim i-s,a-ba-at-ma / la2 na-t,u3-ma _ku3-babbar_ _gal#_ si2-ki-tim / la2 e-ri-isz a-wi-lum2 / _ku3-babbar_-ap2-szu a-na ma-tim / ig-da-ma-ar la2-li-ka3-ma e-ne2-ka / la-mu-ur

    AI Translation

    "Speak, to Ashur-mutabi-il, and in the middle of the tablet I will have you sworn."

  • 5 days / elapse;
  • I said: "The palace is a ..., he has been seized and the king's rites have been seized and the silver is not seized and the large silver of the wool is not seized." A man / his silver to the land shall return, and he shall come back and see your face.



    u2 a-di2 / ma-tum i-sza-li-mu _tug2#_-[ba-ti2 5(disz) sza sza-ru-tim] la2-ni-isz-a-ma isz-ti2 szi2-ip-ri / sza ka3-ri-im le-ru-ba-ma / a-wi-lum2 i-na _tug2#_-[ba-ti2 5(disz) sza a-na-szi2!-u2-szu-ni] i-ba-asz2-ma / _ku3-babbar_-pi3 a-sza-la-ah / a-hi a-ta i-na pe2-er-da-tim la al-te2-e / te2-er-ta-ka3 da-mi3-iq-tum / a-na pa2-ni-a / li-li-kam-ma li-ba-am / di2-nam#

    AI Translation

    and until the land is satisfied, the five garments of the sharam are smashed, and with the letter of the karim he shall enter, and the man with the five garments of his he shall have, and the silver he shall weigh out. The man, after the remission of debts he shall not return, the good restitution to me shall come, and he shall be convicted.



    mi3-nam / a-wa-tim ma-da-tim / a!-ma-na-ah-ti2-(a) lu-la-pi3-ta-kum! / a-ta-la2-kam

    AI Translation

    I will smite you, I will smite you, I will smite you,

    P297494: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI

  • 2/3(disz) _ma-na_ 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 [ku3-babbar_]
  • i-li-bi4 a-szur3-ma#?-[li] _dumu_ be-lum2-na-da 1/3(disz) _ma-na#_ _ku3-babbar / ki_ / szu-isz-ha-ra _dumu_ ku#-[ra-ra]

  • 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar / ki_ / a-bu-sza-lim
  • _dumu_ a-szur3-du10 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2# ku3-babbar_ _ki_ a-szur2-ba-ni _dub-sar_ 6(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ _ku3-babbar / ki_ / a-szur3#-ma-lik na-pa2-hi-im

  • [5(disz)] _gin2 ku3-babbar ki_ / taq2-na-bi4-im
  • [x] _gin2# ku3-babbar / ki_ ku-ku-za-nim [...] _ki#_ li-bur-be-li2 [... a]-szur3#-i-di2

    AI Translation
  • 2/3 mina 1 1/2 shekels of silver
  • Ilibi, Ashur-mali, son of Belugada, 1/3 mina of silver, with Shu-ishhara, son of Kura

  • 5 shekels of silver with Abushalim;
  • 15 shekels of silver from Assur-bani, the scribe, 6 1/2 shekels of silver from Assur-malik, the shakin-priest;

  • 5 shekels of silver from Taqnabim;
  • x shekels of silver ... from Kukuzanim ... from Libur-beli ... Ashur-idi

    P297495: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    um-ma a-szur-i-mi3-ti2-ma a-na pu-szu-ke-en6 qi2-bi-na / isz-tu3 s,a-ah-ra-ku-ni a-la2-nu-ka a-ha-am u2 eb-ra-am / u2-la2 i-szu ki-ma / uz2-ni ta-ap2-te2-u2 szu-ma / mi3-ma / ta-asz2-te2-me-e uz2-ni pi3-te2-e _an-na_ 1(asz) _gu2_ / sza sze2-ep i-di2-a-szur _ku3-babbar_ 1(disz) _gin2_ ra-ma-ka3 / ku-bu-us2-ma sze2-bi4-la2-ma / li-bi4-i

    AI Translation

    "Ashur-imitti, speak to Pushu-kena! From your departure you will go together and the ebram ..., he will be able to do. Like a uznu you have sworn, you shall not speak about it. uznu you have sworn. Ana, 1 talent / that is to be shaved, Idi-Assur, 1 shekel of silver, you shall be shaved and you shall be able to eat.



    li-ih-du a-ma-la2 / te2-er-ti2-ka3 um-mi3-a-ni-ka3 nu-ma-ge5!-er u2-s,u2-ur-sza-esz18-dar a-szi2-li-tim la2 ta-da-szu / _ku3-babbar_

  • 1(u) _ma-na_ le-pu-usz
  • t,u3-ur-da-szu-ma

    AI Translation

    May the amanus / teerti

  • Let him do 10 minas of work.
  • 'I have sworn by his name.

    P297496: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • sza na-ru-qi2-a

  • 1(u) 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ sza 2(disz) _tug2 hi-a_
  • sza _dumu_ ku-bu-lim

  • 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-na
  • i-li-a 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ a-na la2-qe2-ep

  • 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-a-um 1/2(disz) _gin2_
  • sza sza-at-esz18-dar a-na si2-sa3-a u3 ke-na-a

  • 1(disz) _gin2_ i-a-um
  • AI Translation
  • 8 minas of silver
  • of naruqia

  • 14 1/2 shekels of 2 ... garments;
  • of the son of Kubulum.

  • 1/2 mina of silver for
  • Illia, 1/2 mina for the qep-offering.

  • 1 shekel of silver, the equivalent: 1/2 shekel.
  • of Shat-Ishtar to be reconciled and reconciled.

  • 1 shekel of silver to Ia'um,
  • Reverse

  • 1/2(disz) _gin2_ sza sza-at-esz18-dar
  • a-na ta-ri-isz3-ma-tim u3 la2-ma-si2 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza sza-at-esz18-dar

  • 2(disz) _ma-na_ hu-sa-u2 / i-a-u2-tim
  • a-na ar-wa-tim a-na 2(disz) su2-e!-na-tim a-na s,u2-uh3-ri-im mi3-ma / a-nim / ni-is-ha-su2 _diri_ / sza-du-a-su2 / sza-bu en-um-(d)iszkur a-na a-lim(ki) u2-bil2

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 shekel of Shat-Ishtar,
  • for Tarish-matim and Lamasi; 1 shekel of silver of Shat-Ishtar;

  • 2 minas of husû-wood,
  • to the ..., to the 2 ..., to the ..., whatever / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / he / to a city he /

    P297497: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na i-di2-a-bi-im u3 ku-lu-ma-a qi2-bi-ma um-ma puzur4-a-szur3-ma szu-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-na _siki hi-a_ isz-ta-pu-ku qa2-ti2 qa2-at pu-szu-ke-en6 qa2-at _dingir!_-na-da u3 qa2-ti2 i-la2-li-im id-a _siki hi-a_ sza _e2_ pu-szu-ke-en6 i-ba-szi2-u2 a-di2 a-la2-ka3-ni lu ta-ab2-szi2

    AI Translation

    To Idi-abium and Kuluma speak! Thus Puzur-Assur: "He has poured silver into the wool. The hand of Pushuken, the hand of Ili-nada and the hand of Ilalim, the river. The wool of the Pushuken house shall be there, until I go."



    ta-asz2-pu-ra-nim um-ma a-tu3-nu-ma _ku3-babbar_ be-la2-num isz-qul-ni-a-ti2-ma na-di2 _ku3-babbar la2_ na-di2 szu-ma i-di2-a-bu-um i-ha-sza-ah li-il5-qe2 szu-ma la2 ki-a-am a-na s,i2-ib-tim di2-na

    AI Translation

    You wrote to me, thus: "Why did Bel-num take away silver from us and give us the silver without the silver?" He is a thief, he is a thief. Let him take it, and he is a thief. Accordingly, to the scribal art, a case

    P297498: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-ni-na qi2-bi4-ma um-ma a-na-ah-a-szur-ma a-szu-mi3 na-asz2-pe3-er-tim sza a-s,e2-er a-szur-e-mi-qi2 a-ni-isz-a-ni a-szu-mi3 _ku3-babbar_ sza szi2-im ku-si2-a-tim a-na-kam ku-si2-a-tim ap2-t,ur4-ma

  • 5(disz) ku-si2-a-tim qa2-qa2-si2-na
  • im-ta-ha-as, um-ma a-na-ku-ma u2-lu qa2-qa2-si2-na tam2-ha-as, bi4-lam _ku3-babbar_ szi2-im-szi-na u2-ul

    AI Translation

    To us speak! Thus Anah-Assur and my name is the stele of the stele of Assur-emiqi. Thus my name is the silver of the price of the gold. Thus I wrote the gold and

  • 5 leather bags,
  • "I have been slighted, but I have been slighted either by their ... or by their ..., the silver of their price I have not received."



    ma-t,i2-si2-na la2-di2-ma a-na szi2-im ma-t,i2-ti2-si2-na _ku3-babbar_-ma sze2-(bi4)-lam um-ma szu-ut-ma la2 a-na qi2-ip-tim a-di2-szi2-na a-szu-mi3 a-na qi2-ip-tim ta-di2-nu-szi2-na-ni u2 1(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ ta-di2-szi2-na / a-ma-la2 na-asz2-pe3-er-tim sza a-wi-lim _tug2 hi-a_ ap2-t,ur4-ma

  • 1(disz) me-at _tug2 hi-a_
  • lu? sza a-ta-a dingir-pi3-la2-ah a-na a-szur-e-mu-qi2 ap2-qi2-id

    AI Translation

    Those who are not able to pay the silver to the price of those who are not able to pay the silver, thus says Shutum: "I am not able to pay the silver to them." I have said to them: "To them you have given them." 11 1/2 shekels I have given them. The stele of the man I wrote, and

  • 100 shirts,
  • or that which I said to Ili-pilah to Ashur-emuqi,

    P297499: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na
  • sa3-he-er-tim i-nu-mi3 a-lu-hu-sa3-ti2-a i-li-ku

  • 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na [ku]-ra-ra
  • a-szu-mi3 s,u2-ha-ri-szu _gin2 ku3-babbar_ pa2-ni-um i-szi2#-im ni-ga-li

    AI Translation
  • 7 1/2 shekels of silver for
  • 'I have been sated with a sahertu-silver. When my alumsate went,

  • 4 1/2 shekels for the kurara-offerings;
  • The price of his shushuru-vessel is one shekel of silver. The price of his nigalu-vessel is one shekel of silver.



    i-ri-ih 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na isz-hi-u2-li mi3-ma a-nim _ki_ hu-zi-isz u3 du-ru-uh3-ni

    AI Translation

    1 1/2 shekels for shilli, whatever from the hazish and the duruhni,

    P297500: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    _ku3-babbar_ / lu nu-sza-as2-qi2-il5# [...] a-na _ku3-babbar_ a-na x [...] a-bi4-ni / ta-asz2-qu-li#-[ni] a-na hu-bu-lim sza a-lim?[(ki)] ku-lu-ni / ni-za-az# te2-er-ti2-ki / x [...]

    AI Translation

    We shall pay the silver ... to the silver to ... ... our father you have sworn. To the people of Alim? we shall stand. The rites .



    _ku3-babbar_ qa2-ti2 x [...] u3 a-szur-na-x [...] isz-qu2-lu-ma / u3 na#-[...] i-tu3-ra-am / a-na x [...] u2-sza-ak-szi-du-ni / [...] isz-tu3 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ [...] di2-nim / ni-ig-mu-[ru ...]

  • 2(u) 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ x [...]
  • s,e-ri-ni / il5-qe2# [...] u2 mi3-nam / [...] sza a-u2-tum i-s,e2#-[...] na-ad-a-at [...] lu-la2-pi3-ta-[kum ...]

    AI Translation

    Silver, hand ... and Assurna-... he took and ... returned ... to ... he made ... from 5 minas of silver ... we weighed out .

  • 22 minas of silver ... .
  • 'I am a shirini, I take ... and what ... ... of the ahutu-plant ... ... ... I shall remove .

    P297595: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    ki#-i a-di lib3-bi (iti)_szu 4 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ ra-szu-tu sza2 _ugu_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_sum-na_ (disz)_tuk_(szi)-_dingir dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_sum-na_ a-na (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-ti la it-tan-nu (gisz)_sar#_ sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_sum-na_ i-na _szu-ii_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_pab dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_dingir_-_mesz_-u2-a im-hu-ru pa-ni (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu_ id-da-gal#

    (gisz)_sar_ na-din ma-hir a-pil za-ki# pa-qa-ru u ru-gu-um-ma-a ul i-szi

    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_si-sa2 dumu_ (disz)e-gi-bi

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-ga-mil _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-tab-ni

    (disz)ba-lat,-su _dumu#_ (disz)(lu2)_gal_-_du3_

    AI Translation

    Rashil, son of Bel-iddin, has not given to Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, the garden of Bel-iddin, which Bel-nashir received from Bel-nashir, son of Ilu'a until the end of Du'uzu IV:

    The orchard being sold. The silver is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

    Before: Nabu-zer-lishir, descendant of Egibi;

    Nabu-gamil, son of Sin-tabni;

    Balassu, descendant of Rab-bani;

    Frame, G.

    If, by the month of Du'uzu Rashi-ili, son of Bel-iddin, does not give Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, 4 1/2 minas of silver, the debt owed by Bel-iddin, then the orchard of Bel-iddin which he acquired from Bel-nashir, son of Ilu'a, shall belong to Mushezib-Marduk.

    The orchard has been given and received. He has been paid; he is free from claims. He shall have no claim or dispute.

    Before: Nabu-zer-lishir, descendant of Egibi;

    Nabu-gamil, descendant of Sin-tabni;

    Balassu, descendant of Rab-bane;



    (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)+_en dumu_ (lu2)_simug_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu_-_gar_(un) _dumu_ (lu2)_sanga_-(d)za-ri-qu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib _dumu_ (disz)bi-be2-e-a

    (disz)gi-mil-lu _dumu_ (disz)e-gi-bi

    (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_uru3_(ir) _dumu_ (disz)_sig15_-(d)_iszkur_

    (disz)x-[x]-x _dumu#_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_sum-na_

    (disz)#x-[x-x-x _dumu_ (disz)]szul#-lu-mu

    u3# [(lu2)_umbisag_/_dub-sar_ ...]-_an_

    _ud_-[x-(x)(ki(?)) (iti)x _ud_ x-_kam2 mu_] 16-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi#_-[_na lugal tin-tir_](ki)

    AI Translation

    Mushezib-Bel, descendant of Bel-sharru;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, descendant of Shangu-Zariqu;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Bibea;

    Gimillu, descendant of Egibi;

    Marduk-nashir, son of Mudammiq-Adad;

    ..., son of Nergal-iddin;

    ..., son of Shullum;

    and the scribe ...-iddin.

    ..., the ... day, the 16th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Frame, G.

    Mushezib-Bel, descendant of Nappahu;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, descendant of Shangu-Zariqu;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Bibea;

    Gimillu, descendant of Egibi;

    Marduk-nashir, descendant of Mudammiq-Adad;

    ..., son of Nergal-iddin;

    ..., son of Shullum;

    and the scribe, ....

    ... day of ..., 16th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.